def driverVersion() { return "4.7.2" } /** * GCal Switch Driver * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ metadata { definition (name: "GCal Switch", namespace: "HubitatCommunity", author: "ritchierich") { capability "Sensor" capability "Polling" capability "Refresh" capability "Switch" //Added to allow immediate refresh on HE Dashboards since it supports buttons capability "PushableButton" command "push", [[name: "Push invokes Refresh for use on Dashboard NOT REQUIRED", type: "NUMBER", description: ""]] attribute "lastUpdated", "string" //Calendar attribute "eventTitle", "string" attribute "eventID", "string" attribute "eventLocation", "string" attribute "eventDescription", "string" attribute "eventStartTime", "string" attribute "eventEndTime", "string" attribute "eventAllDay", "bool" attribute "eventReminderMin", "number" attribute "nextEvent", "string" //Task attribute "taskTitle", "string" attribute "taskID", "string" attribute "taskDueDate", "string" //attribute "repeat", "string" //Only comes across for Reminders //Gmail attribute "messageTitle", "string" attribute "messageBody", "string" attribute "messageReceived", "string" attribute "messageCount", "number" } preferences { input name: "switchValue", type: "enum", title: "Switch Default Value", required: true, options:["on","off"] input name: "useOffsetTimeStamps", type: "bool", title: "Use offset for start and end timestamps?", defaultValue: false, required: false input name: "isDebugEnabled", type: "bool", title: "Enable debug logging?", defaultValue: false, required: false input name: "txtEnable", type: "bool", title: "Enable descriptionText logging?", defaultValue: false, required: false } } def installed() { initialize() } def updated() { initialize() } def initialize() { refresh() } def parse(String description) { } // refresh status def refresh() { poll() } def push(buttonNumber) { poll() } def poll() { //unschedule() def logMsg = [] def result = [] def item = parent.getNextItems() if (item == null || !item instanceof HashMap) { return "connectionError" } else { unschedule() } def nowDateTime = new Date() result << sendEvent(name: "lastUpdated", value: parent.formatDateTime(nowDateTime), displayed: false) def currentValue = device.currentSwitch def defaultValue = determineSwitch(false) def toggleValue = determineSwitch(true) logMsg.push("poll - BEFORE nowDateTime: ${nowDateTime}, currentValue: ${currentValue} AFTER ") logMsg.push("item: ${item}") if (item) { def itemKeys = item.keySet() def itemFound = false for (int i = 0; i < itemKeys.size(); i++) { def key = itemKeys[i] def value = item[key] if (key == "kind") { state.kind = (value.indexOf("#") > -1) ? value.split("#")[1] : value itemFound = true continue } else if (["labelIDs", "messageID", "messageTo", "messageFrom", "messageBodyRaw", "eventDescriptionRaw"].indexOf(key) > -1) { // Don't process these keys continue } else if (["scheduleStartTime", "scheduleEndTime", "recurrenceId", "threadID", "additionalActions"].indexOf(key) > -1 && value != " ") { // Don't process these keys until later itemFound = true continue } else if (key == "switch") { result << sendEvent(name: key, value: (value == "defaultValue") ? defaultValue : toggleValue ) } else { if (key == "eventStartTime" && settings.useOffsetTimeStamps == true && item.scheduleStartTime) value = item.scheduleStartTime if (key == "eventEndTime" && settings.useOffsetTimeStamps == true && item.scheduleEndTime) value = item.scheduleEndTime result << sendEvent(name: key, value: (value instanceof Date) ? parent.formatDateTime(value) : value ) } } if (itemFound) { logMsg.push("event found") def compareValue = toggleValue logMsg.push("nowDateTime(${nowDateTime}) < item.scheduleStartTime(${item.scheduleStartTime})") if (item.scheduleStartTime && nowDateTime < item.scheduleStartTime) { scheduleSwitch(toggleValue, item.scheduleStartTime) if (item.scheduleEndTime) { scheduleSwitch(defaultValue, item.scheduleEndTime) } logMsg.push("Scheduling ${toggleValue} at ${item.scheduleStartTime} and ${defaultValue} at ${item.scheduleEndTime}") compareValue = defaultValue } else if (item.scheduleEndTime) { scheduleSwitch(defaultValue, item.scheduleEndTime) logMsg.push("Scheduling ${defaultValue} at ${item.scheduleEndTime}") compareValue = toggleValue } if (currentValue != compareValue) { logMsg.push("Turning ${compareValue} switch") logInfo(compareValue) result << sendEvent(name: "switch", value: compareValue) } } else { logMsg.push("no events found, turning ${defaultValue} switch") } } logDebug("${logMsg}") return result } def on() { def value = "on" sendEvent(name: "switch", value: value) logInfo(value) updateTask(value) } def off() { def value = "off" sendEvent(name: "switch", value: value) logInfo(value) updateTask(value) } def updateTask(value) { if (state.kind != "task") { return } def taskID = device.currentValue("taskID") if (taskID != " " && determineSwitch(true) != value) { if (parent.completeItem()) { poll() } else { log.error "task could not be completed" } } } def determineSwitch(hasCurrentEvent) { def logMsg = ["determineSwitch - BEFORE hasCurrentEvent: ${hasCurrentEvent}"] def currentValue = device.currentSwitch def defaultValue = (settings.switchValue == null) ? parent.getDefaultSwitchValue() : settings.switchValue def toggleValue = (defaultValue == "on") ? "off" : "on" logMsg.push("currentValue: ${currentValue}, defaultValue: ${defaultValue}, toggleValue: ${toggleValue} AFTER ") def answer if (currentValue == null) { currentValue = defaultValue } if (hasCurrentEvent) { answer = toggleValue } else { answer = defaultValue } logMsg.push("answer: ${answer}") logDebug("${logMsg}") return answer } def scheduleSwitch(type, eventTime) { logDebug("scheduleSwitch - scheduling switch ${type} at ${eventTime}") if (eventTime == null) { return } if (type == "on") { runOnce(eventTime, scheduleOn) } else { runOnce(eventTime, scheduleOff) } } def scheduleOn() { logDebug("scheduleOn - turning on switch}") on() } def scheduleOff() { logDebug("scheduleOff - turning off switch}") off() } private logInfo(value) { if (settings.txtEnable == true) { def deviceName = (device.label == null) ? : device.label "${deviceName} is ${value}" } } private logDebug(msg) { if (isDebugEnabled != null && isDebugEnabled != false) { if (msg instanceof List && msg.size() > 0) { msg = msg.join(", "); } log.debug "$msg" } }