class Mpv < Formula desc "Media player based on MPlayer and mplayer2" homepage "" url "" sha256 "805a3ac8cf51bfdea6087a6480c18835101da0355c8e469b6d488a1e290585a5" head "" bottle do sha256 "17c6fa1d463a0794103602e3b521b29f860338f46b45b080bf66e8114033385b" => :catalina sha256 "8d21fead1070abcd60107bd35ec254ea5439d6c4d8e92f4d4c78693c926d352a" => :mojave sha256 "2a62eda7996e00f5663db652a62c883f0a0e480aa2f53b8739d5d64a46a7df4f" => :high_sierra end depends_on "docutils" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "python" => :build depends_on "ffmpeg" depends_on "jpeg" depends_on "libarchive" depends_on "libass" depends_on "little-cms2" depends_on "lua@5.1" depends_on "mujs" depends_on "uchardet" depends_on "vapoursynth" depends_on "youtube-dl" def install # LANG is unset by default on macOS and causes issues when calling getlocale # or getdefaultlocale in docutils. Force the default c/posix locale since # that's good enough for building the manpage. ENV["LC_ALL"] = "C" args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-html-build --enable-javascript --enable-libmpv-shared --enable-lua --enable-libarchive --enable-uchardet --confdir=#{etc}/mpv --datadir=#{pkgshare} --mandir=#{man} --docdir=#{doc} --zshdir=#{zsh_completion} ] system "python3", "" system "python3", "waf", "configure", *args system "python3", "waf", "install" end test do system bin/"mpv", "--ao=null", test_fixtures("test.wav") end end