Myfaces plugin ================== - Clear resource bundle cache after any *.properties file is changed. - Reinject @ViewScoped beans. - Reload `ManagedBean` annotated beans on class redefinition / change. - Register `ManagedBean` annotated beans on class definition. #### Implementation notes: MyFaces plugin is triggered in org.apache.myfaces.config.RuntimeConfig constructor The plugin listens defined/changed `ManageBean` classes and adds them to the dirty bean list. The dirty beans will be reloaded on the next call to the servlet. `ManagedBeanResolverTransformer` is used to add reloading features to `ManagedBeanResolver`. It basically adds a list to the class to hold the dirty beans and it also adds helper methods to process the dirty beans. `LifecycleImplTransformer` is used to patch `LifecycleImpl.execute()` method. This method is patched to call process dirty beans after the execute method.