{ "packageName": "CoCoHue (Hue Bridge Integration)", "minimumHEVersion": "2.2.9", "author": "Robert Morris", "dateReleased": "2024-03-03", "communityLink": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-cocohue-hue-bridge-integration-including-scenes/27978", "releaseNotes": "NOTE: If upgrading from 3.x, open the CoCoHue app and hit \"Done\", download a hub backup beforehand, and vist the Community thread for more information.\n\n\n\n*Version 4.1.8: Bug fixes for color temperature values of 0, handing button command parameters as strings, and typos\n\n*Version 4.1.7: Fix for level parising an unexpected Hubitat events when using v2 API\n\n*Version 4.1.6: setEffect() numeric parameter fixes\n\n*Version 4.1.5, 4.1.4: Fix for v2 API level parsing when zero; Minor HTTP error handling tweaks, fix for missing attributes on v1 API motion sensors\n\nVersion 4.1: Add button device support (Hue Dimmer, Hue Tap, etc.). Version 4.1.3: Improve multiple-device eventstream (push) parsing. Version 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 further tweaks button event parsing.\n\n*Version 4.0.2, 4.0.1: Fix for on state of All Hue Lights group (if used); Fix for adding Bridge; fix for error when adding sensors.\n\nVersion 4.0:\n -Support for instant updates (eventstream/server-sent events [SSE]) from Hue Bridge--optional; opt-in from app preferences.\n - Minor bug fixes.\n - Version 4.0.1 contains a fix for bridge discovery or manual addition.\n\n * Version 3.5.2: setColor() fix for group driver\n\n* Version 3.5.1: Improved Bridge username request step; removed 'Light' capability from scenes so may work better with Alexa/etc. Internal code refactoring to use Hubitat library features (but precompiled, so you do NOT need to install any libraries at the present time--but let me know if anything broke in the process!)\n\n* Vesion 3.5: Implementation of new LevelPreset capability, including standard presetLevel() command; preliminary implementation of presetColor() and presetColorTemperature() (prestating preferences remain available but deprecated; please switch to commands, as these may be removed if/when standardized in future); addition of \"reachable\" attribute to bulbs and other devices; minor code cleanup.\n\n* Version 3.1.6 through 3.1.3: Fix runtime error with temperature offset on motion driver; ensure numeric sensor values not reported as strings; setLevel(0) now obeys specified transition time\n* Version 3.1.2: Added optional temperature offset to motion sensor driver\n *Version 3.1.1: Fix for setColorTemperature() not working without level in some cases\n *Version 3.1: Minor fixes (improved error handling for Bridge requests; more debug logging); additional optiona setColorTemperature() parameters; deprecation of prestaging options in preparation for future changes.\n *New in version 3.0: Experimental support for Hue motion sensors (with motion, lux, and temperature) and Hue Labs activators. HTTP error handling improvements. Fixes for CT, dimmable, and on/off drivers to match RGBW and group drivers in generating events only when Bridge heard back from. Options for alternate HTTP port (improves compatibility with third-party Bridge-type solutions like DeCONZ.)\n\nNOTE: Users upgrading from v1.x should follow instructions forum or on GitHub (parent app deprecatred but still available) and perform initial upgrade manually, not with HPM.", "apps": [ { "id": "568bab8e-5c69-4800-a038-481026904c05", "name": "CoCoHue - Hue Bridge Integration", "namespace": "RMoRobert", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/CoCoHue/master/apps/cocohue-app.groovy", "required": true, "version": "4.1.4", "primary": true, "oauth": false } ], "drivers": [ { "id": "bcf030d1-de50-4cd8-83ce-008cb64cef92", "name": "CoCoHue Bridge", "namespace": "RMoRobert", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/CoCoHue/master/drivers/cocohue-bridge-driver.groovy", "version": "4.1.4", "required": true }, { "id": "fbf5f4c5-615f-4c76-b1d8-cefdd40cc45e", "name": "CoCoHue Button", "namespace": "RMoRobert", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/CoCoHue/master/drivers/cocohue-button-driver.groovy", "version": "4.1.5", "required": true }, { "id": "9833a9fd-2742-4ebf-a2cc-519275e4bba3", "name": "CoCoHue CT Bulb", "namespace": "RMoRobert", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/CoCoHue/master/drivers/cocohue-ct-bulb-driver.groovy", "version": "4.1.8", "required": true }, { "id": "a7ad13cb-8ac5-4e57-a9e6-e2fb2598f014", "name": "CoCoHue Dimmable Bulb", "namespace": "RMoRobert", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/CoCoHue/master/drivers/cocohue-dimmable-bulb-driver.groovy", "version": "4.1.7", "required": true }, { "id": "cdf7cbc1-2ac6-4038-bdbe-4ab77f64585e", "name": "CoCoHue Generic Status Device", "namespace": "RMoRobert", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/CoCoHue/master/drivers/cocohue-generic-status-driver.groovy", "version": "4.1.5", "required": true }, { "id": "47b893dd-db0c-41b4-a5db-eb3bb892082c", "name": "CoCoHue Group", "namespace": "RMoRobert", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/CoCoHue/master/drivers/cocohue-group-driver.groovy", "version": "4.1.8", "required": true }, { "id": "e65c8727-8483-45d0-925b-4c7eabc66acc", "name": "CoCoHue Motion Sensor", "namespace": "RMoRobert", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/CoCoHue/master/drivers/cocohue-motion-sensor-driver.groovy", "version": "4.1.4", "required": true }, { "id": "4c7d5058-4995-436f-add8-c6d4f949f439", "name": "CoCoHue On/Off Plug", "namespace": "RMoRobert", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/CoCoHue/master/drivers/cocohue-plug-driver.groovy", "version": "4.1.4", "required": true }, { "id": "bf27ffe5-244d-4756-9ab9-30d8f89b47bd", "name": "CoCoHue RGBW Bulb", "namespace": "RMoRobert", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/CoCoHue/master/drivers/cocohue-rgbw-bulb-driver.groovy", "version": "4.1.8", "required": true }, { "id": "19ffbc1b-2261-4f7e-a68f-39e40d1c831f", "name": "CoCoHue Scene", "namespace": "RMoRobert", "location": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/CoCoHue/master/drivers/cocohue-scene-driver.groovy", "version": "4.1.4", "required": true } ] }