def appVersion() { return "BETA" } /** * GCal Search Trigger Child Application * * * Credits: * Originally posted on the SmartThings Community in 2017: * Special thanks to Mike Nestor & Anthony Pastor for creating the original SmartApp and DTH * UI/UX contributions made by Michael Struck and OAuth improvements by Gary Spender * Code was ported for use on Hubitat Elevation by cometfish in 2019: * Further improvements made by ritchierich and posted to the HubitatCommunity GitHub Repository so other community members can continue to improve this application * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ definition( name: "GCal Search Trigger", namespace: "HubitatCommunity", author: "Mike Nestor & Anthony Pastor, cometfish, ritchierich", description: "Integrates Hubitat with Google Calendar events to toggle virtual switch.", category: "Convenience", parent: "HubitatCommunity:GCal Search", documentationLink: "", importUrl: "", iconUrl: "", iconX2Url: "", iconX3Url: "", ) preferences { page(name: "selectCalendars") } def selectCalendars() { def calendars = parent.getCalendarList() logDebug "selectCalendars - Calendar list = ${calendars}" return dynamicPage(name: "selectCalendars", title: "${parent.getFormat("title", "GCal Search Trigger Version ${appVersion()}, Create new calendar search")}", install: true, uninstall: true, nextPage: "" ) { section(){ if (!state.isPaused) { input name: "pauseButton", type: "button", title: "Pause", backgroundColor: "Green", textColor: "white", submitOnChange: true } else { input name: "resumeButton", type: "button", title: "Resume", backgroundColor: "Crimson", textColor: "white", submitOnChange: true } } section("${parent.getFormat("box", "Search Preferences")}") { //we can't do multiple calendars because the api doesn't support it and it could potentially cause a lot of traffic to happen input name: "watchCalendars", title:"Which calendar do you want to search?", type: "enum", required:true, multiple:false, options:calendars, submitOnChange: true input name: "GoogleMatching", type: "bool", title: "Use Google Query Matching? By default calendar event matching is done by the HE hub and it allows multiple search strings. If you prefer to use Google search features and special characters, toggle this setting. Caching of events is not supported when using Google query matching.", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true if ( settings.GoogleMatching == false || settings.GoogleMatching == null) { paragraph '

Search String Options:

' input name: "caseSensitive", type: "bool", title: "Enable case sensitive matching?", defaultValue: true } else { paragraph "${parent.getFormat("text", "If not familiar with Google Search special characters, please visit GoogleGuide for examples.")}" } input name: "search", type: "text", title: "Search String", required: true, submitOnChange: true input name: "includeAllDay", type: "bool", title: "Include All Day Events?", defaultValue: true, required: false input name: "searchField", type: "enum", title: "Calendar field to search", required: true, defaultValue: "title", options:["title","location"] paragraph "${parent.getFormat("line")}" } if ( ) { section("${parent.getFormat("box", "Schedule Settings")}") { paragraph "${parent.getFormat("text", "Calendar searches can be triggered once a day or periodically. Periodic options include every N hours, every N minutes, or you may enter a Cron expression.")}" input name: "whenToRun", type: "enum", title: "When to Run", required: true, options:["Once Per Day", "Periodically"], submitOnChange: true if ( settings.whenToRun == "Once Per Day" ) { input name: "timeToRun", type: "time", title: "Time to run", required: true } if ( settings.whenToRun == "Periodically" ) { input name: "frequency", type: "enum", title: "Frequency", required: true, options:["Hours", "Minutes", "Cron String"], submitOnChange: true if ( settings.frequency == "Hours" ) { input name: "hours", type: "number", title: "Every N Hours: (range 1-12)", range: "1..12", required: true, submitOnChange: true input name: "hourlyTimeToRun", type: "time", title: "Starting at", defaultValue: "08:00", required: true } if ( settings.frequency == "Minutes" ) { input name: "minutes", type: "enum", title: "Every N Minutes", required: true, options:["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "10", "12", "15", "20", "30"], submitOnChange: true } if ( settings.frequency == "Cron String" ) { paragraph "${parent.getFormat("text", "If not familiar with Cron Strings, please visit Cron Expression Generator")}" input name: "cronString", type: "text", title: "Enter Cron string", required: true, submitOnChange: true } } paragraph "${parent.getFormat("text", "Search Range: By default, events from the time of search through the end of the current day are collected. Adjust this setting to expand the search to the end of the following day or a set number of hours from the time of search.")}" input name: "endTimePref", type: "enum", title: "Search Range", defaultValue: "End of Current Day", options:["End of Current Day","End of Next Day", "Number of Hours from Current Time"], submitOnChange: true if ( settings.endTimePref == "Number of Hours from Current Time" ) { input name: "endTimeHours", type: "number", title: "Number of Hours from Current Time (How many hours into the future at the time of the search, would you like to query for events?)", required: true } paragraph "${parent.getFormat("text", "Sequential Event Preferences: By default the Event End Time will be set to the end date of the last sequential event matching the search criteria. This prevents the switch from toggling multiple times when using periodic searches. If this setting is set to false, it is recommended to set an Event End Offset in the optional setting below. If no Event End Offset is set, the scheduled trigger will be adjusted by -1 minute to ensure the switch has time to toggle.")}" input name: "sequentialEvent", type: "bool", title: "Expand end date for sequential events?", defaultValue: true paragraph "${parent.getFormat("text", "Optional Event Offset Preferences: Based on the defined Search Range, if an event is found in the future from the current time, scheduled triggers will be created to toggle the switch based on the event start and end times. Use the settings below to set an offset to firing of these triggers N number of minutes before/after the event dates. For example, if you wish for the switch to toggle 60 minutes prior to the start of the event, enter -60 in the Event Start Offset setting. This may be useful for reminder notifications where a message is sent/spoken in advance of a calendar event. Again this is dependent on When to Run (how often the trigger is executed) and the Search Range of events.")}" input name: "setOffset", type: "bool", title: "Set offset?", defaultValue: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true if ( settings.setOffset == true ) { input name: "offsetStart", type: "decimal", title: "Event Start Offset in minutes (+/-)", required: false input name: "offsetEnd", type: "decimal", title: "Event End Offset in minutes (+/-)", required: false } paragraph "${parent.getFormat("line")}" } } if ( ) { section("${parent.getFormat("box", "Child Switch Preferences")}") { def defName = - "\"" - "\"" //.replaceAll(" \" [^a-zA-Z0-9]+","") input name: "deviceName", type: "text", title: "Switch Device Name (Name of the Switch that gets created by this search trigger)", required: true, multiple: false, defaultValue: "${defName} Switch" paragraph "${parent.getFormat("text", "Switch Default Value: Adjust this setting to the switch value preferred when there is no calendar entry. If a calendar entry is found, the switch will toggle from this value.")}" input name: "switchValue", type: "enum", title: "Switch Default Value", required: true, defaultValue: "on", options:["on","off"] paragraph "${parent.getFormat("text", "Toggle/Sync Additional Switches: If you would like other existing switches to follow the switch state of the child GCal Switch, set the following list with those switch(es). Please keep in mind that this is one way from the GCal switch to these switches.")}" input name: "controlOtherSwitches", type: "bool", title: "Toggle/Sync Additional Switches?", defaultValue: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true if ( settings.controlOtherSwitches == true ) { input "syncSwitches", "capability.switch", title: "Synchronize These Switches", multiple: true, required: false input "reverseSwitches", "capability.switch", title: "Reverse These Switches", multiple: true, required: false } paragraph "${parent.getFormat("line")}" } } if ( ) { section("${parent.getFormat("box", "App Preferences")}") { def defName = - "\"" - "\"" //.replaceAll(" \" [^a-zA-Z0-9]+","") input name: "appName", type: "text", title: "Name this child app", required: true, multiple: false, defaultValue: "${defName}", submitOnChange: true input name: "isDebugEnabled", type: "bool", title: "Enable debug logging?", defaultValue: false, required: false paragraph "${parent.getFormat("line")}" } } if ( state.installed ) { section ("Remove Trigger and Corresponding Device") { paragraph "ATTENTION: The only way to uninstall this trigger and the corresponding child switch device is by clicking the Remove button below. Trying to uninstall the corresponding device from within that device's preferences will NOT work." } } } } def installed() { state.isPaused = false def endTimePreference = (settings.endTimePref == "Number of Hours from Current Time") ? settings.endTimeHours : parent.translateEndTimePref(settings.endTimePref) def tempEndTimePref = [:] tempEndTimePref[settings.watchCalendars] = endTimePreference if (settings.GoogleMatching == false) { parent.setCacheDuration("add", tempEndTimePref) } initialize() } def updated() { unschedule() parent.setCacheDuration("update") initialize() } def initialize() { state.installed = true if ((settings.setOffset == null || settings.setOffset == false) && (settings.offsetStart != null || settings.offsetEnd != null)) { app.updateSetting("setOffset", [value:"true", type:"bool"]) } // Sets Label of Trigger updateAppLabel() state.deviceID = "GCal_${}" def childDevice = getChildDevice(state.deviceID) if (!childDevice) { logDebug("initialize - creating device: deviceID: ${state.deviceID}") childDevice = addChildDevice("HubitatCommunity", "GCal Switch", "GCal_${}", null, [name: "GCal Switch", label: deviceName]) childDevice.updateSetting("isDebugEnabled",[value:"${isDebugEnabled}",type:"bool"]) childDevice.updateSetting("switchValue",[value:"${switchValue}",type:"enum"]) } else { childDevice.updateSetting("switchValue",[value:"${switchValue}",type:"enum"]) } if (!state.isPaused) { if ( settings.whenToRun == "Once Per Day" ) { schedule(timeToRun, poll) logDebug("initialize - creating schedule once per day at: ${timeToRun}") } else { def cronString = "" if ( settings.frequency == "Hours" ) { def hourlyTimeToRun = Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX", settings.hourlyTimeToRun) def hour = hourlyTimeToRun.hours def minute = hourlyTimeToRun.minutes cronString = "0 ${minute} ${hour}/${hours} * * ? *" } else if ( settings.frequency == "Minutes" ) { cronString = "0 0/${settings.minutes} * * * ?" } else if ( settings.frequency == "Cron String" ) { cronString = settings.cronString } schedule(cronString, poll) logDebug("initialize - creating schedule with cron string: ${cronString}") } } } def getDefaultSwitchValue() { return settings.switchValue } def getNextEvents() { def logMsg = [] def search = (! ? "" : def endTimePreference = (settings.endTimePref == "Number of Hours from Current Time") ? settings.endTimeHours : settings.endTimePref def items = parent.getNextEvents(settings.watchCalendars, settings.GoogleMatching, search, endTimePreference) logMsg.push("getNextEvents - BEFORE search: ${search}, items: ${items} AFTER ") def item = [] def foundMatch = false if (items && items.size() > 0) { // Filter out all day events def tempItems,tempItem if (settings.includeAllDay == false) { tempItems = [] def allDayFilter = [] for (int a = 0; a < items.size(); a++) { tempItem = items[a] if (tempItem.eventAllDay == false) { tempItems.push(tempItem) } else { allDayFilter.push("${tempItem.eventTitle}") } } items = tempItems if (allDayFilter.size() > 0) { logMsg.push("Filtered these All Day Events: ${allDayFilter}") } } // Filter out events if Event Offset End is before current time def offsetEnd,tempEndTime if (settings.setOffset && settings.offsetEnd != null && settings.offsetEnd != "") { tempItems = [] def offsetEndFilter = [] for (int o = 0; o < items.size(); o++) { tempItem = items[o] def currentTime = new Date() offsetEnd = settings.offsetEnd.toInteger() tempEndTime = tempItem.eventEndTime.getTime() tempEndTime = tempEndTime + (offsetEnd * 60 * 1000) tempEndTime = new Date(tempEndTime) if (tempEndTime > currentTime) { tempItems.push(tempItem) } else { offsetEndFilter.push("${tempItem.eventTitle}") } } items = tempItems if (offsetEndFilter.size() > 0) { logMsg.push("Filtered these events because of end offset: ${offsetEndFilter}") } } if (settings.GoogleMatching == true) { // Default to the first event found by Google API item = items[0] foundMatch = true } else { def searchTerms = search.toString() if (caseSensitive == false) { searchTerms = searchTerms.toLowerCase() } searchTerms = searchTerms.split(",") for (int s = 0; s < searchTerms.size(); s++) { def searchTerm = searchTerms[s].trim() logMsg.push("searchTerm: '${searchTerm}'") def sequentialEventOffset = false for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { def itemMatch = false def eventTitle = (settings.searchField == "title") ? items[i].eventTitle : items[i].eventLocation if (caseSensitive == false) { eventTitle = eventTitle.toLowerCase() } logMsg.push("eventTitle: ${eventTitle}") def ignoreMatch = false if (searchTerm.indexOf("-") > -1) { def pattern = ~/-[\w]+/ def ignoreWords = (searchTerm =~ pattern).findAll() for (int iG = 0; iG < ignoreWords.size(); iG++) { def ignoreWord = ignoreWords[iG].substring(1).trim() if (eventTitle.indexOf(ignoreWord) > -1) { logMsg.push("No Match: ignore word '${ignoreWord}' found") ignoreMatch = true break } else { //Remove word from searchTerm searchTerm = searchTerm.replace(ignoreWords[iG], "").trim() } } logMsg.push("searchTerm trimmed to'${searchTerm}'") } if (ignoreMatch == false) { if (searchTerm == "*") { itemMatch = true } else if (searchTerm.startsWith("=") && eventTitle == searchTerm.substring(1)) { itemMatch = true } else if (searchTerm.indexOf("*") > -1) { def searchList = searchTerm.toString().split("\\*") for (int sL = 0; sL < searchList.size(); sL++) { def searchItem = searchList[sL].trim() if (eventTitle.indexOf(searchItem) > -1) { itemMatch = true } else { itemMatch = false break } } } else if (eventTitle.startsWith(searchTerm)) { itemMatch = true } } logMsg.push("itemMatch: ${itemMatch}") if (itemMatch) { foundMatch = true if (item == []) { item = items[i] } else if (i < items.size()) { def newItem = items[i] if (settings.sequentialEvent) { if (item.eventEndTime >= newItem.eventStartTime) { item.eventEndTime = newItem.eventEndTime } } else { if (item.eventEndTime == newItem.eventStartTime && settings.whenToRun == "Periodically") { sequentialEventOffset = true } break } } else { break } } } if (foundMatch) { break } } } if (foundMatch) { item.scheduleStartTime = new Date(item.eventStartTime.getTime()) if (settings.setOffset && settings.offsetStart != null && settings.offsetStart != "") { def origStartTime = new Date(item.eventStartTime.getTime()) int offsetStart = settings.offsetStart.toInteger() def tempStartTime = item.scheduleStartTime.getTime() tempStartTime = tempStartTime + (offsetStart * 60 * 1000) item.scheduleStartTime.setTime(tempStartTime) logMsg.push("Event start offset: ${settings.offsetStart}, adjusting time from ${origStartTime} to ${item.scheduleStartTime}") } item.scheduleEndTime = new Date(item.eventEndTime.getTime()) if ((settings.setOffset && settings.offsetEnd != null && settings.offsetEnd != "") || sequentialEventOffset) { def origEndTime = new Date(item.eventEndTime.getTime()) if (sequentialEventOffset && settings.offsetEnd == null) { offsetEnd = -1 } else { offsetEnd = settings.offsetEnd.toInteger() } tempEndTime = item.scheduleEndTime.getTime() tempEndTime = tempEndTime + (offsetEnd * 60 * 1000) item.scheduleEndTime.setTime(tempEndTime) logMsg.push("Event end offset: ${settings.offsetEnd}, adjusting time from ${origEndTime} to ${item.scheduleEndTime}") } } } logMsg.push("item: ${item}") logDebug("${logMsg}") return item } def clearEventCache() { parent.clearEventCache(settings.watchCalendars) } def poll() { def childDevice = getChildDevice(state.deviceID) logDebug "poll - childDevice: ${childDevice}" childDevice.poll() } def syncChildSwitches(value){ if (value == "on") { syncSwitches?.on() reverseSwitches?.off() } else { syncSwitches?.off() reverseSwitches?.on() } } private uninstalled() { logDebug "uninstalled - Delete all child devices" deleteAllChildren() parent.setCacheDuration("remove", } private deleteAllChildren() { getChildDevices().each { logDebug "deleteAllChildren ${it.deviceNetworkId}" try { deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) } catch (Exception e) { log.error "Fatal exception? $e" } } } private childCreated() { def isChild = getChildDevice("GCal_${}") != null return isChild } private textVersion() { def text = "Trigger Version: ${ version() }" } private dVersion(){ def text = "Device Version: ${getChildDevices()[0].version()}" } def appButtonHandler(btn) { switch(btn) { case "pauseButton": state.isPaused = true break case "resumeButton": state.isPaused = false break } updated() } def updateAppLabel() { String appName = settings.appName if (state.isPaused) { appName = appName + ' (Paused)' } app.updateLabel(appName) } private logDebug(msg) { if (isDebugEnabled != null && isDebugEnabled != false) { if (msg instanceof List && msg.size() > 0) { msg = msg.join(", "); } log.debug "$msg" } }