/*: * @target MZ * @plugindesc Live Map Editor - v1.12.01 * * <pluginName:CycloneMapEditor> * @author Hudell * @url https://makerdevs.com/plugin/cyclone-map-editor * * @help * =========================================================================== * 88 * 88 * 88 * ,adPPYba, 8b d8 ,adPPYba, 88 ,adPPYba, 8b,dPPYba, ,adPPYba, * a8" "" `8b d8' a8" "" 88 a8" "8a 88P' `"8a a8P_____88 * 8b `8b d8' 8b 88 8b d8 88 88 8PP""""""" * "8a, ,aa `8b,d8' "8a, ,aa 88 "8a, ,a8" 88 88 "8b, ,aa * `"Ybbd8"' Y88' `"Ybbd8"' 88 `"YbbdP"' 88 88 `"Ybbd8"' * d8' * d8' * Live Map Editor by Hudell * =========================================================================== * Terms of Use * =========================================================================== * 1. For support, feature requests or bug reports, you may contact me through * any of the following channels (in order of preference): * * 1.a. Opening an issue on the plugin's GitHub repository: * https://github.com/Hudell/cyclone-engine * 1.b. Tagging me on threads on Rpg Maker related Forums, such as: * rpgmakerweb.com (English) * centrorpg.com (Portuguese) * condadobraveheart.com (Portuguese) * 1.c. Opening threads on the plugin's itch.io page * 1.d. Tagging my user on Rpg Maker related sub-reddits, such as r/rpgmaker * * 2. Do not send me Direct Messages asking for support or bug reports. * You may only send me direct messages when none of the above platforms are * appropiate for it, or when you want to share pictures of cute dogs. * * 3. A special exception is created for patreon users who get access to my * priority support discord server. * * 4. Sending plugin related questions on channels related to any of my other * projects (such as my game's Discord server) may result in an immediate ban * from such platforms and I may also choose to ignore your future requests. * * 5. This plugin is released under the Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0). * * 6. You can send me your own changes to this plugin if you wish to see them * included in an update, by registering a Pull Request on the plugin's GitHub * repository. * * 7. This plugin is provided as is. While I'll often read feedback and offer * updates to my plugins, I am in no obligation to do so. * * 8. I'm not responsible for anything created with this plugin. * =========================================================================== * Did you know? * Early map makers used to include fake towns on their maps to identify * copies of their work. * =========================================================================== * Change Log * =========================================================================== * 2021-01-27 - Version 1.12.00 * * Added option to generate 48x48 tilesets when using other sizes. * 2020-11-05 - Version 1.11.00 * * General bug fixes * 2020-10-10 - Version 1.10.00 * * Added tileset tabs * * Moved layer list to left side of the screen * * General bug fixes * * 2020-10-09 - Version 1.09.00 * * General bug fixes * * Added support to Cyclone Magic v1.1 * * 2020-10-07 - Version 1.08.00 * * Added support to Cyclone Extra Tilesets v1.1 * * 2020-09-22 - Version 1.07.00 * * Several quality-of-life updates * * Added support to Cyclone Magic * * Added support to Cyclone Extra Tilesets * * 2020-09-15 - Version 1.06.00 * * New option to view tile properties such as tags, passability, bush, * ladder and so on. * * 2020-09-14 - Version 1.05.01 * * Fixed small delay on integration between movement and map editor. * * 2020-09-14 - Version 1.05.00 * * Added new collision options; * * Changed data compression algorithm; * * 2020-09-10 - Version 1.04.00 * * Added option to customize the collision in blocks of 1/4 of a tile. * * Added options to export the collision map to an image * * Changed the editor to force a larger screen when the game uses a small * resolution. * * Added option to toggle event visibility. * * 2020-08-30 - Version 1.03.00 * * Added options to export the map as images * * 2020-08-29 - Version 1.02.00 * * Created a version of this plugin for Rpg Maker MV * * Changed the way shadows are displayed on the tile list * * Copying an area while holding shift will now skip invisible layers. * * 2020-08-29 - Version 1.01.00 * * Web browser support * * Eraser will now only erase one layer at a time on the auto layer * * Keep changed data in memory even if you leave the map. * * * 2020-08-28 - Version 1.00.00 * =========================================================================== * * @param regionIcons * @text Region Icons * @type struct<RegionIcon>[] * @desc Configure certain regions to display an icon instead of the number * * @param Status Bar * * @param showMapId * @text Show Map Id * @parent Status Bar * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Should the Map Id be visible in the status bar? * * @param showTilesetId * @text Show Tileset Id * @parent Status Bar * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Should the Tileset Id be visible in the status bar? * * @param showPosition * @text Show Position * @parent Status Bar * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Should the X and Y position in the status bar? * * @param showCellTiles * @text Show Cell Tiles * @parent Status Bar * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Should the id of the current position tiles be displayed in the status bar? * * @param showRegionId * @text Show Region Id * @parent Status Bar * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Should the region id of the current position be displayed in the status bar? * * @param showTag * @text Show Terrain Tag * @parent Status Bar * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Should the terrain tag of the current position be displayed in the status bar? * * @param showCollision * @text Show Collision * @parent Status Bar * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Should the collision of the current position be displayed in the status bar? * * @param showLadder * @text Show Ladder * @parent Status Bar * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Should status bar indicate if the current position is a ladder? * * @param showBush * @text Show Bush * @parent Status Bar * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Should the status bar indicate if the current position is a bush? * * @param showCounter * @text Show Counter * @parent Status Bar * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Should the status bar indicate if the current position is a counter? * * @param showDamageFloor * @text Show Damage Floor * @parent Status Bar * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Should the status bar indicate if the current position is a damage floor tile? * * @param collisionStepCount * @text Default Collision Blocks * @type select * @default 1 * @desc How many collision blocks per tile should the editor show? * @option 4 * @option 2 * @option 1 * **/ /*~struct~RegionIcon: * @param regionId * @text Region Id * @type number * @desc The regionId to display an icon on * * @param icon * @text Icon * @type string * @desc Right click to select icon index */ (function () { 'use strict'; globalThis.CyclonePatcher=class{static initialize(t){this.pluginName=t,this.superClasses=new Map;}static _descriptorIsProperty(t){return t.get||t.set||!t.value||"function"!=typeof t.value}static _getAllClassDescriptors(t,e=!1){if(t===Object)return {};const r=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(e?t.prototype:t);let s={};if(t.prototype){const r=Object.getPrototypeOf(t.prototype).constructor;r!==Object&&(s=this._getAllClassDescriptors(r,e));}return Object.assign({},s,r)}static _assignDescriptor(t,e,r,s,a=!1){if(this._descriptorIsProperty(r))r.get||r.set?Object.defineProperty(t,s,{get:r.get,set:r.set,enumerable:r.enumerable,configurable:r.configurable}):Object.defineProperty(t,s,{value:r.value,enumerable:r.enumerable,configurable:r.configurable});else {let r=s;if(a)for(;r in t;)r=`_${r}`;t[r]=e[s];}}static _applyPatch(t,e,r,s,a=!1){const n=this._getAllClassDescriptors(t,a),i=a?t.prototype:t,o=a?e.prototype:e,l=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o);let u=!1;for(const t in l){if(s.includes(t))continue;if(t in n){u=!0;const e=n[t];this._assignDescriptor(r,i,e,t,!0);}const e=l[t];this._assignDescriptor(i,o,e,t);}return u}static patchClass(t,e){const r=this.superClasses&&this.superClasses[t.name]||{},s={},a={},n=e(a,s);if("function"!=typeof n)throw new Error(`Invalid class patch for ${t.name}`);const i=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(class{}),o=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(class{}.prototype),l=this._applyPatch(t,n,r,i),u=this._applyPatch(t,n,s,o,!0);if(l){const t=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(r);for(const e in t)this._assignDescriptor(a,r,t[e],e);u&&(a.$prototype=s);}else Object.assign(a,s);this.superClasses&&(this.superClasses[t.name]=a);}};const t=Object.freeze(["TRUE","ON","1","YES","T","V"]);class e extends CyclonePatcher{static initialize(t){super.initialize(t),this.fileName=void 0,this.params={},this.structs=new Map,this.eventListeners=new Map,this.structs.set("Dictionary",{name:{type:"string",defaultValue:""},value:{type:"string",defaultValue:""}});}static register(t={}){const e=this.loadAllParams();this.params=this.loadParamMap(t,e);}static loadAllParams(){for(const t of globalThis.$plugins){if(!t||!t.status)continue;if(!t.description||!t.description.includes(`<pluginName:${this.pluginName}`))continue;this.fileName=t.name;const e=new Map;for(const r in t.parameters)r&&!r.startsWith("-")&&e.set(r,t.parameters[r]);return e}}static loadParamMap(t,e){const r={};for(const s in t)if(t.hasOwnProperty(s))try{r[s]=this.parseParam(s,t,e);}catch(t){console.error(`CycloneEngine crashed while trying to parse a parameter value (${s}). Please report the following error to Hudell:`),console.log(t);}return r}static registerEvent(t,e){this.eventListeners.has(t)||this.eventListeners.set(t,new Set);this.eventListeners.get(t).add(e);}static removeEventListener(t,e){if(!this.eventListeners.has(t))return;this.eventListeners.get(t).delete(e);}static shouldReturnCallbackResult(t,{abortOnTrue:e,abortOnFalse:r,returnOnValue:s}){return !(!1!==t||!r)||(!(!0!==t||!e)||!(void 0===t||!s))}static runEvent(t,{abortOnTrue:e=!1,abortOnFalse:r=!1,returnOnValue:s=!1}={},...a){if(!this.eventListeners.has(t))return;const n=this.eventListeners.get(t);for(const t of n){if("number"==typeof t){this.runCommonEvent(t);continue}if("function"!=typeof t){console.error("CycloneEngine: Invalid callback type:"),console.log(t);continue}const n=t(...a);if(this.shouldReturnCallbackResult(n,{abortOnTrue:e,abortOnFalse:r,returnOnValue:s}))return n}}static runCommonEvent(t){const e=globalThis.$dataCommonEvents[t];if(!e)return;const r=new Game_Interpreter(1);if(r.setup(e.list,0),!this._interpreters){this._interpreters=new Set;const t=SceneManager.updateMain;SceneManager.updateMain=()=>{t.call(SceneManager),this.update();};}this._interpreters.add(r);}static update(){if(this._interpreters)for(const t of this._interpreters)t.update(),t.isRunning()||this._interpreters.delete(t);}static getPluginFileName(){return this.fileName??this.pluginName}static isTrue(e){return "string"!=typeof e?Boolean(e):t.includes(e.toUpperCase())}static isFalse(t){return !this.isTrue(t)}static getIntParam({value:t,defaultValue:e}){try{const r=parseInt(t);return isNaN(r)?e:r}catch(r){return ""!==t&&console.error(`Cyclone Engine plugin ${this.pluginName}: Param is expected to be an integer number, but the received value was '${t}'.`),e}}static getFloatParam({value:t,defaultValue:e}){try{const r=parseFloat(t.replace(",","."));return isNaN(r)?e:r}catch(r){return ""!==t&&console.error(`Cyclone Engine plugin ${this.pluginName}: Param is expected to be a number, but the received value was '${t}'.`),e}}static getIntListParam({value:t}){return this.parseArray((t??"").trim(),(t=>{try{return parseInt(t.trim())}catch(e){return ""!==t&&console.error(`Cyclone Engine plugin ${this.pluginName}: Param is expected to be a list of integer numbers, but one of the items was '${t}'.`),0}}))}static parseStructArrayParam({data:t,type:e}){const r=[];for(const s of t){const t=this.parseStructParam({value:s,defaultValue:"",type:e});t&&r.push(t);}return r}static getFloatListParam({value:t}){return this.parseArray((t||"").trim(),(t=>{try{return parseFloat(t.trim())}catch(e){return ""!==t&&console.error(`Cyclone Engine plugin ${this.pluginName}: Param ${name} is expected to be a list of numbers, but one of the items was '${t}'.`),0}}))}static getParam({key:t,value:e,defaultValue:r,type:s}){try{if(s.endsWith("[]"))return this.parseArrayParam({key:t,value:e,type:s});if(s.startsWith("struct<"))return this.parseStructParam({key:t,value:e,defaultValue:r,type:s});if(void 0===e)return r;switch(s){case"int":return this.getIntParam({value:e,defaultValue:r});case"float":return this.getFloatParam({value:e,defaultValue:r});case"boolean":return "boolean"==typeof e?e:this.isTrue(String(e).trim());default:return e}}catch(e){throw t&&console.error(t),e}}static getPluginParam(t){return this.params.get(t)}static defaultValueForType(t){switch(t){case"int":case"float":return 0;case"boolean":return !1}return ""}static parseParam(t,e,r){let s=e[t];s&&"string"==typeof s&&(s={type:s,defaultValue:this.defaultValueForType(s)});const{name:a=t,type:n="string",defaultValue:i=""}=s;let o;if(r)o=r.get(a)??i;else {o=(this.getPluginParam(a)||{}).value??i;}return this.getParam({key:t,value:o,defaultValue:i,type:n})}static parseArrayParam({value:t,type:e}){const r=this.parseArray(t);if(!r||!r.length)return r;const s=e.substr(0,e.length-2),a=[];for(const t of r){const e=this.defaultValueForType(s);a.push(this.getParam({value:t,type:s,defaultValue:e}));}return a}static getRegexMatch(t,e,r){const s=t.match(e);if(s)return s[r]}static parseStructData(t,e){for(const r in t){if(!t.hasOwnProperty(r))continue;let s=t[r];"string"==typeof s&&(s={type:s,defaultValue:this.defaultValueForType(s)}),e[r]=this.getParam({key:r,value:e[r],defaultValue:s.defaultValue,type:s.type});}return e}static parseStructParam({key:t,value:e,defaultValue:r,type:s}){let a;if(e)try{a=JSON.parse(e);}catch(r){console.error("Cyclone Engine failed to parse param structure: ",t,e),console.error(r);}if(!a)try{a=JSON.parse(r);}catch(e){throw console.error("Cyclone Engine failed to parse default value: ",t,r),e}const n=this.getRegexMatch(s,/struct<(.*)>/i,1);if(!n)return console.error(`Unknown plugin param type: ${s} (${t||""})`),a;const i=this.structs.get(n);return i?this.parseStructData(i,a):(console.error(`Unknown param structure type: ${n} (${t||""})`),a)}static parseList(t,e,r=","){let s=t;s.startsWith("[")&&(s=s.substr(1)),s.endsWith("]")&&(s=s.substr(0,s.length-1));const a=s.split(r||",");return e?a.map((t=>e(t))):a}static parseArray(t,e){let r;try{r=JSON.parse(t);}catch(t){return []}return r&&r.length?e?r.map((t=>e(t))):r:[]}static registerCommand(t,e,r,s=[]){return "function"==typeof e?PluginManager.registerCommand(this.getPluginFileName(),t,e):PluginManager.registerCommand(this.getPluginFileName(),t,(t=>{const s=new Map;for(const e in t)t.hasOwnProperty(e)&&s.set(e,t[e]);const a=this.loadParamMap(e,s);return Object.assign(t,a),r(t)}))}}globalThis.CyclonePlugin=e; const Layers = { shadows: 4, regions: 5, events: 6, auto: 7, collisions: 8, tags: 9, blend: 10, }; const Tools = { eraser: 'eraser', pencil: 'pencil', rectangle: 'rectangle', fill: 'fill', passage: 'passage', passage4: 'passage4', ladder: 'ladder', bush: 'bush', counter: 'counter', damage: 'damage', terrain: 'terrain', }; const tilePropTools = [ Tools.passage, Tools.passage4, Tools.ladder, Tools.bush, Tools.counter, Tools.damage, Tools.terrain, ]; const TilePassageType = { free: 0, blocked: 1, star: 2, }; class MapshotTileMap extends Bitmap { constructor() { const tileWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); const tileHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); const width = $gameMap.width() * tileWidth; const height = $gameMap.height() * tileHeight; super(width, height); this.flags = $gameMap.tileset().flags; } drawSingleLayer(layerIndex) { const width = $gameMap.width(); const height = $gameMap.height(); for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) { this.drawLayerSpot(x, y, layerIndex); } } } drawLayerSpot(x, y, z, filterFn = undefined) { const index = CycloneMapEditor.tileIndex(x, y, z); const tileId = $dataMap.data[index] ?? 0; if (filterFn && !filterFn(tileId)) { return; } const drawX = x * $gameMap.tileWidth(); const drawY = y * $gameMap.tileHeight(); this.drawTile(tileId, drawX, drawY); } isHigherTile(tileId) { return this.flags[tileId] & 0x10; } drawLowerTiles() { const width = $gameMap.width(); const height = $gameMap.height(); const filterFn = (tileId) => !this.isHigherTile(tileId); for (let z = 0; z <= 3; z++) { for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) { this.drawLayerSpot(x, y, z, filterFn); } } } } drawUpperTiles() { const width = $gameMap.width(); const height = $gameMap.height(); const filterFn = (tileId) => this.isHigherTile(tileId); for (let z = 0; z <= 3; z++) { for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) { this.drawLayerSpot(x, y, z, filterFn); } } } } drawEvents(priority = undefined) { const events = SceneManager._scene._spriteset._tilemap.children.filter(child => child instanceof Sprite_Character); for (const sprite of events) { if (sprite._character !== null) { if (sprite._character instanceof Game_Player || sprite._character instanceof Game_Follower || sprite._character instanceof Game_Vehicle) { continue; } } sprite.update(); if (sprite._characterName === '' && sprite._tileId === 0) { continue; } if (priority !== undefined && sprite._character._priorityType !== priority) { continue; } const x = sprite.x - sprite._frame.width / 2 + $gameMap._displayX * $gameMap.tileWidth(); const y = sprite.y - sprite._frame.height + $gameMap._displayY * $gameMap.tileHeight(); this.blt(sprite.bitmap, sprite._frame.x, sprite._frame.y, sprite._frame.width, sprite._frame.height, x, y, sprite._frame.width, sprite._frame.height); } } drawDefaultCollision() { const width = $gameMap.width(); const height = $gameMap.height(); for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) { const drawWidth = CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth; const drawHeight = CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight; const drawX = x * drawWidth; const drawY = y * drawHeight; const downBlocked = !$gameMap.isPassable(x, y, 2); const upBlocked = !$gameMap.isPassable(x, y, 8); const leftBlocked = !$gameMap.isPassable(x, y, 4); const rightBlocked = !$gameMap.isPassable(x, y, 6); if (downBlocked && upBlocked && leftBlocked && rightBlocked) { this.fillRect(drawX, drawY, drawWidth, drawHeight, '#FF0000'); continue; } const pieceHeight = Math.floor(drawHeight / 4); const pieceWidth = Math.floor(drawWidth / 4); if (downBlocked) { this.fillRect(drawX, drawY + drawHeight - pieceHeight, drawWidth, pieceHeight, '#FF00FF'); } if (upBlocked) { this.fillRect(drawX, drawY, drawWidth, pieceHeight, '#FF00FF'); } if (leftBlocked) { this.fillRect(drawX, drawY, pieceWidth, drawHeight, '#FF00FF'); } if (rightBlocked) { this.fillRect(drawX + drawWidth - pieceWidth, drawY, pieceWidth, drawHeight, '#FF00FF'); } } } } drawCustomCollision() { const customCollisionTable = CycloneMapEditor.customCollisionTable; const height = $gameMap.height(); const width = $gameMap.width(); const tileWidth = CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth; const tileHeight = CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight; const drawWidth = tileWidth / 4; const drawHeight = tileHeight / 4; const colors = ['#00FF00', '#FF0000']; const collisionHeight = height * 4; const collisionWidth = width * 4; for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (let cellX = 0; cellX < 4; cellX++) { for (let cellY = 0; cellY < 4; cellY++) { const intX = Math.floor(x * 4) + cellX; const intY = Math.floor(y * 4) + cellY; const index = (intY % collisionHeight) * collisionWidth + (intX % collisionWidth); // eslint-disable-next-line max-depth if (customCollisionTable[index]) { const drawX = intX * drawWidth; const drawY = intY * drawHeight; this.clearRect(drawX, drawY, drawWidth, drawHeight); const colorIndex = customCollisionTable[index] - 1; const color = colors[colorIndex % colors.length]; this.fillRect(drawX, drawY, drawWidth, drawHeight, color); } } } } } } } var LZString=function(){function o(o,r){if(!t[o]){t[o]={};for(var n=0;n<o.length;n++)t[o][o.charAt(n)]=n;}return t[o][r]}var r=String.fromCharCode,n="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",e="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-$",t={},i={compressToBase64:function(o){if(null==o)return "";var r=i._compress(o,6,function(o){return n.charAt(o)});switch(r.length%4){default:case 0:return r;case 1:return r+"===";case 2:return r+"==";case 3:return r+"="}},decompressFromBase64:function(r){return null==r?"":""==r?null:i._decompress(r.length,32,function(e){return o(n,r.charAt(e))})},compressToUTF16:function(o){return null==o?"":i._compress(o,15,function(o){return r(o+32)})+" "},decompressFromUTF16:function(o){return null==o?"":""==o?null:i._decompress(o.length,16384,function(r){return o.charCodeAt(r)-32})},compressToUint8Array:function(o){for(var r=i.compress(o),n=new Uint8Array(2*r.length),e=0,t=r.length;t>e;e++){var s=r.charCodeAt(e);n[2*e]=s>>>8,n[2*e+1]=s%256;}return n},decompressFromUint8Array:function(o){if(null===o||void 0===o)return i.decompress(o);for(var n=new Array(o.length/2),e=0,t=n.length;t>e;e++)n[e]=256*o[2*e]+o[2*e+1];var s=[];return n.forEach(function(o){s.push(r(o));}),i.decompress(s.join(""))},compressToEncodedURIComponent:function(o){return null==o?"":i._compress(o,6,function(o){return e.charAt(o)})},decompressFromEncodedURIComponent:function(r){return null==r?"":""==r?null:(r=r.replace(/ /g,"+"),i._decompress(r.length,32,function(n){return o(e,r.charAt(n))}))},compress:function(o){return i._compress(o,16,function(o){return r(o)})},_compress:function(o,r,n){if(null==o)return "";var e,t,i,s={},p={},u="",c="",a="",l=2,f=3,h=2,d=[],m=0,v=0;for(i=0;i<o.length;i+=1)if(u=o.charAt(i),Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,u)||(s[u]=f++,p[u]=!0),c=a+u,Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,c))a=c;else {if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(p,a)){if(a.charCodeAt(0)<256){for(e=0;h>e;e++)m<<=1,v==r-1?(v=0,d.push(n(m)),m=0):v++;for(t=a.charCodeAt(0),e=0;8>e;e++)m=m<<1|1&t,v==r-1?(v=0,d.push(n(m)),m=0):v++,t>>=1;}else {for(t=1,e=0;h>e;e++)m=m<<1|t,v==r-1?(v=0,d.push(n(m)),m=0):v++,t=0;for(t=a.charCodeAt(0),e=0;16>e;e++)m=m<<1|1&t,v==r-1?(v=0,d.push(n(m)),m=0):v++,t>>=1;}l--,0==l&&(l=Math.pow(2,h),h++),delete p[a];}else for(t=s[a],e=0;h>e;e++)m=m<<1|1&t,v==r-1?(v=0,d.push(n(m)),m=0):v++,t>>=1;l--,0==l&&(l=Math.pow(2,h),h++),s[c]=f++,a=String(u);}if(""!==a){if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(p,a)){if(a.charCodeAt(0)<256){for(e=0;h>e;e++)m<<=1,v==r-1?(v=0,d.push(n(m)),m=0):v++;for(t=a.charCodeAt(0),e=0;8>e;e++)m=m<<1|1&t,v==r-1?(v=0,d.push(n(m)),m=0):v++,t>>=1;}else {for(t=1,e=0;h>e;e++)m=m<<1|t,v==r-1?(v=0,d.push(n(m)),m=0):v++,t=0;for(t=a.charCodeAt(0),e=0;16>e;e++)m=m<<1|1&t,v==r-1?(v=0,d.push(n(m)),m=0):v++,t>>=1;}l--,0==l&&(l=Math.pow(2,h),h++),delete p[a];}else for(t=s[a],e=0;h>e;e++)m=m<<1|1&t,v==r-1?(v=0,d.push(n(m)),m=0):v++,t>>=1;l--,0==l&&(l=Math.pow(2,h),h++);}for(t=2,e=0;h>e;e++)m=m<<1|1&t,v==r-1?(v=0,d.push(n(m)),m=0):v++,t>>=1;for(;;){if(m<<=1,v==r-1){d.push(n(m));break}v++;}return d.join("")},decompress:function(o){return null==o?"":""==o?null:i._decompress(o.length,32768,function(r){return o.charCodeAt(r)})},_decompress:function(o,n,e){var i,s,p,u,c,a,l,f=[],h=4,d=4,m=3,v="",w=[],A={val:e(0),position:n,index:1};for(i=0;3>i;i+=1)f[i]=i;for(p=0,c=Math.pow(2,2),a=1;a!=c;)u=A.val&A.position,A.position>>=1,0==A.position&&(A.position=n,A.val=e(A.index++)),p|=(u>0?1:0)*a,a<<=1;switch(p){case 0:for(p=0,c=Math.pow(2,8),a=1;a!=c;)u=A.val&A.position,A.position>>=1,0==A.position&&(A.position=n,A.val=e(A.index++)),p|=(u>0?1:0)*a,a<<=1;l=r(p);break;case 1:for(p=0,c=Math.pow(2,16),a=1;a!=c;)u=A.val&A.position,A.position>>=1,0==A.position&&(A.position=n,A.val=e(A.index++)),p|=(u>0?1:0)*a,a<<=1;l=r(p);break;case 2:return ""}for(f[3]=l,s=l,w.push(l);;){if(A.index>o)return "";for(p=0,c=Math.pow(2,m),a=1;a!=c;)u=A.val&A.position,A.position>>=1,0==A.position&&(A.position=n,A.val=e(A.index++)),p|=(u>0?1:0)*a,a<<=1;switch(l=p){case 0:for(p=0,c=Math.pow(2,8),a=1;a!=c;)u=A.val&A.position,A.position>>=1,0==A.position&&(A.position=n,A.val=e(A.index++)),p|=(u>0?1:0)*a,a<<=1;f[d++]=r(p),l=d-1,h--;break;case 1:for(p=0,c=Math.pow(2,16),a=1;a!=c;)u=A.val&A.position,A.position>>=1,0==A.position&&(A.position=n,A.val=e(A.index++)),p|=(u>0?1:0)*a,a<<=1;f[d++]=r(p),l=d-1,h--;break;case 2:return w.join("")}if(0==h&&(h=Math.pow(2,m),m++),f[l])v=f[l];else {if(l!==d)return null;v=s+s.charAt(0);}w.push(v),f[d++]=s+v.charAt(0),h--,s=v,0==h&&(h=Math.pow(2,m),m++);}}};return i}();"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return LZString}):"undefined"!=typeof module&&null!=module&&(module.exports=LZString); function throttle(fn, delay) { let timeout; let latestArgs; let needsCalling = false; const call = () => { timeout = setTimeout(() => { if (needsCalling) { call(); } else { timeout = false; } needsCalling = false; }, delay); fn.call(this, ...latestArgs); }; const debounced = function(...args) { latestArgs = args; if (timeout) { needsCalling = true; return; } call(); }; return debounced; } function debounce(fn, delay) { let clearTimer; return function(...args) { const context = this; clearTimeout(clearTimer); clearTimer = setTimeout(() => fn.call(context, ...args), delay); }; } class DirectionHelper { static goesLeft(d) { return d && d % 3 === 1; } static goesRight(d) { return d && d % 3 === 0; } static goesUp(d) { return d >= 7 && d <= 9; } static goesDown(d) { return d >= 1 && d <= 3; } static isDiagonal(d) { return this.isVertical(d) && this.isHorizontal(d); } static isVertical(d) { return this.goesDown(d) || this.goesUp(d); } static isHorizontal(d) { return this.goesLeft(d) || this.goesRight(d); } static shareADirection(dir1, dir2) { if (this.goesDown(dir1) && this.goesDown(dir2)) { return true; } if (this.goesLeft(dir1) && this.goesLeft(dir2)) { return true; } if (this.goesRight(dir1) && this.goesRight(dir2)) { return true; } if (this.goesUp(dir1) && this.goesUp(dir2)) { return true; } return false; } static getFirstDirection(diagonalDirection) { if (!diagonalDirection) { return diagonalDirection; } if (diagonalDirection > 6) { return 8; } if (diagonalDirection < 4) { return 2; } return diagonalDirection; } static getAlternativeDirection(direction, diagonalDirection) { if (direction === diagonalDirection) { return direction; } switch (diagonalDirection) { case 7: return direction == 8 ? 4 : 8; case 9: return direction == 8 ? 6 : 8; case 1: return direction == 2 ? 4 : 2; case 3: return direction == 2 ? 6 : 2; } return direction; } } function logImage(canvas, text) { const url = canvas.toDataURL(); const scale = 1; const img = new Image(); function getBox(width, height) { return { string: '+', style: `font-size: 1px; padding: ${ Math.floor(height / 2) }px ${ Math.floor(width / 2) }px; line-height: ${ height }px;`, }; } img.onload = function() { const dim = getBox(this.width * scale, this.height * scale); if (text) { console.log(text); } console.log(`%c${ dim.string }`, `${ dim.style }background: url('${ url }'); background-size: ${ this.width * scale }px ${ this.height * scale }px; color: transparent;`); }; img.src = url; } function getTilesetIndex(tileId) { if (tileId >= (Tilemap.TILE_ID_A5 + 256) && tileId < Tilemap.TILE_ID_A1) { return 11; } if (Tilemap.isTileA1(tileId)) { return 0; } if (Tilemap.isTileA2(tileId)) { return 1; } if (Tilemap.isTileA3(tileId)) { return 2; } if (Tilemap.isTileA4(tileId)) { return 3; } if (Tilemap.isTileA5(tileId)) { return 4; } return 5 + Math.floor(tileId / 256); } const layerVisibility = [true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false, false, false, false]; let editorActive = true; let windowWidth = 216; const mapCaches = {}; let customCollisionTable = {}; let tileBlendingTable = {}; let currentLayer = 7; let currentTab = 'A'; let currentTileId = undefined; let tileCols = 1; let tileRows = 1; let selectedTileList = []; let multiLayerSelection = []; let tileWidth = 48; let tileHeight = 48; let currentTool = 'pencil'; let lastDrawingTool = 'pencil'; let wasPressing = false; let isRightButtonDown = false; let wasRightButtonDown = false; let rectangleStartMouseX = 0; let rectangleStartMouseY = 0; let rectangleStartX = 0; let rectangleStartY = 0; let rectangleWidth = 0; let rectangleHeight = 0; let rectangleBackWidth = 0; let rectangleBackHeight = 0; const tabs = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']; let changeHistory = []; let undoHistory = []; let currentChange = false; let previewChanges = {}; let messySelection = false; let showGrid = true; let statusTileId = 0; let statusMapX = 0; let statusMapY = 0; let statusTile1 = 0; let statusTile2 = 0; let statusTile3 = 0; let statusTile4 = 0; let statusRegion = 0; let statusTag = 0; let statusCollision = 0; let statusBush = false; let statusCounter = false; let statusDamage = false; let statusLadder = false; let currentZoom = 1; let puzzleMode = false; let circleData = false; let smallCircleData = false; const _ = ''; const o = true; const x = false; const autoTileShapeTable = [ // o means there's a compatible tile on that position, // x means there is no compatible tile on that position // _ means that position doesn't matter [o, o, o, o, o, o, o, o], // 0 [x, o, o, o, o, o, o, o], // 1 [o, o, x, o, o, o, o, o], // 2 [x, o, x, o, o, o, o, o], // 3 [o, o, o, o, o, o, o, x], // 4 [x, o, o, o, o, o, o, x], // 5 [o, o, x, o, o, o, o, x], // 6 [x, o, x, o, o, o, o, x], // 7 [o, o, o, o, o, x, o, o], // 8 [x, o, o, o, o, x, o, o], // 9 [o, o, x, o, o, x, o, o], //10 [x, o, x, o, o, x, o, o], //11 [o, o, o, o, o, x, o, x], //12 [x, o, o, o, o, x, o, x], //13 [o, o, x, o, o, x, o, x], //14 [x, o, x, o, o, x, o, x], //15 [_, o, o, x, o, _, o, o], //16 [_, o, x, x, o, _, o, o], //17 [_, o, o, x, o, _, o, x], //18 [_, o, x, x, o, _, o, x], //19 [_, x, _, o, o, o, o, o], //20 [_, x, _, o, o, o, o, x], //21 [_, x, _, o, o, x, o, o], //22 [_, x, _, o, o, x, o, x], //23 [o, o, _, o, x, o, o, _], //24 [o, o, _, o, x, x, o, _], //25 [x, o, _, o, x, o, o, _], //26 [x, o, _, o, x, x, o, _], //27 [o, o, o, o, o, _, x, _], //28 [x, o, o, o, o, _, x, _], //29 [o, o, x, o, o, _, x, _], //30 [x, o, x, o, o, _, x, _], //31 [_, o, _, x, x, _, o, _], //32 [_, x, _, o, o, _, x, _], //33 [_, x, _, x, o, _, o, o], //34 [_, x, _, x, o, _, o, x], //35 [_, x, _, o, x, o, o, _], //36 [_, x, _, o, x, x, o, _], //37 [o, o, _, o, x, _, x, _], //38 [x, o, _, o, x, _, x, _], //39 [_, o, o, x, o, _, x, _], //40 [_, o, x, x, o, _, x, _], //41 [_, x, _, x, x, _, o, _], //42 [_, x, _, x, o, _, x, _], //43 [_, o, _, x, x, _, x, _], //44 [_, x, _, o, x, _, x, _], //45 [_, x, _, x, x, _, x, _] //46 ]; const highLayerAutotiles = [ 1, 2, 3, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, 47, ]; const refreshGrid = throttle(() => { SceneManager._scene._mapEditorGrid.refresh(); }, 50); const refreshTilemap = throttle(() => { SceneManager._scene._spriteset._tilemap.refresh(); }, 200); const refreshCollision = throttle(() => { if (TouchInput.isPressed()) { setTimeout(() => { refreshCollision(); }, 1); return; } if (window.CycloneMovement) { window.CycloneMovement.setupCollision(); } }, 200); const refreshMagic = throttle(() => { if (TouchInput.isPressed()) { setTimeout(() => { refreshMagic(); }, 1); return; } if (window.CycloneMagic) { window.CycloneMagic.loadMagic(); forceBlenderRefresh(true); } }); const forceBlenderRefresh = throttle((...args) => { CycloneMapEditor$1.forceBlenderRefresh(...args); }, 50); const saveExtraData = throttle((refreshCollisionToo = false) => { if (TouchInput.isPressed()) { setTimeout(() => { saveExtraData(refreshCollisionToo); }, 1); return; } CycloneMapEditor$1.saveExtraData(); if (refreshCollisionToo) { refreshCollision(); refreshMagic(); } }, 200); const fullRefresh = debounce(() => { saveExtraData(true); }, 500); class CycloneMapEditor$1 extends CyclonePlugin { static get currentTab() { return currentTab; } static get active() { return editorActive; } static set active(value) { editorActive = value; } static get tileWidth() { return tileWidth; } static set tileWidth(value) { tileWidth = value; } static get tileDrawWidth() { if (Graphics.width < 1280) { if (tileWidth > 32) { return Math.floor(tileWidth / 2); } if (tileWidth <= 16) { return tileWidth * 2; } } else { if (tileWidth < 32) { return tileWidth * 2; } } return tileWidth; } static get tileHeight() { return tileHeight; } static set tileHeight(value) { tileHeight = value; } static get tileDrawHeight() { if (Graphics.width < 1280) { if (tileHeight > 32) { return Math.floor(tileHeight / 2); } if (tileHeight <= 16) { return tileHeight * 2; } } else { if (tileHeight < 32) { return tileHeight * 2; } } return tileHeight; } static get windowWidth() { return windowWidth; } static set windowWidth(value) { windowWidth = value; } static get isRightButtonDown() { return isRightButtonDown; } static set isRightButtonDown(value) { isRightButtonDown = value; } // the size of the rectangle tool when the user stretches it right static get rectangleWidth() { return rectangleWidth; } static set rectangleWidth(value) { rectangleWidth = value; } // The size of the rectangle tool when the user stretches it down static get rectangleHeight() { return rectangleHeight; } static set rectangleHeight(value) { rectangleHeight = value; } // the size of the rectangle tool when the user stretches it left static get rectangleBackWidth() { return rectangleBackWidth; } static set rectangleBackWidth(value) { rectangleBackWidth = value; } // The size of the rectangle tool when the user stretches it up static get rectangleBackHeight() { return rectangleBackHeight; } static set rectangleBackHeight(value) { rectangleBackHeight = value; } // The X tile where the rectangle started static get rectangleStartX() { return rectangleStartX; } static set rectangleStartX(value) { rectangleStartX = value; } // The Y tile where the rectangle started static get rectangleStartY() { return rectangleStartY; } static set rectangleStartY(value) { rectangleStartY = value; } static get tileCols() { return tileCols; } static set tileCols(value) { tileCols = value; } static get tileRows() { return tileRows; } static set tileRows(value) { tileRows = value; } // The Mouse X position where the rectangle started static get rectangleStartMouseX() { return rectangleStartMouseX; } static set rectangleStartMouseX(value) { rectangleStartMouseX = value; } // The Mouse Y position where the rectangle started static get rectangleStartMouseY() { return rectangleStartMouseY; } static set rectangleStartMouseY(value) { rectangleStartMouseY = value; } static get messySelection() { return messySelection; } static set messySelection(value) { messySelection = value; } static get changeHistory() { return changeHistory; } static get undoHistory() { return undoHistory; } static get layerVisibility() { return layerVisibility; } static get wasRightButtonDown() { return wasRightButtonDown; } static set wasRightButtonDown(value) { wasRightButtonDown = value; } static get wasPressing() { return wasPressing; } static set wasPressing(value) { wasPressing = value; } static get currentTool() { return currentTool; } static get currentLayer() { return currentLayer; } static get showGrid() { return showGrid; } static get previewChanges() { return previewChanges; } static get puzzleMode() { return puzzleMode; } static get currentTileId() { return currentTileId; } static set currentTileId(value) { currentTileId = value; } static get selectedTileList() { return selectedTileList; } static set selectedTileList(value) { selectedTileList = value; } static get multiLayerSelection() { return multiLayerSelection; } static set multiLayerSelection(value) { multiLayerSelection = value; } static get statusTileId() { return statusTileId; } static set statusTileId(value) { statusTileId = value; } static get statusMapX() { return statusMapX; } static set statusMapX(value) { statusMapX = value; } static get statusMapY() { return statusMapY; } static set statusMapY(value) { statusMapY = value; } static get statusTile1() { return statusTile1; } static set statusTile1(value) { statusTile1 = value; } static get statusTile2() { return statusTile2; } static set statusTile2(value) { statusTile2 = value; } static get statusTile3() { return statusTile3; } static set statusTile3(value) { statusTile3 = value; } static get statusTile4() { return statusTile4; } static set statusTile4(value) { statusTile4 = value; } static get statusRegion() { return statusRegion; } static get statusTag() { return statusTag; } static get statusCollision() { return statusCollision; } static get statusBush() { return statusBush; } static get statusCounter() { return statusCounter; } static get statusDamage() { return statusDamage; } static get statusLadder() { return statusLadder; } static get customCollisionTable() { return customCollisionTable; } static get tileBlendingTable() { return tileBlendingTable; } static get mapCaches() { return mapCaches; } static get currentZoom() { return currentZoom; } static set currentZoom(value) { currentZoom = value; $gameScreen._zoomScale = value; if (this.isMapEditorScene()) { $gameMap.zoom = new Point(value, value); SceneManager._scene._mapEditorGrid.refresh(); SceneManager._scene._spriteset.updatePosition(); } // if (Utils.isNwjs()) { // this.zoom100Menu.checked = value === 1; // this.zoom150Menu.checked = value === 1.5; // this.zoom200Menu.checked = value === 2; // this.zoom400Menu.checked = value === 4; // } } static get changingTileProps() { return tilePropTools.includes(currentTool); } static register() { super.initialize('CycloneMapEditor'); this.structs.set('CycloneRegionIcon', { regionId: 'int', icon: 'int', }); super.register({ regionIcons: { type: 'struct<CycloneRegionIcon>[]', defaultValue: '[]', }, showMapId: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, }, showTilesetId: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, }, showPosition: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, }, showCellTiles: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, }, showRegionId: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, }, showTag: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, }, showCollision: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, }, showLadder: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, }, showBush: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, }, showCounter: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, }, showDamageFloor: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: true, }, collisionStepCount: { type: 'int', defaultValue: 1, } }); document.addEventListener('keydown', (...args) => { this.onKeyDown(...args); }); document.addEventListener('keypress', (...args) => { this.onKeyPress(...args); }); document.addEventListener('keyup', (...args) => { this.onKeyUp(...args); }); const regionIcons = this.params.regionIcons; this.regionIcons = new Map(); if (regionIcons) { for (const { regionId, icon } of regionIcons) { if (regionId && icon) { this.regionIcons.set(regionId, icon); } } } } static mapEditorScene() { return Scene_Map; } static isMapEditorScene() { return SceneManager._scene instanceof (this.mapEditorScene()); } static makeMenuEvent(fn) { return () => { if (TouchInput.isPressed()) { return; } fn(); }; } static addFileMenu(menu) { const fileMenu = new nw.Menu(); fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Save Current Map', key: 's', modifiers: 'ctrl', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.saveButton(); }) })); fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Reload Current Map', key: 'r', modifiers: 'ctrl', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.reloadButton(); }) })); fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( {type: 'separator'})); fileMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( {label: 'Exit', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { window.close(); })})); menu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'File', submenu: fileMenu, })); } static addEditMenu(menu) { const editMenu = new nw.Menu(); editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Undo', key: 'z', modifiers: 'ctrl', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.undoButton(); }) })); editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Redo', key: 'y', modifiers: 'ctrl', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.redoButton(); }) })); editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( {type: 'separator'})); this.showGridMenu = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Show Grid', type: 'checkbox', checked: showGrid, key: 'g', modifiers: 'ctrl', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.showGridButton(); }) }); editMenu.append(this.showGridMenu); // const zoomMenu = new nw.Menu(); // this.zoom100Menu = new nw.MenuItem({ // label: '100%', // type: 'checkbox', // checked: currentZoom === 1, // click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { // this.currentZoom = 1; // }), // }); // zoomMenu.append(this.zoom100Menu); // this.zoom150Menu = new nw.MenuItem({ // label: '150%', // type: 'checkbox', // checked: currentZoom === 1.5, // click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { // this.currentZoom = 1.5; // }), // }); // zoomMenu.append(this.zoom150Menu); // this.zoom200Menu = new nw.MenuItem({ // label: '200%', // type: 'checkbox', // checked: currentZoom === 2, // click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { // this.currentZoom = 2; // }), // }); // zoomMenu.append(this.zoom200Menu); // this.zoom400Menu = new nw.MenuItem({ // label: '400%', // type: 'checkbox', // checked: currentZoom === 4, // click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { // this.currentZoom = 4; // }), // }); // zoomMenu.append(this.zoom400Menu); // editMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ // label: 'Zoom', // submenu: zoomMenu, // })); menu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Edit', submenu: editMenu, })); } static addMapMenu(menu) { const mapMenu = new nw.Menu(); mapMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Scroll Up', key: 'w', click: () => { $gameMap.scrollUp(3); }, })); mapMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Scroll Left', key: 'a', click: () => { $gameMap.scrollLeft(3); }, })); mapMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Scroll Down', key: 's', click: () => { $gameMap.scrollDown(3); }, })); mapMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Scroll Right', key: 'd', click: () => { $gameMap.scrollRight(3); }, })); menu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Map', submenu: mapMenu, })); } static addModeMenu(menu) { const modeMenu = new nw.Menu(); this.pencilMenu = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Pencil', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentTool === 'pencil', key: 'p', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.pencilButton(); }) }); modeMenu.append(this.pencilMenu); this.rectangleMenu = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Rectangle', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentTool === 'rectangle', key: 'r', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleButton(); }) }); modeMenu.append(this.rectangleMenu); this.fillMenu = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Flood Fill', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentTool === 'fill', key: 'f', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.fillButton(); }) }); modeMenu.append(this.fillMenu); modeMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( {type: 'separator'})); this.puzzleMenu = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Magic Mode', type: 'checkbox', checked: puzzleMode, click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.puzzleButton(); }) }); modeMenu.append(this.puzzleMenu); modeMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( {type: 'separator'})); this.eraserMenu = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Eraser', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentTool === 'eraser', key: 'e', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.eraserButton(); }) }); modeMenu.append(this.eraserMenu); modeMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( {type: 'separator'})); const tilesetPropsMenu = new nw.Menu(); this.tilePassageMenu = new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Passage', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentTool === Tools.passage, key: 'p', modifiers: 'shift', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.toolButton(Tools.passage); }), }); tilesetPropsMenu.append(this.tilePassageMenu); this.tilePassage4Menu = new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Passage (4 dir)', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentTool === Tools.passage4, key: 'o', modifiers: 'shift', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.toolButton(Tools.passage4); }), }); tilesetPropsMenu.append(this.tilePassage4Menu); this.tileLadderMenu = new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Ladder', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentTool === Tools.ladder, key: 'l', modifiers: 'shift', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.toolButton(Tools.ladder); }), }); tilesetPropsMenu.append(this.tileLadderMenu); this.tileBushMenu = new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Bush', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentTool === Tools.bush, key: 'b', modifiers: 'shift', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.toolButton(Tools.bush); }), }); tilesetPropsMenu.append(this.tileBushMenu); this.tileCounterMenu = new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Counter', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentTool === Tools.counter, key: 'c', modifiers: 'shift', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.toolButton(Tools.counter); }), }); tilesetPropsMenu.append(this.tileCounterMenu); this.tileDamageMenu = new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Damage', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentTool === Tools.damage, key: 'd', modifiers: 'shift', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.toolButton(Tools.damage); }), }); tilesetPropsMenu.append(this.tileDamageMenu); this.tileTerrainMenu = new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Terrain Tag', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentTool === Tools.terrain, key: 't', modifiers: 'shift', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.toolButton(Tools.terrain); }), }); tilesetPropsMenu.append(this.tileTerrainMenu); modeMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Tile Properties', submenu: tilesetPropsMenu, })); menu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Mode', submenu: modeMenu, })); } static addLayerMenu(menu) { const layerMenu = new nw.Menu(); this.autoLayerButton = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Automatic', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentLayer === 7, key: '0', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.changeCurrentLayer(7); }) }); this.layer1Button = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Layer 1', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentLayer === 0, key: '1', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.changeCurrentLayer(0); }) }); this.layer2Button = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Layer 2', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentLayer === 1, key: '2', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.changeCurrentLayer(1); }) }); this.layer3Button = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Layer 3', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentLayer === 2, key: '3', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.changeCurrentLayer(2); }) }); this.layer4Button = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Layer 4', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentLayer === 3, key: '4', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.changeCurrentLayer(3); }) }); layerMenu.append(this.autoLayerButton); layerMenu.append(this.layer1Button); layerMenu.append(this.layer2Button); layerMenu.append(this.layer3Button); layerMenu.append(this.layer4Button); layerMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( {type: 'separator'})); this.shadowsButton = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Shadows', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentLayer === 4, key: '5', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.changeCurrentLayer(4); }) }); layerMenu.append(this.shadowsButton); this.regionsButton = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Regions', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentLayer === 5, key: '6', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.changeCurrentLayer(5); }) }); layerMenu.append(this.regionsButton); this.eventsButton = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Events', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentLayer === 6, key: '7', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.changeCurrentLayer(6); }) }); layerMenu.append(this.eventsButton); layerMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( {type: 'separator'})); this.collisionsButton = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Collisions', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentLayer === 8, key: '8', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.changeCurrentLayer(8); }) }); layerMenu.append(this.collisionsButton); this.tagsButton = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Tags', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentLayer === 9, key: '9', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.changeCurrentLayer(9); }) }); layerMenu.append(this.tagsButton); menu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Layer', submenu: layerMenu, })); } static addBlendMenu(menu) { const blendMenu = new nw.Menu(); this.blendButton = new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Blend Layer', type: 'checkbox', checked: currentLayer === 10, key: 'B', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.changeCurrentLayer(10); CycloneMapEditor$1.updateCurrentTool(); }) }); blendMenu.append(this.blendButton); blendMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( {type: 'separator'})); blendMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Remove blend effect', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.removeAllBlendsButton(); }) })); blendMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Optimize blend effect', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.optimizeBlendsButton(); }) })); menu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Blend', submenu: blendMenu, })); } static addTilesetMenu(menu) { const tilesetMenu = new nw.Menu(); this._mainTilesetMenu = new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Main Tileset', enabled: false, }); tilesetMenu.append(this._mainTilesetMenu); this._extraTilesetMenu = new nw.Menu(); for (const tileset of $dataTilesets) { if (!tileset) { continue; } const tilesetNames = tileset.tilesetNames; if (!tilesetNames[5] && !tilesetNames[6]) { continue; } const menuItem = new nw.MenuItem({ label: `${ tileset.id.padZero(4) } ${ tileset.name }`, enabled: true, type: 'checkbox', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { this.toggleTileset(tileset.id); }), }); this._extraTilesetMenu.append(menuItem); } this._extraTilesetMenuItem = new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Extra Tileset', submenu: this._extraTilesetMenu, }); tilesetMenu.append(this._extraTilesetMenuItem); menu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Tilesets', submenu: tilesetMenu, })); } static addJumpMenu(menu) { const a1 = Tilemap.TILE_ID_A1; const a2 = Tilemap.TILE_ID_A2; const a3 = Tilemap.TILE_ID_A3; const a4 = Tilemap.TILE_ID_A4; const b = Tilemap.TILE_ID_B; const c = Tilemap.TILE_ID_C; const d = Tilemap.TILE_ID_D; const e = Tilemap.TILE_ID_E; const f = Tilemap.TILE_ID_E + 256; const g = Tilemap.TILE_ID_E + 512; const a5 = Tilemap.TILE_ID_A5; const h = Tilemap.TILE_ID_A5 + 256; const jumpToTabMenu = new nw.Menu(); jumpToTabMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'AutoTiles', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.jumpToOneTileOf([a1, a2, a3, a4]); }), })); jumpToTabMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'A5 Tiles', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.jumpToTile(a5); }), })); jumpToTabMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'B Tiles', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.jumpToOneTileOf([b, c, d, e, f, g, a5]); }), })); jumpToTabMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'C Tiles', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.jumpToOneTileOf([c, d, e, f, g, a5]); }), })); jumpToTabMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'D Tiles', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.jumpToOneTileOf([d, e, f, g, a5]); }), })); jumpToTabMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'E Tiles', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.jumpToOneTileOf([e, f, g, a5]); }), })); this._jumpToExtraBMenu = new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Extra B Tiles', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.jumpToOneTileOf([f, g, a5]); }), }); jumpToTabMenu.append(this._jumpToExtraBMenu); this._jumpToExtraCMenu = new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Extra C Tiles', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.jumpToOneTileOf([g, a5]); }), }); jumpToTabMenu.append(this._jumpToExtraCMenu); this._jumpToExtraDMenu = new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Extra D Tiles', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.jumpToOneTileOf([h, a5]); }), }); jumpToTabMenu.append(this._jumpToExtraDMenu); menu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Jump To', submenu: jumpToTabMenu, })); } static refreshTilesetMenu() { if (!this._extraTilesetMenu) { return; } const tileset = $gameMap.tileset(); this._mainTilesetMenu.label = `${ tileset.id.padZero(4) } ${ tileset.name }`; for (const item of this._extraTilesetMenu.items) { const id = parseInt(item.label.substring(0, 4), 10); if (id === $gameMap._tilesetId) { item.checked = false; item.enabled = false; continue; } item.enabled = true; item.checked = $gameMap._extraTilesetId === id; } } static addToolsMenu(menu) { const toolsMenu = new nw.Menu(); const resizeTilesets = new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Generate 48x48 Tilesets', enabled: $gameMap.tileWidth() !== 48 || $gameMap.tileHeight() !== 48, click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { const width = $gameMap.tileWidth(); const height = $gameMap.tileHeight(); let message; if (globalThis.CycloneMaps && CycloneMaps.params.tilesetPath) { const realPath = CycloneMaps.params.tilesetPath; const fakePath = 'img/tilesets/'; message = `This option will replace the 48x48 files on ${ fakePath } with resized copies of the ${ width }x${ height } files on ${ realPath }. Are you SURE you want to do this?`; } else { message = `This option will replace the files on /img/tilesets with resized copies of your ${ width }x${ height } tilesets. Are you SURE you want to do this?`; } CycloneMapEditor$1.resizeTilesets(message); }), }); toolsMenu.append(resizeTilesets); menu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Tools', submenu: toolsMenu, })); } static addExportMenu(menu) { const exportMenu = new nw.Menu(); const exportLayersMenu = new nw.Menu(); exportLayersMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Layer 1', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.exportSingleLayer(0); }), })); exportLayersMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Layer 2', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.exportSingleLayer(1); }), })); exportLayersMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Layer 3', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.exportSingleLayer(2); }), })); exportLayersMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Layer 4', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.exportSingleLayer(3); }), })); exportMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Layers', submenu: exportLayersMenu, })); const exportRenderedMapMenu = new nw.Menu(); exportRenderedMapMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Lower Tiles', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.exportLowerTiles(); }), })); exportRenderedMapMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Upper Tiles', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.exportUpperTiles(); }), })); exportRenderedMapMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( {type: 'separator'})); exportRenderedMapMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Whole Map', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.exportWholeMap(); }), })); exportMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Rendered Map', submenu: exportRenderedMapMenu, })); const exportEventsMenu = new nw.Menu(); exportEventsMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Low Events', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.exportLowEvents(); }), })); exportEventsMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Normal Events', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.exportNormalEvents(); }), })); exportEventsMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'High Events', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.exportHighEvents(); }), })); exportEventsMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( {type: 'separator'})); exportEventsMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'All Events', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.exportAllEvents(); }), })); exportMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Events', submenu: exportEventsMenu, })); const exportCollisionsMenu = new nw.Menu(); exportCollisionsMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Custom Collision', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.exportCustomCollision(); }), })); exportCollisionsMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Full Collision', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { CycloneMapEditor$1.exportFullCollision(); }), })); exportMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Collision', submenu: exportCollisionsMenu, })); menu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Export', submenu: exportMenu, })); } static addHelpMenu(menu) { const helpMenu = new nw.Menu(); helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Plugin Page', key: 'F1', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { if (!globalThis.require) { return; } require('nw.gui').Shell.openExternal('https://makerdevs.com/plugin/cyclone-map-editor'); }), })); helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Extra Tilesets Add-on', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { if (!globalThis.require) { return; } require('nw.gui').Shell.openExternal('https://hudell.itch.io/cyclone-extra-tilesets'); }), })); helpMenu.append(new nw.MenuItem( { label: 'Magic (Tile Blend) Add-on', click: this.makeMenuEvent(() => { if (!globalThis.require) { return; } require('nw.gui').Shell.openExternal('https://hudell.itch.io/cyclone-magic'); }), })); menu.append(new nw.MenuItem({ label: 'Help', submenu: helpMenu, })); } static addMenuBar() { if (!Utils.isNwjs()) { return; } if (this.menu) { return this.refreshMenuVisibility(); } const menu = new nw.Menu({ type: 'menubar' }); this.addFileMenu(menu); this.addEditMenu(menu); this.addMapMenu(menu); this.addModeMenu(menu); this.addLayerMenu(menu); this.addBlendMenu(menu); this.addTilesetMenu(menu); this.addJumpMenu(menu); this.addToolsMenu(menu); this.addExportMenu(menu); this.addHelpMenu(menu); this.menu = menu; this.refreshTilesetMenu(); this.refreshMenuVisibility(); } static clearAllData() { changeHistory = []; undoHistory = []; rectangleStartMouseX = 0; rectangleStartMouseY = 0; rectangleStartX = 0; rectangleStartY = 0; rectangleWidth = 0; rectangleHeight = 0; rectangleBackWidth = 0; rectangleBackHeight = 0; customCollisionTable = {}; tileBlendingTable = {}; this.clearSelection(); } static toggleTileset(id) { if ($gameMap._extraTilesetId === id) { $gameMap._extraTilesetId = 0; } else { $gameMap._extraTilesetId = id; } $gameMap.buildTilesetFlags && $gameMap.buildTilesetFlags(); this.refreshTilesetMenu(); this.refreshMapEditor(); if (!this.jumpToTile(Tilemap.TILE_ID_E + 256) && !this.jumpToTile(Tilemap.TILE_ID_E + 512)) { this.jumpToLastTile(); } } static applyExtraData(data) { customCollisionTable = {}; tileBlendingTable = {}; $gameMap._extraTilesetId = 0; const radix = data?.radix || 10; if (data?.collision) { for (let i = 0; i < data.collision.length; i++) { const col = parseInt(data.collision[i], radix) || 0; if (col) { customCollisionTable[i] = col; } } } if (data?.magic) { for (let tileId in data.magic) { if (!data.magic[tileId]) { continue; } const line = data.magic[tileId]; const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(line.length); const list = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (let i = line.indexOf('1'); i < line.length; i++) { if (line[i] !== '0') { list[i] = Number(line[i]); } } tileBlendingTable[tileId] = list; } } if (data?.extraTilesetId) { $gameMap._extraTilesetId = data.extraTilesetId; } this.refreshTilesetMenu(); this.refreshMapEditor(); } static dataVersion() { return '02'; } static compress(data) { return `v=${ this.dataVersion() };` + LZString.compressToBase64(data); } static decompress(data) { if (!data.startsWith('v=')) { return LZString.decompress(data); } const idx = data.indexOf(';') + 1; return LZString.decompressFromBase64(data.substring(idx)); } static parseExtraData(note) { let json; try { json = this.decompress(note); } catch(e) { console.error('Failed to decompress data from CycloneMapEditor event.'); console.log(note); console.log(e); return; } let data; try { data = JSON.parse(json); } catch(e) { console.error('Failed to parse extra data.'); console.log(json); console.log(e); return; } this.applyExtraData(data); } static loadExtraData() { // Check if there's any event called CycloneMapEditor for (const event of $dataMap.events) { if (!event) { continue; } if (event.name !== 'CycloneMapEditor') { continue; } this.parseExtraData(event.note); return; } } static getExtraData() { const radix = 36; const collision = new Array($dataMap.width * $dataMap.height * 16); for (let i = 0; i < collision.length; i++) { if (customCollisionTable[i]) { if (customCollisionTable[i] >= radix) { throw new Error('Invalid collision value: ', customCollisionTable[i]); } collision[i] = Number(customCollisionTable[i]).toString(radix); } else { collision[i] = '0'; } } const magic = {}; for (const tileId in tileBlendingTable) { if (!tileBlendingTable[tileId]) { continue; } const line = tileBlendingTable[tileId].join(''); if (!line.includes('1')) { continue; } magic[tileId] = line; } const puzzle = window.CycloneMagic?.puzzleTiles || undefined; return { radix, collision: collision.join(''), magic, puzzle, extraTilesetId: $gameMap._extraTilesetId, }; } static getExtraDataJson() { return this.compress(JSON.stringify(this.getExtraData(), null, 0)); } static saveExtraData() { const data = this.getExtraDataJson(); // Check if there's any event called CycloneMapEditor for (const event of $dataMap.events) { if (!event) { continue; } if (event.name !== 'CycloneMapEditor') { continue; } event.note = data; return; } // Create a new event then $dataMap.events.push({ id: $dataMap.events.length, name: 'CycloneMapEditor', note: data, pages: [], x: $dataMap.width, y: $dataMap.height, }); } static clearSelection() { currentTileId = undefined; tileCols = 1; tileRows = 1; selectedTileList = []; multiLayerSelection = []; } static shouldDisplayMenu() { if (!editorActive) { return false; } if (!this.isMapEditorScene()) { return false; } return true; } static isFullScreen() { return Graphics._isFullScreen(); } static refreshScreenSize() { if (this.resizeTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.resizeTimeout); } if (this.isFullScreen()) { return; } this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(() => { // Adds a second timeout to block the show/hide functionality for a little while this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.resizeTimeout = false; }, 500); const xDelta = Graphics.width - window.innerWidth; const yDelta = Graphics.height - window.innerHeight; if (xDelta !== 0 || yDelta !== 0) { window.moveBy(-xDelta / 2, -yDelta / 2); window.resizeBy(xDelta, yDelta); } }, 20); } static enablePluginOptions() { if (this.blendButton) { this.blendButton.enabled = Boolean(window.CycloneMagic); } if (this.puzzleMenu) { this.puzzleMenu.enabled = Boolean(window.CycloneMagic); } if (this._extraTilesetMenuItem) { this._extraTilesetMenuItem.enabled = Boolean(window.CycloneExtraTilesets); } if (this._jumpToExtraBMenu) { this._jumpToExtraBMenu.enabled = Boolean(window.CycloneExtraTilesets); } if (this._jumpToExtraCMenu) { this._jumpToExtraCMenu.enabled = Boolean(window.CycloneExtraTilesets); } if (this._jumpToExtraDMenu) { this._jumpToExtraDMenu.enabled = Boolean(window.CycloneExtraTilesets); } } static refreshMenuVisibility() { if (!Utils.isNwjs()) { return; } const display = this.shouldDisplayMenu(); const win = nw.Window.get(); this.enablePluginOptions(); if (display && win.menu === this.menu) { return; } if (display) { win.menu = this.menu; } else { win.menu = null; } this.refreshScreenSize(); } static logImage(canvas, text) { logImage(canvas, text); } static isTabValid(tab) { const tileset = $gameMap.tileset(); if (!tileset) { return false; } const names = tileset.tilesetNames; if (tab === 'A') { return Boolean(names[0] || names[1] || names[2] || names[3] || names[4]); } const tilesetIndex = tabs.indexOf(tab) + 4; return Boolean(names[tilesetIndex]); } static validTabs() { return tabs.filter(tab => this.isTabValid(tab)); } static areRegionsVisible() { return layerVisibility[5]; } static isLayerVisible(index) { if (index >= 8 && index <= 10) { return currentLayer === index; } if (index === 7) { return true; } return layerVisibility[index]; } static selectPreviousTab() { const validTabs = this.validTabs(); const oldIndex = validTabs.indexOf(currentTab).clamp(0, validTabs.length - 1); const index = oldIndex === 0 ? validTabs.length -1 : oldIndex -1; this.changeCurrentTab(validTabs[index % validTabs.length]); } static selectNextTab() { const validTabs = this.validTabs(); const oldIndex = validTabs.indexOf(currentTab).clamp(0, validTabs.length - 1); const index = oldIndex +1; this.changeCurrentTab(validTabs[index % validTabs.length]); } static onKeyDown(event) { if (!editorActive) { return; } // const scene = SceneManager._scene; if (!this.isMapEditorScene()) { return; } if (event.keyCode === 8 || event.keyCode === 46) { this.eraserButton(); return; } if (event.keyCode === 33) { this.selectPreviousTab(); return; } if (event.keyCode === 34) { this.selectNextTab(); return; } } static checkNumKeys(code) { switch(code) { case 'Numpad0': this.changeCurrentLayer(7); break; case 'Numpad1': this.changeCurrentLayer(0); break; case 'Numpad2': this.changeCurrentLayer(1); break; case 'Numpad3': this.changeCurrentLayer(2); break; case 'Numpad4': this.changeCurrentLayer(3); break; case 'Numpad5': this.changeCurrentLayer(4); break; case 'Numpad6': this.changeCurrentLayer(5); break; case 'Numpad7': this.changeCurrentLayer(6); break; case 'Numpad8': this.changeCurrentLayer(8); break; case 'Numpad9': this.changeCurrentLayer(9); break; } } static checkLayerKeys(key) { switch(key) { case '0': this.changeCurrentLayer(7); break; case '1': this.changeCurrentLayer(0); break; case '2': this.changeCurrentLayer(1); break; case '3': this.changeCurrentLayer(2); break; case '4': this.changeCurrentLayer(3); break; case '5': this.changeCurrentLayer(4); break; case '6': this.changeCurrentLayer(5); break; case '8': this.changeCurrentLayer(8); break; case '9': this.changeCurrentLayer(9); break; } } static checkScrollKeys(key) { switch(key.toLowerCase()) { case 'w': $gameMap.scrollUp(3); break; case 'a': $gameMap.scrollLeft(3); break; case 's': $gameMap.scrollDown(3); break; case 'd': $gameMap.scrollRight(3); break; } } static sceneToReload() { return Scene_Map; } static loadMapFile() { SceneManager._scene._mapEditorCommands.hide(); delete mapCaches[$gameMap._mapId]; const fileName = `Map${ $gameMap._mapId.padZero(3) }.json`; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); const url = `data/${ fileName }`; xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.overrideMimeType('application/json'); xhr.onload = () => { try { const data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); // eslint-disable-next-line no-global-assign $dataMap = data; SoundManager.playLoad(); SceneManager.goto(this.sceneToReload()); } catch (e) { alert('Failed to parse map data.'); SceneManager._scene.refreshMapEditorWindows(); } }; xhr.onerror = () => { alert('Failed to load map file from disk.'); SceneManager._scene.refreshMapEditorWindows(); }; xhr.send(); } static downloadMapshot(bitmap, fileName) { const imageType = 'png'; const imageQuality = 1; const urlData = bitmap.canvas.toDataURL(imageType, imageQuality); const strippedData = urlData.replace(/^data:image\/png;base64,/, ''); const data = atob(strippedData); const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(data.length); const view = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { view[i] = data.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff; } const blob = new Blob([buffer], { type: 'application/octet-stream'}); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); let iframe = document.getElementsByName('image_download')[0]; if (!iframe) { iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.setAttribute('name', 'image_download'); iframe.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(iframe); } const element = document.createElement('a'); element.setAttribute('href', url); element.setAttribute('download', fileName + '.png'); element.setAttribute('target', 'image_download'); element.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(element); element.click(); document.body.removeChild(element); } static resizeTilesets(message) { const tileset = $dataTilesets[$dataMap.tilesetId]; if (!tileset) { return alert('Tileset data not found.'); } if (!Utils.isNwjs()) { return alert('This feature can only be used on a computer with a non web-version.'); } const fileNames = tileset.tilesetNames; const existingFiles = []; const fs = require('fs'); for (const fileName of fileNames) { if (!fileName) { continue; } if (fs.existsSync(`img/tilesets/${ fileName }.png`)) { existingFiles.push(fileName); } } if (existingFiles.length) { const overwrittenFilesMessage = `Files that will be replaced: ${ existingFiles.join(', ') }`; const newMessage = `${ message }\n${ overwrittenFilesMessage}`; if (!confirm(newMessage)) { return; } } this.doResizeTiles(fileNames); } static doResizeTiles(fileNames) { const width = $gameMap.tileWidth(); const height = $gameMap.tileHeight(); const fs = require('fs'); for (const fileName of fileNames) { if (!fileName) { continue; } const bitmap = ImageManager.loadTileset(fileName); if (!bitmap) { continue; } const newWidth = Math.floor(bitmap.width / width * 48); const newHeight = Math.floor(bitmap.height / height * 48); const newBitmap = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight); newBitmap.blt(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight); const urlData = newBitmap.canvas.toDataURL('image/png', 70); const base64Data = urlData.replace(/^data:image\/png;base64,/, ''); fs.writeFileSync(`img/tilesets/${ fileName }.png`, base64Data, 'base64'); } } static exportSingleLayer(layerIndex) { const tilemap = new MapshotTileMap(); tilemap.drawSingleLayer(layerIndex); this.downloadMapshot(tilemap, `Map${ $gameMap._mapId.padZero(3) }_Layer${ layerIndex + 1 }`); } static exportLowerTiles() { const tilemap = new MapshotTileMap(); tilemap.drawLowerTiles(); this.downloadMapshot(tilemap, `Map${ $gameMap._mapId.padZero(3) }_Lower`); } static exportUpperTiles() { const tilemap = new MapshotTileMap(); tilemap.drawUpperTiles(); this.downloadMapshot(tilemap, `Map${ $gameMap._mapId.padZero(3) }_Upper`); } static exportWholeMap() { const tilemap = new MapshotTileMap(); tilemap.drawLowerTiles(); tilemap.drawUpperTiles(); this.downloadMapshot(tilemap, `Map${ $gameMap._mapId.padZero(3) }`); } static exportLowEvents() { const tilemap = new MapshotTileMap(); tilemap.drawEvents(0); this.downloadMapshot(tilemap, `Map${ $gameMap._mapId.padZero(3) }_Events_0`); } static exportNormalEvents() { const tilemap = new MapshotTileMap(); tilemap.drawEvents(1); this.downloadMapshot(tilemap, `Map${ $gameMap._mapId.padZero(3) }_Events_1`); } static exportHighEvents() { const tilemap = new MapshotTileMap(); tilemap.drawEvents(2); this.downloadMapshot(tilemap, `Map${ $gameMap._mapId.padZero(3) }_Events_2`); } static exportAllEvents() { const tilemap = new MapshotTileMap(); tilemap.drawEvents(); this.downloadMapshot(tilemap, `Map${ $gameMap._mapId.padZero(3) }_Events`); } static exportCustomCollision() { const tilemap = new MapshotTileMap(); tilemap.drawCustomCollision(); this.downloadMapshot(tilemap, `Map${ $gameMap._mapId.padZero(3) }_Collision`); } static exportFullCollision() { const tilemap = new MapshotTileMap(); tilemap.drawDefaultCollision(); tilemap.drawCustomCollision(); this.downloadMapshot(tilemap, `Map${ $gameMap._mapId.padZero(3) }_FullCollision`); } static undoButton() { if (!this.isMapEditorScene()) { return; } if (changeHistory.length) { this.undoLastChange(); } } static redoButton() { if (!this.isMapEditorScene()) { return; } if (undoHistory.length) { this.redoLastUndoneChange(); } } static removeAllBlendsButton() { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to remove all blend effects on this map?')) { this.removeAllBlends(); } } static optimizeBlendsButton() { if (confirm('This option will remove the blend from tiles that are completely hidden by the effect and change the tile itself to transparent. Optimize now?')) { this.optimizeBlends(); } } // eslint-disable-next-line complexity static getCollisionSymbol(x, y) { const downCollision = !$gameMap.isPassable(x, y, 2); const leftCollision = !$gameMap.isPassable(x, y, 4); const rightCollision = !$gameMap.isPassable(x, y, 6); const upCollision = !$gameMap.isPassable(x, y, 8); if (downCollision && leftCollision && rightCollision && upCollision) { return 'X'; } if (!downCollision && !leftCollision && !rightCollision && !downCollision) { return 'O'; } let collisions = ''; if (downCollision) { collisions += 'd:X '; } else { collisions += 'd:O '; } if (leftCollision) { collisions += 'l:X '; } else { collisions += 'l:O '; } if (rightCollision) { collisions += 'r:X '; } else { collisions += 'r:O '; } if (upCollision) { collisions += 'u:X '; } else { collisions += 'u:O '; } return collisions; } // eslint-disable-next-line complexity static updateStatus({ tileId, mapX, mapY, tile1, tile2, tile3, tile4 } = {}) { const oldTileId = statusTileId; const oldX = statusMapX; const oldY = statusMapY; const oldTile1 = statusTile1; const oldTile2 = statusTile2; const oldTile3 = statusTile3; const oldTile4 = statusTile4; statusTileId = tileId ?? statusTileId; statusMapX = mapX ?? statusMapX; statusMapY = mapY ?? statusMapY; statusTile1 = tile1 ?? statusTile1; statusTile2 = tile2 ?? statusTile2; statusTile3 = tile3 ?? statusTile3; statusTile4 = tile4 ?? statusTile4; const changedPos = oldX !== statusMapX || oldY !== statusMapY; if (changedPos) { statusRegion = $gameMap.regionId(statusMapX, statusMapY); statusTag = $gameMap.terrainTag(statusMapX, statusMapY); statusBush = $gameMap.isBush(statusMapX, statusMapY); statusCounter = $gameMap.isCounter(statusMapX, statusMapY); statusDamage = $gameMap.isDamageFloor(statusMapX, statusMapY); statusLadder = $gameMap.isLadder(statusMapX, statusMapY); statusCollision = this.getCollisionSymbol(statusMapX, statusMapY); } const changedTile = oldTile1 !== statusTile1 || oldTile2 !== statusTile2 || oldTile3 !== statusTile3 || oldTile4 !== statusTile4; const changed = changedTile || oldTileId !== statusTileId || changedPos; if (!changed) { return; } if (this.isMapEditorScene()) { SceneManager._scene._mapEditorStatus.refresh(); } } static showGridButton() { if (!this.isMapEditorScene()) { return; } showGrid = !showGrid; this.showGridButton.checked = showGrid; SceneManager._scene._mapEditorGrid.refresh(); } static selectHigherLayer(x, y) { if (currentLayer === Layers.collisions) { return; } for (let z = 3; z >= 0; z--) { const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(x, y, z); const tileId = $dataMap.data[tileIndex]; if (tileId) { this.changeCurrentLayer(z); return; } } } static updateCurrentTool() { rectangleWidth = 0; rectangleHeight = 0; rectangleBackWidth = 0; rectangleBackHeight = 0; rectangleStartX = 0; rectangleStartY = 0; rectangleStartMouseX = 0; rectangleStartMouseY = 0; if (Utils.isNwjs()) { this.pencilMenu.checked = currentTool === Tools.pencil; this.rectangleMenu.checked = currentTool === Tools.rectangle; this.fillMenu.checked = currentTool === Tools.fill; this.puzzleMenu.checked = puzzleMode; this.eraserMenu.checked = currentTool === Tools.eraser; this.tilePassageMenu.checked = currentTool === Tools.passage; this.tilePassage4Menu.checked = currentTool === Tools.passage4; this.tileLadderMenu.checked = currentTool === Tools.ladder; this.tileBushMenu.checked = currentTool === Tools.bush; this.tileCounterMenu.checked = currentTool === Tools.counter; this.tileDamageMenu.checked = currentTool === Tools.damage; this.tileTerrainMenu.checked = currentTool === Tools.terrain; } this.refreshMapEditor(); } static pencilButton() { this.toolButton(Tools.pencil); } static rectangleButton() { this.toolButton(Tools.rectangle); } static fillButton() { this.toolButton(Tools.fill); } static eraserButton() { this.toolButton(Tools.eraser); } static puzzleButton() { if (!this.isMapEditorScene()) { return; } puzzleMode = !puzzleMode; if (puzzleMode) { if (currentTool !== Tools.eraser) { currentTool = Tools.pencil; } if (CycloneMapEditor$1.currentLayer !== 1) { this.changeCurrentLayer(1); } } this.clearSelection(); this.updateCurrentTool(); } static toolButton(toolType) { if (!this.isMapEditorScene()) { return; } if (puzzleMode && ![Tools.pencil, Tools.eraser].includes(toolType)) { return; } currentTool = toolType; if ([Tools.pencil, Tools.rectangle].includes(toolType)) { lastDrawingTool = toolType; } this.updateCurrentTool(); } static _doWebSave(json, fileName) { const element = document.createElement('a'); element.setAttribute('href', `data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,${ encodeURIComponent(json) }`); element.setAttribute('download', fileName); element.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(element); element.click(); document.body.removeChild(element); } static _doLocalSave(json, fileName) { const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const projectFolder = path.dirname(process.mainModule.filename); const dataFolder = path.join(projectFolder, 'data'); const filePath = path.join(dataFolder, fileName); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, json); } static _makeMapJson() { const map = { ...$dataMap, data: [ ...$dataMap.data, ] }; const size = map.width * map.height; const extraTiles = new Array(size * 4); let anyExtraTile = false; for (let i = 0; i < extraTiles.length; i++) { if (map.data[i] >= Tilemap.TILE_ID_E + 256 && map.data[i] < Tilemap.TILE_ID_A5) { extraTiles[i] = map.data[i]; map.data[i] = 0; anyExtraTile = true; } else if (map.data[i] >= Tilemap.TILE_ID_A5 + 256 && map.data[i] < Tilemap.TILE_ID_A1) { extraTiles[i] = map.data[i]; map.data[i] = 0; anyExtraTile = true; } else { extraTiles[i] = 0; } } let extraTilesTag = ''; if (anyExtraTile) { const compressed = LZString.compressToBase64(JSON.stringify(extraTiles, null, 0)); extraTilesTag = `<CycloneExtraTiles>${ compressed }</CycloneExtraTiles>`; } if (map.note?.includes('<CycloneExtraTiles>')) { map.note = map.note.replace(/<CycloneExtraTiles>.*<\/CycloneExtraTiles>/i, extraTilesTag); } else { map.note = `${ map.note ?? ''}\n${ extraTilesTag }`; } return JSON.stringify(map, null, 0); } static _doSave() { this.saveExtraData(); const fileName = `Map${ $gameMap._mapId.padZero(3) }.json`; const json = this._makeMapJson(); if (Utils.isNwjs()) { this._doLocalSave(json, fileName); } else { this._doWebSave(json, fileName); } SoundManager.playSave(); } static saveButton() { if (!this.isMapEditorScene()) { return; } if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to SAVE the map file?')) { SceneManager._scene.refreshMapEditorWindows(); return; } SceneManager._scene._mapEditorCommands.hide(); this._doSave(); SceneManager._scene.refreshMapEditorWindows(); } static reloadButton() { if (!this.isMapEditorScene()) { return; } if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to RELOAD the map file?')) { SceneManager._scene.refreshMapEditorWindows(); return; } this.clearAllData(); this.loadMapFile(); } static onKeyPress(event) { if (editorActive) { if (!Utils.isNwjs()) { this.checkScrollKeys(event.key); } } } static checkWebShortcuts(key) { switch (key) { case 'e': return this.eraserButton(); case 'r': return this.rectangleButton(); case 'p': return this.pencilButton(); case 'f': return this.fillButton(); } } static checkControlKeys(code) { switch (code) { case 'KeyZ': this.undoButton(); return true; case 'KeyY': this.redoButton(); return true; case 'KeyS': this.saveButton(); return true; case 'KeyR': this.reloadButton(); return true; case 'KeyG': this.showGridButton(); return true; } } static onKeyUp(event) { if (!Utils.isNwjs()) { if (Input.isPressed('shift') || Input.isPressed('control')) { if (this.checkControlKeys(event.code)) { event.preventDefault(); } return; } this.checkWebShortcuts(event.key); this.checkLayerKeys(event.key); } if (event.key === 'h') { this.toggleMapEditor(); return; } this.checkNumKeys(event.code); } static toggleMapEditor() { if (this.resizeTimeout) { return; } const scene = SceneManager._scene; if (!this.isMapEditorScene()) { return; } scene.toggleMapEditor(); } static refreshMapEditor() { const scene = SceneManager._scene; if (!this.isMapEditorScene()) { return; } scene.refreshMapEditorWindows(); } static getTileIdTilesetIndex(tileId) { if (tileId !== 0) { if (!Tilemap.isVisibleTile(tileId)) { return -1; } } return getTilesetIndex(tileId); } static getTilesetName(tileId) { const tileset = $gameMap.tileset(); if (!tileset) { return; } const tilesetIndex = this.getTileIdTilesetIndex(tileId); if (tilesetIndex < 0) { return; } if (tilesetIndex < tileset.tilesetNames.length) { return tileset.tilesetNames[tilesetIndex]; } if (!window.CycloneExtraTilesets) { return; } const extraTileset = $gameMap.extraTileset(); if (!extraTileset) { return; } const extraIndex = tilesetIndex - 9; const newIndex = extraIndex + 5; return extraTileset.tilesetNames[newIndex]; } static loadTilesetBitmap(tileId) { const realFileName = this.getTilesetName(tileId); if (realFileName) { return ImageManager.loadTileset(realFileName); } } static deselectShadowOrRegion(newLayerIndex) { // coming from or to shadows/regions, then de-select the current index if (currentLayer === 4 || currentLayer === 5 || newLayerIndex === 4 || newLayerIndex === 5) { this.clearSelection(); } } static changeCurrentLayer(newIndex) { if (newIndex >= layerVisibility.length) { return; } if (newIndex !== 1 && puzzleMode) { puzzleMode = false; this.updateCurrentTool(); } this.deselectShadowOrRegion(newIndex); currentLayer = newIndex; if (Utils.isNwjs()) { this.layer1Button.checked = newIndex === 0; this.layer2Button.checked = newIndex === 1; this.layer3Button.checked = newIndex === 2; this.layer4Button.checked = newIndex === 3; this.shadowsButton.checked = newIndex === 4; this.regionsButton.checked = newIndex === 5; this.eventsButton.checked = newIndex === 6; this.autoLayerButton.checked = newIndex === 7; this.collisionsButton.checked = newIndex === 8; this.tagsButton.checked = newIndex === 9; this.blendButton.checked = newIndex === 10; } if (this.isMapEditorScene()) { SceneManager._scene._mapEditorLayerListWindow.refresh(); SceneManager._scene._mapEditorWindow.refresh(); SceneManager._scene._mapEditorStatus.refresh(); SceneManager._scene._mapEditorGrid.refresh(); SceneManager._scene._spriteset._mapEditorCursor.updateDrawing(); } } static changeCurrentTab(tabLetter) { currentTab = tabLetter; this.refreshMapEditor(); } static tileIndex(x, y, z) { return (z * $gameMap.height() + (y % $gameMap.height())) * $gameMap.width() + (x % $gameMap.width()); } static indexPositionX(index, z) { const y = this.indexPositionY(index, z); return index - this.tileIndex(0, y, z); } static indexPositionY(index, z) { return Math.floor((index / $gameMap.width()) - (z * $gameMap.height())); } static getCurrentTileAtPosition(x, y, z, skipPreview = true) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= $gameMap.width() || y >= $gameMap.height()) { return 0; } const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(x, y, z); if (!skipPreview) { if (previewChanges[tileIndex] !== undefined) { return previewChanges[tileIndex]; } } return $dataMap.data[tileIndex] ?? 0; } static isSameKindTile(tileId, x, y, z, skipPreview = true) { return Tilemap.isSameKindTile(tileId, this.getCurrentTileAtPosition(x, y, z, skipPreview)); } static getWallColumnTypeForPosition(x, y, z, tileId, skipPreview = true) { // wall auto tiles need the left and right columns to have the same amount of rows for it to match let hasLeftColumn = true; let hasRightColumn = true; const compareWallAutoTileLine = (newY, sameCenter) => { const leftTileId = this.getCurrentTileAtPosition(x -1, newY, z, skipPreview); const rightTileId = this.getCurrentTileAtPosition(x + 1, newY, z, skipPreview); if (sameCenter) { if (!Tilemap.isSameKindTile(tileId, leftTileId)) { hasLeftColumn = false; } if (!Tilemap.isSameKindTile(tileId, rightTileId)) { hasRightColumn = false; } } else { if (Tilemap.isSameKindTile(tileId, leftTileId)) { hasLeftColumn = false; } if (Tilemap.isSameKindTile(tileId, rightTileId)) { hasRightColumn = false; } } }; for (let newY = y; y < $gameMap.height(); y++) { const centerTileId = this.getCurrentTileAtPosition(x, newY, z, skipPreview); const sameCenter = Tilemap.isSameKindTile(tileId, centerTileId); compareWallAutoTileLine(newY, sameCenter); if (!sameCenter) { break; } } for (let newY = y -1; y >= 0; y--) { const centerTileId = this.getCurrentTileAtPosition(x, newY, z, skipPreview); const sameCenter = Tilemap.isSameKindTile(tileId, centerTileId); compareWallAutoTileLine(newY, sameCenter); if (!sameCenter) { break; } } if (hasLeftColumn) { if (hasRightColumn) { return 1; } return 2; } if (hasRightColumn) { return 0; } return 3; } static getWaterfallShapeForPosition(x, y, z, tileId, skipPreview = true) { const left = this.isSameKindTile(tileId, x - 1, y, z, skipPreview); const right = this.isSameKindTile(tileId, x + 1, y, z, skipPreview); if (left && right) { return 0; } if (left) { return 1; } if (right) { return 2; } return 3; } static getWallShapeForPosition(x, y, z, tileId, skipPreview = true) { const columnType = this.getWallColumnTypeForPosition(x, y, z, tileId, skipPreview); let shape = 0; const above = this.isSameKindTile(tileId, x, y -1, z, skipPreview); const below = this.isSameKindTile(tileId, x, y +1, z, skipPreview); if (above && below) { shape = 0; } else if (above) { shape = 8; } else if (below) { shape = 2; } else { shape = 10; } switch (columnType) { case 0: shape += 1; break; case 2: shape += 4; break; case 3: shape += 5; break; } return shape; } static getShapeForConfiguration(configuration) { for (let shape = 0; shape < autoTileShapeTable.length; shape++) { const shapeData = autoTileShapeTable[shape]; let valid = true; for (let i = 0; i < configuration.length; i++) { const config = shapeData[i]; if (config === true) { if (!configuration[i]) { valid = false; break; } } else if (config === false) { if (configuration[i]) { valid = false; break; } } } if (valid) { return shape; } } return 46; } static isAutotileMatch(tileId, x, y, z, skipPreview = true) { if (!$gameMap.isValid(x, y)) { return true; } const otherTileId = this.getCurrentTileAtPosition(x, y, z, skipPreview); if (Tilemap.isSameKindTile(tileId, otherTileId)) { return true; } const specialTiles = [5, 7, 13]; const leftKind = Tilemap.getAutotileKind(tileId); const rightKind = Tilemap.getAutotileKind(otherTileId); const leftSpecial = specialTiles.includes(leftKind); const rightSpecial = specialTiles.includes(rightKind); if (leftSpecial !== rightSpecial) { return true; } return false; } static getAutoTileShapeForPosition(x, y, z, tileId, skipPreview = true) { if (Tilemap.isWallSideTile(tileId) || Tilemap.isRoofTile(tileId)) { return this.getWallShapeForPosition(x, y, z, tileId, skipPreview); } if (Tilemap.isWaterfallTile(tileId)) { return this.getWaterfallShapeForPosition(x, y, z, tileId, skipPreview); } const a = this.isAutotileMatch(tileId, x -1, y -1, z, skipPreview); const b = this.isAutotileMatch(tileId, x, y -1, z, skipPreview); const c = this.isAutotileMatch(tileId, x +1, y -1, z, skipPreview); const d = this.isAutotileMatch(tileId, x -1, y, z, skipPreview); const e = this.isAutotileMatch(tileId, x +1, y, z, skipPreview); const f = this.isAutotileMatch(tileId, x -1, y +1, z, skipPreview); const g = this.isAutotileMatch(tileId, x, y +1, z, skipPreview); const h = this.isAutotileMatch(tileId, x +1, y +1, z, skipPreview); const config = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]; return this.getShapeForConfiguration(config); } static isShiftMapping() { if (Input.isPressed('shift')) { return true; } if (SceneManager._scene._mapEditorWindow._manualTileSelected !== undefined) { return true; } return false; } static changeAutoTileShapeForPosition(x, y, z, tileId, skipPreview = true) { if (z >= 4 || this.isShiftMapping()) { return tileId; } const shape = this.getAutoTileShapeForPosition(x, y, z, tileId, skipPreview); return Tilemap.TILE_ID_A1 + Math.floor((tileId - Tilemap.TILE_ID_A1) / 48) * 48 + shape; } static resetTileShape(x, y, z, previewOnly = false) { if (x < 0 || x >= $gameMap.width()) { return; } if (y < 0 || y >= $gameMap.height()) { return; } const tileId = this.getCurrentTileAtPosition(x, y, z, !previewOnly); if (Tilemap.isAutotile(tileId)) { const effectiveTileId = this.changeAutoTileShapeForPosition(x, y, z, tileId, !previewOnly); if (tileId !== effectiveTileId) { this.setMapTile(x, y, z, effectiveTileId, false, previewOnly); } } } static resetCurrentChange() { currentChange = { tiles: {}, collision: {}, blend: {}, puzzle: {}, }; } static undoLastChange() { if (this.changingTileProps) { return; } if (changeHistory.length === 0) { SoundManager.playBuzzer(); return; } const lastChange = changeHistory.pop(); this.resetCurrentChange(); const size = $gameMap.tileWidth() * $gameMap.tileHeight(); for (const tileIndex in lastChange.tiles) { currentChange.tiles[tileIndex] = $dataMap.data[tileIndex]; $dataMap.data[tileIndex] = lastChange.tiles[tileIndex]; } for (const tileIndex in lastChange.puzzle) { currentChange.puzzle[tileIndex] = CycloneMagic.puzzleTiles[tileIndex]; CycloneMagic.puzzleTiles[tileIndex] = lastChange.puzzle[tileIndex]; } for (const tileIndex in lastChange.collision) { currentChange.collision[tileIndex] = customCollisionTable[tileIndex]; customCollisionTable[tileIndex] = lastChange.collision[tileIndex]; } for (const tileIndex in lastChange.blend) { if (!tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]) { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(size); tileBlendingTable[tileIndex] = new Int8Array(buffer); } const tilePixels = tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]; currentChange.blend[tileIndex] = {}; for (const pixelIndex in lastChange.blend[tileIndex]) { currentChange.blend[tileIndex][pixelIndex] = tilePixels[pixelIndex]; tilePixels[pixelIndex] = lastChange.blend[tileIndex][pixelIndex]; } } undoHistory.push(currentChange); currentChange = false; SceneManager._scene._mapEditorCommands.redraw(); SceneManager._scene._mapEditorGrid.refresh(); mapCaches[$gameMap._mapId] = $dataMap; this.refreshTilemap(); saveExtraData(true); } static redoLastUndoneChange() { if (this.changingTileProps) { return; } if (undoHistory.length === 0) { SoundManager.playBuzzer(); return; } const lastChange = undoHistory.pop(); const size = $gameMap.tileWidth() * $gameMap.tileHeight(); this.resetCurrentChange(); let needsSaving = false; for (const tileIndex in lastChange.tiles) { currentChange.tiles[tileIndex] = $dataMap.data[tileIndex]; $dataMap.data[tileIndex] = lastChange.tiles[tileIndex]; } for (const tileIndex in lastChange.puzzle) { currentChange.puzzle[tileIndex] = CycloneMagic.puzzleTiles[tileIndex]; CycloneMagic.puzzleTiles[tileIndex] = lastChange.puzzle[tileIndex]; } for (const tileIndex in lastChange.collision) { currentChange.collision[tileIndex] = customCollisionTable[tileIndex]; customCollisionTable[tileIndex] = lastChange.collision[tileIndex]; needsSaving = true; } for (const tileIndex in lastChange.blend) { if (!tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]) { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(size); tileBlendingTable[tileIndex] = new Int8Array(buffer); } const tilePixels = tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]; currentChange.blend[tileIndex] = {}; for (const pixelIndex in lastChange.blend[tileIndex]) { currentChange.blend[tileIndex][pixelIndex] = tilePixels[pixelIndex]; tilePixels[pixelIndex] = lastChange.blend[tileIndex][pixelIndex]; needsSaving = true; } } this.logChange(false); if (needsSaving) { saveExtraData(true); } this.refreshTilemap(); } static getCurrentLayerChangeType() { switch (currentLayer) { case Layers.collisions: return 'collision'; case Layers.blend: return 'blend'; default: return 'tile'; } } static logChange(clearUndo = true) { if (!currentChange) { return; } const hasTiles = Object.keys(currentChange.tiles).length > 0; const hasBlend = Object.keys(currentChange.blend).length > 0; const hasCollision = Object.keys(currentChange.collision).length > 0; const hasPuzzle = Object.keys(currentChange.puzzle).length > 0; const hasChanges = hasTiles || hasBlend || hasCollision || hasPuzzle; if (hasChanges) { changeHistory.push(currentChange); if (clearUndo) { undoHistory = []; } } currentChange = false; while (changeHistory.length > 300) { changeHistory.shift(); } SceneManager._scene._mapEditorCommands.redraw(); SceneManager._scene._mapEditorGrid.refresh(); mapCaches[$gameMap._mapId] = $dataMap; fullRefresh(); } static maybeUpdateTileNeighbors(x, y, z, expectedUpdate = true, previewOnly = false) { if (this.isShiftMapping()) { return; } if (!expectedUpdate) { return; } this.resetTileShape(x -1, y -1, z, previewOnly); this.resetTileShape(x, y -1, z, previewOnly); this.resetTileShape(x +1, y -1, z, previewOnly); this.resetTileShape(x -1, y, z, previewOnly); this.resetTileShape(x +1, y, z, previewOnly); this.resetTileShape(x -1, y +1, z, previewOnly); this.resetTileShape(x, y + 1, z, previewOnly); this.resetTileShape(x +1, y +1, z, previewOnly); } static getDefaultLayerForTileId(tileId) { if (!Tilemap.isAutotile(tileId)) { return 3; } if (tileId >= Tilemap.TILE_ID_A3) { return 0; } const kind = Tilemap.getAutotileKind(tileId); if (highLayerAutotiles.includes(kind)) { return 1; } return 0; } static getItemsToChange(x, y, z, tileId, skipPreview = true, updateHigherLayers = true) { if (z !== 7) { return [{ x, y, z, tileId, }]; } // When using automatic mode, we may need to change more than one layer at the same time const items = []; let layerId = this.getDefaultLayerForTileId(tileId); if (layerId === 1 && Tilemap.isTileA1(tileId)) { items.push({ x, y, z: 0, tileId: Tilemap.TILE_ID_A1, }); } if (layerId === 3) { // If there's already something on the fourth layer, then move it to the third and place the new tile on the 4th const currentTile = this.getCurrentTileAtPosition(x, y, 3, skipPreview); if (currentTile === tileId && tileId !== 0) { return []; } if (currentTile) { items.push({ x, y, z: 2, tileId: currentTile, }); } } items.push({ x, y, z: layerId, tileId, }); // Remove anything above the new tile if (updateHigherLayers) { for (let i = layerId + 1; i <= 3; i++) { items.push({ x, y, z: i, tileId: 0, }); } } return items; } static canEraseLayer(layerIndex) { if (currentTool === 'eraser') { return true; } if (layerIndex >= 2) { return true; } if (multiLayerSelection.length) { return true; } if (currentLayer !== Layers.auto) { return true; } // The lower layers can only be erased with the pen in auto mode when there are multiple layers selected return false; } static _eraseSingleLayerTile(x, y, z, updateNeighbors = true, previewOnly = false, forceErasure = false) { if (!forceErasure && !this.canEraseLayer(z)) { return; } const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(x, y, z); if (previewOnly) { previewChanges[tileIndex] = 0; } else { const oldTile = $dataMap.data[tileIndex]; if (currentChange.tiles[tileIndex] === undefined && oldTile !== 0) { currentChange.tiles[tileIndex] = oldTile; } $dataMap.data[tileIndex] = 0; } } static _eraseSingleMapTile(x, y, z, updateNeighbors = true, previewOnly = false, forceErasure = false) { if (z > 3 && z !== Layers.auto) { this._eraseSingleLayerTile(x, y, z, updateNeighbors, previewOnly, forceErasure); return; } for (let newZ = 0; newZ <= 3; newZ++) { if (newZ !== z && z !== Layers.auto) { continue; } this._eraseSingleLayerTile(x, y, newZ, updateNeighbors, previewOnly, forceErasure); this.maybeUpdateTileNeighbors(x, y, z, updateNeighbors, previewOnly); } } // eslint-disable-next-line complexity static _getBlockCollision(i, j, count, tileId) { if (tileId <= 3) { return tileId; } let goesUp = false; let goesDown = false; let goesRight = false; let goesLeft = false; if (tileId >= 20) { const d = tileId - 20; goesUp = !DirectionHelper.goesUp(d); goesDown = !DirectionHelper.goesDown(d); goesLeft = !DirectionHelper.goesLeft(d); goesRight = !DirectionHelper.goesRight(d); } else if (tileId > 10) { const d = tileId - 10; goesUp = DirectionHelper.goesUp(d); goesDown = DirectionHelper.goesDown(d); goesLeft = DirectionHelper.goesLeft(d); goesRight = DirectionHelper.goesRight(d); } else if (tileId === 4) { goesUp = true; goesDown = true; } else if (tileId === 5) { goesLeft = true; goesRight = true; } const up = goesUp && j === 0; const down = goesDown && j === count -1; const left = goesLeft && i === 0; const right = goesRight && i === count - 1; if (up) { if (left) { if (right) { if (down) { return 20; } return 22; } if (down) { return 26; } return 17; } if (right) { if (down) { return 24; } return 19; } if (down) { return 4; } return 18; } if (down) { if (left) { if (right) { return 28; } return 11; } if (right) { return 13; } return 12; } if (left) { if (right) { return 5; } return 14; } if (right) { return 16; } return 1; } static _applySingleCollision(x, y, tileId, previewOnly = false) { if (previewOnly) { return; } const gridRatio = this.getGridRatio(); const count = 4 / gridRatio; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < count; j++) { const intX = Math.floor(x * 4) + i; const intY = Math.floor(y * 4) + j; const height = $gameMap.height() * 4; const width = $gameMap.width() * 4; const index = (intY % height) * width + (intX % width); const blockCollision = this._getBlockCollision(i, j, count, tileId); const oldTile = customCollisionTable[index] || 0; if (currentChange.collision[index] === undefined && oldTile !== blockCollision) { currentChange.collision[index] = oldTile; } if (!blockCollision) { delete customCollisionTable[index]; continue; } customCollisionTable[index] = blockCollision; } } } static _changePixelPositionBlend(x, y, px, py, newBlend, previewOnly = false) { const tileWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); const tileHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); const fx = Math.floor(x) + Math.floor(px / tileWidth); const fy = Math.floor(y) + Math.floor(py / tileHeight); const pixelX = px % tileWidth; const pixelY = py % tileHeight; if (fx < 0 || fx >= $gameMap.width()) { return; } if (fy < 0 || fy >= $gameMap.height()) { return; } const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(fx, fy, 0); const size = tileWidth * tileHeight; const fullTable = previewOnly ? window.CycloneMagic.tileBlendingTable : tileBlendingTable; if (!fullTable[tileIndex]) { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(size); fullTable[tileIndex] = new Int8Array(buffer); } const table = fullTable[tileIndex]; const pixelIndex = pixelY * tileWidth + pixelX; if (currentChange.blend[tileIndex]?.[pixelIndex] === undefined && (table[pixelIndex] ?? 0) !== newBlend) { if (currentChange.blend[tileIndex] === undefined) { currentChange.blend[tileIndex] = {}; } currentChange.blend[tileIndex][pixelIndex] = (table[pixelIndex] ?? 0); } table[pixelIndex] = newBlend; } static _changePositionBlend(x, y, newBlend) { const fx = Math.floor(x); const fy = Math.floor(y); const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(fx, fy, 0); const gridRatio = this.getGridRatio(); const tileWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); const tileHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); const size = tileWidth * tileHeight; if (!tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]) { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(size); tileBlendingTable[tileIndex] = new Int8Array(buffer); } const table = tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]; const subX = x - fx; const subY = y - fy; const leftPx = Math.round(subX * tileWidth); const topPx = Math.round(subY * tileHeight); const blockWidth = Math.floor(tileWidth / gridRatio); const blockHeight = Math.floor(tileHeight / gridRatio); const rightPx = leftPx + blockWidth; const bottomPx = topPx + blockHeight; for (let px = leftPx; px < rightPx; px++) { for (let py = topPx; py < bottomPx; py++) { const pixelIndex = py * tileWidth + px; if (currentChange.blend[tileIndex]?.[pixelIndex] === undefined && (table[pixelIndex] ?? 0) !== newBlend) { if (currentChange.blend[tileIndex] === undefined) { currentChange.blend[tileIndex] = {}; } currentChange.blend[tileIndex][pixelIndex] = (table[pixelIndex] ?? 0); } table[pixelIndex] = newBlend; } } } static isPositionBlendSpriteReady(x, y) { if (!SceneManager._scene._spriteset?._blenderTileSprites) { return false; } for (const sprite of SceneManager._scene._spriteset._blenderTileSprites) { if (sprite._mapX === x && sprite._mapY === y) { return true; } } return false; } static forceBlenderRefresh(hardRefresh = false) { if (!window.CycloneMagic) { return; } SceneManager._scene._spriteset?.forceBlenderRefresh && SceneManager._scene._spriteset.forceBlenderRefresh(hardRefresh); } static buildSmallCircle() { const width = tileWidth / 4; const height = tileHeight / 4; const bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); bitmap.drawCircle(width / 2, height / 2, Math.min(width, height) / 2, '#0000FF'); bitmap.drawCircle(width / 2, height / 2, Math.min(width, height) / 2 - 2, '#00FF00'); const imageData = bitmap.context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); smallCircleData = imageData.data; } static buildCircle() { const width = tileWidth / 2; const height = tileHeight / 2; const bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); bitmap.drawCircle(width / 2, height / 2, Math.min(width, height) / 2, '#0000FF'); bitmap.drawCircle(width / 2, height / 2, Math.min(width, height) / 2 - 4, '#00FF00'); const imageData = bitmap.context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); circleData = imageData.data; } static getCircleData() { if (circleData) { if (Input.isPressed('shift')) { return smallCircleData; } return circleData; } this.buildSmallCircle(); this.buildCircle(); return this.getCircleData(); } static optimizeBlends() { this.resetCurrentChange(); for (let x = 0; x < $gameMap.width(); x++) { for (let y = 0; y < $gameMap.height(); y++) { this.optimizeTileBlend(x, y); } } this.logChange(true); } static removeAllBlends() { this.resetCurrentChange(); for (let x = 0; x < $gameMap.width(); x++) { for (let y = 0; y < $gameMap.height(); y++) { this.removeTileBlend(x, y, false); } } this.logChange(true); } static optimizeTileBlend(x, y) { const fx = Math.floor(x); const fy = Math.floor(y); if (fx < 0 || fx >= $gameMap.width()) { return; } if (fy < 0 || fy >= $gameMap.height()) { return; } const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(fx, fy, 0); if (!tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]) { return; } const hasZero = tileBlendingTable[tileIndex].includes(0); const hasOne = tileBlendingTable[tileIndex].includes(1); if (hasZero === hasOne) { return; } // If it's all blended, then remove whatever tile is on layer 2 if (hasOne) { this._applySingleMapTile(x, y, 1, 0, false, false, true); } currentChange.blend[tileIndex] = tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]; delete tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]; } static removeTileBlend(x, y, previewOnly = false) { if (previewOnly && !window.CycloneMagic) { return; } const fx = Math.floor(x); const fy = Math.floor(y); if (fx < 0 || fx >= $gameMap.width()) { return; } if (fy < 0 || fy >= $gameMap.height()) { return; } const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(fx, fy, 0); if (previewOnly) { if (window.CycloneMagic.tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]) { delete window.CycloneMagic.tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]; } return; } if (tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]) { currentChange.blend[tileIndex] = tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]; delete tileBlendingTable[tileIndex]; } } static _applyBlendBrush(x, y, previewOnly = false) { if (previewOnly && !window.CycloneMagic) { return; } const tileWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); const tileHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); const divider = Input.isPressed('shift') ? 4 : 2; const width = tileWidth / divider; const height = tileHeight / divider; const pixels = this.getCircleData(); let index = -1; const tileX = Math.floor(x); const tileY = Math.floor(y); const pixelX = Math.floor((x - tileX) * tileWidth); const pixelY = Math.floor((y - tileY) * tileHeight); const newBlend = currentTool === Tools.eraser ? 0 : 1; for (let py = 0; py < height; py++) { for (let px = 0; px < width; px++) { index++; if (pixels[index * 4 + 1] > 0) { this._changePixelPositionBlend(x, y, pixelX + px, pixelY + py, newBlend, previewOnly); } else if (pixels[index * 4 + 2] > 0) { if (Math.randomInt(10) > 5) { this._changePixelPositionBlend(x, y, pixelX + px, pixelY + py, newBlend, previewOnly); } } } } if (previewOnly) { forceBlenderRefresh(); } else { // Let's do a quick refresh first and then save the data a little later if (window.CycloneMagic) { window.CycloneMagic.tileBlendingTable = tileBlendingTable; const maxTileX = tileX + Math.floor((pixelX + width) / tileWidth); const maxTileY = tileY + Math.floor((pixelY + height) / tileHeight); if (window.CycloneMagic) { for (let cacheX = tileX; cacheX <= maxTileX; cacheX++) { for (let cacheY = tileY; cacheY <= maxTileY; cacheY++) { window.CycloneMagic.clearPositionCache(cacheX, cacheY); } } } forceBlenderRefresh(); } } } static _applySingleBlend(x, y) { if (currentTool === Tools.eraser) { this._changePositionBlend(x, y, 0); return; } this._changePositionBlend(x, y, 1); } static _applyPuzzleTile(x, y, tileId, previewOnly) { if (!window.CycloneMagic?.puzzleTiles) { return; } if (previewOnly) { return; } const width = $gameMap.width() * 2; const index = (y * 2) * width + x * 2; const oldTile = CycloneMagic.puzzleTiles[index] ?? 0; if (currentChange.puzzle[index] === undefined && oldTile !== tileId) { currentChange.puzzle[index] = oldTile; } if (tileId) { CycloneMagic.puzzleTiles[index] = tileId; } else if (CycloneMagic.puzzleTiles[index]) { delete CycloneMagic.puzzleTiles[index]; } } static _applySingleMapTile(x, y, z, tileId, updateNeighbors = true, previewOnly = false, forceErasure = false) { if (z === Layers.collisions) { return this._applySingleCollision(x, y, tileId, previewOnly); } if (z === 1 && puzzleMode) { this._applyPuzzleTile(x, y, tileId, previewOnly); return; } if (!tileId) { this._eraseSingleMapTile(x, y, z, updateNeighbors, previewOnly, forceErasure); return; } const itemsToChange = this.getItemsToChange(x, y, z, tileId, !previewOnly, updateNeighbors); for (const {x, y, z, tileId} of itemsToChange) { if (z > 5) { continue; } const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(x, y, z); let effectiveTileId = tileId; if (Tilemap.isAutotile(tileId)) { effectiveTileId = this.changeAutoTileShapeForPosition(x, y, z, tileId, false); } if (z === 1) { this.removeTileBlend(x, y, previewOnly); } if (previewOnly) { previewChanges[tileIndex] = effectiveTileId; } else { const oldTile = $dataMap.data[tileIndex]; if (currentChange.tiles[tileIndex] === undefined && oldTile !== effectiveTileId) { currentChange.tiles[tileIndex] = oldTile; } $dataMap.data[tileIndex] = effectiveTileId; } this.maybeUpdateTileNeighbors(x, y, z, updateNeighbors, previewOnly); } } static setMapTile(x, y, z, tileId, updateNeighbors = true, previewOnly = false) { if (!$gameMap.isValid(x, y)) { return; } if (currentLayer === Layers.blend) { if (!previewOnly) { CycloneMapEditor$1._applySingleBlend(x, y); } return; } if (currentTool !== 'eraser') { if (tileId === undefined ) { return; } if (tileId === 0 && !this.canEraseLayer(z)) { return; } } this._applySingleMapTile(x, y, z, tileId, updateNeighbors, previewOnly); } static getSelectedTileIndex(col, row) { if (currentTool === 'eraser') { return; } if (currentTileId === undefined) { return; } if (selectedTileList.length < tileCols * tileRows) { return; } const realCol = col % tileCols; const realRow = row % tileRows; return realRow * tileCols + realCol; } static getSelectedTileCell(col, row) { const index = this.getSelectedTileIndex(col, row); if (index || index === 0) { return selectedTileList[index]; } } static setSelectionTileMaybeMultiLayer(tileX, tileY, selectionCol, selectionRow, previewOnly = false, effectiveLayer = undefined) { effectiveLayer = effectiveLayer ?? currentLayer; const index = this.getSelectedTileIndex(selectionCol, selectionRow); if (effectiveLayer === 7 && multiLayerSelection.length) { for (let z = 0; z <= 3; z++) { const tileId = multiLayerSelection[z][index] ?? 0; this.setMapTile(tileX, tileY, z, tileId, true, previewOnly); } } else { const tileId = selectedTileList[index] ?? 0; this.setMapTile(tileX, tileY, effectiveLayer, tileId, true, previewOnly); if (effectiveLayer === 2 && currentLayer === 7 && currentTool === 'eraser') { this.setMapTile(tileX, tileY, 3, 0, true, previewOnly); } } } static canApplyRectangle() { return currentTileId !== undefined || currentTool === 'eraser' || currentLayer === Layers.blend; } static isAutoEraser() { return currentLayer === Layers.auto && currentTool === 'eraser' && !Input.isPressed('shift'); } static getHighestLayerOnArea(startX, startY, width, height) { const highestLayer = (() => { for (let z = 3; z >= 1; z--) { for (let tileY = startY; tileY < startY + height; tileY++) { for (let tileX = startX; tileX < startX + width; tileX++) { const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(tileX, tileY, z); const tileId = $dataMap.data[tileIndex]; if (tileId > 0) { return z; } } } } return 0; })(); if (highestLayer === 3 && Input.isPressed('control')) { return 2; } return highestLayer; } static applyRectangle(startX, startY, width, height, previewOnly = false) { if (!this.canApplyRectangle()) { return; } this.ensureLayerVisibility(); const gridRatio = this.getGridRatio(); let initialRow = 0; let initialCol = 0; let rowIncrement = 1; let colIncrement = 1; if (rectangleBackWidth > 0) { initialCol = (width * gridRatio) - 1; colIncrement *= -1; } if (rectangleBackHeight > 0) { initialRow = (height * gridRatio) - 1; rowIncrement *= -1; } let selectionRow = initialRow; let selectionCol = initialCol; if (previewOnly) { previewChanges = {}; } else { this.resetCurrentChange(); } let effectiveLayer = currentLayer; if (this.isAutoEraser()) { effectiveLayer = this.getHighestLayerOnArea(startX, startY, width, height); } const tileIncrement = 1 / gridRatio; for (let tileY = startY; tileY < startY + height; tileY += tileIncrement) { selectionCol = initialCol; for (let tileX = startX; tileX < startX + width; tileX += tileIncrement) { this.setSelectionTileMaybeMultiLayer(tileX, tileY, selectionCol, selectionRow, previewOnly, effectiveLayer); selectionCol += colIncrement; } selectionRow += rowIncrement; } if (previewOnly) { SceneManager._scene._spriteset._tilemap.refresh(); this.maybeRefreshGrid(); } else { this.logChange(); this.refreshTilemap(); } } static maybeRefreshGrid() { if (currentLayer !== Layers.regions) { return; } refreshGrid(); } static refreshTilemap() { previewChanges = {}; if (currentLayer === Layers.collisions || currentLayer === Layers.blend) { saveExtraData(true); } if (TouchInput.isLongPressed()) { refreshTilemap(); } else { SceneManager._scene._spriteset._tilemap.refresh(); } refreshGrid(); } static copyAutoRectangle(startX, startY, width, height) { for (let z = 0; z <= 3; z++) { multiLayerSelection[z] = Array(width * height); } this.iterateRectangle(startX, startY, width, height, (tileX, tileY, index) => { for (let z = 0; z <= 3; z++) { const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(tileX, tileY, z); multiLayerSelection[z][index] = $dataMap.data[tileIndex] || 0; selectedTileList[index] = $dataMap.data[tileIndex] || selectedTileList[index] || 0; if (currentTileId === undefined) { currentTileId = selectedTileList[index]; } } }); } static _selectTileIfNoneSelectedYet(tileId) { if (currentTileId === undefined) { currentTileId = tileId; } } static _shouldSkipRemainingLayersCopy(foundAny, z) { if (!foundAny) { return false; } if (Input.isPressed('control')) { return z !== 3; } return true; } static iterateRectangle(startX, startY, width, height, fn) { let index = 0; for (let tileY = startY; tileY < startY + height; tileY++) { for (let tileX = startX; tileX < startX + width; tileX++) { fn(tileX, tileY, index); index++; } } } static copyHigherAutoRectangle(startX, startY, width, height) { for (let z = 0; z <= 3; z++) { multiLayerSelection[z] = Array(width * height); } let foundAny = false; for (let z = 3; z >= 0; z--) { if (!this.isLayerVisible(z)) { continue; } this.iterateRectangle(startX, startY, width, height, (tileX, tileY, index) => { const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(tileX, tileY, z); multiLayerSelection[z][index] = $dataMap.data[tileIndex] || 0; selectedTileList[index] = $dataMap.data[tileIndex] || selectedTileList[index] || 0; this._selectTileIfNoneSelectedYet(selectedTileList[index]); if ($dataMap.data[tileIndex]) { foundAny = true; } }); if (this._shouldSkipRemainingLayersCopy(foundAny, z)) { return; } } } static copyHigherRectangle(startX, startY, width, height) { let foundAny = false; for (let z = 3; z >= 0; z--) { if (!this.isLayerVisible(z)) { continue; } this.iterateRectangle(startX, startY, width, height, (tileX, tileY, index) => { const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(tileX, tileY, z); selectedTileList[index] = selectedTileList[index] || $dataMap.data[tileIndex] || 0; this._selectTileIfNoneSelectedYet(selectedTileList[index]); if ($dataMap.data[tileIndex]) { foundAny = true; } }); if (this._shouldSkipRemainingLayersCopy(foundAny, z)) { return; } } } static copyManualRectangle(startX, startY, width, height) { this.iterateRectangle(startX, startY, width, height, (tileX, tileY, index) => { const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(tileX, tileY, currentLayer); selectedTileList[index] = $dataMap.data[tileIndex] || 0; this._selectTileIfNoneSelectedYet(selectedTileList[index]); }); } static copyRectangle(startX, startY, width, height) { if (puzzleMode) { return; } if (!wasRightButtonDown) { return; } if (currentLayer === Layers.collisions) { return; } const gridRatio = this.getGridRatio(); multiLayerSelection = []; selectedTileList = Array((width * gridRatio) * (height * gridRatio)); currentTileId = undefined; if (currentLayer === 7) { if (Input.isPressed('shift')) { this.copyHigherAutoRectangle(startX, startY, width, height); } else { this.copyAutoRectangle(startX, startY, width, height); } } else if (Input.isPressed('shift')) { this.copyHigherRectangle(startX, startY, width, height); } else { this.copyManualRectangle(startX, startY, width, height); } tileCols = width; tileRows = height; messySelection = true; if (currentTool == 'eraser') { this.restoreLastDrawingTool(); } this.refreshTilemap(); SceneManager._scene._mapEditorWindow._manualTileSelected = undefined; SceneManager._scene._mapEditorWindow.refresh(); SceneManager._scene._mapEditorWindow.ensureSelectionVisible(); } static restoreLastDrawingTool() { if (lastDrawingTool === 'rectangle') { this.rectangleButton(); } else { this.pencilButton(); } } static isSameKindTileCurrentLayer(layers, index) { const size = $gameMap.width() * $gameMap.height(); if (currentLayer > 3) { for (let z = 0; z <= 3; z++) { const tileId = $dataMap.data[index + z * size]; if (!Tilemap.isSameKindTile(tileId, layers[z])) { return false; } } return true; } const tileId = $dataMap.data[index]; return Tilemap.isSameKindTile(layers[currentLayer], tileId); } static _maybeValidateTileIndexForCollectionList(list, index, area, initialTileIds) { if (area[index] !== undefined) { return; } const height = $gameMap.height(); const width = $gameMap.width(); area[index] = this.isSameKindTileCurrentLayer(initialTileIds, index); if (!area[index]) { return; } const workLayer = currentLayer <= 3 ? currentLayer : 0; const y = this.indexPositionY(index, workLayer); const x = index - this.tileIndex(0, y, workLayer); const leftIndex = x > 0 ? this.tileIndex(x - 1, y, workLayer) : -1; const rightIndex = x < width -1 ? this.tileIndex(x + 1, y, workLayer) : -1; const upIndex = y > 0 ? this.tileIndex(x, y - 1, workLayer) : -1; const downIndex = y < height - 1 ? this.tileIndex(x, y + 1, workLayer) : -1; const maybeAddIndex = (index) => { if (index >= 0 && !list.includes(index)) { list.push(index); } }; maybeAddIndex(leftIndex); maybeAddIndex(rightIndex); maybeAddIndex(upIndex); maybeAddIndex(downIndex); } static collectFillAreaFrom(mapX, mapY) { const list = []; const initialTileIds = []; const area = {}; if (currentLayer === Layers.auto || currentLayer < 4) { for (let z = 0; z <= 3; z++) { const tileIndex = this.tileIndex(mapX, mapY, z); initialTileIds[z] = $dataMap.data[tileIndex]; if (z === currentLayer || (currentLayer === 7 && z === 0)) { list.push(tileIndex); } } for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { const index = list[i]; this._maybeValidateTileIndexForCollectionList(list, index, area, initialTileIds); } } return Object.keys(area).filter(key => area[key]); } static applyFillArea(mapX, mapY) { if (currentTileId === undefined) { return; } this.ensureLayerVisibility(); const affectedArea = this.collectFillAreaFrom(mapX, mapY); const height = $gameMap.height(); const width = $gameMap.width(); const workLayer = currentLayer <= 3 ? currentLayer : 0; this.resetCurrentChange(); for (const tileIndex of affectedArea) { const y = this.indexPositionY(tileIndex, workLayer); const x = tileIndex - this.tileIndex(0, y, workLayer); const xDiff = (x + width - mapX) % tileCols; const yDiff = (y + height - mapY) % tileRows; this.setSelectionTileMaybeMultiLayer(x, y, xDiff, yDiff, false); } this.logChange(); this.refreshTilemap(); } static ensureLayerVisibility() { if (!layerVisibility[currentLayer]) { layerVisibility[currentLayer] = true; if (this.isMapEditorScene()) { SceneManager._scene._mapEditorLayerListWindow.refresh(); } } } static applySelectedTiles(mapX, mapY) { if (currentLayer !== Layers.blend) { if (currentTileId === undefined) { return; } if (selectedTileList.length < tileCols * tileRows) { return; } } this.ensureLayerVisibility(); let index = 0; const gridRatio = this.getGridRatio(); const increment = 1 / gridRatio; for (let y = mapY; y < mapY + tileRows; y += increment) { for (let x = mapX; x < mapX + tileCols; x += increment) { if (!$gameMap.isValid(x, y)) { continue; } if (currentLayer === 7 && multiLayerSelection.length) { for (let z = 0; z <= 3; z++) { this.setMapTile(x, y, z, multiLayerSelection[z][index]); } } else { this.setMapTile(x, y, currentLayer, selectedTileList[index]); } index++; } } this.refreshTilemap(); } static updateRightTouch(x, y) { if (CycloneMapEditor$1.isRightButtonDown) { if (!CycloneMapEditor$1.wasRightButtonDown) { CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX = x; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY = y; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartMouseX = TouchInput.x; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartMouseY = TouchInput.y; } const gridRatio = CycloneMapEditor$1.getGridRatio(); CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleWidth = (x - CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX + (1 / gridRatio)).clamp(0, 30) * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleHeight = (y - CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY + (1 / gridRatio)).clamp(0, 30) * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackWidth = (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX - x).clamp(0, 30) * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackHeight = (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY - y).clamp(0, 30) * gridRatio; if (this.crossedHorizontalLoop()) { // moved right through the edge, limit the width to it if (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX > x) { CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleWidth = ($gameMap.width() - CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX) * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackWidth = 0; } else if (x > CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX) { CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackWidth = CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleWidth = 0; } } if (this.crossedVerticalLoop()) { if (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY > y) { CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleHeight = ($gameMap.height() - CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY) * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackHeight = 0; } else if (y > CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY) { CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackHeight = CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleHeight = 0; } } SceneManager._scene._spriteset._mapEditorCursor.updateDrawing(); return; } if (CycloneMapEditor$1.wasRightButtonDown) { this.updateRectangleReleased(); return; } } static updateCurrentToolTouch(x, y) { switch(CycloneMapEditor$1.currentTool) { case 'fill': this.updateFill(x, y); break; case 'pencil': this.updatePencil(x, y); break; case 'rectangle': this.updateRectangle(x, y); break; case 'eraser': this.updateEraser(x, y); break; } } static changeRectangleArea(previewOnly = false) { let startX = CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX; let startY = CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY; let applyWidth = 0; let applyHeight = 0; const gridRatio = CycloneMapEditor$1.getGridRatio(); if (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleWidth > 0) { applyWidth = CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleWidth / gridRatio; } else if (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackWidth > 0) { startX -= CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackWidth / gridRatio; applyWidth = (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackWidth + 1) / gridRatio; } if (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleHeight > 0) { applyHeight = CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleHeight / gridRatio; } else if (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackHeight > 0) { startY -= CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackHeight / gridRatio; applyHeight = (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackHeight + 1) / gridRatio; } if (applyWidth > 0 && applyHeight > 0) { if (CycloneMapEditor$1.wasRightButtonDown) { if (!previewOnly) { CycloneMapEditor$1.copyRectangle(startX, startY, applyWidth, applyHeight); } } else { CycloneMapEditor$1.applyRectangle(startX, startY, applyWidth, applyHeight, previewOnly); } } } static updateRectangleReleased() { this.changeRectangleArea(); CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleWidth = 0; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleHeight = 0; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackWidth = 0; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackHeight = 0; SceneManager._scene._spriteset._mapEditorCursor.updateDrawing(); } static crossedHorizontalLoop() { if (!$gameMap.isLoopHorizontal()) { return false; } // if moved left but the end position is to the right if ((CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartMouseX > TouchInput.x && CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleWidth > 0) ) { return true; } if ((CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartMouseX < TouchInput.x && CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackWidth > 0)) { return true; } return false; } static crossedVerticalLoop() { if (!$gameMap.isLoopVertical()) { return false; } if ((CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartMouseY > TouchInput.y && CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleHeight > 0)) { return true; } if ((CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartMouseY < TouchInput.y && CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackHeight > 0)) { return true; } return false; } static updateRectangle(x, y) { if (TouchInput.isPressed()) { if (!wasPressing) { CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX = x; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY = y; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartMouseX = TouchInput.x; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartMouseY = TouchInput.y; } const gridRatio = CycloneMapEditor$1.getGridRatio(); CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleWidth = (x - CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX + (1 / gridRatio)).clamp(0, 30) * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleHeight = (y - CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY + (1 / gridRatio)).clamp(0, 30) * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackWidth = (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX - x).clamp(0, 30) * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackHeight = (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY - y).clamp(0, 30) * gridRatio; if (this.crossedHorizontalLoop()) { // moved right through the edge, limit the width to it if (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX > x) { CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleWidth = ($gameMap.width() - CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX) * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackWidth = 0; } else if (x > CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX) { CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackWidth = CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartX * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleWidth = 0; } } if (this.crossedVerticalLoop()) { if (CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY > y) { CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleHeight = ($gameMap.height() - CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY) * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackHeight = 0; } else if (y > CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY) { CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleBackHeight = CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleStartY * gridRatio; CycloneMapEditor$1.rectangleHeight = 0; } } this.changeRectangleArea(true); SceneManager._scene._spriteset._mapEditorCursor.updateDrawing(); return; } if (wasPressing) { this.updateRectangleReleased(); return; } } static updateFill(x, y) { if (!TouchInput.isPressed() || wasPressing) { return; } CycloneMapEditor$1.applyFillArea(x, y); } static updateEraser(x, y) { if (this.isLayerVisible(Layers.blend)) { this.updatePencil(x, y); return; } this.updateRectangle(x, y); } static updatePencil(x, y) { if (TouchInput.isPressed()) { if (!currentChange) { this.resetCurrentChange(); } if (currentLayer === Layers.blend) { const offset = Input.isPressed('shift') ? 0.125 : 0.25; CycloneMapEditor$1._applyBlendBrush(x - offset, y - offset, false); return; } CycloneMapEditor$1.applySelectedTiles(x, y); return; } if (wasPressing) { CycloneMapEditor$1.logChange(); } } static getGridRatio(drawRatio = false) { if (!drawRatio) { if (currentLayer === Layers.blend) { return 16; } } if (puzzleMode) { return 2; } if (currentLayer === Layers.collisions) { if (window.CycloneMovement) { return window.CycloneMovement.collisionStepCount; } const count = this.params.collisionStepCount; if ([1, 2, 4].includes(count)) { return count; } return 1; } return 1; } static canvasToMapX(x) { const gridRatio = this.getGridRatio(); const originX = $gameMap._displayX * tileWidth; const mapX = (originX + x) / tileWidth; return Math.floor(mapX * gridRatio) / gridRatio; } static canvasToMapY(y) { const gridRatio = this.getGridRatio(); const originY = $gameMap._displayY * tileHeight; const mapY = (originY + y) / tileHeight; return Math.floor(mapY * gridRatio) / gridRatio; } static requestCollisionRefresh() { if (!this.active) { return; } if (currentLayer !== Layers.collisions) { return; } if (this.isMapEditorScene()) { SceneManager._scene._mapEditorGrid.requestRefresh(); } } static jumpToTile(tileId) { return SceneManager._scene._mapEditorWindow && SceneManager._scene._mapEditorWindow.jumpToTile(tileId); } static jumpToLastTile() { if (!SceneManager._scene._mapEditorWindow) { return; } SceneManager._scene._mapEditorWindow.setTopRow(SceneManager._scene._mapEditorWindow.maxTopRow()); } static jumpToOneTileOf(tileList) { for (const tileId of tileList) { if (this.jumpToTile(tileId)) { return; } } } } globalThis.CycloneMapEditor = CycloneMapEditor$1; CycloneMapEditor$1.register(); const regionColors = [ '#e75858', '#c0986f', '#cbcf32', '#8ab24c', '#22aa47', '#1cbf97', '#7ec1df', '#4da4dc', '#4f36a9', '#725fb9', '#d48de4', '#fa5e84' ]; CycloneMapEditor.patchClass(Bitmap, $super => class { drawNormalTile(tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight) { if (tileId === undefined) { return; } const bitmap = CycloneMapEditor.loadTilesetBitmap(tileId); if (!bitmap) { return; } const sourceX = ((Math.floor(tileId / 128) % 2) * 8 + (tileId % 8)) * CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth; const sourceY = (Math.floor((tileId % 256) / 8) % 16) * CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight; this.blt(bitmap, sourceX, sourceY, CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth, CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight, x, y, drawWidth ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth, drawHeight ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight); return bitmap; } drawAutoTileTable(bitmap, table, tileX, tileY, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight) { const halfWidth = CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth / 2; const halfHeight = CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight / 2; const drawHalfWidth = (drawWidth ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth) / 2; const drawHalfHeight = (drawHeight ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight) / 2; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const tableX = table[i][0]; const tableY = table[i][1]; const sourceX = (tileX * CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth) + (tableX * halfWidth); const sourceY = (tileY * CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight) + (tableY * halfHeight); const targetX = x + (i % 2) * drawHalfWidth; const targetY = y + Math.floor(i / 2) * drawHalfHeight; this.blt(bitmap, sourceX, sourceY, halfWidth, halfHeight, targetX, targetY, drawHalfWidth, drawHalfHeight); } return bitmap; } drawTileA1(bitmap, tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight) { let tileX = 0; let tileY = 0; let autotileTable = Tilemap.FLOOR_AUTOTILE_TABLE; const kind = Tilemap.getAutotileKind(tileId); const shape = Tilemap.getAutotileShape(tileId); switch(kind) { case 0: tileX = 0; tileY = 0; break; case 1: tileX = 0; tileY = 3; break; case 2: tileX = 6; tileY = 0; break; case 3: tileX = 6; tileY = 3; break; default: tileX = Math.floor((kind % 8) / 4) * 8; tileY = Math.floor(kind / 8) * 6 + (Math.floor((kind % 8) / 2) % 2) * 3; if (kind % 2 === 1) { tileX += 6; autotileTable = Tilemap.WATERFALL_AUTOTILE_TABLE; } break; } return this.drawAutoTileTable(bitmap, autotileTable[shape], tileX, tileY, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight); } drawTileA2(bitmap, tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight) { const kind = Tilemap.getAutotileKind(tileId); const tileX = (kind % 8) * 2; const tileY = (Math.floor(kind / 8) - 2) * 3; const shape = Tilemap.getAutotileShape(tileId); return this.drawAutoTileTable(bitmap, Tilemap.FLOOR_AUTOTILE_TABLE[shape], tileX, tileY, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight); } drawTileA3(bitmap, tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight) { const kind = Tilemap.getAutotileKind(tileId); const tileX = (kind % 8) * 2; const tileY = (Math.floor(kind / 8) - 6) * 2; const shape = Tilemap.getAutotileShape(tileId); return this.drawAutoTileTable(bitmap, Tilemap.WALL_AUTOTILE_TABLE[shape], tileX, tileY, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight); } drawTileA4(bitmap, tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight) { const kind = Tilemap.getAutotileKind(tileId); const tileX = (kind % 8) * 2; const tileY = Math.floor((Math.floor(kind / 8) - 10) * 2.5 + (Math.floor(kind / 8) % 2 === 1 ? 0.5 : 0)); const shape = Tilemap.getAutotileShape(tileId); let autotileTable = Tilemap.FLOOR_AUTOTILE_TABLE; if (Math.floor(kind / 8) % 2 === 1) { autotileTable = Tilemap.WALL_AUTOTILE_TABLE; } return this.drawAutoTileTable(bitmap, autotileTable[shape], tileX, tileY, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight); } drawAutoTile(tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight) { const bitmap = CycloneMapEditor.loadTilesetBitmap(tileId); if (!bitmap) { return; } if (Tilemap.isTileA1(tileId)) { return this.drawTileA1(bitmap, tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight); } if (Tilemap.isTileA2(tileId)) { return this.drawTileA2(bitmap, tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight); } if (Tilemap.isTileA3(tileId)) { return this.drawTileA3(bitmap, tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight); } if (Tilemap.isTileA4(tileId)) { return this.drawTileA4(bitmap, tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight); } } drawTile(tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight) { if (tileId <= 0) { return; } if (Tilemap.isAutotile(tileId)) { return this.drawAutoTile(tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight); } return this.drawNormalTile(tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight); } drawAutoTilePieceTable(bitmap, tileX, tileY, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight, pieceX, pieceY) { const halfWidth = CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth / 2; const halfHeight = CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight / 2; const realDrawWidth = (drawWidth ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth); const realDrawHeight = (drawHeight ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight); const sourceX = (tileX * CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth) + (pieceX * halfWidth); const sourceY = (tileY * CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight) + (pieceY * halfHeight); const targetX = x; const targetY = y; this.blt(bitmap, sourceX, sourceY, halfWidth, halfHeight, targetX, targetY, realDrawWidth, realDrawHeight); return bitmap; } drawTilePieceA1(bitmap, tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight, pieceX, pieceY) { let tileX = 0; let tileY = 0; const kind = Tilemap.getAutotileKind(tileId); switch(kind) { case 0: tileX = 0; tileY = 0; break; case 1: tileX = 0; tileY = 3; break; case 2: tileX = 6; tileY = 0; break; case 3: tileX = 6; tileY = 3; break; default: tileX = Math.floor((kind % 8) / 4) * 8; tileY = Math.floor(kind / 8) * 6 + (Math.floor((kind % 8) / 2) % 2) * 3; if (kind % 2 === 1) { tileX += 6; } break; } return this.drawAutoTilePieceTable(bitmap, tileX, tileY, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight, pieceX, pieceY); } drawTilePieceA2(bitmap, tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight, pieceX, pieceY) { const kind = Tilemap.getAutotileKind(tileId); const tileX = (kind % 8) * 2; const tileY = (Math.floor(kind / 8) - 2) * 3; return this.drawAutoTilePieceTable(bitmap, tileX, tileY, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight, pieceX, pieceY); } drawPuzzlePiece(pieceId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight) { if (pieceId <= 0) { return; } if (!Tilemap.isAutotile(pieceId)) { return; } const kind = Tilemap.getAutotileKind(pieceId); const tileId = Tilemap.makeAutotileId(kind, 0); const bitmap = CycloneMapEditor.loadTilesetBitmap(tileId); if (!bitmap) { return; } const pieceShape = pieceId - tileId; const pieceX = pieceShape % 4; const pieceY = Math.floor(pieceShape / 4); if (Tilemap.isTileA1(tileId)) { return this.drawTilePieceA1(bitmap, tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight, pieceX, pieceY); } if (Tilemap.isTileA2(tileId)) { return this.drawTilePieceA2(bitmap, tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight, pieceX, pieceY); } } drawIcon(iconIndex, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight) { const bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem('IconSet'); const pw = ImageManager.iconWidth; const ph = ImageManager.iconHeight; const sx = (iconIndex % 16) * pw; const sy = Math.floor(iconIndex / 16) * ph; const realDrawWidth = drawWidth ?? pw; const realDrawHeight = drawHeight ?? ph; this.blt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, x, y, realDrawWidth, realDrawHeight); } drawRegion(regionId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight, stretchIcon = false) { const realDrawWidth = drawWidth ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth; const realDrawHeight = drawHeight ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight; if (regionId > 0) { const color = regionColors[regionId % regionColors.length]; this.fillRect(x, y, realDrawWidth, realDrawHeight, `${ color}66`); } let iconIndex = CycloneMapEditor.regionIcons.get(regionId) ?? 0; if (iconIndex) { const {iconWidth, iconHeight} = ImageManager; const diffX = (realDrawWidth - iconWidth) / 2; const diffY = (realDrawHeight - iconHeight) / 2; const iconDrawWidth = stretchIcon ? realDrawWidth : iconWidth; const iconDrawHeight = stretchIcon ? realDrawHeight : iconHeight; const iconX = stretchIcon ? x : x + diffX; const iconY = stretchIcon ? y : y + diffY; this.drawIcon(iconIndex, iconX, iconY, iconDrawWidth, iconDrawHeight); } else { this.drawText(regionId, x, y, realDrawWidth, realDrawHeight, 'center'); } } drawShadow(shadowId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight) { const halfWidth = (drawWidth ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth) / 2; const halfHeight = (drawHeight ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight) / 2; if (shadowId <= 0 || shadowId > 15) { return; } const table = shadowId.toString(2).padZero(4); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (table[3 - i] !== '1') { continue; } const drawX = x + (i % 2) * halfWidth; const drawY = y + Math.floor(i / 2) * halfHeight; this.fillRect(drawX, drawY, halfWidth, halfHeight, '#00000066'); } } drawCollisionType(collision, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight) { if (collision === 0) { return; } const realDrawWidth = drawWidth ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth; const realDrawHeight = drawHeight ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight; const colorIndex = collision <= 3 ? collision - 1 : 0; const context = this.context; context.save(); const color = ['#00FF00', '#FF0000', '#FF00FF'][colorIndex]; context.fillStyle = color; context.fillRect(x, y, realDrawWidth, realDrawHeight); let goesUp = false; let goesDown = false; let goesLeft = false; let goesRight = false; if (collision >= 20) { const unblockedDirection = collision - 20; goesUp = !DirectionHelper.goesUp(unblockedDirection); goesDown = !DirectionHelper.goesDown(unblockedDirection); goesLeft = !DirectionHelper.goesLeft(unblockedDirection); goesRight = !DirectionHelper.goesRight(unblockedDirection); } else if (collision > 10) { const blockedDirection = collision - 10; goesUp = DirectionHelper.goesUp(blockedDirection); goesDown = DirectionHelper.goesDown(blockedDirection); goesLeft = DirectionHelper.goesLeft(blockedDirection); goesRight = DirectionHelper.goesRight(blockedDirection); } else if (collision === 4) { goesDown = true; goesUp = true; } else if (collision === 5) { goesLeft = true; goesRight = true; } if (collision > 3) { const pieceWidth = Math.floor(realDrawWidth / 4); const pieceHeight = Math.floor(realDrawHeight / 4); context.fillStyle = '#FF00FF'; if (goesUp) { context.fillRect(x, y, realDrawWidth, pieceHeight); } if (goesDown) { context.fillRect(x, y + realDrawHeight - pieceHeight, realDrawWidth, pieceHeight); } if (goesLeft) { context.fillRect(x, y, pieceWidth, realDrawHeight); } if (goesRight) { context.fillRect(x + realDrawWidth - pieceWidth, y, pieceWidth, realDrawHeight); } } context.strokeStyle = '#000000'; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x + realDrawWidth, y); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x, y + realDrawHeight); context.stroke(); } }); CycloneMapEditor.patchClass(DataManager, $super => class { static loadMapData(mapId) { if (mapId > 0 && CycloneMapEditor.mapCaches[mapId]) { globalThis.$dataMap = CycloneMapEditor.mapCaches[mapId]; this.onLoad('$dataMap'); return; } return $super.loadMapData.call(this, mapId); } }); CycloneMapEditor.patchClass(Game_Map, $super => class { screenTileX() { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { return $super.screenTileX.call(this); } return (Graphics.width - CycloneMapEditor.windowWidth) / this.tileWidth(); } screenTileY() { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { return $super.screenTileY.call(this); } return (Graphics.height - 40) / this.tileHeight(); } regionId(x, y) { if (CycloneMapEditor.active) { return CycloneMapEditor.getCurrentTileAtPosition(x, y, 5, false); } return $super.regionId.call(this, x, y); } isLoopHorizontal() { if (CycloneMapEditor.active) { return false; } return $super.isLoopHorizontal.call(this); } isLoopVertical() { if (CycloneMapEditor.active) { return false; } return $super.isLoopVertical.call(this); } canvasToMapX(x) { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active || CycloneMapEditor.currentZoom === 1) { return $super.canvasToMapX.call(this, x); } const tileWidth = this.tileWidth() * CycloneMapEditor.currentZoom; const originX = this._displayX * tileWidth; const mapX = Math.floor((originX + x) / tileWidth); return this.roundX(mapX); } canvasToMapY(y) { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active || CycloneMapEditor.currentZoom === 1) { return $super.canvasToMapY.call(this, y); } const tileHeight = this.tileHeight() * CycloneMapEditor.currentZoom; const originY = this._displayY * tileHeight; const mapY = Math.floor((originY + y) / tileHeight); return this.roundY(mapY); } scrollDown(distance) { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { return $super.scrollDown.call(this, distance); } const extraTiles = Math.ceil(Graphics.height / this.tileHeight()) - 3; const lastY = this._displayY; this._displayY = Math.min(this._displayY + distance, this.height() - this.screenTileY() + extraTiles); this._parallaxY += this._displayY - lastY; } scrollLeft(distance) { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { return $super.scrollLeft.call(this, distance); } const extraTiles = Math.ceil(Graphics.width / this.tileWidth()) - 3; const lastX = this._displayX; this._displayX = Math.max(this._displayX - distance, -extraTiles); this._parallaxX += this._displayX - lastX; } scrollRight(distance) { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { return $super.scrollRight.call(this, distance); } const extraTiles = Math.ceil(Graphics.width / this.tileWidth()) - 5; const lastX = this._displayX; this._displayX = Math.min(this._displayX + distance, this.width() - this.screenTileX() + extraTiles); this._parallaxX += this._displayX - lastX; } scrollUp(distance) { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { return $super.scrollUp.call(this, distance); } const extraTiles = Math.ceil(Graphics.height / this.tileHeight()) - 3; const lastY = this._displayY; this._displayY = Math.max(this._displayY - distance, -extraTiles); this._parallaxY += this._displayY - lastY; } checkTileIdPassage(tileId, d) { const flags = this.tilesetFlags(); const flag = flags[tileId]; return this.getPassageBitType(flag, d); } getPassageBitType(flag, d) { const bit = (1 << (d / 2 - 1)) & 0x0f; if ((flag & bit) === 0) { // [o] Passable return true; } if ((flag & bit) === bit) { // [x] Impassable return false; } } getTileFlag(tileId) { const flags = this.tilesetFlags(); return flags[tileId]; } checkTileIdPassageType(tileId) { const flags = this.tilesetFlags(); const flag = flags[tileId]; if ((flag & 0x10) !== 0) { if (tileId < Tilemap.TILE_ID_A1) { return TilePassageType.star; } return TilePassageType.free; } const top = this.getPassageBitType(flag, 8); const bottom = this.getPassageBitType(flag, 2); const left = this.getPassageBitType(flag, 4); const right = this.getPassageBitType(flag, 6); if (top === false && bottom === false && left === false && right === false) { return TilePassageType.blocked; } return TilePassageType.free; } tileIdIsBush(tileId) { const flags = this.tilesetFlags(); const flag = flags[tileId]; return (flag & 0x40) !== 0; } tileIdIsLadder(tileId) { const flags = this.tilesetFlags(); const flag = flags[tileId]; return (flag & 0x20) !== 0; } tileIdIsCounter(tileId) { const flags = this.tilesetFlags(); const flag = flags[tileId]; return (flag & 0x80) !== 0; } tileIdIsDamage(tileId) { const flags = this.tilesetFlags(); const flag = flags[tileId]; return (flag & 0x100) !== 0; } tileIdTerrainTag(tileId) { const flags = this.tilesetFlags(); const flag = flags[tileId]; const tag = flag >> 12; if (tag > 0) { return tag; } return 0; } }); CycloneMapEditor.patchClass(Game_Player, $super => class { centerX() { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { return $super.centerX.call(this); } return ((Graphics.width - CycloneMapEditor.windowWidth) / $gameMap.tileWidth() - 1) / 2.0; } centerY() { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { return $super.centerY.call(this); } return ((Graphics.height - 40) / $gameMap.tileHeight() - 1) / 2.0; } reserveTransfer(mapId, ...args) { if (CycloneMapEditor.changeHistory.length > 0) { if (confirm('Do you want to save your map before teleporting away?')) { CycloneMapEditor._doSave(); } } $super.reserveTransfer.call(this, mapId, ...args); } executeEncounter() { const result = $super.executeEncounter.call(this); if (result) { if (CycloneMapEditor.changeHistory.length > 0) { if (confirm('Do you want to save your map before the battle starts?')) { CycloneMapEditor._doSave(); } } } return result; } updateMove() { $super.updateMove.call(this); CycloneMapEditor.requestCollisionRefresh(); } }); class WindowCycloneGrid extends Window_Base { initialize() { const width = Graphics.width; const height = Graphics.height; const rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); super.initialize(rect); this.padding = 0; this.refresh(); this.opacity = 0; this.backOpacity = 0; this.hide(); this.deactivate(); } createContents() { this._padding = 0; super.createContents(); } drawCellGrid(x, y) { if (!CycloneMapEditor.showGrid) { return; } const gridRatio = CycloneMapEditor.getGridRatio(true); const drawWidth = Math.floor(CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth * CycloneMapEditor.currentZoom) / gridRatio; const drawHeight = Math.floor(CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight * CycloneMapEditor.currentZoom) / gridRatio; const context = this.contents.context; context.strokeStyle = '#666666'; for (let cellX = 0; cellX < gridRatio; cellX++) { for (let cellY = 0; cellY < gridRatio; cellY++) { const drawX = x + cellX * drawWidth; const drawY = y + cellY * drawHeight; context.strokeRect(drawX, drawY, drawWidth, drawHeight); } } context.stroke(); } maybeDrawRegions(x, y) { if (!CycloneMapEditor.isLayerVisible(Layers.regions)) { return; } if (CycloneMapEditor.isLayerVisible(Layers.tags)) { return; } const mapX = $gameMap.canvasToMapX(x); const mapY = $gameMap.canvasToMapY(y); const regionId = $gameMap.regionId(mapX, mapY); if (regionId > 0) { this.contents.drawRegion(regionId, x, y); } } checkTilePassability(x, y, d) { return $gameMap.isPassable(x, y, d); } drawTilesetCollision(x, y) { const mapX = $gameMap.canvasToMapX(x); const mapY = $gameMap.canvasToMapY(y); const drawWidth = CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth; const drawHeight = CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight; const downBlocked = !this.checkTilePassability(mapX, mapY, 2); const upBlocked = !this.checkTilePassability(mapX, mapY, 8); const leftBlocked = !this.checkTilePassability(mapX, mapY, 4); const rightBlocked = !this.checkTilePassability(mapX, mapY, 6); const same = downBlocked === upBlocked && downBlocked === leftBlocked && downBlocked === rightBlocked; if (downBlocked && same) { this.contents.fillRect(x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight, '#FF000033'); return; } const sideHeight = 2; const sideWidth = 2; this.contents.fillRect(x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight, '#00FF0033'); if (downBlocked) { this.contents.fillRect(x, y + drawHeight - sideHeight, drawWidth, sideHeight, '#FF00FFAA'); } if (upBlocked) { this.contents.fillRect(x, y, drawWidth, sideHeight, '#FF00FFAA'); } if (leftBlocked) { this.contents.fillRect(x, y, sideWidth, drawHeight, '#FF00FFAA'); } if (rightBlocked) { this.contents.fillRect(x + drawWidth - sideWidth, y, sideWidth, drawHeight, '#FF00FFAA'); } } drawCustomCollision(x, y) { const mapX = CycloneMapEditor.canvasToMapX(x); const mapY = CycloneMapEditor.canvasToMapY(y); const customCollisionTable = CycloneMapEditor.customCollisionTable; const height = $gameMap.height() * 4; const width = $gameMap.width() * 4; const tileWidth = CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth; const tileHeight = CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight; const drawWidth = tileWidth / 4; const drawHeight = tileHeight / 4; const colors = ['#00FF00AA', '#FF0000AA', '#FF00FFFF']; const context = this.contents.context; context.save(); const drawCustomSideCollisions = (goesUp, goesDown, goesLeft, goesRight, drawX, drawY) => { context.fillStyle = colors[2]; const pieceWidth = Math.floor(drawWidth / 4); const pieceHeight = Math.floor(drawHeight / 4); if (goesUp) { context.fillRect(drawX, drawY, drawWidth, pieceHeight); } if (goesDown) { context.fillRect(drawX, drawY + drawHeight - pieceHeight, drawWidth, pieceHeight); } if (goesLeft) { context.fillRect(drawX, drawY, pieceWidth, drawHeight); } if (goesRight) { context.fillRect(drawX + drawWidth - pieceWidth, drawY, pieceWidth, drawHeight); } }; for (let cellX = 0; cellX < 4; cellX++) { for (let cellY = 0; cellY < 4; cellY++) { const intX = Math.floor(mapX * 4) + cellX; const intY = Math.floor(mapY * 4) + cellY; const index = (intY % height) * width + (intX % width); if (customCollisionTable[index]) { const drawX = x + (cellX * drawWidth); const drawY = y + (cellY * drawHeight); context.clearRect(drawX, drawY, drawWidth, drawHeight); const collision = customCollisionTable[index]; const colorIndex = collision <= 3 ? collision - 1 : 0; const color = colors[colorIndex]; context.fillStyle = color; context.fillRect(drawX, drawY, drawWidth, drawHeight); let goesUp = false; let goesDown = false; let goesLeft = false; let goesRight = false; if (collision >= 20) { const d = collision - 20; goesUp = !DirectionHelper.goesUp(d); goesDown = !DirectionHelper.goesDown(d); goesLeft = !DirectionHelper.goesLeft(d); goesRight = !DirectionHelper.goesRight(d); } else if (collision > 10) { const d = collision - 10; goesUp = DirectionHelper.goesUp(d); goesDown = DirectionHelper.goesDown(d); goesLeft = DirectionHelper.goesLeft(d); goesRight = DirectionHelper.goesRight(d); } else if (collision === 4) { goesUp = true; goesDown = true; } else if (collision === 5) { goesLeft = true; goesRight = true; } if (collision > 3) { drawCustomSideCollisions(goesUp, goesDown, goesLeft, goesRight, drawX, drawY); } } } } context.restore(); this.contents._baseTexture.update(); } maybeDrawCollisions(x, y) { if (!CycloneMapEditor.isLayerVisible(Layers.collisions)) { return; } this.drawTilesetCollision(x, y); this.drawCustomCollision(x, y); } maybeDrawTags(x, y) { if (!CycloneMapEditor.isLayerVisible(Layers.tags)) { return; } const mapX = $gameMap.canvasToMapX(x); const mapY = $gameMap.canvasToMapY(y); const terrainTag = $gameMap.terrainTag(mapX, mapY); if (terrainTag === 0) { return; } const drawWidth = CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth; const drawHeight = CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight; this.contents.drawText(terrainTag, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight, 'center'); } drawCell(x, y) { const mapX = $gameMap.canvasToMapX(x); const mapY = $gameMap.canvasToMapY(y); if (!$gameMap.isValid(mapX, mapY)) { return false; } this.maybeDrawCollisions(x, y); this.maybeDrawRegions(x, y); this.maybeDrawTags(x, y); this.drawCellGrid(x, y); } refresh() { this.contents.clear(); this._lastDisplayX = $gameMap._displayX; this._lastDisplayY = $gameMap._displayY; const drawWidth = Math.floor(CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth * CycloneMapEditor.currentZoom); const drawHeight = Math.floor(CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight * CycloneMapEditor.currentZoom); let paddingX; let paddingY; if ($gameMap._displayX < 0) { paddingX = Math.floor($gameMap._displayX * CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth); } else { paddingX = Math.floor(($gameMap._displayX - Math.floor($gameMap._displayX)) * drawWidth); } if ($gameMap._displayY < 0) { paddingY = Math.floor($gameMap._displayY * CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight); } else { paddingY = Math.floor(($gameMap._displayY - Math.floor($gameMap._displayY)) * drawHeight); } const mapStartX = 0 - paddingX; const mapStartY = 0 - paddingY; const mapEndX = mapStartX + ($gameMap.width() * drawWidth); const mapEndY = mapStartY + ($gameMap.height() * drawHeight); const rightPos = Math.min(Graphics.width, mapEndX); let bottomPos = Math.min(Graphics.height, mapEndY); for (let x = mapStartX; x < rightPos; x += drawWidth) { if (x + drawWidth < 0) { continue; } for (let y = mapStartY; y < bottomPos; y += drawHeight) { if (y + drawHeight < 0) { continue; } this.drawCell(x, y); } } if (CycloneMapEditor.isLayerVisible(Layers.collisions)) { this.drawEventsCollision(); this.drawPlayerCollision(); } } drawEventsCollision() { const drawWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); const drawHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); for (const event of $gameMap._events) { if (!event) { continue; } if (event._priorityType !== 1 || event._through || event._erased) { continue; } const x = event.x * $gameMap.tileWidth(); const y = event.y * $gameMap.tileHeight(); const drawX = x - ($gameMap._displayX * $gameMap.tileWidth()); const drawY = y - ($gameMap._displayY * $gameMap.tileHeight()); if (drawX + drawWidth < 0 || drawY + drawHeight < 0) { continue; } this.contents.fillRect(drawX, drawY, drawWidth, drawHeight, '#FF00FF66'); } } drawPlayerCollision() { if (window.CycloneMovement) { return this.drawCycloneMovementPlayerCollision(); } const x = $gamePlayer.x * $gameMap.tileWidth(); const y = $gamePlayer.y * $gameMap.tileHeight(); const drawWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); const drawHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); const drawX = x - ($gameMap._displayX * $gameMap.tileWidth()); const drawY = y - ($gameMap._displayY * $gameMap.tileHeight()); if (drawX + drawWidth < 0 || drawY + drawHeight < 0) { return; } this.contents.fillRect(drawX, drawY, drawWidth, drawHeight, '#0000FF66'); } drawCycloneMovementPlayerCollision() { const { top, left, width, height } = $gamePlayer; const x = left * $gameMap.tileWidth(); const y = top * $gameMap.tileHeight(); const drawWidth = width * $gameMap.tileWidth(); const drawHeight = height * $gameMap.tileHeight(); const drawX = x - ($gameMap._displayX * $gameMap.tileWidth()); const drawY = y - ($gameMap._displayY * $gameMap.tileHeight()); if (drawX + drawWidth < 0 || drawY + drawHeight < 0) { return; } this.contents.fillRect(drawX, drawY, drawWidth, drawHeight, '#0000FF66'); } update() { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { return; } if (this._lastDisplayX !== $gameMap._displayX || this._lastDisplayY !== $gameMap._displayY) { this.refresh(); } } requestRefresh() { this._lastDisplayX = -999; } } const pencilIcon = new Image(); pencilIcon.src = ''; const lineIcon = new Image(); lineIcon.src = ''; const rectangleIcon = new Image(); rectangleIcon.src = ''; const fillIcon = new Image(); fillIcon.src = ''; const eraseIcon = new Image(); eraseIcon.src = ''; const saveIcon = new Image(); saveIcon.src = ''; const reloadIcon = new Image(); reloadIcon.src = ''; const undoIcon = new Image(); undoIcon.src = ''; const redoIcon = new Image(); redoIcon.src = ''; class WindowCycloneMapEditorCommands extends Window_Command { initialize() { const x = Graphics.width - CycloneMapEditor.windowWidth; const y = 0; const w = CycloneMapEditor.windowWidth; const h = (CycloneMapEditor.tileDrawWidth >= 48 && Graphics.width >= 1280) ? 74 : 50; super.initialize(new Rectangle(x, y, w, h)); this.showBackgroundDimmer(); this.configureHandlers(); } configureHandlers() { this.setHandler('undo', () => { CycloneMapEditor.undoButton(); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('redo', () => { CycloneMapEditor.redoButton(); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('pencil', () => { CycloneMapEditor.pencilButton(); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('rectangle', () => { CycloneMapEditor.rectangleButton(); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('fill', () => { CycloneMapEditor.fillButton(); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('eraser', () => { CycloneMapEditor.eraserButton(); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('save', () => { CycloneMapEditor.saveButton(); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('reload', () => { CycloneMapEditor.reloadButton(); this.activate(); }); } maxScrollY() { return 0; } maxScrollX() { return 0; } processCursorMove() { } processHandling() { } updateBackOpacity() { this.backOpacity = 255; } _updateCursor() { this._cursorSprite.visible = false; } makeCommandList() { this.addCommand('Undo', 'undo'); this.addCommand('Redo', 'redo'); this.addCommand('', ''); this.addCommand('Pen', 'pencil'); this.addCommand('Rect', 'rectangle'); this.addCommand('Fill', 'fill'); this.addCommand('Erase', 'eraser'); } colSpacing() { return 6; } rowSpacing() { return 0; } maxCols() { return 7; } redraw() { Window_Selectable.prototype.refresh.call(this); } getSymbolIcon(symbol) { switch(symbol) { case 'undo': return undoIcon; case 'redo': return redoIcon; case Tools.pencil: return pencilIcon; case Tools.rectangle: return rectangleIcon; case Tools.fill: return fillIcon; case Tools.eraser: return eraseIcon; case 'save': return saveIcon; case 'reload': return reloadIcon; } } itemRect(index) { const rect = super.itemRect(index); if (Graphics.width < 1280) { rect.width += 3; } return rect; } lineHeight() { if (Graphics.width >= 1280) { if (CycloneMapEditor.tileDrawWidth < 48) { return 14; } return 36; } return 14; } drawItem(index) { const symbol = this.commandSymbol(index); const rect = this.itemRect(index); if (CycloneMapEditor.changingTileProps && ['undo', 'redo'].includes(symbol)) { return; } if (CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === Layers.blend) { if (symbol === Tools.fill) { return; } } else if (CycloneMapEditor.puzzleMode) { if ([Tools.rectangle, Tools.fill].includes(symbol)) { return; } } if (symbol === CycloneMapEditor.currentTool) { this.contents.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y + 2, rect.width, rect.height, '#00FF0066'); this.contents.fillRect(rect.x -2, rect.y, rect.width + 4, 4, '#000000'); this.contents.fillRect(rect.x -2, rect.y + 2 + rect.height, rect.width + 6, 4, '#000000'); this.contents.fillRect(rect.x - 2, rect.y, 4, rect.height + 4, '#000000'); this.contents.fillRect(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y, 4, rect.height + 4, '#000000'); this.contents.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y + 2, rect.width, 2, '#FFFFFF'); this.contents.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y + 2 + rect.height, rect.width + 2, 2, '#FFFFFF'); this.contents.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y + 2, 2, rect.height, '#FFFFFF'); this.contents.fillRect(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + 2, 2, rect.height, '#FFFFFF'); } const icon = this.getSymbolIcon(symbol); if (!icon) { return super.drawItem(index); } this.resetTextColor(); if (symbol === 'undo') { this.changePaintOpacity(CycloneMapEditor.changeHistory.length > 0); } else if (symbol === 'redo') { this.changePaintOpacity(CycloneMapEditor.undoHistory.length > 0); } else { this.changePaintOpacity(true); } const ctx = this.contents._canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; const iconWidth = (CycloneMapEditor.tileDrawWidth >= 48 && Graphics.width >= 1280) ? 48 : 24; ctx.drawImage(icon, rect.x + 1, rect.y, iconWidth, iconWidth); } drawAllItems() { super.drawAllItems(); } playCursorSound() { } playOkSound() { } playBuzzerSound() { } } const hiddenIcon = new Image(); hiddenIcon.src = ''; const visibleIcon = new Image(); visibleIcon.src = ''; class WindowCycloneMapEditorLayerList extends Window_Base { initialize() { const x = 0; const w = 180; const y = 0; const h = Graphics.height - 40; super.initialize(new Rectangle(x, y, w, h)); this.showBackgroundDimmer(); } update() { super.update(); } updateBackOpacity() { this.backOpacity = 255; } refresh() { this.drawContents(); SceneManager._scene.redrawMap(); } drawContents() { this.contents.clear(); const ctx = this.contents._canvas.getContext('2d'); const names = [ 'Auto Layer', 'Layer 1', 'Layer 2', 'Layer 3', 'Layer 4', 'Shadows', 'Regions', 'Events', ]; this.contents.fontSize = 22; ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { const layerIndex = i === 0 ? Layers.auto : i - 1; this.contents.fontBold = CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === layerIndex; this.changeTextColor(CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === layerIndex ? ColorManager.powerUpColor() : ColorManager.normalColor()); if (layerIndex !== Layers.auto) { ctx.drawImage(CycloneMapEditor.layerVisibility[layerIndex] ? visibleIcon : hiddenIcon, -4, 30 * i - 4, 48, 48); this.drawText(names[i], 40, i * 30, this.contents.width - 40, 'left'); } else { this.drawText(names[i], 10, i * 30, this.contents.width - 10, 'left'); } } } toggleLayerVisibility(layerIndex) { CycloneMapEditor.layerVisibility[layerIndex] = !CycloneMapEditor.layerVisibility[layerIndex]; this.refresh(); SceneManager._scene._mapEditorGrid.refresh(); } getLayerIndex(y) { const padding = this.padding + 10; if (y < padding || y > this.height - padding + 6) { return -1; } const layerIndex = Math.floor((y - padding) / 30); if (y > padding + (layerIndex * 30) + 22) { return -1; } if (layerIndex > CycloneMapEditor.layerVisibility.length) { return -1; } if (layerIndex === 0) { return Layers.auto; } return layerIndex - 1; } onMapTouch(x, y) { let layerIndex = this.getLayerIndex(y); if (layerIndex < 0) { return; } if (x >= CycloneMapEditor.windowWidth / 2) { x -= CycloneMapEditor.windowWidth / 2; layerIndex += 4; } if (x < 50 && layerIndex < 7) { this.toggleLayerVisibility(layerIndex); return; } CycloneMapEditor.changeCurrentLayer(layerIndex); this.refresh(); } } class WindowCycloneMapEditorStatus extends Window_Base { initialize() { const h = 40; super.initialize(new Rectangle(0, Graphics.height - h, Graphics.width, h)); this.showBackgroundDimmer(); } createContents() { this._padding = 0; super.createContents(); } updateBackOpacity() { this.backOpacity = 255; } refresh() { this.drawContents(); } lineHeight() { return 16; } makeLine() { let line = ''; const addConditional = (paramName, newPart) => { if (CycloneMapEditor.params[paramName]) { if (line && newPart) { return `, ${ newPart }`; } return newPart; } return ''; }; line += addConditional('showMapId', `Map: ${ $gameMap._mapId }`); line += addConditional('showTilesetId', `Tileset: ${ $gameMap._tilesetId }`); line += addConditional('showPosition', `Pos: ${ CycloneMapEditor.statusMapX }, ${ CycloneMapEditor.statusMapY }`); if (CycloneMapEditor.params.showCellTiles) { const { statusTile1, statusTile2, statusTile3, statusTile4 } = CycloneMapEditor; if (line) { line += ' - '; } line += `Tiles: (${ statusTile1 }, ${ statusTile2 }, ${ statusTile3 }, ${ statusTile4 })`; } line += addConditional('showRegionId', `Region: ${ CycloneMapEditor.statusRegion }`); line += addConditional('showTag', `Tag: ${ CycloneMapEditor.statusTag }`); line += addConditional('showCollision', `Collision: ${ CycloneMapEditor.statusCollision }`); line += addConditional('showLadder', CycloneMapEditor.statusLadder ? ' Ladder' : ''); line += addConditional('showBush', CycloneMapEditor.statusBush ? ' Bush' : ''); line += addConditional('showCounter', CycloneMapEditor.statusCounter ? ' Counter' : ''); line += addConditional('showDamageFloor', CycloneMapEditor.statusDamage ? ' Damage' : ''); return line; } textY() { return 12; } drawMainLine() { const line = this.makeLine(); this.drawText(line, 8, this.textY(), this.width - 8, 'left'); } drawRightLine() { this.drawText(`TileId: ${ CycloneMapEditor.statusTileId }`, 0, this.textY(), this.width - 8, 'right'); } drawContents() { this.contents.clear(); this.contents.fontSize = 16; this.drawMainLine(); this.drawRightLine(); } } // import { Layers, Tools } from './constants'; class WindowCycloneMapEditorTabs extends Window_Command { initialize() { const x = Graphics.width - CycloneMapEditor.windowWidth; const y = SceneManager._scene._mapEditorCommands.y + SceneManager._scene._mapEditorCommands.height; const w = CycloneMapEditor.windowWidth; const h = 74; super.initialize(new Rectangle(x, y, w, h)); this.showBackgroundDimmer(); this.configureHandlers(); } configureHandlers() { this.setHandler('a', () => { CycloneMapEditor.jumpToOneTileOf([Tilemap.TILE_ID_A1, Tilemap.TILE_ID_A2, Tilemap.TILE_ID_A3, Tilemap.TILE_ID_A4, Tilemap.TILE_ID_A5]); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('b', () => { CycloneMapEditor.jumpToTile(Tilemap.TILE_ID_B); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('c', () => { CycloneMapEditor.jumpToTile(Tilemap.TILE_ID_C); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('d', () => { CycloneMapEditor.jumpToTile(Tilemap.TILE_ID_D); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('e', () => { CycloneMapEditor.jumpToTile(Tilemap.TILE_ID_E); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('f', () => { CycloneMapEditor.jumpToTile(Tilemap.TILE_ID_E + 256); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('g', () => { CycloneMapEditor.jumpToTile(Tilemap.TILE_ID_E + 512); this.activate(); }); this.setHandler('h', () => { CycloneMapEditor.jumpToTile(Tilemap.TILE_ID_A5 + 256); this.activate(); }); } maxScrollY() { return 0; } maxScrollX() { return 0; } processCursorMove() { } processHandling() { } updateBackOpacity() { this.backOpacity = 255; } _updateCursor() { this._cursorSprite.visible = false; } makeCommandList() { this.addCommand('A', 'a'); this.addCommand('B', 'b'); this.addCommand('C', 'c'); this.addCommand('D', 'd'); this.addCommand('E', 'e'); this.addCommand('F', 'f', Boolean(window.CycloneExtraTilesets)); this.addCommand('G', 'g', Boolean(window.CycloneExtraTilesets)); this.addCommand('H', 'h', Boolean(window.CycloneExtraTilesets)); } colSpacing() { return 6; } rowSpacing() { return 0; } maxCols() { return 8; } redraw() { Window_Selectable.prototype.refresh.call(this); } // itemRect(index) { // const rect = super.itemRect(index); // if (Graphics.width < 1280) { // rect.width += 3; // } // return rect; // } // lineHeight() { // if (Graphics.width >= 1280) { // if (CycloneMapEditor.tileDrawWidth < 48) { // return 14; // } // return 36; // } // return 14; // } playCursorSound() { } playOkSound() { } playBuzzerSound() { } } class WindowCycloneMapEditor extends Window_Command { initialize() { const x = Graphics.width - CycloneMapEditor.windowWidth; const y = SceneManager._scene._mapEditorTabsWindow.y + SceneManager._scene._mapEditorTabsWindow.height; const w = CycloneMapEditor.windowWidth; const h = Graphics.height - y - SceneManager._scene._mapEditorStatus.height; super.initialize(new Rectangle(x, y, w, h)); this.showBackgroundDimmer(); } onMapTouch(x, y) { } updateBackOpacity() { this.backOpacity = 255; } _updateCursor() { this._cursorSprite.visible = false; } processCursorMove() { } processHandling() { } addTile(tileId) { if (!CycloneMapEditor.getTilesetName(tileId)) { return; } if (Tilemap.isAutotile(tileId)) { if (Tilemap.isWallSideTile(tileId) || Tilemap.isRoofTile(tileId)) { this.addCommand(tileId, 'tile', true, tileId); } else if (Tilemap.isWaterfallTile(tileId)) { this.addCommand(tileId, 'tile', true, tileId); } else { this.addCommand(tileId, 'tile', true, tileId + 46); } return; } this.addCommand(tileId, 'tile', true, tileId); } makeManualTilesList() { const tileId = this._manualTileSelected; let maxShape = 46; if (Tilemap.isWallSideTile(tileId) || Tilemap.isRoofTile(tileId)) { maxShape = 15; } else if (Tilemap.isWaterfallTile(tileId)) { maxShape = 3; } for (let i = 0; i <= maxShape; i++) { this.addCommand(tileId + i, 'tile', true, tileId + i); } } makeShadowList() { for (let i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { this.addCommand(i, 'shadow', true, i); } } makeRegionList() { for (let i = 0; i <= 255; i++) { this.addCommand(i, 'region', true, i); } } isTileLayer() { return CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === 7 || CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer < 4; } makeTileList() { if (CycloneMapEditor.puzzleMode) { this.makePuzzleList(); return; } for (let tileId = Tilemap.TILE_ID_A1; tileId < Tilemap.TILE_ID_MAX; tileId += 48) { this.addTile(tileId); } for (let tileId = Tilemap.TILE_ID_A5; tileId < Tilemap.TILE_ID_A5 + 128; tileId++) { this.addTile(tileId); } for (let tileId = Tilemap.TILE_ID_B; tileId < Tilemap.TILE_ID_A5; tileId++) { this.addTile(tileId); } for (let tileId = Tilemap.TILE_ID_A5 + 256; tileId < Tilemap.TILE_ID_A5 + 512; tileId++) { this.addTile(tileId); } } makePuzzleList() { const min = CycloneMapEditor.getTilesetName(Tilemap.TILE_ID_A1) ? Tilemap.TILE_ID_A1 : Tilemap.TILE_ID_A2; const max = CycloneMapEditor.getTilesetName(Tilemap.TILE_ID_A2) ? Tilemap.TILE_ID_A3 : Tilemap.TILE_ID_A2; const tileList = []; for (let tileId = min; tileId < max; tileId += 48) { if (Tilemap.isWaterfallTile(tileId)) { continue; } if (tileId === 2144 || tileId === 2192) { continue; } tileList.push(tileId); } for (let i = 0; i < tileList.length; i += 4) { for (let pieceY = 0; pieceY < 6; pieceY++) { for (let idx = 0; idx <= 3; idx++) { const tileId = tileList[i + idx]; if (!tileId) { continue; } for (let pieceX = 0; pieceX < 4; pieceX++) { const pieceId = tileId + pieceX + pieceY * 4; this.addCommand(pieceId, 'puzzle', true, pieceId); } } } } } makeCommandList() { if (CycloneMapEditor.changingTileProps) { this.makeTileList(); return; } if (this._manualTileSelected) { this.makeManualTilesList(); return; } if (CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === 4) { this.makeShadowList(); return; } if (CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === 5) { this.makeRegionList(); return; } if (this.isTileLayer()) { this.makeTileList(); return; } if (CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === 8) { this.makeCollisionList(); return; } } makeCollisionList() { this.addCommand(0, 'collision', true, 0); this.addCommand(1, 'collision', true, 1); this.addCommand(2, 'collision', true, 2); this.addCommand(17, 'collision', true, 17); this.addCommand(18, 'collision', true, 18); this.addCommand(19, 'collision', true, 19); this.addCommand(14, 'collision', true, 14); this.addCommand(20, 'collision', true, 20); this.addCommand(16, 'collision', true, 16); this.addCommand(11, 'collision', true, 11); this.addCommand(12, 'collision', true, 12); this.addCommand(13, 'collision', true, 13); this.addCommand(22, 'collision', true, 22); this.addCommand(26, 'collision', true, 26); this.addCommand(24, 'collision', true, 24); this.addCommand(28, 'collision', true, 28); this.addCommand(4, 'collision', true, 4); this.addCommand(5, 'collision', true, 5); } getTileRow(tileId) { const index = this._list.findIndex(item => item?.name === tileId); if (index >= 0) { return Math.floor(index / this.maxCols()); } return -1; } jumpToTile(tileId) { const row = this.getTileRow(tileId); if (row < 0) { return false; } this.setTopRow(row || 0); return true; } ensureSelectionVisible() { if (this._selectionIndex < 0 || CycloneMapEditor.currentTileId === undefined) { return; } const row = Math.floor(this._selectionIndex / this.maxCols()); if (row < this.topRow()) { this.setTopRow(Math.min(row, this.maxTopRow())); } else if (row > this.topRow() + this.maxPageRows()) { this.setTopRow(Math.min(row, this.maxTopRow())); } } redraw() { Window_Selectable.prototype.refresh.call(this); if (!CycloneMapEditor.changingTileProps) { // Force the tilemap cursor to redraw too SceneManager._scene._spriteset._mapEditorCursor.updateDrawing(); } } colSpacing() { if (CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === Layers.collisions) { return 0; } return Math.floor((this.width - (this.maxCols() * this.itemWidth())) / this.maxCols()); } rowSpacing() { return 0; } maxCols() { if (CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === Layers.collisions) { return 3; } if (CycloneMapEditor.puzzleMode) { return 16; } return 8; } itemWidth() { const w = CycloneMapEditor.tileDrawWidth; if (CycloneMapEditor.puzzleMode) { return w / 2; } return w; } itemHeight() { const h = CycloneMapEditor.tileDrawHeight; if (CycloneMapEditor.puzzleMode) { return h / 2; } return h; } drawRegion(index) { const rect = this.itemRect(index); this.contents.fontSize = Graphics.width < 1280 ? 14 : 18; this.contents.drawRegion(index, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, true); } drawCollision(index) { if (index === 0) { return; } const collision = this._list[index].ext ?? index; if (collision === 0) { return; } const rect = this.itemRect(index); this.contents.drawCollisionType(collision, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } drawPuzzle(index) { const pieceId = this._list[index].ext; if (!pieceId) { return; } const rect = this.itemRect(index); this.contents.drawPuzzlePiece(pieceId, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } drawShadow(index) { const rect = this.itemRect(index); const shadowId = index; const x = rect.x; const y = rect.y; const drawWidth = rect.width; const drawHeight = rect.height; const halfWidth = (drawWidth ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth) / 2; const halfHeight = (drawHeight ?? CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight) / 2; if (shadowId < 0 || shadowId > 15) { return; } const table = shadowId.toString(2).padZero(4); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let color = '#000000'; if (table[3 - i] !== '1') { color = '#FFFFFF99'; } const drawX = x + (i % 2) * halfWidth; const drawY = y + Math.floor(i / 2) * halfHeight; this.contents.fillRect(drawX, drawY, halfWidth, halfHeight, color); } const context = this.contents.context; context.save(); context.strokeStyle = '#FF0000'; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x + drawWidth, y); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x, y + drawHeight); context.stroke(); } updateOpacityForTile(tileId) { if (!CycloneMapEditor.changingTileProps || Input.isPressed('shift')) { return this.changePaintOpacity(true); } return this.changePaintOpacity(false); } drawItem(index) { this.resetTextColor(); this.changePaintOpacity(this.isCommandEnabled(index)); const symbol = this.commandSymbol(index); if (symbol === 'region') { this.drawRegion(index); return; } if (symbol === 'shadow') { this.drawShadow(index); return; } if (symbol === 'collision') { this.drawCollision(index); return; } if (symbol === 'puzzle') { this.drawPuzzle(index); return; } const rect = this.itemRect(index); const tileId = this._list[index].ext; this.updateOpacityForTile(tileId); const bitmap = this.contents.drawTile(tileId, rect.x, rect.y, this.itemWidth(), this.itemHeight()); if (!bitmap) { return; } if (!bitmap.isReady() && bitmap._loadListeners.length < 2) { bitmap.addLoadListener(() => { this._needsRedraw = true; }); } this.changePaintOpacity(true); if (!this._needsRedraw && CycloneMapEditor.changingTileProps) { this.drawTileProp(this.commandName(index), rect); } } translucentOpacity() { return 90; } drawTileProp(tileId, rect) { if (Input.isPressed('shift')) { return; } switch(CycloneMapEditor.currentTool) { case Tools.passage: return this.drawTilePassage(tileId, rect); case Tools.passage4: return this.drawTilePassage4(tileId, rect); case Tools.ladder: return this.drawTileLadder(tileId, rect); case Tools.bush: return this.drawTileBush(tileId, rect); case Tools.counter: return this.drawTileCounter(tileId, rect); case Tools.damage: return this.drawTileDamage(tileId, rect); case Tools.terrain: return this.drawTileTerrain(tileId, rect); } } drawTilePassage(tileId, rect) { const passageType = $gameMap.checkTileIdPassageType(tileId); const context = this.contents.context; if (passageType === TilePassageType.blocked) { context.strokeStyle = '#000000'; context.lineWidth = 6; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(rect.x + 8, rect.y + 8); context.lineTo(rect.x + rect.width - 8, rect.y + rect.height - 8); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(rect.x + rect.width - 8, rect.y + 8); context.lineTo(rect.x + 8, rect.y + rect.height - 8); context.stroke(); context.strokeStyle = '#FFFFFF'; context.lineWidth = 4; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(rect.x + 8, rect.y + 8); context.lineTo(rect.x + rect.width - 8, rect.y + rect.height - 8); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(rect.x + rect.width - 8, rect.y + 8); context.lineTo(rect.x + 8, rect.y + rect.height - 8); context.stroke(); return; } if (passageType === TilePassageType.star) { let rot = Math.PI / 5; const step = Math.PI / 5; const outerRadius = Math.floor(Math.min(rect.width, rect.height) / 3); const innerRadius = Math.floor(Math.min(rect.width, rect.height) / 6); const baseX = Math.floor(rect.x + (rect.width / 2)); const baseY = Math.floor(rect.y + (rect.height / 2)); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(baseX, baseY - outerRadius); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { const x = baseX + Math.cos(rot) * outerRadius; const y = baseY + Math.sin(rot) * outerRadius; context.lineTo(x, y); rot += step; const inX = baseX + Math.cos(rot) * innerRadius; const inY = baseY + Math.sin(rot) * innerRadius; context.lineTo(inX, inY); rot += step; } context.lineTo(baseX, baseY - outerRadius); context.closePath(); context.lineWidth = 5; context.strokeStyle = '#000000'; context.stroke(); context.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; context.fill(); return; } context.strokeStyle = '#000000'; context.lineWidth = 8; context.beginPath(); context.arc(Math.floor(rect.x + rect.width / 2), Math.floor(rect.y + rect.height / 2), Math.floor(Math.min(rect.width - 10, rect.height - 10) / 2), 0, Math.PI * 2, false); context.stroke(); context.strokeStyle = '#FFFFFF'; context.lineWidth = 4; context.beginPath(); context.arc(Math.floor(rect.x + rect.width / 2), Math.floor(rect.y + rect.height / 2), Math.floor(Math.min(rect.width - 10, rect.height - 10) / 2), 0, Math.PI * 2, false); context.stroke(); } drawTilePassage4(tileId, rect) { const flag = $gameMap.getTileFlag(tileId); const top = $gameMap.getPassageBitType(flag, 8); const bottom = $gameMap.getPassageBitType(flag, 2); const left = $gameMap.getPassageBitType(flag, 4); const right = $gameMap.getPassageBitType(flag, 6); const margin = 3; const middleX = rect.x + Math.floor(rect.width / 2); const middleY = rect.y + Math.floor(rect.height / 2); const context = this.contents.context; context.lineWidth = 6; context.strokeStyle = '#000000'; const drawArrow = (x, y, x2, y2) => { const headLen = Math.floor(rect.width / 5); const angle1 = Math.PI / 13; const angle2 = Math.atan2(y2 - y, x2 - x); const diff1 = angle2 - angle1; const diff2 = angle2 + angle1; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x2, y2); context.moveTo(x2, y2); context.lineTo(x2 - headLen * Math.cos(diff1), y2 - headLen * Math.sin(diff1)); context.moveTo(x2, y2); context.lineTo(x2 - headLen * Math.cos(diff2), y2 - headLen * Math.sin(diff2)); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); }; const drawArrows = () => { if (top) { drawArrow(middleX, middleY, middleX, rect.y + margin); } if (bottom) { drawArrow(middleX, middleY, middleX, rect.y + rect.height - margin); } if (left) { drawArrow(middleX, middleY, rect.x + margin, middleY); } if (right) { drawArrow(middleX, middleY, rect.x + rect.width - margin, middleY); } }; drawArrows(); context.lineWidth = 2; context.strokeStyle = '#FFFFFF'; drawArrows(); } drawTileLadder(tileId, rect) { if (!$gameMap.tileIdIsLadder(tileId)) { return; } const context = this.contents.context; const w = Math.floor(rect.width / 4); const h = Math.floor(rect.height / 3); const x = Math.floor(rect.x + (rect.width / 2) - (w / 2)); const y = Math.floor(rect.y + (rect.height / 2) - (w / 2)); const drawLadder = () => { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x, y + h); context.moveTo(x + w, y); context.lineTo(x + w, y + h); context.moveTo(x, y + Math.floor(h / 3)); context.lineTo(x + w, y + Math.floor(h / 3)); context.moveTo(x, y + Math.floor(h / 3) * 2); context.lineTo(x + w, y + Math.floor(h / 3) * 2); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); }; context.strokeStyle = '#000000'; context.lineWidth = 6; drawLadder(); context.strokeStyle = '#FFFFFF'; context.lineWidth = 2; drawLadder(); } drawTileBush(tileId, rect) { if (!$gameMap.tileIdIsBush(tileId)) { return; } this.contents.drawText('~', rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height - 8, 'center'); this.contents.drawText('~', rect.x, rect.y + 8, rect.width, rect.height - 8, 'center'); } drawTileCounter(tileId, rect) { if (!$gameMap.tileIdIsCounter(tileId)) { return; } const context = this.contents.context; const w = Math.floor(rect.width / 2); const h = Math.floor(rect.height / 2); const x = rect.x + w; const y = rect.y + h / 2; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x - w / 2, y + h / 2); context.lineTo(x, y + h); context.lineTo(x + w / 2, y + h / 2); context.closePath(); context.strokeStyle = '#000000'; context.lineWidth = 4; context.stroke(); context.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; context.fill(); } drawTileDamage(tileId, rect) { if (!$gameMap.tileIdIsDamage(tileId)) { return; } this.contents.drawText('DMG', rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, 'center'); } drawTileTerrain(tileId, rect) { const tag = $gameMap.tileIdTerrainTag(tileId); if (!tag) { return; } this.contents.drawText(tag, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, 'center'); } drawAllItems() { super.drawAllItems(); this.drawSelection(); } drawMessySelection() { this._selectionIndex = -1; for (let index = 0; index < this._list.length; index++) { const item = this._list[index]; let isSelected = Tilemap.isSameKindTile(item.name, CycloneMapEditor.currentTileId); if (isSelected) { this._selectionIndex = index; } else { for (const tileId of CycloneMapEditor.selectedTileList) { if (Tilemap.isSameKindTile(tileId, item.name)) { isSelected = true; } } } if (!isSelected) { continue; } this._drawSelection(index, 1, 1); } } _drawSelection(topIndex, rowDrawCount, colDrawCount) { const rect = this.itemRect(topIndex); const { x, y } = rect; if (CycloneMapEditor.puzzleMode) { rowDrawCount = 0.5; colDrawCount = 0.5; } else if (!this._manualTileSelected && CycloneMapEditor.selectedTileList.length >= 2 && Tilemap.isSameKindTile(CycloneMapEditor.selectedTileList[0], CycloneMapEditor.selectedTileList[1])) { rowDrawCount = 1; colDrawCount = 1; } const selectionWidth = CycloneMapEditor.tileDrawWidth * colDrawCount; const selectionHeight = CycloneMapEditor.tileDrawHeight * rowDrawCount; const context = this.contents.context; context.fillStyle = '#000000'; context.fillRect(x - 1, y - 1, selectionWidth + 2, 4); context.fillRect(x - 1, y + selectionHeight - 2, selectionWidth + 2, 4); context.fillRect(x - 1, y, 4, selectionHeight); context.fillRect(x + selectionWidth - 1, y, 4, selectionHeight); context.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; context.fillRect(x + 2, y + 2, selectionWidth - 3, 2); context.fillRect(x + 2, y + selectionHeight - 4, selectionWidth - 3, 2); context.fillRect(x + 2, y + 2, 2, selectionHeight - 4); context.fillRect(x + selectionWidth - 3, y + 2, 2, selectionHeight - 4); } isSelectedTile(tileId) { if (!Tilemap.isSameKindTile(tileId, CycloneMapEditor.currentTileId)) { return false; } if (tileId !== CycloneMapEditor.currentTileId) { if (this._manualTileSelected !== undefined) { return false; } if (CycloneMapEditor.puzzleMode) { return false; } } return true; } drawSelection() { if (CycloneMapEditor.changingTileProps) { return; } if (CycloneMapEditor.messySelection) { this.drawMessySelection(); return; } const cols = this.maxCols(); this._selectionIndex = -1; for (let index = 0; index < this._list.length; index++) { const item = this._list[index]; if (!this.isSelectedTile(item.name)) { continue; } this._selectionIndex = index; let col = index % cols; let row = Math.floor(index / cols); let rowCount = CycloneMapEditor.tileRows; let colCount = CycloneMapEditor.tileCols; let rowDrawCount = CycloneMapEditor.tileRows <= 0 ? Math.abs(CycloneMapEditor.tileRows) + 2 : CycloneMapEditor.tileRows; let colDrawCount = CycloneMapEditor.tileCols <= 0 ? Math.abs(CycloneMapEditor.tileCols) + 2 : CycloneMapEditor.tileCols; while (rowCount <= 0) { rowCount++; row--; } while (colCount <= 0) { colCount++; col--; } const topIndex = (row * cols) + col; this._drawSelection(topIndex, rowDrawCount, colDrawCount); break; } } playCursorSound() { } playOkSound() { } playBuzzerSound() { } selectTileId(tileId, cols = 1, rows = 1) { if (CycloneMapEditor.currentTool === 'eraser') { CycloneMapEditor.restoreLastDrawingTool(); } CycloneMapEditor.currentTileId = tileId; CycloneMapEditor.tileCols = cols ?? 1; CycloneMapEditor.tileRows = rows ?? 1; CycloneMapEditor.messySelection = false; CycloneMapEditor.multiLayerSelection = []; const topIndex = this._list.findIndex((item) => item.name === tileId); if (topIndex < 0) { CycloneMapEditor.currentTileId = undefined; CycloneMapEditor.selectedTileList = []; this.redraw(); return; } CycloneMapEditor.selectedTileList = Array(cols * rows); CycloneMapEditor.selectedTileList[0] = CycloneMapEditor.currentTileId; const maxCols = this.maxCols(); const topRow = Math.floor(topIndex / maxCols); const leftCol = topIndex % maxCols; let selectionIndex = 0; for (let y = topRow; y < topRow + CycloneMapEditor.tileRows; y++) { for (let x = leftCol; x < leftCol + CycloneMapEditor.tileCols; x++) { const newIndex = y * maxCols + x; const newTileId = this.commandName(newIndex); CycloneMapEditor.selectedTileList[selectionIndex] = newTileId; selectionIndex++; } } this.redraw(); } startSelectingTile() { if (!this._mouseDown) { const index = this.hitIndex(); if (index < 0) { return; } const tileId = this.commandName(index); this.selectTileId(tileId); this._mouseDown = true; } } findName(name) { return this._list.findIndex(item => item.name === name); } continueSelectingTile() { const index = this.hitIndex(); const prevCols = CycloneMapEditor.tileCols; const prevRows = CycloneMapEditor.tileRows; if (index >= 0) { let initialIndex = this.findName(CycloneMapEditor.currentTileId); if (initialIndex < 0) { initialIndex = this._index; } const initialCol = initialIndex % this.maxCols(); const initialRow = Math.floor(initialIndex / this.maxCols()); const newCol = index % this.maxCols(); const newRow = Math.floor(index / this.maxCols()); CycloneMapEditor.tileCols = (newCol - initialCol) + 1; CycloneMapEditor.tileRows = (newRow - initialRow) + 1; } if (this._mouseDown) { if (!TouchInput.isPressed() || CycloneMapEditor.changingTileProps || CycloneMapEditor.puzzleMode) { this.finalizeTileSelection(); } else if (TouchInput.isMoved()) { if (prevCols !== CycloneMapEditor.tileCols || prevRows !== CycloneMapEditor.tileRows) { this.redraw(); } } } } finalizeTileSelection() { this._mouseDown = false; const cols = this.maxCols(); for (let index = 0; index < this._list.length; index++) { const item = this._list[index]; if (item.name !== CycloneMapEditor.currentTileId) { continue; } let col = index % cols; let row = Math.floor(index / cols); let rowCount = CycloneMapEditor.tileRows; let colCount = CycloneMapEditor.tileCols; const newTileRows = CycloneMapEditor.tileRows <= 0 ? Math.abs(CycloneMapEditor.tileRows) + 2 : CycloneMapEditor.tileRows; const newTileCols = CycloneMapEditor.tileCols <= 0 ? Math.abs(CycloneMapEditor.tileCols) + 2 : CycloneMapEditor.tileCols; while (rowCount <= 0) { rowCount++; row--; } while (colCount <= 0) { colCount++; col--; } const topIndex = (row * cols) + col; if (topIndex >= 0) { const newTileId = this.commandName(topIndex); if (newTileId || newTileId === 0) { this.selectTileId(newTileId, newTileCols, newTileRows); } else { this.selectTileId(CycloneMapEditor.currentTileId); } } else { this.selectTileId(0); } break; } this.redraw(); } activateManualTile() { const index = this.hitIndex(); if (index < 0) { return; } const tileId = this.commandName(index); if (Tilemap.isAutotile(tileId)) { this._manualTileSelected = tileId; this._selectionIndex = -1; } } toggleManualTiles() { if (this._manualTileSelected === undefined) { this.activateManualTile(); } else { this._manualTileSelected = undefined; } this.refresh(); this._mouseDown = false; CycloneMapEditor.wasRightButtonDown = CycloneMapEditor.isRightButtonDown; } processTouchScroll() { if (TouchInput.isTriggered() && this.isTouchedInsideFrame()) { this.startSelectingTile(); } else if (CycloneMapEditor.isRightButtonDown && !CycloneMapEditor.wasRightButtonDown && !this._mouseDown && !CycloneMapEditor.changingTileProps) { this.toggleManualTiles(); return; } if (this._mouseDown) { this._mouseMoved = true; this.continueSelectingTile(); } } update() { const shift = Input.isPressed('shift'); if (shift !== this._oldShift) { this._needsRedraw = true; this._oldShift = shift; } if (this._needsRedraw) { this._needsRedraw = false; this.redraw(); } super.update(); } } let lastDisplayX = 0; let lastDisplayY = 0; CycloneMapEditor.patchClass(Scene_Map, $super => class { createAllWindows() { $super.createAllWindows.call(this); this.createMapEditorWindows(); CycloneMapEditor.clearAllData(); this.refreshMapEditorWindows(); CycloneMapEditor.addMenuBar(); CycloneMapEditor.loadExtraData(); } toggleMapEditor() { if (CycloneMapEditor.active && CycloneMapEditor.changeHistory.length > 0) { if (confirm('Do you want to save your map before hiding the map editor?')) { CycloneMapEditor._doSave(); } } CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); CycloneMapEditor.active = !CycloneMapEditor.active; this.refreshMapEditorWindows(); this._spriteset._mapEditorCursor.updateDrawing(); this._spriteset.updatePosition(); } createMapEditorWindows() { CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); const neededWidth = CycloneMapEditor.tileDrawWidth * 8 + 24; if (neededWidth > CycloneMapEditor.windowWidth) { CycloneMapEditor.windowWidth = neededWidth; } this._mapEditorGrid = new WindowCycloneGrid(); this.addChild(this._mapEditorGrid); this._mapEditorGrid.hide(); this._mapEditorGrid.deactivate(); this._mapEditorCommands = new WindowCycloneMapEditorCommands(); this.addChild(this._mapEditorCommands); this._mapEditorCommands.hide(); this._mapEditorCommands.deactivate(); this._mapEditorLayerListWindow = new WindowCycloneMapEditorLayerList(); this.addChild(this._mapEditorLayerListWindow); this._mapEditorLayerListWindow.hide(); this._mapEditorLayerListWindow.deactivate(); this._mapEditorTabsWindow = new WindowCycloneMapEditorTabs(); this.addChild(this._mapEditorTabsWindow); this._mapEditorTabsWindow.hide(); this._mapEditorTabsWindow.deactivate(); this._mapEditorStatus = new WindowCycloneMapEditorStatus(); this.addChild(this._mapEditorStatus); this._mapEditorStatus.hide(); this._mapEditorStatus.deactivate(); this._mapEditorWindow = new WindowCycloneMapEditor(); this.addChild(this._mapEditorWindow); this._mapEditorWindow.hide(); this._mapEditorWindow.deactivate(); } refreshMapEditorWindows() { const { active } = CycloneMapEditor; this._mapEditorGrid.visible = active; this._mapEditorCommands.visible = active; this._mapEditorLayerListWindow.visible = active; this._mapEditorWindow.visible = active; this._mapEditorStatus.visible = active; this._mapEditorTabsWindow.visible = active; this._mapEditorCommands.active = active; this._mapEditorLayerListWindow.active = active; this._mapEditorWindow.active = active; this._mapEditorTabsWindow.active = active; this._mapEditorCommands.refresh(); this._mapEditorLayerListWindow.refresh(); this._mapEditorTabsWindow.refresh(); this._mapEditorWindow.refresh(); this._mapEditorGrid.refresh(); this._mapEditorStatus.refresh(); if (active) { this._spriteset._mapEditorCursor.updateDrawing(); } CycloneMapEditor.refreshMenuVisibility(); } redrawMap() { this._spriteset._tilemap.refresh(); } processMapTouch() { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { $super.processMapTouch.call(this); return; } this._touchCount = 0; if (TouchInput.isPressed() && !this.isAnyButtonPressed()) { this.onMapTouch(); } } onMapTouch() { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { $super.onMapTouch.call(this); return; } } editorX() { return Graphics.width - CycloneMapEditor.windowWidth; } canUpdateMouse() { return CycloneMapEditor.active && this._mapEditorWindow && this._mapEditorLayerListWindow; } updateMenuTouch(x, y, pressed) { if (!pressed) { return; } if (x > this._mapEditorLayerListWindow.x && x < this._mapEditorLayerListWindow.x + this._mapEditorLayerListWindow.width) { if (y < this._mapEditorLayerListWindow.height + this._mapEditorLayerListWindow.y) { if (!CycloneMapEditor.wasPressing) { this._mapEditorLayerListWindow.onMapTouch(x - this._mapEditorLayerListWindow.x, y - this._mapEditorLayerListWindow.y); CycloneMapEditor.wasPressing = true; } return true; } } if (x > this._mapEditorWindow.x && x < this._mapEditorWindow.x + this._mapEditorWindow.width) { this._mapEditorWindow.onMapTouch(x - this._mapEditorWindow.x, y - this._mapEditorWindow.y); return true; } } updateRightMouse() { if (!this.canUpdateMouse()) { CycloneMapEditor.isRightButtonDown = false; CycloneMapEditor.wasRightButtonDown = false; return; } if (!CycloneMapEditor.isRightButtonDown && !CycloneMapEditor.wasRightButtonDown) { return; } const { x, y } = TouchInput; if (this.updateMenuTouch(x, y, CycloneMapEditor.isRightButtonDown)) { return; } const mapX = CycloneMapEditor.canvasToMapX(x); const mapY = CycloneMapEditor.canvasToMapY(y); if (mapX >= 0 && mapY >= 0) { CycloneMapEditor.updateRightTouch(mapX, mapY); } CycloneMapEditor.wasRightButtonDown = CycloneMapEditor.isRightButtonDown; } updateDisplayPositionData() { if (lastDisplayX === $gameMap._displayX && lastDisplayY === $gameMap._displayY) { return; } const xDiff = $gameMap._displayX - lastDisplayX; const yDiff = $gameMap._displayY - lastDisplayY; if (xDiff > 10 || yDiff > 10) { // If the difference is too big, then we don't update return; } if ((CycloneMapEditor.rectangleWidth > 0 || CycloneMapEditor.rectangleBackWidth > 0) && (CycloneMapEditor.rectangleHeight > 0 || CycloneMapEditor.rectangleBackHeight > 0)) { CycloneMapEditor.rectangleStartMouseX += xDiff * CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth; CycloneMapEditor.rectangleStartMouseY += yDiff * CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight; } } getSelectionTileAt(x, y) { if (x <= this._mapEditorWindow.x || x >= this._mapEditorWindow.x + this._mapEditorWindow.width) { return CycloneMapEditor.currentTileId; } if (y >= this._mapEditorWindow.height + this._mapEditorWindow.y) { return CycloneMapEditor.currentTileId; } const index = this._mapEditorWindow.hitIndex(); if (index >= 0) { return this._mapEditorWindow.commandName(index); } } updateMouse() { if (!this.canUpdateMouse()) { CycloneMapEditor.wasPressing = false; return; } this.updateDisplayPositionData(); lastDisplayX = $gameMap._displayX; lastDisplayY = $gameMap._displayY; const pressed = TouchInput.isPressed(); const { x, y } = TouchInput; const mapX = CycloneMapEditor.canvasToMapX(x); const mapY = CycloneMapEditor.canvasToMapY(y); const fx = Math.floor(mapX); const fy = Math.floor(mapY); const tile1 = CycloneMapEditor.getCurrentTileAtPosition(fx, fy, 0, true); const tile2 = CycloneMapEditor.getCurrentTileAtPosition(fx, fy, 1, true); const tile3 = CycloneMapEditor.getCurrentTileAtPosition(fx, fy, 2, true); const tile4 = CycloneMapEditor.getCurrentTileAtPosition(fx, fy, 3, true); const tileId = this.getSelectionTileAt(x, y) ?? ''; CycloneMapEditor.updateStatus({ mapX, mapY, tile1, tile2, tile3, tile4, tileId, }); if (!pressed && !CycloneMapEditor.wasPressing) { return; } if (this.updateMenuTouch(x, y, pressed)) { return; } let minX = 0; let minY = 0; if (CycloneMapEditor.isLayerVisible(Layers.blend) && [Tools.pencil, Tools.eraser].includes(CycloneMapEditor.currentTool)) { minX--; minY--; } if (mapX >= minX && mapY >= minY) { if (Input.isPressed('control') && !CycloneMapEditor.wasPressing) { CycloneMapEditor.selectHigherLayer(mapX, mapY); } else { CycloneMapEditor.updateCurrentToolTouch(mapX, mapY); } } CycloneMapEditor.wasPressing = pressed; } isMenuEnabled() { if (CycloneMapEditor.active) { return false; } return $super.isMenuEnabled.call(this); } update() { $super.update.call(this); if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { return; } if (CycloneMapEditor.wasPressing || CycloneMapEditor.wasRightButtonDown) { if (this._isControlPressed !== Input.isPressed('control') || this._isShiftPressed !== Input.isPressed('shift')) { this.updateMouse(); } } this._isControlPressed = Input.isPressed('control'); this._isShiftPressed = Input.isPressed('shift'); } }); CycloneMapEditor.patchClass(SceneManager, $super => class { static onSceneTerminate() { CycloneMapEditor.refreshMenuVisibility(); } }); class SpriteMapEditorCursor extends Sprite { initialize() { super.initialize(new Bitmap(CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth, CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight)); } update() { super.update(); if (this.visible !== CycloneMapEditor.active) { this.visible = CycloneMapEditor.active; } if (CycloneMapEditor.active) { this.updatePosition(); } } updateDrawing() { if (CycloneMapEditor.isRightButtonDown) { return this.updateRectangle(); } switch (CycloneMapEditor.currentTool) { case Tools.fill: return this.updateTiles(); case Tools.pencil: if (CycloneMapEditor.isLayerVisible(Layers.blend)) { return this.updateBrush(); } return this.updateTiles(); case Tools.eraser: if (CycloneMapEditor.isLayerVisible(Layers.blend)) { return this.updateBrush(); } return this.updateEraser(); case Tools.rectangle: if ((!CycloneMapEditor.rectangleWidth && !CycloneMapEditor.rectangleBackWidth) || (!CycloneMapEditor.rectangleHeight && !CycloneMapEditor.rectangleBackHeight)) { this.updateTiles(); return; } return this.updateRectangle(); default: return this.updateOther(); } } getNewBitmapWidth() { return ((CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth * (CycloneMapEditor.rectangleWidth || (CycloneMapEditor.rectangleBackWidth + 1))) || 1) / CycloneMapEditor.getGridRatio(); } getNewBitmapHeight() { return ((CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight * (CycloneMapEditor.rectangleHeight || (CycloneMapEditor.rectangleBackHeight + 1))) || 1) / CycloneMapEditor.getGridRatio(); } updateRectangle() { const width = this.getNewBitmapWidth(); const height = this.getNewBitmapHeight(); if (width !== this.bitmap.width || height !== this.bitmap.height) { this.bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); } else { this.bitmap.clear(); } const fillColor = CycloneMapEditor.isRightButtonDown ? '#00000033' : '#00FF0033'; if (CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === 5) { this.drawTiles(); } if (width > 8 && height > 8) { this.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, width, 4, '#000000'); this.bitmap.fillRect(0, height - 4, width, 4, '#000000'); this.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, 4, height, '#000000'); this.bitmap.fillRect(width - 4, 0, 4, height, '#000000'); this.bitmap.fillRect(2, 2, width - 4, 2, '#FFFFFF'); this.bitmap.fillRect(2, height - 4, width - 4, 2, '#FFFFFF'); this.bitmap.fillRect(2, 2, 2, height - 4, '#FFFFFF'); this.bitmap.fillRect(width - 4, 2, 2, height - 4, '#FFFFFF'); this.bitmap.fillRect(4, 4, width - 8, height - 8, fillColor); } else if (width > 0 && height > 0) { this.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, width, height, fillColor); } } updateBrush() { const size = Input.isPressed('shift') ? 4 : 2; const width = $gameMap.tileWidth() / size; const height = $gameMap.tileHeight() / size; if (width !== this.bitmap.width || height !== this.bitmap.height) { this.bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); } else { this.bitmap.clear(); } const fillColor = CycloneMapEditor.currentTool === Tools.eraser ? '#99000099' : '#00999999'; this.bitmap.drawCircle(width / 2, height / 2, Math.min(width, height) / 2, fillColor); } updateEraser() { const width = this.getNewBitmapWidth(); const height = this.getNewBitmapHeight(); if (width !== this.bitmap.width || height !== this.bitmap.height) { this.bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); } else { this.bitmap.clear(); } if (width > 8 && height > 8) { this.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, width, 4, '#000000'); this.bitmap.fillRect(0, height - 4, width, 4, '#000000'); this.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, 4, height, '#000000'); this.bitmap.fillRect(width - 4, 0, 4, height, '#000000'); this.bitmap.fillRect(2, 2, width - 4, 2, '#FFFFFF'); this.bitmap.fillRect(2, height - 4, width - 4, 2, '#FFFFFF'); this.bitmap.fillRect(2, 2, 2, height - 4, '#FFFFFF'); this.bitmap.fillRect(width - 4, 2, 2, height - 4, '#FFFFFF'); this.bitmap.fillRect(4, 4, width - 8, height - 8, '#FF000033'); } else if (width > 0 && height > 0) { this.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, width, height, '#FF000033'); } } drawMultiLayerTiles() { for (let z = 0; z < CycloneMapEditor.multiLayerSelection.length; z++) { let column = 0; let row = 0; for (const tileId of CycloneMapEditor.multiLayerSelection[z]) { if (column >= CycloneMapEditor.tileCols) { column = 0; row++; } const x = column * CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth; const y = row * CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight; this.bitmap.drawTile(tileId, x, y); column++; } } } drawTiles() { if (CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === Layers.auto && CycloneMapEditor.multiLayerSelection.length) { this.drawMultiLayerTiles(); return; } let column = 0; let row = 0; for (const tileId of CycloneMapEditor.selectedTileList) { if (column >= CycloneMapEditor.tileCols) { column = 0; row++; } const x = column * CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth; const y = row * CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight; if (CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === 5) { this.bitmap.drawRegion(tileId, x, y); } else if (CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === 4) { this.bitmap.drawShadow(tileId, x, y); } else if (CycloneMapEditor.currentLayer === 8) { this.drawCollision(tileId, x, y); } else if (CycloneMapEditor.puzzleMode) { this.bitmap.drawPuzzlePiece(tileId, x, y, CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth / 2, CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight / 2); } else { this.bitmap.drawTile(tileId, x, y); } column++; } } drawCollision(tileId, x, y) { const drawWidth = CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth; const drawHeight = CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight; if (tileId === 0) { return; } this.bitmap.drawCollisionType(tileId, x, y, drawWidth, drawHeight); } updateOther() { this.bitmap.clear(); } updateTiles() { const gridRatio = CycloneMapEditor.getGridRatio(); const width = CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth * CycloneMapEditor.tileCols / gridRatio; const height = CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight * CycloneMapEditor.tileRows / gridRatio; if (width !== this.bitmap.width || height !== this.bitmap.height) { this.bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); } else { this.bitmap.clear(); } this.drawTiles(); if (width > 8 && height > 8) { this.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, width, 4, '#000000'); this.bitmap.fillRect(0, height - 4, width, 4, '#000000'); this.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, 4, height, '#000000'); this.bitmap.fillRect(width - 4, 0, 4, height, '#000000'); this.bitmap.fillRect(2, 2, width - 4, 2, '#FFFFFF'); this.bitmap.fillRect(2, height - 4, width - 4, 2, '#FFFFFF'); this.bitmap.fillRect(2, 2, 2, height - 4, '#FFFFFF'); this.bitmap.fillRect(width - 4, 2, 2, height - 4, '#FFFFFF'); } } getCursorTileX() { if (CycloneMapEditor.currentTool === 'rectangle' || CycloneMapEditor.currentTool === 'eraser' || CycloneMapEditor.isRightButtonDown) { if (CycloneMapEditor.rectangleWidth > 0) { return CycloneMapEditor.rectangleStartX; } if (CycloneMapEditor.rectangleBackWidth > 0) { return CycloneMapEditor.rectangleStartX - CycloneMapEditor.rectangleBackWidth / CycloneMapEditor.getGridRatio(); } } if (SceneManager._scene._mapEditorWindow) { if (TouchInput.x >= SceneManager._scene._mapEditorWindow.x) { return CycloneMapEditor.canvasToMapX(SceneManager._scene._mapEditorWindow.x); } } return CycloneMapEditor.canvasToMapX(TouchInput.x); } getCursorTileY() { if (CycloneMapEditor.currentTool === 'rectangle' || CycloneMapEditor.currentTool === 'eraser' || CycloneMapEditor.isRightButtonDown) { if (CycloneMapEditor.rectangleHeight > 0) { return CycloneMapEditor.rectangleStartY; } if (CycloneMapEditor.rectangleBackHeight > 0) { return CycloneMapEditor.rectangleStartY - CycloneMapEditor.rectangleBackHeight / CycloneMapEditor.getGridRatio(); } } return CycloneMapEditor.canvasToMapY(TouchInput.y); } updatePosition() { if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { return; } const tileX = this.getCursorTileX(); const tileY = this.getCursorTileY(); let offsetX = 0; let offsetY = 0; if (CycloneMapEditor.isLayerVisible(Layers.blend) && [Tools.eraser, Tools.pencil].includes(CycloneMapEditor.currentTool)) { offsetX -= Math.floor(this.bitmap.width / 2); offsetY -= Math.floor(this.bitmap.height / 2); } this.x = Math.floor($gameMap.adjustX(tileX) * CycloneMapEditor.tileWidth) + offsetX; this.y = Math.floor($gameMap.adjustY(tileY) * CycloneMapEditor.tileHeight) + offsetY; } } CycloneMapEditor.patchClass(Spriteset_Map, $super => class { initialize() { $super.initialize.call(this); this.createMapEditorCursor(); } createMapEditorCursor() { this._mapEditorCursor = new SpriteMapEditorCursor(); this.addChild(this._mapEditorCursor); } forceBlenderRefresh(hardRefresh = false) { if (!window.CycloneMagic) { return; } if (hardRefresh) { for (const sprite of this._blenderTileSprites) { sprite.parent.removeChild(sprite); sprite.destroy(); } this._blenderTileSprites = []; this.createBlenderTiles(); return; } const magicTiles = $gameMap.magicTiles(); for (const tile of magicTiles) { let found = false; for (const sprite of this._blenderTileSprites) { if (sprite._mapX !== tile.x || sprite._mapY !== tile.y) { continue; } found = true; if (!window.CycloneMagic.isSpriteCached(sprite.spriteId)) { sprite._bitmap = null; } break; } if (!found) { const newSprite = new window.CycloneMagic.SpriteBlenderTile(tile.tiles, tile.x, tile.y, 1, 1); this._blenderTileSprites.push(newSprite); this._tilemap.addChild(newSprite); } } this._tilemap.refresh(); } // updatePosition() { // if (!CycloneMapEditor.active) { // return $super.updatePosition.call(this); // } // const scale = $gameMap.zoom ?? { x : 1, y : 1}; // const screen = $gameScreen; // this.x = -($gameMap.zoom?.x ?? 1) * (scale.x - 1); // this.y = -($gameMap.zoom?.y ?? 1) * (scale.y - 1); // this.x = this.x + screen.shake(); // if (this.scale.x !== scale.x || this.scale.y !== scale.y) { // const sw = Graphics.width / scale.x + this._tilemap._margin * 2; // const sh = Graphics.height / scale.y + this._tilemap._margin * 2; // if (sw !== this._tilemap.width || sh !== this._tilemap.height) { // this._tilemap.width = sw; // this._tilemap.height = sh; // this._tilemap.refresh(); // } // this.scale = new PIXI.Point(scale.x, scale.y); // this._weather.scale = new PIXI.Point(1.0 / scale.x, 1.0 / scale.y); // this._parallax.move(this._parallax.x, this._parallax.y, Graphics.width / scale.x, Graphics.height / scale.y); // } // } }); CycloneMapEditor.patchClass(Tilemap, $super => class { _readMapData(x, y, z) { if (!$gameMap.isValid(x, y)) { return 0; } if (z <= 4 && !CycloneMapEditor.layerVisibility[z]) { return 0; } const tileIndex = CycloneMapEditor.tileIndex(x, y, z); if (CycloneMapEditor.previewChanges?.[tileIndex] !== undefined) { return CycloneMapEditor.previewChanges[tileIndex]; } return $super._readMapData.call(this, x, y, z); } canUpdateAnimationCount() { if (CycloneMapEditor.active && CycloneMapEditor.isLayerVisible(Layers.blend) && TouchInput.isPressed()) { return false; } return true; } update() { // Prevent the water animation while modifying blending if (!this.canUpdateAnimationCount()) { this.animationCount--; } $super.update.call(this); } }); CycloneMapEditor.patchClass(TouchInput, $super => class { static _onLeftButtonDown(event) { $super._onLeftButtonDown.call(this, event); if (SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Map) { SceneManager._scene.updateMouse(); } } static _onMouseMove(event) { $super._onMouseMove.call(this, event); if (SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Map) { SceneManager._scene.updateMouse(); SceneManager._scene.updateRightMouse(); } } static _onMouseUp(event) { $super._onMouseUp.call(this, event); if (SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Map) { if (event.button === 0) { SceneManager._scene.updateMouse(); } else if (event.button === 2) { CycloneMapEditor.isRightButtonDown = false; SceneManager._scene.updateRightMouse(); } } } static _onRightButtonDown(event) { $super._onRightButtonDown.call(this, event); if (SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Map) { CycloneMapEditor.isRightButtonDown = true; SceneManager._scene.updateRightMouse(); } } }); CycloneMapEditor.patchClass(Sprite_Character, $super => class { update(...args) { if (CycloneMapEditor.active) { this.visible = CycloneMapEditor.isLayerVisible(Layers.events); if (!this.visible) { return; } } $super.update.call(this, ...args); } }); CycloneMapEditor.patchClass(Scene_Boot, $super => class { resizeScreen() { if (Utils.isNwjs() && $dataSystem.advanced.screenWidth < 1280) { const minWidth = Math.min(1920, screen.availWidth - (window.outerWidth - window.innerWidth)); const minHeight = Math.min(1080, screen.availHeight - (window.outerHeight - window.innerHeight)); const { screenWidth, screenHeight, uiAreaWidth, uiAreaHeight } = $dataSystem.advanced; if (screenWidth < minWidth) { $dataSystem.advanced.screenWidth = minWidth; } if (uiAreaWidth < minWidth) { $dataSystem.advanced.uiAreaWidth = minWidth; } if (screenHeight < minHeight) { $dataSystem.advanced.screenHeight = minHeight; } if (uiAreaHeight < minHeight) { $dataSystem.advanced.uiAreaHeight = minHeight; } } $super.resizeScreen.call(this); } }); let delaysTried = 0; const addFilter = () => { if (!window.CycloneMagic) { if (delaysTried > 10) { return; } setTimeout(addFilter, 100); delaysTried++; return; } CycloneMapEditor.patchClass(window.CycloneMagic.SpriteBlenderTile, $super => class { update() { $super.update.call(this); this.visible = CycloneMapEditor.isLayerVisible(1); } }); }; setTimeout(addFilter, 200); })();