// Variables used by Scriptable. // These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit. // icon-glyph: film; icon-color: deep-green; /** * Daily Douban * * - Only support small and medium * - Tap widget to open the movie web page * * @version 1.1.1 * @author Honye */ // Variables used by Scriptable. // These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit. // icon-color: light-gray; icon-glyph: cube; /* 公历转农历代码思路: 1、建立农历年份查询表 2、计算输入公历日期与公历基准的相差天数 3、从农历基准开始遍历农历查询表,计算自农历基准之后每一年的天数,并用相差天数依次相减,确定农历年份 4、利用剩余相差天数以及农历每个月的天数确定农历月份 5、利用剩余相差天数确定农历哪一天 */ // 农历1949-2100年查询表 const lunarYearArr = [ 0x0b557, // 1949 0x06ca0, 0x0b550, 0x15355, 0x04da0, 0x0a5b0, 0x14573, 0x052b0, 0x0a9a8, 0x0e950, 0x06aa0, // 1950-1959 0x0aea6, 0x0ab50, 0x04b60, 0x0aae4, 0x0a570, 0x05260, 0x0f263, 0x0d950, 0x05b57, 0x056a0, // 1960-1969 0x096d0, 0x04dd5, 0x04ad0, 0x0a4d0, 0x0d4d4, 0x0d250, 0x0d558, 0x0b540, 0x0b6a0, 0x195a6, // 1970-1979 0x095b0, 0x049b0, 0x0a974, 0x0a4b0, 0x0b27a, 0x06a50, 0x06d40, 0x0af46, 0x0ab60, 0x09570, // 1980-1989 0x04af5, 0x04970, 0x064b0, 0x074a3, 0x0ea50, 0x06b58, 0x055c0, 0x0ab60, 0x096d5, 0x092e0, // 1990-1999 0x0c960, 0x0d954, 0x0d4a0, 0x0da50, 0x07552, 0x056a0, 0x0abb7, 0x025d0, 0x092d0, 0x0cab5, // 2000-2009 0x0a950, 0x0b4a0, 0x0baa4, 0x0ad50, 0x055d9, 0x04ba0, 0x0a5b0, 0x15176, 0x052b0, 0x0a930, // 2010-2019 0x07954, 0x06aa0, 0x0ad50, 0x05b52, 0x04b60, 0x0a6e6, 0x0a4e0, 0x0d260, 0x0ea65, 0x0d530, // 2020-2029 0x05aa0, 0x076a3, 0x096d0, 0x04afb, 0x04ad0, 0x0a4d0, 0x1d0b6, 0x0d250, 0x0d520, 0x0dd45, // 2030-2039 0x0b5a0, 0x056d0, 0x055b2, 0x049b0, 0x0a577, 0x0a4b0, 0x0aa50, 0x1b255, 0x06d20, 0x0ada0, // 2040-2049 0x14b63, 0x09370, 0x049f8, 0x04970, 0x064b0, 0x168a6, 0x0ea50, 0x06b20, 0x1a6c4, 0x0aae0, // 2050-2059 0x0a2e0, 0x0d2e3, 0x0c960, 0x0d557, 0x0d4a0, 0x0da50, 0x05d55, 0x056a0, 0x0a6d0, 0x055d4, // 2060-2069 0x052d0, 0x0a9b8, 0x0a950, 0x0b4a0, 0x0b6a6, 0x0ad50, 0x055a0, 0x0aba4, 0x0a5b0, 0x052b0, // 2070-2079 0x0b273, 0x06930, 0x07337, 0x06aa0, 0x0ad50, 0x14b55, 0x04b60, 0x0a570, 0x054e4, 0x0d160, // 2080-2089 0x0e968, 0x0d520, 0x0daa0, 0x16aa6, 0x056d0, 0x04ae0, 0x0a9d4, 0x0a2d0, 0x0d150, 0x0f252, // 2090-2099 0x0d520 // 2100 ]; const lunarMonth = ['正', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '冬', '腊']; const lunarDay = ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '初', '廿']; const tianGan = ['甲', '乙', '丙', '丁', '戊', '己', '庚', '辛', '壬', '癸']; const diZhi = ['子', '丑', '寅', '卯', '辰', '巳', '午', '未', '申', '酉', '戌', '亥']; // 公历转农历函数 function sloarToLunar (sy, sm, sd) { // 输入的月份减1处理 sm -= 1; // 计算与公历基准的相差天数 // Date.UTC()返回的是距离公历1970年1月1日的毫秒数,传入的月份需要减1 let daySpan = (Date.UTC(sy, sm, sd) - Date.UTC(1949, 0, 29)) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) + 1; let ly, lm, ld; // 确定输出的农历年份 for (let j = 0; j < lunarYearArr.length; j++) { daySpan -= lunarYearDays(lunarYearArr[j]); if (daySpan <= 0) { ly = 1949 + j; // 获取农历年份确定后的剩余天数 daySpan += lunarYearDays(lunarYearArr[j]); break } } // 确定输出的农历月份 for (let k = 0; k < lunarYearMonths(lunarYearArr[ly - 1949]).length; k++) { daySpan -= lunarYearMonths(lunarYearArr[ly - 1949])[k]; if (daySpan <= 0) { // 有闰月时,月份的数组长度会变成13,因此,当闰月月份小于等于k时,lm不需要加1 if (hasLeapMonth(lunarYearArr[ly - 1949]) && hasLeapMonth(lunarYearArr[ly - 1949]) <= k) { if (hasLeapMonth(lunarYearArr[ly - 1949]) < k) { lm = k; } else if (hasLeapMonth(lunarYearArr[ly - 1949]) === k) { lm = '闰' + k; } else { lm = k + 1; } } else { lm = k + 1; } // 获取农历月份确定后的剩余天数 daySpan += lunarYearMonths(lunarYearArr[ly - 1949])[k]; break } } // 确定输出农历哪一天 ld = daySpan; // 将计算出来的农历月份转换成汉字月份,闰月需要在前面加上闰字 if (hasLeapMonth(lunarYearArr[ly - 1949]) && (typeof (lm) === 'string' && lm.indexOf('闰') > -1)) { lm = `闰${lunarMonth[/\d/.exec(lm) - 1]}`; } else { lm = lunarMonth[lm - 1]; } // 将计算出来的农历年份转换为天干地支年 ly = getTianGan(ly) + getDiZhi(ly); // 将计算出来的农历天数转换成汉字 if (ld < 11) { ld = `${lunarDay[10]}${lunarDay[ld - 1]}`; } else if (ld > 10 && ld < 20) { ld = `${lunarDay[9]}${lunarDay[ld - 11]}`; } else if (ld === 20) { ld = `${lunarDay[1]}${lunarDay[9]}`; } else if (ld > 20 && ld < 30) { ld = `${lunarDay[11]}${lunarDay[ld - 21]}`; } else if (ld === 30) { ld = `${lunarDay[2]}${lunarDay[9]}`; } // console.log(ly, lm, ld); return { lunarYear: ly, lunarMonth: lm, lunarDay: ld } } // 计算农历年是否有闰月,参数为存储农历年的16进制 // 农历年份信息用16进制存储,其中16进制的最后1位可以用于判断是否有闰月 function hasLeapMonth (ly) { // 获取16进制的最后1位,需要用到&与运算符 if (ly & 0xf) { return ly & 0xf } else { return false } } // 如果有闰月,计算农历闰月天数,参数为存储农历年的16进制 // 农历年份信息用16进制存储,其中16进制的第1位(0x除外)可以用于表示闰月是大月还是小月 function leapMonthDays (ly) { if (hasLeapMonth(ly)) { // 获取16进制的第1位(0x除外) return (ly & 0xf0000) ? 30 : 29 } else { return 0 } } // 计算农历一年的总天数,参数为存储农历年的16进制 // 农历年份信息用16进制存储,其中16进制的第2-4位(0x除外)可以用于表示正常月是大月还是小月 function lunarYearDays (ly) { let totalDays = 0; // 获取正常月的天数,并累加 // 获取16进制的第2-4位,需要用到>>移位运算符 for (let i = 0x8000; i > 0x8; i >>= 1) { const monthDays = (ly & i) ? 30 : 29; totalDays += monthDays; } // 如果有闰月,需要把闰月的天数加上 if (hasLeapMonth(ly)) { totalDays += leapMonthDays(ly); } return totalDays } // 获取农历每个月的天数 // 参数需传入16进制数值 function lunarYearMonths (ly) { const monthArr = []; // 获取正常月的天数,并添加到monthArr数组中 // 获取16进制的第2-4位,需要用到>>移位运算符 for (let i = 0x8000; i > 0x8; i >>= 1) { monthArr.push((ly & i) ? 30 : 29); } // 如果有闰月,需要把闰月的天数加上 if (hasLeapMonth(ly)) { monthArr.splice(hasLeapMonth(ly), 0, leapMonthDays(ly)); } return monthArr } // 将农历年转换为天干,参数为农历年 function getTianGan (ly) { let tianGanKey = (ly - 3) % 10; if (tianGanKey === 0) tianGanKey = 10; return tianGan[tianGanKey - 1] } // 将农历年转换为地支,参数为农历年 function getDiZhi (ly) { let diZhiKey = (ly - 3) % 12; if (diZhiKey === 0) diZhiKey = 12; return diZhi[diZhiKey - 1] } /** * @version 1.2.2 */ /** * @returns {Record<'small'|'medium'|'large'|'extraLarge', number>} */ const widgetSize = () => { const phones = { /** 16 Pro Max */ 956: { small: 170, medium: 364, large: 382 }, /** 16 Pro */ 874: { small: 162, medium: 344, large: 366 }, /** 16 Plus, 15 Pro Max, 15 Plus, 14 Pro Max */ 932: { small: 170, medium: 364, large: 382 }, /** 13 Pro Max, 12 Pro Max */ 926: { small: 170, medium: 364, large: 382 }, /** 11 Pro Max, 11, XS Max, XR */ 896: { small: 169, medium: 360, large: 379 }, /** Plus phones */ 736: { small: 157, medium: 348, large: 357 }, /** 16, 15 Pro, 15, 14 Pro */ 852: { small: 158, medium: 338, large: 354 }, /** 13, 13 Pro, 12, 12 Pro */ 844: { small: 158, medium: 338, large: 354 }, /** 13 mini, 12 mini / 11 Pro, XS, X */ 812: { small: 155, medium: 329, large: 345 }, /** SE2 and 6/6S/7/8 */ 667: { small: 148, medium: 321, large: 324 }, /** iPad Pro 2 */ 1194: { small: 155, medium: 342, large: 342, extraLarge: 715.5 }, /** iPad 6 */ 1024: { small: 141, medium: 305.5, large: 305.5, extraLarge: 634.5 } }; let { width, height } = Device.screenSize(); if (width > height) height = width; if (phones[height]) return phones[height] if (config.runsInWidget) { const pc = { small: 164, medium: 344, large: 344 }; return pc } // in app screen fixed 375x812 pt return { small: 155, medium: 329, large: 329 } }; /** * @param {number} num */ const vw = (num) => { const family = config.widgetFamily; if (!family) throw new Error('`vw` only work in widget') const size = widgetSize(); const width = size[family === 'large' ? 'medium' : family]; return num * width / 100 }; /** * 多语言国际化 * @param {{[language: string]: string} | [en:string, zh:string]} langs */ const i18n = (langs) => { const language = Device.language(); if (Array.isArray(langs)) { langs = { en: langs[0], zh: langs[1], others: langs[0] }; } else { langs.others = langs.others || langs.en; } return langs[language] || langs.others }; /** * @param {...string} paths */ const joinPath = (...paths) => { const fm = FileManager.local(); return paths.reduce((prev, curr) => { return fm.joinPath(prev, curr) }, '') }; /** * 规范使用 FileManager。每个脚本使用独立文件夹 * * 注意:桌面组件无法写入 cacheDirectory 和 temporaryDirectory * @param {object} options * @param {boolean} [options.useICloud] * @param {string} [options.basePath] */ const useFileManager = (options = {}) => { const { useICloud, basePath } = options; const fm = useICloud ? FileManager.iCloud() : FileManager.local(); const paths = [fm.documentsDirectory(), Script.name()]; if (basePath) { paths.push(basePath); } const cacheDirectory = joinPath(...paths); /** * 删除路径末尾所有的 / * @param {string} filePath */ const safePath = (filePath) => { return fm.joinPath(cacheDirectory, filePath).replace(/\/+$/, '') }; /** * 如果上级文件夹不存在,则先创建文件夹 * @param {string} filePath */ const preWrite = (filePath) => { const i = filePath.lastIndexOf('/'); const directory = filePath.substring(0, i); if (!fm.fileExists(directory)) { fm.createDirectory(directory, true); } }; const writeString = (filePath, content) => { const nextPath = safePath(filePath); preWrite(nextPath); fm.writeString(nextPath, content); }; /** * @param {string} filePath * @param {*} jsonData */ const writeJSON = (filePath, jsonData) => writeString(filePath, JSON.stringify(jsonData)); /** * @param {string} filePath * @param {Image} image */ const writeImage = (filePath, image) => { const nextPath = safePath(filePath); preWrite(nextPath); return fm.writeImage(nextPath, image) }; /** * 文件不存在时返回 null * @param {string} filePath * @returns {string|null} */ const readString = (filePath) => { const fullPath = fm.joinPath(cacheDirectory, filePath); if (fm.fileExists(fullPath)) { return fm.readString( fm.joinPath(cacheDirectory, filePath) ) } return null }; /** * @param {string} filePath */ const readJSON = (filePath) => JSON.parse(readString(filePath)); /** * @param {string} filePath */ const readImage = (filePath) => { const fullPath = safePath(filePath); if (fm.fileExists(fullPath)) { return fm.readImage(fullPath) } return null }; return { cacheDirectory, writeString, writeJSON, writeImage, readString, readJSON, readImage } }; /** 规范使用文件缓存。每个脚本使用独立文件夹 */ const useCache = () => useFileManager({ basePath: 'cache' }); /** * @file Scriptable WebView JSBridge native SDK * @version 1.0.3 * @author Honye */ /** * @typedef Options * @property {Record<string, () => void>} methods */ const sendResult = (() => { let sending = false; /** @type {{ code: string; data: any }[]} */ const list = []; /** * @param {WebView} webView * @param {string} code * @param {any} data */ return async (webView, code, data) => { if (sending) return sending = true; list.push({ code, data }); const arr = list.splice(0, list.length); for (const { code, data } of arr) { const eventName = `ScriptableBridge_${code}_Result`; const res = data instanceof Error ? { err: data.message } : data; await webView.evaluateJavaScript( `window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( '${eventName}', { detail: ${JSON.stringify(res)} } ) )` ); } if (list.length) { const { code, data } = list.shift(); sendResult(webView, code, data); } else { sending = false; } } })(); /** * @param {WebView} webView * @param {Options} options */ const inject = async (webView, options) => { const js = `(() => { const queue = window.__scriptable_bridge_queue if (queue && queue.length) { completion(queue) } window.__scriptable_bridge_queue = null if (!window.ScriptableBridge) { window.ScriptableBridge = { invoke(name, data, callback) { const detail = { code: name, data } const eventName = \`ScriptableBridge_\${name}_Result\` const controller = new AbortController() window.addEventListener( eventName, (e) => { callback && callback(e.detail) controller.abort() }, { signal: controller.signal } ) if (window.__scriptable_bridge_queue) { window.__scriptable_bridge_queue.push(detail) completion() } else { completion(detail) window.__scriptable_bridge_queue = [] } } } window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent('ScriptableBridgeReady') ) } })()`; const res = await webView.evaluateJavaScript(js, true); if (!res) return inject(webView, options) const methods = options.methods || {}; const events = Array.isArray(res) ? res : [res]; // 同时执行多次 webView.evaluateJavaScript Scriptable 存在问题 // 可能是因为 JavaScript 是单线程导致的 const sendTasks = events.map(({ code, data }) => { return (() => { try { return Promise.resolve(methods[code](data)) } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e) } })() .then((res) => sendResult(webView, code, res)) .catch((e) => { console.error(e); sendResult(webView, code, e instanceof Error ? e : new Error(e)); }) }); await Promise.all(sendTasks); inject(webView, options); }; /** * @param {WebView} webView * @param {object} args * @param {string} args.html * @param {string} [args.baseURL] * @param {Options} options */ const loadHTML = async (webView, args, options = {}) => { const { html, baseURL } = args; await webView.loadHTML(html, baseURL); inject(webView, options).catch((err) => console.error(err)); }; /** * 轻松实现桌面组件可视化配置 * * - 颜色选择器及更多表单控件 * - 快速预览 * * GitHub: https://github.com/honye * * @version 1.7.2 * @author Honye */ const fm = FileManager.local(); const fileName = 'settings.json'; const toast = (message) => { const notification = new Notification(); notification.title = Script.name(); notification.body = message; notification.schedule(); }; const isUseICloud = () => { let ifm; try { ifm = useFileManager({ useICloud: true }); } catch (e) { return false } const filePath = fm.joinPath(ifm.cacheDirectory, fileName); return fm.fileExists(filePath) }; /** * @returns {Promise<Settings>} */ const readSettings = async () => { const useICloud = isUseICloud(); console.log(`[info] use ${useICloud ? 'iCloud' : 'local'} settings`); const fm = useFileManager({ useICloud }); const settings = fm.readJSON(fileName); return settings }; /** * @param {Record<string, unknown>} data * @param {{ useICloud: boolean; }} options */ const writeSettings = async (data, { useICloud }) => { const fm = useFileManager({ useICloud }); fm.writeJSON(fileName, data); }; const removeSettings = async (settings) => { const cache = useFileManager({ useICloud: settings.useICloud }); fm.remove( fm.joinPath(cache.cacheDirectory, fileName) ); }; const moveSettings = (useICloud, data) => { const localFM = useFileManager(); const iCloudFM = useFileManager({ useICloud: true }); const [i, l] = [ fm.joinPath(iCloudFM.cacheDirectory, fileName), fm.joinPath(localFM.cacheDirectory, fileName) ]; try { // 移动文件需要创建父文件夹,写入操作会自动创建文件夹 writeSettings(data, { useICloud }); if (useICloud) { if (fm.fileExists(l)) fm.remove(l); } else { if (fm.fileExists(i)) fm.remove(i); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; /** * @typedef {object} NormalFormItem * @property {string} name * @property {string} label * @property {'text'|'number'|'color'|'select'|'date'|'cell'|'switch'} [type] * - HTML <input> type 属性 * - `'cell'`: 可点击的 * @property {'(prefers-color-scheme: light)'|'(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'} [media] * @property {{ label: string; value: unknown }[]} [options] * @property {unknown} [default] */ /** * @typedef {Pick<NormalFormItem, 'label'|'name'> & { type: 'group', items: FormItem[] }} GroupFormItem */ /** * @typedef {Omit<NormalFormItem, 'type'> & { type: 'page' } & Pick<Options, 'formItems'|'onItemClick'>} PageFormItem 单独的页面 */ /** * @typedef {NormalFormItem|GroupFormItem|PageFormItem} FormItem */ /** * @typedef {object} CommonSettings * @property {boolean} useICloud * @property {string} [backgroundImage] 背景图路径 * @property {string} [backgroundColorLight] * @property {string} [backgroundColorDark] */ /** * @typedef {CommonSettings & Record<string, unknown>} Settings */ /** * @typedef {object} Options * @property {(data: { * settings: Settings; * family?: typeof config.widgetFamily; * }) => ListWidget | Promise<ListWidget>} render * @property {string} [head] 顶部插入 HTML * @property {FormItem[]} [formItems] * @property {(item: FormItem) => void} [onItemClick] * @property {string} [homePage] 右上角分享菜单地址 * @property {(data: any) => void} [onWebEvent] */ /** * @template T * @typedef {T extends infer O ? {[K in keyof O]: O[K]} : never} Expand */ const previewsHTML = `<div class="actions"> <button class="preview" data-size="small"><i class="iconfont icon-yingyongzhongxin"></i>${i18n(['Small', '预览小号'])}</button> <button class="preview" data-size="medium"><i class="iconfont icon-daliebiao"></i>${i18n(['Medium', '预览中号'])}</button> <button class="preview" data-size="large"><i class="iconfont icon-dantupailie"></i>${i18n(['Large', '预览大号'])}</button> </div>`; const copyrightHTML = `<footer> <div class="copyright">© UI powered by <a href="javascript:invoke('safari','https://www.imarkr.com');">iMarkr</a></div> </footer>`; /** * @param {Expand<Options>} options * @param {boolean} [isFirstPage] * @param {object} [others] * @param {Settings} [others.settings] * @returns {Promise<ListWidget|undefined>} 仅在 Widget 中运行时返回 ListWidget */ const present = async (options, isFirstPage, others = {}) => { const { formItems = [], onItemClick, render, head, homePage = 'https://www.imarkr.com', onWebEvent } = options; const cache = useCache(); const settings = others.settings || await readSettings() || {}; /** * @param {Parameters<Options['render']>[0]} param */ const getWidget = async (param) => { const widget = await render(param); const { backgroundImage, backgroundColorLight, backgroundColorDark } = settings; if (backgroundImage && fm.fileExists(backgroundImage)) { widget.backgroundImage = fm.readImage(backgroundImage); } if (!widget.backgroundColor || backgroundColorLight || backgroundColorDark) { widget.backgroundColor = Color.dynamic( new Color(backgroundColorLight || '#ffffff'), new Color(backgroundColorDark || '#242426') ); } return widget }; if (config.runsInWidget) { const widget = await getWidget({ settings }); Script.setWidget(widget); return widget } // ====== web start ======= const style = `:root { --color-primary: #007aff; --text-color: #1e1f24; --text-secondary: #8b8d98; --divider-color: #eff0f3; --card-background: #fff; --card-radius: 10px; --bg-input: #f9f9fb; } * { -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; } :focus-visible { outline-width: 2px; } body { margin: 10px 0; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; font-family: "SF Pro Display","SF Pro Icons","Helvetica Neue","Helvetica","Arial",sans-serif; accent-color: var(--color-primary); color: var(--text-color); } input { -webkit-user-select: auto; user-select: auto; } input:where([type="date"], [type="time"], [type="datetime-local"], [type="month"], [type="week"]) { accent-color: var(--text-color); white-space: nowrap; } select { accent-color: var(--text-color); } body { background: #f2f2f7; } button { font-size: 16px; background: var(--card-background); color: var(--text-color); border-radius: 8px; border: none; padding: 0.5em; } button .iconfont { margin-right: 6px; } .list { margin: 15px; } .list__header { margin: 0 20px; color: var(--text-secondary); font-size: 13px; } .list__body { margin-top: 10px; background: var(--card-background); border-radius: var(--card-radius); border-radius: 12px; overflow: hidden; } .form-item { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; column-gap: 1em; font-size: 16px; min-height: 2em; padding: 0.5em 20px; position: relative; } .form-item[media*="prefers-color-scheme"] { display: none; } .form-item--link .icon-arrow_right { color: #86868b; } .form-item + .form-item::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 20px; right: 0; border-top: 0.5px solid var(--divider-color); } .form-item__input-wrapper { flex: 1; text-align: right; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 2px; margin-right: -2px; overflow: hidden; } .form-item__input { max-width: calc(100% - 4px); } .form-item .iconfont { margin-right: 4px; } .form-item input, .form-item select { font-size: 14px; text-align: right; } .form-item input:not([type=color]), .form-item select { border-radius: 99px; background-color: var(--bg-input); border: none; color: var(--text-color); } .form-item input[type="checkbox"] { width: 1.25em; height: 1.25em; } input[type="number"] { width: 4em; } input[type="date"] { min-width: 6.4em; } input[type='checkbox'][role='switch'] { margin: 0; position: relative; display: inline-block; appearance: none; width: 40px; height: 25px; border-radius: 25px; background: var(--bg-input); transition: 0.3s ease-in-out; } input[type='checkbox'][role='switch']::before { content: ''; position: absolute; left: 2px; top: 2px; width: 21px; height: 21px; border-radius: 50%; background: #fff; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04), 0 2px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0 2px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06); transition: 0.3s ease-in-out; } input[type='checkbox'][role='switch']:checked { background: var(--color-primary); } input[type='checkbox'][role='switch']:checked::before { transform: translateX(16px); } .actions { margin: 15px; display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); column-gap: 12px; } .copyright { margin: 15px; margin-inline: 18px; font-size: 12px; color: var(--text-secondary); } .copyright a { color: var(--text-color); text-decoration: none; } .preview.loading { pointer-events: none; } .icon-loading { display: inline-block; animation: 1s linear infinite spin; } @keyframes spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0); } 100% { transform: rotate(1turn); } } @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .form-item[media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)"] { display: flex; } } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :root { --text-color: #eeeef0; --text-secondary: #6c6e79; --divider-color: #222325; --card-background: #19191b; --bg-input: #303136; } body { background: #111113; } input[type='checkbox'][role='switch']::before { background-color: rgb(206, 206, 206); } .form-item[media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"] { display: flex; } }`; const js = `(() => { const settings = ${JSON.stringify({ ...settings, useICloud: isUseICloud() })} const formItems = ${JSON.stringify(formItems)} window.invoke = (code, data, cb) => { ScriptableBridge.invoke(code, data, cb) } const formData = {} const createFormItem = (item) => { const value = settings[item.name] ?? item.default ?? null formData[item.name] = value; const label = document.createElement("label"); label.className = "form-item"; if (item.media) { label.setAttribute('media', item.media) } const div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerText = item.label; label.appendChild(div); if (/^(select|multi-select)$/.test(item.type)) { const wrapper = document.createElement('div') wrapper.className = 'form-item__input-wrapper' const select = document.createElement('select') select.className = 'form-item__input' select.name = item.name select.multiple = item.type === 'multi-select' const map = (options, parent) => { for (const opt of (options || [])) { if (opt.children?.length) { const elGroup = document.createElement('optgroup') elGroup.label = opt.label map(opt.children, elGroup) parent.appendChild(elGroup) } else { const option = document.createElement('option') option.value = opt.value option.innerText = opt.label option.selected = Array.isArray(value) ? value.includes(opt.value) : (value === opt.value) parent.appendChild(option) } } } map(item.options || [], select) select.addEventListener('change', ({ target }) => { let { value } = target if (item.type === 'multi-select') { value = Array.from(target.selectedOptions).map(({ value }) => value) } formData[item.name] = value invoke('changeSettings', formData) }) wrapper.appendChild(select) label.appendChild(wrapper) } else if ( item.type === 'cell' || item.type === 'page' ) { label.classList.add('form-item--link') const icon = document.createElement('i') icon.className = 'iconfont icon-arrow_right' label.appendChild(icon) label.addEventListener('click', () => { const { name } = item switch (name) { case 'backgroundImage': invoke('chooseBgImg') break case 'clearBackgroundImage': invoke('clearBgImg') break case 'reset': reset() break default: invoke('itemClick', item) } }) } else { const input = document.createElement("input") input.className = 'form-item__input' input.name = item.name input.type = item.type || "text"; input.enterKeyHint = 'done' input.value = value // Switch if (item.type === 'switch') { input.type = 'checkbox' input.role = 'switch' input.checked = value if (item.name === 'useICloud') { input.addEventListener('change', (e) => { invoke('moveSettings', e.target.checked) }) } } if (item.type === 'number') { input.inputMode = 'decimal' } if (input.type === 'text') { input.size = 12 } input.addEventListener("change", (e) => { formData[item.name] = item.type === 'switch' ? e.target.checked : item.type === 'number' ? Number(e.target.value) : e.target.value; invoke('changeSettings', formData) }); label.appendChild(input); } return label } const createList = (list, title) => { const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment() let elBody; for (const item of list) { if (item.type === 'group') { const grouped = createList(item.items, item.label) fragment.appendChild(grouped) } else { if (!elBody) { const groupDiv = fragment.appendChild(document.createElement('div')) groupDiv.className = 'list' if (title) { const elTitle = groupDiv.appendChild(document.createElement('div')) elTitle.className = 'list__header' elTitle.textContent = title } elBody = groupDiv.appendChild(document.createElement('div')) elBody.className = 'list__body' } const label = createFormItem(item) elBody.appendChild(label) } } return fragment } const fragment = createList(formItems) document.getElementById('settings').appendChild(fragment) for (const btn of document.querySelectorAll('.preview')) { btn.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const target = e.currentTarget target.classList.add('loading') const icon = e.currentTarget.querySelector('.iconfont') const className = icon.className icon.className = 'iconfont icon-loading' invoke( 'preview', e.currentTarget.dataset.size, () => { target.classList.remove('loading') icon.className = className } ) }) } const setFieldValue = (name, value) => { const input = document.querySelector(\`.form-item__input[name="\${name}"]\`) if (!input) return if (input.type === 'checkbox') { input.checked = value } else { input.value = value } } const reset = (items = formItems) => { for (const item of items) { if (item.type === 'group') { reset(item.items) } else if (item.type === 'page') { continue; } else { setFieldValue(item.name, item.default) } } invoke('removeSettings', formData) } })()`; const html = `<html> <head> <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, user-scalable=no'> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//at.alicdn.com/t/c/font_3772663_kmo790s3yfq.css" type="text/css"> <style>${style}</style> </head> <body> ${head || ''} <section id="settings"></section> ${isFirstPage ? (previewsHTML + copyrightHTML) : ''} <script>${js}</script> </body> </html>`; const webView = new WebView(); const methods = { async preview (data) { const widget = await getWidget({ settings, family: data }); widget[`present${data.replace(data[0], data[0].toUpperCase())}`](); }, safari (data) { Safari.openInApp(data, true); }, changeSettings (data) { Object.assign(settings, data); writeSettings(settings, { useICloud: settings.useICloud }); }, moveSettings (data) { settings.useICloud = data; moveSettings(data, settings); }, removeSettings (data) { Object.assign(settings, data); clearBgImg(); removeSettings(settings); }, chooseBgImg (data) { chooseBgImg(); }, clearBgImg () { clearBgImg(); }, async itemClick (data) { if (data.type === 'page') { // `data` 经传到 HTML 后丢失了不可序列化的数据,因为需要从源数据查找 const item = (() => { const find = (items) => { for (const el of items) { if (el.name === data.name) return el if (el.type === 'group') { const r = find(el.items); if (r) return r } } return null }; return find(formItems) })(); await present(item, false, { settings }); } else { await onItemClick?.(data, { settings }); } }, native (data) { return onWebEvent?.(data) } }; await loadHTML( webView, { html, baseURL: homePage }, { methods } ); const clearBgImg = () => { const { backgroundImage } = settings; delete settings.backgroundImage; if (backgroundImage && fm.fileExists(backgroundImage)) { fm.remove(backgroundImage); } writeSettings(settings, { useICloud: settings.useICloud }); toast(i18n(['Cleared success!', '背景已清除'])); }; const chooseBgImg = async () => { try { const image = await Photos.fromLibrary(); cache.writeImage('bg.png', image); const imgPath = fm.joinPath(cache.cacheDirectory, 'bg.png'); settings.backgroundImage = imgPath; writeSettings(settings, { useICloud: settings.useICloud }); } catch (e) { console.log('[info] 用户取消选择图片'); } }; webView.present(); // ======= web end ========= }; /** * @param {Options} options */ const withSettings = async (options) => { const { formItems, onItemClick, ...restOptions } = options; return present({ formItems: [ { label: i18n(['Common', '通用']), type: 'group', items: [ { label: i18n(['Sync with iCloud', 'iCloud 同步']), type: 'switch', name: 'useICloud', default: false }, { label: i18n(['Background', '背景']), type: 'page', name: 'background', formItems: [ { label: i18n(['Background', '背景']), type: 'group', items: [ { name: 'backgroundColorLight', type: 'color', label: i18n(['Background color', '背景色']), media: '(prefers-color-scheme: light)', default: '#ffffff' }, { name: 'backgroundColorDark', type: 'color', label: i18n(['Background color', '背景色']), media: '(prefers-color-scheme: dark)', default: '#242426' }, { label: i18n(['Background image', '背景图']), type: 'cell', name: 'backgroundImage' } ] }, { type: 'group', items: [ { label: i18n(['Clear background image', '清除背景图']), type: 'cell', name: 'clearBackgroundImage' } ] } ] }, { label: i18n(['Reset', '重置']), type: 'cell', name: 'reset' } ] }, { label: i18n(['Settings', '设置']), type: 'group', items: formItems } ], onItemClick: (item, ...args) => { onItemClick?.(item, ...args); }, ...restOptions }, true) }; const preference = { showDate: true, useTextShadow: true }; const rpt = (n) => { const designWith = { small: 155, medium: 329 }; const { widgetFamily } = config; return vw(n * 100 / (designWith[widgetFamily] || designWith.medium)) }; const $12Animals = { 子: '鼠', 丑: '牛', 寅: '虎', 卯: '兔', 辰: '龙', 巳: '蛇', 午: '马', 未: '羊', 申: '猴', 酉: '鸡', 戌: '狗', 亥: '猪' }; const render = async () => { const url = 'https://www.imarkr.com/api/douban/daily'; const request = new Request(url); const data = await request.loadJSON(); const widgetFamily = config.widgetFamily; switch (widgetFamily) { case 'small': return renderSmall(data) case 'medium': return renderMedium(data) case 'large': return renderLarge(data) default: return renderMedium(data) } }; const renderSmall = async (data) => { const { showDate, useTextShadow } = preference; const widget = new ListWidget(); widget.url = data.url; widget.setPadding(rpt(12), rpt(12), rpt(12), rpt(12)); const image = await getImage(data.poster); shadowBgImage(widget, image); if (showDate) { const now = new Date(); const { lunarYear, lunarMonth, lunarDay } = sloarToLunar(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth() + 1, now.getDate()); const top = widget.addStack(); top.centerAlignContent(); const day = top.addText(`${now.getDate()}`.padStart(2, '0')); day.font = new Font('DIN Alternate', rpt(28)); day.textColor = Color.white(); top.addSpacer(rpt(4)); const dateWrap = top.addStack(); dateWrap.layoutVertically(); const df = new DateFormatter(); df.locale = 'zh-CN'; df.dateFormat = 'MMMM|E'; const week = dateWrap.addText(df.string(now)); week.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(rpt(8)); week.textColor = Color.white(); dateWrap.addSpacer(rpt(2)); const lunar = dateWrap.addText(`${$12Animals[lunarYear[1]]}年${lunarMonth}月${lunarDay}`); lunar.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(rpt(8)); lunar.textColor = Color.white(); if (useTextShadow) { const color = new Color('#192319', 0.4); const offset = new Point(0, 0); const radius = 3; day.shadowColor = color; day.shadowOffset = offset; day.shadowRadius = radius; week.shadowColor = color; week.shadowOffset = offset; week.shadowRadius = radius; lunar.shadowColor = color; lunar.shadowOffset = offset; lunar.shadowRadius = radius; } } widget.addSpacer(); const textTitle = widget.addText(`《${data.title}》`); textTitle.font = Font.boldSystemFont(rpt(12)); textTitle.textColor = Color.white(); textTitle.lineLimit = 1; textTitle.minimumScaleFactor = 0.5; widget.addSpacer(rpt(4)); const stackRating = widget.addStack(); await widgetRating(stackRating, data); return widget }; const renderMedium = async (data) => { const { showDate, useTextShadow } = preference; const widget = new ListWidget(); widget.url = data.url; widget.setPadding(rpt(12), rpt(12), rpt(12), rpt(12)); const image = await getImage(data.poster); shadowBgImage(widget, image); if (showDate) { const now = new Date(); const { lunarYear, lunarMonth, lunarDay } = sloarToLunar(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth() + 1, now.getDate()); const top = widget.addStack(); top.addSpacer(); const dateWrap = top.addStack(); dateWrap.layoutVertically(); const dayWrap = dateWrap.addStack(); dayWrap.size = new Size(rpt(48), -1); const day = dayWrap.addText(`${now.getDate()}`.padStart(2, '0')); day.font = new Font('DIN Alternate', rpt(28)); day.textColor = Color.white(); const df = new DateFormatter(); df.locale = 'zh-CN'; df.dateFormat = 'MMMM|E'; const week = dateWrap.addText(df.string(now)); week.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(rpt(8)); week.textColor = Color.white(); dateWrap.addSpacer(rpt(2)); const lunar = dateWrap.addText(`${$12Animals[lunarYear[1]]}年${lunarMonth}月${lunarDay}`); lunar.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(rpt(8)); lunar.textColor = Color.white(); if (useTextShadow) { const color = new Color('#192319', 0.4); const offset = new Point(0, 0); const radius = 3; day.shadowColor = color; day.shadowOffset = offset; day.shadowRadius = radius; week.shadowColor = color; week.shadowOffset = offset; week.shadowRadius = radius; lunar.shadowColor = color; lunar.shadowOffset = offset; lunar.shadowRadius = radius; } } widget.addSpacer(); const stackRating = widget.addStack(); stackRating.centerAlignContent(); const textTitle = stackRating.addText(`《${data.title}》`); textTitle.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(rpt(12)); textTitle.textColor = Color.white(); textTitle.lineLimit = 1; textTitle.minimumScaleFactor = 0.5; stackRating.addSpacer(rpt(4)); await widgetRating(stackRating, data); stackRating.addSpacer(); widget.addSpacer(rpt(4)); const stackContent = widget.addStack(); const textContent = stackContent.addText(data.content); textContent.font = Font.systemFont(rpt(10)); textContent.textColor = Color.white(); textContent.lineLimit = 2; textContent.minimumScaleFactor = 0.5; return widget }; const renderLarge = async (data) => { const { showDate } = preference; const widget = new ListWidget(); widget.url = data.url; widget.setPadding(rpt(12), rpt(12), rpt(12), rpt(12)); const img = widget.addStack(); img.size = new Size(-1, rpt(180)); img.addStack().addSpacer(); img.cornerRadius = rpt(8); const image = await getImage(data.poster); img.backgroundImage = image; if (showDate) { const now = new Date(); const { lunarYear, lunarMonth, lunarDay } = sloarToLunar(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth() + 1, now.getDate()); const dateWrap = widget.addStack(); dateWrap.setPadding(rpt(12), 0, rpt(12), 0); dateWrap.centerAlignContent(); const df = new DateFormatter(); df.locale = 'zh-CN'; df.dateFormat = 'MM月dd日|E'; const date = dateWrap.addText(df.string(now)); date.font = Font.boldSystemFont(rpt(16)); date.textColor = Color.dynamic(new Color('#192319'), new Color('#fff')); dateWrap.addSpacer(); const lunar = dateWrap.addText(`${$12Animals[lunarYear[1]]}年${lunarMonth}月${lunarDay}`); lunar.font = Font.systemFont(rpt(12)); lunar.textColor = Color.dynamic(new Color('#7A8679'), new Color('#ADB7B1')); const line = widget.addStack(); line.size = new Size(-1, 1); line.addSpacer(); const gradient = new LinearGradient(); const colors = []; const locations = []; const steps = 45; const stepSize = 1 / steps; for (let i = 0; i < steps; i++) { const color = Color.dynamic(new Color('#E5EAE5', (i + 1) % 2), new Color('#363C38', (i + 1) % 2)); colors.push(color, color); locations.push(stepSize * i, stepSize * (i + 1)); } gradient.colors = colors; gradient.locations = locations; gradient.startPoint = new Point(0, 0); gradient.endPoint = new Point(1, 0); line.backgroundGradient = gradient; widget.addSpacer(); } else { widget.addSpacer(rpt(12)); } const name = widget.addText(`《${data.title}》`); name.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(rpt(14)); name.textColor = Color.dynamic(new Color('#192319'), new Color('#fff')); widget.addSpacer(rpt(6)); const extra = widget.addStack(); extra.centerAlignContent(); extra.spacing = rpt(4); widgetRating(extra, data); const man = extra.addText(`${data.subtitle.replace(/\n/g, ' / ')}`); man.font = Font.systemFont(rpt(10)); man.textColor = Color.dynamic(new Color('#7A8679'), new Color('#ADB7B1')); widget.addSpacer(rpt(6)); const content = widget.addText(data.content); content.font = Font.systemFont(rpt(12)); if (showDate) content.lineLimit = 2; content.textColor = Color.dynamic(new Color('#192319'), new Color('#fff')); if (!showDate) widget.addSpacer(); return widget }; const widgetRating = (widget, data) => { const stack = widget.addStack(); stack.setPadding(rpt(2), rpt(4), rpt(2), rpt(4)); stack.backgroundColor = Color.dynamic(new Color('#20D770'), new Color('#1FA85A')); stack.cornerRadius = rpt(4); const ratingText = data.rating === null ? '无' : data.rating.toFixed(1); const textTitle = stack.addText(`豆瓣评分 ${ratingText}`); textTitle.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(rpt(8)); textTitle.textColor = new Color('#fff'); }; const getImage = async (url) => { const request = new Request(url); request.headers = { 'User-Agent': 'FRDMoonWidgetExtension/8.0.0 (iPhone; iOS 16.5.1; Scale/2.00)' }; const image = await request.loadImage(); return image }; /** * @param {ListWidget} widget * @param {Image} image */ const shadowBgImage = (widget, image) => { widget.backgroundImage = image; const gradient = new LinearGradient(); gradient.startPoint = new Point(0, 0); gradient.endPoint = new Point(0, 1); gradient.colors = [ new Color('#192319', 0.1), new Color('#192319', 0), new Color('#192319', 1) ]; gradient.locations = [0, 0.5, 1]; widget.backgroundGradient = gradient; }; await withSettings({ formItems: [ { label: i18n(['Show Date', '显示日期']), name: 'showDate', type: 'switch', default: preference.showDate }, { label: i18n(['Text Shadow', '文字阴影']), name: 'useTextShadow', type: 'switch', default: preference.useTextShadow } ], render: ({ family, settings }) => { family && (config.widgetFamily = family); Object.assign(preference, settings); return render() } });