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"program" :"nRF51_Beacon", "uid" :"?" }, "47": { "name" :"Button_7", "board" :"nRF51_Beacon", "program" :"nRF51_Beacon", "uid" :"?" }, "48": { "name" :"Button_8", "board" :"nRF51_Beacon", "program" :"nRF51_Beacon", "uid" :"?" }, "49": { "name" :"Button_9", "board" :"nRF51_Beacon", "program" :"nRF51_Beacon", "uid" :"?" }, "50": { "name" :"Button_10", "board" :"nRF51_Beacon", "program" :"nRF51_Beacon", "uid" :"?" }, "51": { "name" :"Button_11", "board" :"nRF51_Beacon", "program" :"nRF51_Beacon", "uid" :"?" }, "52": { "name" :"Button_12", "board" :"nRF51_Beacon", "program" :"nRF51_Beacon", "uid" :"?" }, "53": { "name" :"Button_13", "board" :"nRF51_Beacon", "program" :"nRF51_Beacon", "uid" :"?" }, "54": { "name" :"Button_14", "board" :"nRF51_Beacon", "program" :"nRF51_Beacon", "uid" :"?" }, "55": { "name" :"Button_15", "board" :"nRF51_Beacon", "program" :"nRF51_Beacon", "uid" :"?" }, "56": { "name" :"Bathroom repeater", "sensors" :["light","colorLight","temperature","humidity","pressure"], 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