;: Title: _Struct by HotKeyIt ; ; Function: _Struct ; Description: ; _Struct is based on AHK_L objects and supports both, ANSI and UNICODE version. To use it you will require Lexikos AutoHotkey_L.exe or other versions based on it.

new _Struct is used to create new structure. A structure must be defined as a global variable or an item of global class (e.g. "MyClass.Struct").
_Struct can handle structure in structure as well as Arrays of structures and Vectors.
Visit _Struct on AutoHotkey forum, any feedback is welcome. ; Syntax: MyStruct:= new _Struct(Structure_Definition,Address,initialization) ; Parameters: ; General Design - Class _Struct will create Object(s) that will manage fields of structure(s), for example
RC := new _Struct("RECT")
will create a RECT structure with fields left,top,right,bottom of type UInt. To pass the structure its pointer to a function, DllCall or SendMessage use RC[""].

To access fields you can use usual Object syntax: RC.left, RC.right ...
To set a field of the structure use RC.top := 100. ; Field types - Following AutoHotkey and Windows Data Types are supported:

AutoHotkey Data Types:
Int, Uint, Int64, UInt64, Char, UChar, Short, UShort, Fload and Double.

Windows Data Types:
ULONG_PTR,ULONG32,ULONG64,USHORT,USN,WCHAR,WORD,WPARAM ; Structure Definition - Description ; User defined - To create a user defined structure you will need to pass a string of predefined types and field names.
Default type is UInt, so for example for a RECT structure type can be omited: "left,top,right,left", which is the same as "Uint left,Uint top,Uint right,Uint bottom"

You can also use structures very similar to C#/C++ syntax, see example. ; Global - Global variables can be used to save structures, easily pass name of that variable as first parameter, e.g. new _Struct("MyStruct") where MyStruct must be a global variable with structure definition. Also new _Struct(MyStruct) can be used if variable is accessible. ; Array - To create an array of structures include a digit in the end of your string enclosed in squared brackets.
For example "RECT[2]" would create an array of 2 structures.
This feature can also be used for user defined arrays, for example "Int age,TCHAR name[10]". ; Union - Using {} you can create union, for example:
_AHKVar:="{Int64 ContentsInt64,Double ContentsDouble,object},... ; Struct - Using struct{} you can create structures in union or in structures. ; Pointer - To create a pointer you can use *, for example: CHR:="char *str" will hold a pointer to a character. Same way you can have a structure in structure so you can call it recursive, for example Label.NextLabel.NextLabel.NextLabel.JumpToLine ; Parameters - Description ; MyStruct - This is a variable that will hold the object representing the strucuture which is returned by new _Struct(...). ; Structure_Definition - C/C++ syntax or one-line definition e.g. "Int x,Int y". ; pointer - Pass a pointer as second parameter to occupy existing strucure. ; Initialization - Pass an object to initialize structure, e.g. {left:100,top:20}. If pointer is not used initialization can be specified in second parameter. ; Methods - Description ; Strct.Type(itm) - Returns type of item or structure ; Strct.AhkType(itm) - Returns AHK type of item or structure to be used with NumGet and NumPut as well as DllCall ; Strct.Size() - Returns size of structure, same as sizeof(MyStruct) ; Strct.SizeT(itm) - Returns size of an item ; Strct.Offset(itm) - Returns offset for items ; Strct.Encoding(itm) - Returns encoding for items, to be used with StrGet and StrPut ; Strct.Alloc(itm,size[,ptrsize]) - Allocates memory in bytes, ptrsize is used to create pointers ; Strct.Capacity(itm) - Returns memory capacity for items. ; Strct.IsPointer(itm) - Returns whether the item is a pointer (defined using *). ; Return Value: ; A class object representing your structure ; Remarks: ; NOTE!!! accessing a field that does not exist will cause recrusive calls and will crash your script, these errors are not catched for performance reasons.
TCHAR, UCHAR and CHAR return actual character rather than the value, use Asc() function to find out the value/code. ; Related: ; Example: ; file:Struct_Example.ahk ; #Include Class _Struct { ; Data Sizes static PTR:=A_PtrSize,UPTR:=A_PtrSize,SHORT:=2,USHORT:=2,INT:=4,UINT:=4,__int64:=8,INT64:=8,UINT64:=8,DOUBLE:=8,FLOAT:=4,CHAR:=1,UCHAR:=1,VOID:=A_PtrSize ,TBYTE:=A_IsUnicode?2:1,TCHAR:=A_IsUnicode?2:1,HALF_PTR:=A_PtrSize=8?4:2,UHALF_PTR:=A_PtrSize=8?4:2,INT32:=4,LONG:=4,LONG32:=4,LONGLONG:=8 ,LONG64:=8,USN:=8,HFILE:=4,HRESULT:=4,INT_PTR:=A_PtrSize,LONG_PTR:=A_PtrSize,POINTER_64:=A_PtrSize,POINTER_SIGNED:=A_PtrSize ,BOOL:=4,SSIZE_T:=A_PtrSize,WPARAM:=A_PtrSize,BOOLEAN:=1,BYTE:=1,COLORREF:=4,DWORD:=4,DWORD32:=4,LCID:=4,LCTYPE:=4,LGRPID:=4,LRESULT:=4,PBOOL:=4 ,PBOOLEAN:=A_PtrSize,PBYTE:=A_PtrSize,PCHAR:=A_PtrSize,PCSTR:=A_PtrSize,PCTSTR:=A_PtrSize,PCWSTR:=A_PtrSize,PDWORD:=A_PtrSize,PDWORDLONG:=A_PtrSize ,PDWORD_PTR:=A_PtrSize,PDWORD32:=A_PtrSize,PDWORD64:=A_PtrSize,PFLOAT:=A_PtrSize,PHALF_PTR:=A_PtrSize ,UINT32:=4,ULONG:=4,ULONG32:=4,DWORDLONG:=8,DWORD64:=8,ULONGLONG:=8,ULONG64:=8,DWORD_PTR:=A_PtrSize,HACCEL:=A_PtrSize,HANDLE:=A_PtrSize ,HBITMAP:=A_PtrSize,HBRUSH:=A_PtrSize,HCOLORSPACE:=A_PtrSize,HCONV:=A_PtrSize,HCONVLIST:=A_PtrSize,HCURSOR:=A_PtrSize,HDC:=A_PtrSize ,HDDEDATA:=A_PtrSize,HDESK:=A_PtrSize,HDROP:=A_PtrSize,HDWP:=A_PtrSize,HENHMETAFILE:=A_PtrSize,HFONT:=A_PtrSize static HGDIOBJ:=A_PtrSize,HGLOBAL:=A_PtrSize,HHOOK:=A_PtrSize,HICON:=A_PtrSize,HINSTANCE:=A_PtrSize,HKEY:=A_PtrSize,HKL:=A_PtrSize ,HLOCAL:=A_PtrSize,HMENU:=A_PtrSize,HMETAFILE:=A_PtrSize,HMODULE:=A_PtrSize,HMONITOR:=A_PtrSize,HPALETTE:=A_PtrSize,HPEN:=A_PtrSize ,HRGN:=A_PtrSize,HRSRC:=A_PtrSize,HSZ:=A_PtrSize,HWINSTA:=A_PtrSize,HWND:=A_PtrSize,LPARAM:=A_PtrSize,LPBOOL:=A_PtrSize,LPBYTE:=A_PtrSize ,LPCOLORREF:=A_PtrSize,LPCSTR:=A_PtrSize,LPCTSTR:=A_PtrSize,LPCVOID:=A_PtrSize,LPCWSTR:=A_PtrSize,LPDWORD:=A_PtrSize,LPHANDLE:=A_PtrSize ,LPINT:=A_PtrSize,LPLONG:=A_PtrSize,LPSTR:=A_PtrSize,LPTSTR:=A_PtrSize,LPVOID:=A_PtrSize,LPWORD:=A_PtrSize,LPWSTR:=A_PtrSize,PHANDLE:=A_PtrSize ,PHKEY:=A_PtrSize,PINT:=A_PtrSize,PINT_PTR:=A_PtrSize,PINT32:=A_PtrSize,PINT64:=A_PtrSize,PLCID:=A_PtrSize,PLONG:=A_PtrSize,PLONGLONG:=A_PtrSize ,PLONG_PTR:=A_PtrSize,PLONG32:=A_PtrSize,PLONG64:=A_PtrSize,POINTER_32:=A_PtrSize,POINTER_UNSIGNED:=A_PtrSize,PSHORT:=A_PtrSize,PSIZE_T:=A_PtrSize ,PSSIZE_T:=A_PtrSize,PSTR:=A_PtrSize,PTBYTE:=A_PtrSize,PTCHAR:=A_PtrSize,PTSTR:=A_PtrSize,PUCHAR:=A_PtrSize,PUHALF_PTR:=A_PtrSize,PUINT:=A_PtrSize ,PUINT_PTR:=A_PtrSize,PUINT32:=A_PtrSize,PUINT64:=A_PtrSize,PULONG:=A_PtrSize,PULONGLONG:=A_PtrSize,PULONG_PTR:=A_PtrSize,PULONG32:=A_PtrSize ,PULONG64:=A_PtrSize,PUSHORT:=A_PtrSize,PVOID:=A_PtrSize,PWCHAR:=A_PtrSize,PWORD:=A_PtrSize,PWSTR:=A_PtrSize,SC_HANDLE:=A_PtrSize ,SC_LOCK:=A_PtrSize,SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE:=A_PtrSize,SIZE_T:=A_PtrSize,UINT_PTR:=A_PtrSize,ULONG_PTR:=A_PtrSize,ATOM:=2,LANGID:=2,WCHAR:=2,WORD:=2,USAGE:=2 ; Data Types static _PTR:="PTR",_UPTR:="UPTR",_SHORT:="Short",_USHORT:="UShort",_INT:="Int",_UINT:="UInt" ,_INT64:="Int64",_UINT64:="UInt64",_DOUBLE:="Double",_FLOAT:="Float",_CHAR:="Char",_UCHAR:="UChar" ,_VOID:="PTR",_TBYTE:=A_IsUnicode?"USHORT":"UCHAR",_TCHAR:=A_IsUnicode?"USHORT":"UCHAR",_HALF_PTR:=A_PtrSize=8?"INT":"SHORT" ,_UHALF_PTR:=A_PtrSize=8?"UINT":"USHORT",_BOOL:="Int",_INT32:="Int",_LONG:="Int",_LONG32:="Int",_LONGLONG:="Int64",_LONG64:="Int64" ,_USN:="Int64",_HFILE:="UInt",_HRESULT:="UInt",_INT_PTR:="PTR",_LONG_PTR:="PTR",_POINTER_64:="PTR",_POINTER_SIGNED:="PTR",_SSIZE_T:="PTR" ,_WPARAM:="PTR",_BOOLEAN:="UCHAR",_BYTE:="UCHAR",_COLORREF:="UInt",_DWORD:="UInt",_DWORD32:="UInt",_LCID:="UInt",_LCTYPE:="UInt" ,_LGRPID:="UInt",_LRESULT:="UInt",_PBOOL:="UPTR",_PBOOLEAN:="UPTR",_PBYTE:="UPTR",_PCHAR:="UPTR",_PCSTR:="UPTR",_PCTSTR:="UPTR" ,_PCWSTR:="UPTR",_PDWORD:="UPTR",_PDWORDLONG:="UPTR",_PDWORD_PTR:="UPTR",_PDWORD32:="UPTR",_PDWORD64:="UPTR",_PFLOAT:="UPTR",___int64:="Int64" ,_PHALF_PTR:="UPTR",_UINT32:="UInt",_ULONG:="UInt",_ULONG32:="UInt",_DWORDLONG:="UInt64",_DWORD64:="UInt64",_ULONGLONG:="UInt64" ,_ULONG64:="UInt64",_DWORD_PTR:="UPTR",_HACCEL:="UPTR",_HANDLE:="UPTR",_HBITMAP:="UPTR",_HBRUSH:="UPTR",_HCOLORSPACE:="UPTR" ,_HCONV:="UPTR",_HCONVLIST:="UPTR",_HCURSOR:="UPTR",_HDC:="UPTR",_HDDEDATA:="UPTR",_HDESK:="UPTR",_HDROP:="UPTR",_HDWP:="UPTR" static _HENHMETAFILE:="UPTR",_HFONT:="UPTR",_HGDIOBJ:="UPTR",_HGLOBAL:="UPTR",_HHOOK:="UPTR",_HICON:="UPTR",_HINSTANCE:="UPTR",_HKEY:="UPTR" ,_HKL:="UPTR",_HLOCAL:="UPTR",_HMENU:="UPTR",_HMETAFILE:="UPTR",_HMODULE:="UPTR",_HMONITOR:="UPTR",_HPALETTE:="UPTR",_HPEN:="UPTR" ,_HRGN:="UPTR",_HRSRC:="UPTR",_HSZ:="UPTR",_HWINSTA:="UPTR",_HWND:="UPTR",_LPARAM:="UPTR",_LPBOOL:="UPTR",_LPBYTE:="UPTR",_LPCOLORREF:="UPTR" ,_LPCSTR:="UPTR",_LPCTSTR:="UPTR",_LPCVOID:="UPTR",_LPCWSTR:="UPTR",_LPDWORD:="UPTR",_LPHANDLE:="UPTR",_LPINT:="UPTR",_LPLONG:="UPTR" ,_LPSTR:="UPTR",_LPTSTR:="UPTR",_LPVOID:="UPTR",_LPWORD:="UPTR",_LPWSTR:="UPTR",_PHANDLE:="UPTR",_PHKEY:="UPTR",_PINT:="UPTR" ,_PINT_PTR:="UPTR",_PINT32:="UPTR",_PINT64:="UPTR",_PLCID:="UPTR",_PLONG:="UPTR",_PLONGLONG:="UPTR",_PLONG_PTR:="UPTR",_PLONG32:="UPTR" ,_PLONG64:="UPTR",_POINTER_32:="UPTR",_POINTER_UNSIGNED:="UPTR",_PSHORT:="UPTR",_PSIZE_T:="UPTR",_PSSIZE_T:="UPTR",_PSTR:="UPTR" ,_PTBYTE:="UPTR",_PTCHAR:="UPTR",_PTSTR:="UPTR",_PUCHAR:="UPTR",_PUHALF_PTR:="UPTR",_PUINT:="UPTR",_PUINT_PTR:="UPTR",_PUINT32:="UPTR" ,_PUINT64:="UPTR",_PULONG:="UPTR",_PULONGLONG:="UPTR",_PULONG_PTR:="UPTR",_PULONG32:="UPTR",_PULONG64:="UPTR",_PUSHORT:="UPTR" ,_PVOID:="UPTR",_PWCHAR:="UPTR",_PWORD:="UPTR",_PWSTR:="UPTR",_SC_HANDLE:="UPTR",_SC_LOCK:="UPTR",_SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE:="UPTR" static _SIZE_T:="UPTR",_UINT_PTR:="UPTR",_ULONG_PTR:="UPTR",_ATOM:="Ushort",_LANGID:="Ushort",_WCHAR:="Ushort",_WORD:="UShort",_USAGE:="UShort" ; Following is used internally only to simplify setting field helpers ; the corresponding key can be set to invalid type (for string integer and vice versa) to set default if necessary, e.g. ___InitField(N,"") ___InitField(_this,N,offset=" ",encoding=0,AHKType=0,isptr=" ",type=0,arrsize=0,memory=0){ ; N = Name of field static _prefixes_:={offset:"`b",isptr:"`r",AHKType:"`n",type:"`t",encoding:"`f",memory:"`v",arrsize:" "} ,_testtype_:={offset:"integer",isptr:"integer",AHKType:"string",type:"string",encoding:"string",arrsize:"integer"} ,_default_:={offset:0,isptr:0,AHKType:"UInt",type:"UINT",encoding:"CP0",memory:"",arrsize:1} for _key_,_value_ in _prefixes_ { _typevalid_:=0 If (_testtype_[_key_]="Integer"){ If %_key_% is integer useDefault:=1,_typevalid_:=1 else if !_this.HasKey(_value_ N) useDefault:=1 } else { If %_key_% is not integer useDefault:=1,_typevalid_:=1 else if !_this.HasKey(_value_ N) useDefault:=1 } If (useDefault) ; item does not exist or user supplied a valid type If (_key_="encoding") _this[_value_ N]:=_typevalid_?(InStr(",LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,TCHAR,","," %_key_% ",")?(A_IsUnicode?"UTF-16":"CP0") :InStr(",LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,WCHAR,","," %_key_% ",")?"UTF-16":"CP0") :_default_[_key_] else { _this[_value_ N]:=_typevalid_?%_key_%:_default_[_key_] } } } ; Struct Contstructor ; Memory, offset and definitions are saved in following character + given key/name ; `a = Allocated Memory ; `b = Byte Offset (related to struct address) ; `f = Format (encoding for string data types) ; `n = New data type (AHK data type) ; `r = Is Pointer (requred for __GET and __SET) ; `t = Type (data type, also when it is name of a Structure it is used to resolve structure pointers dynamically ; `v = Memory used to save string and pointer memory __NEW(_TYPE_,_pointer_=0,_init_=0){ static _base_:={__GET:_Struct.___GET,__SET:_Struct.___SET,__SETPTR:_Struct.___SETPTR,__Clone:_Struct.___Clone,__NEW:_Struct.___NEW ,IsPointer:_Struct.IsPointer,Offset:_Struct.Offset,Type:_Struct.Type,AHKType:_Struct.AHKType,Encoding:_Struct.Encoding ,Capacity:_Struct.Capacity,Alloc:_Struct.Alloc,Size:_Struct.Size,SizeT:_Struct.SizeT,Print:_Struct.Print,ToObj:_Struct.ToObj} local _:="",_ArrType_:="",_ArrName_:="",_ArrSize_:=0,_align_total_:=0,_defobj_:="",_IsPtr_:=0,_key_:="",_LF_:="",_LF_BKP_:="",_match_:="",_offset_:="" ,_struct_:="",_StructSize_:=0,_total_union_size_:=0,_union_:=0,_union_size_:=0,_value_:="",_mod_:=0,_max_size_:=0,_in_struct_:=0,_struct_align_:=0 If (RegExMatch(_TYPE_,"^[\w\d\._]+$") && !_Struct.HasKey(_TYPE_)){ ; structures name was supplied, resolve to global var and run again If InStr(_TYPE_,"."){ ;check for object that holds structure definition Loop,Parse,_TYPE_,. If A_Index=1 _defobj_:=%A_LoopField% else _defobj_:=_defobj_[A_LoopField] _TYPE_:=_defobj_ } else _TYPE_:=%_TYPE_%,_defobj_:="" } else _defobj_:="" ; If a pointer is supplied, save it in key [""] else reserve and zero-fill memory + set pointer in key [""] If (_pointer_ && !IsObject(_pointer_)) this[""] := _pointer_,this["`a"]:=0,this["`a`a"]:=sizeof(_TYPE_) else this._SetCapacity("`a",_StructSize_:=sizeof(_TYPE_)) ; Set Capacity in key ["`a"] ,this[""]:=this._GetAddress("`a") ; Save pointer in key [""] ,DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",this[""],"UInt",this["`a`a"]:=_StructSize_) ; zero-fill memory ; C/C++ style structure definition, convert it If InStr(_TYPE_,"`n") { _struct_:=[] ; keep track of structures (union is just removed because {} = union, struct{} = struct _union_:=0 ; init to 0, used to keep track of union depth Loop,Parse,_TYPE_,`n,`r`t%A_Space%%A_Tab% ; Parse each line { _LF_:="" Loop,Parse,A_LoopField,`,`;,`t%A_Space%%A_Tab% ; Parse each item { If RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"^\s*//") ;break on comments and continue main loop break If (A_LoopField){ ; skip empty lines If (!_LF_ && _ArrType_:=RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"[\w\d_#@]\s+[\w\d_#@]")) ; new line, find out data type and save key in _LF_ Data type will be added later _LF_:=RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"[\w\d_#@]\K\s+.*$") If Instr(A_LoopField,"{"){ ; Union, also check if it is a structure _union_++,_struct_.Insert(_union_,RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"i)^\s*struct\s*\{")) } else If InStr(A_LoopField,"}") ; end of union/struct _offset_.="}" else { ; not starting or ending struct or union so add definitions and apply Data Type. If _union_ ; add { or struct{ Loop % _union_ _ArrName_.=(_struct_[A_Index]?"struct":"") "{" _offset_.=(_offset_ ? "," : "") _ArrName_ ((_ArrType_ && A_Index!=1)?(_LF_ " "):"") RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"\s+"," ") ,_ArrName_:="",_union_:=0 } } } } _TYPE_:=_offset_ } _offset_:=0 ,_union_:=[] ; keep track of union level, required to reset offset after union is parsed ,_struct_:=[] ; for each union level keep track if it is a structure (because here offset needs to increase ,_union_size_:=[] ; keep track of highest member within the union or structure, used to calculate new offset after union ,_struct_align_:=[] ; keep track of alignment before structure ,_total_union_size_:=0 ; used in combination with above, each loop the total offset is updated if current data size is higher ,_align_total_:=0 ; used to calculate alignment for total size of structure ,_in_struct_:=1 ,this["`t"]:=0,this["`r"]:=0 ; will identify a Structure Pointer without members ; Parse given structure definition and create struct members ; User structures will be resolved by recrusive calls (!!! a structure must be a global variable) Loop,Parse,_TYPE_,`,`; ;,%A_Space%%A_Tab%`n`r { _in_struct_+=StrLen(A_LoopField)+1 If ("" = _LF_ := trim(A_LoopField,A_Space A_Tab "`n`r")) continue _LF_BKP_:=_LF_ ;to check for ending brackets = union,struct _IsPtr_:=0 ; Check for STARTING union and set union helpers While (_match_:=RegExMatch(_LF_,"i)^(struct|union)?\s*\{\K")) ; correct offset for union/structure, sizeof_maxsize returns max size of union or structure _max_size_:=sizeof_maxsize(SubStr(_TYPE_,_in_struct_-StrLen(A_LoopField)-1+(StrLen(_LF_BKP_)-StrLen(_LF_)))) ,_union_.Insert(_offset_+=(_mod_:=Mod(_offset_,_max_size_))?Mod(_max_size_-_mod_,_max_size_):0) ,_union_size_.Insert(0) ,_struct_align_.Insert(_align_total_>_max_size_?_align_total_:_max_size_) ,_struct_.Insert(RegExMatch(_LF_,"i)^struct\s*\{")?(1,_align_total_:=0):0) ,_LF_:=SubStr(_LF_,_match_) StringReplace,_LF_,_LF_,},,A ;remove all closing brackets (these will be checked later) ; Check if item is a pointer and remove * for further processing, separate key will store that information While % (InStr(_LF_,"*")){ StringReplace,_LF_,_LF_,* _IsPtr_:=A_Index } ; Split off data type, name and size (only data type is mandatory) RegExMatch(_LF_,"^(?[\w\d\._]+)?\s*(?[\w\d_]+)?\s*\[?(?\d+)?\]?\s*\}*\s*$",_) If (!_ArrName_ && !_ArrSize_){ If RegExMatch(_TYPE_,"^\**" _ArrType_ "\**$"){ _Struct.___InitField(this,"",0,_ArrType_,_IsPtr_?"PTR":_Struct.HasKey("_" _ArrType_)?_Struct["_" _ArrType_]:"PTR",_IsPtr_,_ArrType_) this.base:=_base_ If (IsObject(_init_)||IsObject(_pointer_)){ ; Initialization of structures members, e.g. _Struct(_RECT,{left:10,right:20}) for _key_,_value_ in IsObject(_init_)?_init_:_pointer_ { If !this["`r"]{ ; It is not a pointer, assign value If InStr(",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,","," this["`t" _key_] ",") this.Alloc(_key_,StrLen(_value_)*(InStr(".LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,","," this["`t"] ",")||(InStr(",LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,","," this["`t" _key_] ",")&&A_IsUnicode)?2:1)) if InStr(",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,CHAR,TCHAR,WCHAR,","," this["`t" _key_] ",") this[_key_]:=_value_ else this[_key_] := _value_ }else if (_value_<>"") ; It is not empty If _value_ is integer ; It is a new pointer this[_key_][""]:=_value_ } } Return this ;:= new _Struct(%_ArrType_%,_pointer_) ;only Data type was supplied, object/structure has got no members/keys } else _ArrName_:=_ArrType_,_ArrType_:="UInt" } If InStr(_ArrType_,"."){ ;check for object that holds structure definition Loop,Parse,_ArrType_,. If A_Index=1 _defobj_:=%A_LoopField% else _defobj_:=_defobj_[A_LoopField] } if (!_IsPtr_ && !_Struct.HasKey(_ArrType_)){ ; _ArrType_ not found resolve to global variable (must contain struct definition) if (sizeof(_defobj_?_defobj_:%_ArrType_%,0,_align_total_) && mod:=Mod(_offset_,_align_total_)) _offset_+=Mod(_align_total_-_mod_,_align_total_) _Struct.___InitField(this,_ArrName_,_offset_,_ArrType_,0,0,_ArrType_,_ArrSize_) ; update current union size If (_uix_:=_union_.MaxIndex()) && (_max_size_:=_offset_ + sizeof(_defobj_?_defobj_:%_ArrType_%) - _union_[_uix_])>_union_size_[_uix_] _union_size_[_uix_]:=_max_size_ _max_size:=0 ; if not a union or a union + structure then offset must be moved (when structure offset will be reset below If (!_uix_||_struct_[_struct_.MaxIndex()]) _offset_+=this[" " _ArrName_]*sizeof(_defobj_?_defobj_:%_ArrType_%) ; move offset ;Continue } else { If ((_IsPtr_ || _Struct.HasKey(_ArrType_))) _offset_+=(_mod_:=Mod(_offset_,_max_size_:=_IsPtr_?A_PtrSize:_Struct[_ArrType_]))=0?0:(_IsPtr_?A_PtrSize:_Struct[_ArrType_])-_mod_ ,_align_total_:=_max_size_>_align_total_?_max_size_:_align_total_ ,_Struct.___InitField(this,_ArrName_,_offset_,_ArrType_,_IsPtr_?"PTR":_Struct.HasKey(_ArrType_)?_Struct["_" _ArrType_]:_ArrType_,_IsPtr_,_ArrType_,_ArrSize_) ; update current union size If (_uix_:=_union_.MaxIndex()) && (_max_size_:=_offset_ + _Struct[this["`n" _ArrName_]] - _union_[_uix_])>_union_size_[_uix_] _union_size_[_uix_]:=_max_size_ _max_size_:=0 ; if not a union or a union + structure then offset must be moved (when structure offset will be reset below If (!_uix_||_struct_[_uix_]) _offset_+=_IsPtr_?A_PtrSize:(_Struct.HasKey(_ArrType_)?_Struct[_ArrType_]:%_ArrType_%)*this[" " _ArrName_] } ; Check for ENDING union and reset offset and union helpers While (SubStr(_LF_BKP_,0)="}"){ If (!_uix_:=_union_.MaxIndex()){ MsgBox,0, Incorrect structure, missing opening braket {`nProgram will exit now `n%_TYPE_% ExitApp } ; Increase total size of union/structure if necessary ; reset offset and align because we left a union or structure if (_uix_>1 && _struct_[_uix_-1]){ if (_mod_:=Mod(_offset_,_struct_align_[_uix_])) _offset_+=Mod(_struct_align_[_uix_]-_mod_,_struct_align_[_uix_]) } else _offset_:=_union_[_uix_] if (_struct_[_uix_]&&_struct_align_[_uix_]>_align_total_) _align_total_ := _struct_align_[_uix_] ; Increase total size of union/structure if necessary _total_union_size_ := _union_size_[_uix_]>_total_union_size_?_union_size_[_uix_]:_total_union_size_ ,_union_._Remove(),_struct_._Remove(),_union_size_._Remove(),_struct_align_.Remove(),_LF_BKP_:=SubStr(_LF_BKP_,1,StrLen(_LF_BKP_)-1) ; remove latest items If (_uix_=1){ ; leaving top union, add offset if (_mod_:=Mod(_total_union_size_,_align_total_)) _total_union_size_ += Mod(_align_total_-_mod_,_align_total_) _offset_+=_total_union_size_,_total_union_size_:=0 } } } this.base:=_base_ ; apply new base which uses below functions and uses ___GET for __GET and ___SET for __SET If (IsObject(_init_)||IsObject(_pointer_)){ ; Initialization of structures members, e.g. _Struct(_RECT,{left:10,right:20}) for _key_,_value_ in IsObject(_init_)?_init_:_pointer_ { If !this["`r" _key_]{ ; It is not a pointer, assign value If InStr(",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,","," this["`t" _key_] ",") this.Alloc(_key_,StrLen(_value_)*(InStr(".LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,","," this["`t"] ",")||(InStr(",LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,","," this["`t" _key_] ",")&&A_IsUnicode)?2:1)) if InStr(",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,CHAR,TCHAR,WCHAR,","," this["`t" _key_] ",") this[_key_]:=_value_ else this[_key_] := _value_ }else if (_value_<>"") ; It is not empty if _value_ is integer ; It is a new pointer this[_key_][""]:=_value_ } } Return this } ToObj(struct:=""){ obj:=[] for k,v in struct?struct:struct:=this if (Asc(k)=10) If IsObject(_VALUE_:=struct[_TYPE_:=SubStr(k,2)]) obj[_TYPE_]:=this.ToObj(_VALUE_) else obj[_TYPE_]:=_VALUE_ return obj } SizeT(_key_=""){ return sizeof(this["`t" _key_]) } Size(){ return sizeof(this) } IsPointer(_key_=""){ return this["`r" _key_] } Type(_key_=""){ return this["`t" _key_] } AHKType(_key_=""){ return this["`n" _key_] } Offset(_key_=""){ return this["`b" _key_] } Encoding(_key_=""){ return this["`b" _key_] } Capacity(_key_=""){ return this._GetCapacity("`v" _key_) } Alloc(_key_="",size="",ptrsize=0){ If _key_ is integer ptrsize:=size,size:=_key_,_key_:="" If size is integer SizeIsInt:=1 If ptrsize { If (this._SetCapacity("`v" _key_,!SizeIsInt?A_PtrSize+ptrsize:size + (size//A_PtrSize)*ptrsize)="") MsgBox % "Memory for pointer ." _key_ ". of size " (SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize) " could not be set!" else { DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),"UInt",this._GetCapacity("`v" _key_)) If (this[" " _key_]>1){ ptr:=this[""] + this["`b" _key_] If (this["`r" _key_] || InStr(",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,","," this["`t" _key_] ",")) NumPut(ptrs:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),ptr+0,"PTR") else if _key_ this[_key_,""]:=ptrs:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_) else this[""]:=ptr:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),ptrs:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_)+(SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize) } else { If (this["`r" _key_] || InStr(",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,","," this["`t" _key_] ",")) NumPut(ptr:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR") else this[""]:=ptr:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_) ptrs:=ptr+(size?size:A_PtrSize) } Loop % SizeIsInt?(size//A_PtrSize):1 NumPut(ptrs+(A_Index-1)*ptrsize,ptr+(A_Index-1)*A_PtrSize,"PTR") } } else { If (this._SetCapacity("`v" _key_,SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize)=""){ MsgBox % "Memory for pointer ." _key_ ". of size " (SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize) " could not be set!" } else NumPut(ptr:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",ptr,"UInt",SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize) } return ptr } ___NEW(init*){ this:=this.base newobj := this.__Clone(1) ;clone structure and keep pointer (1), it will be changed below If (init.MaxIndex() && !IsObject(init.1)) newobj[""] := init.1 else If (init.MaxIndex()>1 && !IsObject(init.2)) newobj[""] := init.2 else newobj._SetCapacity("`a",_StructSize_:=sizeof(this)) ; Set Capacity in key ["`a"] ,newobj[""]:=newobj._GetAddress("`a") ; Save pointer in key [""] ,DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",newobj[""],"UInt",_StructSize_) ; zero-fill memory If (IsObject(init.1)||IsObject(init.2)) for _key_,_value_ in IsObject(init.1)?init.1:init.2 newobj[_key_] := _value_ return newobj } ; Clone structure and move pointer for new structure ___Clone(offset){ static _base_:={__GET:_Struct.___GET,__SET:_Struct.___SET,__SETPTR:_Struct.___SETPTR,__Clone:_Struct.___Clone,__NEW:_Struct.___NEW ,IsPointer:_Struct.IsPointer,Offset:_Struct.Offset,Type:_Struct.Type,AHKType:_Struct.AHKType,Encoding:_Struct.Encoding ,Capacity:_Struct.Capacity,Alloc:_Struct.Alloc,Size:_Struct.Size,SizeT:_Struct.SizeT,Print:_Struct.Print,ToObj:_Struct.ToObj} If offset=1 return this newobj:={} ; new structure object for _key_,_value_ in this ; copy all values/objects If (_key_!="`a") newobj[_key_]:=_value_ ; add key to new object and assign value newobj._SetCapacity("`a",_StructSize_:=sizeof(this)) ; Set Capacity in key ["`a"] ,newobj[""]:=newobj._GetAddress("`a") ; Save pointer in key [""] ,DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",newobj[""],"UInt",_StructSize_) ; zero-fill memory If this["`r"]{ ; its a pointer so we need too move internal memory NumPut(NumGet(this[""],"PTR")+A_PtrSize*(offset-1),newobj[""],"Ptr") newobj.base:=_base_ ;assign base of _Struct } else ; do not use internal memory, simply assign new pointer to new structure newobj.base:=_base_,newobj[]:=this[""]+sizeof(this)*(offset-1) return newobj ; return new object } ___GET(_key_="",p*){ If (_key_="") ; Key was not given so structure[] has been called, return pointer to structure Return this[""] else if !(idx:=p.MaxIndex()) _field_:=_key_,opt:="~" else { ObjInsert(p,1,_key_) opt:=ObjRemove(p),_field_:=_key_:=ObjRemove(p) for key_,value_ in p this:=this[value_] } If this["`t"] ; structure without keys/members _key_:="" ; set _key_ empty so items below will resolve to our structure If (opt!="~"){ If (opt=""){ If _field_ is integer return (this["`r"]?NumGet(this[""],"PTR"):this[""])+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1) else return this["`r" _key_]?NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"):this[""]+this["`b" _key_] ;+sizeof(this["`t" _key_])*(_field_-1) } else If opt is integer { ;offset to a item e.g. struct.a[100] ("Uint a[100]") ; MsgBox % "ja " If (_Struct.HasKey("_" this["`t" _key_]) && this[" " _key_]>1) { If (InStr( ",CHAR,UCHAR,TCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," )){ ; StrGet 1 character only Return StrGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_]+(opt-1)*sizeof(this["`t" _key_]),1,this["`f" _key_]) } else if InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ ; StrGet string Return StrGet(NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_]+(opt-1)*A_PtrSize,"PTR"),this["`f" _key_]) } else { Return NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_]+(opt-1)*sizeof(this["`t" _key_]),this["`n" _key_]) } } else Return new _Struct(this["`t" _key_],this[""]+this["`b" _key_]+(opt-1)*sizeof(this["`t" _key_])) } else return this[_key_][opt] } else If _field_ is integer { ; array access (must be listed first because otherwise this["`r" _key_] cannot be resolved If (_key_){ ; Offset for item return this.__Clone(_field_) } else if this["`r"] { Pointer:="" Loop % (this["`r"]-1) ; dip into one step and return a new structure pointer.="*" If pointer Return new _Struct(pointer this["`t"],NumGet(this[""],"PTR")+A_PtrSize*(_field_-1)) else Return new _Struct(pointer this["`t"],NumGet(this[""],"PTR")+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1)).1 } else if _Struct.HasKey("_" this["`t"]) { ; If this[" "] ; Return new _Struct(this["`t"],this[""]) ; else If (InStr( ",CHAR,UCHAR,TCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t"] "," )){ ; StrGet 1 character only Return StrGet(this[""]+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1),1,this["`f"]) } else if InStr(",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t"] "," ){ ; StrGet string Return StrGet(NumGet(this[""]+A_PtrSize*(_field_-1),"PTR"),this["`f"]) } else { ; resolve pointer Return NumGet(this[""]+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1),this["`n"]) } } else { ; return this.__Clone(_field_) ; listVars ; MsgBox % this[""] "+" sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1) "-" this["`t"] Return new _Struct(this["`t"],this[""]+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1)) } } else If this["`r" _key_] { ;pointer Pointer:="" Loop % (this["`r" _key_]-1) ; dip into one step and return a new structure pointer.="*" If (_key_=""){ return this[1][_field_] } else { Return new _Struct(pointer this["`t" _key_],NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR")) } } else if _Struct.HasKey("_" this["`t" _key_]) { ; default data type, not pointer If (this[" " _key_]>1) Return new _Struct(this["`t" _key_],this[""] + this["`b" _key_]) else If (InStr( ",CHAR,UCHAR,TCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," )){ ; StrGet 1 character only Return StrGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],1,this["`f" _key_]) } else if InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ ; StrGet string Return StrGet(NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),this["`f" _key_]) } else { Return NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],this["`n" _key_]) } } else { ; the field is a non pointer structure Return new _Struct(this["`t" _key_],this[""]+this["`b" _key_]) } } ___SET(_key_,p*){ ;="",_value_=-0x8000000000000000 ,opt="~"){ If !(idx:=p.MaxIndex()) ; Set new Pointer, here a value was assigned e.g. struct[]:=&var return this[""] :=_key_,this._SetCapacity("`a",0) ; free internal memory, it will not be used anymore else if (idx=1) _value_:=p.1,opt:="~" else if (idx>1){ ObjInsert(p,1,_key_) If (p[idx]="") opt:=ObjRemove(p),_value_:=ObjRemove(p),_key_:=ObjRemove(p) else _value_:=ObjRemove(p),_key_:=ObjRemove(p),opt:="~" for key_,value_ in p this:=this[value_] } If this["`t"] ; structure without members _field_:=_key_,_key_:="" ; set _key_ empty so it will resolve to our structure else _field_:=_key_ If this["`r" _key_] { ; Pointer If opt is integer return NumPut(opt,this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR") else if this.HasKey("`t" _key_) { Pointer:="" Loop % (this["`r" _key_]-1) ; dip into one step and return a new structure pointer.="*" If _key_ Return (new _Struct(pointer this["`t" _key_],NumGet(this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR"))).1:=_value_ else Return (new _Struct(pointer this["`t"],NumGet(this[""],"PTR")))[_field_]:=_value_ } else If _field_ is Integer if (_key_="") ; replace this for the operation _this:=this,this:=this.__Clone(_Field_) If InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ) StrPut(_value_,NumGet(NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),"PTR"),this["`f" _key_]) ; StrPut char to addr+A_PtrSize else if InStr( ",TCHAR,CHAR,UCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ ; same as above but for 1 Character only StrPut(_value_,NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),this["`f" _key_]) ; StrPut char to addr } else NumPut(_value_,NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),this["`n" _key_]) If _field_ is integer ; restore this after operation this:=_this } else if (RegExMatch(_field_,"^\d+$") && _key_="") { if InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t"] "," ){ StrPut(_value_,NumGet(this[""]+A_PtrSize*(_field_-1),"PTR"),this["`f"]) ; StrPut string to addr } else if InStr( ",TCHAR,CHAR,UCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ StrPut(_value_,this[""] + sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1),this["`f"]) } else NumPut(_value_,this[""] + sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1),this["`n"]) ; NumPut new value to key } else if opt is integer { return NumPut(opt,this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR") } else if InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ StrPut(_value_,NumGet(this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),this["`f" _key_]) ; StrPut string to addr } else if InStr( ",TCHAR,CHAR,UCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ StrPut(_value_,this[""] + this["`b" _key_],this["`f" _key_]) ; StrPut character key } else NumPut(_value_,this[""]+this["`b" _key_],this["`n" _key_]) ; NumPut new value to key Return _value_ } }