class Ghostscript < Formula desc "Interpreter for PostScript and PDF" homepage "" url "" sha256 "05e64c19853e475290fd608a415289dc21892c4d08ee9086138284b6addcb299" license "AGPL-3.0-or-later" revision 1 # We check the tags from the `head` repository because the GitHub tags are # formatted ambiguously, like `gs9533` (corresponding to version 9.53.3). livecheck do url :stable regex(/href=.*?ghostpdl[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\.t/i) strategy :github_latest end bottle do sha256 arm64_monterey: "c84daf7a848fac53bf2968239151361290ccb277accae6f11b0b39a7acb5f914" sha256 arm64_big_sur: "a4f21885ac9b57f6e5511a1208b9d36ad0aa473180a2e080a9b4c23de2a5b6e9" sha256 monterey: "38729b0c92a70014d82ddd57d33190019822f999efdb69d3f95e2e4cbe38fb71" sha256 big_sur: "d1c4c864b2c954cf10c9023b5468652f60fb943d5ba91c190a85ef9d8224571f" sha256 catalina: "335d57520e942b8547d79f62b505cc87a8afee12ecc50baccebe9dad32a0f0d0" sha256 x86_64_linux: "478b2bb55a41d3afbfbdf55956180e6f653a981219dd137ba5728fbce8bed6ea" end head do # Can't use shallow clone. Doing so = fatal errors. url "", branch: "master" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "fontconfig" depends_on "freetype" depends_on "jbig2dec" depends_on "jpeg-turbo" depends_on "libidn" depends_on "libpng" depends_on "libtiff" depends_on "little-cms2" depends_on "openjpeg" uses_from_macos "expat" uses_from_macos "zlib" on_linux do depends_on "gcc" end fails_with gcc: "5" # resource "fonts" do url "" sha256 "0eb6f356119f2e49b2563210852e17f57f9dcc5755f350a69a46a0d641a0c401" end # fmemopen is only supported from 10.13 onwards ( # For earlier versions of MacOS, needs to be excluded. # This should be removed once patch added to next release of leptonica (which is incorporated by ghostscript in # tarballs). patch do url "" sha256 "7de1c4e596aad5c3d2628b309cea1e4fc1ff65e9c255fe64de1922b3fd2d60fc" directory "leptonica" end def install # Fix vendored tesseract build error: 'cstring' file not found # Remove when possible to link to system tesseract ENV.append_to_cflags "-stdlib=libc++" if ENV.compiler == :clang # Fix VERSION file incorrectly included as C++20 header # Remove when possible to link to system tesseract rm "tesseract/VERSION" # Delete local vendored sources so build uses system dependencies rm_rf "expat" rm_rf "freetype" rm_rf "jbig2dec" rm_rf "jpeg" rm_rf "lcms2mt" rm_rf "libpng" rm_rf "openjpeg" rm_rf "tiff" rm_rf "zlib" args = %w[ --disable-compile-inits --disable-cups --disable-gtk --with-system-libtiff --without-x ] if build.head? system "./", *std_configure_args, *args else system "./configure", *std_configure_args, *args end # Install binaries and libraries system "make", "install" ENV.deparallelize { system "make", "install-so" } (pkgshare/"fonts").install resource("fonts") (man/"de").rmtree end test do ps = test_fixtures("") assert_match "Hello World!", shell_output("#{bin}/ps2ascii #{ps}") end end