class Deno < Formula desc "Secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript" homepage "" url "" sha256 "371332927efd9e37b1aed42546baab5e67e173c55c00ad82ad2a79a643be420b" license "MIT" head "", branch: "main" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_sonoma: "ed302dd5236c54de0b45baa670d286bf07b52d353fd94ac034840acfa06880d9" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_ventura: "3d462da607d3a9017dd196b63ef75f0a8fef6d9c7c9d07c119bb062d381c4799" sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "49f935351e6db683d090b72bff004f925e054f98850006d5cb59c1eb50d48660" sha256 cellar: :any, sonoma: "443c69ac0932260fac8f9462f9cb4ba6a2c0f72f0189e4bd6337174d6833ed45" sha256 cellar: :any, ventura: "3159a53da7455984031a3e270b00d626127ae5efb068c7d5caade07fb4467927" sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "5fefd803e136185abfce579731995792adffbc6297a4ed0aacfe44127ac3bcb5" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "222b777fc0d7f306c0fa1a93e2f82bf10c45348421b6488e519e4546b0e53a4b" end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "llvm" => :build depends_on "ninja" => :build depends_on "protobuf" => :build depends_on "rust" => :build depends_on "sqlite" # needs `sqlite3_unlock_notify` uses_from_macos "python" => :build, since: :catalina uses_from_macos "libffi" uses_from_macos "xz" uses_from_macos "zlib" on_macos do depends_on xcode: ["10.0", :build] # required by v8 7.9+ end on_linux do depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "glib" end fails_with gcc: "5" # Temporary resources to work around build failure due to files missing from crate # We use the crate as GitHub tarball lacks submodules and this allows us to avoid git overhead. # TODO: Remove this and `v8` resource when is resolved # VERSION=#{version} && curl -s$VERSION/Cargo.lock | grep -C 1 'name = "v8"' resource "rusty_v8" do url "" sha256 "fa3fc0608a78f0c7d4ec88025759cb78c90a29984b48540060355a626ae329c1" end # Find the v8 version from the last commit message at: #{rusty_v8_version}/v8 # Then, use the corresponding tag found in resource "v8" do url "" sha256 "06baf9c3d733b95526a0fec5a9f1438bb2105218280bf0c20f1a20a5a0e7e8d7" end # VERSION=#{version} && curl -s$VERSION/Cargo.lock | grep -C 1 'name = "deno_core"' resource "deno_core" do url "" sha256 "95afc1ba85d1550290801207521ad0c6e293ca103ee6ee29cfa08b3eba82c2e8" end # To find the version of gn used: # 1. Update the version for resource `rusty_v8` (see comment above). # 2. Find ninja_gn_binaries tag:{rusty_v8_version}/tools/ # 3. Find short gn commit hash from commit message:{ninja_gn_binaries_tag} # 4. Find full gn commit hash:{gn_commit} resource "gn" do url "", revision: "70d6c60823c0233a0f35eccc25b2b640d2980bdc" end def install # Work around files missing from crate # TODO: Remove this at the same time as `rusty_v8` + `v8` resources resource("rusty_v8").stage buildpath/"../rusty_v8" resource("v8").stage do cp_r "tools/builtins-pgo", buildpath/"../rusty_v8/v8/tools/builtins-pgo" end resource("deno_core").stage buildpath/"../deno_core" # Avoid vendored dependencies. inreplace "ext/ffi/Cargo.toml", /^libffi-sys = "(.+)"$/, 'libffi-sys = { version = "\\1", features = ["system"] }' inreplace "Cargo.toml", /^rusqlite = { version = "(.+)", features = \["unlock_notify", "bundled"\] }$/, 'rusqlite = { version = "\\1", features = ["unlock_notify"] }' if OS.mac? && (MacOS.version < :mojave) # Overwrite Chromium minimum SDK version of 10.15 ENV["FORCE_MAC_SDK_MIN"] = MacOS.version end python3 = which("python3") # env args for building a release build with our python3, ninja and gn ENV["PYTHON"] = python3 ENV["GN"] = buildpath/"gn/out/gn" ENV["NINJA"] = Formula["ninja"].opt_bin/"ninja" # build rusty_v8 from source ENV["V8_FROM_SOURCE"] = "1" # Build with llvm and link against system libc++ (no runtime dep) ENV["CLANG_BASE_PATH"] = Formula["llvm"].prefix # Work around an Xcode 15 linker issue which causes linkage against LLVM's # libunwind due to it being present in a library search path. ENV.remove "HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATHS", Formula["llvm"].opt_lib resource("gn").stage buildpath/"gn" cd "gn" do system python3, "build/" system "ninja", "-C", "out" end # cargo seems to build rusty_v8 twice in parallel, which causes problems, # hence the need for -j1 # Issue ref: system "cargo", "--config", ".cargo/local-build.toml", "install", "--no-default-features", "-vv", "-j1", *std_cargo_args(path: "cli") generate_completions_from_executable(bin/"deno", "completions") end def check_binary_linkage(binary, library) binary.dynamically_linked_libraries.any? do |dll| next false unless dll.start_with?(HOMEBREW_PREFIX.to_s) File.realpath(dll) == File.realpath(library) end end test do IO.popen("deno run -A -r fresh-project", "r+") do |pipe| pipe.puts "n" pipe.puts "n" pipe.close_write end assert_match "# Fresh project", (testpath/"fresh-project/").read (testpath/"hello.ts").write <<~EOS console.log("hello", "deno"); EOS assert_match "hello deno", shell_output("#{bin}/deno run hello.ts") assert_match "Welcome to Deno!", shell_output("#{bin}/deno run") linked_libraries = [ Formula["sqlite"].opt_lib/shared_library("libsqlite3"), ] unless OS.mac? linked_libraries += [ Formula["libffi"].opt_lib/shared_library("libffi"), Formula["zlib"].opt_lib/shared_library("libz"), ] end linked_libraries.each do |library| assert check_binary_linkage(bin/"deno", library), "No linkage with #{library.basename}! Cargo is likely using a vendored version." end end end