## Next Plan ## I will add TTCN-3 code formatter/lint in next release. If you find any bug or you have any new idea, please feel free to contact me. You can also commit your code with pull request. # Sublime Text 3 TTCN-3 plugin: TtcnComplete Sublime Text 3 plugin that offers auto-completion, Goto Definition and syntax highlight for TTCN-3 and ASN.1 ![Example](demo_external.gif) This plugin aims to provide easy-to-use, minimal-setup autocompletions for TTCN-3 for Sublime Text 3. ## Install this plugin ## - Package Control + `Preferences->Package Control->Install Package`, search TtcnComplete. + Restart Sublime - Install from source code. + download one of the releases from [here](https://github.com/HuiMi24/TtcnComplete). + `Preferences->Browse Packages...`, copy "TtcnComplete" to open folder ## Usage ## - Open you code with Sublime. + `Project->Add Folder to Project...` #Notes: 1. Support TTCN-3 file extension ".ttcn", ".ttcn3", ASN.1 file extension ".asn", module parameter file extension ".par". If the extension does not included, please post an issue or commit a pull request. 2. The module name must be same as the file name 3. Currently, it only tested on Windows and Linux. Mac OS not tested, however, it should work.