WebObjects plugin ==================================== For more information on how to use with WebObjects, see the [WOCommunity wiki page](https://wiki.wocommunity.org/display/WOL/Using+DCEVM+and+Hotswap+for+rapid+turnaround) This plugin replicate the WOJrebel plugin code found in the WOJRebelClassReloadHandler class originally written by qdolan. It does the following to the WO caches: - Flushing KVC caches when a class is modified - Clearing ClassNotFound results from the class cache - Clearing the component definition cache when a WOComponent is modified - Clearing the direct action cache when a WOAction (usually DirectAction) is modified ### Known limitations - Change of superclass is not supported by DCEVM - Modifying the return type of a method breaks. It seems there is some cache not cleared. Configuration ------------- The is no configuration !