#!/usr/bin/env python3 # *************************************************************************** # * Authors: Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano (coss@cnb.csic.es) # * David Maluenda (dmaluenda@cnb.csic.es) # * # * # * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # * (at your option) any later version. # * # * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # * GNU General Public License for more details. # * # * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA # * 02111-1307 USA # * # * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the # * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es' # ***************************************************************************/ import os import re import shutil import sys from datetime import datetime import json from scripts import * from scripts.utils import checkCMakeVersion # ----K-E-E-P----U-P-D-A-T-E-D---- # #################################### XMIPP_VERSION = '' # XMIPP_VERNAME = 'devel' # RELEASE_DATE = '28/11/2023' # CMAKE_VERSION_REQUIRED = '3.16' # #################################### XMIPP = 'xmipp' XMIPP_CORE = 'xmippCore' XMIPP_VIZ = 'xmippViz' SCIPION_EM_XMIPP = 'scipion-em-xmipp' CUFFTADVISOR = 'cuFFTAdvisor' CTPL = 'CTPL' GTEST = 'googletest' LIBSVM = 'libsvm' LIBCIFPP = 'libcifpp' VERSION_FILE = 'xmipp_version.txt' COMPILE_LOG = 'compileLOG.txt' CONFIG_FILE = 'xmipp.conf' COMPRESED_REPORT = 'reportInstallation.tar.gz' REPOSITORIES = {XMIPP: 'https://github.com/I2PC/xmipp.git', XMIPP_CORE: 'https://github.com/I2PC/xmippCore.git', XMIPP_VIZ: 'https://github.com/I2PC/xmippViz.git', SCIPION_EM_XMIPP: 'https://github.com/I2PC/scipion-em-xmipp.git', CUFFTADVISOR: 'https://github.com/DStrelak/cuFFTAdvisor.git', CTPL: 'https://github.com/vit-vit/CTPL.git', GTEST: 'https://github.com/google/googletest', LIBSVM: 'https://github.com/cossorzano/libsvm.git', LIBCIFPP: 'https://github.com/MartinSalinas98/libcifpp'} # {dep-repo: (branch, check-conf)} DEPENDENCIES = {CUFFTADVISOR: ('master', 'CUDA'), CTPL: ('master', None), GTEST: ('v1.13.x', None), LIBSVM: ('master', None), LIBCIFPP: ('ms_feature_ciflibrary', None)} # if a skippable compilation fails (if 'key' found in the failed code), # a hint is printed in order to export 'value' or edit the config file SKIPPABLE_BINS = {"optical_alignment": "OPENCV=False", "volume_homogenizer": "OPENCV=False", "cuda": "CUDA=False"} XMIPP_ENV = {} def checkGithubConnection(): from http.client import HTTPConnection from socket import gaierror conn = HTTPConnection("www.github.com", timeout=3) try: conn.request("HEAD", "/") return True except gaierror: return False finally: conn.close() def stampVersion(): LAST_COMPILATION = datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y") def getCommit(repo): """ In devel mode 'commit.info' should not exist. In production mode 'commit.info' is added by tar.py """ commitFn = os.path.join('src', repo, 'commit.info') notFoundInfo = "(no git repo detected)" if os.path.isfile(commitFn): with open(commitFn, 'r') as file: commitInfo = file.readline() elif ensureGit(False)[0]: found, br, hsh = getCurrentBranch(os.path.join('src', repo), getHash=True) commitInfo = "%s (%s)" % (br, hsh) if found else notFoundInfo else: commitInfo = notFoundInfo return commitInfo compilingInfo = {'XMIPP_VERSION': XMIPP_VERSION, 'RELEASE_DATE': RELEASE_DATE, 'XMIPP_BRANCH': getCommit(XMIPP), 'PLUGIN_BRANCH': getCommit(SCIPION_EM_XMIPP), 'CORE_BRANCH': getCommit(XMIPP_CORE), 'VIZ_BRANCH': getCommit(XMIPP_VIZ), 'LAST_COMPILATION': LAST_COMPILATION, 'XMIPP_VERNAME': XMIPP_VERNAME } versionBinFn = os.path.join('src', 'xmipp', 'applications', 'programs', 'version', 'version.cpp') createDir(os.path.dirname(versionBinFn)) with open(versionBinFn, 'w') as f: f.write("""// Auto-generated code to get compilation Info #include #include #include using namespace std; int main(int argc, char** argv){ if (argc>2) { std::cout << "Incorrect parameter" << std::endl; return 1; } int shrt = 0; if (argc>1) { if((strcmp(argv[1], "--short") == 0)) { shrt = 1; }else{ std::cout << "Incorrect parameter: " << argv[1] << std::endl; return 2; } } if (shrt==1) { std::cout << "%(XMIPP_VERSION)s" << std::endl; }else{ struct utsname utsname; // stores the data returned by uname() struct utsname *utsname_ptr = &utsname; // pointer to the struct holding the data returned by uname() int ret; ret = uname(utsname_ptr); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " \033[4mXmipp version\033[24m: \033[1m%(XMIPP_VERSION)s (%(XMIPP_VERNAME)s)\033[0m" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Release date: %(RELEASE_DATE)s" << std::endl; std::cout << " Xmipp branch: %(XMIPP_BRANCH)s" << std::endl; std::cout << " Plugin branch: %(PLUGIN_BRANCH)s" << std::endl; std::cout << " Core branch: %(CORE_BRANCH)s" << std::endl; std::cout << " Viz branch: %(VIZ_BRANCH)s" << std::endl; std::cout << " Compilation date: %(LAST_COMPILATION)s" << std::endl; std::cout << " System compiler: g++ " << __VERSION__ << std::endl; std::cout << " System: " << utsname.machine << " " << utsname.sysname << " " << utsname.release << std::endl << " " << utsname.version << std::endl; std::cout; } return 0; } """ % compilingInfo) def createDir(dirname): if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) def cleanSources(): for dep in DEPENDENCIES.keys(): runJob("rm -rf src/%s" % dep) runJob("rm -rf src/scipion-em-xmipp") runJob("rm -rf src/xmippCore") runJob("rm -rf src/xmippViz") runJob("rm -rf src/xmipp/bin") runJob("rm -rf src/xmipp/lib") runJob("rm -rf src/xmipp/.sconsign.dblite") if ensureGit(False)[0]: runJob("git stash") # to get exactly like in repo def cleanBinaries(): for ext in ['so', 'os', 'o']: runJob('find src/* -name "*.%s" -exec rm -rf {} \;' % ext, showWithReturn=False) runJob('find . -iname "*.pyc" -delete', showWithReturn=False) runJob("rm -rf %s build" % Config.FILE_NAME, showWithReturn=False) # I'm getting ValueError : unsupported pickle protocol: 5' when switching from one python version to another # This seems to be cached at dblite file. runJob('find . -iname "*.dblite" -delete', showWithReturn=False) cleanEmptyFolders() def cleanDeprecated(): listCurrentPrograms = [] listFilesXmipp = [] runJob('find src/xmipp/bin/*', log=listFilesXmipp, show_command=False, show_output=False) listFilesXmipp = [os.path.basename(x).replace('xmipp_', '') for x in listFilesXmipp] listCurrentFolders = [x[0] for x in os.walk('src/xmipp/applications/programs/')] for folder in listCurrentFolders[1:]: for file in os.listdir(folder): if '.cpp' in file: listCurrentPrograms.append(os.path.basename(folder)) listCurrentScripts = [os.path.basename(x[0]) for x in os.walk('src/xmipp/applications/scripts/')] listCurrentPrograms = listCurrentPrograms + listCurrentScripts[1:] list2RemoveXmipp = [x for x in listFilesXmipp if (x not in listCurrentPrograms and 'test_' not in x)] for x in list2RemoveXmipp: runJob('rm src/xmipp/bin/xmipp_{}'.format(x)) if len(list2RemoveXmipp) > 0: print('Deprecated programs removed') def cleanEmptyFolders(): log = [] path = "src/xmipp/applications/programs/" runJob("find {} –type d -empty".format(path), log=log, show_output=False, showWithReturn=False) for folder in log: if os.path.isdir(folder): runJob("rm -rf {}".format(folder)) def checkout(branch): log = [] r, currentBranch = getCurrentBranch() if currentBranch == branch: return True isRepositoryClean() if runJob("git checkout %s" % branch, log=log, show_command=False, show_output=False): return True else: print(yellow("Cannot checkout branch '%s'. Remaining on the branch '%s'." % (branch, currentBranch))) return True def isRepositoryClean(showError=True): log = [] runJob('git diff --name-only', show_output=False, show_command=False, log=log) if showError and log: # non-empty log means there are uncommited changes print(red('Repository contains uncommitted changes.')) print(red("Use 'compileAndInstall' mode to keep developing.")) return not log def pull(): log=[] isRemoteBranch = runJob('git rev-parse HEAD@{upstream}', show_command=False, show_output=False, log=log) if not isRemoteBranch: print(yellow(str('Git info: ' + log[0]))) if checkGithubConnection() and isRemoteBranch: return runJob("git pull", show_command=False, show_output=False) print(yellow('Local branch, no upstream for this')) return True # meaning that this is a local branch or we are offline, so pull doesn't make sense def cloneOrCheckout(repo, branch): branchName = branch repo_dir = os.path.join('src', repo) if repo != XMIPP else '.' if not os.path.exists(repo_dir): if branch not in getAllBranchesAndTags(repo): branchName = 'HEAD' branch = None print('Cloning repository: {}/{}'.format(repo, branchName)) print(yellow('Working...'), end='\r') # If the repo doesn't exist, just clone the whole repo log = [] if branch is None: # let the git client to decide what is the default branch status = runJob("git clone %s %s" % (REPOSITORIES[repo], repo_dir), show_output=False, show_command=False, log=log) if status == False: exitProgram(1, [False, 1, ''.join(log), "Please review the conexion to the repository"]) else: status = runJob("git clone -b %s %s %s" % (branch, REPOSITORIES[repo], repo_dir), show_output=False, show_command=False, log=log) if status == False: exitProgram(1, [False, 1, ''.join(log), "Please review the conexion to the repository"]) return True else: print('Checkouting and pull repository: {}/{}'.format(repo, branch)) print(yellow('Working...'), end='\r') workDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(repo_dir) checkout(branch) pull() os.chdir(workDir) return True def removePrefix(text, prefix): if text.startswith(prefix): return text[len(prefix):] return text def getCurrentCIBranch(): # see https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/ # see https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/environment-variables#default-environment-variables # On Travis, PR will have the TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH variable non-empty # otherwise the TRAVIS_BRANCH will hold the name of the current branch # On Github Actions, GITHUB_REF will hold either the tag or branch (including prefix) to the branch which triggered # the workflow # For pull request, GITHUB_HEAD_REF will be set (no prefix) current_branch = ( os.environ.get('TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH') or os.environ.get('TRAVIS_BRANCH') or os.environ.get('GITHUB_HEAD_REF') or os.environ.get('GITHUB_REF')) current_branch = removePrefix(current_branch, 'refs/heads/') current_branch = removePrefix(current_branch, 'refs/tags/') print(green("Detected branch: " + current_branch)) return current_branch is not None, current_branch def getCurrentBranch(cwd='./', getHash=False): """ If getHash=True: return (success, branch, hash) If getHash=False: return (success, branch) """ outBranchArgs = 2 if getHash else 1 log = [] commit = [] if not os.path.exists(cwd) or not runJob('git rev-parse --short HEAD', cwd=cwd, show_output=False, show_command=False, log=commit): return (False,) + (None,)*outBranchArgs result = runJob('git name-rev ' + commit[0], cwd=cwd, show_output=False, show_command=False, log=log) if result: # log contains commit_space_branchName return (True,) + tuple(log[0].split()[::-1][0:outBranchArgs]) print(yellow('Cannot list branches for ' + ''.join(log))) return (False,) + (None,)*outBranchArgs def getAllBranchesAndTags(repo): log = [] result = runJob('git ls-remote -t -h %s' % REPOSITORIES[repo], show_output=False, log=log, show_command=False) if result: branchesAndTags = [l.split('/')[-1] for l in log] return branchesAndTags strError = 'Cannot list branches for ' + repo + ' ' + ''.join(log) status = [False, 1, strError, "Please review the connetion to the repository"] exitProgram(1, status) def getDefaultBranch(repo): log = [] key = 'HEAD branch:' # this might not work for git < 1.8.5, # see https://stackoverflow.com/a/32503667/5484355 # and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2832269/git-remote-head-is-ambiguous # In such a case we return None (and during e.g. clone the client should # decide what is the default branch) result = runJob('git remote show %s' % REPOSITORIES[repo], show_output=False, log=log, show_command=False) if result: for l in log: if key in l: branch = l.split(key)[1] # HEAD branch: devel return (True, branch.strip()) exitProgram(1, [False, 1, 'Cannot auto-detect default branch for ' + repo + '. Maybe git version < 1.8.5?\n' + ''.join(log), 'Check the git version, the languaje must be english, check also ' 'the internet connetion']) def getSources(branch): print("\nGetting Xmipp sources ------------------------------------") if ensureGit(True)[0] == False: exitProgram(status[1]) createDir("src") repos = [XMIPP_CORE, XMIPP_VIZ, SCIPION_EM_XMIPP] if not isCIBuild(): # do not change current commit repos.append(XMIPP) for r in repos: if cloneOrCheckout(r, branch): print(green('Done ')) return True def getDependencies(): print("\nGetting external dependencies ----------------------------") status = ensureGit(True) if status[0] == False: exitProgram(status[1], status) createDir("src") for dep, args in DEPENDENCIES.items(): branch = args[0] configChecked = not args[1] or buildConfig.is_true(args[1]) if configChecked: cloneOrCheckout(dep, branch) print(green('Done ')) return True def printVersion(): buildDir = 'build' shortFlag = '' log = [] for arg in sys.argv[2:]: if arg == '--short': shortFlag = '--short' elif arg.startswith('dir='): buildDir = arg[4:] versionBin = "%s/bin/xmipp_version" % buildDir envSetting = "%s/xmipp.bashrc" % buildDir if not (os.path.isfile(versionBin) and os.path.isfile(envSetting)): print("Build not found...") else: runJob(". %s ; %s %s" % (envSetting, versionBin, shortFlag), show_command=False, log=log) if not log: log = 'System information not available' else: log = '\n'.join(log) log = log.replace('\x1b[4m', '') log = log.replace('\x1b[24m', '') log = log.replace('\x1b[1m', '') log = log.replace('\x1b[0m', '') logCmake = [] runJob('cmake --version', log=logCmake, show_command=False, show_output=False) if not logCmake: logCmake = 'cmake information not available' else: logCmake = logCmake[0] print(' {}'.format(logCmake)) logNvcc = [] runJob('nvcc --version', log=logNvcc, show_command=False, show_output=False) if not logNvcc: logNvcc = 'nvcc information not available' else: logNvcc = ''.join(logNvcc) logNvcc = logNvcc[logNvcc.find('release'):logNvcc.find('release') + 12] print(' nvcc version: {}'.format(logNvcc)) with open(VERSION_FILE, 'w') as f: if log: f.write(log) f.write('\n nvcc version: ') f.write(logNvcc) f.write('\n ') f.write(logCmake) def getScipionHome(): """ Returns SCIPION_HOME, the directory for scipion3 or EMPTY str. """ return os.environ.get("SCIPION_HOME", whereis("scipion3")) or '' def compileModule(Nproc,module): sconsProgress = True printProgress = False progresLines = 1 progresLinesPrecompiled = 1 print(yellow('Working... Visit compileLOG.txt for details'), end='\r') if module == "xmipp": write_compileLog('\n\n' + '#' * 27 + '\nCompiling Xmipp------------\n', COMPILE_LOG=COMPILE_LOG) printProgress = True progresLines = 780 #773 progresLinesPrecompiled = 235 #232 if module == "xmippCore": write_compileLog('\n\n' + '#' * 27 + '\nCompiling XmippCore--------\n', COMPILE_LOG=COMPILE_LOG) if module == "xmippViz": write_compileLog('\n\n' + '#' * 27 + '\nCompiling XmippViz---------\n', COMPILE_LOG=COMPILE_LOG) log = [] ok = runJob("/usr/bin/env python3 -u $(which scons) -j%s" % Nproc, "src/%s" % module, log=log, show_command=False, sconsProgress=sconsProgress, progresLines=progresLines, progresLinesPrecompiled=progresLinesPrecompiled, printProgress=printProgress, COMPILE_LOG=COMPILE_LOG) lastError= '' #print(yellow('len log scons module: {}: {}'.format(module, len(log)))) if not ok: failingBin = None for l in log[-30:]: # inspecting last 30 lines # expected error: 'scons: *** [some/program/to/compile] Error 1' errorRegex = re.match("scons: \*\*\* \[(.*)\] (.*Error) ([0-9]*)[: ]*(.*)", l) if errorRegex: failingBin = errorRegex.group(1) errorType = errorRegex.group(2) errorNum = errorRegex.group(3) errorMsg = errorRegex.group(4) for k, v in SKIPPABLE_BINS.items(): if k in failingBin: exitProgram(1, [False, 1, "\nSome error found compiling '%s' program." % failingBin.split('/')[-1], "You can skip this program by including '%s' " "in the config file." % (v)]) if 'unsupported pickle protocol' in errorMsg: exitProgram(1, [False, 1, 'Unsupported pickle protocol', "\nThis error might be because you changed the python " "version. If so, please run './xmipp cleanBin' to " "clean up the installation and, then re-compile Xmipp."]) errorRegex = re.match(".*: fatal error: (.*): No such file or directory", l) if errorRegex: missingPath = errorRegex.group(1) if lastError != missingPath: lastError = missingPath missingDir = missingPath.split(os.path.sep)[0] missingFile = os.path.join(*missingPath.split(os.path.sep)) if len(missingFile) > 1: missingFile = missingFile[1:] if missingDir in DEPENDENCIES.keys(): depDir = os.path.join('src', missingDir) hint = ('cd %s ; git checkout -- %s ; cd -' % (depDir, missingFile) if os.path.isdir(depDir) else './xmipp get_dependencies') strSupport = "This file belongs to %s dependency. Please, " \ "try '%s' and re-compile." % (missingDir, hint) else: strSupport = 'Run /xmipp cleanAll to remove all repositories ' \ '(local changes will be removed) and compile Xmipp from scrach' exitProgram(1, [False, 1, "\n'%s' file not found." % missingPath, strSupport]) exitProgram(1, [False, 1, "Some error occurred during the compilation of %s %s" % (module, (" ('%s')" % failingBin) if failingBin else ''), '']) print(green('Done. Visit compileLOG.txt for details' + (' ' * 70))) return ok def compile_cuFFTAdvisor(): print("Building cuFFTAdvisor...") print(yellow('Working...'), end='\r') log = [] advisorDir = "src/cuFFTAdvisor/" currDir = os.getcwd() libDir = "src/xmipp/lib/" createDir(libDir) os.chdir(advisorDir) if runJob("make all", show_command=False, show_output=False, log=log): log2 = [] os.chdir(currDir) if runJob("cp " + advisorDir + "build/libcuFFTAdvisor.so" + " " + libDir, log=log2, show_output=False, show_command=False): print(green("Done ")) os.chdir(currDir) return True, log + log2 else: os.chdir(currDir) print(red(log[0])) return False, log + log2 else: os.chdir(currDir) print(red(log[0])) return False, log def compile_googletest(): print("Building googletest...") print(yellow('Working...'), end='\r') log = [] currDir = os.getcwd() buildDir = os.path.join("src", "googletest", "build") createDir(buildDir) os.chdir(buildDir) if runJob("cmake ..", show_output=False, show_command=False, log=log): log2 = [] if runJob("make gtest gtest_main", show_output=False, show_command=False, log=log2): os.chdir(currDir) print(green("Done ")) return True, log + log2 else: os.chdir(currDir) print(red(str(log + log2))) return False, log + log2 else: os.chdir(currDir) print(red(str(log))) return False, log def compile_libsvm(): print("Building libsvm...") print(yellow('Working...'), end='\r') log = [] #if the libsvm repo is updated, remember that the repoFork/Makefile was edited to remove references to libsvm-so.2 currDir = os.getcwd() libsvmDir = os.path.join("src", "libsvm") os.chdir(libsvmDir) if runJob("make lib", show_output=False, show_command=False, log=log): log2 = [] libDir = "src/xmipp/lib" os.chdir(currDir) createDir(libDir) if runJob("cp " + libsvmDir + "/libsvm.so" + " " + libDir, log=log2, show_command=False, show_output=False): os.chdir(currDir) print(green("Done ")) return True, log + log2 else: os.chdir(currDir) print(red(log[0])) return False, log + log2 else: os.chdir(currDir) print(red(log[0])) return False, log def compile_libcifpp(Nproc): print("Building libcifpp...") print(yellow('Working...'), end='\r') log = [] # Check if CMake version is up to date error = checkCMakeVersion(CMAKE_VERSION_REQUIRED) if error[0] == False: exitProgram(1, error[1]) return False, log currDir = os.getcwd() # Moving to library directory libcifppDir = os.path.join("src", "libcifpp") os.chdir(libcifppDir) # Installing fullDir = os.path.join(currDir, libcifppDir, '') if runJob("cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=" + fullDir + " -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCIFPP_DOWNLOAD_CCD=OFF -DCIFPP_INSTALL_UPDATE_SCRIPT=OFF", show_output=False, show_command=False, log=log): log1 = [] if runJob(f"cmake --build build -j {Nproc}", show_output=False, show_command=False, log=log1): log2 = [] if runJob("cmake --install build", show_output=False, show_command=False, log=log2): # Check if libcifpp created up on compiling lib or lib64 directory libcifppLibDir = "lib64" if os.path.exists("lib64") else "lib" # Copying .so file os.chdir(currDir) libDir = "src/xmipp/lib" createDir(libDir) log3 = [] if runJob("cp " + os.path.join(libcifppDir, libcifppLibDir, "libcifpp.so*") + " " + libDir, log=log3, show_output=False, show_command=False): print(green("Done" + (' ' * 70))) return True, log + log1 + log2 + log3 else: print(red(log[0])) return False, log + log1 + log2 + log3 else: os.chdir(currDir) print(red(log[0])) return False, log + log1 + log2 else: os.chdir(currDir) print(red(log[0])) return False, log + log1 else: os.chdir(currDir) print(red(log[0])) return False, log def checkScons(): return runJob("scons --version", show_output=False, show_command=False) def compile(Nproc): if checkScons(): if isinstance(Nproc, str) and Nproc.startswith('N='): Nproc = int(Nproc.split('N=')[1]) buildConfig.check_version(XMIPP_VERNAME) todayDate = 'Compilation Date: {}\n'.format(datetime.today()) write_compileLog(todayDate, append=False, COMPILE_LOG=COMPILE_LOG) if not compileDependencies(Nproc): return False return compileXmipp(Nproc) else: exitProgram(15) def compileDependencies(Nproc): print("\nBuilding Dependencies ------------------------------------") if buildConfig.is_true('CUDA'): cudaBinDir, nvccBaseName = os.path.split(buildConfig.get()['NVCC']) # cuFFTAdvisor compilation needs 'nvcc' accessible through the PATH if not checkProgram(nvccBaseName)[0] and checkProgram(buildConfig.get()['NVCC'])[0]: # if nvcc basename is not found but absolute path yes, adding the dir to the path. os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([cudaBinDir, os.environ['PATH']]) if (checkProgram('make') or installDepConda('make')): write_compileLog('\n\n' + '#' * 27 + '\nCompiling cuFFTAdvisor--------\n', COMPILE_LOG=COMPILE_LOG) result, log = compile_cuFFTAdvisor() write_compileLog('\n'.join(log), COMPILE_LOG=COMPILE_LOG) if not result: exitProgram(16) write_compileLog('\n\n' + '#' * 27 + '\nCompiling googletest--------\n', COMPILE_LOG=COMPILE_LOG) result, log = compile_googletest() write_compileLog('\n'.join(log), COMPILE_LOG=COMPILE_LOG) if not result: exitProgram(17) write_compileLog('\n\n' + '#' * 27 + '\nCompiling libsvm--------\n', COMPILE_LOG=COMPILE_LOG) result, log = compile_libsvm() write_compileLog('\n'.join(log), COMPILE_LOG=COMPILE_LOG) if not result: exitProgram(18) write_compileLog('\n\n' + '#' * 27 + '\nCompiling libcifpp--------\n', COMPILE_LOG=COMPILE_LOG) result, log = compile_libcifpp(Nproc) write_compileLog('\n'.join(log), COMPILE_LOG=COMPILE_LOG) if not result: exitProgram(19) return True def compileXmipp(Nproc): stampVersion() print("\nCompiling xmippCore---------------------------------------") if not compileModule(Nproc,"xmippCore"): return False print("\nCompiling xmipp-------------------------------------------") if not compileModule(Nproc,"xmipp"): return False print("\nCompiling xmippViz----------------------------------------") if not compileModule(Nproc,"xmippViz"): return False # Merge Xmipp and XmippCore compiled databases cdb_list = ["compile_commands.json", "compile_commands_2.json"] merged = list() for cdb in cdb_list: if os.path.exists(cdb): with open(cdb, 'r') as cdb_id: merged.extend(json.load(cdb_id)) with open("compile_commands.json", 'w') as cdb_id: json.dump(merged, cdb_id) if os.path.exists("compile_commands_2.json"): os.remove("compile_commands_2.json") return True def runTests(testNames): if len(testNames)==0 or 'help' in testNames or '--help' in testNames: print("Usage: xmipp test op\n" "\n" " op = --show: Show how to invoke all available tests\n" " --allPrograms: Run all program tests\n" " --allFuncs: Run all function tests\n" " 'testName': Run certain test (more than one is available)." "\n") return print("Testing ---------------------------------------------") xmippSrc = os.environ.get('XMIPP_SRC', None) if xmippSrc and os.path.isdir(xmippSrc): os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = ':'.join([ os.path.join(os.environ['XMIPP_SRC'], XMIPP), os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')]) testsPath = os.path.join(os.environ['XMIPP_SRC'], XMIPP, 'tests') else: print(red('XMIPP_SRC is not in the enviroment.') + '\nTo run the tests you need to run: ' + blue('source build/xmipp.bashrc')) exitProgram(0) dataSetPath = os.path.join(testsPath, 'data') # if not os.path.isdir(dataSetPath): # createDir(dataSetPath) os.environ["XMIPP_TEST_DATA"] = dataSetPath # downloading/updating the dataset url = "http://scipion.cnb.csic.es/downloads/scipion/data/tests" dataset = 'xmipp_programs' if os.path.isdir(dataSetPath): print(blue("Updating the test files")) task = "update" else: print(blue("Downloading the test files")) task = "download" args = "%s %s %s" % ("tests/data", url, dataset) runJob("bin/xmipp_sync_data %s %s" % (task, args), cwd='src/xmipp') noCudaStr = '--noCuda' if not buildConfig.is_true('CUDA') else '' print(" Tests to do: %s" % ', '.join(testNames)) if not runJob("(cd src/xmipp/tests; %s test.py %s %s)" % (getPython(), ' '.join(testNames), noCudaStr)): sys.exit(-1) def getPython(): if checkProgram("scipion3")[0]: return "scipion3 python" else: return 'python3' def addDeepLearninModel(login, modelPath='', update=None): """ Takes the folder name modelName from models dir and makes a .tgz, uploads the .tgz to scipion web. """ def usageDL(): print(""" XMIPP addModel help: This mode is used to upload a model folder to the Scipion/Xmipp server. Usually the model folder contains big files used to fed deep learning procedures with pretrained data. All the models stored in the server will be downloads using the 'get_models' mode or during the compilation/installation time if 'USE_DL=True' in the config file. [or with 'scipion3 installb deepLearningToolkit'] modelsPath must be the absolute path Usage: -> ./xmipp addModel [--update] Behaviour: 0. modelName = basename(modelsPath) <- Please, check the folder's name! 1. Packing in 'xmipp_model_modelName.tgz' 2. Check if that model already exists (use --update to override an existing model) 3. Upload the model to the server. 4. Update the MANIFEST file. The model name will be the folder name in """) sys.exit(0) if login == '--help': usageDL() modelPath = modelPath.rstrip("/") if not os.path.isdir(modelPath): print(" is not a directory. Please, check the path. \n" "The name of the model will be the name of that folder.\n") usageDL() modelName = os.path.basename(modelPath) modelsDir = os.path.dirname(modelPath) tgzFn = "xmipp_model_%s.tgz" % modelName localFn = os.path.join(modelsDir, tgzFn) print("Creating the '%s' model." % tgzFn) runJob("tar czf %s %s" % (tgzFn, modelName), cwd=modelsDir) remotePath = "scipionfiles/downloads/scipion/software/em" print("Warning: Uploading, please BE CAREFUL! This can be dangerous.") print('You are going to be connected to "%s" to write in folder ' '"%s".' % (login, remotePath)) if input("Continue? YES/no\n").lower() == 'no': sys.exit() print("Trying to upload the model using '%s' as login" % login) args = "%s %s %s %s" % (login, os.path.abspath(localFn), remotePath, update) if runJob("src/xmipp/bin/xmipp_sync_data upload %s" % args): print("'%s' model successfully uploaded! Removing the local .tgz" % modelName) runJob("rm %s" % localFn) pDLdownload = None def downloadDeepLearningModels(dest, dedicatedMode=False): if not buildConfig.is_true('USE_DL') and not dedicatedMode: return True url = "http://scipion.cnb.csic.es/downloads/scipion/software/em" if not os.path.exists('build/bin/xmipp_sync_data'): print(red('Xmipp has not been installed. Please, first install it ')) return False if dest == 'build': modelsPath = os.path.join(dest, 'models') else: modelsPath = dest dataSet = "DLmodels" # downloading/updating the DLmodels if os.path.isdir(modelsPath): print("Updating the Deep Learning models (in backgound)") task = "update" else: print("Downloading Deep Learning models (in backgound)") task = "download" global pDLdownload # using Popen instead of runJob in order to download in parallel pDLdownload = runJob("bin/xmipp_sync_data %s %s %s %s" % (task, dest, url, dataSet), cwd='build', show_command=False, in_parallel=not dedicatedMode) if dedicatedMode: ok = pDLdownload else: # in parallel poll() is None untill finished ok = pDLdownload.poll() is None or pDLdownload.poll() == 0 return ok def linkToScipion(dirname): scipionSoftware = os.environ.get('SCIPION_SOFTWARE', os.path.join(getScipionHome(), 'software')) scipionLibs = os.path.join(scipionSoftware, 'lib') scipionBindings = os.path.join(scipionSoftware, 'bindings') scipionSoftwareEM = os.path.join(scipionSoftware, 'em') xmippHomeLink = os.path.join(scipionSoftwareEM, 'xmipp') currentDir = os.getcwd() dirnameAbs = os.path.join(currentDir,dirname) if os.path.isdir(scipionLibs) and os.path.isdir(scipionBindings): print("\nLinking to Scipion ---------------------------------------") print(yellow('Working...'), end='\r') if os.path.isdir(xmippHomeLink): runJob("rm %s" %xmippHomeLink) runJob("ln -srf %s %s" % (dirnameAbs, xmippHomeLink)) xmippLink = os.readlink(xmippHomeLink) coreLib = os.path.join(xmippLink, "lib", "libXmippCore.so") xmippLib = os.path.join(xmippLink, "lib", "libXmipp.so") SVMLib = os.path.join(xmippLink, "lib", "libsvm.so") CIFPPLib = os.path.join(xmippLink, "lib", "libcifpp.so*") bindings = os.path.join(xmippLink, "bindings", "python", "*") os.chdir(scipionSoftwareEM) runJob("ln -srf %s %s" % (coreLib, scipionLibs)) runJob("ln -srf %s %s" % (SVMLib, scipionLibs)) runJob("ln -srf %s %s" % (CIFPPLib, scipionLibs)) runJob("ln -srf %s %s" % (xmippLib, scipionLibs)) runJob("ln -srf %s %s" % (bindings, scipionBindings)) os.chdir(currentDir) print(green(str("Xmipp linked to Scipion on " + xmippHomeLink) + (' ' * 150))) else: print(yellow("No scipion3 found. If you intended to use Xmipp in " "the Scipion framework:\ncompile Xmipp " "with Scipion './scipion3 run ./xmipp' or check the binding at " "SCIPION_HOME/software/bindings...")) def install(dirname): print("\nInstalling -----------------------------------------------") print(yellow('Working...'), end='\r') if XMIPP_VERNAME =='devel': show_command = True else: show_command = False cleanDeprecated() cpCmd = "rsync -LptgoD " if checkProgram("rsync") else "cp" ok = True createDir(dirname) createDir(dirname+"/lib") ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" src/*/lib/lib* "+dirname+"/lib/", show_command=show_command) if os.path.exists(dirname + "/bin"): shutil.rmtree(dirname + "/bin") createDir(dirname+"/bin") dirBin = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "src/xmipp/bin/") filenames = os.listdir(dirBin) for f in filenames: if os.path.islink(os.path.join(dirBin, f)): ok = ok and runJob('ln -s ' + os.path.join(dirBin, f) + ' ' + os.path.join(dirname, 'bin', f), show_command=show_command, show_output=False) else: ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd + os.path.join(dirBin, f) + ' ' + os.path.join(dirname, 'bin', f), show_command=show_command) destPathPyModule = os.path.expanduser(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, "pylib", "xmippPyModules"))) createDir(destPathPyModule) initFn = destPathPyModule + "/__init__.py" if not os.path.isfile(initFn): with open(initFn, 'w') as f: pass # just to create a init file to be able to import it as module dirBin = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'src/xmipp/libraries/py_xmipp') folders = list(os.walk(dirBin)) for folderPath, _, folderFiles in folders: folderName = os.path.relpath(folderPath, dirBin) createDir(os.path.join(destPathPyModule, folderName)) for file in folderFiles: runJob("ln -s " + os.path.join(folderPath, file) + ' ' + os.path.join(destPathPyModule, folderName, file), show_output=False, show_command=show_command, log=[]) createDir(dirname+"/bindings") createDir(dirname+"/bindings/matlab") ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" src/xmipp/bindings/matlab/*.m* "+dirname+"/bindings/matlab/", show_command=show_command) createDir(dirname+"/bindings/python") ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" src/xmipp/bindings/python/xmipp_base.py "+dirname+"/bindings/python/", show_command=show_command) ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" src/xmipp/bindings/python/xmipp.py " + dirname + "/bindings/python/", show_command=show_command) ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" src/xmipp/bindings/python/xmipp_conda_envs.py " + dirname + "/bindings/python/", show_command=show_command) ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" -r src/xmipp/bindings/python/envs_DLTK/ " + dirname + "/bindings/python/envs_DLTK", show_command=show_command) ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" src/xmipp/lib/xmippLib.so "+dirname+"/bindings/python/", show_command=show_command) ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" src/xmipp/lib/_swig_frm.so "+dirname+"/bindings/python/", show_command=show_command) createDir(dirname+"/bindings/python/sh_alignment") ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" -r src/xmipp/external/sh_alignment/python/* "+dirname+"/bindings/python/sh_alignment/", show_command=show_command) ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" src/xmipp/external/sh_alignment/swig_frm.py "+dirname+"/bindings/python/sh_alignment/", show_command=show_command) createDir(dirname+"/resources") ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" -r src/*/resources/* "+dirname+"/resources/", show_command=show_command) # ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd + " -r src/xmippViz/bindings/chimera " + dirname + "/bindings/") createDir(dirname+"/bindings/java") ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" -Lr src/xmippViz/java/lib "+dirname+"/bindings/java/", show_command=show_command) ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" -Lr src/xmippViz/java/build "+dirname+"/bindings/java/", show_command=show_command) ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" -Lr src/xmippViz/external/imagej "+dirname+"/bindings/java/", show_command=show_command) ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" src/xmippViz/bindings/python/xmippViz.py "+dirname+"/bindings/python/", show_command=show_command) ok = ok and runJob(cpCmd+" xmippEnv.json "+dirname+"/xmippEnv.json", show_command=show_command) if not ok: print(red("\nSome error occurred during the installation.\n")) exitProgram() return False print(green('Xmipp installed on {}'.format(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dirname)))) # Scipion connection linkToScipion(dirname) runJob("touch %s/v%s" % (dirname, XMIPP_VERSION), show_command=False) # version token fhBash = open(dirname+"/xmipp.bashrc","w") fhFish = open(dirname+"/xmipp.fish","w") fhBash.write("# This script is valid for bash and zsh\n\n") fhFish.write("# This script is valid for fish\n\n") XMIPP_HOME = os.path.realpath(dirname) fhBash.write("export XMIPP_HOME=%s\n"%XMIPP_HOME) fhFish.write("set -x XMIPP_HOME %s\n"%XMIPP_HOME) XMIPP_SRC = os.path.realpath("src") fhBash.write("export XMIPP_SRC=%s\n"%XMIPP_SRC) fhFish.write("set -x XMIPP_SRC %s\n"%XMIPP_SRC) # SCIPION_HOME = getScipionHome() # if SCIPION_HOME: # fhBash.write("export PATH=$SCIPION_HOME/software/bin:$PATH\n") # fhBash.write("export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SCIPION_HOME/software/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n") # #fhFish.write("set -px PATH $SCIPION_HOME/software/bin\n") # fhFish.write("set -px LD_LIBRARY_PATH $SCIPION_HOME/software/lib\n") virtEnvDir = os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV', '') # if virtualEnv is used virtEnvLib = os.path.join(virtEnvDir, 'lib') if virtEnvDir else '' condaDir = os.environ.get('CONDA_PREFIX', '') # if conda is used condaLib = os.path.join(condaDir, 'lib') if condaDir else '' fhBash.write("export PATH=%s/bin:$PATH\n"%XMIPP_HOME) fhBash.write("export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s/lib:%s/bindings/python:%s:%s:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n" %(XMIPP_HOME, XMIPP_HOME, virtEnvLib, condaLib)) fhBash.write("export PYTHONPATH=%s/bindings/python:%s/pylib:$PYTHONPATH\n"%(XMIPP_HOME,XMIPP_HOME)) fhFish.write("set -px PATH %s/bin\n"%XMIPP_HOME) fhFish.write("set -px LD_LIBRARY_PATH %s/lib %s/bindings/python %s %s\n" %(XMIPP_HOME, XMIPP_HOME, virtEnvLib, condaLib)) fhFish.write("set -px PYTHONPATH %s/bindings %s/pylib\n"%(XMIPP_HOME,XMIPP_HOME)) fhBash.write('\n') fhBash.write("alias x='xmipp'\n") fhBash.write("alias xsj='xmipp_showj'\n") fhBash.write("alias xio='xmipp_image_operate'\n") fhBash.write("alias xis='xmipp_image_statistics'\n") fhBash.write("alias xih='xmipp_image_header'\n") fhBash.write("alias xmu='xmipp_metadata_utilities'\n") fhFish.write('\n') fhFish.write("alias x 'xmipp'\n") fhFish.write("alias xsj 'xmipp_showj'\n") fhFish.write("alias xio 'xmipp_image_operate'\n") fhFish.write("alias xis 'xmipp_image_statistics'\n") fhFish.write("alias xih 'xmipp_image_header'\n") fhFish.write("alias xmu 'xmipp_metadata_utilities'\n") fhBash.close() fhFish.close() endMessage(XMIPP_VERNAME) return True def writeDevelPaths(dirname): fhBash = open(dirname+"/xmipp.bashrc","w") XMIPP_HOME = os.path.realpath(dirname) fhBash.write("export XMIPP_HOME=%s\n"%XMIPP_HOME) XMIPP_SRC = os.path.realpath("src") fhBash.write("export XMIPP_SRC=%s\n"%XMIPP_SRC) # SCIPION_HOME = getScipionHome() # if SCIPION_HOME: # fhBash.write("export PATH=$SCIPION_HOME/bin:$PATH\n") # fhBash.write("export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SCIPION_HOME/software/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n") fhBash.write("export PATH=%s/xmipp/bin:%s/xmippViz/bin:$PATH\n"%(XMIPP_HOME,XMIPP_HOME)) fhBash.write("export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s/xmippCore/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n"%XMIPP_HOME) fhBash.write("export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s/xmippCore/bindings/python:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n"%XMIPP_HOME) fhBash.write("export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s/xmipp/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n"%XMIPP_HOME) fhBash.write("export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s/xmipp/bindings/python:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\n"%XMIPP_HOME) fhBash.write("export PYTHONPATH=%s/xmippCore/bindings/python:$PYTHONPATH\n"%XMIPP_HOME) fhBash.write("export PYTHONPATH=%s/xmipp/bindings/python:$PYTHONPATH\n"%XMIPP_HOME) fhBash.write("export PYTHONPATH=%s/xmippViz/bindings/python:$PYTHONPATH\n"%XMIPP_HOME) fhBash.close() def usage(msg=''): if msg != '': print(red(msg)) print("Usage: xmipp [options]\n" " ----------------------------\n" " version [dir=build] Returns the version information. Add '--short' to print only the version number.\n" " compile [N] Compile with N processors (8 by default)\n" " install [dir] Install at dir (./build by default)\n" " compileAndInstall [N] [dir] Compile with N processors (8 by default) and install in the dir directory ('build' by\n" " default)\n" " all [op1=opt1 op2=opt2...] (Default) Retrieve [br=branch], configure, check, compile [N=8], install [dir=build]\n" " ----------------------------\n" " config [noAsk] Configure compilation variables. If 'noAsk' is passed, it will try to automatically \n" " found some libraries and compilers. \n" " for compiling using system libraries\n" " check_config Check that the configuration is correct\n" " ----------------------------\n" " get_dependencies Retrieve dependencies from github\n" " get_devel_sources [branch] Retrieve development sources from github for a given branch (devel branch by default)\n" " get_models [dir] Download the Deep Learning Models at dir/models (./build/models by default).\n" " ----------------------------\n" " cleanBin Clean all already compiled files (build, .so,.os,.o in src/* and " + Config.FILE_NAME + ")\n" " cleanDeprecated Clean all deprecated executables from src/xmipp/bin).\n" " cleanAll Delete all (sources and build directories)\n" " ----------------------------\n" " test [--show] testName: Run tests to check Xmipp programs (without args, it shows a detailed help).\n" " if --show is activated without testName all are shown, \n" " instead a grep of testName is done \n" " ----------------------------\n" " For developers:\n" " create_devel_paths Create bashrc files for devel\n" " git [command] Git command to all 4 repositories\n" " gitConfig Change the git config from https to git\n" " addModel login modelPath Takes a deepLearning model from the 'modelPath', makes a tgz of it and \n" " uploads the .tgz according to the . \n" " Note the login (usr@server) must have write permisions to Nolan machine.\n" " tar [v=ver] [br=br] Create a bundle of the xmipp (without arguments shows a detailed help)\n" " can be 'Sources', 'BinDebian' or 'BinCentos', when Sources \n" " put a branch (default: master).'\n" " usually X.YY.MM (add debug to package this local script and \n" " the local scripts/tar.py) \n" ) def exitProgram(error=0, status=None): try: log = [] runJob( 'tar -czf {} {} {} {} '.format(COMPRESED_REPORT, CONFIG_FILE, VERSION_FILE, COMPILE_LOG), show_output=False, show_command=False, log=log) except Exception as e: pass if error: errorEndMessage(XMIPP_VERNAME, error, status) printVersion() sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': # Running always under this own directory. os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) askUser = True if 'noAsk' in sys.argv: askUser = False sys.argv.pop(sys.argv.index('noAsk')) n = len(sys.argv) if n == 2 and (sys.argv[1]=="help" or sys.argv[1]=="-help" or sys.argv[1]=="--help" or sys.argv[1]=="-h"): usage() sys.exit(0) for idx, arg in enumerate(sys.argv): if ' ' in arg: # to preserve spaces between "comas" sys.argv[idx] = '"%s"' % sys.argv[idx] if n >= 2: mode = sys.argv[1] else: mode = "all" Config buildConfig = Config(askUser, ) buildConfig.read() if mode == "cleanAll": print("WARNING: This will DELETE ALL content from src and build") print(" Notice that if you have unpushed changes, \n" " they will be deleted.\n") print("Are you sure you want to do this? (YeS/No) -case sensitive-") yesno = input() if yesno == "YeS": print("Cleaning everything") cleanSources() cleanBinaries() else: print("Nothing cleaned") if yesno.lower()=="yes": print("Pay attention to capital letters of YeS") elif mode == "get_dependencies": getDependencies() elif mode == "cleanBin": cleanBinaries() elif mode == 'cleanDeprecated': cleanDeprecated() elif mode == "version": printVersion() elif mode == "get_devel_sources": branch = None if n==2 else sys.argv[2] getSources(branch) elif mode == "config": buildConfig.create() elif mode == "check_config": if not buildConfig.check(): print(red("\nCheck failed! Something wrong with the configuration.\n")) sys.exit(1) elif mode == "compile": Nproc = 8 if n < 3 else sys.argv[2] ok = compile(Nproc) module = 'Xmipp' if ok: print("\n" " * %s has been successfully compiled * \n" " > > > Don't forget to install! < < < \n\n" % module) exitProgram(error=0) else: print(red("\nSome error occurred during the compilation\n")) exitProgram(error=1) elif mode == "compileAndInstall": Nproc = 8 dir = "build" if n > 2: for arg in sys.argv[2:]: if arg.isdigit() or arg.startswith('N='): Nproc = arg else: dir = arg removeCompileAndReportFile(COMPRESED_REPORT, COMPILE_LOG) ok = compile(Nproc) ok = ok and install(dir) if not ok: exitProgram(error=1) else: exitProgram(error=0) elif mode == "install": if n == 3: dir = sys.argv[2] else: dir = "build" ok = install(dir) if not ok: sys.exit(1) elif mode == "get_models": modelsDir = 'build' if n==2 else sys.argv[2] downloadDeepLearningModels(modelsDir, dedicatedMode=True) elif mode == "test" or mode == "tests": runTests(sys.argv[2:]) elif mode == "all": Nproc = 8 branch = '' buildDir = 'build' for arg in sys.argv[2:]: if arg.startswith("N="): Nproc = int(arg[2:]) elif arg.startswith("br="): branch = arg[3:] elif arg.startswith("dir="): buildDir = arg[4:] else: usage("Unknown %s argument"%arg) sys.exit(1) # create config if not there if not os.path.isfile(Config.FILE_NAME): buildConfig.create() else: print(green("'%s' detected." % Config.FILE_NAME)) # HACK: re-read it from file to resolve paths removeCompileAndReportFile(COMPRESED_REPORT, COMPILE_LOG) buildConfig.read() status = buildConfig.check() if status[0] == False: #status = [False, index, error msg, suport Msg] if len(status) > 2: exitProgram(status[1], status) else: exitProgram(status[1]) ok = downloadDeepLearningModels(buildDir) ok = ok and getDependencies()\ and getSources(branch)\ and compile(Nproc)\ and install(buildDir) if ok: exitProgram() else: exitProgram(error=1) elif mode == "create_devel_paths": if n == 3: dir = sys.argv[2] else: dir = "." writeDevelPaths(dir) elif mode == "git": status = ensureGit(True) if status [0] == False: exitProgram(status[1]) print('-Repository xmippCore:\t\t', end='') runJob("(cd src/xmippCore; git %s)"%" ".join(sys.argv[2:]), show_command=False) print('\n-Repository xmipp:\t\t', end='') runJob("(cd src/xmipp; git %s)"%" ".join(sys.argv[2:]), show_command=False) print('\n-Repository xmippViz:\t\t', end='') runJob("(cd src/xmippViz; git %s)"%" ".join(sys.argv[2:]), show_command=False) print('\n-Repository scipion-em-xmipp:\t', end='') runJob("(cd src/scipion-em-xmipp; git %s)"%" ".join(sys.argv[2:]), show_command=False) elif mode == "gitConfig": status = ensureGit(True) if status [0] == False: exitProgram(status[1]) runJob("sed -i 's/https:\/\/github.com\//git@github.com:/g' src/xmippCore/.git/config", showWithReturn=False) runJob("sed -i 's/https:\/\/github.com\//git@github.com:/g' .git/config", showWithReturn=False) runJob("sed -i 's/https:\/\/github.com\//git@github.com:/g' src/xmippViz/.git/config", showWithReturn=False) runJob("sed -i 's/https:\/\/github.com\//git@github.com:/g' src/scipion-em-xmipp/.git/config", showWithReturn=False) elif mode == 'addModel': update = False if not (n == 4 or (n == 5 and sys.argv[4] == '--update') or (n == 3 and sys.argv[2] == '--help')): print("Incorrect number of parameters.\n") usage() sys.exit(1) addDeepLearninModel(*sys.argv[2:]) elif mode == 'tar': if len(sys.argv) < 3: runJob("scripts/tar.py --help") sys.exit(0) ver = XMIPP_VERSION br = 'master' mode = sys.argv[2] debugFlag = '' for arg in sys.argv[3:]: if arg.startswith('br='): br = arg.split('br=')[1] if arg.startswith('v='): ver = arg.split('v=')[1] if arg.lower() == 'debug': debugFlag = 'debug' runJob("scripts/tar.py %s %s %s %s" % (mode, ver, br, debugFlag)) else: usage(" -> option not found <- \n")