International Aid Transparency Initiative: Common Markup Components Release 2.01, 2014-10-21 This schema is not meant to be used on its own: it contains common shared markup components for the IATI activities and organisations schemas. It must be in the same directory as iati-activities-schema.xsd and iati-organisations-schema.xsd (together with xml.xsd). The free text name or description of the item being described. This can be repeated in multiple languages. ISO 639-1 code specifying the language of text in this element. If a default language is specified in the iati-activity element it does not have to be repeated here. A short, human-readable title. A longer, human-readable description. A human-readable comment associated with a piece of aid information. The organisation issuing the report. May be a primary source (reporting on its own activity as donor, implementing agency, etc) or a secondary source (reporting on the activities of another organisation). Specifying the @ref attribute is mandatory. May contain the organisation name as content. All activities in an activity xml file must contain the same @ref AND this @ref must be the same as the iati-identifier recorded in the registry publisher record of the account under which this file is published. The name of the organisation. May be repeated for different languages. Machine-readable identification string for the organisation issuing the report. Must be in the format {RegistrationAgency}-{RegistrationNumber} where {RegistrationAgency} is a valid code in the RegistrationAgency code list and {RegistrationNumber } is a valid identifier issued by the {RegistrationAgency} The type of organisation issuing the report. See IATI codelist for values. A flag indicating that the reporting organisation is a secondary publisher: publishing data for which it is not directly responsible. This flag must not be reported by primary source publishers The date to be used for determining the exchange rate for currency conversions. Data type for an element that may contain human-readable text in different languages. Data type for an element that must contain human-readable text. The information may be repeated in different languages.