DEPRECATED Code no longer maintained. APIXU was acquired by WeatherStack and no longer offers the Free resources this code was based upon. /*********************************************************************************************************************** * Import URL: * Copyright 2018 CSteele * * CLONED from Bangali's ApiXU Weather Driver (v5.4.1) * ***********************************************************************************************************************/ public static String version() { return "v1.4.6" } /*********************************************************************************************************************** * * Version: 1.4.6 * Updated image Icon library location. * Made all 'wind' related attributes use .toBigDecimal * * Version: 1.4.5 * Improved updateCheck() with Switch/Case. * * Version: 1.4.4 * Increased Lux 'slices of a day' to include the next day * Increased pollSunRiseSet to every 8 hours (3 times a day) * Used "cityName" override option everywhere is used. * * Version: 1.4.3 * Change "float" values to BigDecimal or Integer. * 'Name' and 'City' are duplicates, but made them display the same text. * * Version: 1.4.2 * Skip forecastPrecip and mytile data calculations if the user hasn't enabled them. * * Version: 1.4.1 * Corrected typo for forecastIcon (in getWUIconName) * * Version: 1.4.0 * Moved the schedule() statements to initialize() so they run on reboot too. * Distributed forecastPrecip() into sunRiseSetHandler, for the once a day portion; * and into calcTime and doPoll for the display of data. * Reworked updateLux() to use a schedule() vs chained runIn for robustness. * Moved sunRiseSet map from 'state' to 'data' storage to declutter State Variables. * Removed display: true from all sendEvent lines. Hubitat doesn't use it. * * Version: 1.3.1 * Corrected typos on twilight (astro vs civil) * * Version: 1.3.0 * Added attribute betwixt for Dashboard. * Rewrote Lux calculation using Milliseconds vs Date Object * to be half the number of conversions. * * Version: 1.2.1 * Made repeating updateLux() run slower at night with lowLuxEvery. * converted Cobra's updateCheck to Async. * * Version: 1.2.0 * Update Attributes to send correct type (Number, String) * - potential to break user's automation. * * Version: 1.1.9 * Update Attributes for the defined Capabilities (no longer selectable). * * Version: 1.1.8 * Version: 1.1.7 * Correction for "java.lang.ClassCastException" found by halfrican.ak. * * Version: 1.1.6 * Semaphore protecting sunrise/set poll if Apixu poll is incomplete. * Reworked log.warn messages for uniformity. * Merged Latitude/Longitude into a group selector. * * Version: 1.1.5 * Merged imgNames & conditionFactor Maps into: imgCondMap * * Version: 1.1.4 * rewrote handler for to fill state.sunRiseSet, which gets used * throughout the day. * Added "wipe" commands to ease upgrading. * * Version: 1.1.3 Thanks @ codahq * removed the child devices because they aren't needed anymore. * changed precipitation map variables from "in" (reserved groovy word) to "inches". * put behind a preference * * Version: 1.1.2 * prevent calculating sunrise, sunset, twilight, noon, etc. a hundred times a day. * added 1 and 3 hour options on Poll() - allowing RM for poll-on-demand. * converted SunriseAndSet to asynchttp call * * Version: 1.1.1 * removed 'configure' as a command, refresh & poll are adequate. * reorganized attributes into relationship groups with a single selector. * * Version: 1.0.0 * renamed wx-ApiXU-Driver. * reworked Poll and UpdateLux to use common code. * reworked metadata to build the attributes needed. * converted Poll to asynchttp call. * duplicated attributes for OpenWX compatibility with Dashboard Weather Template. * /*********************************************************************************************************************** /*********************************************************************************************************************** * Copyright 2018 bangali * * Contributors: * code for new weather icons based on weather condition data * new weather icons courtesy of VClouds * code for mytile * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * ApiXU Weather Driver * * Author: bangali * * Date: 2018-05-27 * * attribution: weather data courtesy: * * attribution: sunrise and sunset courtesy: * * for use with HUBITAT so no tiles * * features: * - supports global weather data with free api key from * - provides calculated illuminance data based on time of day and weather condition code. * - no local server setup needed * - no personal weather station needed * * * record of Bangali's version history prior to the Clone moved to the end of file. */ import groovy.transform.Field metadata { definition (name: "wx-ApiXU-Driver", namespace: "csteele", author: "bangali, csteele", importUrl: "") { capability "Actuator" capability "Sensor" capability "Polling" capability "Illuminance Measurement" capability "Temperature Measurement" capability "Relative Humidity Measurement" capability "Pressure Measurement" capability "Ultraviolet Index" attributesMap.each { k, v -> if (v.typeof) attribute "${k}", "${v.typeof}" } // some attributes are 'doubled' due to spelling differences, such as wind_dir & windDirection // the additional doubled attributes are added here: attribute "windDirection", "number" // open_weatherPublish related attribute "windSpeed", "number" // open_weatherPublish | attribute "weatherIcons", "string" // open_weatherPublish | // some attributes are in a 'group' of similar, under a single selector attribute "precipDayMinus2", "number" // precipExtended related attribute "precipDayMinus1", "number" // precipExtended | attribute "precipDay0", "number" // precipExtended | attribute "precipDayPlus1", "number" // precipExtended | attribute "precipDayPlus2", "number" // precipExtended | attribute "local_sunrise", "string" // localSunrisePublish related attribute "local_sunset", "string" // localSunrisePublish | attribute "localSunrise", "string" // localSunrisePublish | attribute "localSunset", "string" // localSunrisePublish | attribute "lat", "number" // latPublish related attribute "lon", "number" // latPublish | attribute "temperatureHighDayPlus1", "number" // tempHiLowPublish related attribute "temperatureLowDayPlus1", "number" // tempHiLowPublish | attribute "betwixt", "string" command "refresh" // command "updateLux" // **---** delete for Release // command "pollSunRiseSet" // **---** delete for Release // command "updateCheck" // **---** delete for Release } def settingDescr = settingEnable ? "
Hide many of the Preferences to reduce the clutter, if needed, by turning OFF this toggle.
" : "
Many Preferences are available to you, if needed, by turning ON this toggle.
" preferences { input "zipCode", "text", title:"Zip code or city name or latitude,longitude?", required:true input "apixuKey", "text", title:"ApiXU key?", required:true, defaultValue:null input "cityName", "text", title: "Override default city name?", required:false, defaultValue:null input "isFahrenheit", "bool", title:"Use Imperial units?", required:true, defaultValue:true input "pollEvery", "enum", title:"Poll ApiXU how frequently?\nrecommended setting 30 minutes.\nilluminance updating defaults to every 5 minutes.", required:false, defaultValue: 30, options:[5:"5 minutes",10:"10 minutes",15:"15 minutes",30:"30 minutes",60:"1 hour",180:"3 hours"] input "luxEvery", "enum", title:"Publish illuminance how frequently?", required:false, defaultValue: 5, options:[5:"5 minutes",10:"10 minutes",15:"15 minutes",30:"30 minutes"] input "lowLuxEvery", "enum", title:"When illuminance is minimum, how frequently is it published?", required:false, defaultValue: 999, options:[999: "don't change", 5:"5 minutes",10:"10 minutes",15:"15 minutes",30:"30 minutes"] input "settingEnable", "bool", title: "Display All Preferences", description: "$settingDescr", defaultValue: true input "debugOutput", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging?", defaultValue: true input "descTextEnable","bool", title: "Enable descriptionText logging?", defaultValue: true // build a Selector for each mapped Attribute or group of attributes attributesMap.each { keyname, attribute -> if (settingEnable) input "${keyname}Publish", "bool", title: "${attribute.title}", required: true, defaultValue: "${attribute.default}", description: "
" } } } // helpers def refresh() { poll() } /* updated Purpose: runs when save is clicked in the preferences section */ def updated() { initialize() // includes an unsubscribe() state.clockSeconds = true if (debugOutput) runIn(1800,logsOff) // disable debug logs after 30 min if (settingEnable) runIn(2100,settingsOff) // "roll up" (hide) the condition selectors after 35 min if (pollEvery == "180") { "runEvery3Hours"(poll) } else if (pollEvery == "60") { "runEvery1Hour"(poll) } else { "runEvery${pollEvery}Minutes"(poll) } if (dashClock) updateClock(); poll() if (descTextEnable) "Updated with settings: ${settings}, $state.sunRiseSet" } /* doPoll Purpose: build out the Attributes and add to Hub DB if selected */ def doPoll(obs) { if (descTextEnable) "wx-ApiXU poll for: $zipCode" calcTime(obs) // calculate all the time variables sendEvent(name: "lastXUupdate", value: now) // Update Attributes for the defined Capabilities sendEvent(name: "humidity", value: obs.current.humidity.toInteger(), unit: "%") sendEvent(name: "pressure", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.pressure_in.toInteger() : obs.current.pressure_mb.toInteger()), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'IN' : 'MBAR')}") sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.temp_f.toBigDecimal() : obs.current.temp_c.toBigDecimal()), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'F' : 'C')}") sendEvent(name: "ultravioletIndex", value: obs.current.uv.toInteger()) if (localSunrisePublish) { if (debugOutput) log.debug "localSunrise Group" sendEvent(name: "local_sunrise", value: state.localSunrise, descriptionText: "Sunrise today is at $state.localSunrise") sendEvent(name: "local_sunset", value: state.localSunset, descriptionText: "Sunset today at is $state.localSunset") sendEvent(name: "localSunrise", value: state.localSunrise) sendEvent(name: "localSunset", value: state.localSunset) } if (open_weatherPublish) { if (debugOutput) log.debug "open_weather Group" sendEvent(name: "weatherIcons", value: getOWIconName(obs.current.condition.code, obs.current.is_day)) sendEvent(name: "windSpeed", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.wind_mph.toBigDecimal() : obs.current.wind_kph.toBigDecimal())) sendEvent(name: "windDirection", value: obs.current.wind_degree.toInteger()) } if (tempHiLowPublish) { if (debugOutput) log.debug "temp+1 Hi/Lo Group" sendEvent(name: "temperatureHighDayPlus1", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.maxtemp_f.toInteger() : obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.maxtemp_c.toInteger()), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'F' : 'C')}") sendEvent(name: "temperatureLowDayPlus1", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.mintemp_f.toInteger() : obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.mintemp_c.toInteger()), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'F' : 'C')}") } if (latPublish) { // latitude and longitude group if (debugOutput) log.debug "Lat/Long Group" sendEvent(name: "lat", value: sendEvent(name: "lon", value: obs.location.lon.toBigDecimal()) } sendEventPublish(name: "city", value: (cityName ?: ( ?: "n/a"))) sendEventPublish(name: "cloud", value:, unit: "%") sendEventPublish(name: "condition_code", value: obs.current.condition.code.toInteger()) sendEventPublish(name: "condition_codeDayPlus1", value: obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.condition.code.toInteger()) sendEventPublish(name: "condition_icon_only", value: obs.current.condition.icon.split("/")[-1]) sendEventPublish(name: "condition_icon_url", value: 'https:' + obs.current.condition.icon) sendEventPublish(name: "condition_icon", value: '') sendEventPublish(name: "condition_text", value: obs.current.condition.text) sendEventPublish(name: "country", value: ( ?: " ")) sendEventPublish(name: "feelsLike", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.feelslike_f.toBigDecimal() : obs.current.feelslike_c.toBigDecimal()), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'F' : 'C')}") sendEventPublish(name: "forecastIcon", value: getWUIconName(obs.current.condition.code, obs.current.is_day)) sendEventPublish(name: "is_day", value: obs.current.is_day.toInteger()) sendEventPublish(name: "last_updated_epoch", value: obs.current.last_updated_epoch.toInteger()) sendEventPublish(name: "last_updated", value: obs.current.last_updated) sendEventPublish(name: "local_date", value: state.thisDate) sendEventPublish(name: "local_time", value: state.thisTime) sendEventPublish(name: "localtime_epoch", value: obs.location.localtime_epoch.toInteger()) sendEventPublish(name: "location", value: (( ?: "n/a") + ', ' + (obs.location.region ?: " "))) sendEventPublish(name: "name", value: (cityName ?: ( ?: "n/a"))) sendEventPublish(name: "percentPrecip", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.precip_in.toBigDecimal() : obs.current.precip_mm.toBigDecimal()), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'IN' : 'MM')}") sendEventPublish(name: "region", value: (obs.location.region ?: " ")) sendEventPublish(name: "twilight_begin", value: state.twiBegin, descriptionText: "Twilight begins today at $state.twiBegin") sendEventPublish(name: "twilight_end", value: state.twiEnd, descriptionText: "Twilight ends today at $state.twiEnd") sendEventPublish(name: "tz_id", value: obs.location.tz_id) sendEventPublish(name: "visual", value: '') sendEventPublish(name: "visualDayPlus1", value: '') sendEventPublish(name: "visualDayPlus1WithText", value: '
' + obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.condition.text) sendEventPublish(name: "visualWithText", value: '
' + obs.current.condition.text) sendEventPublish(name: "weather", value: obs.current.condition.text) sendEventPublish(name: "wind_degree", value: obs.current.wind_degree.toInteger(), unit: "DEGREE") sendEventPublish(name: "wind_dir", value: obs.current.wind_dir) sendEventPublish(name: "wind_mytile", value: wind_mytile) sendEventPublish(name: "wind", value: (isFahrenheit ? obs.current.wind_mph.toBigDecimal() : obs.current.wind_kph.toBigDecimal()), unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'MPH' : 'KPH')}") if (isFahrenheit) { sendEventPublish(name: "wind_mph", value: obs.current.wind_mph.toBigDecimal(), unit: "MPH") sendEventPublish(name: "precip_in", value: obs.current.precip_in.toBigDecimal(), unit: "IN") sendEventPublish(name: "feelslike_f", value: obs.current.feelslike_f.toBigDecimal(), unit: "F") sendEventPublish(name: "vis_miles", value: obs.current.vis_miles.toBigDecimal(), unit: "MILES") } else { sendEventPublish(name: "wind_kph", value: obs.current.wind_kph.toBigDecimal(), unit: "KPH") sendEventPublish(name: "wind_mps", value: ((obs.current.wind_kph / 3.6f).round(1).toBigDecimal()), unit: "MPS") sendEventPublish(name: "precip_mm", value: obs.current.precip_mm.toBigDecimal(), unit: "MM") sendEventPublish(name: "feelsLike_c", value: obs.current.feelslike_c.toBigDecimal(), unit: "C") sendEventPublish(name: "vis_km", value: obs.current.vis_km.toInteger(), unit: "KM") } if (precipExtendedPublish) { if (debugOutput) log.debug "Extended Precip Group" sendEvent(name: "precipDayMinus2", value: (isFahrenheit ? state.forecastPrecip.precipDayMinus2.inch.toBigDecimal() :, unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'IN' : 'MM')}") sendEvent(name: "precipDayMinus1", value: (isFahrenheit ? state.forecastPrecip.precipDayMinus1.inch.toBigDecimal() :, unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'IN' : 'MM')}") sendEvent(name: "precipDay0", value: (isFahrenheit ? state.forecastPrecip.precipDay0.inch.toBigDecimal() :, unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'IN' : 'MM')}") sendEvent(name: "precipDayPlus1", value: (isFahrenheit ? state.forecastPrecip.precipDayPlus1.inch.toBigDecimal() :, unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'IN' : 'MM')}") sendEvent(name: "precipDayPlus2", value: (isFahrenheit ? state.forecastPrecip.precipDayPlus2.inch.toBigDecimal() :, unit: "${(isFahrenheit ? 'IN' : 'MM')}") } sendEventPublish(name: "mytile", value: mytext) return } /* poll Purpose: initiate the asynchtttpGet() call each poll cycle. Notes: very, very simple, all the action is in the handler. */ def poll() { def requestParams = [ uri: "$apixuKey&q=$zipCode&days=3" ] // log.debug "Poll ApiXU: $requestParams" asynchttpGet("pollHandler", requestParams) } /* pollHandler Purpose: the APIXU website response Notes: a good response will be processed by doPoll() */ def pollHandler(resp, data) { if(resp.getStatus() == 200 || resp.getStatus() == 207) { obs = parseJson( // if (debugOutput) log.debug "wx-ApiXU returned: $obs" doPoll(obs) // parse the data returned by ApiXU } else { log.error "wx-ApiXU weather api did not return data" } } /* Sun Rise Set Purpose: Run just after midnight to establish the Astronomical times needed all day long when polling APIXU. */ def pollSunRiseSet() { if (state.loc_lat) { def requestParams = [ uri: "$state.loc_lat&lng=$state.loc_lon&formatted=0" ] if (state.thisDate) {requestParams = [ uri: "$state.loc_lat&lng=$state.loc_lon&formatted=0&date=$state.thisDate" ]} if (descTextEnable) "SunRiseSet poll for $state.loc_lat $state.loc_lon" //$requestParams" asynchttpGet("sunRiseSetHandler", requestParams) } else { state.sunRiseSet.init = false log.warn "wx-ApiXU no sunrise-sunset without Lat/Long." } } def sunRiseSetHandler(resp, data) { if(resp.getStatus() == 200 || resp.getStatus() == 207) { sunRiseSet = resp.getJson().results updateDataValue("sunRiseSet", state.sunRiseSet.init = true state.localSunrise = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunRiseSet.sunrise).format("HH:mm") state.localSunset = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunRiseSet.sunset).format("HH:mm") state.twiBegin = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunRiseSet.civil_twilight_begin).format("HH:mm") state.twiEnd = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", sunRiseSet.civil_twilight_end).format("HH:mm") state.forecastPrecip.precipDayMinus2 = state?.forecastPrecip?.precipDayMinus1 state.forecastPrecip.precipDayMinus1 = state?.forecastPrecip?.precipDay0 } else { log.warn "wx-ApiXU sunrise-sunset api did not return data" state.sunRiseSet.init = false } } private isConfigured() { getDataValue("configured") == "true" } /* updateLux Purpose: calculate Lux / Illuminance / Illuminated offset by time of day Notes: minimum Lux is a value of 5 after dark. */ def updateLux() { if (state?.sunRiseSet?.init) { if (descTextEnable) "wx-ApiXU lux calc for: $zipCode" // ", $state.loc_lat, $state.localSunset" def (lux, bwn) = estimateLux(state.condition_code, state.luxNext = (lux > 6) ? true : false state.luxNext ? { schedule("0 0/${luxEvery} * * * ?", updateLux) } : {if (lowLuxEvery != 999) { schedule("0 0/${lowLuxEvery} * * * ?", updateLux) } } //if (debugOutput) log.debug "Lux: $lux, $state.luxNext, $bwn" sendEvent(name: "illuminance", value: lux.toInteger(), unit: "lux") sendEventPublish(name: "illuminated", value: String.format("%,d lux", lux)) sendEventPublish(name: "betwixt", value: bwn) } else { if (descTextEnable) log.warn "no wx-ApiXU lux without sunRiseSet value." runIn(2, pollSunRiseSet) } } def estimateLux(condition_code, cloud) { def lux = 0l def aFCC = true def l def bwn def sunRiseSet = parseJson(getDataValue("sunRiseSet")).results def tZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone(state.tz_id) def lT = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", tZ) def localeMillis = getEpoch(lT) def twilight_beginMillis = getEpoch(sunRiseSet.civil_twilight_begin) def sunriseTimeMillis = getEpoch(sunRiseSet.sunrise) def noonTimeMillis = getEpoch(sunRiseSet.solar_noon) def sunsetTimeMillis = getEpoch(sunRiseSet.sunset) def twilight_endMillis = getEpoch(sunRiseSet.civil_twilight_end) def twiStartNextMillis = twilight_beginMillis + 86400000 // = 24*60*60*1000 --> one day in milliseconds def sunriseNextMillis = sunriseTimeMillis + 86400000 def noonTimeNextMillis = noonTimeMillis + 86400000 def sunsetNextMillis = sunsetTimeMillis + 86400000 def twiEndNextMillis = twilight_endMillis + 86400000 switch(localeMillis) { case { it < twilight_beginMillis}: bwn = "Fully Night Time" lux = 5l break case { it < sunriseTimeMillis}: bwn = "between twilight and sunrise" l = (((localeMillis - twilight_beginMillis) * 50f) / (sunriseTimeMillis - twilight_beginMillis)) lux = (l < 10f ? 10l : l.trunc(0) as long) break case { it < noonTimeMillis}: bwn = "between sunrise and noon" l = (((localeMillis - sunriseTimeMillis) * 10000f) / (noonTimeMillis - sunriseTimeMillis)) lux = (l < 50f ? 50l : l.trunc(0) as long) break case { it < sunsetTimeMillis}: bwn = "between noon and sunset" l = (((sunsetTimeMillis - localeMillis) * 10000f) / (sunsetTimeMillis - noonTimeMillis)) lux = (l < 50f ? 50l : l.trunc(0) as long) break case { it < twilight_endMillis}: bwn = "between sunset and twilight" l = (((twilight_endMillis - localeMillis) * 50f) / (twilight_endMillis - sunsetTimeMillis)) lux = (l < 10f ? 10l : l.trunc(0) as long) break case { it < twiStartNextMillis}: bwn = "Fully Night Time" lux = 5l break case { it < sunriseNextMillis}: bwn = "between twilight and sunrise" l = (((localeMillis - twiStartNextMillis) * 50f) / (sunriseNextMillis - twiStartNextMillis)) lux = (l < 10f ? 10l : l.trunc(0) as long) break case { it < noonTimeNextMillis}: bwn = "between sunrise and noon" l = (((localeMillis - sunriseNextMillis) * 10000f) / (noonTimeNextMillis - sunriseNextMillis)) lux = (l < 50f ? 50l : l.trunc(0) as long) break case { it < sunsetNextMillis}: bwn = "between noon and sunset" l = (((sunsetNextMillis - localeMillis) * 10000f) / (sunsetNextMillis - noonTimeNextMillis)) lux = (l < 50f ? 50l : l.trunc(0) as long) break case { it < twiEndNextMillis}: bwn = "between sunset and twilight" l = (((twiEndNextMillis - localeMillis) * 50f) / (twiEndNextMillis - sunsetNextMillis)) lux = (l < 10f ? 10l : l.trunc(0) as long) break default: bwn = "Fully Night Time" lux = 5l aFCC = false break } def cC = condition_code.toInteger() def cCF if (aFCC) if (imgCondMap[cC].condCode) { cCF = imgCondMap[cC].condCode[1] } else { // factor in cloud cover if available cCF = state.apixu.init ? ((100 - (cloud.toInteger() / 3d)) / 100) : 0.998d // log.debug "zzz: $l $cloud $cCF, $lux, $bwn, $state.apixu.init" } else { cCF = 1.0 } lux = (lux * cCF) as long if (debugOutput) log.debug "condition: $cC | condition factor: $cCF | lux: $lux" sendEventPublish(name: "cCF", value: cCF) return [lux, bwn] } /* calcTime Purpose: calculate display data from each observation (aka: obs/wxData). */ def calcTime(wxData) { state.condition_code = wxData.current.condition.code = // with sun rise/set being async and once a day, 'obs' (wxdata) won't be available // to that method. Lat + long needs to be saved. state.loc_lat = ?: location.latitude state.loc_lon = wxData.location.lon ?: location.longitude state.tz_id = wxData.location.tz_id ?: TimeZone.getDefault().getID() state.thisDate = Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", wxData.location.localtime).format("yyyy-MM-dd") state.thisTime = Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", wxData.location.localtime).format("HH:mm") imgName = getImgName(wxData.current.condition.code, wxData.current.is_day) imgNamePlus1 = getImgName(wxData.forecast.forecastday[0].day.condition.code, 1) wind_mytile=(isFahrenheit ? "${Math.round(wxData.current.wind_mph)}" + " mph " : "${Math.round(wxData.current.wind_kph)}" + " kph ") if (mytilePublish) { // don't bother setting these values if it's not enabled // build the myTile text mytext = (cityName ?: ( ?: "n/a")) + ', ' + (wxData.location.region ?: " ") mytext += '
' + (isFahrenheit ? "${Math.round(wxData.current.temp_f)}" + '°F ' : wxData.current.temp_c + '°C ') + wxData.current.humidity + '%' mytext += '
' + state?.localSunrise + ' ' + state?.localSunset mytext += (wind_mytile == (isFahrenheit ? "0 mph " : "0 kph ") ? '
Wind is calm' : '
' + wxData.current.wind_dir + ' ' + wind_mytile) mytext += '
' + wxData.current.condition.text //if (debugOutput) log.debug "mytext: $mytext" } if (precipExtendedPublish) { // don't bother setting these values if it's not enabled = wxData.forecast.forecastday[0].day.totalprecip_mm state.forecastPrecip.precipDay0.inch = wxData.forecast.forecastday[0].day.totalprecip_in = wxData.forecast.forecastday[1].day.totalprecip_mm state.forecastPrecip.precipDayPlus1.inch = wxData.forecast.forecastday[1].day.totalprecip_in = wxData.forecast.forecastday[2].day.totalprecip_mm state.forecastPrecip.precipDayPlus2.inch = wxData.forecast.forecastday[2].day.totalprecip_in } } def logsOff(){ log.warn "debug logging disabled..." device.updateSetting("debugOutput",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) } def settingsOff(){ log.warn "Settings disabled..." device.updateSetting("settingEnable",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) } /* sendEventPublish Purpose: Attribute sent to DB if selected */ def sendEventPublish(evt) { if (this[ + "Publish"]) { sendEvent(name:, value: evt.value, descriptionText: evt.descriptionText, unit: evt.unit, displayed: evt.displayed); if (debugOutput) log.debug "$" //: $, $evt.value $evt.unit" } } /* getEpoch Purpose: take a Date object and return Milliseconds (Epoch) Notes: */ def getEpoch (aTime) { def tZZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone(state.tz_id) def localeTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX", aTime, tZZ) long localeMillis = localeTime.getTime() return (localeMillis) } /* updateClock Purpose: implements a blinking : in a dashboard clock */ def updateClock() { runIn(2, updateClock) if (!state.tz_id) return; def nowTime = new Date() sendEventPublish(name: "local_time", value: nowTime.format((state.clockSeconds ? "HH:mm" : "HH mm"), location.timeZone)) def localDate = nowTime.format("yyyy-MM-dd", location.timeZone) if (localDate != state.localDate) { state.localDate = localDate sendEventPublish(name: "local_date", value: localDate) } state.clockSeconds = (state.clockSeconds ? false : true) } /* getWUIconName Purpose: get the WeatherUnderground image value. */ def getWUIconName(condition_code, is_day) { def wuIcon = imgCondMap[condition_code].condCode[0] ? imgCondMap[condition_code].condCode[2] : '' if (is_day != 1 && wuIcon) wuIcon = 'nt_' + wuIcon; return wuIcon } /* getOWIconName Purpose: Hubitat's Weather template for Dashboard is OpenWeather icon friendly ONLY. */ def getOWIconName(condition_code, is_day) { def wIcon = imgCondMap[condition_code].condCode[0] ? imgCondMap[condition_code].condCode[3] : '' return is_day ? wIcon + 'd' : wIcon + 'n' } /* getImgName Purpose: get our image id. */ def getImgName(wCode, is_day) { def url = "" def imgItem = isDay ? imgCondMap[wCode].imgNames.night_img : imgCondMap[wCode].imgNames.day_img // log.debug "getImgName: $wCode, $imgItem" return (url + imgItem) } @Field static imgCondMap = [ 1000: [imgNames: [day_img: '32.png', night_img: '31.png'], condCode: ['Sunny', 1, 'sunny', '01'] ], // Sunny 1003: [imgNames: [day_img: '30.png', night_img: '29.png'], condCode: ['Partly cloudy', 0.8, 'partlycloudy', '03'] ], // Partly cloudy 1006: [imgNames: [day_img: '28.png', night_img: '27.png'], condCode: ['Cloudy', 0.6, 'cloudy', '02'] ], // Cloudy 1009: [imgNames: [day_img: '26.png', night_img: '26.png'], condCode: ['Overcast', 0.5, 'cloudy', '13'] ], // Overcast 1030: [imgNames: [day_img: '20.png', night_img: '20.png'], condCode: ['Mist', 0.5, 'fog', '13'] ], // Mist 1063: [imgNames: [day_img: '39.png', night_img: '45.png'], condCode: ['Patchy rain possible', 0.8, 'chancerain', '04'] ], // Patchy rain possible 1066: [imgNames: [day_img: '41.png', night_img: '46.png'], condCode: ['Patchy snow possible', 0.6, 'chancesnow', '13'] ], // Patchy snow possible 1069: [imgNames: [day_img: '41.png', night_img: '46.png'], condCode: ['Patchy sleet possible', 0.6, 'chancesleet', '13'] ], // Patchy sleet possible 1072: [imgNames: [day_img: '39.png', night_img: '45.png'], condCode: ['Patchy freezing drizzle possible', 0.4, 'chancesleet', '13'] ], // Patchy freezing drizzle possible 1087: [imgNames: [day_img: '38.png', night_img: '47.png'], condCode: ['Thundery outbreaks possible', 0.2, 'chancetstorms', '11'] ], // Thundery outbreaks possible 1114: [imgNames: [day_img: '15.png', night_img: '15.png'], condCode: ['Blowing snow', 0.3, 'snow', '13'] ], // Blowing snow 1117: [imgNames: [day_img: '16.png', night_img: '16.png'], condCode: ['Blizzard', 0.1, 'snow', '13'] ], // Blizzard 1135: [imgNames: [day_img: '21.png', night_img: '21.png'], condCode: ['Fog', 0.2, 'fog', '50'] ], // Fog 1147: [imgNames: [day_img: '21.png', night_img: '21.png'], condCode: ['Freezing fog', 0.1, 'fog', '13'] ], // Freezing fog 1150: [imgNames: [day_img: '39.png', night_img: '45.png'], condCode: ['Patchy light drizzle', 0.8, 'rain', '10'] ], // Patchy light drizzle 1153: [imgNames: [day_img: '11.png', night_img: '11.png'], condCode: ['Light drizzle', 0.7, 'rain', '09'] ], // Light drizzle 1168: [imgNames: [day_img: '8.png', night_img: '8.png'], condCode: ['Freezing drizzle', 0.5, 'sleet', '13'] ], // Freezing drizzle 1171: [imgNames: [day_img: '10.png', night_img: '10.png'], condCode: ['Heavy freezing drizzle', 0.2, 'sleet', '13'] ], // Heavy freezing drizzle 1180: [imgNames: [day_img: '39.png', night_img: '45.png'], condCode: ['Patchy light rain', 0.8, 'rain', '09'] ], // Patchy light rain 1183: [imgNames: [day_img: '11.png', night_img: '11.png'], condCode: ['Light rain', 0.7, 'rain', '09'] ], // Light rain 1186: [imgNames: [day_img: '39.png', night_img: '45.png'], condCode: ['Moderate rain at times', 0.5, 'rain', '09'] ], // Moderate rain at times 1189: [imgNames: [day_img: '12.png', night_img: '12.png'], condCode: ['Moderate rain', 0.4, 'rain', '09'] ], // Moderate rain 1192: [imgNames: [day_img: '39.png', night_img: '45.png'], condCode: ['Heavy rain at times', 0.3, 'rain', '09'] ], // Heavy rain at times 1195: [imgNames: [day_img: '12.png', night_img: '12.png'], condCode: ['Heavy rain', 0.2, 'rain', '09'] ], // Heavy rain 1198: [imgNames: [day_img: '8.png', night_img: '8.png'], condCode: ['Light freezing rain', 0.7, 'sleet', '13'] ], // Light freezing rain 1201: [imgNames: [day_img: '10.png', night_img: '10.png'], condCode: ['Moderate or heavy freezing rain', 0.3, 'sleet', '13'] ], // Moderate or heavy freezing rain 1204: [imgNames: [day_img: '5.png', night_img: '5.png'], condCode: ['Light sleet', 0.5, 'sleet', '13'] ], // Light sleet 1207: [imgNames: [day_img: '6.png', night_img: '6.png'], condCode: ['Moderate or heavy sleet', 0.3, 'sleet', '13'] ], // Moderate or heavy sleet 1210: [imgNames: [day_img: '41.png', night_img: '41.png'], condCode: ['Patchy light snow', 0.8, 'flurries', '13'] ], // Patchy light snow 1213: [imgNames: [day_img: '18.png', night_img: '18.png'], condCode: ['Light snow', 0.7, 'snow', '13'] ], // Light snow 1216: [imgNames: [day_img: '41.png', night_img: '41.png'], condCode: ['Patchy moderate snow', 0.6, 'snow', '13'] ], // Patchy moderate snow 1219: [imgNames: [day_img: '16.png', night_img: '16.png'], condCode: ['Moderate snow', 0.5, 'snow', '13'] ], // Moderate snow 1222: [imgNames: [day_img: '41.png', night_img: '41.png'], condCode: ['Patchy heavy snow', 0.4, 'snow', '13'] ], // Patchy heavy snow 1225: [imgNames: [day_img: '16.png', night_img: '16.png'], condCode: ['Heavy snow', 0.3, 'snow', '13'] ], // Heavy snow 1237: [imgNames: [day_img: '18.png', night_img: '18.png'], condCode: ['Ice pellets', 0.5, 'sleet', '13'] ], // Ice pellets 1240: [imgNames: [day_img: '11.png', night_img: '11.png'], condCode: ['Light rain shower', 0.8, 'rain', '10'] ], // Light rain shower 1243: [imgNames: [day_img: '12.png', night_img: '12.png'], condCode: ['Moderate or heavy rain shower', 0.3, 'rain', '10'] ], // Moderate or heavy rain shower 1246: [imgNames: [day_img: '12.png', night_img: '12.png'], condCode: ['Torrential rain shower', 0.1, 'rain', '10'] ], // Torrential rain shower 1249: [imgNames: [day_img: '5.png', night_img: '5.png'], condCode: ['Light sleet showers', 0.7, 'sleet', '10'] ], // Light sleet showers 1252: [imgNames: [day_img: '6.png', night_img: '6.png'], condCode: ['Moderate or heavy sleet showers', 0.5, 'sleet', '10'] ], // Moderate or heavy sleet showers 1255: [imgNames: [day_img: '16.png', night_img: '16.png'], condCode: ['Light snow showers', 0.7, 'snow', '13'] ], // Light snow showers 1258: [imgNames: [day_img: '16.png', night_img: '16.png'], condCode: ['Moderate or heavy snow showers', 0.5, 'snow', '13'] ], // Moderate or heavy snow showers 1261: [imgNames: [day_img: '8.png', night_img: '8.png'], condCode: ['Light showers of ice pellets', 0.7, 'sleet', '13'] ], // Light showers of ice pellets 1264: [imgNames: [day_img: '10.png', night_img: '10.png'], condCode: ['Moderate or heavy showers of ice pellets',0.3, 'sleet', '13'] ], // Moderate or heavy showers of ice pellets 1273: [imgNames: [day_img: '38.png', night_img: '47.png'], condCode: ['Patchy light rain with thunder', 0.5, 'tstorms', '11'] ], // Patchy light rain with thunder 1276: [imgNames: [day_img: '35.png', night_img: '35.png'], condCode: ['Moderate or heavy rain with thunder', 0.3, 'tstorms', '11'] ], // Moderate or heavy rain with thunder 1279: [imgNames: [day_img: '41.png', night_img: '46.png'], condCode: ['Patchy light snow with thunder', 0.5, 'tstorms', '11'] ], // Patchy light snow with thunder 1282: [imgNames: [day_img: '18.png', night_img: '18.png'], condCode: ['Moderate or heavy snow with thunder', 0.3, 'tstorms', '11'] ] // Moderate or heavy snow with thunder ] @Field static attributesMap = [ "betwixt": [title: "Betwixt", descr: "Display the 'slice-of-day'?", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "cCF": [title: "Cloud cover factor", descr: "", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "city": [title: "City", descr: "Display your City's name?", typeof: "string", default: "true"], "cloud": [title: "Cloud", descr: "", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "condition_code": [title: "Condition code", descr: "", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "condition_icon_only": [title: "Condition icon only", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "condition_icon_url": [title: "Condition icon URL", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "condition_icon": [title: "Condition icon", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "condition_text": [title: "Condition text", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "country": [title: "Country", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "dashClock": [title: "Clock", descr: "Flash time ':' every 2 seconds?", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "feelslike_c": [title: "Feels like °C", descr: "Select to display the 'feels like' temperature in C:", typeof: "number", default: "true"], "feelslike_f": [title: "Feels like °F", descr: "Select to display the 'feels like' temperature in F:", typeof: "number", default: "true"], "feelslike": [title: "Feels like (in default unit)", descr: "Select to display the 'feels like' temperature:", typeof: "number", default: "true"], "forecastIcon": [title: "Forecast icon", descr: "Select to display an Icon of the Forecast Weather:", typeof: "string", default: "true"], "illuminated": [title: "Illuminated", descr: "Illuminance with 'lux' added for use on a Dashboard", typeof: "string", default: "true"], "is_day": [title: "Is daytime", descr: "", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "last_updated_epoch": [title: "Last updated epoch", descr: "", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "last_updated": [title: "Last updated", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "lat": [title: "Latitude and Longitude", descr: "Select to display both Latitude and Longitude", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "local_date": [title: "Local date", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "localSunrise": [title: "Local Sun Rise and Set", descr: "Select to display the Group of 'Time of Local Sunrise and Sunset,' with and without Dashboard text", typeof: "string", default: "true"], "local_time": [title: "Local time", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "localtime_epoch": [title: "Localtime epoch", descr: "", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "location": [title: "Location name with region", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "mytile": [title: "Mytile for dashboard", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "name": [title: "Location name", descr: "Name of Location (duplicates 'City')", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "open_weather": [title: "OpenWeather attributes", descr: "Select duplicate wind attributes that are specific to Dashboard's Weather template", typeof: false, default: "true"], "percentPrecip": [title: "Percent precipitation", descr: "Select to display the Chance of Rain, in percent", typeof: "number", default: "true"], "precipExtended": [title: "Extended Precipitation", descr: "Select to display precipitation over a period of +- 2 days", typeof: false, default: "false"], "precip_in": [title: "Precipitation Inches", descr: "", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "precip_mm": [title: "Precipitation MM", descr: "", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "region": [title: "Region", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "tempHiLow": [title: "Temperature high & low day +1", descr: "Select to display tomorrow's Forecast High and Low Temperatures", typeof: false, default: "true"], "twilight_begin": [title: "Twilight begin", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "twilight_end": [title: "Twilight end", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "tz_id": [title: "Timezone ID", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "vis_km": [title: "Visibility KM", descr: "", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "vis_miles": [title: "Visibility miles", descr: "", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "visual": [title: "Visual weather", descr: "Select to display the Image of the Weather", typeof: "string", default: "true"], "visualDayPlus1": [title: "Visual weather day +1", descr: "Select to display tomorrow's visual of the Weather", typeof: "string", default: "true"], "visualDayPlus1WithText": [title: "Visual weather day +1 with text", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "visualWithText": [title: "Visual weather with text", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "weather": [title: "Weather", descr: "Current Conditions", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "wind_degree": [title: "Wind Degree", descr: "Select to display the Wind Direction (number)", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "wind_dir": [title: "Wind direction", descr: "Select to display the Wind Direction (letters)", typeof: "string", default: "true"], "wind_kph": [title: "Wind KPH", descr: "", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "wind_mph": [title: "Wind MPH", descr: "", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "wind_mps": [title: "Wind MPS", descr: "Wind in Meters per Second", typeof: "number", default: "false"], "wind_mytile": [title: "Wind mytile", descr: "", typeof: "string", default: "false"], "wind": [title: "Wind (in default unit)", descr: "Select to display the Wind Speed", typeof: "number", default: "true"] ] /* generic driver stuff - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /* installed Doesn't do much other than call initialize(). */ def installed() { if (descTextEnable) "${state.InternalName ?: device} is Installed" state.driverInstalled = true initialize() } /* initialize called by a reboot and by methods internal to this driver: updated() and installed() */ def initialize() { unschedule() migrateTo() // an effort to migrate from pre v1.4.0 to v1.4.0 schedule("11 20 0/8 ? * * *", pollSunRiseSet) schedule("0 0 8 ? * FRI *", updateCheck) schedule("11 0/${luxEvery} * * * ?", updateLux) state.tz_id = TimeZone.getDefault().getID() if (state?.sunRiseSet?.init == null) state.sunRiseSet = [init:false] if (state?.apixu?.init == null) state.apixu = [init:false] if (state?.forecastPrecip?.init == null) { state.forecastPrecip = [ precipDayMinus2: [inch: 999.9, mm: 999.9], precipDayMinus1: [inch: 999.9, mm: 999.9], precipDay0: [inch: 999.9, mm: 999.9], precipDayPlus1: [inch: 999.9, mm: 999.9], precipDayPlus2: [inch: 999.9, mm: 999.9], init: true ] } log.trace "${state.InternalName ?: device} was initialized" runIn(4, updateLux) // give sunrise/set time to complete. runIn(20, updateCheck) // verify version once } private migrateTo() { if (state?.sunRiseSet?.init) { pollSunRiseSet() // state.remove("sunRiseSet") // converted to 'data' storage, no longer need 'state' storage. state.remove("lowLuxRepeat") // using schedule(), no longer need 'state' storage. } } // Check Version ***** with great thanks and acknowledgment to Cobra (CobraVmax) for his original code **** def updateCheck() { def paramsUD = [uri: ""] asynchttpGet("updateCheckHandler", paramsUD) } def updateCheckHandler(resp, data) { state.InternalName = "wx-ApiXU-Driver" if (resp.getStatus() == 200 || resp.getStatus() == 207) { respUD = parseJson( //log.warn " Version Checking - Response Data: $respUD" // Troubleshooting Debug Code - Uncommenting this line should show the JSON response from your webserver state.Copyright = "${thisCopyright}" // uses reformattted 'version2.json' def newVerRaw = (respUD.driver.(state.InternalName).ver) def newVer = (respUD.driver.(state.InternalName).ver.replaceAll("[.vV]", "")) def currentVer = version().replaceAll("[.vV]", "") state.UpdateInfo = (respUD.driver.(state.InternalName).updated) def author = ( // log.debug "updateCheck: $newVerRaw, $state.UpdateInfo, $author" switch(newVer) { case { it == "NLS"}: state.Status = "** This Driver is no longer supported by ${} **" log.warn "** This Driver is no longer supported by ${} **" break case { it > currentVer}: state.Status = "New Version Available (Version: ${respUD.driver.(state.InternalName).ver})" log.warn "** There is a newer version of this Driver available (Version: ${respUD.driver.(state.InternalName).ver}) **" log.warn "** $state.UpdateInfo **" break case { it < currentVer}: state.Status = "You are using a Test version of this Driver (Expecting: ${respUD.driver.(state.InternalName).ver})" break default: state.Status = "Current" if (descTextEnable) "You are using the current version of this driver" break } sendEvent(name: "chkUpdate", value: state.UpdateInfo) sendEvent(name: "chkStatus", value: state.Status) } else { log.warn "Something went wrong: CHECK THE JSON FILE AND IT'S URI" } } def getThisCopyright(){"© 2019 C Steele "} //********************************************************************************************************************** /* * record of Bangali's version history prior to the Clone: * * Version: 5.1.4 * added precipication forecast data from day - 2 to day + 2 * removed selector for duplicate sunrise/sunset (localSunrise == local_sunrise) * * Version: 5.1.3 * alternating description for settingEnabled input * * Version: 5.1.2 * merged codahq's child device code -- with switch. * * Version: 5.1.1 * merged Bangali's v5.0.2 - 5.0.5 * * Version: 5.1.0 * 4/20/2019: extend attributesMap to contain keyname, title, descr and default * add debug logging and auto disable * add settings visibility and auto disable * ** Version: 5.0.5 * 5/4/2019: fixed typos for feelsLike* and added condition code for day plus 1 forecasted data. * * Version: 5.0.2 * 4/20/2019: allow selection for publishing feelsLike and wind attributes * * Version: 5.0.1 * 3/24/2019: revert typo * * Version: 5.0.0 * 3/10/2019: allow selection of which attributes to publish * 3/10/2019: restore localSunrise and localSunset attributes * 3/10/2019: added option for lux polling interval * 3/10/2019: added expanded weather polling interval * * Version: 4.3.1 * 1/20/2019: change icon size for mytile attribute * * Version: 4.3.0 * 12/30/2018: removed isStateChange:true based on testing done by @nh.schottfam on hubitat format * * Version: 4.2.0 * 12/30/2018: deprecated localSunrise and localSunset attributes instead use local_sunrise and local_sunset respectively * * Version: 4.1.0 * 12/29/2018: merged mytile code * * Version: 4.0.3 * 12/09/2018: added wind speed in MPS (meters per second) * * Version: 4.0.2 * 10/28/2018: continue publishing lux even if apixu api call fails. * * Version: 4.0.1 * 10/14/2018: removed logging of weather data. * * Version: 4.0.0 * 8/16/2018: added optional weather undergroud mappings. * 8/16/2018: added forecast icon, high and low temperature for next day. * * Version: 3.5.0 * 8/10/2018: added temperature, pressure and humidity capabilities. * * Version: 3.0.0 * 7/25/2018: added code contribution from for new cooler weather icons with icons courtesy * of * * Version: 2.5.0 * 5/23/2018: update condition_icon to contain image for use on dashboard and moved icon url to condition_icon_url. * * Version: 2.0.0 * 5/29/2018: updated lux calculation with factor from condition code. * * Version: 1.0.0 * 5/27/2018: initial release. * */