class Node < Formula desc "Platform built on V8 to build network applications" homepage "" url "" sha256 "a55aeb368dee93432f610127cf94ce682aac07b93dcbbaadd856df122c9239df" license "MIT" revision 1 head "", branch: "main" livecheck do url "" regex(%r{href=["']?v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/?["' >]}i) end bottle do sha256 arm64_sequoia: "cf11099a798826240964dcf984741456b73218f177dd16d8ec56be676e1f29d0" sha256 arm64_sonoma: "68dee27224d3715ce86766563d89a834c03d7d9b35eee7150c25d94ba29c8b1e" sha256 arm64_ventura: "d9b7844150021e8ec32468c6e5cdec4f0863988643eab4b0578d8e16baaaefa0" sha256 sonoma: "df14e1b67ee62cf9a33300f59f3d6ff6c4280f76dfcaf5279baa673b874ad9f0" sha256 ventura: "9be7c7082adc46119a6c52ea413a5437094d33c894b4c833136387aa953bfb12" sha256 x86_64_linux: "9447d0936c6b3eb34cccaae5f55f8886f5c920dcb17743ac9569505c78b9b30c" end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "python@3.13" => :build depends_on "brotli" depends_on "c-ares" depends_on "icu4c@75" depends_on "libnghttp2" depends_on "libuv" depends_on "openssl@3" uses_from_macos "python", since: :catalina uses_from_macos "zlib" on_macos do depends_on "llvm" => [:build, :test] if DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version <= 1100 end fails_with :clang do build 1100 cause <<~EOS error: calling a private constructor of class 'v8::internal::(anonymous namespace)::RegExpParserImpl' EOS end fails_with gcc: "5" # We track major/minor from upstream Node releases. # We will accept *important* npm patch releases when necessary. resource "npm" do url "" sha256 "b7dc7eb48d7479b93668e913c7ad686ab2aa71c705d4a56b5323d1bffdba2972" end def install ENV.llvm_clang if OS.mac? && (DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version <= 1100) # The new linker crashed during LTO due to high memory usage. ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-Wl,-ld_classic" if DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version >= 1500 # make sure subprocesses spawned by make are using our Python 3 ENV["PYTHON"] = which("python3.13") # Never install the bundled "npm", always prefer our # installation from tarball for better packaging control. args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --without-npm --without-corepack --with-intl=system-icu --shared-libuv --shared-nghttp2 --shared-openssl --shared-zlib --shared-brotli --shared-cares --shared-libuv-includes=#{Formula["libuv"].include} --shared-libuv-libpath=#{Formula["libuv"].lib} --shared-nghttp2-includes=#{Formula["libnghttp2"].include} --shared-nghttp2-libpath=#{Formula["libnghttp2"].lib} --shared-openssl-includes=#{Formula["openssl@3"].include} --shared-openssl-libpath=#{Formula["openssl@3"].lib} --shared-brotli-includes=#{Formula["brotli"].include} --shared-brotli-libpath=#{Formula["brotli"].lib} --shared-cares-includes=#{Formula["c-ares"].include} --shared-cares-libpath=#{Formula["c-ares"].lib} --openssl-use-def-ca-store ] args << "--tag=head" if build.head? # Enabling LTO errors on Linux with: # terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' # Pre-Catalina macOS also can't build with LTO # LTO is unpleasant if you have to build from source. args << "--enable-lto" if OS.mac? && MacOS.version >= :catalina && build.bottle? system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" # Allow npm to find Node before installation has completed. ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin bootstrap = buildpath/"npm_bootstrap" bootstrap.install resource("npm") # These dirs must exists before npm install. mkdir_p libexec/"lib" system "node", bootstrap/"bin/npm-cli.js", "install", "-ddd", "--global", "--prefix=#{libexec}", resource("npm").cached_download # The `package.json` stores integrity information about the above passed # in `cached_download` npm resource, which breaks `npm -g outdated npm`. # This copies back over the vanilla `package.json` to fix this issue. cp bootstrap/"package.json", libexec/"lib/node_modules/npm" # These symlinks are never used & they've caused issues in the past. rm_r libexec/"share" if (libexec/"share").exist? bash_completion.install bootstrap/"lib/utils/" => "npm" end def post_install node_modules = HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"lib/node_modules" node_modules.mkpath # Kill npm but preserve all other modules across node updates/upgrades. rm_r node_modules/"npm" if (node_modules/"npm").exist? cp_r libexec/"lib/node_modules/npm", node_modules # This symlink doesn't hop into homebrew_prefix/bin automatically so # we make our own. This is a small consequence of our # bottle-npm-and-retain-a-private-copy-in-libexec setup # All other installs **do** symlink to homebrew_prefix/bin correctly. # We ln rather than cp this because doing so mimics npm's normal install. ln_sf node_modules/"npm/bin/npm-cli.js", bin/"npm" ln_sf node_modules/"npm/bin/npx-cli.js", bin/"npx" ln_sf bin/"npm", HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin/npm" ln_sf bin/"npx", HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin/npx" # Create manpage symlinks (or overwrite the old ones) %w[man1 man5 man7].each do |man| # Dirs must exist first: mkdir_p HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/man/#{man}" # still needed to migrate from copied file manpages to symlink manpages rm(Dir[HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/man/#{man}/{npm.,npm-,npmrc.,package.json.,npx.}*"]) ln_sf Dir[node_modules/"npm/man/#{man}/{npm,package-,shrinkwrap-,npx}*"], HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/man/#{man}" end (node_modules/"npm/npmrc").atomic_write("prefix = #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}\n") end test do # Make sure Mojave does not have `CC=llvm_clang`. ENV.clang if OS.mac? path = testpath/"test.js" path.write "console.log('hello');" output = shell_output("#{bin}/node #{path}").strip assert_equal "hello", output output = shell_output("#{bin}/node -e 'console.log(new Intl.NumberFormat(\"en-EN\").format(1234.56))'").strip assert_equal "1,234.56", output output = shell_output("#{bin}/node -e 'console.log(new Intl.NumberFormat(\"de-DE\").format(1234.56))'").strip assert_equal "1.234,56", output # make sure npm can find node ENV.prepend_path "PATH", opt_bin ENV.delete "NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR" assert_equal which("node"), opt_bin/"node" assert_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin/npm", :exist?, "npm must exist" assert_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin/npm", :executable?, "npm must be executable" npm_args = ["-ddd", "--cache=#{HOMEBREW_CACHE}/npm_cache", "--build-from-source"] system HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin/npm", *npm_args, "install", "npm@latest" system HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin/npm", *npm_args, "install", "ref-napi" assert_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin/npx", :exist?, "npx must exist" assert_predicate HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin/npx", :executable?, "npx must be executable" assert_match "< hello >", shell_output("#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/npx --yes cowsay hello") end end