AA-AAA-123456789-ABC123 Organisation name Nom de l'organisme <narrative>Activity title</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="fr">Titre de l'activité</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="es">Título de la actividad</narrative> General activity description text. Long description of the activity with no particular structure. Activité générale du texte de description. Longue description de l'activité sans structure particulière. Objectives for the activity, for example from a logical framework. Objectifs de l'activité, par exemple à partir d'un cadre logique. Statement of groups targeted to benefit from the activity. Déclaration de groupes ciblés pour bénéficier de l'activité. Name of Agency B Name of Agency C Name of Agency A Nom de l'agence A Organisation name Planned start date of the activity Date prévue de début de l'activité Agency A Department B A. Example Transparency Lead 0044111222333444 transparency@example.org http://www.example.org Transparency House, The Street, Town, City, Postcode Location name Location description A description that qualifies the activity taking place at the location 31.616944 65.716944 A description of the sector Description text Description text 3000 3000 3000 1000 Transaction description text Agency B Agency A <narrative>Project Report 2013</narrative> <narrative xml:lang="fr">Rapport de projet 2013</narrative> Conditions text Conditions texte <narrative>Result title</narrative> Result description text <narrative>Indicator title</narrative> Indicator description text Baseline comment text Target comment text Actual comment text 200000 1500000 0 0 10000