// ==UserScript== // @name Amateur Voat Enhancements // @author Horza // @date 2016-03-01 // @description Add new features to voat.co // @license MIT; https://github.com/HorzaGobuchul/Amateur-Voat-Enhancements/blob/master/LICENSE // @match *://voat.co/* // @match *://*.voat.co/* // @exclude *://*.voat.co/api* // @exclude *://voat.co/api* // @version // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_openInTab // @run-at document-start // @updateURL https://github.com/HorzaGobuchul/Amateur-Voat-Enhancements/raw/master/Amateur-Voat-Enhancements_meta.user.js // @downloadURL https://github.com/HorzaGobuchul/Amateur-Voat-Enhancements/raw/master/Amateur-Voat-Enhancements.user.js // @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js // @require https://github.com/domchristie/to-markdown/raw/master/dist/to-markdown.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/master/FileSaver.min.js // ==/UserScript== /// Init /// var AVE = {}; AVE.Modules = {}; AVE.Init = { stopLoading: false, Start: function () { var _this = this, ModLoad = { Start: [], HeadReady: [], BannerReady: [], ContainerReady: [], DocReady: [], WinLoaded: [] }; AVE.Utils.EarlySet(); print("AVE: Devmode > " + AVE.Utils.DevMode, true); print("AVE: POST > "+JSON.stringify(AVE.Utils.POSTinfo), true); print("AVE: Current page > " + AVE.Utils.currentPageType); if ($.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["none", "api"]) === -1) { $.each(AVE.Modules, function () { if (!this.RunAt || this.RunAt === "ready") { ModLoad.DocReady.push(this.ID); } else if (this.RunAt === "start") { ModLoad.Start.push(this.ID); } else if (this.RunAt === "head") { ModLoad.HeadReady.push(this.ID); } else if (this.RunAt === "banner") { ModLoad.BannerReady.push(this.ID); } else if (this.RunAt === "container") { ModLoad.ContainerReady.push(this.ID); } else { //(this.RunAt === "load") { ModLoad.WinLoaded.push(this.ID); } }); //Start as soon as possible print("Init: Starting as soon as possible", true); $.each(ModLoad.Start, function () { _this.LoadModules(this); }); //On head ready $("head").ready(function () { //By /u/Jammi: voat.co/v/AVE/comments/421861 if (document.title === 'Checking your bits' || document.title === 'Play Pen Improvements') { // Add CDN error page print("AVE: this is an error page, no more modules will be started"); if (~document.cookie.indexOf('theme=dark')) { $.each(["body background #333", "body color #dfdfdf", "#header background #333", "#header-container background #333", "#header-container borderBottomColor #555", "#header-container borderTopColor #555", ".panel-info background #222", ".panel-heading background #222", ".panel-heading borderColor #444", ".panel-title background #222", ".panel-title color #dfdfdf", ".panel-body background #222", ".panel-body borderColor #444"], function () { var _this = this.split(" "); $(_this[0]).css(_this[1], _this[2]); }); } this.stopLoading = true; return; }//Error pages that are empty AVE.Utils.LateSet(); print("Init: Starting on Head ready", true); $.each(ModLoad.HeadReady, function () { _this.LoadModules(this); }); }); //On Banner ready $("div#header").ready(function () { print("Init: Starting on Banner ready", true); $.each(ModLoad.BannerReady, function () { _this.LoadModules(this); }); }); //On container ready $("div#container").ready(function () { print("Init: Starting on Container ready", true); $.each(ModLoad.ContainerReady, function () { _this.LoadModules(this); }); }); //On doc ready $(document).ready(function () { print("Init: Starting on Doc ready", true); print("AVE: Current style > " + AVE.Utils.CSSstyle, true); $.each(ModLoad.DocReady, function () { _this.LoadModules(this); }); }); //On window loaded var loadModuleOnLoadComplete = function () { print("Init: Starting on Window loaded (last)", true); if (this.stopLoading){return;} $.each(ModLoad.WinLoaded, function () { _this.LoadModules(this); }); }; //$(window).load's callback isn't triggered if it is processed as the page's readystate already is "complete" if (document.readyState === "complete") { loadModuleOnLoadComplete(); } else { $(window).load(function () { loadModuleOnLoadComplete(); }); } } else { print("AVE: Current page > no idea, sorry. Maybe tell /u/HorzaDeservedBetter about it?"); } }, LoadModules: function (ID) { if (this.stopLoading){return;} var module = AVE.Modules[ID]; print(" AVE: Loading: " + module.Name + " (RunAt: " + (module.RunAt || "ready" ) + ")", true); if (AVE.Utils.DevMode){ var time = Date.now(); AVE.Modules[ID].Load(); print(" Loaded > " + ID + " (" + (Date.now() - time) + "ms)"); } else { try { AVE.Modules[ID].Load(); } catch (e) { print("AVE: Error loading " + ID); //if (true) { console.error(e); } var Opt = JSON.parse(AVE.Storage.GetValue(AVE.Storage.Prefix + ID, "{}")); Opt.Enabled = false; AVE.Storage.SetValue(AVE.Storage.Prefix + ID, JSON.stringify(Opt)); alert("AVE: Error loading module \"" + ID +"\"\nIt has been disabled, reload for the change to be effective"); } } }, UpdateModules: function () { $.each(AVE.Modules, function () { var time = Date.now(); if (typeof this.Update === "function") { this.Update(); print("updated > " + this.Name + " (" + (Date.now() - time) + "ms)", true); } }); } }; /// END Init /// /// Utils /// AVE.Utils = { regExpSet: /([^:]*):([0-9]*)/i, regExpTag: /([^:]*):([^:]*)/i, subverseName: "", isPageSubverse: "", CSSstyle: "", currentPageType: "", DevMode: false, POSTinfo: {}, _CurrUsername: "", CurrUsername: function () { // "" means that it is not set if (this._CurrUsername === "") { // is the header-account block already loaded? if ($("div#header-account").length > 0){ var profil = $("span.user > a[title='Profile']"); // is the user logged-in if (profil.length > 0) { this._CurrUsername = profil.text(); } else { // If not null is returned this._CurrUsername = null; } // else "" is returned until the banner is DOM ready } } return this._CurrUsername; }, LateSet: function () { this.CSSstyle = this.CSS_Style(); }, EarlySet: function () { this.DevMode = this.GetDevMode(); this.subverseName = this.GetSubverseName(); this.isPageSubverse = this.GetPageSubverse(); this.currentPageType = this.Page(); this.ParsePOSTinfo(); }, CSS_Style: function () { return $('link[rel="stylesheet"][href^="/Content/Dark"]').length > 0 ? "dark" : "light"; //return $("body").attr("class"); //Doesn't work because the class is added after DOMready and this is evaluated before DOMload }, MetaData: null, Page: function () { var RegExpTypes = { frontpage: /voat.co\/?(new)?(\?[^#]+)*(#[^\\\/]*)?$/i, //front_guest: /voat.co\/?(new)?(\?frontpage=guest)?(\?page=[0-9]*)?(#[^\\\/]*)?$/i, submissions: /voat.co\/user\/[\w\d-]*\/submissions/i, subverse: /voat.co\/v\/[a-z]*\/?(\?page=[0-9]*)?/i, comments: /voat.co\/user\/[\w\d-]*\/comments/i, thread: /voat.co\/v\/[a-z]*\/comments\/\d*/i, sub_rel: /voat.co\/v\/[a-z]*\/[a-z]+/i, register: /voat.co\/account\/register/i, userShort: /voat.co\/u\/[\w\d-]*\/?$/i, modlog: /voat.co\/v\/[a-z]*\/modlog/i, about: /voat.co\/v\/[a-z]*\/about/i, sub_new: /voat.co\/v\/[a-z]*\/new/i, sub_top: /voat.co\/v\/[a-z]*\/top/i, user: /voat.co\/user\/[\w\d-]*\/?$/i, manage: /voat.co\/account\/manage/i, saved: /voat.co\/user\/.*\/saved/i, login: /voat.co\/account\/Login/i, account_rel: /voat.co\/account/i, subverses: /voat.co\/subverses/i, messaging: /voat.co\/messaging/i, search: /voat.co\/search\?q=/i, domain: /voat.co\/domains\//i, submit: /voat.co\/submit/i, set: /voat.co\/set\/\d*/i, mySet: /voat.co\/mysets/i, sets: /voat.co\/sets/i, api: /voat.co\/api/i }; var url = window.location.href; if (RegExpTypes.frontpage.test(url)) { return "frontpage"; } //if (RegExpTypes.front_guest.test(url)) { return "frontpage"; } if (RegExpTypes.api.test(url)) { return "api"; } if (RegExpTypes.thread.test(url)) { return "thread"; } if (RegExpTypes.sub_new.test(url)) { return "subverse"; } if (RegExpTypes.sub_top.test(url)) { return "subverse"; } if (RegExpTypes.submit.test(url)) { return "submit"; } if (RegExpTypes.modlog.test(url)) { return "modlog"; } if (RegExpTypes.about.test(url)) { return "about"; } if (RegExpTypes.sub_rel.test(url)) { return "sub_related"; } if (RegExpTypes.subverse.test(url)) { return "subverse"; } if (RegExpTypes.subverses.test(url)) { return "subverses"; } if (RegExpTypes.domain.test(url)) { return "domain"; } if (RegExpTypes.set.test(url)) { return "set"; } if (RegExpTypes.search.test(url)) { return "search"; } if (RegExpTypes.mySet.test(url)) { return "mysets"; } if (RegExpTypes.sets.test(url)) { return "sets"; } if (RegExpTypes.user.test(url)) { return "user"; } if (RegExpTypes.userShort.test(url)) { return "user"; } if (RegExpTypes.comments.test(url)) { return "user-comments"; } if (RegExpTypes.submissions.test(url)) { return "user-submissions"; } if (RegExpTypes.messaging.test(url)) { return "user-messages"; } if (RegExpTypes.manage.test(url)) { return "user-manage"; } if (RegExpTypes.saved.test(url)) { return "saved"; } if (RegExpTypes.register.test(url)) { return "account-register"; } if (RegExpTypes.login.test(url)) { return "account-login"; } if (RegExpTypes.account_rel.test(url)) { return "account-related"; } return "none"; }, ParsePOSTinfo: function () { var url, l, _this; _this = this; url = window.location.href.split("?"); if (url.length == 1){return;} url = url[1].split("#")[0]; url = url.split("&"); $.each(url, function (idx, str) { l = str.split("="); _this.POSTinfo[l[0]] = l[1]; }); }, GetDevMode: function () { return AVE.Storage.GetValue(AVE.Storage.Prefix+"DevMode", "0") === "1" ? true : false; }, GetPageSubverse: function () { if (this.subverseName) { return true; } return false; }, GetSubverseName: function () { var m = new RegExp(/voat\.co\/v\/([\w\d]*)/).exec(window.location.href); if (!m) { return null; } return m[1].toLowerCase(); }, ParseQuotedText: function (text) { var converter = { filter: 'span', replacement: function () { return ''; } }; return toMarkdown(text, { converters: [converter] }).replace(/^(.)/img, "> $1"); }, GetBestFontColour: function (r,g,b) { //from http://www.nbdtech.com/Blog/archive/2008/04/27/Calculating-the-Perceived-Brightness-of-a-Color.aspx var o = Math.round(((parseInt(r, 10) * 299) + (parseInt(g, 10) * 587) + (parseInt(b, 10) * 114)) / 1000); return (o > 125) ? 'black' : 'white'; }, GetRGBvalues: function (colour) { var r, g, b; //from www.javascripter.net/faq/hextorgb.htm r = parseInt(colour.substring(1, 3), 16); g = parseInt(colour.substring(3, 5), 16); b = parseInt(colour.substring(5, 7), 16); return [r, g, b]; }, AddStyle: function (StyleStr) { if ($("style[for='AVE']").length === 0) { $("head").append(''); } $("style[for='AVE']").append("\n" + StyleStr); } }; (function ($) { var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; $.fn.OnAttrChange = function (callback) { if (MutationObserver) { var options = { attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true, }; //https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver#MutationRecord var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (e) { if (e.attributeName) { callback.call(e.target, e); } }); }); return this.each(function () { observer.observe(this, options); }); } }; }($)); (function ($) { //Thanks to Mr Br @ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1950038/jquery-fire-event-if-css-class-changed#answer-24284069 var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; $.fn.OnNodeChange = function (callback) { if (MutationObserver) { var options = { subtree: true, childList: true, characterData: true,//needed for it to work in Chrome }; //https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver#MutationRecord var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (e) { if (e.addedNodes) { callback.call(e.target); } }); }); return this.each(function () { observer.observe(this, options); }); } }; }($)); function print(str, dev) {if(dev && !AVE.Utils.DevMode){return;} console.log(str); } //Thanks to Paolo Bergantino https://stackoverflow.com/questions/965816/what-jquery-selector-excludes-items-with-a-parent-that-matches-a-given-selector#answer-965962 jQuery.expr[':'].parents = function (a, i, m) { return jQuery(a).parents(m[3]).length < 1; }; //Thanks to Narnian https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6673777/select-link-by-text-exact-match#answer-8447189 jQuery.expr[':'].textEquals = function(a, i, m) { return jQuery(a).text().match("^" + m[3] + "$"); }; //Thanks to digiguru https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5306680/move-an-array-element-from-one-array-position-to-another#answer-7180095 AVE.Utils.move = function(arr, from, to) { arr.splice(to, 0, arr.splice(from, 1)[0]);}; //Might be overkill, but I need to be able to disconnect the listener before updating. var OnNodeChange = (function () { var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; var cls = function (t, c) { this.options = { subtree: true, childList: true, }; this.observed = []; this.targets = t; this.observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (e) { if (e.addedNodes) { c.call(e.target, e); } }); }); this.observe = function () { var _this = this; return this.targets.each(function () { if ($.inArray(this, _this.observed) === -1) { _this.observer.observe(this, _this.options); _this.observed.push(this); } }); }; this.disconnect = function () { this.observer.disconnect(); }; }; return cls; }()); var OnAttrChange = (function () { var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; var cls = function (t, c) { this.options = { attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true, }; this.targets = t; this.observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (e) { if (e.attributeName) { c.call(e.target, e); } }); }); this.observe = function () { var _this = this; return this.targets.each(function () { _this.observer.observe(this, _this.options); }); }; this.disconnect = function () { this.observer.disconnect(); }; }; return cls; }()); /// END Utils /// /// Storage /// AVE.Storage = { Prefix: "AVE_", Data: null, GetValue: function (key, def) { if (!this.Data) { return null; } //AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "Storage", type: "GetValue", key: key}); var val = this.Data[key]; if (!val) { if (!def) { return null; } return def; } return val; }, SetValue: function (key, val) { if (!this.Data) { return null; } AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "Storage", type: "SetValue", key: key, value: val }); this.Data[key] = val; }, DeleteValue: function (key) { if (!this.Data) { return null; } AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "Storage", type: "DeleteValue", key: key }); delete this.Data[key]; }, Update: function () { AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "Storage", type: "Update"}); } }; /// END Storage /// /// Preference manager: Manage AVE\'s stored data. /// AVE.Modules['PreferenceManager'] = { ID: 'PreferenceManager', Name: 'Preference manager', Desc: 'Manage AVE\'s stored data.', Category: 'Manager', Index: 0, Store: {}, Options: { LossChangeNotification: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: "Show a warning if you are trying to exit the Preference Manager after having modified one or more preferences.", Value: true } }, SavePref: function (POST) { var _this = this; delete POST[_this.ID]["AVE_DevMode"]; delete POST[_this.ID]["Enabled"]; delete POST[_this.ID]["AVE_ExportToJSON"]; delete POST[_this.ID]["AVE_ImportFromJSON"]; delete POST[_this.ID]["AVE_ResetAllData"]; delete POST[_this.ID]["AVE_file_ImportFromJSON"]; _this.Store.SetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST[_this.ID])); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = _this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); if (Opt != undefined) { Opt = JSON.parse(Opt); $.each(Opt, function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key" +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); } }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.SetOptionsFromPref(); this.Start(); }, Start: function () { var _this = this; this.MngWinStyle = '\ div.overlay{\ z-index: 1000 !important;\ position: fixed;\ top: 0px;\ left: 0px;\ right: 0px;\ bottom: 0px;\ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65);\ }\ div.MngrWin{\ z-index: 1000 !important;\ background-color: #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "292929" : "F4F4F4") + ';\ color: #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "5452A8" : "404040") + ';\ margin: 10px;\ right:0;\ left: 0px;\ bottom: 0px;\ top: 0px;\ position:fixed;\ font-size: 14px;\ border-radius: 3px;\ }\ div.MngWinHeader{\ margin: 0px 0px;\ padding: 4px 2px;\ font-size: 16px;\ background: #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "333" : "FFF") + ';\ border: 2px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "292929" : "F4F4F4") + ';\ border-bottom:0px;\ border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;\ border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;\ }\ span.MngrWinTitle{\ margin-left:5px;\ font-weight:bold;\ }\ div.TopButtons{\ float:right;\ }\ a.MngrWinButton, a.MngrWinButton:hover, a.MngrWinButton:after, a.MngrWinButton:before{\ text-decoration:none;\ color:inherit;\ }\ div#CloseWinMngr{\ margin-left:20px;\ margin-right:-4px;\ margin-top:-6px;\ float:right;\ cursor:pointer;\ font-weight:bold;\ background-color:#b0dbf4;\ border:2px solid black;\ padding-left:5px;\ padding-right:5px;\ }\ section#ModuleSectionToggles {\ position:absolute;\ left:5px;\ float:left;\ margin-top:25px;\ margin-right:0px;\ width:122px;\ height:552px;\ }\ \ div.ModuleToggle{\ margin: 5px 0px 0px 5px;\ border: 2px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "292929" : "F4F4F4") + ';\ padding-left:5px;\ text-align:left;\ color: #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "DFDFDF" : "404040") + ';\ background: #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "333" : "FFF") + ';\ border-radius: 5px;\ }\ div.ModuleToggle:hover {\ background: #b0dbf4;\ background: linear-gradient(to right, #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "292929" : "F4F4F4") + ' 0%, #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "333" : "FFF") + ' 100%);\ }\ div.ModuleToggle:active {\ background: #91c3e0;\ background: linear-gradient(to right, #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "202020" : "ededed") + ' 0%, #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "333" : "FFF") + ' 100%);\ }\ \ section.ModulePref{\ font-size:12px;\ position:absolute;\ right:5px;\ float:left;\ margin-top:10px;\ margin-left: 10px;\ padding-left: 10px;\ padding-right: 10px;\ padding-top: 10px;\ background: #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "333" : "FFF") + ';\ color: #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "AAA" : "404040") + ';\ border-radius: 5px;\ overflow-y:auto;\ left: 115px;\ bottom: 10px;\ top: 40px;\ right: 10px;\ }\ div.ModuleBlock{\ margin-bottom: 10px;\ }\ div.ModuleTitleBlock{\ font-size:12px;\ border-bottom: 2px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "222" : "DDD") + ';\ }\ label.ModuleTitle{\ font-size:14px;\ }\ .dark label.ModuleTitle{\ color: #967aff;\ }\ .light label.ModuleTitle{\ color: #4aabe7;\ }\ span.ModuleState{\ font-size:10px;\ font-weight: bold;\ }\ span.ModuleState.Enabled:after{\ color: #68c16b;\ content:"Enabled";\ }\ span.ModuleState.Disabled:after{\ color: #dd5454;\ content:"Disabled";\ }\ span.ModuleDesc{\ font-size:11px;\ }\ div.AVE_ModuleCustomInput{\ border-left:2px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "3F3F3F" : "DDD") + ';\ margin-top: 5px;\ margin-left: 10px;\ padding-left: 4px;\ }'; this.MngWinHTML = '\
\ \ AVE\ Version @{version}\ Dashboard\ \
'; $.each(AVE.Modules, function () { if ($.inArray(this.ID, _this.Modules) === -1) { _this.Modules.push(this.ID); } }); this.Modules.sort(); this.AppendToPage(); this.Listeners(); }, MngWinStyle: '', MngWinHTML: '', ModuleHTML: '', Categories: ["General", "Subverse", "Thread", "Posts", "Domains", "Account", "Style", "Misc", "Manager", "ModTools"],//Available Categories to show Modules: [],//List of modules ModifiedModules: [],//Modules whose options have been modified and should be saved AppendToPage: function () { AVE.Utils.AddStyle(this.MngWinStyle); var LinkHTML; if ($("span.user:contains('Manage')").length > 0) { LinkHTML = 'AVE | '; $(LinkHTML).insertBefore("span.user:contains('Manage')"); } else { //If the user isn't logged in LinkHTML = ' - AVE'; $(LinkHTML).insertAfter("span.user:first"); } }, Listeners: function () { var _this = this; $("a[title='AVE Preference Manager']").on("click", function () { if ($(".MngrWin").length > 0) { $(".MngrWin").show(); } else { _this.BuildManager(); } $(".overlay").show(); $("body").css("overflow", "hidden"); }); $(window).on("keyup", function (e) { if (e.which === 27 && $(".MngrWin#MngWin").is(":visible")) { var val = $(e.target).attr("value"); if (!($(e.target).is(":button") && (val))) { $("#CloseWinMngr").click(); } } }); }, BuildManager: function () { var _this = this; var MngWinHTML = _this.MngWinHTML.replace('@{version}', AVE.Utils.MetaData.version); $(MngWinHTML).appendTo("body"); $(".MngrWin").show(); $.each(_this.Categories, function () { //Make it into a function to be used more easily by the reset function var cat = this; //Create category togglers $("section#ModuleSectionToggles").append('
' + cat + '
'); //Insert all category sections $("section.ModulePref").append('
'); $("form[cat='" + cat + "']").hide(); //And populate them var module; $.each(_this.Modules, function () { module = AVE.Modules[this]; if (module.Category != cat) { return; } _this.AddModule(module, cat); }); }); $("div.ModuleToggle").on("click", function () { $("div.ModuleToggle").each(function () { $(this).css("border-top-right-radius", ""); $(this).css("border-bottom-right-radius", ""); $(this).css("border-right", ""); $(this).css("margin-right", "10px"); $("form[cat*='" + $(this).text() + "']").hide(); }); $(this).css("border-top-right-radius", "0px"); $(this).css("border-bottom-right-radius", "0px"); $(this).css("border-right", "0px"); $(this).css("margin-right", "0px"); $("form[cat*='" + $(this).text() + "']").show(); }); $("div.ModuleToggle:first").click(); //Show changelog when clicking the version number $("span#AVE_Version").on("click", function () { if (AVE.Modules['VersionNotifier'] && !$("div.VersionBox").is(":visible")) { AVE.Modules['VersionNotifier'].Trigger = "changelog"; AVE.Modules['VersionNotifier'].Start(); $("p.VersionBoxToggle").click(); } }); //Exit the prefMngr $("#CloseWinMngr").on("click", function (event) { if (_this.Options.LossChangeNotification.Value && $("div.TopButtons > a#SaveData").hasClass("btn-sub")) { if (!confirm("You have unsaved changes.\n\nAre you sure you want to exit?")) { return; } } $(".MngrWin").hide(); $(".overlay").hide(); $("body").css("overflow", ""); event.stopPropagation(); }); //Save Data $(".MngWinHeader > .TopButtons > a#SaveData").on("click", function () { var moduleForms = $("form[cat] > div.ModuleBlock"); _this.SaveModule(moduleForms, 0); }); //Close the pref Manager with a click outside of it. $(".overlay").on("click", function (e) { if ($(e.target).attr("class") === "overlay") { $("#CloseWinMngr").click(); } }); this.ChangeListeners(); }, ChangeListeners: function () { var _this = this; var JqId = $("section.ModulePref"); JqId.find(":input").on("change", function () { _this.AddToModifiedModulesList($(this).parents("div.ModuleBlock:first").attr("id")); _this.ToggleSaveButtonActive(); }); JqId.find("input").on("input", function () { _this.AddToModifiedModulesList($(this).parents("div.ModuleBlock:first").attr("id")); _this.ToggleSaveButtonActive(); }); JqId.find("a").on('click', function () { _this.AddToModifiedModulesList($(this).parents("div.ModuleBlock:first").attr("id")); _this.ToggleSaveButtonActive(); }); }, ToggleSaveButtonActive: function () { if ($("div.TopButtons > a#SaveData").hasClass("btn-sub")) { return; } //$("section.ModulePref").find("input").off("change"); //Can't use off here because it removes custom event listeners $("div.TopButtons > a#SaveData").addClass("btn-sub") .removeClass("btn-unsub"); //if save btn has btn-sub class prompt confirmation }, AddToModifiedModulesList: function (ID) { if ($.inArray(ID, this.ModifiedModules) === -1) { this.ModifiedModules.push(ID); } }, SaveModule: function (ModuleFormsList, idx) { var _this = this; var module = ModuleFormsList[idx]; var ModKey = $(module).attr("id"); if (!ModKey) { return;} if ($.inArray(ModKey, this.ModifiedModules) !== -1) { $("div.TopButtons > a#SaveData").text("Saving " + ModKey); var POST = {}; POST[ModKey] = {}; $(module).find(":input").each(function () { var key = $(this).prop("id"); if ($(this).is("button")){return true;} else if (key === AVE.Modules[ModKey].Name) {POST[ModKey].Enabled = $(this).is(":checked");} else if (key === "") { /* continue/pass */ } else if ($(this).attr("type") && $(this).attr("type").toLowerCase() === "checkbox") { POST[ModKey][key] = $(this).is(":checked"); } else { POST[ModKey][key] = $(this).val(); } }); //Send new pref to module if (AVE.Modules[ModKey] && typeof AVE.Modules[ModKey].SavePref === "function") { AVE.Modules[ModKey].SavePref(POST); } else { print("AVE: error saving module " + ModKey); } } idx++; if (idx < ModuleFormsList.length) { if ($.inArray(ModKey, this.ModifiedModules) !== -1) { //Just enough delay to notice the saving process setTimeout(function () { _this.SaveModule(ModuleFormsList, idx); }, 50); } else { //Don't set a time out if the previous module didn't need to be saved _this.SaveModule(ModuleFormsList, idx); } } else { this.ModifiedModules = []; $("div.TopButtons > a#SaveData").text("Save Changes") .removeClass("btn-sub") .addClass("btn-unsub"); $("#CloseWinMngr").click(); } }, AddModule: function (module, cat, pos) { var _this = this; var enabled, alwaysEnabled; if (module.Options.Enabled) { enabled = module.Options.Enabled.Value; alwaysEnabled = false; } else { //If Module.Enabled doesn't exist, that means it cannot be deactivated enabled = true; alwaysEnabled = true; } var html = '
\ \ \ \
\ ' + module.Desc + '\ ' + (typeof module.ResetPref === "function" ? 'reset' : '') + '\
'; if (pos === undefined) { $("form[cat='" + cat + "']").append(html); } else { if (pos > 0) { //if the position isn't first of its category $(html).insertAfter("form[cat='" + cat + "'] > div.ModuleBlock:nth(" + (pos - 1) + ")"); } else { if ($("form[cat='" + cat + "'] > div.ModuleBlock").length > 0) { $(html).insertBefore("form[cat='" + cat + "'] > div.ModuleBlock:nth(0)"); } else { //if it is alone in its category $(html).appendTo("form[cat='" + cat + "']"); } } } //Get special form element from the modules themselves. if (typeof module.AppendToPreferenceManager === "object") { if (typeof module.AppendToPreferenceManager.html === "function") { var JqId = $("form[cat='" + cat + "']").find("div[id='" + module.ID + "']"); JqId.append('
'); try { html = module.AppendToPreferenceManager.html(); JqId.find("div.AVE_ModuleCustomInput").append(html); if (typeof module.AppendToPreferenceManager.callback === "function") { module.AppendToPreferenceManager.callback(); } } catch (e) { if(!AVE.Utils.DevMode){ print("AVE: PreferenceManager > Error importing custom settings for " + module.ID +"! Aborting."); JqId.find("div.AVE_ModuleCustomInput").html('Error importing custom settings. Operation aborted.'); } else { console.error(e); } } } } if (typeof module.ResetPref === "function") { //Event listener to reset the module's data $("div.ModuleBlock[id='" + module.ID + "'] > a#ResetModule").on("click", function () { var ID = $(this).parent().attr('id'); var position = $(this).parents(".ModuleBlock:first").index(); var category = $(this).parents("form:first").attr("cat"); $(this).parents(".ModuleBlock:first").remove(); AVE.Modules[ID].ResetPref(); //_this.SaveModule(ID); _this.AddModule(AVE.Modules[ID], category, position); }); } $("div.ModuleBlock[id='" + module.ID + "'] > div.ModuleTitleBlock > input.ToggleEnable").change(function () { var JqId = $(this).parent().find("span[class*='ModuleState']"); if (this.checked) { JqId.addClass("Enabled"); JqId.removeClass("Disabled"); } else { JqId.addClass("Disabled"); JqId.removeClass("Enabled"); } }); }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['PreferenceManager']; var htmlStr = ""; htmlStr += '
'; htmlStr += '
'; htmlStr += '
Export all stored data as a JSON file: '; htmlStr += '
Import settings/data from a JSON file: \

'; htmlStr += 'Reset all data stored: '; htmlStr += '
'; return htmlStr; }, callback: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['PreferenceManager']; $("input#AVE_DevMode").on("change", function () { var v = $(this).is(":checked"); AVE.Storage.SetValue(AVE.Storage.Prefix+"DevMode", v ? "1": "0"); var lab = $(this).next("label:first"); lab.css("backgroundColor", "rgba(89, 204, 85, 0.5)"); setTimeout(function () { lab.css("backgroundColor", ""); }, 1500); }); $("input#AVE_ExportToJSON").on("click", function () { _this.ExportToJSON(); }); $("input#AVE_ImportFromJSON").on("click", function () { _this.ImportFromJSON(); }); $("input#AVE_ResetAllData").on("click", function () { _this.RemoveAllData(); }); $("input#AVE_file_ImportFromJSON").on("change", function (e) { //var DataReader = new FileReader(); var Data = ""; var f = e.target.files[0]; if (!f) { return true; } else if (f.name.substr(f.name.length - 4, 4) !== "json") {//Only plain text/JSON _this.ShowInfo("The selected file\'s format isn\'t JSON", "failed"); return true; } var reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener("load", function (event) { var textFile = event.target; Data = JSON.parse(textFile.result); //trigger copy to Storage var c = 0; $.each(Data, function (k, v) { c++; if (k.substr(0, 3) !== "AVE") { print("AVE: importing preferences -> Failed: " + k); return true; } _this.Store.SetValue(k, v); }); _this.ShowInfo(c + " values copied! Reload to see changes.", "success"); }); reader.readAsText(f); }); }, }, RemoveAllData: function () { if (confirm("Are you really sure you want to delete all data stored by AVE?")) { for (var val in this.Store.Data) { this.Store.DeleteValue(val); } if (this.Store.Data.length > 0) { alert("AVE: Reset data > an error occured, not all data were removed.") } else { this.ShowInfo("Done!", "success"); } } }, ShowInfo: function (text, status) { var JqId = $("span#AVE_Mng_Info"); JqId.finish(); JqId.show(); JqId.text(text); JqId.css("color", status == "success" ? "#68C16B" : "#DD5454"); JqId.delay(5000).fadeOut(300); }, ImportFromJSON: function () { if (!window.File && !window.FileReader && !window.FileList && !window.Blob) { alert("AVE: Importing settings and data is not supported by your browser."); return; } $("input#AVE_file_ImportFromJSON").click(); }, ExportToJSON: function () { try { var isFileSaverSupported = !!new Blob; } catch (e) { alert("AVE: Saving settings and data to JSON is not supported by your browser."); return; } var _this = AVE.Modules['PreferenceManager']; var data = {}; $.each(_this.Store.Data, function (k, v) { data[k] = v; }); var blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data)], { type: "application/json;charset=utf-8" }); saveAs(blob, "AVE_Data_" + (new Date().toLocaleDateString().replace(/\//g, "_")) + ".json"); } }; /// END Preference manager /// /// Version notifier: Show a short notification the first time a new version of AVE is used. /// AVE.Modules['VersionNotifier'] = { ID: 'VersionNotifier', Name: 'Version notifier', Desc: 'Show a short notification the first time a new version of AVE is used.', Category: 'General', Index: 0.5, Enabled: false, Store: {}, Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true } }, SavePref: function (POST) { var _this = this; _this.Store.SetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST[_this.ID])); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = _this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); if (Opt != undefined) { Opt = JSON.parse(Opt); $.each(Opt, function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); } _this.Enabled = _this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); this.SetOptionsFromPref(); //this.Store.DeleteValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_Version") if (this.Enabled) { if (this.Store.GetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_Version") !== AVE.Utils.MetaData.version) { this.Start(); } } }, Start: function () { this.AppendToPage(); this.Listeners(); }, LabelNew: "New Version downloaded:", LabelShow: "Changelog, version", Trigger: "new", ChangeLog: [ "V2.36.13.36", " UpdateAfterLoadingMore:", " Fixed bug", " Forgot to remove debug info", " ContributionDeltas:", " Fixed bug", " AccountSwitcher:", " No longer shows the account you are currently logged-in with", " General maintenance", "V2.36.11.33", " UserTag:", " Implemented options to choose the vote balance gradient's lower and upper limits", " Fixed bug with the colour gradient and negative vote balances", " FixContainerWidth:", " fixed issue in prefmngr where the width value wasn't displayed when loaded", " HideSubmissions:", " Fixed issue with the options that were supposed to hide posts right as they are maked hidden", " HideUsername:", " Now starts when the banner is ready", " Firefox extension:", " New tabs are opened in the background", " Chromium extension:", " Fixed issue in the communication between the main script and the content scripts", " ToggleCustomStyle:", " Fixed bug that happened when the MutationObserver was set up after the element of interest was added", " UserInfoFixedPos:", " Fixed issue where the user block's width was saved before other modules, that could modify it, were loaded", "V2.36.9.26", " IgnoreUsers:", " Fixed bug in anonimized subverses", " AppendQuote:", " Fixed issue where the quote link would be added in the wrong list element", " The quote link is now inserted as the second element in a post's flat-list", " UserTag:", " In the dashboard, the paging options aren't empty by default anymore (shows tags and ignored, but not all votes registered)", " SelectPost:", " Fixed critical bug related to the SetOptionsFromPref function", " HttpWarning:", " Submission's title attribute replaced with a warning", " CSSEditor:", " Fixed scrollbars not appearing", " AccountSwitcher:", " Is Enabled by default", " The Voat icon will now be at the right of the username by default, but can be changed", " Fixed bug related to a Jquery selector that wouldn't appropriately detect a div's class", " The manager block element will now be positioned coherently below the account element when the latter is divided", " The width of the manager block is now set to 200px", " AccountSwitcher, UserInfoFixedPos, HeaderFixedPos:", " Added conditonals to catch an error related to the CDN error page", " Init:", " Will look for error pages sooner (on head ready)", "V2.36.8.14", " PreferenceManager:", " Fixed issue where buttons are considered inputs and were saved along with the actual options value", " General:", " Added a failsafe in the function responsible for loading settings for each module", " SelectPost:", " The shortcut I took in this case to save its options was not compatible anymore with the failsafe systems", " Forgot to clean up after debugging", "V2.36.8.10", " Init:", " If a module crashes when loading it will be automatically deactivated", " UserTag:", " Corrected an embarrassing bug that essentially would have prevented new users from using the beta version with a fresh install", " Fixed an error with the way the migration value was saved (would reset occasionally)", " HideSubmissions:", " option to hide a submission after clicking its link", " ShowSubmissionVoatBalance:", " Finally working thanks to a script by /u/dubbelnougat", " PreferenceManager:", " If a module encounters an error when importing its custom options it will show an error instead of crashing the whole preference manager", " It is now possible to enable/disable a module by clicking its title", " ShortKeys:", " Fixed interference with CSSEditor", " New feature: CSSEditor", " First modtool, edit your custom CSS stylesheets from within the page itself (by /u/j_ and /u/dubbelnougat)", " New feature: httpWarning", " This module shows a warning for submissions that link to HTTP URL instead of HTTPS(ecure)", " Added option to choose to show a warning icon and/or change the titles' CSS style", " Init:", " Added loading step \"BannerReady\"", " Moved AVE.Utils.LateSet() to be triggered as soon as Head is loaded", " New feature: AccountSwitcher", " Store information for several accounts and switch between them quickly", " Will start when the header/banner is ready", " HeaderFixedPos:", " Fixed issue that prevented this module from working when the module InjectCustomStyle was disabled", " Optimized JQuery's selectors", " Will now be loaded when the banner element is ready", " UserInfoFixedPos:", " Added back an old feature:", " The user block smoothly follows the scrolling from its original position,", " It doesn't stick to the right side anymore, only to the top", " It will adapt to custom style modifications", " It will adapt to the window being resized", " Optimized JQuery's selectors", " Will now be loaded when the banner element is ready", "V2.33.18.30", " New module category: Modtools", " Misc tools made for helping our dedicated mods (all disabled by default)", " PreferenceManager:", " Added category Modtools", " Renamed category \"Fixes\" to \"Misc\"", " NeverEndingVoat", " Parses fetched page and updates the current mail status and CCP/SCP (Module ContributionDeltas is not updated with the new info)", " \" or a NSFW random subverse\" part is no longer left behind", " This module will now also activate in user-comments and user-submissions", " RememberCommentCount:", " Since user-comments pages can now be read with NeverEndingVoat the process can no longer be repeated twice for the same post ID", " UpdateAfterLoadingMore:", " Will now only start and update when the current page is a thread", " Shortkey:", " Pressing the expand key in a thread with the OP's self-text submission selected will toggle all media within it", " Ctrl+Return can be used to submit comments (key non-configurable)", "V2.33.14.26", " Many linguistical improvements", " by LudwikJaniuk", " General:", " Changed some print instances to use DevMode", " FixContainerWidth:", " Will now start at container DOM ready", " Domaintag:", " Forgot to implement the removeTag function", " Updated code for links to subverse domains (used to be self.sub, now v/sub)", " General:", " Implemented DevMode console.log option", " NeverEndingVoat:", " Added support for POST info in general", " Next loaded page will remember info like \"time\", \"page\", \"frontpage=guest\", etc.", " Utils:", " Implemented POST info parser", "V2.33.13.20", " General:", " Added support for the new guest frontpage", " HideSubmissions:", " Added reference to the key used to hide posts in the preference manager", " ShortKeys:", " Added option to open external link with archive.is", " ArchiveSubmission:", " Enabled in threads", "V2.33.11.18", " ArchiveSubmission:", " No link added to posts linking to archive.is", " Added option (def.: false) to archive self-posts", "V2.33.11.16", " New feature: ThemeSwitcher", " Switch between the light and dark themes without reloading", " HeaderFixedPos & UserInfoFixedPos:", " Changed rules choosing the best background colour (fallbacks in case it is transparent because of a custom style)", " New feature: ArchiveSubmission", " Add a link to open an archived version of the submission link", " ShortKeys:", " Linked with HideSubmissions to hide posts with the keyboard (def.: h)", " Automatically select the next submission after hiding one", " New feature: HideSubmissions", " Hide submissions you voted on", " Hide with H", " Insert a \"hide\" button", " If the submission isn't removed as soon as marked hidden, \"hide\" becomes \"unhide\"", " New feature: SingleClickOpener", " Adds '[l+c]' link to submissions, opens link and comment pages.", " Usertags:", " Dashboard:", " Fixed issue with tags having no colour value (e.g. only an ignore value)", " Added options to display data", " Added vote colour gradient", " Utils:", " Fixed bug that prevented AVE from detecting the current page if it was a userpage of someone with an hyphen", " DomainFilter:", " Moved to the Domains tab in the prefmanager", " Linked to the DomainTags module for the ignore feature", " Enabled in user-submissions and saved pages", " Shorcuts:", " Dashboard support", " Adding your first subverse into the list now replaces the default ones", " DomainTags:", " Dashboard support", " Change box's position so that it doesn't get offscreen", " Started implementing ignore option (not functional yet)", " In: dashboard, box", "V2.29.6.6", " New feature: DomainTags", " Choose tags to characterize domains", " Added possibility to tag subverses too (i.e. domains like: self.whatever)", " New tab in the PrefMngr: Domains", " UserTag:", " Only used data will be saved for optimization's sake. E.g. upvoting someone will no longer save a new and complete UserTagObj but a simple object containing a username and a votebalance", " Context is a new element saved with the tag. When tagging a user, a link will now be added as context of the tag (permalink to submission or comment)", " An empty votebalance span is not displayed anymore, this is so that it doesn't show an empty space after the tag/username", " RememberCommentCount:", " Comments made by the user will no longer be highlighted", " Comments made by the user will automatically increment the comment count of the thread", " Added comment count in user-comment pages (voat.co/user/username/comments)", " Attempt at fixing a highlighting error related to Voat displaying comment's dates in CET (GMT+1) (can be disabled in the preferences)", " Changed default highlight colour for the dark theme to #423C3C", " Dashboard:", " In the Usertags section, added context entry", " Added dashboard for Domaintags (empty for the moment)", " PreferenceManager:", " You can no longer open several changelogs by clicking the version number multiple times", " BuilDep.js files", " Added callback option to SendMessage (postMessage) function", " Utils:", " Added new Jquery filter", "V2.28.3.7", " Usertag:", " New option to add a background colour to vote balances (green to red)", " Added a border radius of 2px to the previous background colour", " Dashboard:", " In the Usertags section, modifying the colour is now done with a colour palette", "V2.28.2.5", " Dashboard:", " Displaying the dashboard changes the page's title", " Usertag: fixed issue with arrow keys changing page even while editing a value", "V2.28.2.3", " UserInfoFixedPos:", " Renamed module and changed its description to be more general", " Added option to always hide contribution points in the userblock", "V2.28.1.2", " Dashboard:", " Implemented a manager for the Usertag module", "V2.28.0.2", " New feature: Dashboard", " Use it to manage your saved data", " RememberCommentCount:", " The purging function will now delete 1/8th of the maximum stored values at once every time this max is reached", " VersionNotifier:", " The changelog box can now be closed by pressing \"Escape\"", "V2.27.0.2", " RememberCommentCount:", " Changed default highlight colour for the light theme to #ffffcf", "V2.27.0.1", " New feature: RememberCommentCount", " For all visited threads show the number of new comments since the last time they were opened (and hilight them)", " ContributionDelta:", " Replaced browser-specific function with shared one", "V2.26.1.14", " ToggleMedia:", " Fixed bug preventing the module from detecting any media in submissions' pages", "V2.26.1.13", " Filter modules:", " Fixed bug where (starting with two filters) removing the first filter, reloading, adding a new one would have the now first one be erased.", " Fixed issues with new or modified filters not triggering the PrefMngr's save function", " NeverEndingVoat", " Fixed typo that would stop the Load more button from working", " ContributionDelta:", " Fixed bug crashing AVE, relative to the use of the 'let' keyword", "V2.26.1.9", " FixContainerWidth:", " Fixed bug that would set the container's width when opening the PrefMngr even when disabled", " ContributionDeltas:", " Fixed bug related to the PrefMngr trying to display values related to a user that didn't exist yet", " UserTag:", " Quick fix", " ContributionDeltas:", " Added option to show mutliple delta in tooltip (hour, day, week)", "V2.26.0.6", " New feature: ContributionDeltas", " Show the difference in contribution points between now and X ago", " Preference manager:", " The mngr will now be displayed with full width and height", " Scrolling is deactivated for the rest of the page while the manager is displayed", " Press Escape to close the mngr", " IgnoreUsers:", " Small optimizations", " Corrected a CSS value", " FixContainerWidth:", " Fixed bug in the setting that stopped the slider from updating the page's width live", "V2.25.3.6", " NeverEndingVoat:", " Fixed a bug related to expando buttons not appearing in Chrome and preventing more modules from updating", "V2.25.3.5", " New feature: Domain filter", " Use filters to remove submissions linking to particular domains", " InjectCustomStyle:", " Added option to inject style without removing the original subverse's custom style", " Added option to inject the external style after the subverse's custom style", " ToggleCustomStyle:", " This module will now start when InjectCustomStyle is enabled but RemoveSubverseStyle is set to false", " UserInfoFixedPost:", " To reduce bugs and improve compatibility with custom styles the user block is now set once regardless of any scrolling by the user", " ToggleMedia & NeverEndingVoat:", " Fixed bug where media in new pages weren't expanded but those already expanded were toggled off and on", " AppendQuote & ReplyWithQuote:", " Didn't work anymore because a DOM id has changed and needed to be updated in the code", " ShortKeys:", " Expand key:", " If the window is scrolled below a submission title and its media is being collapsed the view will scroll up just above the title", " VersionNotifier:", " Purged all previous changelog entries but the last three versions. Past entries can be found on GitHub", "V2.24.6.6", " InjectCustomStyle & ToggleCustomStyle:", " Thanks to a fix by /u/FuzzyWords these modules will now identify custom styles way faster", " FixExpandImage:", " Added back fix for reply box's buttons positioned below the sidebar", " Init:", " AVE will now stop loading modules only if the page's title is exactly that of error pages", " Beware: Choosing an error message as the title of a subverse would be a very efficient way of disabling AVE", " UserTag:", " Fixed bug where the vote balance would be updated for the first username found in the self-text when the submission is made in an anonymised subverse", " Updated source with JSlint recommendations", "V2.24.2.3", " New feature: Inject custom style", " Apply a custom style everywhere on Voat. Choose from a list or input your own CSS from an URL", " FixExpandImage:", " Trying a simpler solution to the CSS fix", " UserInfoFixedPos & HeaderFixedPos", " Those modules now have more possiblities available when trying to choose a background color.", " ToggleMedia:", " Fixed bug where, in threads, media that were expanded when the user loaded more content weren't detected by the module, thus couldn't be collapsed back.", " FixContainerWidth:", " The module used to update the container's width when starting the prefMngr even if disabled.", "V2.23.2.2", " New feature: Hide username", " Options to hide or replace references to your username (not in posts)", " PreferenceManager:", " Added \"style\" tab", " Added visual of the saving process", " In order to save processing time, instead of saving all modules, only those which pref have been modified will be saved now", " ToggleMedia", " Corrected fix that prevented module from detecting media in self-text posts"], AppendToPage: function () { var CSSstyle = 'div.VersionBox' + '{background-color: #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "292929" : "F6F6F6") + ';' + 'border:1px solid black;' + 'z-index: 1000 ! important;' + 'position:fixed;' + 'right:0px;' + 'top:64px;' + 'width:250px;' + 'font-size:12px;' + '}' + 'p.VersionBoxTitle' + '{background-color: ' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#575757" : "#D5D5D5") + ';' + 'color: ' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#BFBFBF" : "535353") + ';' + 'border-bottom:1px solid ' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#6E6E6E" : "#939393") + ';' + 'text-align: center;' + 'font-weight: bold;' + '}' + 'p.VersionBoxInfo' + '{' + 'color: ' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#AAA" : "#565656") + ';' + 'margin-top: 5px;' + 'padding: 5px;' + '}' + 'p.VersionBoxToggle' + '{padding: 5px;}' + 'div.VersionBoxClose{' + 'border:1px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "5452A8" : "D1D0FE") + ';' + 'background-color:#' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "304757" : "F4FCFF") + ';' + 'font-size:12px;' + 'text-align: center;' + 'color:#6CA9E4;' + 'font-weight:bold;' + 'float: right;' + 'margin: 0 5px 5px 0;' + 'cursor: pointer;' + 'width:50px;' + '}' + 'textarea.VersionBoxText{' + 'resize:none;' + 'border-bottom:1px solid ' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#6E6E6E" : "#939393") + ';' + 'color: ' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#BFBFBF" : "535353") + ';' + 'font-size:12px;' + 'font-weight:bold;' + 'width:100%;' + 'padding:10px;' + 'padding-bottom:10px;' + '}'; var notifierHTML = '
' + '

' + AVE.Utils.MetaData.name + '

' + '

' + (this.Trigger === "new" ? this.LabelNew : this.LabelShow) + ' ' + AVE.Utils.MetaData.version + '

' + '

See Changelog?

' + '

' + '
'; $('').appendTo("head").html(CSSstyle); $("body").append(notifierHTML); }, Listeners: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['VersionNotifier']; var ChangeLog = this.ChangeLog; var VersionBox = $(".VersionBox"); $("p.VersionBoxToggle").on("click", function () { var ChangeLogHTML = ''; $(this).remove(); $(ChangeLogHTML).insertAfter(VersionBox.find("p.VersionBoxInfo")); $("textarea.VersionBoxText").animate({ height: "370px" }, 1000); VersionBox.animate({ width: "85%", height: "450px" }, 1000); }); $("div.VersionBoxClose").on("click", function () { VersionBox.hide("slow"); _this.Store.SetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID + "_Version", AVE.Utils.MetaData.version); }); $(window).on("keyup", function (e) { if (e.which === 27 && $("div.VersionBox").is(":visible")) { $("div.VersionBoxClose").trigger("click"); } }); } }; /// END Version notifier /// /// Update after loading more: Updates other modules when a thread is continued. /// AVE.Modules['UpdateAfterLoadingMore'] = { ID: 'UpdateAfterLoadingMore', Name: 'Update after loading more', Desc: 'Updates other modules when a thread is continued.', Category: 'Thread',//Maybe Subverses/Sets later Index: 1, Enabled: false, Store: {}, Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true } }, SavePref: function (POST) { this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST[this.ID])); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = _this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); if (Opt != undefined) { Opt = JSON.parse(Opt); $.each(Opt, function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); } _this.Enabled = _this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (AVE.Utils.currentPageType !== "thread") {this.Enabled = false;} if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, obsReplies: null, obsComm: null, CommentLen: 0, Start: function () { var _this = this, JqId = "div[class*='id-']"; this.CommentLen = JqId.length; //More Comments if (this.obsComm) { this.obsComm.disconnect(); } this.obsComm = new OnNodeChange($("div.sitetable#siteTable"), function (e) { if (e.addedNodes.length > 0 && e.removedNodes.length === 0) { if ($(JqId).length > _this.CommentLen) { _this.CommentLen = $(JqId).length; setTimeout(AVE.Init.UpdateModules, 500); } } }); this.obsComm.observe(); this.Listeners(); }, Listeners: function () { //More Replies if (this.obsReplies) { this.obsReplies.disconnect(); } this.obsReplies = new OnNodeChange($("a[id*='loadmore-']").parents("div[class*='id-']:visible"), function (e) { if (e.removedNodes.length === 1) { if (e.removedNodes[0].tagName === "DIV" && e.removedNodes[0].id === "") { setTimeout(AVE.Init.UpdateModules, 500); } } }); this.obsReplies.observe(); }, Update: function () { if (AVE.Utils.currentPageType === "thread") {this.Listeners();} } }; /// END Update after loading more /// /// User tagging: Tag Voat users with custom labels. /// AVE.Modules['UserTag'] = { ID: 'UserTag', Name: 'User tagging', Desc: 'Tag Voat users with custom labels.', Category: 'General', Index: 3, Enabled: false, Store: {}, StorageName: "", usertags: {}, style: "", html: "", Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, VoteBalance: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Track votes and display the vote balance next to usernames.', Value: true }, ShowBalanceWithColourGradient: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Show vote balances over a colour gradient going from green to red according to its positivity.', Value: true }, ColourGradientRangePos: { Type: "int", Desc: "Positive vote balance above which the colour cannot get greener.", Value: 100 }, ColourGradientRangeNeg: { Type: "int", Desc: "Negative vote balance below which the colour cannot get redder.", Value: -100 }, ColourGradientMaxWhite: { //Show example of min value (1, -1) beside Type: "int", Desc: "The colour displayed are between red/green and white. How white do you want it to be at most? (0, 255)", Value: 210 } }, //Possible issues with the fact that the username in the profil overview is in lower case UserTagObj: function (tag, colour, ignored, balance, context) { this.t = tag.toString(); this.col = colour; this.i = (typeof ignored === "boolean" ? ignored : false); this.b = (typeof balance === "number" ? balance : 0); this.con = context ? context.toString() : ""; }, SavePref: function (POST) { this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST[this.ID])); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = _this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); Opt = JSON.parse(Opt); $.each(Opt, function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); _this.Enabled = _this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (this.Enabled) { this.style = '\ div#UserTagBox{\ background-color: #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "333" : "FFF") + ';\ ' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "" : "color: #707070;") + '\ z-index: 1000 !important;\ position:absolute;\ left:0px;\ top:0px;\ border: 2px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "000" : "D1D1D1") + ';\ border-radius:3px;\ width:280px;\ }\ div#UserTagHeader{\ font-weight:bold; \ height:20px;\ border-bottom: 2px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "000" : "D1D1D1") + ';\ padding-left:5px;\ }\ div#UserTagHeader > span#username{\ display: inline-block;\ width: 170px;\ overflow: hidden;\ vertical-align: middle;\ text-overflow: ellipsis;\ }\ input.UserTagTextInput{\ background-color: #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "333" : "FFF") + ';\ border: 1px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "000" : "D1D1D1") + ';\ border-radius:2px;\ height:20px;\ padding-left:5px;\ }\ td > span#PreviewBox {\ display: inline-block;\ max-width: 130px;\ overflow: hidden;\ white-space: nowrap;\ text-overflow: ellipsis;\ padding: 0px 4px;\ border:1px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "FFF" : "484848") + ';\ border-radius:3px;\ }\ span.AVE_UserTag{\ font-weight:bold;\ cursor:pointer;\ margin-left:4px;\ padding: 0px 4px;\ border:1px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "FFF" : "484848") + ';\ color:#' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "FFF" : "000") + ';\ border-radius:3px;\ font-size:10px;\ }\ span.AVE_UserTag:empty{\ border:0px;\ height: 14px;\ width: 14px;\ margin: 0px 0px -3px 4px;\ /* SVG from Jquery Mobile Icon Set */\ background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22iso-8859-1%22%3F%3E%3C!DOCTYPE%20svg%20PUBLIC%20%22-%2F%2FW3C%2F%2FDTD%20SVG%201.1%2F%2FEN%22%20%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FGraphics%2FSVG%2F1.1%2FDTD%2Fsvg11.dtd%22%3E%3Csvg%20version%3D%221.1%22%20id%3D%22Layer_1%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20xmlns%3Axlink%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F1999%2Fxlink%22%20x%3D%220px%22%20y%3D%220px%22%20%20width%3D%2214px%22%20height%3D%2214px%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%2014%2014%22%20style%3D%22enable-background%3Anew%200%200%2014%2014%3B%22%20xml%3Aspace%3D%22preserve%22%3E%3Cpath%20fill%3D%22%23' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "ABABAB" : "BBB") + '%22%20d%3D%22M5%2C0H0v5l9%2C9l5-5L5%2C0z%20M3%2C4C2.447%2C4%2C2%2C3.553%2C2%2C3s0.447-1%2C1-1s1%2C0.447%2C1%2C1S3.553%2C4%2C3%2C4z%22%2F%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E") !important;\ background-repeat: no-repeat;\ display: inline-block;\ }\ span.AVE_UserBalance{\ margin: 0px 4px;\ font-size: 10px;\ border-radius: 2px;\ }\ span.AVE_UserBalance:empty{\ padding: 0px;\ }\ table#formTable{\ border-collapse: separate;\ border-spacing: 5px;\ margin: 0 auto;\ font-size:12px;\ }'; this.html = '\
Set tag for Close
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
Tag\ \
Context [link]\ \
Vote balance\ Save\
'; this.StorageName = this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_Tags"; //this.Store.DeleteValue(this.StorageName); if (this.Store.GetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_migration", "0") === "0"){ this.Migrate(); } this.usertags = JSON.parse(this.Store.GetValue(this.StorageName, "{}")); this.Start(); } }, Migrate: function () { var _this = this; var data = JSON.parse(this.Store.GetValue(this.StorageName, "{}")); print("AVE: UserTag > migrating (a one-time process)"); $.each(data, function (key, val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty("t") || !val.hasOwnProperty("tag") || Object.keys(val).length === 0){return true;} data[key] = new _this.UserTagObj(data[key].tag, data[key].colour, data[key].ignore, data[key].balance, data[key].context); if(!val.tag){ delete data[key].t; delete data[key].col; } if (!val.balance){ delete data[key].b; } if (!val.ignored){ delete data[key].i; } if (!val.context){ delete data[key].con; } }); this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(data)); this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_migration", "1"); }, Start: function () { this.AppendToPage(); this.Listeners(); //Username in userpages //if ($.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["user", "user-comments", "user-submissions"]) >= 0) { // name = $(".alert-title").text().split(" ")[3].replace(".", "").toLowerCase(); // tag = this.GetTag(name); // Tag_html = '' + (!tag.tag ? "+" : tag.tag) + ''; // $(".alert-title").html("Profile overview for " + name + Tag_html + "."); //} }, Update: function () { if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, AppendToPage: function () { var _this = this; var Tag_html, name, tag; $("a[href^='/user/'],a[href^='/u/']").each(function () { if ($(this).next("span.AVE_UserTag").length > 0) { return true; } //don't add if it already exists if ($(this).parents("div#header-account").length > 0) { return true; } //don't add if it the userpage link in the account header name = $(this).html().replace("@", "").replace("/u/", "").toLowerCase(); //Accepts: Username, @Username, /u/Username if ($(this).attr('href').split("/")[2].toLowerCase() !== name) { return true; } //don't add if this is a link whose label isn't the username tag = _this.GetTag(name) || {};// || new _this.UserTagObj("", "", false, 0); Tag_html = '' + (tag.t || "") + ''; if (_this.Options.VoteBalance.Value) { if (tag.b && tag.b !== 0) { var valence = tag.b > 0; var sign = valence ? "+" : ""; var style = ""; if (_this.Options.ShowBalanceWithColourGradient.Value){ var r, g, b; var limit = _this.Options.ColourGradientRangePos.Value; var progValence = valence ? Math.min(_this.Options.ColourGradientRangePos.Value, tag.b) : Math.max(_this.Options.ColourGradientRangeNeg.Value, tag.b); if (!valence){ limit = _this.Options.ColourGradientRangeNeg.Value; } r = g = b = parseInt(210 - progValence/limit * 210, 10); if (valence) { g = 255; } else { r = 255; } style = 'style="color:#262626;background-color:rgb('+r+','+g+','+b+');" '; } Tag_html += '[ ' + sign + tag.b + ' ]'; } else { Tag_html += ''; } } $(Tag_html).insertAfter($(this)); if (tag.t) { var c = AVE.Utils.GetRGBvalues(tag.col); $(this).next(".AVE_UserTag").css("background-color", tag.col); $(this).next(".AVE_UserTag").css("color", AVE.Utils.GetBestFontColour(c[0], c[1], c[2])); } if (AVE.Modules['IgnoreUsers'] && tag.i) { if ($.inArray(name, AVE.Modules['IgnoreUsers'].IgnoreList) === -1) { AVE.Modules['IgnoreUsers'].IgnoreList.push(name); } } }); if ($("#UserTagBox").length === 0) { AVE.Utils.AddStyle(_this.style); $(_this.html).appendTo("body"); $("#UserTagBox").hide(); } }, obsVoteChange: null, Listeners: function () { var _this = this; var JqId1, JqId2; JqId1 = $("tr#SetTag > td > input.UserTagTextInput#ChooseTag"); JqId2 = $("tr#SetColour > td > input#ChooseColor"); $(".AVE_UserTag").off("click") .on("click", function () { var username = $(this).attr("id").toLowerCase(); var oldTag = $(this).text(); var usertag = _this.usertags[username] || {}; var position = $(this).offset(); position.top += 20; $("#UserTagBox").css(position) .show(); $("div#UserTagHeader > span#username").text(username); if (!usertag.t){ //if comment if ($(this).parents("div.comment:first").length > 0){ usertag.con = $(this).parent().parent().find("ul.flat-list.buttons").find("a.bylink").attr("href"); } //if submission else if ($(this).parents("div.submission:first").length > 0){ usertag.con = $(this).parent().next("ul.flat-list.buttons").find("a.comments.may-blank").attr("href") //in submission page || $(this).parent().parent().next("ul.flat-list.buttons").find("a.comments.may-blank").attr("href"); //in thread page } else { usertag.con = ""; } } $("tr#SetContext > td > input.UserTagTextInput#ChooseContext").val(usertag.con); if (usertag.con !== ""){ $("tr#SetContext > td:first-child > a").attr("href", usertag.con).show(); } else { $("tr#SetContext > td:first-child > a").hide(); } JqId1.val(oldTag === "+" ? "" : oldTag); $("tr#ShowPreview > td > span#PreviewBox").text(oldTag === "+" ? "" : oldTag); if (usertag !== undefined) { JqId2.val(usertag.col ? usertag.col : (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#d1d1d1" : "#e1fcff")); JqId2.change(); if (usertag.i) { $("tr#SetIgnore > td > input#ToggleIgnore").prop('checked', "true"); } $("tr#SetBalance > td > input#voteBalance").val(usertag.b); } else { JqId2.val((AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#d1d1d1" : "#e1fcff")); JqId2.change(); } JqId1.focus(); JqId1.select(); }); if (_this.Options.VoteBalance.Value) { if (_this.obsVoteChange) { _this.obsVoteChange.disconnect(); } _this.obsVoteChange = new OnAttrChange($("div[class*='midcol']"), function (e) { if (!e.oldValue || e.oldValue.split(" ").length !== 2) { return true; } _this.ChangeVoteBalance(e.target, e.oldValue); }); this.obsVoteChange.observe(); } //Close button $("div#UserTagHeader > span > a#CloseTagWin") .off("click") .on("click", function () { $("#UserTagBox").hide(); }); //Show the tag in the preview box JqId1.off('keyup') .on('keyup', function () { $("tr#ShowPreview > td > span#PreviewBox").text($(this).val()); }); //Show in the preview box the colour chosen and change the font-colour accordingly JqId2.off('change') .on('change', function () { var c = AVE.Utils.GetRGBvalues($(this).val()); $("tr#ShowPreview > td > span#PreviewBox").css("background-color", $(this).val()) .css("color", AVE.Utils.GetBestFontColour(c[0], c[1], c[2])); }); //Saving tag $("tr#SetBalance > td > a#SaveTag").off("click") .on("click", function () { var opt = { username: $("div#UserTagHeader > span#username").text(), t: $("tr#SetTag > td > input.UserTagTextInput").val(),//.replace(/[:,]/g, "-") col: $("tr#SetColour > td > input#ChooseColor").val(), i: $("tr#SetIgnore > td > input#ToggleIgnore").get(0).checked, b: parseInt($("tr#SetBalance > td > input#voteBalance").val(), 10), con: $("tr#SetContext > td > input.UserTagTextInput#ChooseContext").val() }; if (isNaN(opt.b)) { opt.b = 0; } if (!opt.t){ //opt.con= ""; opt.col = ""; } if (opt.t.length === 0 && opt.i === false && opt.b === 0) { _this.RemoveTag(opt.username); } else { _this.SetTag(opt); } _this.UpdateUserTag(opt); $("#UserTagBox").hide(); }); //If Enter/Return is pressed while the focus is on one of the two text input, we save the tag. //$(document).off("keyup"); // Not a good idea to remove all "keyup" listeners bound to document $(document).on("keyup", function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { if ($(e.target).attr("class") === "UserTagTextInput") { $("tr#SetBalance > td > a#SaveTag").click(); } } if (e.which === 27 && $("#UserTagBox").is(":visible")) { //$("div#UserTagHeader > span > a#CloseTagWin").click(); $("#UserTagBox").hide(); } }); }, //Because the .click JQuery event triggered by the shortkeys in ShortKeys.js triggers an OnAttrChange with false mutation values (oldValue, attributeName), // we use a second function that keypresses in ShortKeys.js can invoke directly. // Ten minutes later it works perfectly well. Maybe, voat's current instability was to blame. I'm not changing it back, anyway... ChangeVoteBalance: function (target, oldValue) { //print("target: "+target); //print("oldvalue: "+oldValue); //print("newvalue: "+$(target).attr('class')); var username = $(target).parent().find("p.tagline").find(".AVE_UserTag:first"); if (!username) { return; } //If we couldn't find a username in the tagline that means this is username = username.attr("id").toLowerCase(); if (!username) { return; } var tag = this.GetTag(username); var opt = { username: username, t: tag.t || '', col: tag.col || "#d1d1d1", i: tag.i || false, b: tag.b || 0, con: tag.con }; //If the previous status was "unvoted" if (oldValue === "midcol unvoted") { if ($(target).hasClass('likes')) { opt.b += 1; } else if ($(target).hasClass('dislikes')) { opt.b -= 1; } } else { //If the previous status was "upvoted" if (oldValue === "midcol likes") { if ($(target).hasClass('unvoted')) { opt.b -= 1; } else if ($(target).hasClass('dislikes')) { opt.b -= 2; } } //If the previous status was "downvoted" else if (oldValue === "midcol dislikes") { if ($(target).hasClass('likes')) { opt.b += 2; } else if ($(target).hasClass('unvoted')) { opt.b += 1; } } } this.SetTag(opt); this.UpdateUserTag(opt); }, UpdateUserTag: function (tag) { var _this = this; $("span[class*='AVE_UserTag'][id*='" + tag.username + "']").each(function () { if (tag.t !== "") { $(this).text(tag.t); var c = AVE.Utils.GetRGBvalues(tag.col); $(this).css("background-color", tag.col); $(this).css("color", AVE.Utils.GetBestFontColour(c[0], c[1], c[2])); } else { $(this).text(""); $(this).removeAttr("style"); } if (_this.Options.VoteBalance.Value) { if (tag.b !== 0) { var valence = tag.b > 0; var sign = valence ? "+" : ""; var style = ""; if (_this.Options.ShowBalanceWithColourGradient.Value){ var r, g, b; var limit = _this.Options.ColourGradientRangePos.Value; var progValence = valence ? Math.min(_this.Options.ColourGradientRangePos.Value, tag.b) : Math.max(_this.Options.ColourGradientRangeNeg.Value, tag.b); if (!valence){ limit = _this.Options.ColourGradientRangeNeg.Value; } r = g = b = parseInt(210 - progValence/limit * 210, 10); if (valence) { g = 255; } else { r = 255; } style = 'color:#262626;background-color:rgb('+r+','+g+','+b+');'; } $(this).nextAll("span.AVE_UserBalance:first") .text('[ ' + sign + tag.b + ' ]') .attr("style", style) .show(); } else { $(this).nextAll("span.AVE_UserBalance:first").text("").hide(); } } }); }, RemoveTag: function (username) { delete this.usertags[username]; this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(this.usertags)); print("AVE > Usertag: removed tag associated with user: " + username); }, SetTag: function (opt) { this.usertags[opt.username] = new this.UserTagObj(opt.t, opt.col, opt.i, opt.b, opt.con); if(!this.usertags[opt.username].t){ delete this.usertags[opt.username].t; delete this.usertags[opt.username].col; } if (!this.usertags[opt.username].b){ delete this.usertags[opt.username].b; } if (!this.usertags[opt.username].i){ delete this.usertags[opt.username].i; } if (!this.usertags[opt.username].con){ delete this.usertags[opt.username].con; } //print(JSON.stringify(this.usertags[opt.username])); this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(this.usertags)); }, GetTag: function (userName) { return this.usertags[userName] || false; }, GetTagCount: function () { return this.usertags.length; }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['UserTag']; if (_this.Enabled) { var TagLen = 0, VoteLen = 0, IgnoreLen = 0; var htmlStr = ""; $.each(_this.usertags, function (key, value) { if (value.t) { TagLen++; } if (value.b) { VoteLen++; } if (value.i) { IgnoreLen++; } }); htmlStr += '"; htmlStr += '

'; htmlStr += '

'; //Add option to remove oldest tags. // Seeing as this.usertags is ordered oldest first, propose to remove X tags at the beginning of the list. htmlStr += '
'; htmlStr += ' '; return htmlStr; } } }, AppendToDashboard: { tableCSS: '', initialized: false, module: {}, usertags: [], StorageName: "", tagsperpage: 20, currpage: 0, ShowTag: true, ShowIgnore: true, ShowVoteBalance: false, CSSselector: "", MouseOverColours: [], //' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "ABABAB" : "BBB") + ' init: function () { this.tableCSS = '\ table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table{\ width: 100%;\ }\ fieldset#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_options{\ width: 250px;\ margin-left:10px;\ margin-bottom:20px;\ border-radius: 4px;\ border: 1px solid #'+(AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "3F3F3F" : "DDD")+';\ padding: 5px;\ }\ fieldset#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_options > legend{\ color: #'+(AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "ABABAB" : "BBB")+';\ width: auto;\ border: 0px none;\ font-size: 14px;\ margin-bottom: 0px;\ padding: 0px 10px;\ cursor:pointer;\ }\ fieldset#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_options > input[type="checkbox"]{\ vertical-align: sub;\ margin-left: 10px;\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > thead > tr {\ font-size: 14px;\ padding-bottom: 10px;\ margin-bottom: 20px;\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > thead > tr > th{\ text-align: center;\ font-weight: bold;\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr:hover {\ background-color: '+(AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#484648" : "#EDE9E9")+';\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr > td{\ padding-top: 5px;\ border-top : 1px solid #'+(AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "3F3F3F" : "DDD")+';\ text-align: center;\ margin\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1){\ /* Username */\ font-weight: bold;\ text-align: left;\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2){\ /* Tag */\ text-align: left;\ width: 100px;\ max-width: 150px;\ overflow: hidden;\ text-overflow: ellipsis;\ white-space: nowrap;\ padding-right: 10px;\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr > td[data="context"][title]{\ /* context non-null*/\ /* SVG from Jquery Mobile Icon Set */\ background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22iso-8859-1%22%3F%3E%3C!DOCTYPE%20svg%20PUBLIC%20%22-%2F%2FW3C%2F%2FDTD%20SVG%201.1%2F%2FEN%22%20%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FGraphics%2FSVG%2F1.1%2FDTD%2Fsvg11.dtd%22%3E%3Csvg%20version%3D%221.1%22%20id%3D%22Layer_1%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20xmlns%3Axlink%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F1999%2Fxlink%22%20x%3D%220px%22%20y%3D%220px%22%20%20width%3D%2214px%22%20height%3D%2214px%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%2014%2014%22%20style%3D%22enable-background%3Anew%200%200%2014%2014%3B%22%20xml%3Aspace%3D%22preserve%22%3E%3Cpath%20fill%3D%22%23' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "ABABAB" : "BBB") + '%22%20d%3D%22M12%2C0H2C0.896%2C0%2C0%2C0.896%2C0%2C2v7c0%2C1.104%2C0.896%2C2%2C2%2C2h1v3l3-3h6c1.104%2C0%2C2-0.896%2C2-2V2C14%2C0.896%2C13.104%2C0%2C12%2C0z%22%2F%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E");\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr > td[data="context"]{\ /* context default */\ height: 14px;\ width: 14px;\ /* SVG from Jquery Mobile Icon Set */\ background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22iso-8859-1%22%3F%3E%3C!DOCTYPE%20svg%20PUBLIC%20%22-%2F%2FW3C%2F%2FDTD%20SVG%201.1%2F%2FEN%22%20%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FGraphics%2FSVG%2F1.1%2FDTD%2Fsvg11.dtd%22%3E%3Csvg%20version%3D%221.1%22%20id%3D%22Layer_1%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20xmlns%3Axlink%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F1999%2Fxlink%22%20x%3D%220px%22%20y%3D%220px%22%20%20width%3D%2214px%22%20height%3D%2214px%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%2014%2014%22%20style%3D%22enable-background%3Anew%200%200%2014%2014%3B%22%20xml%3Aspace%3D%22preserve%22%3E%3Cpath%20fill%3D%22%23' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "444" : "f2f2f2" ) + '%22%20d%3D%22M12%2C0H2C0.896%2C0%2C0%2C0.896%2C0%2C2v7c0%2C1.104%2C0.896%2C2%2C2%2C2h1v3l3-3h6c1.104%2C0%2C2-0.896%2C2-2V2C14%2C0.896%2C13.104%2C0%2C12%2C0z%22%2F%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E");\ background-repeat: no-repeat;\ background-position: center;\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(7){\ /* Preview */\ width: 140px;\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr > td:last-child{\ /* Delete */\ height: 14px;\ width: 14px;\ /* SVG from Jquery Mobile Icon Set */\ background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22iso-8859-1%22%3F%3E%3C!DOCTYPE%20svg%20PUBLIC%20%22-%2F%2FW3C%2F%2FDTD%20SVG%201.1%2F%2FEN%22%20%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FGraphics%2FSVG%2F1.1%2FDTD%2Fsvg11.dtd%22%3E%3Csvg%20version%3D%221.1%22%20id%3D%22Layer_1%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20xmlns%3Axlink%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F1999%2Fxlink%22%20x%3D%220px%22%20y%3D%220px%22%20%20width%3D%2214px%22%20height%3D%2214px%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%2014%2014%22%20style%3D%22enable-background%3Anew%200%200%2014%2014%3B%22%20xml%3Aspace%3D%22preserve%22%3E%3Cpolygon%20fill%3D%22%23' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "af3f3f" : "ce6d6d") + '%22%20points%3D%2214%2C3%2011%2C0%207%2C4%203%2C0%200%2C3%204%2C7%200%2C11%203%2C14%207%2C10%2011%2C14%2014%2C11%2010%2C7%20%22%2F%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E")!important;\ background-repeat: no-repeat;\ cursor: pointer;\ background-position: center;\ }\ a#AVE_Dashboard_navigate_tags[role]{\ margin: 0px 5px 10px 0px;\ }\ td > span#PreviewBox {\ margin: -2px 0px -2px 0px;\ }'; AVE.Utils.AddStyle(this.tableCSS); this.MouseOverColours.push(AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#484648" : "#EDE9E9"); this.MouseOverColours.push(AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#534040" : "#FFC9C9"); this.module = AVE.Modules['UserTag']; this.CSSselector = "a[id^='AVE_Dashboard_Show'][name='"+this.module.ID+"']"; this.StorageName = this.module.Store.Prefix + this.module.ID + "_Dashboard_options"; this.GetOptions(); this.initialized = true; }, GetOptions: function () { var options = JSON.parse(this.module.Store.GetValue(this.StorageName, "[false, true, true, 20]")); this.ShowVoteBalance = !!options[0]; this.ShowIgnore = options[1] ? true : false; this.ShowTag = options[2] ? true : false; this.tagsperpage = parseInt(options[3],10) || 20; }, SaveOptions: function () { var options = []; options[0] = this.ShowVoteBalance; options[1] = this.ShowIgnore; options[2] = this.ShowTag; options[3] = this.tagsperpage; this.currpage = 0; this.module.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(options)); }, html: function () { if (!this.initialized){this.init();} //Empty container this.usertags = []; var _this, tempObj, tempUsertags, keys, htmlStr, start; _this = this; start = this.currpage*this.tagsperpage; htmlStr = ""; AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "Storage", type: "Update"}); tempUsertags = JSON.parse(this.module.Store.GetValue(this.module.StorageName, "{}")); keys = Object.keys(tempUsertags); keys.sort(); //Remove all tags (prompt confirm) //Add a list of tags in JSON format (accept as long as the tag property exists) -> prompt input -> confirm (add X new tags?) //Add a list of tags (accept as long as the tag property exists) -> prompt input (format=("name1:tag1,name2:tag2 name3:tag3;name4:tag4")) -> confirm (add X new tags?) // Try to parse as JSON first //Export everything: prompt("Copy the value below:", value) //Batch delete: // replaces crosses with checkboxes at the right side and adds a remove button below above and below the table (right side) //Remove a batch from a list of username -> prompt input (sep=[ ,;]) //Search function (by name, tag, colour, ignored, vote balance (< and >) // Process _this.usertags to keep only usertags matching the search // Paging function returning this.paging(0, this.tagsperpage); //Order by: username, tag, ignored, votebalance (username default and secondary always) //Paging function (default) $.each(keys, function (idx, key) { var disp = false; tempObj = tempUsertags[key]; if (_this.ShowVoteBalance && tempObj.b){ disp = true; } else if (_this.ShowIgnore && tempObj.i){ disp = true; } else if (_this.ShowTag && tempObj.t){ disp = true; } if (!disp) { return true; } tempObj.name = key; tempObj.i = tempObj.i ? "Yes" : "No"; tempObj.b = tempObj.b || 0; tempObj.con = tempObj.con || ""; _this.usertags.push( JSON.stringify( tempObj ) ); }); var htmlNavButtons = this.navbuttons(); htmlStr += '
Options' + '
' + ' Show: ' + ' ' + '
' + ' Save' + '
'; htmlStr += htmlNavButtons; htmlStr += ''; var htmlTable = ""; htmlTable += '' + '' + '' + '' + //click to go to user page '' + //click to show input box '' + //click to show color picker '' + //click to toggle ignore '' + //click to show input box '' + //click to show Context box '' + '' + //click to remove entire tag '' +//ADD context (as [link] click to go to, icon to edit (prompt alert) ''; htmlTable += this.paging(start, this.tagsperpage); htmlTable += "
"; htmlStr += htmlTable; htmlStr += '
Showing entries '+ (start+1) +' to '+ Math.min(this.usertags.length, start+this.tagsperpage) +' ('+this.usertags.length+' total)
'; htmlStr += htmlNavButtons; htmlStr +='
Click on a value to modify it.'+ '
Click the buttons on either sides to navigate through the table pages or use the arrow keys (+Ctrl to go to the first or last page)'; htmlStr += '
Context: ' + '      None: ' + '      Edit: ' + '      Peek: ' + '      Open link: ' + '
'; return htmlStr; }, callback: function () { "use strict"; var _this = this; $('table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr > td:last-child') //remove .off() .on("mouseover", function () { $(this).parent().css("background", _this.MouseOverColours[1]); }) .on("mouseleave", function () { $(this).parent().css("background", ""); }) .on("click", function () { var name = $(this).parent().attr("username"); if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete "+name+"'s tag?")){ _this.module.RemoveTag(name); $(_this.CSSselector).trigger("click"); } }); $('table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2)') //edit tag .off() .on("click", function (e, artificial) { var tag = $(this).text() || $(this).find("input").val() || ""; if ($(this).find("input").length === 0){ $(this).html(''); var input = $(this).find("input"); input.focus().select(); input.one("focusout", function () { input.val(input.attr("original")); $(this).trigger("click", true); }); } else { if (!artificial) {return;}//we don't want to lose the focus because of a click in the same input text $(this).find("input").off(); $(this).html(''+tag+''); } }); $('table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3)') //edit colour .off() .on("click", function (e, artificial) { var colour = $(this).text() || $(this).find("input").val(); if ($(this).find("input").length === 0){ var input = $("input#AVE_Dashboard_usertag_quickedit[type='color'][data='colour']"); input.attr("original", colour).attr("u", $(this).parent().attr("username")).val(colour); input.one("change", function () { _this.editTag(input, "colour"); }); input.show().css("opacity", "0"); //Because of Chrome which doesn't want to show the colour palette if the input is hidden ("display: none;") input.trigger("click"); } else { if (!artificial) {return;}//we don't want to lose the focus by a click in the same input text $(this).find("input").off(); $(this).html(''+colour+''); } }); $('table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4)') //edit ignore .off() .on("click", function () { var ignore, newval; ignore = $(this).text(); newval = ignore === "No" ? "Yes" : "No"; $(this).text(newval); _this.editTag($(this), "ignore"); }); $('table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(6)') //Show context option (goto link, edit) .off() .on("mouseenter", function () { //Display option box var JqId = $(this); var boxHtml = ''; //Edit : Forward var context = JqId.attr("title"); boxHtml += ''; if(context){ var url; boxHtml += ''; if (!/^http/.test(context)) { url = "https://" + window.location.hostname + context; } else{ url = context; } boxHtml += ''; } $(this).html(boxHtml) .css("background-image", "none"); $("svg#editContext").on("click", function () { var newcontext = prompt(context ? "Choose new context" : "Edit context", context); if (newcontext === null){newcontext = context;} JqId.attr("title", newcontext); _this.editTag(JqId, "context"); }); }) .on("mouseleave", function () { //Hide option box $("svg#editContext").off(); $(this).html("") .css("background-image", ""); }) .on('dblclick', function() { //If a context exists try to open it in a new page if($(this).is(":not([title])")){return;} var url = $(this).attr("title"); if (!/^http/.test(url)) { url = "https://" + window.location.hostname + url; } AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "OpenInTab", url: url }); }); $('table#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(5)') //edit vote-balance .off() .on("click", function (e, artificial) { var balance = $(this).text() || $(this).find("input").val(); if ($(this).find("input").length === 0){ $(this).html(''); var input = $(this).find("input"); input.focus().select(); input.one("focusout", function () { input.val(input.attr("original")); $(this).trigger("click", true); }); } else { if (!artificial) {return;}//we don't want to lose the focus by a click in the same input text $(this).find("input").off(); $(this).html(balance); } }); $('a#AVE_Dashboard_navigate_tags') //navigate with buttons .off() .on("click", function () { if ($(this).hasClass("btn-unsub")){return false;} switch ($(this).attr('role')) { case "prev": _this.currpage--; break; case "next": _this.currpage++; break; case "first": _this.currpage = 0; break; case "last": _this.currpage = Math.ceil((_this.usertags.length - _this.tagsperpage) / _this.tagsperpage); break; default: return; } $(_this.CSSselector).trigger("click"); }); var JqIdOpt = $("fieldset#AVE_Dashboard_usertags_options"); JqIdOpt.find("legend").off().on("click", function () { if ($(this).parent().find("input:first").is(':hidden')){ $(this).parent().find("*").show(); } else { $(this).parent().find("*").hide(); } $(this).show(); }).trigger("click"); JqIdOpt.find("a#save").off().on("click", function () { _this.ShowVoteBalance = JqIdOpt.find("input#balance").is(":checked"); _this.ShowIgnore = JqIdOpt.find("input#ignore").is(":checked"); _this.ShowTag = JqIdOpt.find("input#tag").is(":checked"); _this.tagsperpage = parseInt(JqIdOpt.find("input#elperpage").val(), 10) || 20; if (_this.tagsperpage < 1) {_this.tagsperpage = 20;} _this.SaveOptions(); $(_this.CSSselector).trigger("click"); }); $(document) .off() .on("keyup", function (event) { var ctrl, pos, input; ctrl= event.ctrlKey; input = $("input#AVE_Dashboard_usertag_quickedit:not([type='color'])"); if (input.length === 0){ //navigate with arrow keys //We don't want to change page when a user is using the arrow key to edit a value if (event.which === 37){ pos = (ctrl ? "first" : "prev"); } else if (event.which === 39){ pos = (ctrl ? "last" : "next"); } if (pos){ $('a#AVE_Dashboard_navigate_tags[role="'+ pos +'"]:first').trigger("click"); } } if (event.which === 13){ //Press enter to confirm change _this.editTag(input, input.attr("data")); } }); }, editTag: function (input, dtype) { "use strict"; var _this = this; if (input.length === 1){ if (input.attr("original") === input.val() && dtype !== "ignore"){input.trigger("click", true);return;}//No need to update nor reload if nothing changed var root, tag, usertag; if (dtype === "colour"){ var u = input.attr("u"); root = $("tr[username='"+u+"']"); } else { root = input.parents("tr:first"); } usertag = {}; usertag.username = root.attr("username"); usertag.i = root.find("td[data='ignore']").text() === "Yes"; usertag.con = root.find("td[data='context']").attr("title"); if (!usertag.con){delete usertag.con;} if (dtype === "tag"){ usertag.t = input.val(); } else { usertag.t = root.find("td[data='tag']").text(); } if (dtype === "colour"){ usertag.col = input.val() || input.attr("original"); } else { usertag.col = root.find("td[data='colour']").text(); } if (dtype === "balance"){ var newval = input.val(); usertag.b = parseInt((isNaN(newval) || newval === "") ? input.attr("original") : input.val(), 10); } else { usertag.b = parseInt(root.find("td[data='balance']").text(), 10); } _this.module.SetTag(usertag); //save tag $(_this.CSSselector).trigger("click"); //Reload-update } }, navbuttons: function () { var htmlNavButtons = ""; htmlNavButtons += '
' + 'First' + '
'; htmlNavButtons += '
' + 'Previous' + '
'; htmlNavButtons += '
' + 'Last' + '
'; htmlNavButtons += '
' + 'Next' + '
'; return htmlNavButtons; }, paging: function (start, nb) { var colour, r, g, b, bestColour; var htmlStr = ""; var obj = {}; for (i=start; i <= start+nb-1; i++){ if (i >= this.usertags.length){break;} obj = JSON.parse(this.usertags[i]); if (obj.col){ colour = AVE.Utils.GetRGBvalues(obj.col); r = colour[0]; g = colour[1]; b = colour[2]; bestColour = AVE.Utils.GetBestFontColour(r, g, b); } else { bestColour = "white"; } var VoteColour = ""; if (this.module.Options.ShowBalanceWithColourGradient.Value && obj.b){ var Vr, Vg, Vb; var valence = obj.b > 0; var limit = this.module.Options.ColourGradientRangePos.Value; var progValence = valence ? Math.min(this.module.Options.ColourGradientRangePos.Value, obj.b) : Math.max(this.module.Options.ColourGradientRangeNeg.Value, obj.b); if (!valence){ limit = this.module.Options.ColourGradientRangeNeg.Value; } Vr = Vg = Vb = parseInt(210 - progValence/limit * 210, 10); if (valence) { Vg = 255; } else { Vr = 255; } VoteColour = 'color:#262626;background-color:rgb('+Vr+','+Vg+','+Vb+')'; } htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += ''+obj.name+'' + ''+(obj.t || "")+''; if (obj.col){ htmlStr += ''+obj.col+''; } else { htmlStr += 'None'; } htmlStr += ''+obj.i+'' + ''+obj.b+'' + '' + ''+(obj.t || "None")+'' + ''; htmlStr += ""; } return htmlStr; }, destructor: function () { //set all listeners to off } } }; /// END User tagging /// /// Toggle media: Add a button to toggle chosen media types. /// AVE.Modules['ToggleMedia'] = { ID: 'ToggleMedia', Name: 'Toggle media', Desc: 'Add a button to toggle chosen media types.', Category: 'Posts', Index: 5, Enabled: false, RunAt: 'load', Store: {}, Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, MediaTypes: { Type: 'string', Value: "110" // Images, Videos, self-Texts } }, OriginalOptions: "", SavePref: function (POST) { POST = POST[this.ID]; var opt = {}; opt.Enabled = POST.Enabled; opt.MediaTypes = (POST.Images ? "1" : "0") + (POST.Videos ? "1" : "0") + (POST["self-texts"] ? "1" : "0"); this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(opt)); }, ResetPref: function () { this.Options = JSON.parse(this.OriginalOptions); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = _this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); if (Opt != undefined) { Opt = JSON.parse(Opt); $.each(Opt, function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); } _this.Enabled = _this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, sel: [], ImgMedia: "[title^='JPG'],[title^='PNG'],[title^='GIF'],[title^='Gfycat'],[title^='Gifv'],[title^='Imgur Album']", VidMedia: "[title^='YouTube'],[title^='Vimeo']", SelfText: "[onclick^='loadSelfText']", // voat.co/v/test/comments/37149 Start: function () { var AcceptedTypes = this.Options.MediaTypes.Value; if (AcceptedTypes !== "000" && $.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["subverses", "sets", "mysets", "user", "user-manage", "about"]) === -1) { var strSel = (AcceptedTypes[0] === "1" ? this.ImgMedia + "," : "") + (AcceptedTypes[1] === "1" ? this.VidMedia + "," : "") + (AcceptedTypes[2] === "1" ? this.SelfText : ""); if (strSel[strSel.length - 1] === ",") { strSel = strSel.slice(0, -1); } this.sel = $(strSel).filter(':parents(.titlebox)') //Remove from selection all media in the subverse's bar. .filter(function () { if ($(this).parents("div.submission[class*='id-']:first").css("opacity") === "1") { //Is this element in a submission post and not a duplicate inserted by NeverEndingVoat? //Is this element a link to a media in a self-post? return ($(this).next("span.link-expando-type").length > 0) || $(this).hasClass("expando-button"); } //Is this element in a comment? return ($(this).parents("div.md").length > 0) //Does it contain an expando element? && ($(this).find("span.link-expando-type").length > 0); }); print("AVE: ToggleMedia count > "+this.sel.length.toString(), true); this.AppendToPage(); this.Listeners(); } }, Update: function () { if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, AppendToPage: function () { if (this.sel.length === 0) { return; } var JqId = $("a#GM_ExpandAllImages"); if (JqId.length > 0) { JqId.text(JqId.text().replace(/\([0-9]*\)/, "(" + this.sel.length + ")")); } else { var btnHTML = '
  • View Media (' + this.sel.length + ')
  • '; $(btnHTML).insertAfter(".disabled:last"); } }, Listeners: function () { var _this = this; var isExpanded = false; var JqId = $("a#GM_ExpandAllImages"); JqId.off("click"); JqId.on("click", function () { if ($(this).hasClass("expanded")) { $(this).text('View Media (' + _this.sel.length + ')'); $(this).removeClass("expanded"); isExpanded = false; } else { $(this).text('Hide Media (' + _this.sel.length + ')'); $(this).addClass("expanded"); isExpanded = true; } _this.ToggleMedia(isExpanded); }); }, ToggleMedia: function (state) { for (var el in this.sel.get()) { if ( (state && this.sel.eq(el).parent().find(".expando,.link-expando").length == 0) || state === this.sel.eq(el).parent().find(".expando,.link-expando").first().is(':hidden') ) { //A click on a media that failed (e.g. error 404) will redirect instead of toggling the expando. if (this.sel.eq(el).find("span.link-expando-type").text() !== "Error") { this.sel[el].click(); } } } }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['ToggleMedia']; var mediaTypes = ["Images", "Videos", "self-texts"]; var value = _this.Options.MediaTypes.Value; var htmlString = '
    '; for (var i in mediaTypes) { htmlString += '' + '' + '' + ''; } return htmlString + '
    '; } } }; /// END Toggle media /// /// Hide submissions: Hide vote with the keyboard or automatically after voting on submissions. /// AVE.Modules['HideSubmissions'] = { ID: 'HideSubmissions', Name: 'Hide submissions', Desc: 'Hide vote with the keyboard or automatically after voting on submissions.', Category: 'Subverse', Index: 10, //early so that other modules don't do unnecessary processing on submissions that will get removed Enabled: false, Store: {}, RunAt: "container", Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, HideDownvoted: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: "Hide submissions you downvote.", Value: false }, HideUpvoted: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: "Hide submissions you upvote.", Value: false }, HideRightAway: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: "Hide the submission as soons as marked hidden by clicking the \"hide\" button or pressing the hide key", Value: false }, HideAfterVote: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: "Hide the submission right after the vote is registered.", Value: false }, HideAfterView: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: "Hide the submission after viewing it (opening its link).", Value: false }, AddHideButton: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: "Insert a \"hide\" button.", Value: true }, MaxStorage: { Type: 'int', Range: [1,5000], Desc: "Max number of submissions to remember", Value: 400 } }, OriginalOptions: "", StorageName: "", HiddenPosts: [], SavePref: function (POST) { POST = POST[this.ID]; this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST)); }, ResetPref: function () { this.Options = JSON.parse(this.OriginalOptions); //this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, "[]"); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = this.Store.GetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, "{}"); $.each(JSON.parse(Opt), function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); this.Enabled = this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if ($.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["frontpage", "set", "subverse", "search", "domain", "user-submissions", "saved"]) === -1) { this.Enabled = false; } if (this.Enabled) { this.StorageName = this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_Hidden"; this.HiddenPosts = JSON.parse(this.Store.GetValue(this.StorageName, "[]")); this.Pruning(); this.Start(); } }, Pruning: function(){ var count; count =this.HiddenPosts.length - this.Options.MaxStorage.Value; if (count < 1) {return;} count += Math.ceil(this.Options.MaxStorage.Value / 8); //If over the limit we remove 1/8th of the total value this.HiddenPosts.splice(0,count); this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(this.HiddenPosts)); }, AddToHiddenList: function (id, vote) { if ($.inArray(id.toString(), this.HiddenPosts) !== -1){this.RemoveFromHiddenList(id);return;} this.HiddenPosts.push(id); this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(this.HiddenPosts)); var JqId = $("div.submission.id-"+id.toString()); if (  (!vote && this.Options.HideRightAway.Value) || (vote && this.Options.HideAfterVote.Value)){ JqId.remove(); print("AVE: HideSubmissions > removing submission with id "+id); } else if(this.Options.AddHideButton.Value) { JqId.find("ul.flat-list.buttons").find("li > a#AVE_HideSubmissions_link").text("unhide"); } print("AVE: HideSubmissions > hiding submission with id "+id); }, RemoveFromHiddenList: function (id) { this.HiddenPosts.splice(this.HiddenPosts.indexOf(id), 1); this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(this.HiddenPosts)); if (this.Options.AddHideButton.Value){ $("div.submission.id-"+id.toString()).find("ul.flat-list.buttons").find("li > a#AVE_HideSubmissions_link").text("hide"); } print("AVE: HideSubmissions > unhiding submission with id "+id); }, Start: function () { var _this = this; $("div.submission").each(function () { var id = $(this).attr("data-fullname"); if (id && $.inArray(id.toString(), _this.HiddenPosts) !== -1){ $(this).remove(); print("AVE: HideSubmissions > removing submission with id "+id); } }); if (this.Options.AddHideButton.Value){ this.AppendToPage(); } this.Listeners(); }, Update: function () { if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, AppendToPage: function () { "use strict"; $("ul.flat-list.buttons").each(function () { if ($(this).find("li > a#AVE_HideSubmissions_link").length > 0) {return;} $(this).append('
  • hide
  • '); }); }, obsVoteChange: null, Listeners: function () { var _this = this; if (this.Options.AddHideButton.Value) { $("li > a#AVE_HideSubmissions_link").off().on("click", function () { var id = $(this).parents("div.submission:first").attr("data-fullname"); _this.AddToHiddenList(id); }); } if (this.Options.HideAfterView.Value){ var id; $("a.title.may-blank").off().on("mouseup", function (e) { if (e.which > 2) {return;} //Left or middle click id = $(this).parents("div.submission:first").attr("data-fullname"); if ($.inArray(id.toString(), this.HiddenPosts) !== -1){return;} _this.AddToHiddenList(id, "spe"); }); } if (this.Options.HideDownvoted.Value || this.Options.HideUpvoted.Value) { if (this.obsVoteChange) { this.obsVoteChange.disconnect(); } this.obsVoteChange = new OnAttrChange($("div[class*='midcol']"), function (e) { if (!e.oldValue || e.oldValue.split(" ").length !== 2) { return true; } var id = $(this).parents("div.submission:first").attr("data-fullname"); if (id){ var voteType = $(e.target).attr("class").split(" ")[1]; if( (voteType === "likes" && _this.Options.HideUpvoted.Value) || (voteType === "dislikes" && _this.Options.HideDownvoted.Value)){ _this.AddToHiddenList(id, true); } } }); this.obsVoteChange.observe(); } }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { //Use to add custom input to the pref Manager html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['HideSubmissions']; var htmlStr = ''; htmlStr += ' (Currently: '+ Object.keys(_this.HiddenPosts).length+')

    '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += ''; if (AVE.Modules['ShortKeys']){ var key = AVE.Modules['ShortKeys'].Options.HidePost.Value || "Enter/Return"; htmlStr += ' ("'+key+'").
    '; } else { htmlStr += ' (disabled).
    '; } htmlStr += '

    '; htmlStr += '
    '; return htmlStr; } } }; /// END Hide submissions /// /// Select posts: A click selects/highlights a post. /// AVE.Modules['SelectPost'] = { ID: 'SelectPost', Name: 'Select posts', Desc: 'A click selects/highlights a post.', Category: 'Posts', Enabled: false, Index: 19, //Must be before ShortKeys Store: {}, Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, ContentColour: { Type: 'array', Value: ['#323E47', '#F4FCFF'] }, QuoteCodeColour: { Type: 'array', Value: ['#394856', '#EAFEFF'] }, VoteCountBoxColour: { Type: 'array', Value: ['#2D4A60', '#E1F9FF'] }, ContextColour: { Type: 'array', Value: ['background-color: #482C2C !important; border: 1px solid #A23E3E !important;', 'background-color: #D5F0FF !important; border: 1px solid #4B96C4 !important;'] } }, OriginalOptions: {}, SavePref: function (POST) { var _this = this; var colours = ["ContentColour", "QuoteCodeColour", "VoteCountBoxColour", "ContextColour"]; POST = POST[_this.ID]; $.each(colours, function (index, value) { _this.Options[value].Value[AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? 0 : 1] = POST[value]; POST[value] = _this.Options[value].Value; }); this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST)); }, ResetPref: function () { var _this = this; _this.Options = JSON.parse(_this.OriginalOptions); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = _this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); Opt = JSON.parse(Opt); if (Opt.Enabled && Opt.Enabled.hasOwnProperty("Value")){ //Migrate var POST = {}; POST.Enabled = Opt.Enabled.Value; $.each(Opt, function (key) { if(key === "Enabled") {return true;} POST[key] = Opt[key].Value; }); this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST)); Opt = POST; } $.each(Opt, function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); this.Enabled = this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { this.Listeners(); }, Update: function () { if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, Listeners: function () { var _this = this; $("div.submission[class*='id-'], div.comment[class*='id-']").off("click") .on("click", function (event) { _this.ToggleSelectedState($(this).find(".entry:first")); event.stopPropagation(); }); }, ToggleSelectedState: function (obj) { var _this = this; var style = (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? 0 : 1); if (AVE.Utils.SelectedPost !== undefined) { AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parents("div[class*=' id-']:first").css('background-color', ''); AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.find("blockquote").css('background-color', ''); AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.find("pre").css('background-color', ''); if (AVE.Utils.currentPageType === "user-submissions") { AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().find(".submission.even.link._this").css('background-color', ''); AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().css('background-color', ''); AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.prevAll(".midcol.unvoted").first().find(".submissionscore").css('background-color', ''); } if (AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parents("div[class*=' id-']:first").hasClass("highlightedComment")) { AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parents("div[class*=' id-']:first").attr('style', ''); } if (AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parents("div[class*=' id-']:first").hasClass("submission")) { AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.find(".md").css('background-color', ''); } } obj.parents("div[class*=' id-']:first").css('background-color', _this.Options.ContentColour.Value[style]); obj.find("blockquote").css('background-color', _this.Options.QuoteCodeColour.Value[style]); obj.find("pre").css('background-color', _this.Options.QuoteCodeColour.Value[style]); //Special case: user/username/submissions if (AVE.Utils.currentPageType === "user-submissions") { obj.parent().find(".submission.even.link._this").css('background-color', _this.Options.ContentColour.Value[style]); obj.parent().css('background-color', _this.Options.ContentColour.Value[style]); obj.prevAll(".midcol.unvoted").first().find(".submissionscore").css('background-color', _this.Options.VoteCountBoxColour.Value[style]); } //Special case: highlighted comment if (obj.parents("div[class*=' id-']:first").hasClass("highlightedComment")) { obj.parents("div[class*=' id-']:first").attr('style', _this.Options.ContextColour.Value[style]); } //Special: is a submission post, not a comment. if (obj.parents("div[class*=' id-']:first").hasClass("submission")) { obj.find(".md").css('background-color', _this.Options.QuoteCodeColour.Value[style]); } AVE.Utils.SelectedPost = obj; }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { html: function () { var style = AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? 0 : 1; var _this = AVE.Modules['SelectPost']; var htmlStr = ""; htmlStr += "
    Background colours (" + AVE.Utils.CSSstyle + " theme):
    "; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += ' - Post
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += ' - Quote and Code
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += ' - Vote box in submissions page
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += ' - Context comment
    '; return htmlStr; }, callback: function () {//ContentColour QuoteCodeColour VoteCountBoxColour ContextColour var _this = AVE.Modules['SelectPost']; $("input[id='ContentColour'][Module='" + _this.ID + "']").on("keyup", function () { $("div#Demo_ContentColour").css("background-color", $("input[id='ContentColour'][Module='" + _this.ID + "']").val()); }).trigger("keyup"); $("input[id='QuoteCodeColour'][Module='" + _this.ID + "']").on("keyup", function () { $("div#Demo_QuoteCodeColour").css("background-color", $("input[id='QuoteCodeColour'][Module='" + _this.ID + "']").val()); }).trigger("keyup"); $("input[id='VoteCountBoxColour'][Module='" + _this.ID + "']").on("keyup", function () { $("div#Demo_VoteCountBoxColour").css("background-color", $("input[id='VoteCountBoxColour'][Module='" + _this.ID + "']").val()); }).trigger("keyup"); $("input[id='ContextColour'][Module='" + _this.ID + "']").on("keyup", function () { $("div#Demo_ContextColour").attr("style", "display:inline;padding-left:15x;padding-right:15px;margin-right:10px;" + $("input[id='ContextColour'][Module='" + _this.ID + "']").val()); }).trigger("keyup"); } } }; /// END Select posts /// /// Shortcut keys: Use your keyboard to navigate Voat. Leave field empty for Enter/Return key. /// AVE.Modules['ShortKeys'] = { ID: 'ShortKeys', Name: 'Shortcut keys', Desc: 'Use your keyboard to navigate Voat. Leave field empty for Enter/Return key.', Category: 'Posts', Enabled: false, Index: 20, Store: {}, Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, OpenInNewTab: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Open comments and link pages in new tabs.', Value: true }, OpenInArchive: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Open link page in archives.is.', Value: false }, UpvoteKey: { Type: 'char', Value: 'a' }, DownvoteKey: { Type: 'char', Value: 'z' }, NextKey: { Type: 'char', Value: 'j' }, PrevKey: { Type: 'char', Value: 'k' }, OpenCommentsKey: { Type: 'char', Value: 'c' }, OpenLinkKey: { Type: 'char', Value: 'l' }, OpenLCKey: { Type: 'char', Value: 'b' }, ExpandKey: { Type: 'char', Value: 'x' }, ToggleCommentChain: { Type: 'char', Value: '' }, NavigateTop: { Type: 'char', Value: 'f' }, NavigateBottom: { Type: 'char', Value: 'v' }, HidePost: { Type: 'char', Value: 'h' } }, OriginalOptions: "", SavePref: function (POST) { this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST[this.ID])); }, ResetPref: function () { this.Options = JSON.parse(_this.OriginalOptions); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = this.Store.GetValue(this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); if (Opt != undefined) { Opt = JSON.parse(Opt); $.each(Opt, function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); } this.Enabled = this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (!AVE.Modules['SelectPost'] || !AVE.Modules['SelectPost'].Enabled) { this.Enabled = false; } if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { var _this = this; var shift, ctrl, up = this.Options.UpvoteKey.Value, down = this.Options.DownvoteKey.Value, next = this.Options.NextKey.Value, previous = this.Options.PrevKey.Value, OpenC = this.Options.OpenCommentsKey.Value, OpenL = this.Options.OpenLinkKey.Value, OpenLC = this.Options.OpenLCKey.Value, Expand = this.Options.ExpandKey.Value, TCC = this.Options.ToggleCommentChain.Value, NavTop = this.Options.NavigateTop.Value, NavBottom = this.Options.NavigateBottom.Value, HidePost = this.Options.HidePost.Value; $(document).keydown(function (event) { shift = event.shiftKey; ctrl = event.ctrlKey; //Exit if the CSSEditor panel has the focus if ($("style#custom_css.AVE_custom_css_editable").is(":focus")){return;} //Exit if the focus is given to a text input if ($(":input").is(":focus")) { if (ctrl && event.which === 13){ var inp = $("textarea#Content.commenttextarea:focus"); if (inp.length === 0){return;} var submitbtn = inp.nextAll("input#submitbutton:first"); // if (submitbtn.length === 0){ submitbtn = inp.parent().parent().nextAll("input#submitbutton:first"); } submitbtn.trigger("click"); } return; } //Exit if a key modifier is pressed (ctrl, shift) if (ctrl || shift) { return; } var sel = AVE.Utils.SelectedPost; var key; if (event.key === undefined) { //Chrome key = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode).toUpperCase(); } else { key = event.key.toUpperCase(); } if (event.which === 13) { key = ""; } //Enter/Return key if (key === NavTop.toUpperCase()) { // Navigate to the top of the page //Scroll to top //Set first post as selected var obj = $("div.submission[class*='id']:first,div.comment[class*='id']:first").first(); if (AVE.Modules['SelectPost']) { AVE.Modules['SelectPost'].ToggleSelectedState(obj.find(".entry:first")); } $(window).scrollTop(0); } else if (key === NavBottom.toUpperCase()) { // Navigate to the bottom of the page //Scroll to bottom $(window).scrollTop($(document).height()); //Set last post as selected var obj = $("div.comment[class*='id']:last"); if (obj.length === 0) { obj = $("div.submission[class*='id']:last"); } if (AVE.Modules['SelectPost']) { AVE.Modules['SelectPost'].ToggleSelectedState(obj.find(".entry:first")); } } //All following keys need a post selected to work if (!AVE.Utils.SelectedPost) { return; } if (key === up.toUpperCase()) { // upvote sel.parent().find(".midcol").find("div[aria-label='upvote']").first().click(); } else if (key === down.toUpperCase()) { // downvote sel.parent().find(".midcol").find("div[aria-label='downvote']").first().click(); } else if (key === next.toUpperCase()) { // next post if (sel.parent().hasClass("submission")) { //Submissions var _next = sel.parent().nextAll("div.submission[class*='id-']:first"); if (_next.length > 0) { AVE.Modules['SelectPost'].ToggleSelectedState(_next.find("div.entry")); _this.ScrollToSelectedSubmission(); } else if (AVE.Modules['NeverEndingVoat'] && AVE.Modules['NeverEndingVoat'].Enabled) { //If the NeverEnding modules exists and is enabled, we load the next page. AVE.Modules['NeverEndingVoat'].LoadMore(); } } else { //Comment var id = sel.parent().prop("class").split(" ")[1]; // :visible because comments could be hidden, with the ToggleChildComment module var a = sel.parent().find("div[class*='id-']:visible").get(0) || //Child $("div." + id + " ~ div[class*='id-']:visible").get(0); //Sibling if (!a) { //Not a direct parent var tempSel = sel.parent(); var tempID = id; var count = 0; while (!a) { tempSel = $(tempSel.parent("div[class*='id-']").get(0) || $("div." + tempID + " ~ div[class*='id-']:visible").get(0)); if (tempSel.length === 0) { break; } if (tempSel.nextAll("div[class*='id-']:visible:last").length > 0) { tempID = tempSel.nextAll("div[class*='id-']:visible:last").attr("class").split(" ")[1]; } if (tempID !== id) { a = $("div." + tempSel.nextAll("div[class*='id-']:visible:first").attr("class").split(" ")[1]); break; } count++; if (count > 30) { print("AVE: breaking endless loop > looking for next comment"); break; } } } if (a) { AVE.Modules['SelectPost'].ToggleSelectedState($(a).find("div.entry:first")); _this.ScrollToSelectedComment(); } else { $("a#loadmorebutton").click(); } } } else if (key === previous.toUpperCase()) { // previous post if (sel.parent().hasClass("submission")) { // select by page type not class //Submissions var prev = sel.parent().prevAll("div.submission[class*='id-']:first"); if (prev.length > 0) { AVE.Modules['SelectPost'].ToggleSelectedState(prev.find("div.entry")); _this.ScrollToSelectedSubmission(); } } else { //Comment //var id = sel.parent().prop("class").split(" ")[1]; var a = sel.parent().prevAll("div[class*='id-']:visible:first").find("div[class*='id-']:visible:last").get(0) || //Parent's child sel.parent().prevAll("div[class*='id-']:visible:first").get(0) || //Sibling sel.parent().parent("div[class*='id-']:visible").get(0); //Parent if (a) { AVE.Modules['SelectPost'].ToggleSelectedState($(a).find("div.entry:first")); _this.ScrollToSelectedComment(); } //if (!a) No previous comment } } else if (key === OpenC.toUpperCase()) { // Open comment page if (!sel.parent().hasClass("submission")) { return; } var url = "https://" + window.location.hostname +sel.find("a.comments").attr("href"); if (_this.Options.OpenInNewTab.Value) { AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "OpenInTab", url: url }); } else { window.location.href = url; } } else if (key === OpenL.toUpperCase()) { // Open link page if (!sel.parent().hasClass("submission")) { return; } var url = sel.find("a.title").attr("href"); if (!/^http/.test(url)) { url = "https://" + window.location.hostname + url; } if (_this.Options.OpenInArchive.Value && !/^https?:\/\/archive\.is/.test(url)){ url = 'https://archive.is/?run=1&url='+encodeURIComponent(url); } if (_this.Options.OpenInNewTab.Value) { AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "OpenInTab", url: url }); } else { window.location.href = url; } } else if (key === OpenLC.toUpperCase()) { // Open comment and link pages if (!sel.parent().hasClass("submission")) { return; } var url = []; url.push(sel.find("a.title").attr("href")); url.push("https://" + window.location.hostname + sel.find("a.comments").attr("href")); if (!/^http/.test(url[0])) { url[0] = "https://" + window.location.hostname + url[0]; } if (url[0] && url[0] === url[1]) { AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "OpenInTab", url: url[0] }); } else { if (_this.Options.OpenInArchive.Value && !/^https?:\/\/archive\.is/.test(url[0])){ url[0] = 'https://archive.is/?run=1&url='+encodeURIComponent(url[0]); } AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "OpenInTab", url: url[0] }); AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "OpenInTab", url: url[1] }); } } else if (key === Expand.toUpperCase()) { // Expand media/self-text var expand, media; if ( sel.parent().hasClass("submission")) { //In submissions if (AVE.Utils.currentPageType === "thread" && sel.parent().hasClass("self")){ expand = true; media = sel.find("div.md:visible").find("a[title]"); media.each(function () { //Expand is false if at least one of the media is expanded if ($(this).next(".link-expando:visible").length > 0) { expand = false; return false; } }); media.each(function () { if ($(this).find("span.link-expando-type").length > 0 && expand !== $(this).next(".link-expando:visible").length > 0) { this.click(); } }); } else { sel.find("div.expando-button").click(); } } else { //In comments expand = true; media = sel.find("div.md:visible").find("a[title]"); media.each(function () { //Expand is false if at least one of the media is expanded if ($(this).next(".link-expando:visible").length > 0) { expand = false; return false; } }); media.each(function () { if ($(this).find("span.link-expando-type").length > 0 && expand !== $(this).next(".link-expando:visible").length > 0) { this.click(); } }); } if (sel.offset().top < $(window).scrollTop() && sel.find("div.expando-button").hasClass("collapsed")){// and if it was expanded $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().offset().top - 50 }, 150); } } else if (key === TCC.toUpperCase()) { // Toggle comment chain or load more replies if (sel.parent().hasClass("submission")) { return; } if (sel.find("a.inline-loadcomments-btn:first").length > 0) { //Load more comment if possible sel.find("a.inline-loadcomments-btn:first")[0].click(); } else if (sel.find('a.expand:visible:first').length > 0) { //Hide selected comment otherwise sel.find('a.expand:visible:first')[0].click(); } } else if (key === HidePost.toUpperCase()) { // Hide submission if (!AVE.Modules['HideSubmissions'] || !AVE.Modules['HideSubmissions'].Enabled){ if(!confirm("You are trying to hide a post but the module \"HideSubmissions\" is disabled.\nDo you want to activate and load this module?")){ return; } else { var Opt = JSON.parse(_this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + AVE.Modules['HideSubmissions'].ID, "{}")); Opt.Enabled = true; _this.Store.SetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + AVE.Modules['HideSubmissions'].ID, JSON.stringify(Opt)); AVE.Modules['HideSubmissions'].Load(); print("AVE: DomainFilter > enabled and started"); } } var id = sel.parent().attr("data-fullname"); //Select the next submission var _next = sel.parent().nextAll("div.submission[class*='id-']:first"); if (_next.length > 0) { AVE.Modules['SelectPost'].ToggleSelectedState(_next.find("div.entry")); _this.ScrollToSelectedSubmission(); } else if (AVE.Modules['NeverEndingVoat'] && AVE.Modules['NeverEndingVoat'].Enabled) { //If the NeverEnding modules exists and is enabled, we load the next page. AVE.Modules['NeverEndingVoat'].LoadMore(); } AVE.Modules['HideSubmissions'].AddToHiddenList(id); } }); }, ScrollToSelectedSubmission: function () { $('html, body').finish(); //Scroll to selected item if out of screen if ($(window).scrollTop() > AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().offset().top - AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().height()) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().offset().top - 50 }, 150); } else if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() < AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().offset().top + AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().height() + 50) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().offset().top - $(window).height() + AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().height() + 50 }, 150); } }, ScrollToSelectedComment: function () { $('html, body').finish(); //Scroll to selected item if out of screen if ($(window).scrollTop() > AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().offset().top - AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.height()) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().offset().top - 50 }, 150); } else if ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() < AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().offset().top + AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.height() + 50) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.parent().offset().top - $(window).height() + AVE.Utils.SelectedPost.height() + 50 }, 150); } }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['ShortKeys']; var htmlStr = ""; //Up and Down vote htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += ''; //Next and previous post htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += ''; //Open Link, Comments, Comments & Link htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += ''; //Toggle expand media htmlStr += ''; //Toggle expand comment htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += ''; //Hide submission htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += '
    Upvote:   Downvote:   Next post:   Previous post:
    Open Link:   Open comments: '; htmlStr += '  Open L&C:   Toggle expand: '; htmlStr += '
      Toggle comment: '; //Navigate to Top and Bottom of the page htmlStr += '  Top of the page: '; htmlStr += '  Bottom of the page:   Hide post:
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; return htmlStr; }, callback: function () { } } }; /// END Shortcut keys /// /// Inject custom style: Apply your custom CSS style of choice everywhere on Voat.
    For the best result check "Disable custom subverse styles" in your preferences. /// AVE.Modules['InjectCustomStyle'] = { ID: 'InjectCustomStyle', Name: 'Inject custom style', Desc: 'Apply your custom CSS style of choice everywhere on Voat.
    For the best result check "Disable custom subverse styles" in your preferences.', Category: 'Style', Index: 50, Enabled: false, Store: {}, RunAt: "start", Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: false }, CustomStyleName: { Type: 'string', Value: "" }, CustomStyleUrl: { Type: 'string', Desc: 'Enter URL of a custom CSS file:', Value: "" }, ApplyEverywhere: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Also insert the custom style in non-subverse pages (e.g. user page, moderator page, ...). The custom styles generaly aren\'t compatible with them.', Value: false }, RemoveSubverseStyle: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Remove the subverse\'s custom style if any is found.', Value: true }, InjectLate: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Insert the new CSS file after the original custom style.', Value: false } }, OriginalOptions: "", SavePref: function (POST) { POST = POST[this.ID]; this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST)); }, ResetPref: function () { this.Options = JSON.parse(this.OriginalOptions); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = this.Store.GetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, "{}"); $.each(JSON.parse(Opt), function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); this.Enabled = this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (!this.Options.ApplyEverywhere.Value) { if ($.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["frontpage", "set", "subverse", "thread", "domain", "search", "saved", "user-submissions", "user-comments"]) === -1) { this.Enabled = false; } } //No need to start if no external custom style was selected if (this.Options.CustomStyleName.Value === "None" && this.Options.CustomStyleUrl.Value === "") { this.Enabled = false; } if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, CustomStyles: { None: "", Cashmere: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/mijowa/Cashmere/master/css/cashmere.min.css?AVE", Flatron: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/Gyyyn/Flatron-Voat/master/flatron.css?AVE", //buggy (see block info) Doesn't like big usernames Scribble: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/ScribbleForVoat/Scribble/master/base.min.css?AVE", Simplegoats: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/relaxedzombie/simplegoats/master/simplegoats.min.css?AVE", SlimDark: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/KinOfMany/SlimDark/master/style.css?AVE", Typogra: "https://cdn.rawgit.com/Nurdoidz/Typogra-Voat/master/Typogra.min.css?AVE" }, CustomCSSContainerCount: 0, Start: function () { var _this = this; var theme = AVE.Utils.CSSstyle || ~document.cookie.indexOf('theme=dark') ? "Dark" : "Light"; /* BUG: if you log-in on voat.co then switch to www.voat.co, the theme info cookie (queried above) doesn't exist this module needs to start as soon as possible and the cookie is the earliest way to get that info */ var obsCustomCSS = new OnNodeChange($(document.documentElement), function (m) { //By /u/FuzzyWords: voat.co/v/AVEbeta/comments/448708/2133227 if(m.addedNodes) { for(var i = 0; i < m.addedNodes.length; i++) { var n = m.addedNodes[i]; if (_this.Options.RemoveSubverseStyle.Value || !_this.Options.InjectLate.Value) { if ($(n).is("link[href^='/Content/" + theme + "?v=']")){$(n).remove();} } if (_this.Options.RemoveSubverseStyle.Value) { if(n.parentNode && n.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "STYLE" && n.id == "custom_css") { n.parentNode.removeChild(n); //We want to disconnect the observer once it has done its job. But remember that a custom style is added twice in threads. // Actually this is no longer the case (the limit is set to 1 now) obsCustomCSS.disconnect(); } } } } }); obsCustomCSS.observe(); //If a custom style was added before our Observer could start, we delete it manually //This will happen with slow computers or extensions (very rarely with userscripts) $("style#custom_css").remove(); var URL; if (this.Options.CustomStyleName.Value && this.CustomStyles[this.Options.CustomStyleName.Value]) { URL = this.CustomStyles[this.Options.CustomStyleName.Value]; } else if (this.Options.CustomStyleUrl.Value) { URL = this.Options.CustomStyleUrl.Value; } if (URL) { if (this.Options.InjectLate.Value && !this.Options.RemoveSubverseStyle.Value) { $(document).ready(function () { $("body").append(''); }); } else { $("head").append('') .append(''); } //If I use the following method, someone could easily inject javascript code and mess with the user. //$.ajax({ // url: URL, // cache: true, //}).done(function (data, status, request) { // $("head").append(''); s = $(sel); } var Vpos = _this.Options.Position.All[0][_this.Options.Position.Value[0]].split(":"), Hpos = _this.Options.Position.All[1][_this.Options.Position.Value[1]].split(":"); s.attr("style", "display:block;position:fixed;z-index:2000;max-height:"+_this.Options.Size.Value[1]+";max-width:"+_this.Options.Size.Value[0]+";min-height:"+_this.Options.Size.Value[1]+";min-width:"+_this.Options.Size.Value[0]+";background:rgba(255,255,255,.9);color:#000;opacity:.5;font:10px/1.1 monospace;white-space:pre;overflow:scroll;padding:4px;-webkit-user-modify:read-write-plaintext-only;") .css(Vpos[0], Vpos[1]) .css(Hpos[0], Hpos[1]) .attr("contentEditable", true) .attr("onfocus", "this.style.opacity=1") .attr("onblur", "this.style.opacity=.35") .addClass("AVE_custom_css_editable") .on("keyup", function (e) { if (e.which === 27) {s.hide().trigger("blur");} //Escape key }); } s.focus(); }); }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['CSSEditor'], htmlStr = ''; htmlStr += ''+_this.Options.Position.Desc+'
    '; htmlStr += 'Vertical:
    '; htmlStr += 'Horizontal:

    '; htmlStr += ''+_this.Options.Size.Desc+'
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += '

    '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += ''; return htmlStr; } } }; /// END Simple in-page CSS editor /// /// Ignore users: Lets you tag users as Ignored. When tagged, a user\'s comments will be replaced with [Ignored User]. /// AVE.Modules['IgnoreUsers'] = { ID: 'IgnoreUsers', Name: 'Ignore users', Desc: 'Lets you tag users as Ignored. When tagged, a user\'s comments will be replaced with [Ignored User].', Category: 'General', Index: 100, //must be called after the UserTagging module. Enabled: false, Store: {}, Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: false }, HardIgnore: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Entirely remove posts and chain comments made by ignored users.', Value: false } }, IgnoreList: [], Processed: [], //Ids of comments that have already been processed OriginalOptions: "", //If ResetPref is used SavePref: function (POST) { var _this = this; _this.Store.SetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST[_this.ID])); }, ResetPref: function () {// will add the reset option in the pref manager. Can be deleted. var _this = this; _this.Options = JSON.parse(_this.OriginalOptions); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = _this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); Opt = JSON.parse(Opt); $.each(Opt, function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); _this.Enabled = _this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); //If ResetPref is used this.SetOptionsFromPref(); //Cannot work without the userTag module if (!AVE.Modules['UserTag'] || !AVE.Modules['UserTag'].Enabled) { this.Enabled = false; } if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { var _this = this; if (AVE.Utils.currentPageType === "thread") { // comments $("p.tagline > a.author").each(function () { if ($.inArray($(this).parents("div.comment:first").find("input#CommentId").val(), _this.Processed) !== -1) { return true; } //else _this.Processed.push($(this).parents("div.comment:first").find("input#CommentId").val()); var name = $(this).attr("data-username"); if (!name) { return true; } if ($.inArray(name.toLowerCase(), _this.IgnoreList) === -1) { return true; } if (_this.Options.HardIgnore.Value) { print('AVE: Removed comment by ' + name); $(this).parents("div.comment[class*='id-']:first").remove(); } else { var CommentContainer = $(this).parent().parent().find("div[id*='commentContent-']"); CommentContainer.find("div.md").hide(); CommentContainer.append('[Ignored User] Click to display comment.'); CommentContainer.find("a[AVE='IgnoredComment']") .css("font-size", "10px") .css("margin-left", "20px") .css("font-weight", "bold"); } }); } else if ($.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["frontpage", "set", "subverse", "search", "domain"]) !== -1) { // submissions $("p.tagline > a.author").each(function () { if ($.inArray($(this).parents("div.submission:first").attr("data-fullname"), _this.Processed) !== -1) { return true; } //else _this.Processed.push($(this).parents("div.submission:first").attr("data-fullname")); var name = $(this).attr("data-username"); if (!name || $.inArray(name.toLowerCase(), _this.IgnoreList) === -1) { return true; } if (_this.Options.HardIgnore.Value) { print('AVE: Removed submission titled: "'+$(this).parents("div.entry:first").find("p.title > a[class*='title']:first").text()+'" by '+name); $(this).parents("div.submission").remove(); } else { $(this).parents("div.entry:first").find("p.title > a[class*='title']:first").text('[Ignored User]').css("font-size", "13px"); } }); } else if ($.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["user", "user-comments", "user-submissions"]) !== -1) { // userpages var name = $("div.alert-title").text().split(" "); name = name[name.length - 1].replace('.', ''); if (!name || $.inArray(name.toLowerCase(), _this.IgnoreList) === -1) { return; } $(" [Ignored User]").appendTo("div.alert-title") .css("font-weight", "bold") .css("color", "#B45656"); } this.Listeners(); }, Listeners: function () { var JqId = $("a[AVE='IgnoredComment']"); if (JqId.length > 0) { JqId.off("click"); //We don't want to multiply the eventListeners for the same elements when updating. JqId.on("click", function () { $(this).parent().find("div.md").show(); $(this).remove(); }); } }, Update: function () { if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { //Use to add custom input to the pref Manager html: function () { var htmlStr = ""; htmlStr += '
    If checked all submissions and (chain-)comments of ignored users will be hidden.'; if (!AVE.Modules['UserTag'] || !AVE.Modules['UserTag'].Enabled) { htmlStr += '
    The User tagging module is not activated, this module cannot work without it.'; } //show a warning if usertag is disabled return htmlStr; } } }; /// END Ignore users /// /// Fix expanding images: Let images expand over the sidebar and disallow the selection/highlighting of the image. /// AVE.Modules['FixExpandImage'] = { ID: 'FixExpandImage', Name: 'Fix expanding images', Desc: 'Let images expand over the sidebar and disallow the selection/highlighting of the image.', Category: 'Misc', Enabled: false, Store: {}, RunAt: "load", Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, OverSidebar: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Let images expand over the sidebard.', Value: true } }, SavePref: function (POST) { var _this = this; _this.Store.SetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST[_this.ID])); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = _this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); if (Opt != undefined) { Opt = JSON.parse(Opt); $.each(Opt, function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); } _this.Enabled = _this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if ($.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["frontpage", "set", "subverse", "thread", "domain", "search", "saved", "user-submissions", "user-comments"]) === -1) { this.Enabled = false; } if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, ImgMedia: "a[title='JPG'],a[title='PNG'],a[title='GIF']",//These are the only media that are resizable Start: function () { if (this.Options.OverSidebar.Value && $.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["saved", "user-submissions", "user-comments"]) === -1) { /* !! THIS CSS FIX IS BORROWED FROM /V/SCRIBBLE 1.5 !! */ AVE.Utils.AddStyle('\ .usertext {\ font-size: small;\ overflow: auto;\ }\ .md {overflow: visible;}\ /*.comment > .entry:has(ul.flat-list.buttons:nth-child(1):has(.first)) {margin-left:30px;}*/\ .comment > .entry {margin-left:30px;}\ .usertext {overflow: visible !important;}\ .link-expando {\ overflow: visible;\ position: relative;\ z-index: 1;\ }\ .submission > .entry {margin-left: 59px;}\ .entry {overflow: visible;}\ .comment {overflow: visible;}\ form > div.row {overflow:hidden;}'); } this.Listeners(); }, Update: function () { if (this.Enabled) { this.Listeners(); } }, obsImgExp: null, Listeners: function () { if (this.obsImgExp) { this.obsImgExp.targets = $("div.expando, " + this.ImgMedia); } else { this.obsImgExp = new OnNodeChange($("div.expando, " + this.ImgMedia), function (e) { var img = $(e.target).find("img:first"); //In sub if (img.length === 0) { img = $(this).next("div.link-expando").find("img"); } //In thread if (img.length > 0) { img.OnAttrChange(function () { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); }); } }); } this.obsImgExp.observe(); }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['FixExpandImage']; var htmlStr = ""; htmlStr += ''; return htmlStr; } } }; /// END Fix expanding images /// /// CCP and SCP differences: Show the difference in contribution points between now and X time ago. /// AVE.Modules['ContributionDeltas'] = { ID: 'ContributionDeltas', Name: 'CCP and SCP differences', Desc: 'Show the difference in contribution points between now and X time ago.', Category: 'General', Index: 100, Enabled: false, Store: {}, RunAt: "ready", Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: false }, AddAsToolTip: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Show differences in a tooltip instead of inline.', Value: false }, ShowColourDelta: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Show points in green (+) or red (-) according to the change.', Value: true }, ShowMultipleDeltas: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Show multiple differences in the tooltip (Hour, Day, Week).', Value: false }, ShowSinceLast: { Type: 'string', Desc: 'Show contribution point differences for the last: ', Value: 'day' } }, SinceLast: ["reset", "page", "hour", "6 hours", "12 hours", "day", "week"], OriginalOptions: "", SavePref: function (POST) { POST = POST[this.ID]; this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST)); }, ResetPref: function () {// will add the reset option in the pref manager. Can be removed. this.Options = JSON.parse(this.OriginalOptions); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = this.Store.GetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, "{}"); $.each(JSON.parse(Opt), function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); this.Enabled = this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Username: "", StoredDeltas: {}, CCP: 0, SCP: 0, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); this.SetOptionsFromPref(); this.Username = $(".logged-in > .user > a[title='Profile']"); if (this.Username.length > 0){ this.Username = this.Username.text(); } else { this.Enabled = false; } if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { var _this = this; var _now = Date.now(); this.CCP = $("a.userkarma#ccp").text(); this.SCP = $("a.userkarma#scp").text(); //this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_Deltas", "{}"); this.StoredDeltas = JSON.parse(this.Store.GetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_Deltas", "{}")); if (this.StoredDeltas[this.Username] === undefined) { var tempVal = {ts: new Date (0), S: _this.SCP, C: _this.CCP}; this.StoredDeltas[this.Username] = {}; $.each(_this.SinceLast, function () { _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username][this] = tempVal; }); this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_Deltas", JSON.stringify(this.StoredDeltas)); } var dateDiff, change, newTs, epsilon; epsilon = 2000; //2 sec. change = false; if ((_now - _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["page"].ts) > epsilon){//page change = true; print("AVE: ContribDelta > Updated \"Page\"", true); _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["page"] = {ts: _now, S: _this.SCP, C: _this.CCP}; dateDiff = (_now - _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["hour"].ts) /1000; if (dateDiff > 3600) { //Hour print("AVE: ContribDelta > Updated \"hour\"", true); newTs = new Date (_now).setMinutes(0, 0); _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["hour"] = {ts: newTs, S: _this.SCP, C: _this.CCP}; dateDiff = (_now - _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["6 hours"].ts) / 1000; if (dateDiff > 21600) { //6 hours print("AVE: ContribDelta > Updated \"6 hours\"", true); var newTsHour = new Date (newTs).getHours(); newTs = new Date (newTs).setHours( (newTsHour < 4 ? 0 : (newTsHour < 10 ? 6 : (newTsHour < 16 ? 12 : 18) ) ) ); _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["6 hours"] = {ts: newTs, S: _this.SCP, C: _this.CCP}; dateDiff = (_now - _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["12 hours"].ts) / 1000; if (dateDiff > 43200) { //12 hours print("AVE: ContribDelta > Updated \"12 hours\"", true); newTs = new Date (newTs).setHours(newTsHour < 12 ? 0 : 12); _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["12 hours"] = {ts: newTs, S: _this.SCP, C: _this.CCP}; } } //Only check for days once per hour (and only check for week once per day) dateDiff = (_now - _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["day"].ts) / 1000; if (dateDiff > 86400) { //day print("AVE: ContribDelta > Updated \"Day\"", true); newTs = new Date (newTs).setHours(6); _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["day"] = {ts: newTs, S: _this.SCP, C: _this.CCP}; dateDiff = (_now - _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["week"].ts) / 1000; if (dateDiff > 604800) { //week print("AVE: ContribDelta > Updated \"Week\"", true); newTs -= 86400000 * ((new Date (newTs)).getDay() - 1); _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["week"] = {ts: newTs, S: _this.SCP, C: _this.CCP}; } } } } //save changes if any was made if (change) { this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_Deltas", JSON.stringify(this.StoredDeltas)); } this.AppendToPage(); }, AppendToPage: function () { var _this = this; var delta, JqId, data, multipleD; var _str, _data, _delta; multipleD = ["hour", "day", "week"]; if ($.inArray(this.Options.ShowSinceLast.Value, multipleD) == -1){ //Add selected SinceLast if it isn't already in the list multipleD.splice(0, 0, this.Options.ShowSinceLast.Value); } data = this.StoredDeltas[this.Username][this.Options.ShowSinceLast.Value]; //SCP JqId = $("a.userkarma#scp"); delta = JqId.text() - data.S; if (this.Options.AddAsToolTip.Value){ if (this.Options.ShowMultipleDeltas.Value){ JqId.parent().attr("title", (delta > 0 ? "+": "") +delta); if (this.Options.ShowColourDelta.Value && delta !== 0){ JqId.css("color", ( delta > 0 ?"#1BB61B": "#FF4B4B") ); } } } else { $(' ('+ (delta > 0 ? "+": "") +delta+')') .insertAfter(JqId); if (this.Options.ShowColourDelta.Value && delta !== 0){ $("#AVE_SCP-delta").css("color", delta > 0 ?"#1BB61B" : "#FF4B4B"); } } if (this.Options.ShowMultipleDeltas.Value){ _str = ""; $.each(multipleD, function (i, v) { _data = _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username][v]; _delta = JqId.text() - _data.S; _str += v + ": "+ (_delta > 0 ? "+": "") +_delta; if (i+1 != multipleD.length){ _str += "\n"; } }); if (this.Options.AddAsToolTip.Value){ JqId.parent().attr("title", _str); } else { $("#AVE_SCP-delta").attr("title", _str); } } //CCP JqId = $("a.userkarma#ccp"); delta = JqId.text() - data.C; if (this.Options.AddAsToolTip.Value){ if (this.Options.ShowMultipleDeltas.Value) { JqId.parent().attr("title", (delta > 0 ? "+" : "") + delta); if (this.Options.ShowColourDelta.Value && delta !== 0) { JqId.css("color", ( delta > 0 ? "#1BB61B" : "#FF4B4B")); } } } else { $(' ('+ (delta > 0 ? "+": "") +delta+')') .insertAfter(JqId); if (this.Options.ShowColourDelta.Value && delta !== 0){ $("#AVE_CCP-delta").css("color", delta > 0 ?"#1BB61B" : "#FF4B4B"); } } if (this.Options.ShowMultipleDeltas.Value){ _str = ""; $.each(multipleD, function (i, v) { _data = _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username][v]; _delta = JqId.text() - _data.C; _str += v + ": "+ (_delta > 0 ? "+": "") +_delta; if (i+1 != multipleD.length){ _str += "\n"; } }); if (this.Options.AddAsToolTip.Value){ JqId.parent().attr("title", _str); } else { $("#AVE_CCP-delta").attr("title", _str); } } }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['ContributionDeltas']; var htmlStr = ''; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += "
    "+_this.Options.ShowSinceLast.Desc; htmlStr += ''; /* Button to display all SinceLast: (in a table?) SinceLast[]: CCP/SCP e.g. In last week: #/# */ if (_this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username] && _this.Username.length > 0) { htmlStr += '

    Current user: ' + _this.Username + '.
    Reset count Last reset on ' + this.GetParsedDate(_this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["reset"].ts) + ''; } return htmlStr; }, callback: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['ContributionDeltas']; var JqId; JqId = $("div#ContributionDeltas > div.AVE_ModuleCustomInput > a#AVE_Reset_SinceLast"); JqId.off("click"); JqId.on("click", function () { $("span#AVE_LastReset").text('Last reset on '+ GetParsedDate(Date.now())); _this.StoredDeltas[_this.Username]["reset"] = {ts: Date.now(), S: $("a.userkarma#scp").text(), C: $("a.userkarma#ccp").text()}; _this.Store.SetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID + "_Deltas", JSON.stringify(_this.StoredDeltas)); }); }, /** * @param timeStamp * @returns {string} */ GetParsedDate: function (timeStamp) { return new Date(timeStamp).toLocaleString(); } } }; /// END CCP and SCP differences /// /// Remember comment count: For all visited threads show the number of new comments since the last time they were opened. /// AVE.Modules['RememberCommentCount'] = { ID: 'RememberCommentCount', Name: 'Remember comment count', Desc: 'For all visited threads show the number of new comments since the last time they were opened.', Category: 'Thread', Index: 100, Enabled: false, Store: {}, StorageName: "", Data: {}, Processed: [], RunAt: "ready", Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, HighlightNewComments: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: "Highlight new comments.", Value: false }, HighlightStyle: { Type: 'string', Desc: "Highlight CSS value", Value: ['#473232', '#ffffcf'] }, MaxStorage: { Type: 'int', Range: [1,5000], Desc: "Max number of threads to remember", Value: 400 }, CorrectTimeZone: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: "Correct time zones (beta).", Value: true } }, OriginalOptions: "", Username : "", SubmissionID : "", NewTimeStamp : 0, OldTimeStamp : 0, Init : false, SavePref: function (POST) { var style = AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? 0 : 1; POST = POST[this.ID]; //Clamping if(POST.MaxStorage > 5000){POST.MaxStorage=5000;} else if(POST.MaxStorage < 1){POST.MaxStorage=1;} //Save style for both theme this.Options.HighlightStyle.Value[style] = POST.HighlightStyle; POST.HighlightStyle = this.Options.HighlightStyle.Value; this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST)); }, ResetPref: function () { this.Options = JSON.parse(this.OriginalOptions); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = this.Store.GetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, "{}"); $.each(JSON.parse(Opt), function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); this.Enabled = this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (this.Enabled) { this.StorageName = this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_Data"; //this.Data = JSON.parse(this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, "{}")); this.Data = JSON.parse(this.Store.GetValue(this.StorageName, "{}")); this.Pruning(); this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { this.NewTimeStamp = Date.now(); if (this.Options.CorrectTimeZone.Value){ //Current date with hour correction since timestamps on the page are UTC+1 (CET) this.NewTimeStamp += (new Date(this.NewTimeStamp).getTimezoneOffset() * 60000); } this.AppendToPage(); this.Listeners(); // shouldn't be updated }, Pruning: function(){ var count, key; count = Object.keys(this.Data).length - this.Options.MaxStorage.Value; if (count < 1) {return;} count += Math.ceil(this.Options.MaxStorage.Value / 8); //If over the limit we remove 1/8th of the total value for (key in this.Data){ delete(this.Data[key]); count--; if (count === 0){break;} } this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(this.Data)); }, Update: function () { if (this.Enabled) { this.AppendToPage(); } }, AppendToPage: function () { var _this = this; var _style = AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? 0 : 1; var _count, _id; if (AVE.Utils.currentPageType === "thread") { // comments var JqId = $("a.comments.may-blank:first"); var _new = JqId.find("span").length == 0; _count = parseInt(JqId.text().split(" ")[0], 10) || 0; if (_count > 0) { _this.SubmissionID = _id = $("div.submission[class*='id-']:first").attr("id").split("-")[1]; if (this.Data.hasOwnProperty(_id)) { if (_new) { if (_count > this.Data[_id][0]) { JqId.append(' (+' + (_count - this.Data[_id][0]) + ')'); } } if (!this.OldTimeStamp){ this.OldTimeStamp = this.Data[_id][1]; } if (_this.Options.HighlightNewComments.Value) { var CommId, CommTimeStamp, CommAuthor; _this.Username = $("span.user > a[title='Profile']"); _this.Username = _this.Username.length > 0 ? _this.Username.text().toLowerCase() : ""; $("div.noncollapsed").each(function () { CommId = $(this).attr("id"); CommAuthor = $(this).find("a.userinfo.author").text().toLowerCase(); if ($.inArray(CommId, _this.Processed) === -1 && CommAuthor !== _this.Username) { CommTimeStamp = new Date($(this).find("time:first").attr("datetime")).getTime(); if (_this.Options.CorrectTimeZone.Value){ CommTimeStamp += (-60 * 60000); //Convert to UTC from CET(UTC+1) } if (CommTimeStamp > _this.OldTimeStamp) { $(this).parents("div[class*=' id-']:first").css('background-color', _this.Options.HighlightStyle.Value[_style]); } _this.Processed.push(CommId) } }); } print("AVE: RememberCommentCount > updating "+ _id, true); } else { print("AVE: RememberCommentCount > adding "+ _id, true); } if (!this.Init) {//We have no reason to update this again after loading more comments //If we do, we cannot update manually when the user adds a new comment if (this.Data.hasOwnProperty(_id) && _count === this.Data[_id][0]) { //Pass } else if (_new) { //s("AVE: RememberCommentCount > Writing"); //Update Stored Data in case multiple threads were opened at the same time (we don't want them to overwrite each others). AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "Storage", type: "Update", callback: function () { _this.Data = JSON.parse(_this.Store.GetValue(_this.StorageName, "{}")); _this.Data[_id] = [_count, _this.NewTimeStamp]; _this.Store.SetValue(_this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(_this.Data)); } }); } this.Init = true; } } } else if ($.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["frontpage", "set", "subverse", "search", "domain", "user-submissions"]) !== -1) { // submissions $("a.comments.may-blank").each(function () { _id = $(this).parents("div.submission[class*='id-']:first").attr("data-fullname"); if ($.inArray(_id, _this.Processed) !== -1){return true;} _count = parseInt($(this).text().split(" ")[0], 10) || 0; if (_count > 0){ if (_this.Data.hasOwnProperty(_id) && _count > _this.Data[_id][0]){ $(this).append(' (+'+(_count - _this.Data[_id][0])+')'); } } _this.Processed.push(_id) }); } else if (AVE.Utils.currentPageType === "user-comments"){//Comments and link to submissions in user-comments page $("div.thread").each(function () { _id = $(this).find("p.parent > a.title").attr("href").split("/"); _id = _id[_id.length - 1]; if ($.inArray(_id, _this.Processed) !== -1){return true;} _count = $(this).find("ul.flat-list.buttons > li:last-child > a").text().split(/(\(|\))/) || 0; _count = _count[_count.length -3]; if (_count > 0) { if (_this.Data.hasOwnProperty(_id) && _count > _this.Data[_id][0]) { $(this).find("ul.flat-list.buttons > li:last-child > a").append(' (+' + (_count - _this.Data[_id][0]) + ')'); } } _this.Processed.push(_id) }); } }, Listeners: function () { var _this = this; if (AVE.Utils.currentPageType === "thread") { var timestamp = Date.now(); //listen on new nodes added to the div containing all comments $("div.commentarea > div#siteTable").on("DOMNodeInserted", function (e) { var _id, _target; _id = _this.SubmissionID; _target = $(e.target); //If the new element is a div with classes: "comment" and "child". Is it a comment? if(_target.is("div.comment.child")){ var CommTimeStamp, CommAuthor; //CommId = $(this).attr("id"); CommAuthor = _target.find("a.userinfo.author").text().toLowerCase(); CommTimeStamp = new Date(_target.find("time:first").attr("datetime")).getTime(); //If the new comment is from the same username as the one used by the current logged user //and the comment was added after this page was loaded if (CommAuthor === _this.Username && CommTimeStamp > timestamp) { //Update data storage and parse it as object from JSON AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "Storage", type: "Update", callback: function () { _this.Data = JSON.parse(_this.Store.GetValue(_this.StorageName, "{}")); //If we have an entry stored for this thread (there is no reason there is not, but this is a security) if (_this.Data.hasOwnProperty(_id)) { //Increment comment count since the user just added one _this.Data[_id][0]++; //We don't update the timestamp because other users may have added comments too //Save new data _this.Store.SetValue(_this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(_this.Data)); } }}); } } }); } }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { html: function () { var style = AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? 0 : 1; var _this = AVE.Modules['RememberCommentCount']; var htmlStr = ''; htmlStr += ' (Currently: '+ Object.keys(_this.Data).length+')
    '; //Max: '+_this.Options.MaxStorage.Range[1]+', htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += ' - Highlight CSS value
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; return htmlStr; }, callback: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['RememberCommentCount']; $("input[id='HighlightStyle'][Module='" + _this.ID + "']").on("keyup", function () { $("div#Demo_HighlightStyle").css("background-color", $("input[id='HighlightStyle'][Module='" + _this.ID + "']").val()); }).trigger("keyup"); } } }; /// END Remember comment count /// /// Append quote: Add a "quote" link to automatically insert the quoted comment into the closest reply box. /// AVE.Modules['AppendQuote'] = { ID: 'AppendQuote', Name: 'Append quote', Desc: 'Add a "quote" link to automatically insert the quoted comment into the closest reply box.', Category: 'Thread', Enabled: false, Store: {}, Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, Formatting: { Type: 'string', Value: '[{@username}]({@permaLink}) wrote:{@n}{@n}{@comment}' } }, OriginalOptions: "", SavePref: function (POST) { var _this = this; print(JSON.stringify(POST)); _this.Store.SetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST[_this.ID])); }, ResetPref: function () { var _this = this; _this.Options = JSON.parse(_this.OriginalOptions); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = _this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); if (Opt != undefined) { Opt = JSON.parse(Opt); $.each(Opt, function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); } _this.Enabled = _this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (AVE.Utils.currentPageType !== "thread") { this.Enabled = false; } if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { this.AppendToPage(); this.Listeners(); }, Update: function () { if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, AppendToPage: function () { $("ul.flat-list.buttons").each(function () { if ($(this).find("a#AVE_QuotePost").length > 0) { return; } var cont = $(this).find("li:first"); if (cont.length > 0){ $('
  • quote
  • ').insertAfter(cont); } }); }, Listeners: function () { var _this = this; $("a#AVE_QuotePost").off("click") .on("click", function () { var comment = AVE.Utils.ParseQuotedText($(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.md:first').html()); var permaLink = $(this).parents("ul[class*='flat-list']").first().find("a[class*='bylink']").attr("href"); if (!permaLink) { permaLink = window.location.href; } var userpageLink = $(this).parents("ul[class*='flat-list']").first().parent().find("a[class*='author']").attr("href"); var username = $(this).parents("ul[class*='flat-list']").first().parent().find("a[class*='author']").text(); var quote = _this.Options.Formatting.Value.replace(/\{@username}/gi, username); quote = quote.replace(/\{@permaLink}/gi, permaLink); quote = quote.replace(/\{@userpage}/gi, userpageLink); quote = quote.replace(/\{@comment}/gi, comment); quote = quote.replace(/\{@n}/g, "\n"); var NearestReplyBox = $(this).parents(":has(textarea[class*='commenttextarea'][id*='Content']:visible)").first() .find("textarea[class*='commenttextarea'][id*='Content']:visible"); print(NearestReplyBox.length); if (NearestReplyBox.val() !== "") { NearestReplyBox.val(NearestReplyBox.val() + "\n\n" + quote); } else { NearestReplyBox.val(quote); } }); }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['AppendQuote']; var htmlStr = ""; htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += ' '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += "
    {@username}: username of the comment's author,"; htmlStr += '
    {@permaLink}: permaLink to the comment,'; htmlStr += "
    {@userpage}: link to the username's page,"; htmlStr += "
    {@comment}: comment's content as a quote,"; htmlStr += '
    {@n}: new line.'; return htmlStr; }, callback: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['AppendQuote']; $('button#AutoQuoteFormatShowPreview').on("click", function () { var JqId = $("div#AutoQuoteFormatPreview"); if ($(this).text() === "Show Preview") { $(this).text("Hide Preview"); JqId.show(); var quote = $("input[id='Formatting'][Module='" + _this.ID + "']").val().replace(/\{@username}/gi, "Username"); quote = quote.replace(/\{@permaLink}/gi, "/v/whatever/comments/111111/111111"); quote = quote.replace(/\{@userpage}/gi, "/user/atko"); quote = quote.replace(/\{@comment}/gi, "> This is a comment.\n\n> Another line."); quote = quote.replace(/\{@n}/g, "\n"); JqId.text("Loading..."); var r = { MessageContent: quote }; $.ajax({ url: "https://voat.co/ajaxhelpers/rendersubmission/", type: "post", dataType: "html", success: function (n) { JqId.html(n); }, data: r }); } else { $(this).text("Show Preview"); JqId.hide(); } }); } } }; /// END Append quote /// /// Disable Share-a-Link: This module will remove the Share-a-Link overlay block. /// AVE.Modules['DisableShareALink'] = { ID: 'DisableShareALink', Name: 'Disable Share-a-Link', Desc: 'This module will remove the Share-a-Link overlay block.', Category: 'Misc', //The share-a-link feature doesn't exist anymore it seems. This module is obsolete. Index: 100, Enabled: false, Store: {}, Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true } }, SavePref: function (POST) { var _this = AVE.Modules['DisableShareALink']; POST = POST[_this.ID]; _this.Store.SetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST)); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['DisableShareALink']; var Opt = _this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); $.each(JSON.parse(Opt), function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); _this.Enabled = _this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { $('div#share-a-link-overlay').remove(); $("body").removeAttr("ondrop") .removeAttr("ondragover"); } }; /// END Disable Share-a-Link /// /// Subverse and Set shortcuts: Replace the subverse list header with a custom list. /// AVE.Modules['Shortcuts'] = { ID: 'Shortcuts', Name: 'Subverse and Set shortcuts', Desc: 'Replace the subverse list header with a custom list.', Category: 'General', Order: 4, Enabled: false, Store: {}, StorageName: "", Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true } }, defaultList: "newsubverses,introductions,news", SavePref: function (POST) { this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST[this.ID])); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = _this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); if (Opt != undefined) { Opt = JSON.parse(Opt); $.each(Opt, function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); } this.Enabled = _this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (this.Enabled) { this.StorageName = this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_shortcuts"; this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { this.DisplayCustomSubversesList(); if (AVE.Utils.isPageSubverse) { this.AppendShortcutButton(); } else if (AVE.Utils.currentPageType === "subverses") { this.AddShortcutsButtonInSubversesPage(); } else if ($.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["mysets", "sets"]) >= 0) { this.AddShortcutsButtonInSetsPage(); } else if (AVE.Utils.currentPageType === "set") { this.AddShortcutsButtonInSetPage(); } }, AddShortcutsButtonInSetPage: function () { //Not implemented yet. //The set pages are bound to change soon. //return; }, AddShortcutsButtonInSetsPage: function () { var _this = this; var inShortcut = false; var tempSetName = ""; var tempSetId = ""; $("div[id*='set']").each(function () { tempSetName = $(this).find(".h4").text();//.replace(/([&\/\\#,+()$~%.'":*?<>{}])/g, '\\$1'); tempSetId = $(this).find(".h4").attr("href").substr(5); inShortcut = this.isSubInShortcuts(tempSetName + ":" + tempSetId); var btnHTML = '
    '; $(btnHTML).appendTo($(this).find(".midcol").first()); }); $(document).on("click", "#AVE_Sets_Shortcut", function () { var setName = $(this).attr("setName"); var setId = $(this).attr("setId"); if (setName === null || setName === undefined || setName === "undefined" || setId === null || setId === undefined) { alert("AVE: Error adding set " + setName + ", id: " + setId); return; } var set = setName + ":" + setId; if (_this.isSubInShortcuts(set)) { _this.RemoveFromShortcuts(set); _this.ToggleShortcutButton(true, this); } else { _this.AddToShortcuts(set); _this.ToggleShortcutButton(false, this); } this.DisplayCustomSubversesList(); }); }, // Special to voat.co/subverses: adds a "shortcut" button for each subverse//// AddShortcutsButtonInSubversesPage: function () { var _this = this; var inShortcut = false; var tempSubName = ""; $('.col-md-6').each(function () { tempSubName = $(this).find(".h4").attr("href").substr(3); inShortcut = _this.isSubInShortcuts(tempSubName); var btnHTML = '
    '; $(btnHTML).appendTo($(this).find(".midcol").first()); }); $(document).on("click", "#AVE_Subverses_Shortcut", function () { var subName = $(this).attr("subverse"); if (_this.isSubInShortcuts(subName)) { _this.RemoveFromShortcuts(subName); _this.ToggleShortcutButton(true, this); } else { _this.AddToShortcuts(subName); _this.ToggleShortcutButton(false, this); } _this.DisplayCustomSubversesList(); }); }, /// Common to voat.co: modifies the subverse header list with custom subverse //// DisplayCustomSubversesList: function () { var SubString = ''; var subArr = this.GetSubversesList(); var setInfo = []; for (var idx in subArr) { if (!subArr.hasOwnProperty(idx) || subArr[idx] == "") { continue; } if (AVE.Utils.regExpSet.test(subArr[idx])) { //ex: name:12 setInfo = this.GetSetParam(subArr[idx]); SubString += '
  • -' + setInfo[0] + '
  • '; } else { SubString += '
  • -' + subArr[idx] + '
  • '; } } $('ul#sr-bar').html(SubString); }, //// Special to subverse: adds a "shortcut" button for this subverse//// AppendShortcutButton: function () { var _this = this; var btnHTML; if (!this.isPageInShortcuts()) { //style="display:inline" is a fix for the Scribble custom style that tries to hide the block button, but instead hides this button. btnHTML = '\xa0'; } else { btnHTML = '\xa0'; } if ($(".btn-whoaverse-paging.btn-xs.btn-default.btn-unsub").length) { $(btnHTML).insertAfter(".btn-whoaverse-paging.btn-xs.btn-default.btn-unsub"); } else { $(btnHTML).insertAfter(".btn-whoaverse-paging.btn-xs.btn-default.btn-sub"); } $("#AVE_Shortcut").on("click", function () { var subverseName = $("h1.whoaversename > a:first").text(); if (_this.isPageInShortcuts()) { _this.RemoveFromShortcuts(subverseName); _this.ToggleShortcutButton(true, "#AVE_Shortcut"); } else { _this.AddToShortcuts(subverseName); _this.ToggleShortcutButton(false, "#AVE_Shortcut"); } _this.DisplayCustomSubversesList(); }); }, /// Special methods related to shortcuts /// GetSubversesList: function () { return this.Store.GetValue(this.StorageName, this.defaultList).split(','); }, GetSubversesListRaw: function () { return this.Store.GetValue(this.StorageName, this.defaultList); }, GetSetParam: function (str) { var m = AVE.Utils.regExpSet.exec(str); if (m == null) { return null; } else { return [m[1].toLowerCase(), m[2]]; } }, AddToShortcuts: function (SubName) { if (SubName === "") {return;} var subversesArr = this.GetSubversesListRaw(); if (subversesArr.toLowerCase().split(",").indexOf(SubName.toLowerCase()) !== -1){ print("AVE: AddToShortcuts > \""+SubName+"\" is already present in the shortcut list"); return; } if (subversesArr === this.defaultList){ this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, SubName); return; } subversesArr = this.GetSubversesList(); this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, subversesArr.join(",") + "," + SubName); }, EditShortcut: function (x, newname) { if (newname === "") {return;} var subversesArr = this.GetSubversesList(); if (isNaN(x)){ //x is the sub's name var idx = subversesArr.indexOf(x); if (idx !== -1){ subversesArr[idx] = newname; } else { print("AVE: EditShortcut > "+x+" couldn't be found"); return; } } else { //x is an index if (x >= 0 && x < subversesArr.length){ subversesArr[x] = newname; } else { print("AVE: EditShortcut > index out of bound"); return; } } this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, subversesArr.join(",")); }, RemoveSetFromShortcut: function (id) { var subversesArr = this.GetSubversesList(); for (var x in subversesArr) { if (AVE.Utils.regExpSet.test(subversesArr[x])) { if (this.GetSetParam(subversesArr[x])[1] == id) { this.RemoveFromShortcuts(subversesArr[x]); return true; } } } return false; }, RemoveFromShortcuts: function (SubName) { var subversesArr = this.GetSubversesListRaw().toLowerCase().split(","); var idx = subversesArr.indexOf(SubName.toLowerCase()); if (idx === -1) { alert("AVE: sub or set name not found in header list (" + SubName + ")"); return; } subversesArr = this.GetSubversesList(); subversesArr.splice(idx, 1); this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, subversesArr.join(",")); }, ToggleShortcutButton: function (state, sel) { if (state == true) { $(sel).text('+ shortcut'); $(sel).addClass('btn-sub') } else { $(sel).text('- shortcut'); $(sel).removeClass('btn-sub'); } }, isSubInShortcuts: function (Sub) { var subversesArr = this.GetSubversesList(); for (var i in subversesArr) { if (subversesArr[i].toLowerCase() == Sub.toLowerCase()) { return true; } } return false; }, isPageInShortcuts: function () { return this.isSubInShortcuts(AVE.Utils.subverseName); }, AppendToDashboard: { initialized: false, CSSselector: "", module: {}, init: function () { this.module = AVE.Modules['Shortcuts']; this.CSSselector = "a[id^='AVE_Dashboard_Show'][name='"+this.module.ID+"']"; this.initialized = true; var CSS = '' + 'svg#AVE_subversetable {' + ' vertical-align: middle;' + ' cursor: pointer;' + ' margin-left:10px;' + '}' + 'div#AVE_Dashboard_shortcuts_buttons{' + ' margin-bottom: 20px;' + ' margin-left: 45px;' + '}' + 'div#AVE_Dashboard_shortcuts_table{' + ' margin-left: 45px;' + ' margin-bottom: 10px;' + '}'; AVE.Utils.AddStyle(CSS); }, html: function () { if (!this.initialized){this.init();} //Update data storage AVE.Storage.Update(); this.module.DisplayCustomSubversesList(); var htmlStr = ""; var subs = this.module.GetSubversesList(); var len = subs.length; htmlStr += '
    ' + '' + 'Append' + 'Set' + 'Export' + '
    '; $.each(subs, function (idx, sub) { htmlStr += '' + '
    ' + '' + '' + '' + '' + ''+sub+'' + '
    '; }); htmlStr += '
    '; return htmlStr; }, callback: function () { "use strict"; var _this = this; var JqId = $("section[role='AVE_Dashboard'][module='Shortcuts']"); var input = JqId.parent().find("input"); JqId.find("a[role='append']").off().on("click", function () { var newset = $.trim(input.val().replace(/\s/g, '')).split(","); var newsubs = _this.module.GetSubversesList(); for (var i = 0; i < newset.length; i++){ if (!newset[i] ||  $.inArray(newset[i], newsubs) !== -1){continue;} newsubs.push(newset[i]); } if (newsubs.length === 0) {return;} _this.module.Store.SetValue(_this.module.StorageName, newsubs.join(",")); _this.Reload(); }); JqId.find("a[role='set']").off().on("click", function () { var newset = $.trim(input.val().replace(/\s/g, '')).split(","); var newsubs = []; for (var i = 0; i < newset.length; i++){ if (!newset[i] ||  $.inArray(newset[i], newsubs) !== -1){continue;} newsubs.push(newset[i]); } if (newsubs.length === 0) {return;} _this.module.Store.SetValue(_this.module.StorageName, newsubs.join(",")); _this.Reload(); }); JqId.find("a[role='export']").off().on("click", function () { prompt("Copy the string below", _this.module.GetSubversesListRaw()); }); JqId.find("svg[role='add']").off().on("click", function () { var subname = $.trim(prompt("Enter below the subverse's name you want to add")); if (subname === ""){return false;} _this.module.AddToShortcuts(subname); _this.Reload(); }); JqId.find("svg[role='remove']").off().on("click", function () { var subname = $(this).parent().attr("subname"); if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to remove \""+subname+"\" from your shortcuts?")){return false;} _this.module.RemoveFromShortcuts(subname); _this.Reload(); }); JqId.find("svg[role='edit']").off().on("click", function () { var oldsubname = $(this).parent().attr("subname"); var newsubname = $.trim(prompt("Edit below the subverse's name.", oldsubname)); if (newsubname === ""){return false;} _this.module.EditShortcut(oldsubname, newsubname); _this.Reload(); }); JqId.find("svg[role='down']").off().on("click", function () { if ($(this).css("cursor") !== "pointer"){return;} var subversesArr = _this.module.GetSubversesList(); var idx = $(this).parent().index() -1; AVE.Utils.move(subversesArr, idx, idx+1); _this.module.Store.SetValue(_this.module.StorageName, subversesArr.join(",")); _this.Reload(); }); JqId.find("svg[role='up']").off().on("click", function () { if ($(this).css("cursor") !== "pointer"){return;} var subversesArr = _this.module.GetSubversesList(); var idx = $(this).parent().index() -1; AVE.Utils.move(subversesArr, idx, idx-1); _this.module.Store.SetValue(_this.module.StorageName, subversesArr.join(",")); _this.Reload(); }); }, Reload: function () { this.module.DisplayCustomSubversesList(); $(this.CSSselector).trigger("click"); //Reload-update } } }; /// END Subverse and Set shortcuts /// /// Archive submissions: Add a link to an archived version of the submission /// AVE.Modules['ArchiveSubmission'] = { ID: 'ArchiveSubmission', Name: 'Archive submissions', Desc: 'Add a link to an archived version of the submission', Category: 'Subverse', Index: 101, Enabled: false, Store: {}, RunAt: "container", Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, ArchiveSelfposts: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: "Archive self-posts as well.", Value: false }, WebArchive: { Type: 'obj', Desc: 'What archiving website do you want to use?', Websites: {'org': 'archive.org', // https://web.archive.org/web/*/URL 'is' : 'archive.is'}, // https://archive.is/?run=1&url=URL // Add google-cache? Value: "is" } }, OriginalOptions: "", //If ResetPref is used SavePref: function (POST) { POST = POST[this.ID]; this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST)); }, ResetPref: function () { this.Options = JSON.parse(this.OriginalOptions); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = this.Store.GetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, "{}"); $.each(JSON.parse(Opt), function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); this.Enabled = this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if ($.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["frontpage", "set", "subverse", "thread", "domain", "user-submissions", "user-comments", "saved", "search"]) === -1) { this.Enabled = false; } if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { this.AppendToPage(); }, Update: function () { if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, AppendToPage: function () { "use strict"; var _this = this; $("ul.flat-list.buttons").each(function () { if($(this).find("li > a#AVE_ArchiveSubmission_link").length>0) {return;} //Not already added if(!_this.Options.ArchiveSelfposts.Value && $(this).parents("div.submission:first").hasClass("self")){return;} //Not a self-post if($(this).find("li:first > a ").text()==="permalink"){return false;} //Not a comment (will break the loop if it is) var url; url = $(this).parents("div.entry:first").find("p.title > a.title").attr("href"); //If link to self-post: return. The only case where the archive link will be added to a self-post submissions is with stickies. if (!/^http/.test(url)) { //if self-post if (_this.Options.ArchiveSelfposts.Value)//recreate URL if chose to archive self-posts { url = "https://" + window.location.hostname + url; } else //return here otherwise. Even though the function should have exited already by that point (only if not a sticky) { return; } } if (/^https?:\/\/archive\.is/.test(url)) {return;} url = 'https://archive.is/?run=1&url='+encodeURIComponent(url); $(this).append('
  • archive
  • '); }); }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { //Use to add custom input to the pref Manager html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['ArchiveSubmission']; var htmlStr = ''; htmlStr += '
    The archiving website used is "archive.is".
    After opening a new page to archive.is, you may need to wait a second or two before being redirected to the archived page.
    If you are the first to open a particular page looking for an archived version, you will need to wait for it to be processed. Please let this process finish as it will help other users after you.

    '; htmlStr += ''; return htmlStr; } } }; /// END Archive submissions /// /// Domain filter: Use filters to remove submissions linking to particular domains. /// AVE.Modules['DomainFilter'] = { ID: 'DomainFilter', Name: 'Domain filter', Desc: 'Use filters to remove submissions linking to particular domains.', Category: 'Domains', Index: 101, Enabled: false, Store: {}, Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, Filters: { Type: 'array', Desc: "Example of filter", Value: [] //not JSONified } }, filters: [], Filter: function (id, keyword, sub) { this.Id = id || 0; this.Keywords = keyword || []; //List of keywords this.ApplyToSub = sub || []; //List of subs }, OriginalOptions: "", SavePref: function (POST) { var _this = this; POST = POST[this.ID]; var id, kw, sub, tV; this.Options.Filters.Value = []; $.each(POST, function (k, v) { tV = k.split("-"); if (tV.length === 2) { id = parseInt(tV[0], 10); } else { return true; } //if this isn't a filter value: continue if (tV[1] === "kw") { if (v.length === 0) { return true; } //If no kw were specified: continue else { _this.Options.Filters.Value.push(new _this.Filter(id, v.toLowerCase().split(","), [])); } } else if (tV[1] === "sub") { var inArr = $.grep(_this.Options.Filters.Value, function (e) { return e.Id === id; }); if (inArr.length === 0) { //if there is no filter with this ID: continue return true; } else if (v.length !== 0) { var idx = $.inArray(inArr[0], _this.Options.Filters.Value); _this.Options.Filters.Value[idx].ApplyToSub = v.toLowerCase().split(","); } } }); //print(JSON.stringify( _this.Options.Filters.Value)); this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify( { Enabled: POST.Enabled, Filters: this.Options.Filters.Value } ) ); }, ResetPref: function () { var _this = this; _this.Options = JSON.parse(_this.OriginalOptions); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = _this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); $.each(JSON.parse(Opt), function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); _this.Enabled = _this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { var _this = this; this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if ($.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["frontpage", "set", "subverse", "search", "domain", "user-submissions", "saved"]) === -1) { this.Enabled = false; } if (this.Enabled) { this.filters = jQuery.extend([], _this.Options.Filters.Value); if (AVE.Modules['DomainTags'].Enabled){ var id = _this.Options.Filters.Value.length; $.each(AVE.Modules['DomainTags'].DomainTags, function (name, tag) { if (tag.i){ _this.filters.push(new _this.Filter(id++, [name.toLowerCase()])); } }); } this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { var _this = this; //When a submission is filtered it is simply removed, so no need to check anything special when the update method is triggered. var re, found; $("div.entry > p.title > span.domain > a").each(function () { var DomainRef = $(this); var DomainStr = DomainRef.text().toLowerCase(); //if str == self.(SubName) continue $.each(_this.filters, function () { found = false; if (this.ApplyToSub.length === 0 || $.inArray(AVE.Utils.subverseName, this.ApplyToSub) !== -1) { $.each(this.Keywords, function () { if (this.length === 0) { return true;}//Just in case // ((Start of string OR preceded by a period) OR (End of line OR followed by a period)) re = new RegExp("(^|\\.)"+this+"($|\\.)"); // An issue could arise if a filter matches a subdomain's name. Unfortunately, I cannot check to see if an TLD always follows. if (re.test(DomainStr)) { print("AVE: removed submission from domain \"" + DomainStr + "\" (kw: \"" + this + "\")"); DomainRef.parents("div.submission:first").remove(); found = true; //no point in continuing since the submission no longer exists return false; //break } }); } if (found) { return false; } //break }); if (found) { return true; } //continue }); }, Update: function () {//Use if this module needs to be update by UpdateAfterLoadingMore or NeverEndingVoat, remove otherwise if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { //Use to add custom input to the pref Manager htmlNewFilter: '', html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['DomainFilter']; var Pref_this = this; var htmlStr = ""; this.htmlNewFilter = '\ Keyword(s) \ \ Subverse(s) \ \ \ -'; htmlStr += ' Example: "abc" matches "abc.com", "en.abc.com" but not "abcd.com".
    Separate keywords and subverse names by a comma.

    '; var count = 0; $.each(_this.Options.Filters.Value, function () { var filter = Pref_this.htmlNewFilter + "
    "; filter = filter.replace(/\{@id}/ig, count); filter = filter.replace("{@keywords}", this.Keywords.join(",")); filter = filter.replace("{@subverses}", this.ApplyToSub.join(",")); count++; htmlStr += filter; }); htmlStr += 'Add new filter'; return htmlStr; }, callback: function () { var Pref_this = this; var JqId = $("div#DomainFilter > div.AVE_ModuleCustomInput > a.RemoveFilter"); $("div#DomainFilter > div.AVE_ModuleCustomInput > a#AddNewFilter").on("click", function () { var html = Pref_this.htmlNewFilter + "
    "; html = html.replace(/\{@id\}/ig, parseInt($("div#DomainFilter > div.AVE_ModuleCustomInput > span.AVE_Domain_Filter:last").attr("id"), 10) + 1); html = html.replace("{@keywords}", ""); html = html.replace("{@subverses}", ""); $(html).insertBefore("div#DomainFilter > div.AVE_ModuleCustomInput > a#AddNewFilter"); $("div#DomainFilter > div.AVE_ModuleCustomInput > a.RemoveFilter").off("click") .on("click", function () { print("Remove link: " + $(this).attr("id"), true); print("Remove span: " + $(this).prev("span.AVE_Domain_Filter").attr("id"), true); $(this).next("br").remove(); $(this).prev("span.AVE_Domain_Filter").remove(); $(this).remove(); }); AVE.Modules.PreferenceManager.ChangeListeners(); }); JqId.off("click"); JqId.on("click", function () { $(this).next("br").remove(); $(this).prev("span.AVE_Domain_Filter").remove(); $(this).remove(); AVE.Modules.PreferenceManager.AddToModifiedModulesList("DomainFilter"); }); } } }; /// END Domain filter /// /// Single click opener: Add "[l+c]" link to submission, opens link and comment pages. /// AVE.Modules['SingleClickOpener'] = { ID: 'SingleClickOpener', Name: 'Single click opener', Desc: 'Add "[l+c]" link to submission, opens link and comment pages.', Category: 'Subverse', Index: 102, Enabled: false, Store: {}, RunAt: "load", Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, OpenInArchive: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Open external link in archives.is.', Value: false } }, SavePref: function (POST) { POST = POST[this.ID]; this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST)); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = this.Store.GetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, "{}"); $.each(JSON.parse(Opt), function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); this.Enabled = this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if ($.inArray(AVE.Utils.currentPageType, ["frontpage", "set", "subverse", "search", "domain", "user-submissions", "saved"]) === -1) { this.Enabled = false; } if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { this.AppendToPage(); this.Listeners(); }, Update: function () { if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, AppendToPage: function () { "use strict"; $("ul.flat-list.buttons").each(function () { if ($(this).find("li > a#AVE_SingleClickOpener_link").length > 0) {return;} if($(this).parents("div.submission:first").hasClass("self")){return;} //Not a self-post $(this).append('
  • [l+c]
  • '); }); }, Listeners: function () { "use strict"; var _this = this; $("li > a#AVE_SingleClickOpener_link").off().on("click", function () { var url = []; url.push($(this).parents("div.entry:first").find("p.title > a.title").attr("href")); url.push("https://" + window.location.hostname + $(this).parent().parent().find(":first-child > a.comments").attr("href")); if (!/^http/.test(url[0])) { url[0] = "https://" + window.location.hostname + url[0]; } if (_this.Options.OpenInArchive.Value && !/^https?:\/\/archive\.is/.test(url[0])){ url[0] = 'https://archive.is/?run=1&url='+encodeURIComponent(url[0]); } if (url[0] && url[0] === url[1]) { AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "OpenInTab", url: url[0] }); } else { AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "OpenInTab", url: url[0] }); AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "OpenInTab", url: url[1] }); } }); }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { //Use to add custom input to the pref Manager html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['SingleClickOpener']; return '
    '; } } }; /// END Single click opener /// /// Hide username: Options to hide or replace references to your username (not in posts). /// AVE.Modules['HideUsername'] = { ID: 'HideUsername', Name: 'Hide username', Desc: 'Options to hide or replace references to your username (not in posts).', Category: 'Account', //Should be loaded after the usertag module Index: 150, Enabled: false, Store: {}, RunAt: "banner", Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: false }, NewName: { Type: 'string', Desc: "Replace with: ", Value: "" }, ReplaceEverywhere: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Replace all references to your username.', Value: false }, RemoveInLoginBlock: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: 'Remove your username from the user info block.', Value: false } }, OriginalOptions: "", SavePref: function (POST) { POST = POST[this.ID]; this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST)); }, ResetPref: function () { this.Options = JSON.parse(this.OriginalOptions); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = this.Store.GetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, "{}"); $.each(JSON.parse(Opt), function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); this.Enabled = this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); //If ResetPref is used this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { if (AVE.Utils.CurrUsername() === null) {return;} if (this.Options.RemoveInLoginBlock.Value) { $(".logged-in > .user > a[title='Profile']").remove(); } else if (!this.Options.ReplaceEverywhere.Value) { $(".logged-in > .user > a[title='Profile']").text(this.Options.NewName.Value); } if (this.Options.ReplaceEverywhere.Value) { $("a[href='/user/" + AVE.Utils.CurrUsername() + "'],a[href='/u/" + AVE.Utils.CurrUsername() + "']") .not("#upvoatsGiven").filter(":parents(li.selected)") .text(this.Options.NewName.Value); } }, Update: function () { if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['HideUsername']; var htmlStr = ''; htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += '
    ' + _this.Options.NewName.Desc + ''; return htmlStr; }, callback: function () { } } }; /// END Hide username /// /// Domain tags: Choose tags to characterize domains. /// AVE.Modules['DomainTags'] = { ID: 'DomainTags', Name: 'Domain tags', Desc: 'Choose tags to characterize domains.', Category: 'Domains', Index: 200, Enabled: false, Store: {}, RunAt: "container", Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: false } }, Style: "", DomainTags: "", StorageName: "", Processed: [], DomainTagObj: function (tag, colour, ignore) { this.t = tag.toString(); this.c = colour.toString(); this.i = !!ignore; }, OriginalOptions: "", SavePref: function (POST) { POST = POST[this.ID]; this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST)); }, ResetPref: function () { this.Options = JSON.parse(this.OriginalOptions); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = this.Store.GetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, "{}"); $.each(JSON.parse(Opt), function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); this.Enabled = this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.OriginalOptions = JSON.stringify(this.Options); this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (this.Enabled) { this.style = 'div.AVE_Domain_tag {' + ' margin-left: 5px;' + ' cursor: pointer;' + ' display: inline-block;' + '}' + 'div.AVE_Domaintag_box > span {' + ' cursor: pointer;' + ' font-size: 14px;' + ' margin-left: 2px;' + ' margin-right: 2px;' + '}' + 'div.AVE_Domaintag_box > div#ColourDot {' + ' width: 15px;' + ' height: 15px;' + ' border-radius: 10px;' + ' display: inline;' + ' float: right;' + ' margin: 2px 8px 2px 0px;' + ' border: 2px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "000" : "AAA") + ';' + ' cursor: pointer;' + '/* overrides */' + //' width: 20px;' + //' height: 20px;' + //' border-radius: 0px 10px 10px 0px;' + //' display: inline;' + //' float: right;' + //' margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px;' + //' border: 2px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "000" : "AAA") + ';' + //' cursor: pointer;' + //' min-width: 10px;' + //' border-width: 0px 2px 0px 1px;' + '}' + 'div.AVE_Domaintag_box > input[type="text"] {' + ' height: 20px;' + ' width: 220px;' + ' border: none;' + ' border-left: 1px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "000" : "AAA") + ';' + ' border-right: 1px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "000" : "AAA") + ';' + ' padding-left: 5px;' + ' background-color: #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "414141" : "F8F8F8") + ';' + '}' + 'div.AVE_Domaintag_box {' + 'background-color: #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "333" : "FFF") + ';' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "" : "color: #707070;") + 'z-index: 1000 !important;' + 'position:absolute;' + 'left:0px;' + 'top:0px;' + 'border: 2px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "000" : "AAA") + ';' + 'border-radius:3px;' + 'width:320px;' + '}' + 'div.AVE_Domain_tag > svg {' + ' vertical-align: middle;' + '}' + 'div.AVE_Domaintag_box > svg {' + ' vertical-align: middle;' + ' margin-left: 2px;' + '}'; AVE.Utils.AddStyle(this.style); this.StorageName = this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_Tags"; this.DomainTags = JSON.parse(this.Store.GetValue(this.StorageName, "{}")); this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { this.AppendToPage(); this.Listeners(); }, Update: function () { if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, AppendToPage: function () { "use strict"; var _this = this; $("p.title > span.domain > a").each(function () { var id = $(this).parents("div.submission[class*='id-']:first").attr("data-fullname"); if ($.inArray(id, _this.Processed) !== -1){return true;} else {_this.Processed.push(id);} var domain; var tag, colour; domain = $(this).text(); if (_this.DomainTags[domain]) { tag = _this.DomainTags[domain].t; colour = _this.DomainTags[domain].c; } //Commented out so that we can tag subverses too (self-text submissions). //if (/self\.[a-zA-Z0-9]?/.test(domain)){return true;} if ($(this).parent().find("div.AVE_Domain_tag").length === 0) { $('
    ').insertAfter($(this)); var el = $(this).parent().find("div.AVE_Domain_tag"); if (!tag && !colour) { el.html(''); el.attr("title", "Click to create a new tag"); } else { if (!tag) { tag = "No tag"; } else if (!colour) { colour = (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "777" : "BBB"); } el.attr("title", tag); el.html(''); } } }); }, Listeners: function () { "use strict"; var _this = this; $("div.AVE_Domain_tag").off().on("click", function (e) { //e.stopPropagation(); var domain, box; var tag, colour, ignore; domain = $(this).parent().find("a").text(); if (_this.DomainTags[domain]) { tag = _this.DomainTags[domain].t; colour = _this.DomainTags[domain].c; ignore = _this.DomainTags[domain].i; } box = $("div.AVE_Domaintag_box"); if (box.length === 0){ var boxHtml; boxHtml = '' + '
    ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '
    ' + '
    '; //Weird css values for the colour input because of Chrome not wanting to trigger it if hidden with "display:none;" $("body").append(boxHtml); box = $("div.AVE_Domaintag_box"); box.find("div#ColourDot").on("click", function () { var dot = $(this); dot.parent().find("input[type='color']") .trigger("click") .on("change", function () { dot.css("background-color", $(this).val()); dot.parent().find("svg:first").find("path").css("fill", $(this).val()); }); }); box.find("input[type='text']").on("input", function () { box.find("svg:first").attr("title", $(this).val() || "No tag"); }); box.find("svg:last").off().on("click", function () { var Opt; if (!AVE.Modules['DomainFilter'].Enabled){ if (!confirm("This feature relies on DomainFilter to work, but this module is disabled.\nDo you want to activate it?")){ return; } else { Opt = JSON.parse(_this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + AVE.Modules['DomainFilter'].ID, "{}")); Opt.Enabled = true; _this.Store.SetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + AVE.Modules['DomainFilter'].ID, JSON.stringify(Opt)); print("AVE: DomainFilter > Enabled by DomainTag"); } } var poly = $(this).find("polyline"); poly.css("stroke-width", poly.css("stroke-width") !== "2px" ? "2px" : "0px"); }); box.find("span#cancel").off().on("click", function () { box.hide(); }); box.find("span#submit").off().on("click", function () { domain = box.attr("domain"); tag = box.find("input[type='text']").val(); colour = box.find("input[type='color']").val(); ignore = box.find("svg > polyline").css("stroke-width") === "2px"; _this.setTag(domain, tag, colour, ignore); _this.updateTag(domain); box.hide(); }); box.hide(); } var position = $(this).offset(); position.top -= 5; position.left = Math.max(position.left - 280, 20); box.css(position) .show(); box.attr("domain", domain); box.find("input[type='text']").val(tag).select(); box.find("input[type='color']").val(colour || (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#438BB7" : "#4AABE7")); box.find("div#ColourDot").css("background-color", colour || (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#438BB7" : "#4AABE7")); box.find("svg:first").find("path").css("fill", colour || (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#438BB7" : "#4AABE7")); box.find("svg:first").attr("title", tag || "No tag"); box.find("svg:last > polyline").css("stroke-width", ignore ? "2px" : "0px"); }); $(document).on("keyup", function (e) { var box = $("div.AVE_Domaintag_box"); if (box.is(":visible")){ //print(e.key + " - "+e.which); if (e.which === 13) { //enter if ($(e.target).attr("id") === "AVE_Domaintag_box_textinput") { box.find("span#submit").trigger("click"); } } else if (e.which === 27) { //escape box.find("span#cancel").trigger("click"); } } }); }, updateTag: function (domain) { "use strict"; var _this = this; $("p.title > span.domain > a:textEquals("+domain+")").each(function(){ var tag, colour, ignore; if (_this.DomainTags[domain]) { tag = _this.DomainTags[domain].t; colour = _this.DomainTags[domain].c; ignore = _this.DomainTags[domain].i || false; } var el = $(this).parent().find("div.AVE_Domain_tag"); if(!el){return;} if (!tag && !colour) { el.html(''); el.attr("title", "Click to create a new tag"); } else { if (!tag) { tag = "No tag"; } else if (!colour) { colour = (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "777" : "BBB"); } el.attr("title", tag); el.html(''); } }); }, setTag: function (domain, tag, colour, ignore) { "use strict"; var obj = new this.DomainTagObj(tag, colour, ignore); if(!obj.t && !obj.c){return;} this.DomainTags[domain] = obj; //print(JSON.stringify(this.DomainTags[domain])); this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(this.DomainTags)); }, removeTag: function (domain) { "use strict"; delete this.DomainTags[domain]; this.Store.SetValue(this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(this.DomainTags)); }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { html: function () { "use strict"; var _this = AVE.Modules['DomainTags']; var htmlStr = '' + '' + ' Click the default icon () to display the tagbox and create a new tag.' + '
    Move your mouse over the I icon () to see the tag, click this icon to edit the current tag.' + '
    You don\'t have to choose a tag label to create a new domainTag; a colour alone is enough.'; if (_this.Enabled){ var len = Object.keys(_this.DomainTags).length; htmlStr += '

    You have tagged '+ len +' domain'+ (len > 1 ? "s" : "") +'.'; } htmlStr += '
    '; return htmlStr; } }, AppendToDashboard: { tableCSS: '', initialized: false, module: {}, domaintags: [], tagsperpage: 20, currpage: 0, CSSselector: "", MouseOverColours: [], init: function () { this.tableCSS = '\ table#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_table{\ width: 100%;\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_table > thead > tr {\ font-size: 14px;\ padding-bottom: 10px;\ margin-bottom: 20px;\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_table > thead > tr > th{\ text-align: center;\ font-weight: bold;\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_table > tbody > tr:hover {\ background-color: '+(AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#484648" : "#EDE9E9")+';\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_table > tbody > tr > td{\ padding-top: 5px;\ border-top : 1px solid #'+(AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "3F3F3F" : "DDD")+';\ text-align: center;\ margin\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1){\ /* Username */\ font-weight: bold;\ text-align: left;\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2){\ /* Tag */\ text-align: left;\ width: 250px;\ overflow: hidden;\ text-overflow: ellipsis;\ white-space: nowrap;\ padding-right: 10px;\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3){\ /* Colour */\ width: 120px;\ }\ table#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_table > tbody > tr > td:last-child{\ /* Delete */\ height: 14px;\ width: 14px;\ /* SVG from Jquery Mobile Icon Set */\ background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22iso-8859-1%22%3F%3E%3C!DOCTYPE%20svg%20PUBLIC%20%22-%2F%2FW3C%2F%2FDTD%20SVG%201.1%2F%2FEN%22%20%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FGraphics%2FSVG%2F1.1%2FDTD%2Fsvg11.dtd%22%3E%3Csvg%20version%3D%221.1%22%20id%3D%22Layer_1%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20xmlns%3Axlink%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F1999%2Fxlink%22%20x%3D%220px%22%20y%3D%220px%22%20%20width%3D%2214px%22%20height%3D%2214px%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%2014%2014%22%20style%3D%22enable-background%3Anew%200%200%2014%2014%3B%22%20xml%3Aspace%3D%22preserve%22%3E%3Cpolygon%20fill%3D%22%23' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "af3f3f" : "ce6d6d") + '%22%20points%3D%2214%2C3%2011%2C0%207%2C4%203%2C0%200%2C3%204%2C7%200%2C11%203%2C14%207%2C10%2011%2C14%2014%2C11%2010%2C7%20%22%2F%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E")!important;\ background-repeat: no-repeat;\ cursor: pointer;\ background-position: center;\ }\ a#AVE_Dashboard_navigate_tags[role]{\ margin: 0px 5px 10px 0px;\ }\ td > span#PreviewBox {\ margin: -2px 0px -2px 0px;\ }'; AVE.Utils.AddStyle(this.tableCSS); this.MouseOverColours.push(AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#484648" : "#EDE9E9"); this.MouseOverColours.push(AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "#534040" : "#FFC9C9"); this.module = AVE.Modules['DomainTags']; this.CSSselector = "a[id^='AVE_Dashboard_Show'][name='"+this.module.ID+"']"; this.initialized = true; }, html: function () { if (!this.initialized){this.init();} //Empty container this.domaintags = []; var _this, tempObj, tempDomaintags, keys, htmlStr, start; _this = this; start = this.currpage*this.tagsperpage; htmlStr = ""; AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "Storage", type: "Update"}); tempDomaintags = JSON.parse(this.module.Store.GetValue(this.module.StorageName, "{}")); keys = Object.keys(tempDomaintags); keys.sort(); $.each(keys, function (idx, key) { tempObj = tempDomaintags[key]; tempObj.name = key; tempObj.c = tempObj.c || "#FFF"; tempObj.i = tempObj.i ? "Yes" : "No"; _this.domaintags.push( JSON.stringify( tempObj ) ); }); var htmlNavButtons = this.navbuttons(); htmlStr += htmlNavButtons; htmlStr += ''; var htmlTable = ""; htmlTable += '' + '' + '' + '' + //click to go to user page '' + //click to show input box '' + //click to show color picker '' + //click to toggle ignore '' + //click to remove entire tag '' +//ADD link to open page to this domain ''; htmlTable += this.paging(start, this.tagsperpage); htmlTable += "
    "; htmlStr += htmlTable; htmlStr += '
    Showing tags '+ (start+1)+' to '+ Math.min(this.domaintags.length, start+this.tagsperpage) +' ('+this.domaintags.length+' total)
    '; htmlStr += htmlNavButtons; htmlStr +='
    Click on a value to modify it.'+ '
    Click the buttons on either sides to navigate through the table pages or use the arrow keys (+Ctrl to go to the first or last page)'; return htmlStr; }, callback: function () { "use strict"; var _this = this; $('table#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_table > tbody > tr > td:last-child') //remove .off() .on("mouseover", function () { $(this).parent().css("background", _this.MouseOverColours[1]); }) .on("mouseleave", function () { $(this).parent().css("background", ""); }) .on("click", function () { var name = $(this).parent().attr("domain"); if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the tag attached to \""+name+"\"?")){ _this.module.removeTag(name); $(_this.CSSselector).trigger("click"); } }); $('table#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2)') //edit tag .off() .on("click", function (e, artificial) { var tag = $(this).text() || $(this).find("input").val() || ""; if ($(this).find("input").length === 0){ $(this).html(''); var input = $(this).find("input"); input.focus().select(); input.one("focusout", function () { input.val(input.attr("original")); $(this).trigger("click", true); }); } else { if (!artificial) {return;}//we don't want to lose the focus because of a click in the same input text $(this).find("input").off(); $(this).html(''+tag+''); } }); $('table#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3)') //edit colour .off() .on("click", function (e, artificial) { var colour = $(this).text() || $(this).find("input").val(); if ($(this).find("input").length === 0){ var input = $("input#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_quickedit[type='color'][data='colour']"); input.attr("original", colour).attr("u", $(this).parent().attr("domain")).val(colour); input.one("change", function () { _this.editTag(input, "colour"); }); input.show().css("opacity", "0"); //Because of Chrome which doesn't want to show the colour palette if the input is hidden ("display: none;") input.trigger("click"); } else { if (!artificial) {return;}//we don't want to lose the focus by a click in the same input text $(this).find("input").off(); $(this).html(''+colour+''); } }); $('table#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4)') //edit ignore .off() .on("click", function () { var ignore, newval; ignore = $(this).text(); newval = ignore === "No" ? "Yes" : "No"; $(this).text(newval); _this.editTag($(this), "ignore"); }); $('a#AVE_Dashboard_navigate_tags') //navigate with buttons .off() .on("click", function () { if ($(this).hasClass("btn-unsub")){return false;} switch ($(this).attr('role')) { case "prev": _this.currpage--; break; case "next": _this.currpage++; break; case "first": _this.currpage = 0; break; case "last": _this.currpage = Math.ceil((_this.domaintags.length - _this.tagsperpage) / _this.tagsperpage); break; default: return; } $(_this.CSSselector).trigger("click"); }); $(document) .off() .on("keyup", function (event) { var ctrl, pos, input; ctrl= event.ctrlKey; input = $("input#AVE_Dashboard_domaintags_quickedit:not([type='color'])"); if (input.length === 0){ //navigate with arrow keys //We don't want to change page when a user is using the arrow key to edit a value if (event.which === 37){ pos = (ctrl ? "first" : "prev"); } else if (event.which === 39){ pos = (ctrl ? "last" : "next"); } if (pos){ $('a#AVE_Dashboard_navigate_tags[role="'+ pos +'"]:first').trigger("click"); } } if (event.which === 13){ //Press enter to confirm change _this.editTag(input, input.attr("data")); } }); }, editTag: function (input, dtype) { "use strict"; var _this = this; if (input.length === 1){ if (input.attr("original") === input.val() && dtype !== "ignore"){input.trigger("click", true);return;}//No need to update nor reload if nothing changed var root, tag, colour; if (dtype === "colour"){ var u = input.attr("u"); root = $("tr[domain='"+u+"']"); } else { root = input.parents("tr:first"); } var domain = root.attr("domain"); var ignore = root.find("td[data='ignore']").text() === "Yes"; if (dtype === "tag"){ tag = input.val(); } else { tag = root.find("td[data='tag']").text(); } if (dtype === "colour"){ colour = input.val() || input.attr("original"); } else { colour = root.find("td[data='colour']").text(); } _this.module.setTag(domain, tag, colour, ignore); //save tag $(_this.CSSselector).trigger("click"); //Reload-update } }, navbuttons: function () { var htmlNavButtons = ""; htmlNavButtons += '
    ' + 'First' + '
    '; htmlNavButtons += '
    ' + 'Previous' + '
    '; htmlNavButtons += '
    ' + 'Last' + '
    '; htmlNavButtons += '
    ' + 'Next' + '
    '; return htmlNavButtons; }, paging: function (start, nb) { var colour, r, g, b, bestColour; var htmlStr = ""; var obj = {}; var direct = false; for (var i=start; i <= start+nb-1; i++){ if (i >= this.domaintags.length){break;} obj = JSON.parse(this.domaintags[i]); colour = AVE.Utils.GetRGBvalues(obj.c); r = colour[0]; g = colour[1]; b = colour[2]; bestColour = AVE.Utils.GetBestFontColour(r, g, b); direct = /v\/[a-zA-Z0-9]?/.test(obj.name); htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += ''+obj.name + '' + ''+obj.t+'' + ''+obj.c+'' + ''+obj.i+'' + ''; htmlStr += ""; } return htmlStr; }, destructor: function () { //set all listeners to off } } }; /// END Domain tags /// /// User-block fixes: Minor fixes to the userblock. /// AVE.Modules['UserInfoFixedPos'] = { ID: 'UserInfoFixedPos', Name: 'User-block fixes', Desc: 'Minor fixes to the userblock.', Category: 'Misc', Index: 200, Enabled: false, RunAt: 'banner', Store: {}, Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, DivideBlock: { Type: 'boolean', Value: false }, ToggleBlock: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, PersistentHide: { Type: 'boolean', Value: false }, HidePoints: { Type: 'boolean', Value: false } }, SavePref: function (POST) { this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST[this.ID])); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = _this.Store.GetValue(_this.Store.Prefix + _this.ID, "{}"); if (Opt != undefined) { Opt = JSON.parse(Opt); $.each(Opt, function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); } _this.Enabled = _this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (this.Enabled) { this.Start(); } }, bg: "", userBlockOriginalOffset: null, userBlockOriginalWidth: 0, HeaderFixed: false, Start: function () { if (!AVE.Utils.ListHeaderHeight) { AVE.Utils.ListHeaderHeight = $('#sr-header-area').height(); } if (AVE.Modules['HeaderFixedPos'] && AVE.Modules['HeaderFixedPos'].Enabled){ this.HeaderFixed = true; } var JqId1 = $('#header-account'); if(JqId1.length === 0) { print("AVE: UserInfoFixedPos > the header account element couldn't be found."); } var JqId2 = $("div#header-account > div.logged-in"); //this.userBlockOriginalTopOffset = JqId1.offset().top; //this.SetAccountHeaderPosAsFixed(); if (this.Options.DivideBlock.Value && JqId2.length > 0) { //Align header-account's content JqId2.css("text-align", "center"); //Add a line return before the icons $("
    ").insertAfter("div#header-account > div.logged-in > span.separator:first"); //Remove the, now useless, separator $("div#header-account > div.logged-in > span.separator:first").remove(); } if (this.Options.ToggleBlock.Value && $('#header-account:has(div.logged-in)').length > 0) { //Add arrow icon element JqId1.append('
    '); this.ToggleBlockListener(); } if (this.Options.PersistentHide.Value) { $("div#AVE_ToggleUserBlock").click(); } if (this.Options.HidePoints.Value){ var html = $("a[title='Profile']")[0].outerHTML; $("span.user:first").html(html); } this.SetAltBackground(); AVE.Utils.AddStyle('\ div#AVE_ToggleUserBlock{\ background-position: center center;\ background-repeat: no-repeat;\ border: 1px solid #' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "222" : "DCDCDC") + ';\ border-radius: 1em;\ cursor:pointer;\ float:right;\ width: 14px;\ height: 14px;\ }\ div#AVE_ToggleUserBlock.expanded{\ /* SVG from Jquery Mobile Icon Set */\ background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22iso-8859-1%22%3F%3E%3C!DOCTYPE%20svg%20PUBLIC%20%22-%2F%2FW3C%2F%2FDTD%20SVG%201.1%2F%2FEN%22%20%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FGraphics%2FSVG%2F1.1%2FDTD%2Fsvg11.dtd%22%3E%3Csvg%20version%3D%221.1%22%20id%3D%22Layer_1%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20xmlns%3Axlink%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F1999%2Fxlink%22%20x%3D%220px%22%20y%3D%220px%22%20%20width%3D%2214px%22%20height%3D%2214px%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%2014%2014%22%20style%3D%22enable-background%3Anew%200%200%2014%2014%3B%22%20xml%3Aspace%3D%22preserve%22%3E%3Cpolygon%20style%3D%22fill%3A%23DDD%3B%22%20points%3D%223.404%2C2.051%208.354%2C7%203.404%2C11.95%205.525%2C14.07%2012.596%2C7%205.525%2C-0.071%20%22%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E");\ }\ div#AVE_ToggleUserBlock.collapsed{\ /* SVG from Jquery Mobile Icon Set */\ background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22iso-8859-1%22%3F%3E%3C!DOCTYPE%20svg%20PUBLIC%20%22-%2F%2FW3C%2F%2FDTD%20SVG%201.1%2F%2FEN%22%20%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FGraphics%2FSVG%2F1.1%2FDTD%2Fsvg11.dtd%22%3E%3Csvg%20version%3D%221.1%22%20id%3D%22Layer_1%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20xmlns%3Axlink%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F1999%2Fxlink%22%20x%3D%220px%22%20y%3D%220px%22%20%20width%3D%2214px%22%20height%3D%2214px%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%2014%2014%22%20style%3D%22enable-background%3Anew%200%200%2014%2014%3B%22%20xml%3Aspace%3D%22preserve%22%3E%3Cpolygon%20fill%3D%22%23DDD%22%20points%3D%2214%2C5%209%2C5%209%2C0%205%2C0%205%2C5%200%2C5%200%2C9%205%2C9%205%2C14%209%2C14%209%2C9%2014%2C9%20%22%2F%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E");\ }\ .logged-in{\ margin-bottom:2px;\ }\ div#header-account > div.logged-in{\ background: ' + this.bg + '\ }\ /* Next is a fix for some custom styles */\ div#container {z-index: 1;}\ div#header-container {z-index: 2;}\ .modal-backdrop.in {display: none;}\ .modal#linkFlairSelectModal{top: 140px;}'); this.Listeners(); // Update once after three seconds in case modules loaded later change the element's width by addind content to it. setTimeout(this.UpdateBlockData, 3000); }, SetAltBackground: function () { if(!AVE.Modules['InjectCustomStyle'] || !AVE.Modules['InjectCustomStyle'].Enabled){return;} var JqId = $("div#header-container"); this.bg = JqId.css("background-color") + " " + JqId.css("background-image") + " " + JqId.css("background-repeat") + " " + JqId.css("background-attachment") + " " + JqId.css("background-position") + " " + JqId.css("background-clip") + " " + JqId.css("background-origin"); if (JqId.css("background-color") === "transparent" && JqId.css("background-image") === "none") { this.bg = $("div#header[role='banner']").css("background-color"); if (this.bg === "transparent") { this.bg = $("#logged-in").css("background-color"); if (this.bg === "transparent" && this.bg === $("[title='Profile']").css("color")) { $("[title='Profile']").css("color"); this.bg = $("#header-account").css("background-color"); if (this.bg === "transparent") { this.bg = $("div#header[role='banner']").css("background-color"); if (this.bg === "transparent") { //If there is no colour nor any image set, we set a default value this.bg = AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "rgba(41, 41, 41, 0.80)" : "rgba(246, 246, 246, 0.80)"; } } } } } $('div#header-account > div.logged-in').css("background", this.bg); }, SetAccountHeaderPosAsFixed: function () { var JqId = $('#header-account'); if ($(window).scrollTop() + (this.HeaderFixed ? AVE.Utils.ListHeaderHeight : 0) > this.userBlockOriginalOffset.top) { JqId.css('position', 'fixed') .css('top', (this.HeaderFixed ? AVE.Utils.ListHeaderHeight : 0) +"px") .css('left', this.userBlockOriginalOffset.left+"px") .css('right', this.userBlockOriginalOffset.right+"px") .css("text-align", "center") .css("height", "0px"); $('.logged-in').css("background", AVE.Utils.CSSstyle == "dark" ? "rgba(41, 41, 41, 0.80)" : "rgba(246, 246, 246, 0.80)"); } else { JqId.css('position', "") .css('top', "") .css('left', "") .css('right', "") .css("text-align", "") .css("height", ""); $('.logged-in').css("background", ""); } }, ToggleBlockListener: function() { var JqId = $("div#AVE_ToggleUserBlock"); JqId.on("click", function () {// if (JqId.hasClass("collapsed")) {//If user block is already hidden //Show expand icon JqId.removeClass("collapsed"); JqId.addClass("expanded"); //Change element's title JqId.attr("title", "Hide user block"); //Show user block $('div#header-account > div.logged-in,div.logged-out').show(); //Restore #header-account's default size $('div#header-account').css("width", "") .css("height", ""); } else {//If user block is visible //Show collapse icon JqId.removeClass("expanded"); JqId.addClass("collapsed"); //Change element's title JqId.attr("title", "Show user block"); //Hide user block $('div#header-account > div.logged-in,div.logged-out').hide(); //Set #header-account's size to be that of the toggle icon $('div#header-account').css("width", "14px") .css("height", "14px"); } }); }, Listeners: function () { var _this = this; $(window).ready(function () { _this.UpdateBlockData(); _this.SetAccountHeaderPosAsFixed();}) .on("scroll", function () { _this.SetAccountHeaderPosAsFixed();}) .on("resize", function () { _this.UpdateBlockData(); _this.SetAccountHeaderPosAsFixed();}); }, UpdateBlockData : function () { var JqId = $('#header-account'); // Reset the block for an instant so that we don't get back the offset values we ourselves set. // If you don't see what I mean: comment out the next css calls, then resize the page while scrolled down JqId.css('position', "") .css('top', "") .css('left', "") .css('right', "") .css("text-align", "") .css("height", ""); if (!this.userBlockOriginalOffset){ this.userBlockOriginalOffset = JqId.offset(); this.userBlockOriginalWidth = JqId.outerWidth(); } else { this.userBlockOriginalOffset.left = JqId.offset().left; } this.userBlockOriginalOffset.right = Math.floor($(document).width() - (this.userBlockOriginalOffset.left + this.userBlockOriginalWidth)); if (this.userBlockOriginalOffset.right < 0){this.userBlockOriginalOffset.right = 0;} }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { //Use to add custom input to the pref Manager html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['UserInfoFixedPos']; var htmlStr = ""; htmlStr += ''; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; htmlStr += '
    '; return htmlStr; } } }; /// END User-block fixes /// /// Account Switcher: Store information for several accounts and switch between them easily. /// AVE.Modules['AccountSwitcher'] = { ID: 'AccountSwitcher', Name: 'Account Switcher', Desc: 'Store information for several accounts and switch between them easily.', Category: 'Account', Index: 200, Enabled: false, Store: {}, RunAt: "banner", Options: { Enabled: { Type: 'boolean', Value: true }, IconPositionLeft: { Type: 'boolean', Desc: "Display the voat icon on the left of your username", Value: false } }, OriginalOptions: "", SavePref: function (POST) { POST = POST[this.ID]; this.Store.SetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, JSON.stringify(POST)); }, SetOptionsFromPref: function () { var _this = this; var Opt = this.Store.GetValue(this.Store.Prefix + this.ID, "{}"); $.each(JSON.parse(Opt), function (key, value) { if (!_this.Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {print("AVE: loading "+_this.ID+" > option key " +key+" doesn't exist", true);return true;} _this.Options[key].Value = value; }); this.Enabled = this.Options.Enabled.Value; }, Load: function () { this.Store = AVE.Storage; this.SetOptionsFromPref(); if (this.Enabled) { this.StorageName = this.Store.Prefix + this.ID + "_accounts"; this.savedAccounts = JSON.parse(this.Store.GetValue(this.StorageName, "[]")); this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { //Thanks a lot to /u/GingerSoul for this feature! this.style = '' + 'span#AVE_AccountSwitcher_del {\ /* Delete */\ height: 14px;\ width: 14px;\ margin-top:2px;\ margin-left:4px;\ /* SVG from Jquery Mobile Icon Set */\ background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22iso-8859-1%22%3F%3E%3C!DOCTYPE%20svg%20PUBLIC%20%22-%2F%2FW3C%2F%2FDTD%20SVG%201.1%2F%2FEN%22%20%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FGraphics%2FSVG%2F1.1%2FDTD%2Fsvg11.dtd%22%3E%3Csvg%20version%3D%221.1%22%20id%3D%22Layer_1%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20xmlns%3Axlink%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F1999%2Fxlink%22%20x%3D%220px%22%20y%3D%220px%22%20%20width%3D%2214px%22%20height%3D%2214px%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%2014%2014%22%20style%3D%22enable-background%3Anew%200%200%2014%2014%3B%22%20xml%3Aspace%3D%22preserve%22%3E%3Cpolygon%20fill%3D%22%23' + (AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "dark" ? "af3f3f" : "ce6d6d") + '%22%20points%3D%2214%2C3%2011%2C0%207%2C4%203%2C0%200%2C3%204%2C7%200%2C11%203%2C14%207%2C10%2011%2C14%2014%2C11%2010%2C7%20%22%2F%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E")!important;\ background-repeat: no-repeat;\ cursor: pointer;\ background-position: center;\ }\ span#AVE_AccountSwitcher_edit {\ /* edit */\ height:14px;\ width:14px;\ margin-top:2px;\ margin-left:4px;\ /* SVG from Jquery Mobile Icon Set */\ background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22iso-8859-1%22%3F%3E%3C!DOCTYPE%20svg%20PUBLIC%20%22-%2F%2FW3C%2F%2FDTD%20SVG%201.1%2F%2FEN%22%20%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FGraphics%2FSVG%2F1.1%2FDTD%2Fsvg11.dtd%22%3E%3Csvg%20version%3D%221.1%22%20id%3D%22Layer_1%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20xmlns%3Axlink%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F1999%2Fxlink%22%20x%3D%220px%22%20y%3D%220px%22%20%20width%3D%2214px%22%20height%3D%2214px%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%2014%2014%22%20style%3D%22enable-background%3Anew%200%200%2014%2014%3B%22%20xml%3Aspace%3D%22preserve%22%3E%3Cpath%20fill%3D%22%23377da8%22%20d%3D%22M1%2C10l-1%2C4l4-1l7-7L8%2C3L1%2C10z%20M11%2C0L9%2C2l3%2C3l2-2L11%2C0z%22%2F%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3Cg%3E%3C%2Fg%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E")!important;\ background-repeat:no-repeat;\ cursor:pointer;\ background-position:center;\ }\ .light span#AVE_AccountSwitcher_account{\ color:#000;\ }\ .dark span#AVE_AccountSwitcher_account{\ color:#FFF;\ }\ span#AVE_AccountSwitcher_account:hover{\ color:#e23f3f;\ }\ .dark div#AVE_AccountSwitcher_MngrMenu{\ color:#fff;\ background-color:#333;\ }\ .light div#AVE_AccountSwitcher_MngrMenu{\ color:#000;\ background-color:#fff;\ }\ div#AVE_AccountSwitcher_MngrMenu > span:last-child:hover{\ color:#e23f3f;\ }'; AVE.Utils.AddStyle(this.style); this.AppendToPage(); }, storageName: "", style: "", savedAccounts: [], AppendToPage: function () { //To insert content into the page var _this = this; var q = $('div#header-account > div:first'); if(q.length === 0) { print("AVE: AccountSwitcher > the header account element couldn't be found. Is this an error page?"); } var qH = q.height() + (q.outerHeight() - q.height()) / 2; //qW = q.outerWidth(); //var light = AVE.Utils.CSSstyle === "light"; //if (!light) //{ // this.normalColour = '#fff'; //this.hoverColour = "#8c2f2f" //} var manager = document.createElement('span'); manager.style.position = 'relative'; manager.style.display = 'inline-block'; manager.style.visibility = 'visible'; manager.style.fontSize = '12px'; var managerIcon = document.createElement('img'); manager.appendChild(managerIcon); managerIcon.src = '/favicon.ico'; managerIcon.width = 14; managerIcon.height = 14; managerIcon.title = 'Accounts'; managerIcon.style.cursor = 'pointer'; var managerMenu = $(''); $(manager).append(managerMenu); managerIcon.addEventListener('click', function (e) { if(managerMenu.is(":hidden")){ managerMenu.show(); } else { managerMenu.hide(); } }, false); document.addEventListener('click', function (e) { if (e.target != managerIcon) managerMenu.hide(); }, false); $.each(this.savedAccounts, function (val) { if (AVE.Utils.CurrUsername() && _this.savedAccounts[val].name.toLowerCase() === AVE.Utils.CurrUsername().toLowerCase()) { return; } _this.addLoginLink(managerMenu, _this.savedAccounts[val].name, _this.savedAccounts[val].pass); }); var managerAddAccount = $('+ Add account'); managerMenu.append(managerAddAccount); $(managerAddAccount).off().on('click', function () { var user = prompt('Username', ''); if (!user){ return false; } var exit = false; $.each(_this.savedAccounts, function (idx) { if (user.toUpperCase() === _this.savedAccounts[idx].name.toUpperCase()) { alert('User ('+user+') already exists'); exit = true; return false; } }); if (exit){return false;} var pass = prompt('Password', ''); if (!pass){ alert("You need to input a password"); return false; } _this.savedAccounts.push({ name: user, pass: pass }); _this.Store.SetValue(_this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(_this.savedAccounts)); managerAddAccount.remove(); _this.addLoginLink(managerMenu, user, pass); managerMenu.append(managerAddAccount); }); if (q.hasClass('logged-in')){ q = q.find(".user"); } else {this.Options.IconPositionLeft.Value = true;} // Can't be at the right of the username if we aren't logged in if (this.Options.IconPositionLeft.Value){ $(manager).insertBefore(q.find('>:first-child')); managerIcon.style.marginRight = '0.5em'; } else { $(manager).insertAfter("span.user > a[title='Profile']"); managerIcon.style.marginLeft = '0.5em'; } }, logIn: function (user, pass) { var token = document.querySelector('[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]'); if (!token) { alert('Can\'t login from this page'); return; } var form = document.createElement('form'); var userInput = document.createElement('input'); var passInput = document.createElement('input'); var tokenInput = document.createElement('input'); var rememberMe = document.createElement('input'); form.method = 'post'; form.action = '/account/login?ReturnUrl=' + encodeURIComponent(location.pathname); form.appendChild(userInput); form.appendChild(passInput); form.appendChild(tokenInput); form.appendChild(rememberMe); document.body.appendChild(form); userInput.name = 'UserName'; userInput.value = user; passInput.name = 'Password'; passInput.value = pass; tokenInput.name = '__RequestVerificationToken'; tokenInput.value = token.value; rememberMe.type = 'checkbox'; rememberMe.value = 'RememberMe'; rememberMe.value = 'false'; form.style.display = 'none'; form.submit(); }, addLoginLink: function (managerMenu, name) { if (typeof name !== "string") {print("AVE: AccountSwitcher > wrong variable type for \"name\""); return false;} var _this = this; var account = $('
    '), namelink = $(''); namelink.text(name); account.append(namelink); var del = $('').get(0), edit = $('').get(0); account.append(del); account.append(edit); managerMenu.append(account); namelink.css("cursor", 'pointer'); account.css("padding", "0 0.5em"); $(edit).off() .on("click", function () { var pass = prompt('New password', ''); if (pass) { for (var i = 0; i < _this.savedAccounts.length; i++) { if (name.toUpperCase() === _this.savedAccounts[i].name.toUpperCase()) { _this.savedAccounts[i].pass = pass; break; } } _this.Store.SetValue(_this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(_this.savedAccounts)); } }); $(del).off() .on("click", function () { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to remove '+name+' ?')) { for (var i = 0; i < _this.savedAccounts.length; i++) { if (name.toUpperCase() === _this.savedAccounts[i].name.toUpperCase()) { _this.savedAccounts.splice(i, 1); break; } } _this.Store.SetValue(_this.StorageName, JSON.stringify(_this.savedAccounts)); account.remove(); } }); $(namelink).off() .on("click", function () { for (var i = 0; i < _this.savedAccounts.length; i++) { if (name.toUpperCase() === _this.savedAccounts[i].name.toUpperCase()){ _this.logIn(name, _this.savedAccounts[i].pass); return false; } } }); }, AppendToPreferenceManager: { html: function () { var _this = AVE.Modules['AccountSwitcher']; var htmlStr = ""; htmlStr += '

    '; htmlStr += 'Feature written by /u/GingerSoul.

    ' + 'DO NOT FORGET that your account information are stored unencrypted in AVE\'s data when you export it to a JSON file!'; return htmlStr; } } }; /// END Account Switcher /// /// AVE\'s dashboard: Use it to manage your saved data. /// AVE.Modules['Dashboard'] = { ID: 'Dashboard', Name: 'AVE\'s dashboard', Desc: 'Use it to manage your saved data.', Category: null, //Category set to null will make this module invisible to the pref-mngr Index: 1000, Enabled: false, Store: {}, RunAt: "container", Modules: { "UserTag": "User tags", "DomainTags": "Domain tags", "Shortcuts": "Subverse shortcuts", "ToggleCustomStyle": "Custom style permissions"}, Load: function () { if (AVE.Utils.currentPageType === "user-manage"){ this.Enabled = true; } if (this.Enabled){ this.Start(); } }, Start: function () { this.AppendToPage(); this.Listeners(); if(location.hash === "#dashboard"){ $("a#AVE_ShowDashboard:first").trigger("click"); } }, AppendToPage: function () { "use strict"; var TempHtml; var _this = this; if ($("a#AVE_ShowDashboard").length === 0){ TempHtml = ''; $(TempHtml).insertAfter("#show-menu-button"); $("a[id^='AVE_Dashboard_Show']").hide(); } if ($('div.content').length === 1){ TempHtml = ''; $(TempHtml).insertAfter('div.content[role="main"]'); var JqId = $('div.content#AVE_Dashboard_content[role="default"] > div.row.nomargin'); TempHtml = '
    AVE\'s dashboard
    '; TempHtml += '
    '; TempHtml += '
    Click one of the buttons above to display the data associated with it.
    '; TempHtml += ' Nota Bene: stored data aren\'t cached; they are retrieved and processed every time you click one of the button to always display the most up to date values.
    '; TempHtml +='
    '; JqId.append(TempHtml); } }, Listeners: function () { var _this = this; $("a#AVE_ShowDashboard") .off("click") .on("click", function () {_this.ToggleMainContent();}); $("a[id^='AVE_Dashboard_Show']") .off("click") .on("click", function () { "use strict"; _this.ToggleContent($(this).attr("name"), $(this).text()); }); }, ToggleContent: function (module, name) { if (AVE.Modules[module].AppendToDashboard !== undefined) { if (typeof AVE.Modules[module].AppendToDashboard.html === "function") { var html; html = '
    '; html += '
    '; html += AVE.Modules[module].AppendToDashboard.html(); html +='
    '; $('div.content#AVE_Dashboard_content[role="default"] > div.row.nomargin').html(html); } else {print("AVE: Dashboard > Module \""+module+"\" doesn't implement function \"AppendToPreferenceManager.html()\"");return;} if (typeof AVE.Modules[module].AppendToDashboard.callback === "function") { AVE.Modules[module].AppendToDashboard.callback(); } } else {print("AVE: Dashboard > Module \""+module+"\" doesn't implement asso. array \"AppendToPreferenceManager\"");} }, ToggleMainContent: function(){ "use strict"; var JqMain = $('div.content[role="main"]:first'); var JqNew = $('div.content#AVE_Dashboard_content[role="default"]'); if (JqMain.is(":visible")){ JqMain.hide(); JqNew.show(); $("a[id^='AVE_Dashboard_Show']").show(); $("a#AVE_ShowDashboard").text("Hide Dashboard"); document.title = "Manage AVE's Data"; location.hash = "#dashboard"; } else { JqMain.show(); JqNew.hide(); $("a[id^='AVE_Dashboard_Show']").hide(); $("a#AVE_ShowDashboard").text("Show Dashboard"); document.title = "Manage Account"; location.hash = ""; } } }; /// END AVE\'s dashboard /// /// Build Dependent /// AVE.Utils.SendMessage = function (Obj, callback) { switch (Obj.request) { case "Storage": switch (Obj.type) { case "SetValue": GM_setValue(Obj.key, Obj.value); break; case "DeleteValue": GM_deleteValue(Obj.key); break; case "Update": AVE.Storage.Data = {}; $.each(GM_listValues(), function () { AVE.Storage.Data[this] = GM_getValue(this.toString()); }); break; } break; case 'OpenInTab': GM_openInTab(Obj.url); break; } if (Obj.hasOwnProperty("callback")){ Obj.callback(); } }; AVE.Utils.MetaData = { version: GM_info.script.version, name: GM_info.script.name }; AVE.Utils.SendMessage({ request: "Storage", type: "Update"}); AVE.Init.Start(); /// END Build Dependent ///