[poem|+p title='The Hunting of the Snark (An Agony in 8 Fits)' voice='Narrator'> [text|+l,+pr title='The Hunting of the Snark (An Agony in 8 Fits)'> [canto|p title='The Vanishing'> [page|+m n=81> [line|m>[phr|l type='NP'>[w|l type='D'>TheVanishing81 [stanza|p> [sentence|pr> [line|m>[l|p>[s|l>[phr|l type='NP'>(As if stungby a spasm)plunge into a chasm,[l|p>[phr|l type='VP'>While they waited [w|l type='contr'>and[p|m> [sentence~a|pr>[line|m>[l|p>[sentence~b|pr voice='Baker'>[s|l>[phr|l type='NP'>"It's a Snark!"was the sound that first came[phr|l type='PP'>to their ears,[l|p>[phr|l type='VP'>And seemed almost too [w|l type='A'>good[l|p>[sentence~c|pr>[s|l>[phr|l type='VP'>Then followeda torrent of laughter and cheers:[l|p>[phr~a|l type='NP'>Then the ominous words [sentence~d|pr voice='Baker'>[phr~b|l type='VP'>"It's a Boo--"[p|m> [line|m>[l|p>[phr|l type='NP'>Then, silence.[s|l>[phr|l type='NP'>Some fanciedthey heard in the air[l|p>[phr|l type='NP'>A weary and wandering sigh[l|p>[phr~a|l type='VP'>That sounded like [sentence~f|pr voice='Baker'>[phr~b|l type='N'>"--jum!"clare[l|p>[phr|l type='NP'>It was only a breeze that went by.