#!/bin/sh ## jasper-installer.sh - Script designed to install jasper on raspbian. ## Copyright (C) 2016 Richard Nelson ## ## This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING. ## This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it ## under certain conditions; see COPYING for details. set -e #set -x Defaults () { # Function for Defaults echo "$(date) - Called Defaults..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log echo "$(date) - Start jasper-installer script." >> ~/jasper-installer.log echo "$(date) - Update raspbian..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log # Update raspbian sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade --yes echo "$(date) - Append PATH var and export LD_LIBRARY_PATH..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log # Append PATH var and export LD_LIBRARY_PATH cat <> /home/pi/.bashrc export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/lib PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/lib/ export PATH EOT } JasperTools () { # Function to install Jasper tools echo "$(date) - Called JasperTools..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log echo "$(date) - Install the dependencies and some other packages..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log # Install the dependencies and some other packages sudo apt-get install vim git-core python-dev python-pip bison libasound2-dev libportaudio-dev python-pyaudio espeak subversion autoconf libtool automake gfortran g++ --yes } JasperLocal () { # Function to install Jasper local echo "$(date) - Called JasperLocal..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log echo "$(date) - Install the dependencies for Jasper local..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log echo "$(date) - Download and extract packages for STT..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log # Download and extract packages for STT # The Pocketsphinx STT engine requires the MIT Language Modeling Toolkit, # m2m-aligner, Phonetisaurus and OpenFST cd ~ wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/cmusphinx/sphinxbase/0.8/sphinxbase-0.8.tar.gz wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/cmusphinx/pocketsphinx/0.8/pocketsphinx-0.8.tar.gz wget http://distfiles.macports.org/openfst/openfst-1.3.4.tar.gz wget https://github.com/mitlm/mitlm/releases/download/v0.4.1/mitlm_0.4.1.tar.gz wget https://m2m-aligner.googlecode.com/files/m2m-aligner-1.2.tar.gz wget https://phonetisaurus.googlecode.com/files/is2013-conversion.tgz wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/kfht75czdwucni1/g014b2b.tgz svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/cmusphinx/code/trunk/cmuclmtk/ tar xvf sphinxbase-0.8.tar.gz tar xvf pocketsphinx-0.8.tar.gz tar xvf m2m-aligner-1.2.tar.gz tar xvf openfst-1.3.4.tar.gz tar xvf is2013-conversion.tgz tar xvf mitlm_0.4.1.tar.gz tar xvf g014b2b.tgz # Install Speech-To-Text Engine Pocketsphinx and CMUCLMTK echo "$(date) - Building sphinxbase-0.8..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log cd ~/sphinxbase-0.8/ ./configure --enable-fixed make -j2 sudo make install echo "$(date) - Completed building and installing sphinxbase-0.8..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log echo "$(date) - Building pocketshinx-0.8..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log cd ~/pocketsphinx-0.8/ ./configure make -j2 sudo make install echo "$(date) - Completed building and installing pocketshinx-0.8..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log echo "$(date) - Building cmuclmtk..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log cd ~/cmuclmtk/ sudo ./autogen.sh sudo make -j2 sudo make install echo "$(date) - Completed building and installing cmuclmtk..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log # Install OpenFST echo "$(date) - Building openfst-1.3.4..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log cd ~/openfst-1.3.4/ ./configure --enable-compact-fsts --enable-const-fsts --enable-far --enable-lookahead-fsts --enable-pdt make sudo make install echo "$(date) - Completed building and installing openfst-1.3.4..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log # Install M2M, MITLMT, Phonetisaurus and Phonetisaurus FST echo "$(date) - Building m2m-aligner-1.2..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log cd ~/m2m-aligner-1.2/ make -j2 sudo cp ~/m2m-aligner-1.2/m2m-aligner /usr/local/bin/m2m-aligner echo "$(date) - Completed building and installing m2m-aligner-1.2..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log echo "$(date) - Building mitlm_0.4.1..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log cd ~/mitlm_0.4.1/ ./configure make -j2 sudo make install echo "$(date) - Completed building and installing mitlm_0.4.1..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log echo "$(date) - Building is2013-conversion..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log cd ~/is2013-conversion/phonetisaurus/src/ make -j2 sudo cp ~/is2013-conversion/bin/phonetisaurus-g2p /usr/local/bin/phonetisaurus-g2p echo "$(date) - Completed building and installing is2013-conversion..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log echo "$(date) - Building g014b2b..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log echo "$(date) - Export the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for fstcompiler..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/lib cd ~/g014b2b/ ./compile-fst.sh cd mv ~/g014b2b ~/phonetisaurus echo "$(date) - Completed building and installing g014b2b..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log } JasperBase () { # Function to install Jasper base echo "$(date) - Called JasperBase..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log echo "$(date) - Checkout Jasper from git..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log # Checkout Jasper from git git clone https://github.com/jasperproject/jasper-client.git jasper echo "$(date) - Install Jasper requirements..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log # Install Jasper requirements # First upgrade pip sudo easy_install pip # Now begin cd ~ sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools sudo pip install -r ~/jasper/client/requirements.txt chmod +x jasper/jasper.py echo "$(date) - Adding support for Google STT..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log # Adding support for Google STT sudo apt-get install python-pymad --yes sudo pip install --upgrade gTTS } JasperTweaks () { ## Modify the CHUNK in jasper/client/mic.py #sed -i.bak -e's/1024/768/' ~/jasper/client/mic.py echo "$(date) - Modify the default sound card in jasper/client/tts.py..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log # Modify the default sound card in jasper/client/tts.py sed -i.bak -e's/plughw:1,0/plughw:0,0/' ~/jasper/client/tts.py echo "$(date) - Adjust the sound card defalut in alsa.conf..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log # Adjust the sound card defalut in alsa.conf #sudo sed -i.bak -e's/defaults.ctl.card 0/defaults.ctl.card 1/' /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf sudo sed -i.bak -e's/defaults.pcm.card 0/defaults.pcm.card 1/' /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf #echo "$(date) - Install crontab FIXME..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log ## Install crontab #(crontab -u pi -l; echo '@reboot /home/pi/jasper/jasper.py') | sudo crontab -u pi - } _STT="NETWORK" cat << EOF ###################################################### Welcome to the jasper-installer.sh script. ###################################################### ###################################################### The installer script can install Jasper with or without local Speech To Text (STT) support. By default the jasper-installer.sh script will assume you want network based STT. If you want local STT please answer the question accordingly. Select the desired STT support of (NETWORK or LOCAL) (default: ${_STT}) EOF # Ask for _STT echo -n ": " read _READ _STT=${_READ:-${_STT}} Defaults JasperTools JasperBase # Here we include the building of STT tools local if [ "${_STT}" = "LOCAL" ] then echo "$(date) - User selected LOCAL STT option..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log JasperLocal else echo "$(date) - User selected NETWORK STT option..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log fi JasperTweaks echo "$(date) - Jasper install attempt completed..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log echo "$(date) - Jasper install attempt completed." echo "$(date) - Please remember to run the following to configure Jasper:" echo echo 'python ~/jasper/client/populate.py' echo echo 'Also please reboot your computer once for good measure.' echo 'Thanks for trying jasper-installer.sh script.' #echo "$(date) - Populate the ~/.jasper/FIXME..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log ## Populate the ~/.jasper/FIXME #cd ~/jasper/client #python populate.py #echo "$(date) - Reboot for jasper launch..." >> ~/jasper-installer.log ## Reboot for jasper launch #sudo reboot exit 0