//isaac autosplits by Hyphen-ated, ported from afterbirth to rebirth by krakenos state("isaac-ng", "1.05") { int wins: 0x0021BCFC, 0x468; int checksum: 0x002EE09C, 0x6f0; int character: 0x002EE09C, 0x7e78; int winstreak: 0x0021BCFC, 0x154; int floor: 0x0021A1F4, 0x0; int timer: 0x0021A1F4, 0xCD734; int curse: 0x0021BCFC, 0x540; } startup { settings.Add("character_run", true, "Multi-character run"); settings.SetToolTip("character_run", "Disables auto-resetting when you're past the first split."); settings.Add("floor_splits", false, "Split on floors"); settings.Add("grouped_floors", false, "Combine basement, caves, depths, and womb into one split each", "floor_splits"); } init { vars.timer_during_floor_change = 0; } update { //print("wins: " + current.wins + ", floor: " + current.floor + ", character: " + current.character + ", timer: " + current.timer + ", curse: " + current.curse); } start { if(old.timer == 0 && current.timer != 0) { vars.timer_during_floor_change = 0; return true; } } reset { //old.timer is 0 immediately during a reset, and also when you're on the main menu //this "current.timer < 10" is to stop a reset from happening when you s+q. // (unless you s+q during the first 1/3 second of the run, but why would you) if(old.timer == 0 && current.timer != 0 && current.timer < 10 && (!settings["character_run"] || timer.CurrentSplitIndex == 0)) { vars.timer_during_floor_change = 0; return true; } } split { if(current.wins == old.wins + 1) return true; if (settings["floor_splits"]) { if (current.floor > old.floor && current.floor > 1 && old.floor > 0 && (!settings["grouped_floors"] || (current.floor != 2 && current.floor != 4 && current.floor != 6 && current.floor != 8))) { //when using floor splits, if they just got into an xl floor, we are going to doublesplit vars.timer_during_floor_change = current.timer; return true; } if(vars.timer_during_floor_change != -1 && current.timer > vars.timer_during_floor_change) { vars.timer_during_floor_change = -1; // with grouped floors, there's no split to skip if(current.curse == 2 && !settings["grouped_floors"]) { var model = new TimerModel { CurrentState = timer }; model.SkipSplit(); } } } }