/** * =========================== CoCoHue - Hue Bridge Integration ========================= * * Copyright 2019-2024 Robert Morris * * DESCRIPTION: * Community-developed Hue Bridge integration app for Hubitat, including support for lights, * groups, and scenes. * TO INSTALL: * See documentation on Hubitat Community forum or README.MD file in GitHub repo * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * ======================================================================================= * * Last modified: 2024-06-30 * * Changelog: * v4.1.9 - Add note that Hue Labs features are now deprecated * v4.1.2 - Additional button enhancements (relative_rotary -- Hue Tap Dial, etc.) * v4.1 - Add support for button devices (with v2 API only) * v4.0.3 - Immediately disconnect eventstream when option un-selected (and saved) * v4.0.2 - Fix for error when adding new sensors * v4.0.1 - Fix for app not sensing bridge authorization on initial setup * v4.0 - Changes for EventStream-based information pushing; new DNI format (CCH/appId..., not CCH/BridgeMACAbbrev...) * After upgrading, open CoCoHue app and push "Done." NOTE: Downgrading (without hub restore) is not possible after this. * v3.5.1 - Improved username sanitization; removed logging for SSDP if debug logging disabled * v3.5 - Minor code cleanup (and lots of driver changes) * v3.1 - Driver updates (logging, error handling) * v3.0 - Added support for Hue motion sensors (also temp/illuminance) and Hue Labs activators; added custom port options and * other changes to enhance compatibility with DeCONZ and similar third-party APIs * v2.2 - Added support for illumiance/temp/motion readings from Hue Motion sensors from Bridge * v2.1 - Reduced group and scene "info" logging if no state change/event; other GroupScenes now also report "off" if received from * poll from Bridge instead of (only) command from Hubitat; more static typing * v2.0 - New non-parent/child structure and name change; Bridge discovery; Bridge linking improvements (fewer pages); * added documentation links; likely performance improvements (less dynamic typing); ability to use dicovery but * unsubscribe from SSDP/discovery after addition; Hue vs. Hubitat name comparisons added; scene device improvments * Additiononal device features; child devices now (optionally) deleted when app uninstalled * v1.9 - Added CT and dimmable bulb types * v1.7 - Addition of new child device types, updating groups from member bulbs * v1.6 - Added options for bulb and group deivce naming * v1.5 - Added scene integration * v1.1 - Added more polling intervals * v1.0 - Initial Public Release */ import groovy.transform.Field import hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse import com.hubitat.app.DeviceWrapper @Field static final Integer debugAutoDisableMinutes = 30 @Field static final String childNamespace = "RMoRobert" // namespace of child device drivers @Field static final Map driverMap = [ "extended color light": "CoCoHue RGBW Bulb", "color light": "CoCoHue RGBW Bulb", // eventually should make this one RGB "color temperature light": "CoCoHue CT Bulb", "dimmable light": "CoCoHue Dimmable Bulb", "on/off light": "CoCoHue On/Off Plug", "on/off plug-in unit": "CoCoHue On/Off Plug", "DEFAULT": "CoCoHue RGBW Bulb" ] definition ( name: "CoCoHue - Hue Bridge Integration", namespace: "RMoRobert", author: "Robert Morris", description: "Community-created Philips Hue integration for Hue Bridge lights, groups, and scenes", category: "Convenience", installOnOpen: true, documentationLink: "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-cocohue-hue-bridge-integration-including-scenes/27978", iconUrl: "", iconX2Url: "", iconX3Url: "", //Uncomment the following line if upgrading from existing CoCoHue 1.x installation: //parent: "RMoRobert:CoCoHue (Parent App)", ) preferences { page name: "pageFirstPage" page name: "pageIncomplete" page name: "pageAddBridge" page name: "pageReAddBridge" page name: "pageLinkBridge" page name: "pageManageBridge" page name: "pageSelectLights" page name: "pageSelectGroups" page name: "pageSelectScenes" page name: "pageSelectMotionSensors" page name: "pageSelectButtons" page name: "pageSelectLabsActivators" } void installed() { log.info("Installed with settings: ${settings}") initialize() } void uninstalled() { log.info("Uninstalling") if (!(settings['deleteDevicesOnUninstall'] == false)) { logDebug("Deleting child devices of this CoCoHue instance...") List DNIs = getChildDevices().collect { it.deviceNetworkId } logDebug(" Preparing to delete devices with DNIs: $DNIs") DNIs.each { deleteChildDevice(it) } } } void updated() { log.info("Updated with settings: ${settings}") initialize() // Upgrade pre-CoCoHue-4.0 DNIs to match new DNI format (CCH/AppID, not CCH/BridgeMacAbbrev) if (getChildDevices().any { DeviceWrapper dev -> dev.deviceNetworkId.startsWith("CCH/${state.bridgeID}/") }) { getChildDevices().each { DeviceWrapper d -> if (d.deviceNetworkId.startsWith("CCH/${state.bridgeID}") && !(d.deviceNetworkId.startsWith("CCH/${state.bridgeID}/Sensor"))) { String newDNI = d.deviceNetworkId.replace("CCH/${state.bridgeID}", "CCH/${app.getId()}") log.debug("Updating ${d.displayName} DNI from ${d.deviceNetworkId} to $newDNI") d.setDeviceNetworkId(newDNI) } } } // Upgrade pre-CoCoHue-4.0 motion sensor DNIs to match new DNI format (Hue IDs, separated by pipe character; not IEEE/MAC) if (getChildDevices().any { DeviceWrapper dev -> (dev.deviceNetworkId.startsWith("CCH/${state.bridgeID}/Sensor/") || dev.deviceNetworkId.startsWith("CCH/${app.getId()}/Sensor/")) && dev.deviceNetworkId.tokenize('/')[-1].contains(":") }) { DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") if (bridge == null) { bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${state.bridgeID}") if (bridge == null) { log.warn "Bridge device not found. Try..." } } bridge.getAllSensors() pauseExecution(6000) // should work (wait 6s), though there's probably a more reliable way to time (async callback?)... Map sensorCache = bridge.getAllSensorsCache() sensorCache.each { String mac, Map value -> DeviceWrapper dev = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}/Sensor/${mac}") ?: getChildDevice("CCH/${state.bridgeID}/Sensor/${mac}") if (dev != null) { log.debug "Updating DNI for ${dev.displayName} to CoCoHue 4.0 format (old DNI = ${dev.deviceNetworkId})" List ids = value.ids.sort() String newLastPart = ids.join("|") dev.setDeviceNetworkId("CCH/${app.getId()}/Sensor/${newLastPart}") log.debug "Set DNI for ${dev.displayName} to CCH/${app.getId()}/${newLastPart}" } log.debug "dev was $dev" } } } void initialize() { log.debug("Initializing...") unschedule() state.remove('discoveredBridges') if (settings["useSSDP"] == true || settings["useSSDP"] == null) { if (settings["keepSSDP"] != false) { log.debug("Subscribing to ssdp...") subscribe(location, "ssdpTerm.urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1", "ssdpHandler") schedule("${Math.round(Math.random() * 59)} ${Math.round(Math.random() * 59)} 6 ? * * *", "periodicSendDiscovery") } else { log.debug("Not subscribing to ssdp...") unsubscribe("ssdpHandler") unschedule("periodicSendDiscovery") } subscribe(location, "systemStart", hubRestartHandler) if (state.bridgeAuthorized) sendBridgeDiscoveryCommand() // do discovery if user clicks 'Done' } else { unsubscribe("ssdpHandler") unschedule("periodicSendDiscovery") } Integer disableTime = 1800 if (enableDebug) { log.debug "Debug logging will be automatically disabled in ${debugAutoDisableMinutes} minutes" runIn(debugAutoDisableMinutes*60, "debugOff") } if (settings.useEventStream == true) { DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") bridge?.connectEventStream() } else { bridge?.disconnectEventStream() } scheduleRefresh() } void scheduleRefresh() { if (enableDebug) log.debug "scheduleRefresh()" Integer pollInt = Integer.parseInt(settings["pollInterval"] ?: "0") // If change polling options in UI, may need to modify some of these cases: switch (pollInt) { case 0: logDebug "Polling disabled; not scheduling" break case 1..59: logDebug "Scheduling polling every ${pollInt} seconds" schedule("${Math.round(Math.random() * pollInt)}/${pollInt} * * ? * * *", "refreshBridge") break case 60..119: logDebug "Scheduling polling every 1 minute" runEvery1Minute("refreshBridge") break case 120..179: logDebug "Scheduling polling every 2 minutes" schedule("${Math.round(Math.random() * 59)} */2 * ? * * *", "refreshBridge") runEvery2Minutes("refreshBridge") break case 180..299: logDebug "Scheduling polling every 3 minutes" schedule("${Math.round(Math.random() * 59)} */3 * ? * * *", "refreshBridge") break case 300..1799: logDebug "Scheduling polling every 5 minutes" runEvery5Minutes("refreshBridge") break case 1800..3599: logDebug "Scheduling polling every 30 minutes" runEvery30Minutes("refreshBridge") break default: logDebug "Scheduling polling every hour" runEvery1Hour("refreshBridge") } } void sendBridgeDiscoveryCommand() { sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction("lan discovery ssdpTerm.urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1", hubitat.device.Protocol.LAN)) state.lastDiscoCommand = now() } /** Sends SSDP discovery command, optionally checking if was done in last few minutes and ignoring if so; intended to be called by child devices (e.g., Bridge) if notice problems suggesting Bridge IP may have changed */ void sendBridgeDiscoveryCommandIfSSDPEnabled(Boolean checkIfRecent=true) { logDebug("sendBridgeDiscoveryCommandIfSSDPEnabled($checkIfRecent)") if (settings.useSSDP != false) { if (checkIfRecent) { Long lastDiscoThreshold = 300000 // Start with 5 minutes if (state.failedDiscos >= 3 && state.failedDiscos < 4) lastDiscoThreshold = 600000 // start trying every 5 min else if (state.failedDiscos >= 4 && state.failedDiscos < 6) lastDiscoThreshold = 1200000 // gradually increase interval if keeps failing... else if (state.failedDiscos >= 6 && state.failedDiscos < 18) lastDiscoThreshold = 3600000 // 1 hour now else lastDiscoThreshold = 7200000 // cap at 2 hr if been more than ~12 hr without Bridge if (!(state.lastDiscoCommand) || (now() - state.lastDiscoCommand >= lastDiscoThreshold)) { sendBridgeDiscoveryCommand() } } else { sendBridgeDiscoveryCommand() } } } void hubRestartHandler(evt) { sendBridgeDiscoveryCommandIfSSDPEnabled() } // Scheduled job handler; if using SSDP, schedules to run once a day just in case void periodicSendDiscovery(evt) { sendBridgeDiscoveryCommandIfSSDPEnabled(true) } void debugOff() { log.warn "Disabling debug logging" app.updateSetting("enableDebug", [value:"false", type:"bool"]) } def pageFirstPage() { state.authRefreshInterval = 5 state.discoTryCount = 0 state.authTryCount = 0 if (app.getInstallationState() == "INCOMPLETE") { // Shouldn't happen with installOnOpen: true, but just in case... dynamicPage(name: "pageIncomplete", uninstall: true, install: true) { section() { paragraph "Please press \"Done\" to install CoCoHue.
Then, re-open to set up your Hue Bridge." } } } else { if (state.bridgeLinked) { return pageManageBridge() } else { return pageAddBridge() } } } def pageAddBridge() { logDebug "pageAddBridge()..." Integer discoMaxTries = 60 if (settings.boolReauthorize) { state.remove("bridgeAuthorized") app.removeSetting("boolReauthorize") } if (settings.useSSDP != false && state.discoTryCount < 5) { logDebug "Subscribing to and sending SSDP discovery..." subscribe(location, "ssdpTerm.urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1", ssdpHandler) sendBridgeDiscoveryCommand() } dynamicPage(name: "pageAddBridge", uninstall: true, install: false, refreshInterval: ((settings.use == false || selectedDiscoveredBridge) ? null : state.authRefreshInterval), nextPage: "pageLinkBridge") { section("Add Hue Bridge") { input name: "useSSDP", type: "bool", title: "Discover Hue Bridges automatically", defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true if (settings.useSSDP != false) { if (!(state.discoveredBridges)) { paragraph "Please wait while Hue Bridges are discovered..." paragraph "" } else { input name: "selectedDiscoveredBridge", type: "enum", title: "Discovered bridges:", options: state.discoveredBridges, multiple: false, submitOnChange: true if (!(settings.selectedDiscoveredBridge)) { if (!(state.discoveredBridges)) paragraph("Please wait while CoCoHue discovers Hue Bridges on your network...") else paragraph("Select a Hue Bridge above to begin adding it to CoCoHue.") } else { if (/*!state.bridgeLinked ||*/ !state.bridgeAuthorized) paragraph("Press the button on your Bridge and press \"Next\" to continue.") else paragraph("Press \"Next\" to continue.") } } input name: "btnDiscoBridgeRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh Bridge List" if (state.discoTryCount > discoMaxTries && !(state.discoveredBridges)) { state.remove('authRefreshInterval') paragraph "No bridges have been found. Please go back and try again, or consider using manual setup." } paragraph "" } else { unsubscribe() // remove or modify if ever subscribe to more than SSDP above input name: "bridgeIP", type: "string", title: "Hue Bridge IP address:", required: false, defaultValue: null, submitOnChange: true input name: "customPort", type: "number", title: "Custom port? (Blank for default)" if (settings.bridgeIP && !state.bridgeLinked || !state.bridgeAuthorized) { paragraph("Press the button on your Hue Bridge, then press \"Next\" to continue.") } } // Hack-y way to hide/show Next button if still waiting: if ((settings.useSSDP != false && settings['selectedDiscoveredBridge']) || settings['bridgeIP']) { paragraph "" } else { paragraph "" } } } } def pageReAddBridge() { logDebug "pageReAddBridge()..." state.authRefreshInterval = 5 state.discoTryCount = 0 state.authTryCount = 0 if (settings.useSSDP == true || settings.useSSDP == null && state.discoTryCount < 5) { logDebug "Subscribing to and sending SSDP discovery..." subscribe(location, "ssdpTerm.urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1", "ssdpHandler") sendBridgeDiscoveryCommand() } state.bridgeLinked = false dynamicPage(name: "pageReAddBridge", uninstall: true, install: false, nextPage: pageAddBridge) { section("Options") { paragraph("You have chosen to edit the Bridge IP address (if automatic discovery is not selected) or " + "re-discover the Bridge (if discovery is enabled; usually happens automatically). The Bridge you choose " + "must be the same as the one with which the app and devices were originally configured. To switch to " + "a completely different Bridge, install a new instance of the app instead.") paragraph("If you see \"unauthorized user\" errors, try enabling the option below. In most cases, you can " + "continue without this option. In all cases, an existing Bridge device will be either updated to match " + "your selection (on the next page) or re-created if it does not exist.") input name: "boolReauthorize", type: "bool", title: "Request new Bridge username (re-authorize)", defaultValue: false paragraph "Press \"Next\" to continue." } } } def pageLinkBridge() { logDebug "Beginning brdige link process..." String ipAddress = (settings.useSSDP != false) ? settings.selectedDiscoveredBridge : settings.bridgeIP state.ipAddress = ipAddress logDebug " IP address = ${state.ipAddress}" Integer authMaxTries = 35 if (!(settings.useSSDP == false)) { if (!(settings.selectedDiscoveredBridge)) { dynamicPage(name: "pageLinkBridge", uninstall: true, install: false, nextPage: "pageAddBridge") { section() { paragraph 'No Bridge selected. Click "Next" to return to the bridge selection page, and try again.' } } } } dynamicPage(name: "pageLinkBridge", refreshInterval: state.authRefreshInterval, uninstall: true, install: false, nextPage: "pageFirstPage") { section("Linking Hue Bridge") { if (!(state.bridgeAuthorized)) { log.debug "Attempting Hue Bridge authorization; attempt number ${state.authTryCount+1}" if (settings.useSSDP) sendUsernameRequest() else sendUsernameRequest("http", settings["customPort"] as Integer ?: 80) state.authTryCount += 1 paragraph "Waiting for Bridge to authorize. This page will automatically refresh." if (state.authTryCount > 5 && state.authTryCount < authMaxTries) { String strParagraph = "Still waiting for authorization. Please make sure you pressed " + "the button on the Hue Bridge." if (state.authTryCount > 10) { if (!settings.useSSDP) strParagraph + "Also, verify that your Bridge IP address is correct: ${state.ipAddress}" } paragraph(strParagraph) } if (state.authTryCount >= authMaxTries) { state.remove('authRefreshInterval') paragraph("Authorization timed out. Click/tap \"Next\" to return to the beginning, " + "check your settings, and try again.") } } else { if (!state.bridgeLinked) { log.debug "Bridge authorized. Requesting information from Bridge and creating Hue Bridge device on Hubitat..." paragraph "Bridge authorized. Requesting information from Bridge and creating Hue Bridge device on Hubitat..." if (settings["useSSDP"]) sendBridgeInfoRequest(true) else sendBridgeInfoRequest(true, null, settings["bridgeIP"] ?: state.ipAddress, settings["customPort"] as Integer ?: 80) } else { logDebug("Bridge already linked; skipping Bridge device creation") if (state.bridgeLinked && state.bridgeAuthorized) { state.remove('discoveredBridges') state.remove('authRefreshInterval') //app.clearSetting('selectedDiscoveredBridge') paragraph("Your Hue Bridge has been linked! Press \"Next\" to begin adding lights, groups, " + "or scenes.") } else { paragraph("There was a problem authorizing or linking your Hue Bridge. Please start over and try again.") } } } // Hack-y way to hide/show Next button if still waiting: if ((state.authTryCount >= authMaxTries) || (state.bridgeLinked && state.bridgeAuthorized)) { paragraph "" } else { paragraph "" } } } } def pageManageBridge() { if (settings["newBulbs"]) { logDebug "New bulbs selected. Creating..." createNewSelectedBulbDevices() } if (settings["newGroups"]) { logDebug "New groups selected. Creating..." createNewSelectedGroupDevices() } if (settings["newScenes"]) { logDebug "New scenes selected. Creating..." createNewSelectedSceneDevices() } if (settings["newSensors"]) { logDebug "New sensors selected. Creating..." createNewSelectedSensorDevices() } if (settings["newButtons"]) { logDebug "New button devices selected. Creating..." createNewSelectedButtonDevices() } if (settings["newLabsDevs"]) { logDebug "New Labs devices selected. Creating..." createNewSelectedLabsDevices() } // General cleanup in case left over from discovery: state.remove("authTryCount") state.remove("discoTryCount") // More cleanup... DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") if (bridge != null) { bridge.clearBulbsCache() bridge.clearGroupsCache() bridge.clearScenesCache() bridge.clearSensorsCache() bridge.clearLabsSensorsCache() } else { log.warn "Bridge device not found!" } state.remove("sceneFullNames") state.remove("addedBulbs") state.remove("addedGroups") state.remove("addedScenes") state.remove("addedSensors") state.remove("addedLabsDevs") dynamicPage(name: "pageManageBridge", uninstall: true, install: true) { section("Manage Hue Bridge Devices:") { href(name: "hrefSelectLights", title: "Select Lights", description: "", page: "pageSelectLights") href(name: "hrefSelectGroups", title: "Select Groups", description: "", page: "pageSelectGroups") href(name: "hrefSelectScenes", title: "Select Scenes", description: "", page: "pageSelectScenes") href(name: "hrefSelectMotionSensors", title: "Select Motion Sensors", description: "", page: "pageSelectMotionSensors") href(name: "hrefSelectButtons", title: "Select Button Devices (experimental)", description: "", page: "pageSelectButtons") href(name: "hrefSelectLabsActivators", title: "Select Hue Labs Activators (deprecated)", description: "", page: "pageSelectLabsActivators") } section("Advanced Options", hideable: true, hidden: true) { href(name: "hrefReAddBridge", title: "Edit Bridge IP, re-authorize, or re-discover...", description: "", page: "pageReAddBridge") if (settings.useSSDP != false) { input name: "keepSSDP", type: "bool", title: "Remain subscribed to Bridge discovery requests (recommended to keep enabled if Bridge has dynamic IP address)", defaultValue: true } input name: "showAllScenes", type: "bool", title: "Allow adding scenes not associated with rooms/zones" input name: "deleteDevicesOnUninstall", type: "bool", title: "Delete devices created by app (Bridge, light, group, and scene) if uninstalled", defaultValue: true } section("Other Options:") { input name: "useEventStream", type: "bool", title: "Enable \"push\" updates (Server-Sent Events/EventStream) from Bridge (experimental; requires Bridge v2 and Hubitat 2.2.9 or later)" input name: "pollInterval", type: "enum", title: "Poll bridge every...", options: [0:"Disabled", 10:"10 seconds", 15:"15 seconds", 20:"20 seconds", 30:"30 seconds", 45:"45 seconds", 60:"1 minute (default)", 120:"2 minutes", 180:"3 minutes", 300:"5 minutes", 1800:"30 minutes", 3600:"1 hour"], defaultValue: 60 input name: "boolCustomLabel", type: "bool", title: "Customize the name of this CoCoHue app instance", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if (settings.boolCustomLabel) label title: "Custom name for this app", required: false input name: "enableDebug", type: "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: true } } } def pageSelectLights() { DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") bridge.getAllBulbs() List arrNewBulbs = [] Map bulbCache = bridge.getAllBulbsCache() List unclaimedBulbs = getChildDevices().findAll { it.deviceNetworkId.startsWith("CCH/${app.getId()}/Light/") } dynamicPage(name: "pageSelectLights", refreshInterval: bulbCache ? 0 : 6, uninstall: true, install: false, nextPage: "pageManageBridge") { Map addedBulbs = [:] // To be populated with lights user has added, matched by Hue ID if (!bridge) { log.error "No Bridge device found" return } if (bulbCache) { bulbCache.each { cachedBulb -> DeviceWrapper bulbChild = unclaimedBulbs.find { b -> b.deviceNetworkId == "CCH/${app.getId()}/Light/${cachedBulb.key}" } if (bulbChild) { addedBulbs.put(cachedBulb.key, [hubitatName: bulbChild.name, hubitatId: bulbChild.id, hueName: cachedBulb.value?.name]) unclaimedBulbs.removeElement(bulbChild) } else { Map newBulb = [:] newBulb << [(cachedBulb.key): (cachedBulb.value.name)] arrNewBulbs << newBulb } } arrNewBulbs = arrNewBulbs.sort { a, b -> // Sort by bulb name (default would be hue ID) a.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value <=> b.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value } addedBulbs = addedBulbs.sort { it.value.hubitatName } } if (!bulbCache) { section("Discovering bulbs/lights. Please wait...") { paragraph "Press \"Refresh\" if you see this message for an extended period of time" input name: "btnBulbRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh", submitOnChange: true } } else { section("Manage Lights") { input name: "newBulbs", type: "enum", title: "Select Hue lights to add:", multiple: true, options: arrNewBulbs input name: "boolAppendBulb", type: "bool", title: "Append \"(Hue Light)\" to Hubitat device name" paragraph "" paragraph "Previously added lights${addedBulbs ? ' (Hue Bridge device name in parentheses)' : ''}:" if (addedBulbs) { StringBuilder bulbText = new StringBuilder() bulbText << "
    " addedBulbs.each { bulbText << "
  • ${it.value.hubitatName}" bulbText << " (${it.value.hueName ?: 'not found on Hue'})
  • " //input(name: "btnRemove_Light_ID", type: "button", title: "Remove", width: 3) } bulbText << "
" paragraph(bulbText.toString()) } else { paragraph "No added lights found" } if (unclaimedBulbs) { paragraph "Hubitat light devices not found on Hue:" StringBuilder bulbText = new StringBuilder() bulbText << "" paragraph(bulbText.toString()) } } section("Rediscover Bulbs") { paragraph("If you added new lights to the Hue Bridge and do not see them above, click/tap the button " + "below to retrieve new information from the Bridge.") input name: "btnBulbRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh Bulb List", submitOnChange: true } } } } def pageSelectGroups() { DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") bridge.getAllGroups() List arrNewGroups = [] Map groupCache = bridge.getAllGroupsCache() List unclaimedGroups = getChildDevices().findAll { it.deviceNetworkId.startsWith("CCH/${app.getId()}/Group/") } dynamicPage(name: "pageSelectGroups", refreshInterval: groupCache ? 0 : 6, uninstall: true, install: false, nextPage: "pageManageBridge") { Map addedGroups = [:] // To be populated with groups user has added, matched by Hue ID if (!bridge) { log.error "No Bridge device found" return } if (groupCache) { groupCache.each { cachedGroup -> DeviceWrapper groupChild = unclaimedGroups.find { grp -> grp.deviceNetworkId == "CCH/${app.getId()}/Group/${cachedGroup.key}" } if (groupChild) { addedGroups.put(cachedGroup.key, [hubitatName: groupChild.name, hubitatId: groupChild.id, hueName: cachedGroup.value?.name]) unclaimedGroups.removeElement(groupChild) } else { Map newGroup = [:] newGroup << [(cachedGroup.key): (cachedGroup.value.name)] arrNewGroups << newGroup } } arrNewGroups = arrNewGroups.sort {a, b -> // Sort by group name (default would be Hue ID) a.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value <=> b.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value } addedGroups = addedGroups.sort { it.value.hubitatName } } if (!groupCache) { section("Discovering groups. Please wait...") { paragraph "Press \"Refresh\" if you see this message for an extended period of time" input name: "btnGroupRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh", submitOnChange: true } } else { section("Manage Groups") { input name: "newGroups", type: "enum", title: "Select Hue groups to add:", multiple: true, options: arrNewGroups input name: "boolAppendGroup", type: "bool", title: "Append \"(Hue Group)\" to Hubitat device name" paragraph "" paragraph "Previously added groups${addedGroups ? ' (Hue Bridge group name in parentheses)' : ''}:" if (addedGroups) { StringBuilder grpText = new StringBuilder() grpText << "
    " addedGroups.each { grpText << "
  • ${it.value.hubitatName}" grpText << " (${it.value.hueName ?: 'not found on Hue'})
  • " //input(name: "btnRemove_Group_ID", type: "button", title: "Remove", width: 3) } grpText << "
" paragraph(grpText.toString()) } else { paragraph "No added groups found" } if (unclaimedGroups) { paragraph "Hubitat group devices not found on Hue:" StringBuilder grpText = new StringBuilder() grpText << "" paragraph(grpText.toString()) } } section("Rediscover Groups") { paragraph("If you added new groups to the Hue Bridge and do not see them above, click/tap the button " + "below to retrieve new information from the Bridge.") input name: "btnGroupRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh Group List", submitOnChange: true } } } } def pageSelectScenes() { DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") bridge.getAllScenes() List arrNewScenes = [] Map sceneCache = bridge.getAllScenesCache() Map groupCache = bridge.getAllGroupsCache() List unclaimedScenes = getChildDevices().findAll { it.deviceNetworkId.startsWith("CCH/${app.getId()}/Scene/") } Map grps = [:] groupCache?.each { grps << [(it.key) : (it.value.name)] } dynamicPage(name: "pageSelectScenes", refreshInterval: sceneCache ? 0 : 7, uninstall: true, install: false, nextPage: "pageManageBridge") { Map addedScenes = [:] // To be populated with scenes user has added, matched by Hue ID if (!bridge) { log.error "No Bridge device found" return } if (sceneCache) { state.sceneFullNames = [:] sceneCache.each { sc -> DeviceWrapper sceneChild = unclaimedScenes.find { scn -> scn.deviceNetworkId == "CCH/${app.getId()}/Scene/${sc.key}" } if (sceneChild) { addedScenes.put(sc.key, [hubitatName: sceneChild.name, hubitatId: sceneChild.id, hueName: sc.value?.name]) unclaimedScenes.removeElement(sceneChild) } else { Map newScene = [:] String sceneName = sc.value.name if (sc.value.group) { grps.each { g -> def k = g.key if (k && k == sc.value.group) { def v = g.value // "Group Name - Scene Name" naming convention: if (v) sceneName = "$v - $sceneName" } } } if (sc.value?.group || settings["showAllScenes"]) { state.sceneFullNames.put(sc.key, sceneName) newScene << [(sc.key): (sceneName)] arrNewScenes << newScene } } } arrNewScenes = arrNewScenes.sort {a, b -> // Sort by group name (default would be Hue ID) a.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value <=> b.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value } addedScenes = addedScenes.sort { it.value.hubitatName } } if (!sceneCache) { section("Discovering scenes. Please wait...") { paragraph "Press \"Refresh\" if you see this message for an extended period of time" input name: "btnSceneRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh", submitOnChange: true } } else { section("Manage Scenes") { input name: "newScenes", type: "enum", title: "Select Hue scenes to add:", multiple: true, options: arrNewScenes paragraph "" paragraph "Previously added groups${addedScenes ? ' (Hue scene name [without room/zone] in parentheses)' : ''}:" if (addedScenes) { StringBuilder scenesText = new StringBuilder() scenesText << "
    " addedScenes.each { scenesText << "
  • ${it.value.hubitatName}" scenesText << " (${it.value.hueName ?: 'not found on Hue'})
  • " //input(name: "btnRemove_Group_ID", type: "button", title: "Remove", width: 3) } scenesText << "
" paragraph(scenesText.toString()) } else { paragraph "No added scenes found" } if (unclaimedScenes) { paragraph "Hubitat scene devices not found on Hue:" StringBuilder scenesText = new StringBuilder() scenesText << "" paragraph(scenesText.toString()) } } section("Rediscover Scenes") { paragraph("If you added new scenes to the Hue Bridge and do not see them above, if room/zone names are " + "missing from scenes (if assigned to one), or if you changed the \"Allow adding scenes not associated with rooms/zones...\" setting, " + "click/tap the button below to retrieve new information from the Bridge.") input name: "btnSceneRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh Scene List", submitOnChange: true } } } } def pageSelectMotionSensors() { DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") bridge.getAllSensors() List arrNewSensors = [] Map sensorCache = bridge.getAllSensorsCache() List unclaimedSensors = getChildDevices().findAll { it.deviceNetworkId.startsWith("CCH/${app.getId()}/Sensor/") } dynamicPage(name: "pageSelectMotionSensors", refreshInterval: sensorCache ? 0 : 6, uninstall: true, install: false, nextPage: "pageManageBridge") { Map addedSensors = [:] // To be populated with sensors user has added, matched by Hue ID if (!bridge) { log.error "No Bridge device found" return } if (sensorCache) { sensorCache.each { cachedSensor -> List ids = cachedSensor.value.ids?.sort() // sort numerically in case aren't (though usually retrieved from Bridge as such) String lastPart = ids.join("|") // DNI format is like CCH/BridgeID/Sensor/1|2|3, where 1, 2, and 3 are the Hue IDs for various components of this sensor DeviceWrapper sensorChild = unclaimedSensors.find { s -> s.deviceNetworkId == "CCH/${app.getId()}/Sensor/${lastPart}" } if (sensorChild) { addedSensors.put(lastPart, [hubitatName: sensorChild.name, hubitatId: sensorChild.id, hueName: cachedSensor.value?.name]) unclaimedSensors.removeElement(sensorChild) } else { Map newSensor = [:] // eventually becomes input for setting/dropdown; Map format is [MAC: DisplayName] newSensor << [(cachedSensor.key): (cachedSensor.value.name)] arrNewSensors << newSensor } } arrNewSensors = arrNewSensors.sort { a, b -> // Sort by sensor name (default would be hue ID) a.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value <=> b.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value } addedSensors = addedSensors.sort { it.value.hubitatName } } if (!sensorCache) { section("Discovering sensors. Please wait...") { paragraph "Press \"Refresh\" if you see this message for an extended period of time" input name: "btnSensorRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh", submitOnChange: true } } else { section("Manage Sensors") { if (!(settings.useEventStream)) { paragraph "NOTE: Without \"push\" updates (EventStream/SSE) enabled, motion sensor changes are updated only when the Bridge is polled, per your CoCoHue configuration options (or a manual \"Refresh\" on the Bridge device). It is not recommended to rely on Hue motion sensors for time-sensitve motion-based automations on Hubitat in this configuration when used via the Hue Bridge. For example, some motion events may be missed entirely if the duration of activity lasts less than the polling interval, but there will be a delay before activity in any case." } input name: "newSensors", type: "enum", title: "Select Hue motion sensors to add:", multiple: true, options: arrNewSensors paragraph "" paragraph "Previously added sensors${addedSensors ? ' (Hue Bridge device name in parentheses)' : ''}:" if (addedSensors) { StringBuilder sensorText = new StringBuilder() sensorText << "
    " addedSensors.each { sensorText << "
  • ${it.value.hubitatName}" sensorText << " (${it.value.hueName ?: 'not found on Hue'})
  • " //input(name: "btnRemove_Sensor_ID", type: "button", title: "Remove", width: 3) } sensorText << "
" paragraph(sensorText.toString()) } else { paragraph "No added sensors found" } if (unclaimedSensors) { paragraph "Hubitat sensor devices not found on Hue:" StringBuilder sensorText = new StringBuilder() sensorText << "" paragraph(sensorText.toString()) } } section("Rediscover Sensors") { paragraph("If you added new sensors to the Hue Bridge and do not see them above, click/tap the button " + "below to retrieve new information from the Bridge.") input name: "btnSensorRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh Sensor List", submitOnChange: true } } } } def pageSelectButtons() { DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") bridge.getAllButtons() List arrNewButtons = [] Map buttonCache = bridge.getAllButtonsCache() List unclaimedButtons = getChildDevices().findAll { it.deviceNetworkId.startsWith("CCH/${app.getId()}/Button/") } dynamicPage(name: "pageSelectButtons", refreshInterval: buttonCache ? 0 : 6, uninstall: true, install: false, nextPage: "pageManageBridge") { Map addedButtons = [:] // To be populated with buttons user has added, matched by Hue ID if (!bridge) { log.error "No Bridge device found" return } if (buttonCache) { buttonCache.each { cachedButton -> DeviceWrapper buttonChild = unclaimedButtons.find { s -> s.deviceNetworkId == "CCH/${app.getId()}/Button/${cachedButton.key}" } if (buttonChild) { addedButtons.put(cachedButton.key, [hubitatName: buttonChild.name, hubitatId: buttonChild.id, hueName: cachedButton.value?.name]) unclaimedButtons.removeElement(buttonChild) } else { Map newButton = [:] // eventually becomes input for setting/dropdown; Map format is [MAC: DisplayName] newButton << [(cachedButton.key): (cachedButton.value.name)] arrNewButtons << newButton } } arrNewButtons = arrNewButtons.sort { a, b -> // Sort by display name (default would be hue ID) a.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value <=> b.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value } addedButtons = addedButtons.sort { it.value.hubitatName } } if (!buttonCache) { section("Discovering buttons. Please wait...") { paragraph "Press \"Refresh\" if you see this message for an extended period of time" input name: "btnButtonRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh", submitOnChange: true } } else { section("Manage Button Devices") { if (!(settings.useEventStream)) { paragraph "NOTE: The \"push\" (EventStream/SSE) option is not enabled. Button devices will not function in CoCoHue without this option enabled." } input name: "newButtons", type: "enum", title: "Select Hue button devices to add:", multiple: true, options: arrNewButtons paragraph "" paragraph "Previously added buttons${addedButtons ? ' (Hue Bridge device name in parentheses)' : ''}:" if (addedButtons) { StringBuilder buttonsText = new StringBuilder() buttonsText << "
    " addedButtons.each { buttonsText << "
  • ${it.value.hubitatName}" buttonsText << " (${it.value.hueName ?: 'not found on Hue'})
  • " //input(name: "btnRemove_Button_ID", type: "button", title: "Remove", width: 3) } buttonsText << "
" paragraph(buttonsText.toString()) } else { paragraph "No added button devices found" } if (unclaimedButtons) { paragraph "Hubitat button devices not found on Hue:" StringBuilder buttonsText = new StringBuilder() buttonsText << "" paragraph(buttonsText.toString()) } } section("Rediscover Buttons") { paragraph("If you added new button devices to the Hue Bridge and do not see them above, click/tap the button " + "below to retrieve new information from the Bridge.") input name: "btnButtonRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh Button List", submitOnChange: true } } } } def pageSelectLabsActivators() { DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") bridge.getAllLabsDevices() List arrNewLabsDevs = [] Map labsCache = bridge.getAllLabsSensorsCache() List unclaimedLabsDevs = getChildDevices().findAll { it.deviceNetworkId.startsWith("CCH/${app.getId()}/SensorRL/") } dynamicPage(name: "pageSelectLabsActivators", refreshInterval: labsCache ? 0 : 6, uninstall: true, install: false, nextPage: "pageManageBridge") { Map addedLabsDevs = [:] // To be populated with lights user has added, matched by Hue ID if (!bridge) { log.error "No Bridge device found" return } if (labsCache) { labsCache.each { cachedLabDev -> DeviceWrapper labsChild = unclaimedLabsDevs.find { d -> d.deviceNetworkId == "CCH/${app.getId()}/SensorRL/${cachedLabDev.key}" } if (labsChild) { addedLabsDevs.put(cachedLabDev.key, [hubitatName: labsChild.name, hubitatId: labsChild.id, hueName: cachedLabDev.value?.name]) unclaimedLabsDevs.removeElement(labsChild) } else { Map newLabsDev = [:] newLabsDev << [(cachedLabDev.key): (cachedLabDev.value.name)] arrNewLabsDevs << newLabsDev } } arrNewLabsDevs = arrNewLabsDevs.sort { a, b -> // Sort by device name (default would be Hue ID) a.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value <=> b.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value } addedLabsDevs = addedLabsDevs.sort { it.value.hubitatName } } if (!labsCache) { section("Discovering Hue Labs activators. Please wait...") { paragraph "Press \"Refresh\" if you see this message for an extended period of time" input name: "btnLabsRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh", submitOnChange: true } } else { section("Manage Hue Labs Formula Activators") { paragraph 'NOTE: Hue Labs is deprecated as of June 2024. We suggest following advice from Philips Hue to move to new features instead. See: https://www.philips-hue.com/en-us/support/article/huelabs/000003
This feature may be removed from future versions of CoCoHue.' input name: "newLabsDevs", type: "enum", title: "Select Hue Labs formula acvivators to add:", multiple: true, options: arrNewLabsDevs input name: "boolAppendLabs", type: "bool", title: "Append \"(Hue Labs Formula)\" to Hubitat device name" paragraph "" paragraph "Previously added devices${addedLabsDevs ? ' (Hue Labs formula name on Bridge in parentheses)' : ''}:" if (addedLabsDevs) { StringBuilder labDevsText = new StringBuilder() labDevsText << "
    " addedLabsDevs.each { labDevsText << "
  • ${it.value.hubitatName}" labDevsText << " (${it.value.hueName ?: 'not found on Hue'})
  • " //input(name: "btnRemove_LabsDev_ID", type: "button", title: "Remove", width: 3) } labDevsText << "
" paragraph(labDevsText.toString()) } else { paragraph "No added Hue Labs Forumla devices found" } if (unclaimedLabsDevs) { paragraph "Hubitat devices not found on Hue:" StringBuilder labDevsText = new StringBuilder() labDevsText << "" paragraph(labDevsText.toString()) } } section("Rediscover Labs Devices") { paragraph "If you added new Labs formulas to the Hue Bridge and do not see them above, click/tap the button " + "below to retrieve new information from the Bridge." input name: "btnLabsRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh Labs Formula List", submitOnChange: true } } } } /** Creates new Hubitat devices for new user-selected bulbs on lights-selection * page (intended to be called after navigating away/using "Done" from that page) */ void createNewSelectedBulbDevices() { DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") if (bridge == null) log.error("Unable to find Bridge device") Map bulbCache = bridge?.getAllBulbsCache() settings["newBulbs"].each { Map b = bulbCache.get(it) if (b) { try { logDebug "Creating new device for Hue light ${it} (${b.name})" String devDriver = driverMap[b.type.toLowerCase()] ?: driverMap["DEFAULT"] String devDNI = "CCH/${app.getId()}/Light/${it}" Map devProps = [name: (settings["boolAppendBulb"] ? b.name + " (Hue Bulb)" : b.name)] addChildDevice(childNamespace, devDriver, devDNI, devProps) } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Unable to create new device for $it: $ex") } } else { log.error("Unable to create new device for bulb $it: ID not found on Hue Bridge") } } bridge.clearBulbsCache() bridge.getAllBulbs() app.removeSetting("newBulbs") } /** Creates new Hubitat devices for new user-selected groups on groups-selection * page (intended to be called after navigating away/using "Done" from that page) */ void createNewSelectedGroupDevices() { String driverName = "CoCoHue Group" DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") if (bridge == null) log.error("Unable to find Bridge device") Map groupCache = bridge?.getAllGroupsCache() settings["newGroups"].each { def g = groupCache.get(it) if (g) { try { logDebug("Creating new device for Hue group ${it} (${g.name})") String devDNI = "CCH/${app.getId()}/Group/${it}" Map devProps = [name: (settings["boolAppendGroup"] ? g.name + " (Hue Group)" : g.name)] addChildDevice(childNamespace, driverName, devDNI, devProps) } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Unable to create new group device for $it: $ex") } } else { log.error("Unable to create new device for group $it: ID not found on Hue Bridge") } } bridge.clearGroupsCache() bridge.getAllGroups() bridge.refresh() app.removeSetting("newGroups") } /** Creates new Hubitat devices for new user-selected scenes on scene-selection * page (intended to be called after navigating away/using "Done" from that page) */ void createNewSelectedSceneDevices() { String driverName = "CoCoHue Scene" DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") if (!bridge) log.error("Unable to find Bridge device") Map sceneCache = bridge?.getAllScenesCache() settings["newScenes"].each { Map sc = sceneCache.get(it) if (sc) { try { logDebug "Creating new device for Hue group ${it} (state.sceneFullNames?.get(it) ?: sc.name)" String devDNI = "CCH/${app.getId()}/Scene/${it}" Map devProps = [name: (state.sceneFullNames?.get(it) ?: sc.name)] addChildDevice(childNamespace, driverName, devDNI, devProps) } catch (Exception ex) { log.error "Unable to create new scene device for $it: $ex" } } else { log.error "Unable to create new scene for scene $it: ID not found on Hue Bridge" } } bridge.clearScenesCache() //bridge.getAllScenes() app.removeSetting("newScenes") state.remove("sceneFullNames") } /** Creates new Hubitat devices for new user-selected sensors on sensor-selection * page (intended to be called after navigating away/using "Done" from that page) */ void createNewSelectedSensorDevices() { String driverName = "CoCoHue Motion Sensor" DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") if (bridge == null) log.error("Unable to find Bridge device") Map sensorCache = bridge?.getAllSensorsCache() settings["newSensors"].each { String mac -> Map cachedSensor = sensorCache.get(mac) if (cachedSensor) { //try { logDebug "Creating new device for Hue sensor ${mac}: (${cachedSensor})" List ids = cachedSensor.ids?.sort() // sort numerically in case aren't (though usually retrieved from Bridge as such) String lastPart = ids.join("|") // DNI format is like CCH/BridgeID/Sensor/1|2|3, where 1, 2, and 3 are the Hue IDs for various components of this sensor String devDNI = "CCH/${app.getId()}/Sensor/${lastPart}" Map devProps = [name: cachedSensor.name] addChildDevice(childNamespace, driverName, devDNI, devProps) //} //catch (Exception ex) { // log.error "Unable to create new sensor device for $mac: $ex" //} } else { log.error "Unable to create new device for sensor $mac: MAC not found in Hue Bridge cache" } } bridge.clearSensorsCache() bridge.getAllSensors() bridge.refresh() app.removeSetting("newSensors") } /** Creates new Hubitat devices for new user-selected buttons on button-device-selection * page (intended to be called after navigating away/using "Done" from that page) */ void createNewSelectedButtonDevices() { String devDriver = "CoCoHue Button" DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") if (bridge == null) log.error("Unable to find Bridge device") Map buttonCache = bridge?.getAllButtonsCache() settings["newButtons"].each { Map b = buttonCache.get(it) if (b) { try { logDebug "Creating new device for Hue button device ${it} (${b.name})" String devDNI = "CCH/${app.getId()}/Button/${it}" Map devProps = [name: b.name] DeviceWrapper d = addChildDevice(childNamespace, devDriver, devDNI, devProps) if (d) { d.updateDataValue("manufacturer_name", b.manufacturer_name) d.updateDataValue("model_id", b.model_id) d.setButtons(b.buttons, b.relative_rotary) } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Unable to create new device for $it: $ex") } } else { log.error("Unable to create new device for button device $it: ID not found on Hue Bridge") } } bridge.clearButtonsCache() //bridge.getAllButtons() app.removeSetting("newButtons") } /** Creates new Hubitat devices for new user-selected Labs devices on Labs device-selection * page (intended to be called after navigating away/using "Done" from that page) */ void createNewSelectedLabsDevices() { DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") if (bridge == null) log.error("Unable to find Bridge device") Map labsCache = bridge?.getAllLabsSensorsCache() settings["newLabsDevs"].each { Map d = labsCache.get(it) if (d) { try { logDebug "Creating new device for Hue Labs sensor device ${it} (${d.name})" String devDriver = "CoCoHue Generic Status Device" String devDNI = "CCH/${app.getId()}/SensorRL/${it}" Map devProps = [name: (settings["boolAppendLabs"] ? d.name + " (Hue Labs Formula)" : d.name)] DeviceWrapper dev = addChildDevice(childNamespace, devDriver, devDNI, devProps) dev?.updateDataValue("type", "CLIPGenericStatus") } catch (Exception ex) { log.error "Unable to create new device for $it: $ex" } } else { log.error "Unable to create new device for Labs device $it: ID not found on Hue Bridge" } } bridge.clearLabsSensorsCache() app.removeSetting("newLabsDevs") } /** Sends request for username creation to Bridge API. Intended to be called after user * presses link button on Bridge */ void sendUsernameRequest(String protocol="http", Integer port=null) { logDebug "sendUsernameRequest()... (IP = ${state.ipAddress})" String locationNameNormalized = location.name?.replaceAll("\\P{InBasic_Latin}", "_").take(13) // Cap at first 13 characters (possible 30-char total limit?) String userDesc = locationNameNormalized ? "Hubitat CoCoHue#${locationNameNormalized}" : "Hubitat CoCoHue" String ip = state.ipAddress Map params = [ uri: ip ? """${protocol}://${ip}${port ? ":$port" : ''}""" : getBridgeData().fullHost, requestContentType: "application/json", contentType: "application/json", path: "/api", body: [devicetype: userDesc], contentType: 'text/xml', timeout: 15 ] log.warn params = params asynchttpPost("parseUsernameResponse", params, null) } /** Callback for sendUsernameRequest. Saves username in app state if Bridge is * successfully authorized, or logs error if unable to do so. */ void parseUsernameResponse(resp, data) { def body = resp.json logDebug "Attempting to request Hue Bridge username; result = ${body}" if (body.success != null) { if (body.success[0] != null) { if (body.success[0].username) { state.username = body.success[0].username state.bridgeAuthorized = true logDebug "Bridge authorized!" } } } else { if (body.error != null) { log.warn " Error from Bridge: ${body.error}" } else { log.error " Unknown error attempting to authorize Hue Bridge username" } } } /** Requests Bridge info (/description.xml by default) to verify that device is a * Hue Bridge and to retrieve information necessary to either create the Bridge device * (when parsed in parseBridgeInfoResponse if createBridge == true) or to add to the list * of discovered Bridge devices (when createBridge == false). protocol, ip, and port are optional * and will default to getBridgeData() values if not specified * // TODO: When move away from SSDP, check /api/config endpoint instead (check also swversion for v2 API availability) */ void sendBridgeInfoRequest(Boolean createBridge=true, String protocol="http", String ip = null, Integer port=null, String ssdpPath="/description.xml") { logDebug "Sending request for Bridge information" String fullHost = ip ? """${protocol ?: "http"}://${ip}${port ? ":$port" : ''}""" : getBridgeData().fullHost Map params = [ uri: fullHost, path: ssdpPath, contentType: 'text/xml', timeout: 15 ] asynchttpGet("parseBridgeInfoResponse", params, [createBridge: createBridge, protocol: protocol ?: "http", port: port, ip: (ip ?: state.ipAddress)]) } /** Parses response from GET of description.xml on the Bridge; * verifies that device is a Hue Bridge (modelName contains "Philips Hue Bridge") * and obtains MAC address for use in creating Bridge DNI and device name */ private void parseBridgeInfoResponse(resp, data) { logDebug("Parsing response from Bridge information request (resp = $resp, data = $data)") groovy.util.slurpersupport.GPathResult body try { body = resp.xml } catch (Exception ex) { logDebug(" Responding device likely not a Hue Bridge: $ex") body = null } if (body?.device?.modelName?.text()?.contains("Philips hue bridge")) { String friendlyBridgeName String serial = body?.device?.serialNumber?.text().toUpperCase() if (serial) { logDebug " Hue Bridge serial parsed as ${serial}; getting additional device info..." friendlyBridgeName = body?.device?.friendlyName if (friendlyBridgeName) friendlyBridgeName = friendlyBridgeName.substring(0,friendlyBridgeName.lastIndexOf(' ('-1)) // strip out parenthetical IP address DeviceWrapper bridgeDevice if (data?.createBridge) { log.debug " Creating CoCoHue Bridge device for Brige with MAC $serial" state.bridgeID = serial.drop(6) // last (12-6=) 6 of MAC state.bridgeMAC = serial // full MAC try { bridgeDevice = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") ?: getChildDevice("CCH/${state.bridgeID}") if (!bridgeDevice) bridgeDevice = addChildDevice(childNamespace, "CoCoHue Bridge", "CCH/${app.getId()}", null, [label: """CoCoHue Bridge ${state.bridgeID}${friendlyBridgeName ? " ($friendlyBridgeName)" : ""}""", name: "CoCoHue Bridge"]) if (!bridgeDevice) { log.error " Bridge device unable to be created or found. Check that driver is installed and no existing device exists for this Bridge." } if (bridgeDevice) state.bridgeLinked = true if (!(settings['boolCustomLabel'])) { app.updateLabel("""CoCoHue - Hue Bridge Integration (${state.bridgeID}${friendlyBridgeName ? " - $friendlyBridgeName)" : ")"}""") } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // could be bad DNI if already exists bridgeDevice = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") if (bridgeDevice) { log.error " Error creating Bridge device: $e" } else { log.error " Error creating Bridge device. Ensure another device does not already exist for this Bridge. Error: $e" } } catch (Exception e) { log.error " Error creating Bridge device: $e" } if (!state.bridgeLinked) log.error " Unable to create Bridge device. Make sure driver installed and no Bridge device for this MAC already exists." } else { // createBridge = false, so either in discovery (so add to list instead) or received as part of regular app operation (check if IP address changed if used Bridge discovery) if (!(state.bridgeLinked)) { // so in discovery logDebug " Adding Bridge with MAC $serial ($friendlyBridgeName) to list of discovered Bridges" if (!state.discoveredBridges) state.discoveredBridges = [] if (!(state.discoveredBridges.any { it.containsKey(data?.ip) } )) { state.discoveredBridges.add([(data.ip): """${(body?.device?.friendlyName) ?: "Hue Bridge"} - ${serial.toUpperCase()}"""]) } } else { // Bridge already added, so likely added with discovery; check if IP changed logDebug " Bridge already added; seaching if Bridge matches $serial" if (serial == state.bridgeMAC && serial != null) { // found a match for this Bridge, so update IP: if (data.ip && settings['useSSDP']) { state.ipAddress = data.ip logDebug " Bridge serial matched. Setting IP as ${state.ipAddress}" } state.remove('failedDiscos') } else { state.failedDiscos= state.failedDiscos ? state.failedDiscos += 1 : 1 logDebug " No matching Bridge serial found for ${state.bridgeMAC}. failedDiscos = ${state.failedDiscos}" } } } } else { log.error "Unexpected response received from Hue Bridge (no serial)" } } else { if (data?.createBridge) log.error("No Hue Bridge found at IP address") else logDebug "No Hue Bridge found at IP address" } } /** Handles response from SSDP (sent to discover Bridge) */ void ssdpHandler(evt) { Map parsedMap = parseLanMessage(evt?.description) if (parsedMap) { String ip = "${convertHexToIP(parsedMap?.networkAddress)}" String ssdpPath = parsedMap.ssdpPath if (ip) { logDebug "Device at $ip responded to SSDP; sending info request to see if is Hue Bridge" sendBridgeInfoRequest(false, "http", ip, null, ssdpPath ?: "/description.xml") } else { logDebug "In ssdpHandler but unable to obtain IP address from device response: $parsedMap" } } else { logDebug "In ssdpHandler but unable to parse LAN message from event: $evt?.description" } //log.warn parsedMap } private String convertHexToIP(hex) { [hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt(hex[0..1]), hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt(hex[2..3]), hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt(hex[4..5]), hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt(hex[6..7])].join(".") } /** * Returns map containing Bridge username, IP, and full HTTP post/port, intended to be * called by child devices so they can send commands to the Hue Bridge API using info */ Map getBridgeData(String protocol="http", Integer port=null) { logDebug "Running getBridgeData()..." if (!state.ipAddress && settings['bridgeIP'] && !(settings['useSSDP'])) state.ipAddress = settings['bridgeIP'] // seamless upgrade from v1.x if (!state.username || !state.ipAddress) log.error "Missing username or IP address from Bridge" port = port ?: ((!(settings["useSSDP"]) && settings["customPort"]) ? settings["customPort"] as Integer : 80) Map map = [username: state.username, ip: "${state.ipAddress}", fullHost: "${protocol}://${state.ipAddress}:${port}"] return map } /** * Calls refresh() method on Bridge child, intended to be called at user-specified * polling interval * @param reschedule If true (default), re-schedules/resets next poll; not intended to be used if was scheduled * refresh but could be used if user- or app-initiated (e.g., if SSE-based refresh to handle odd cases) */ private void refreshBridge(Map options = [reschedule: false]) { logDebug "refreshBridge(reschedule = $reschedule)" DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") if (!bridge) { log.error "No Bridge device found; could not refresh/poll" return } bridge.refresh() if (options.reschedule == true) scheduleRefresh() } /** * Calls refresh() method on Bridge child, not yet used but planned to be with SSE xy color received to poll for HS * Will wait 1s (to avoid cluster of refreshes if multiple devices change at same time), and will also * re-schedule next periodic refresh (if enabled) to extend polling interval so this "counts" as such */ private void refreshBridgeWithDealay() { logDebug "refreshBridgeWithDealay" DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") if (!bridge) { log.error "No Bridge device found; could not refresh" return } // Using 3-second delay; 1s seemed too fast in testing, so this might be good for most cases: runIn(3, "refreshBridge", [reschedule: true]) } /** * Sets "status" attribute on Bridge child device (intended to be called from child light/group scene devices with * successful or unsuccessful commands to Bridge as needed * @param setToOnline Sets status to "Online" if true, else to "Offline" */ void setBridgeStatus(setToOnline=true) { DeviceWrapper bridge = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}") if (bridge == null) { log.error "No Bridge device found; could not set Bridge status" return } String value = setToOnline ? 'Online' : 'Offline' logDebug(" Setting Bridge status to ${value}...") if (bridge.currentValue("status") != value) bridge.doSendEvent("status", value) } /** * Intended to be called by group child device when state is manipulated in a way that would affect * all member bulbs. Updates member bulb states (so doesn't need to wait for next poll to update) * @param states Map of states in Hue Bridge format (e.g., ["on": true]) * @param ids Hue IDs of member bulbs to update * @param isAllGroup Set to true if is "All Hue Lights" group (group 0); ids (ignored) can be null in this case. Defaults to false. */ void updateMemberBulbStatesFromGroup(Map states, List ids, Boolean isAllGroup=false) { logDebug "Updating member bulb states after group device change... (ids = $ids, isAllGroup = $isAllGroup)" if (!isAllGroup) { ids?.each { DeviceWrapper dev = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}/Light/${it}") dev?.createEventsFromMap(states, false) } } else { List devList = getChildDevices().findAll { it.getDeviceNetworkId().startsWith("CCH/${app.getId()}/Light/") } // Update other gropus even though they aren't "bulbs": devList += getChildDevices().findAll { it.getDeviceNetworkId().startsWith("CCH/${app.getId()}/Group/") && !(it.getDeviceNetworkId() == "CCH/${app.getId()}/Group/0") } //logDebug("Updating states for: $devList") devList.each { it.createEventsFromMap(states, false) } } } /** * Intended to be called by bulb child device when state is manipulated in a way that would affect * group and user has enabled this option. Updates group device states if this bulb ID is found as a * member of that group (so doesn't need to wait for next poll to update) * @param states Map of states in Hue Bridge format (e.g., ["on": true]) * @param id Hue bulb ID to search all groups for (will update group if bulb found in group) */ void updateGroupStatesFromBulb(Map states, id) { logDebug "Searching for group devices containing bulb $id to update group state after bulb state change..." List matchingGroupDevs = [] getChildDevices()?.findAll({it.getDeviceNetworkId()?.startsWith("CCH/${app.getId()}/Group/")})?.each { if (it.getMemberBulbIDs()?.contains(id) || it.getDeviceNetworkId() == "CCH/${app.getId()}/Group/0") { logDebug("Bulb $id found in group ${it.toString()}. Updating states.") matchingGroupDevs.add(it) } } matchingGroupDevs.each { groupDev -> // Hue app reports "on" if any members on but takes last color/level/etc. from most recent // change, so emulate that behavior here (or does Hue average level of all? this is at least close...) Boolean onState = getIsAnyGroupMemberBulbOn(groupDev) groupDev.createEventsFromMap(states << ["on": onState], false) } } /** * Intended to be called by scene child device if GroupScene so other scenes belonging to same * group can be set to "off" if user has this preference configured for scene. * @param groupID Hue group ID (will search for GroupScenes belonging to this group), or use 0 for all CoCoHue scenes * @param excludeDNI Intended to be DNI of the calling scene; will exclude this from search since should remain on */ void updateSceneStateToOffForGroup(String groupID, String excludeDNI=null) { logDebug "Searching for scene devices matching group $groupID and excluding DNI $excludeDNI" List sceneDevs = [] if (groupID == "0") { sceneDevs = getChildDevices()?.findAll({it.getDeviceNetworkId()?.startsWith("CCH/${app.getId()}/Scene/") && it.getDeviceNetworkId() != excludeDNI}) } else { sceneDevs = getChildDevices()?.findAll({it.getDeviceNetworkId()?.startsWith("CCH/${app.getId()}/Scene/") && it.getDeviceNetworkId() != excludeDNI && it.getGroupID() == groupID}) } logDebug "updateSceneStateToOffForGroup matching scenes: $sceneDevs" sceneDevs.each { sc -> if (sc.currentValue("switch") != "off") sc.doSendEvent("switch", "off") } } /** * Finds Hubitat devices for member bulbs of group and returns true if any (that are found) are on; returns false * if all off or no member bulb devices found * @param Instance of CoCoHue Group device on which to check member bulb states */ Boolean getIsAnyGroupMemberBulbOn(groupDevice) { logDebug "Determining whether any group member bulbs on for group $groupDevice" Boolean retVal = false if (groupDevice) { List memberBulbDevs = [] if (groupDevice.getDeviceNetworkId() == "CCH/${app.getId()}/Group/0") { memberBulbDevs = getChildDevices().findAll { it.getDeviceNetworkId().startsWith("CCH/${app.getId()}/Light/") } } else { groupDevice.getMemberBulbIDs().each { bulbId -> DeviceWrapper bulbDev = getChildDevice("CCH/${app.getId()}/Light/${bulbId}") if (bulbDev) memberBulbDevs.add(bulbDev) } } Boolean anyOn = memberBulbDevs.any { it.currentValue('switch') == 'on' } logDebug "Determined if any group member bulb on: $anyOn" return anyOn } } /** * Stores EventStream status (online = true if connected, otherwise false); used to cache so * do not have to ask Bridge each time want to know. Intended to be called by Bridge device in response * to changes. */ void setEventStreamOpenStatus(Boolean isOnline) { logDebug "setEventStreamOpenStatus($isOnline)" state.eventStreamOpenStatus = isOnline } /** * Returns true if app configured to use EventStream/SSE, else false (proxy since cannot directly access settings from child) */ Boolean getEventStremEnabledSetting() { return (settings.useEventStream == true) ? true : false } /** * Gets EventStream status (returns true if connected, otherwise false); gets from cache (see storeEventStreamOpenStatus()) * so do not have to ask Bridge each time want to know. Intended to be called by light/group/etc. devices when need to know. */ Boolean getEventStreamOpenStatus() { logDebug "getEventStreamOpenStatus (returning ${state.eventStreamOpenStatus})" return (state.eventStreamOpenStatus == true) ? true : false } void appButtonHandler(btn) { switch(btn) { case "btnBulbRefresh": case "btnGroupRefresh": case "btnSceneRefresh": case "btnSensorRefresh": case "btnLabsRefresh": case "btnButtonRefresh": // Just want to resubmit page, so nothing break case "btnDiscoBridgeRefresh": sendBridgeDiscoveryCommand() break default: log.warn "Unhandled app button press: $btn" } } private void logDebug(str) { if (!(settings.enableDebug == false)) log.debug(str) }