class Neovim < Formula desc "Ambitious Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility" homepage "" license "Apache-2.0" stable do url "" sha256 "fe74369fc30a32ec7a086b1013acd0eacd674e7570eb1acc520a66180c9e9719" # Remove when `mpack` resource is removed. depends_on "luarocks" => :build # Remove in 0.10. resource "mpack" do url "" sha256 "a2d9ec184867ab92ad86e251908619fa13e345b8f2c9bc99df4ac63c8039d796" end # Keep resources updated according to: #{version}/cmake.deps/CMakeLists.txt # TODO: Consider shipping these as separate formulae instead. See discussion at # resource "tree-sitter-c" do url "" sha256 "694a5408246ee45d535df9df025febecdb50bee764df64a94346b9805a5f349b" end resource "tree-sitter-lua" do url "" sha256 "659beef871a7fa1d9a02c23f5ebf55019aa3adce6d7f5441947781e128845256" end resource "tree-sitter-vim" do url "" sha256 "403acec3efb7cdb18ff3d68640fc823502a4ffcdfbb71cec3f98aa786c21cbe2" end resource "tree-sitter-vimdoc" do url "" sha256 "1ff8f4afd3a9599dd4c3ce87c155660b078c1229704d1a254433e33794b8f274" end resource "tree-sitter-query" do url "" sha256 "e2b806f80e8bf1c4f4e5a96248393fe6622fc1fc6189d6896d269658f67f914c" end end livecheck do url :stable regex(/^v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)$/i) end bottle do sha256 arm64_sonoma: "dceae593d688ebcab98d65cb2a8c885493ce7ceba0d87dff5e35cc9a00840382" sha256 arm64_ventura: "de0f296454dd02e139ad69f6a193e597691528988389214407c4ea08677e26fb" sha256 arm64_monterey: "b7b6fc8764383e84657912cc17197f40fe112382dd98299713abc273131acaef" sha256 sonoma: "c0d17b581f7584ea6de7e131cfbb89374d9753464fc5030d262aadf186aefb11" sha256 ventura: "56162a099233d89e325b024ac3052cd7a0c7bc667071fb83f5ba4ebbeffcf8a5" sha256 monterey: "cb2591d244f1ec97c38fc5f7f0d0a358d0d03a1a94432c28c1cc7c577dddb369" sha256 x86_64_linux: "ab667b4b8ce2b55f8c654d85520831f05590b1df4c2ddd277149d24681643a20" end # TODO: Replace with single-line `head` when `lpeg` # is no longer a head-only dependency in 0.10.0. head do url "", branch: "master" depends_on "lpeg" end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "lpeg" => :build # needed at runtime in 0.10.0 depends_on "gettext" depends_on "libtermkey" depends_on "libuv" depends_on "libvterm" depends_on "luajit" depends_on "luv" depends_on "msgpack" depends_on "tree-sitter" depends_on "unibilium" uses_from_macos "unzip" => :build on_linux do depends_on "libnsl" end def install resources.each do |r| r.stage(buildpath/"deps-build/build/src"/ end if build.stable? cd "deps-build/build/src" do # TODO: Remove `mpack` build block in 0.10.0. cd "mpack" do luajit = Formula["luajit"] lua_path = "--lua-dir=#{luajit.opt_prefix}" deps_build = buildpath/"deps-build" # The path separator for `LUA_PATH` and `LUA_CPATH` is `;`. ENV.prepend "LUA_PATH", deps_build/"share/lua/5.1/?.lua", ";" ENV.prepend "LUA_CPATH", deps_build/"lib/lua/5.1/?.so", ";" rock = "mpack-1.0.11-0.rockspec" output = Utils.safe_popen_read("luarocks", "unpack", lua_path, rock, "--tree=#{deps_build}") unpack_dir = output.split("\n")[-2] cd unpack_dir do system "luarocks", "make", lua_path, "--tree=#{deps_build}" end end Dir["tree-sitter-*"].each do |ts_dir| cd ts_dir do cp buildpath/"cmake.deps/cmake/TreesitterParserCMakeLists.txt", "CMakeLists.txt" parser_name = ts_dir[/^tree-sitter-(\w+)$/, 1] system "cmake", "-S", ".", "-B", "build", "-DPARSERLANG=#{parser_name}", *std_cmake_args system "cmake", "--build", "build" system "cmake", "--install", "build" end end end end # Point system locations inside `HOMEBREW_PREFIX`. inreplace "src/nvim/os/stdpaths.c" do |s| s.gsub! "/etc/xdg/", "#{etc}/xdg/:\\0" if HOMEBREW_PREFIX.to_s != HOMEBREW_DEFAULT_PREFIX s.gsub! "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/", "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/:\\0" end end # Replace `-dirty` suffix in `--version` output with `-Homebrew`. inreplace "cmake/GenerateVersion.cmake", "--dirty", "--dirty=-Homebrew" # Needed to find `lpeg` in non-default prefixes. ENV.prepend "LUA_CPATH", Formula["lpeg"].opt_lib/"lua/5.1/?.so", ";" # Don't clobber the default search path ENV.append "LUA_PATH", ";", ";" ENV.append "LUA_CPATH", ";", ";" system "cmake", "-S", ".", "-B", "build", "-DLUV_LIBRARY=#{Formula["luv"].opt_lib/shared_library("libluv")}", "-DLIBUV_LIBRARY=#{Formula["libuv"].opt_lib/shared_library("libuv")}", "-DLPEG_LIBRARY=#{Formula["lpeg"].opt_lib/shared_library("liblpeg")}", *std_cmake_args system "cmake", "--build", "build" system "cmake", "--install", "build" end def caveats return if latest_head_version.blank? <<~EOS HEAD installs of Neovim do not include any tree-sitter parsers. You can use the `nvim-treesitter` plugin to install them. EOS end test do refute_match "dirty", shell_output("#{bin}/nvim --version") (testpath/"test.txt").write("Hello World from Vim!!") system bin/"nvim", "--headless", "-i", "NONE", "-u", "NONE", "+s/Vim/Neovim/g", "+wq", "test.txt" assert_equal "Hello World from Neovim!!", (testpath/"test.txt").read.chomp end end