Aaron Rubinstein (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA),
member of EGAD
Daniel Pitti (University of Virginia, USA), chair of
Miia Herrala (National Archives of Finland), member of
Tobias Wildi (Docuteam GmbH, Switzerland), member of
Florence Clavaud (Archives nationales de France), member of EGAD,
lead of EGAD RiC-O team
International Council on Archives Expert Group on Archival
Description (ICA EGAD)
International Council on Archives
Copyright 2019-...., International Council on Archives
RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL ontology for describing
archival record resources. As the second part of Records in Contexts standard,
it is a formal representation of Records in Contexts Conceptual Model (RiC-CM).
The current official version is v0.2; it is
compliant with RiC-CM v0.2 full draft, that will be published in February or
March 2021, and that is slightly different from RiC-CM
v0.2 preview, that was published in December 2019.
RiC-O provides a generic vocabulary and formal rules for creating RDF
datasets (or generating them from existing archival metadata) that describe in a
consistent way any kind of archival record resource. It can support publishing
RDF datasets as Linked Data, querying them using SPARQL, and making inferences
using the logic of the ontology.
RiC-O (Records in Contexts-Ontology) is an OWL ontology for describing
archival record resources. As the second part of Records in Contexts standard,
it is a formal representation of Records in Contexts Conceptual Model (RiC-CM).
This version, which is v0.2, is the current official release. It is compliant
with RiC-CM v0.2, that will be published soon after the release of RiC-O
The following diagram shows the main RiC-CM v0.2 entities and a few
relations between them:
RiC-O design principles
The following design principles were followed when developing
RiC-O is a domain or reference ontology.
It provides a generic vocabulary and formal rules for creating RDF
datasets (or generating them from existing archival metadata) that describe
in a consistent way any kind of archival record resource. It can support
publishing RDF datasets as Linked Data, querying them using SPARQL, and
making inferences using the logic of the ontology.
While some projects have built some specific ontologies for describing
archives, at this time no generic domain ontology exists for the specific
needs of the archival community. This is why EGAD decided to develop RiC-O
as the second part of RiC standard.
Apart this first, main target, RiC-O also can help archival institutions
and engineers to design and develop other technical implementations of
RiC-CM that represent record resources and their layers of contexts as
oriented, interconnected graphs. Of course, other technical implementations
may be developed later on, including XML models, or (hopefully) new versions
of EAD and EAC-CPF XML models.
As RiC-O is a generic, domain ontology, it does not address by itself
every specific need or expectation that may occur in every archival
institution or project. It is rather a high level framework and a project
can either limit itself to the use of a selection of components, or can add
more subcomponents where needed.
As a domain ontology, RiC-O, at this stage at least, does not borrow any
component from other existing ontologies (such as the cultural heritage
models – IFLA-LRM and CIDOC-CRM, PREMIS, or PROV-O). It should therefore be
easier, for an archival institution or archival project, to understand,
implement and maintain RiC-O within its system.
Later on, RiC-O will be aligned with these existing models. This is of
course essential for interconnecting RDF datasets conforming to RiC-O with
other datasets, or for using parts of RiC-O in other contexts than the
archival or records management realm.
RiC-O must be immediately usable.
This is a key feature for a new model. In particular, it is very
important that existing archival metadata, that are created or generated in
current information systems, can be converted to RDF conforming to RiC-O,
without losing any data, structural or partially implicit information. What
is at stake here is that metadata conforming to the previous existing ICA
standards can be processed successfully.
During the ongoing development process, a lot of successful testing has
been made, using XML/EAD finding aids and XML/EAC-CPF authority records,
that have been converted to RDF datasets, either by hand or using scripts. A
conversion software is being developed and will soon be available.
While some existing metadata sets may have a very fine level of
granularity and accuracy, already using, for example, controlled
vocabularies, or describing curation events separately, often these metadata
don’t have the very precise structure that RiC-CM recommends. Even then,
such a conversion process should remain possible. In order to allow this,
RiC-O sometimes provides several methods for representing information (as
described below). From this point of view, the current official version of
RiC-O may be considered a transitional ontology, in which some components
may be deprecated later on.
The usability of a model also depends on its documentation. That’s why
the current official release has been fully documented (this documentation
will be continously improved).
RiC-O will also soon be acompanied with examples (RDF datasets). Some
tutorials should also be written, and EGAD will organize practical
RiC-O has to provide a flexible
This is a very important principle too. It is related with the usability
principle quoted above. Moreover, archival description is flexible by
essence. It is quite commonly noted that the level of granularity of
information varies from one finding aid to another (or from one authority
record to another), or even within the same finding aid. Some series or
agents are described summarily because little is known about them and there
is little time for extensive research, while other series, even records, or
agents are described in detail; some relations (e.g. that relating to
provenance) may be described without any detail while others may be
thoroughly documented, as ISAAR(CPF) and EAC-CPF allow it.
Being generally flexible, for an OWL ontology, depends first on the
polyhierarchical systems of classes and properties it provides. A
superproperty or superclass, more general or generic than its subproperties
or subclasses, must exist and be available for handling information, while
at the same time more accurate subcomponents must be there for handling more
accurate description. Also, RiC-O should provide several methods for
expressing whether relations are well attested and certain, or are more vague,
as well as direct and short paths between entities alongside more complex
RiC-O opens new potential for archival
This means that Linked Data tools and interfaces should enable end users
to go through RDF/RiC-O graphs, to query them using SPARQL in an efficient
way and to consult archival metadata and their contexts in new ways. As an example,
an end user should be able to ask « What are (according to your dataset) the
corporate bodies that succeeded to this given entity from its end of
existence, by 1840, to nowadays (as concerns this given activity) ?» or «
tell me what instantiations of this photograph exist? » « what are the
existing copies of this original charter?», and get a list of these
entities. In other words, institutions or projects that make the effort to
implement RiC-O will get new insight into the content and context of their
archives that wasn't visible with the existing ICA-standards. It should be
even more interesting if you can infer new assertions from the RDF datasets
you built, and of course link your datasets to other ressources outside of
your institution.
RiC-O should be extensible.
Institutions are free to extend the ontology by adding new subclasses or
subproperties if needed. RiC-O has also the potential to be useable in other
contexts than purely archival ones. This implies that hierarchies of classes
and properties are defined and that mappings are developed with other
ontologies as mentioned above. It may also imply that RiC-O should provide
“hooks” enabling connections with, for example, existing SKOS
Understanding RiC-O: a quick overview of some features
From RiC-CM to RiC-O
In the system of classes of RiC-O, for
each RiC-CM entity, you can find a corresponding class. These classes
are organized according to the same hierarchy as in RiC-CM. In some
projects, you may need very few of them (e.g. Agent, Record Resource and
Activity only), while in other ones, you may need more (e.g. Corporate
Body and Person; Record; Place; Provenance Relation).
Certain classes only exist in RiC-O and not in RiC-CM. These
additional classes address special needs:
some correspond to RiC-CM attributes, when it may be considered
necessary to handle them as full entities. This is the case for
Type and its subclasses, that
correspond to RiC-CM attributes that contain controlled values, and
that can help to articulate RiC-O with external RDF resources like
SKOS vocabularies; and also for Language, Name and
Identifier, that can be
considered as full entities and as key linking nodes in a RDF graph.
All these classes have been grouped under a Concept class.
some classes have been added in order to provide a more
accurate definition and model for some entities. Place thus comes along with a
Physical Location
class, and with a Coordinates class. A Place is considered both a
geographical and historical entity. As a historical entity, among
other features, it has a history, and may be preceded or succeeded
by other Places. A Place also may have zero to many Physical
Location through time (for instance, its boundaries, if it is an
administrative area or a country, may change). Each Physical
Location may be connected to zero to many Coordinates. This model is
quite close to the Linked Places Format (https://github.com/LinkedPasts/linked-places). Another
example of such an addition is the Proxy
class, that represents (stands for) a Record Resource
as it exists in a specific Record Set.
finally, a system of classes helps to implement the Relations
section of RiC-CM. While these relations also are
represented as simple, binary object properties (e.g. ‘hasProvenance’ that
corresponds to RiC-R026 relation), you may need to assign different
attributes to a relation, e.g. a date, certainty or description, as
it is already possible, and quite often done, in a XML/EAC-CPF file.
One of the standard available methods for representing such a
documented relation in RDF for now is to use a class. RDF* and
SPARQL* specification, which is being developed by the W3C RDF-DEV
Community Group, provides a far simpler method (allowing to consider
a triple as the subject or object of another triple; see https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/) and is already being
used by some tools; however it is not yet a W3C standard. Thus, for
example, in RiC-O an AgentOriginationRelation class exists. This class may
connect one to many Agents to one to many created or accumulated
Record Resources or Instantiations, and has some specific object
properties (certainty, date, description, source). Back to the
‘hasProvenance’ object property, let us add that it is formally
defined in RiC-O, using OWL 2 property chain axiom (see https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-new-features/, as a
‘shortcut’ for the longer path
where the intermediate node is an instance of Agent Origination Relation:
rdf:parseType="Collection"> <rdf:Description
A triplestore, with the appropriate configuration, may
thus infer the direct ‘hasProvenance’ assertion from this long
Most of the datatype properties in RiC-O
correspond to RiC-CM attributes that contain free, plain
text. See for example rico:descriptiveNote, rico:history and rico:scopeAndContent.
In addition to these datatype properties, the Name and Identifier
RiC-CM attributes also have corresponding classes (subclasses of rico:Appellation). A resource may
have several Identifiers and each comes with different attributes (e.g.
archival reference code, system number, digital object identifier), in
this case the identifiers will be modelled in a class. In many simpler
usecases it's sufficent to just use the identifier datatype property, typically for the archival
reference code.
The Location RiC-CM attribute also has a rico:Physical Location corresponding
class (for users who want to use Place, Physical Location
and Coordinates for handling places).
As already said too, every RiC-CM attribute that has ‘controlled
value’ or ‘rule-based’ as a schema value, has a class as corresponding
component in RiC-O. For these CM attributes that correspond to a RiC-O
class, as it is necessary to provide an immediately usable ontology, two
supplementary datatype properties exist that allow not to use the
classes, at least for a while, if you want to implement RiC-O and create
RiC-O/RDF datasets from existing archival metadata without being able to
handle URIs for the information you have.
For example, you may not be able to handle and maintain URIs for
some controlled values you use in EAD finding aids for carrier types:
maybe your information system does not use a vocabulary for this, and
you cannot for a while consider these carrier types as full entities.
Nevertheless you want to produce RiC-O datasets where every piece of
information is kept, and you want to avoid blank nodes. If RiC-O would
only provide the Carrier Type class, it would be an issue for you. So
RiC-O provides a rico:type datatype
property, with range rdfs:literal, which allows you to move
Therefore, for the RiC-CM *Type attributes, you have a corresponding
rico:type datatype property. For
RiC-CM Coordinates attribute, you also have rico:geographicalCoordinates
datatype property.
These datatype properties have a skos:scopeNote which says (for
example) "Provided for usability reasons. May be made deprecated or
removed later on. Use only if you don't use Physical Location and
Coordinates classes with Place."
The same key design principle (RiC-O must be immediately usable) led
us to define some datatype properties that would enable users to use
RiC-O in simple usecases where they do not want to consider dates and
rules as full entities. Thus, there of course is Date and Rule classes
in RiC-O (since there are Date and Rule entities in RiC-CM). And you
also have 'date' datatype properties; plus a rico:ruleFollowed datatype
property. The same analysis led us to keep the rico:history datatype property in
RiC-O (same as RiC-CM history attribute), while RiC-CM and RiC-O also
provide the Event class, and using a
series of Events may of course be a better method, easier to query, link
and display, than simply using a history prose discourse. The two
methods may be used in parallel within the same dataset by an
institution that, for example, would decide to emphasize only the
accession, appraisal and description events among the whole history of
Record resources.
These datatype properties have the same kind of skos:scopeNote as
Finally, we have introduced a few datatype properties that do not
correspond to any RiC-CM attribute.
Some are superproperties, and thus group datatype properties
(rico:physicalOrLogicalExtent, with rico:carrierExtent,
rico:instantiationExtent and rico:recordResourceExtent as subproperties
; rico:textualValue, with
rico:expressedDate and rico:normalizedValue as subproperties; rico:measure (and its subproperties);
superproperty of rico:dateStandard (and of other datatype properties
that do not exist in RiC-CM.)
Some are simply more specific properties : rico:accrualStatus ; rico:recordResourceStructure and rico:instantiationStructure, subproperties of
rico:structure ; rico:title
(subproperty of rico:name) ; rico:altitude, rico:latitude,
rico:longitude (subproperties of rico:measure), rico:geodesicSystem and
rico:altimetricSystem (subproperties of rico:referenceSystem).
In order to connect all the classes created, a
significant number of object properties have been
defined. While their 'flat' list is a long one, they
are grouped hierarchically, so that one can use the upper to
intermediate level ones for simplicity sake, or choose the most accurate
and expressive ones, or extend the system adding a subproperty easily.
It is expected that, in most use cases, a subset of these properties
only will be needed. As already said above, some of the object
properties are also formally defined as shortcuts.
Finally, let us mention that we added to RiC-O six individuals,
considering that they would address current and frequent needs:
Two (FindingAid and AuthorityRecord) are
instances of both RiC-O Documentary Form Type and SKOS Concept.
They can be used for categorizing Records, finding aids and
authority records being considered as Records. A Record that would
have ‘Finding Aid’ as a Documentary Form Type, can be connected to
one to many Record Resources using 'rico:describes’ object
Four (Fonds, Series, File, and Collection) are both instances of the Record Set Type
class, and of skos:Concept. Their definition is taken from the
ISAD(G) glossary. They can be used for categorizing Record
In the future, we can imagine that many other categories of the kind
will be defined by the archival community, forming at least rich SKOS
(hopefully multilingual) vocabularies. Considering the concepts thus
defined as being also instances of some RiC-O classes may be of great
interest for producing a richer description (for example, an instance of
the Documentary Form Type
class may have a history and some temporal relations to
other documentary form types).
RiC-O documentation and annotation properties
Each class or property has at least an English label (rdfs:label)
and description (rdfs:comment). Some have a skos:scopeNote or a
When a RiC-O class or property corresponds in a way to a RiC-CM
component, its description and scope note are, either the same as, or
derived from, their definition and scope note in RiC-CM.
We have created two annotation properties, subproperties of
rdfs:comment, for handling:
Information about the corresponding RiC-CM component when
appliable (rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent). Various phrasings
are used in this property depending on the rule applied for defining
the RiC-CM component.
Information, most often in prose text for now, about possible
mappings with other models or ontologies (rico:closeTo, rarely used in this
0.1 version)).
Finally, in this official 0.2 release, any change in the definition
of a class or property, since December 2019, is documented using a
Next steps
The following is a non exhaustive list of known issues, topics or tasks
on which EGAD has begun to work and will continue to work in the next
providing more examples of known implementations of RiC-O in
different institutions and contexts. The goal is to show different
practices on how RiC-O is being implemented. We have begun to release
such examples in the public RiC-O repository on GitHub. One can also have a
look at the Projects and tools page on RiC-O website.
finishing the system of relations (where some subclasses are still
assessing, and changing in some cases, the tense of the verbs in
some object properties (e.g. for the properties that correspond to some
RiC-CM relations). This has been done, following RiC-CM v0.2 updates,
where many relations have changed name so that they can be used for
recording both past and present situations.
articulating the Event and Activity classes, and the Relation
system of classes
improving the names of object properties. This has been done,
following RiC-CM v0.2 updates and applying a few naming rules, so that,
for example, the same verb is used for naming a relation and the inverse
relation when it exists.
adding suggestions of mappings (in rico:closeTo) and OWL
equivalences between some classes or properties and components in other
models (among which - this is not an exhaustive list- CIDOC-CRM,
IFLA-LRM, PREMIS, PROV-O, Wikidata and Schema.org)
documenting RiC-O in French and Spanish
providing users with some SPARQL constructs for
International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology
(ICA RiC-O) version 0.2
International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Ontology
(ICA RiC-O) version 0.2
Version 0.2 - 2021-02-12.
A first beta version of RiC-O was developed in 2017 and used by the National
Archives of France for building a proof of concept (https://piaaf.demo.logilab.fr).
EGAD then continued to develop the ontology, and this process entered a very
active period in 2019, while RiC-CM v0.2 was being designed and edited. From
December 2018 to November 2019, about 65 persons that had applied to a call for
reviewers, received successive beta versions of RiC-O and sent a few first
comments. While EGAD RiC-O team could not answer to each of these comments, each
was taken into account. In particular, it was decided to prepare and publish,
along with RiC-O v0.1, a preview of RiC-CM v0.2. The goal of the preview release
of RiC-CM v0.2 is to provide context for the classes, properties, and overall
logic of RiC-O in support of the ontology’s first public release. RiC-O v0.1 was
released on December 2019, 12.
The Git repository that is used for handling RiC-O was made public in March
2020 (see https://github.com/ICA-EGAD/RiC-O), so that creating issues or
comments, forking and making pull requests was made possible.
In 2020, RiC-CM v0.2 preview was significantly updated: the textual
definitions of many entities were changed, as well as the specifications of many
attributes; and a lot of relations changed name, in order to take into account
past situations and to adopt some simple naming rules. As a consequence, RiC-O
had to be updated in order to remain compliant with RiC-CM. These changes could
not be made before the end of 2020, when RiC-CM could be considered stable.
EGAD also decided to make other changes in RiC-O, among which the most important
are mentioned in bold in the following list.
RiC-O 0.2 results from these updates and changes. It has been released a few
weeks before RiC-CM 0.2 full draft, and is fully compliant with it.
The following is a list of the changes made to RiC-O (this current version
being RiC-O v0.2) since the release of RiC-O v0.1 in December 2019. The most
important changes are mentioned in bold. Note that from October 2020 any change
on a component is described and dated in the specification of this component,
using skos:changeNote.
Fixed a bug in the documentation of rico:PerformanceRelation and its
object properties.
Renamed the file and updated the ontology metadata.
OccupationType made a subclass of ActivityType.
Changed the domain and range of rico:hasOriginal and rico:hasDraft (it
is now Record or Record Part); same for their inverse properties.
Fixed a bug in the definition of rico:provenanceRelationHasTarget
(removed the owl:propertyChainAxiom).
Changed the name of rico:leadBy object property (grammatical mistake)
to rico:ledBy.
2020, October 19: Added a vann:preferredNamespaceUri and
vann:preferredNamespacePrefix property to the ontology metadata
2020, October 19 : created RuleType and IdentifierType classes, along
with the associated object properties.
2020, October 23: updated the text definition and/or scope
note of 33 classes, that correspond to RiC-CM entities or attributes, in
order to make them compliant with RiC-CM v0.2. Added a few
owl:disjointWith properties.
2020, November 1: updated the text definition and/or scope
note of, and/or added examples for, 27 datatype properties, that
correspond to RiC-CM attributes, in order to make them compliant with
RiC-CM v0.2.
2020, November 20: created new classes and properties for
handling an accurate description of instantation and record resource
extent: Extent, Carrier Extent, Instantiation Extent,
Record Resource Extent, Unit of measurement, Extent Type classes; unit of
measurement and quantity datatype properties; has Extent, is Extent Of, has
Extent Type, is Extent Type Of, has Unit Of Measurement, is Unit of
Measurement Of, object properties.
2020, December 28: changed the IRIs and definition of
RecordResourceState class and of the associated object properties;
changed the domain or ranges and textual definitions of
properties associated with Language, LegalStatus, ContentType,
DocumentaryFormType; added new object properties for handling the
description of some or all members of Record Set. Added
the corresponding change notes.
2020, December 29: deleted the isSuperiorTo and isInferiorTo object
properties, as well as the AgentSubordinationRelation and its object
properties (as the RiC-R043 relation has been removed from RiC-CM 0.2).
Added the hasAuthor/isAuthorOf object properties, plus an AuthorshipRelation
class and its specific object properties (as the RiC-R079 relation has been
added to RiC-CM 0.2). Added the corresponding change notes.
2021, January 22: changed the IRI, label, and/or
superproperties or inverse property IRI, and/or textual definition,
and/or domain or range, of 152 object properties. Among them, changed
the IRI of 119 object properties; 85 correspond to RiC-CM relations
whose name has been changed in RiC-CM 0.2. Added the
corresponding change notes.
2021, January 27: added an rdfs:isDefinedBy to the specification of
each RiC-O class and property and made the last changes to the ontology
metadata (mainly in the history note).
2021, February 1: last small changes in the ontology metadata (mainly
in the abstract).
2021, February 1: 'hasOrHadPhysicalLocation' made a subproperty of
'isPlaceAssociatedWith'; 'isOrWasPhysicalLocationOf' made a subproperty of
2021, February 1: reordered everything with Protégé without changing
the content
2021, February 4: checked and fixed the language of the
2021, February 8: removed a few Restriction classes
(rdfs:subClassOf/owl:Restriction) in the definition of classes; completed
the textual definition and scope note of the Relation class.
2021, February 9: added a link to RiC-CM 0.2 diagram overview in the introduction; fixed some typos.
2021, February 11: added an @xml:lang='en' on a few labels; updated the definition (rdfs:comment) and scope note of the Rule class, as they were recently changed in RiC-CM 0.2 full draft.
When it exists, specifies the identifier and name of RiC-CM
component that corresponds to the annotated class or property.
RiC-CM corresponding component
An annotation property for recording a possible mapping to a
component in another model or ontology
close to
Connects an Accumulation Relation to one of the accumulated
Record Resources or Instantiations
accumulation relation has source
Connects an Accumulation Relation to one of the accumulating
accumulation relation has target
Connects an Activity Documentation Relation to one of the
resulting Record Resources or Instantiations
activity documentation relation has source
Connects an Activity Documentation Relation to one of the
documented Activities
activity documentation relation has target
Connects an Activity to an Agent Temporal Relation (when the
Activity is transferred from an Agent to another one) or a Mandate Relation (the Mandate
assigns the Activity to the Agent or defines it).
activity is context of relation
Connects an Activity that is performed to a Performance
activity is source of performance relation
Connects an Activity to an Activity Documentation
activity is target of activity documentation relation
Connects an Event to a Thing on which the Event has or had some
significant impact.
affects or affected
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition and corresponding CM component (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R059 ('affects or affected'
Connects an Agent Control Relation to one of the controlling
agent control relation has source
Connects an Agent Control Relation to one of the controlled
agent control relation has target
Connects an Agent to a Work Relation
agent has work relation
Connects an Agent Hierarchical Relation to one of the
hierarchically superior Agents
agent hierarchical relation has source
Connects an Agent Hierarchical Relation to one of the
hierarchically inferior Agents
agent hierarchical relation has target
Connects an Agent to an Agent Relation
agent is connected to agent relation
Connects a controlling Agent to an Agent Control
agent is source of agent control relation
Connects a hierarchically superior Agent to an Agent
Hierarchical Relation
agent is source of agent hierarchical relation
Connects a predecessor Agent to an Agent Temporal
agent is source of agent temporal relation
Connects an Agent thas has the authority, to an Authority
agent is source of authority relation
Connects an Agent having the intellectual property rights, to an
Intellectual Property Rights Relation
agent is source of intellectual property rights relation
Connects a manager Agent to a Management Relation
agent is source of management relation
Connects an owner Agent to an Ownership Relation
agent is source of ownership relation
Connects an Agent that holds a Record Resource or Instantiation,
to a Record Resource Holding Relation
agent is source of record resource holding relation
Connects one of the accumulating Agents to an Accumulation
agent is target of accumulation relation
Connects one of the controlled Agents to an Agent Control
agent is target of agent control relation
Connects one of the hierarchically inferior Agents to an Agent
Hierarchical Relation
agent is target of agent hierarchical relation
Connects one of the Agents that created or accumulated the
Record resource or Instantiation, to an Agent Origination Relation
agent is target of agent origination relation
Connects a successor Agent to an Agent Temporal
agent is target of agent temporal relation
Connects a Person, Group or Position to an Authorship
agent is target of authorship relation
Created following the addition of RiC-R079 relation in
RiC-CM 0.2
Connects a creator Agent to a Creation Relation
agent is target of creation relation
Connects a mandated Agent to a Mandate Relation
agent is target of mandate relation
Connects an Agent to a Performance Relation
agent is target of performance relation
Connects an Agent or Activity that is the provenance of a Record
resource or Instantiation, to a Provenance Relation
agent or activity is target of provenance relation
Connects an Agent Origination Relation to one of the resulting
Record Resource or Instantiation
agent origination relation has source
Connects an Agent Origination Relation to one of the creating or
accumulating Agents
agent origination relation has target
Connects an Agent Relation to one of the involved
agent relation connects
Connects an Agent Temporal Relation to one of the predecessor
agent temporal relation has source
Connects an Agent Temporal Relation to one of the successor
agent temporal relation has target
Connects an Appellation to an Appellation
appellation is source of appellation relation
Connects an Appellation Relation to the concerned
appellation relation has source
Connects an Appellation Relation to one of the designated
appellation relation has target
Connects an Agent Temporal Relation or Mandate Relation, to an
Activity that is, either transferred from an Agent to another one, or assigned by a
Mandate to an Agent.
as concerns activity
Connects an Authority Relation to an Agent that has the
authority relation has source
Connects an Authority Relation to a Thing over which the
Authority is performed
authority relation has target
Inverse of 'authorizes' object property
authorized by
RiC-R067i ('authorizedBy'
Connects a Mandate to the Agent that the Mandate gives the
authority or competencies to act.
fixed the CM corresponding component name.
RiC-R067 ('authorizes'
Connects a Mandate Relation to an Agent that assigns the
authorizing agent
Connects an Authorship Relation to one of the Records involved
in the relation.
authorship relation has source
Created following the addition of RiC-R079 relation in
RiC-CM 0.2
Connects an Authorship Relation to one of the author Person,
Group or Position.
authorship relation has target
Created following the addition of RiC-R079 relation in
RiC-CM 0.2
Connects a Child Relation to a parent Person
child relation has source
Connects a Child Relation to a child Person
child relation has target
Connects a Place to a region that is or was within
contains or contained
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name ; added a scope note (changed made
in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in
RiC-O 0.1 was "contains").
Use for connecting two geographical or administrative
RiC-R007 ('contains or contained'
Connects a Correspondence Relation to one of the Persons
correspondence relation connects
Connects a Creation Relation to one of the created Record
Resources or Instantiations
creation relation has source
Connects a Creation Relation to one of the creator
creation relation has target
Connects a Creation Relation to the Role Type that the creator
Agent(s) has in the creation process
creation with role
Connects a Derivation Relation to the Instantiation from which
one or more Instantiations is derived.
derivation relation has source
Connects a Derivation Relation to one of the derived
derivation relation has target
Connects a Descendance Relation to one of the ancestor
descendance relation has source
Connects a Descendance Relation to one of the descendant
descendance relation has target
Connects a Record Resource to a Thing that it
describes or described
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Can be used, among other situations, for specifying that some
finding aid (a Record that has Documentary Form Type Finding Aid) describes some Record
RiC-R021 (describes or
Inverse of 'documents' object property.
documented by
changed the inverse property IRI, the superproperty IRI and
the corresponding CML component name
RiC-R033i ('documented by'
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Activity
that generates the Record Resource or Instantiation.
changed the IRI, label, superproperty IRI, corresponding CM
component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2;
the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isDocumentationOf").
RiC-R033 ('documents'
Connects an Event to an Event Relation
event is source of event relation
Connects an Event Relation to an Event
event relation has source
Connects an Event Relation to an associated Thing
event relation has target
Connects a Position to a Group in which that Position exists or
existed, or that is defined by that Group�s organizational structure.
exists or existed in
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R056 ('exists or existed in'
Inverse of 'is or was expressed by' object
expresses or expressed
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R064i ('expresses or expressed'
Connects a Family Relation to a Person.
family relation connects
Inverse of 'precedes in time' object property.
follows in time
changed the superproperty IRI.
RiC-R009i ('follows in time'
Inverse of 'precedesOrPreceded' object property.
follows or followed
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R008i ('follows or followed'
Connects a Functional Equivalence Relation to one of the
functionally equivalent Instantiations.
functional equivalence relation connects
Connects the Group that has at least a subdivision, to a Group
Subdivision Relation
group is source of group subdivision relation
Connects the Group (that has one to many members) to a
Membership Relation
group is source of membership relation
Connects a Group that is a subdivision, to a Group Subdivision
group is target of group subdivision relation
Connects a Group (which has a leader) to a Leadership
group is target of leadership relation
Connects the Group (in which a Position exists) to a Position To
Group Relation
group is target of position to group relation
Connects a Group Subdivision Relation to the Group that has
group subdivision relation has source
Connects a Group Subdivision Relation to one of the Groups that
is a subdivision
group subdivision relation has target
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that
accumulates it, be it intentionally (collecting) or not (receiving in the course of its
has accumulator
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition and corresponding CM component (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R028 ('has accumulator'
Connects an Activity to an Activity Type that categorizes
has activity type
changed the superproperty IRI.
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that
it is addressed to.
has addressee
added a scope note
The identity of the addressee is (usually) evidenced by the
Record Resource or Instantiation itself.
RiC-R032 ('has addressee'
Inverse of 'has descendant' object property.
has ancestor
changed the superproperty IRIs.
RiC-R017i (has ancestor
Connects a Record to the Group, Person or Position that is
responsible for conceiving and formulating the information contained in the
has author
Created following the addition of RiC-R079 relation in
RiC-CM 0.2
To be used for any contribution to the content of a Record.
Includes (of course) the Person, Group or Position in whose name or by whose command the
content may have been formulated and first instantiated (e.g. the person who signed
RiC-R079 ('has author'
Inverse of 'is beginning date of' object property
has beginning date
RiC-R069i ('has beginning date'
Inverse of 'is birth date of' object property
has birth date
RiC-R070i ('has birth date'
Connects an Instantiation to a Carrier Type which categorizes
its carrier.
has carrier type
changed the superproperty IRI.
Connects a Person to one of their children.
has child
changed the inverse property IRI.
RiC-R018 ('has child'
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that
collects it intentionally (is a collector).
has collector
changed the IRI, label, inverse property and super property
IRI, text definition, domain (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with
RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R030 ('has collector'
Connects a Record or a Record Part to a Content Type which
categorizes its content.
has content of type
changed the text definition and superproperty
Connects a Record Resource to a copy of that Record
has copy
RiC-R012 ('has copy'
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to an Agent that
is either responsible for all or some of the content of the Record Resource or is a
contributor to the genesis or production of an Instantiation.
has creator
changed the IRI and label (changed made in order to make
RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Covers the definition of author in diplomatics, and any
contribution to the intellectual content of a Record Resource.
RiC-R027 ('has creator'
Inverse of 'is death date of' object property
has death date
RiC-R072i ('has death date'
Connects an Instantiation to an Instantiation that is derived
from it.
has derived instantiation
RiC-R014 ('has derived instantiation'
Connects a Person to one of their descendants.
has descendant
changed the superproperties IRIs.
RiC-R017 ('has descendant'
Connects a Record or Record Part to its Documentary Form
has documentary form type
changed the superproperty IRI.
Inverse of 'is draft of' object property.
has draft
RiC-011i ('has draft'
Inverse of 'is end date of' object property.
has end date
RiC-R071i ('has end date'
Connects an Event to an Event Type which categorizes
has event type
changed the superproperty IRI.
Connects a Record Resource or Instantiation to an Extent
has extent
Object property created along with the Extent class and its
subclasses, in order to provide methods for handling extent
Connects an Extent to an Extent Type that categorizes what is being
has extent type
Object property added along with the Extent Type
Connects two Persons that have some type of family link, i.e.
belong to the same family. This relation is symmetric.
has family association with
changed the IRI, label, textual definition (changed made in
order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in
RiC-O 0.1 was "hasFamilyLinkWith").
RiC-R047 ('has family association with'
Connects a Family to a Family Type that categorizes
has family type
changed the superproperty IRI.
Connects two Record Resources when there is a genetic link
between them. Genetic in this sense is as defined by diplomatics, i.e. the process by
which a Record Resource is developed. This relation is symmetric.
has genetic link to record resource
Use to connect two Record Resources only if it is not possible
to be more accurate and specify a narrower, asymmetric relation, e.g. ‘is original
RiC-R023 ('has genetic link to record resource'
Connects an Identifier and an Identifier Type that categorizes
has identifier type
Object property added along with IdentifierType class and
isIdentifierTypeOf object property.
changed the superproperty IRI.
Connects a Record Resource to one of its
has instantiation
changed the inverse property IRI.
RiC-R025 ('has instantiation'
Inverse of 'is modification date of' object
has modification date
RiC-R073i ('has modification date'
Connects an Agent and (one of) its present or past Agent
has or had agent name
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects a Record Set and a Category (Type) to which all the
Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set
has or had all members with category
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Record Set and a Content Type that categorizes all
the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set.
has of had all members with content type
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Record Set and a Documentary Form Type that
categorizes all the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record
has of had all members with documentary form type
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Record Set and a Language used by all the Records or
Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set.
has of had all members with language
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Record Set and a Legal Status that categorizes all
the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set.
has of had all members with legal status
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Record Set and a Record State that categorizes all
the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set.
has of had all members with record state
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Thing to an Appellation that is or was used for
designating it.
has or had appellation
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects an Agent to a Thing the Agent has or had authority
has or had authority over
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasAuthorityOver").
RiC-R036 ('has or had authority over'
Connects a Thing to a Type that categorizes or categorized
has or had category
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects an Instantiation to one of its present or past
component instantiations.
has or had component
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasComponent").
RiC-R004 ('has or had component'
Connects a Record to a Record Part that is or was a component of
that Record.
has or had constituent
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasConstituent").
RiC-R003 ('has or had constituent'
Inverse of 'is or was controller of' object
has or had controller
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R041i ('has or had controller'
Connects a Physical Location to its past or present coordinates
in a reference system.
has coordinates
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects a Corporate Body to a Corporate Body Type which
categorizes or categorized it.
has or had corporate body type
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects two Persons that correspond or have corresponded with
each other. This relation is symmetric.
has or had correspondent
changed the IRI, label, textual definition (changed made in
order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in
RiC-O 0.1 was "hasCorrespondent").
RiC-R052 ('has or had correspondent'
Connects a Person or a Group to a Demographic Group to which it
belongs or belonged.
has or had demographic group
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, domain (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Inverse of 'is or was holder of' object property.
has or had holder
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R039i ('has or had holder'
Connects a Thing to one of its past or present
has or had identifier
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Inverse of 'is or was holder of intellectual property rights of'
object property.
has or had intellectual property rights holder
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R040i ('has or had intellectual property
rights holder ' relation)
Inverse of 'is or was jurisdiction of' object
has or had jurisdiction
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasJurisdiction").
RiC-R076i ('has or had jurisdiction'
Connects an Agent or Record Resource to a Language that it uses
or used.
has or had language
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Inverse of 'is or was leader of' object property.
has or had leader
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R042i ('has or had leader'
Connects an Agent or Record Resource to a Legal Status which
categorized or categorizes it.
has or had legal status
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Inverse of 'is or was location of' object
has or had location
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasLocation").
RiC-R075i ('has or had location'
Connects a Record Resource to a Thing that is or was its main
has or had main subject
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasMainSubject").
Use for specifying, for example, that a Record Set of type
personal file has main subject some person, which would help end users to retrieve the
main archival resources about this person.
RiC-R020 ('has or had main subject'
Inverse of 'is or was manager of' object
has or had manager
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R038i ('is or was managed by'
Connects a Group to a Person that is or was a member of that
has or had member
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasMember").
RiC-R055 ('has or had member'
Connects a Thing to one of its past or present
has or had name
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects a Person to an Occupation Type that categorized or
categorizes his/her occupation (profession, trade or craft).
has or had occupation of type
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Inverse of 'is or was owner of' object property.
has or had owner
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R037i ('has or had owner'
Connects a Thing to a constitutive or component part of that
has or had part
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasPart").
The end of existence of a whole/part relation may affect the
integrity or nature of the domain entity
RiC-R002 (has or had part
Connects an Event to a Thing that is or was actively or
passively involved in it.
has or had participant
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "involves").
RiC-R058 ('has or had participant'
Connects a Place to one of its past or present Physical
has or had physical location
Property made a subproperty of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects a Place to one of its past or present
has or had place name
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects a Place to a Place Type that categorized or categorizes
has or had place type
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Inverse of 'exists or existed in' object
has or had position
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R056i ('has or had position'
Connects a Rule to a Rule Type that categorized or categorizes
has or had rule type
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Object property added along with RuleType class and
isRuleTypeOf object property.
Connects a Record Set and a Category (Type) to which some of the
Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set
has or had some members with category
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Record Set and a Content Type that categorizes some
of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record
has or had some members with content type
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Record Set and a Language used by some of the Records
or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record Set.
has or had some members with language
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Record Set and a Legal Status that categorizes some
of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record
has or had some members with legal status
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Record Set and a Record State that categorizes some
of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record
has or had some members with record state
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Record Set and a Documentary Form Type that
categorizes some of the Records or Record Parts that are or were included in the Record
has or had some members with documentary form type
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects two Persons that are or were married. This relation is
has or had spouse
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R049 ('has or had spouse'
Inverse of 'has or had teacher' object property.
has or had student
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasStudent").
RiC-R053i ('has or had student'
Connects a Group to one of its present or past
has or had subdivision
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRIs (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R005 ('has or hadsubdivision'
Connects an Event to one of a series of Events that constitute
the original, broader, past or ongoing Event.
has or had subevent
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Since an Activity is a kind of Event, this Relation can also
be used for Activity.
RiC-R006 ('has or had subevent'
Connects a Record Resource to a Thing that is or was its
has or had subject
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasSubject").
RiC-R019 ('has or had subject'
Connects an Agent to an Agent that is hierarchically
has or had subordinate
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI (changed made
in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in
RiC-O 0.1 was "isHierarchicallySuperiorTo").
The hierarchical relation can be an authority relation, or a
whole/part relation between two Groups
RiC-R045 ('has or had subordinate '
Connects a Person to another Person who is or was their
has or had teacher
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "hasTeacher").
RiC-R053 ('has or had teacher'
Connects a Record Resource, Instantiation or Rule to a title
that is or was used for designating it.
has or had title
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects two Agents that have or had some type of work relation
in the course of their activities. This relation is symmetric.
has or had work relation with
changed the IRI, label, text definition (changed made in
order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in
RiC-O 0.1 was "hasWorkRelationWith").
RiC-R046 ('has or had work relation with'
Inverse of 'is original of' object property.
has original
RiC-R010i (is original of
Connects an Instantiation to a Production Technique Type that
categorizes its production technique.
has production technique type
changed the super property IRI.
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to an Agent that
creates or accumulates the Record Resource, receives it, or sends it.
has provenance
RiC-R026 ('has provenance'
Connects a Record resource to an Agent who published
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI (the name of
this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "publishedBy").
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that
receives it in the course of its activities.
has receiver
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, super
property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "receivedBy").
RiC-R029 ('has receiver'
Connects a Record Set to a Record Set Type that categorizes
has record set type
changed the super property IRI.
Connects a Record or Record Part to a Record State that
categorizes its state.
has record state
Changed the IRI (hasRecordResourceState changed to
hasRecordState), label, textual definition and domain (RecordResource replaced
by Record or Record Part).
Connects a Record Resource to a reply, usually in the form of
has reply
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isRepliedToBy").
RiC-R013 ('has reply'
Connects an Instantiation to a Representation Type that
categorizes its representation type.
has representation type
changed the super property IRI.
Connects a Record Resource or an Instantiation to the Agent that
sends it
has sender
RiC-R031 ('has sender'
Connects two Persons that are siblings. This relation is
has sibling
changed the super property IRI.
RiC-R048 ('has sibling'
Connects a Record Resource or Relation to a Record Resource or
Agent that is used as a source of information for identifying or describing
has source
Connects an Agent to another Agent that succeeds it
has successor
changed the IRI and label (changed made in order to make
RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
There may be zero to many intermediate Agents , ignored or
unknown, between the two connected Agents. Can be used when there is a transfer of
function from the first Agent to the second Agent.
RIC-R016 ('has successor'
Connects an Extent to a Unit Of Measurement
has unit of measurement
Object property created along with Extent and
UnitOfMeasurement classes, in order to provide methods for handling extent
Connects a Record Set to a Record or Record Set it aggregates,
or aggregated in the past.
includes or included
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "includes").
A Record or Record Set can be aggregated in one or many Record
Sets simultaneously or through time
RiC-R024 ('includes or included'
Connects an Instantiation to a Functional Equivalence
instantiation is connected to functional equivalence relation
Connects an Instantiation to an Instantiation to Instantiation
instantiation is connected to instantiation relation
Connects an Instantiation (from which at least one Instantiation
is derived) to a Derivation Relation.
instantiation is source of derivation relation
Connects an Instantiation (from which at least one Instantiation
is migrated) to a Migration Relation.
instantiation is source of migration relation
Connects a derived Instantiation to a Derivation
instantiation is target of derivation relation
Connects an Instantiation which results from a migration, to a
Migration Relation.
instantiation is target of migration relation
Connects an Instantiation of a Record Resource to the Record
Resource to Instantiation Relation.
instantiation is target of record resource to instantiation
Connects an Instantiation to Instantiation Relation to one of
the related Instantiations.
instantiation to instantiation relation connects
Connects an IntellectualPropertyRightsRelation to one of the
Group, Person or Position that holds the rights.
intellectual property rights relation has source
Connects an IintellectualPropertyRightsRelation to one of the
Record Resource or Instantiation on which the rights are held.
intellectual property rights relation has target
Inverse of 'has accumulator' object property.
is accumulator of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition and corresponding CM component (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R028i ('is accumulator of'
Connects an Activity Type to an Activity that it
is activity type of
changed the super property IRI.
Inverse of 'has addressee' object property.
is addressee of
RiC-032i ('is addressee of'
Connects two Agents. This object property is
is agent associated with agent
Use to connect two Agents only if it is not possible to be
more accurate and use a narrower Agent to Agent relation, e.g. ‘has work relation
RiC-R044 ('is agent associated with agent'
Inverse of 'is date associated with' object
is associated with date
RiC-R068i ('is associated with date'
Inverse of 'is event associated with' object
is associated with event
RiC-R057i ('is associated with event'
Inverse of 'is place associated with' object
is associated with place
RiC-R074i ('is associated with place'
Inverse of 'is rule associated with' object
is associated with rule
RiC-R062i ('is associated with rule'
Inverse of 'has author' object property.
is author of
Created following the addition of RiC-R079 relation in
RiC-CM 0.2
RiC-R079i ('is author of'
Connects an Agent that assigns the Mandate, to a Mandate
is authorizing agent in mandate relation
Connects a Date to a Thing that came into existence on that
is beginning date of
RiC-R069 ('is beginning date of'
Connects a Date to a Person that was born on that
is birth date of
RiC-R070 ('is birth date of'
Connects a Carrier Type to an Instantiation whose carrier it
is carrier type of
Changed the super property IRI.
Inverse of 'has child' object property.
is child of
changed the IRI and label (changed made in order to make
RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R018i ('is child of'
Inverse of 'has collector' object property.
is collector of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property and super property
IRI, text definition, domain (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with
RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "collects").
RiC-R030i ('is collector of'
Connects a Content Type to a Record or Record Part whose content
it categorizes.
is content type of
changed the text definition and super property
Inverse of 'has copy' object property.
is copy of
RiC-R012i ('is copy of'
Inverse of 'has creator' object property.
is creator of
change the inverse property IRI.
RiC-R027i ('is creator of
Connects a Date to a Thing that the Date is associated with the
existence and lifecycle of.
is date associated with
RiC-R068 ('is date associated with'
Connects a Date to a Person who died on that
is death date of
RiC-R072 ('is death date of'
Inverse of 'has derived instantiation' object
is derived from instantiation
RiC-R014i ('is derived from instantiation'
Connects a Documentary Form Type to a Record or Record Part that
it categorizes.
is documentary form type of
changed the superproperty IRI.
Connects a draft to the final version of a
is draft of
RiC-R011 (is draft of
Connects a Date to a Thing whose existence ended on that
is end date of
RiC-R071 ('is end date
Connects two Things that are considered
is equivalent to
Connects an Event to a Thing that is associated with the
existence and lifecycle of the Event.
is event associated with
RiC-R057 ('is event associated with'
Connects an Event Type to an Event that is
is event type of
changed the superproperty IRI.
Connects an Extent to a Record Resource or Instantiation
is extent of
Object property created along with the Extent class and its
subclasses, in order to provide methods for handling extent
Connects an Extent Type to an Extent that it
is extent type of
Object property added along with the Extent Type
Added a rdfs:comment.
Connects a Family Type to a Family that is
is family type of
changed the superproperty IRI.
Connects a Date to an Appellation, when it is the date at which
the Appellation was first used.
is from use date of
Connects two Instantiations which may be considered as
equivalent. This relation is symmetric.
is functionally equivalent to
changed the scope note.
Two Instantiations, from some point of view, may be considered
as equivalent. This equivalence is usually based upon the fact that the Instantiations
have at least the same intellectual content (they instantiate the same Record
RiC-R035 ('is functionally equivalent to'
Connects an Identifier Type and an Identifier that it
is identifier type of
Object property added along with IdentifierType class and
hasIdentifierType object property.
changed the superproperty IRI.
Connects two Instantiations. This object property is
is instantiation associated with instantiation
RiC-R034 ('is instantiation associated with
instantiation' relation)
Inverse of 'has instantiation' object property.
is instantiation of
changed the IRI and label (changed made in order to make
RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R025i ('is instantiation of'
Connects a Date and a Thing that was last modified at this
is last update date of
Connects a Date to a Thing that was modified on that
is modification date of
RiC-R073 ('is modification date of'
Connects two Places that are or were geographically adjacent.
This is a symmetric object property.
is or was adjacent to
changed the IRI, label, textual definition (changed made in
order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in
RiC-O 0.1 was "isAdjacentTo").
RiC-R077 ('is or was adjacent to'
Inverse of 'affects or affected' object property.
is or was affected by
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition and corresponding CM component (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R059i ('is or was affected by'
Connects an Agent Name to an Agent it designates or
is or was agent name of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects an Appellation to a Thing that it designates or
is or was appellation of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects a Type (a category) to a Thing that it categorizes or
is or was category of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects a Category (Type) and a Record Set whose all present or
past Record or Record Part members belong to that Category.
is or was category of all members of
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Category (Type) and a Record Set whose some present
or past Record or Record Part members belong to that Category.
is or was category of some members of
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Inverse of 'has or had component' object
is or was component of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isComponentOf").
RiC-R004i ('is or was component of'
Inverse of 'has or had constituent' object
is or was constituent of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isConstituentOf").
RiC-R003i ('is or was constituent of'
Inverse of 'contains or contained' object
is or was contained by
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R007i ('is or was contained by'
Connects a Content Type and a Record Set whose all past or
present Record or Record Part members have that Content Type.
is or was content type of all members of
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Content Type and a Record Set whose some past or
present Record or Record Part members have that Content Type.
is or was content type of some members of
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects an Agent to another Agent it controls or controlled via
Activities, i.e. controls by function.
is or was controller of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R041 ('is or was controller of'
Connects an instance of Coordinates to a Physical Location it
locates or located on earth, according to some reference system.
is or was coordinates of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects a Corporate Body Type to a Corporate Body that it
categorizes or categorized.
is or was corporate body type of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects a Demographic Group to a Person or Group which belongs
or belonged to it.
is or was demographic group of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, range (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Inverse of 'describes or described' object
is or was described by
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R021i ('is or was described by'
Connects a Documentary Form Type and a Record Set whose all past
or present Record or Record Part members have that Documentary Form Type.
is or was documentary form type of all members of
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Documentary Form Type and a Record Set whose some
past or present Record or Record Part members have that Documentary Form
is or was documentary form type of some members of
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Rule to an Agent that enforces or enforced the
is or was enforced by
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R066 ('is or was enforced by'
Connects a Rule to a Record Resource that expresses or expressed
the Rule.
is or was expressed by
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R064 ('is or was expressed by'
Connects an Agent to a Record Resource or Instantiation that the
Agent holds or held.
is or was holder of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, super
property IRI and text definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R039 ('is or was holder of'
Connects an Agent to a Record Resource or Instantiation on which
the Agent has or had some intellectual property rights.
is or was holder of intellectual property rights of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI and textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R040 ('is or was holder of intellectual
property rights of' relation)
Connects an Identifier to a Thing that it identified or
is or was identifier of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Inverse of 'includes or included' object
is or was included in
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "includedIn").
RiC-R024i ('is or was included in'
Connects a Place to an Agent that has or had jurisdiction over
the Place.
is or was jurisdiction of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isJurisdictionOf").
RiC-R076 ('is or was jurisdiction of'
Connects a Language to an Agent, Record or Record Part that uses
or used it.
is or was language of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects a Language and a Record Set whose all present or past
Record or Record Part members use that Language.
is or was language of all members of
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Language and a Record Set whose some present or past
Record or Record Part members use that Language.
is or was language of some members of
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Person to the Group that Person leads or led in the
is or was leader of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, super
property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R042 ('is or was leader of'
Connects a Legal Status to an Agent or Record Resource that it
is or was legal status of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects a Legal Status to an Agent, Record or Record Part
that it categorized or categorizes.
Connects a Legal Status and a Record Set whose all past or
present Record or Record Part members have that Legal Status.
is or was legal status of all members of
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Legal Status and a Record Set whose some past or
present Record or Record Part members have that Legal Status.
is or was legal status of some members of
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Place to a Thing that is or was located in the
is or was location of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isLocationOf").
RiC-R075 ('is or was location of'
Inverse of 'has or had main subject' object
is or was main subject of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, super
property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R020i (is or was main subject
Connects an Agent to a Record Resource or Instantiation that the
Agent managed or manages.
is or was manager of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, super
property IRI, textual definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R038 ('is or was manager of'
Inverse of 'has or had member' object property.
is or was member of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isMemberOf").
RiC-R055i ('is or was member of'
Connects a Name to a Thing that it designated or
is or was name of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects an Occupation Type to a Person whose occupation is or
was categorized by it.
is or was occupation type of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Inverse of 'occupies or occupied' object
is or was occupied by
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "occupiedBy").
RiC-R054i ('is or was occupied by'
Connects a Group, Person or Position to a Thing that this Agent
owns or owned.
is or was owner of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R037 ('is or was owner of'
Inverse of 'has or had part' relation.
is or was part of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isPartOf").
RiC-R002i (is or was part of
Inverse of 'has or had participant' object
is or was participant in
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "involvedIn").
RiC-R058i ('is or was participant in'
Connects an Activity to an Agent that performed or performs the
is or was performed by
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R060 ('is or was performed by'
Connects a Physical Location to a Place, when it is or was its
is or was physical location of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, textual
definition (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Property made a subproperty of
Connects a Place Name to a Place that was or is designated by
is or was place name of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects a Place Type to a Place that is or was categorized by
is or was place type of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Connects a Record State and a Record Set whose all past or
present Record or Record Part members have that Record State.
is or was record state of all members of
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Connects a Record State and a Record Set whose some past or
present Record or Record Part members have that Record State.
is or was record state of some members of
Object property added for handling the case where a Record
Set is described as having all or some members that belong to some category (see
RiC-CM 0.2 attributes section, #4.4 on Record Set, Record and Record Part
Inverse of the 'regulates or regulated' object
is or was regulated by
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI (changed made
in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in
RiC-O 0.1 was "regulatedBy").
RiC-R063i ('is or was regulated by'
Inverse of 'is or was enforced by' object
is or was responsible for enforcing
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R066i ('is or was responsible for enforcing'
connects a Rule Type to a Rule that it categorized or
is or was rule type of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property URI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Object property added along with RuleType class and
hasRuleType object property.
Inverse of 'has or had subdivision' object
is or was subdivision of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRIs (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R005i ('is or was subdivision'
Inverse of 'has or had subevent' object property.
is or was subevent of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property URI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R006i ('is or was subevent of'
Inverse of 'has or had subject' object property.
is or was subject of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isSubjectOf").
RIc-R019i ('is or was subject of'
Inverse of 'has or had subordinate' object
is or was subordinate to
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI (changed made
in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in
RiC-O 0.1 was "isHierarchicallyInferiorTo").
RiC-R045i ('is or was subordinate to'
Connects a Title to a Record Resource, Instantiation or Rule
that it designated or designates.
is or was title of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
Inverse of 'has or had authority over' object
is or was under authority of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "isUnderAuthorityOf").
RiC-R036i ('is or was under authority of'
Connects the original version of a Record to a copy or a later
is original of
There may be zero to many intermediate Records, ignored or
unknown, between the two connected Records
RiC-R010 (is original of
Connects a Place to a Thing that Place is associated with the
existence and lifecycle of.
is place associated with
RiC-R074 ('is place associated with'
Connects a Production Technique Type to an Instantiation whose
production technique is categorized by it.
is production technique type of
changed the super property IRI.
inverse of 'has provenance' object property.
is provenance of
RiC-R026i ('is provenance of'
Connects an Agent to a Record Resource that it
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI (the name of
this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "publishes").
Inverse of 'received by' object property.
is receiver of
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, super
property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "receives").
RiC-R029i ('is receiver of'
Connects two Record Resources. This object property is
is record resource associated with record resource
RiC-R022 ('is record resource associated with
record resource' relation)
Connects a Record Set Type to a Record Set that it
is record set type of
changed the super property IRI.
Connects a Record State to a Record or Record Part whose state
it categorizes.
is record state of
Changed the IRI, label, textual definition and range
(Record Resource removed, replaced by Record or Record Part).
The most generic object property. Connects an Thing to any other
Thing This is a symmetric object property.
is related to
RiC-R001 (is related to
Inverse of 'has reply' object property.
is reply to
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "repliesTo").
RiC-R013i ('is reply to'
Connects a Representation Type to an Instantiation that it
is representation type of
changed the super property IRI.
Inverse of 'issued by' object property.
is responsible for issuing
RiC-R065i ('is responsible for issuing'
Connects a Rule to a Thing that is associated with the existence
and lifecycle of the Rule.
is rule associated with
RiC-R062 ('is rule associated with'
Inverse of 'has sender' object property.
is sender of
RiC-R031i ('is sender of'
Connects a Record Resource or an Agent to a Record Resource or
Relation, when the first is used as a source of information for identifying or
describing the second one.
is source of
Inverse of 'has successor' object property.
is successor of
changed the inverse property IRI and the text
RiC-R016i (is successor
Connects a Date to an Appellation, when it is the date till
which the Appellation was used.
is to use date of
Inverse of 'has unit of measurement' object property
is unit of measurement of
Object property created along with Extent and
UnitOfMeasurement classes, in order to provide methods for handling extent
Connects a Rule to the Agent that issued or published the
issued by
RiC-R065 ('issued by'
Connects a Knowing Of Relation to a 'knowing of' Person (a
Person who has some knowledge of another one.)
knowing of relation has source
Connects a Knowing Of Relation to a 'known by' Person (a Person
on which another one has some has some knowledge.)
knowing of relation has target
Connects Knowing Relation to any known Person
knowing relation connects
Inverse of 'knows of' object property.
known by
RiC-R050i ('known by'
Connects two Persons that directly know each other during their
existence. This object property is symmetric.
RiC-R051 ('knows'
Connects a Person to another Person they have some knowledge of
through time or space.
knows of
RiC-R050 ('knows of'
Connects a Leadership Relation to a Person who is involved as a
leadership relation has source
Connects a Leadership Relation to a lead Group.
leadership relation has target
Connects a Leadership Relation to the Position occupied by the
leading Person.
leadership with position
Connects a Management Relation to an Agent who is involved as a
management relation has source
Connects a Management Relation to a Record Resource or
Instantiation that is involved as a managed thing.
management relation has target
Connects a Mandate to a Mandate Relation.
mandate is source of mandate relation
Connects a Mandate Relation to a Mandate.
mandate relation has source
Connects a Mandate Relation to an Agent who is given the
authority or competencies to act.
mandate relation has target
Connects a Membership Relation to the Group that has
membership relation has source
Connects a Membership Relation to a Person who is involved as a
membership relation has target
Connects a Membership Relation to the Position occupied by the
member Person(s).
membership with position
Inverse of 'migrated into' object property.
migrated from
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R015i ('migrated from'
Connects an Instantiation to a version it has been migrated
migrated into
changed the IRI, label and inverse property IRI (changed
made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property
in RiC-O 0.1 was "isMigratedIntoInstantiation").
Use for digital instantiations.
RiC-R015 ('migrated into'
Connects a Migration Relation to the migrated
migration relation has source
Connects a Migration Relation to a resulting
migration relation has target
Connects a Person to a Position they occupy or
occupies or occupied
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "occupies").
RiC-R054 ('occupies or occupied'
Connects two Places that geographically overlap or overlapped.
This object property is symmetric.
overlaps or overlapped
changed the IRI, label, text definition (changed made in
order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in
RiC-O 0.1 was "overlaps").
RiC-R078 ('overlaps or overlapped'
Connects an Ownership Relation to a Person, Group or Position
that is involved as an owner.
ownership relation has source
Connects an Ownership Relation to a Thing that is
owner ship relation has target
Connects a Performance Relation to a performed
performance relation has source
Connects a Performance Relation to a performing
performance relation has target
Inverse of 'is or was performed by' object
performs or performed
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, super property IRI (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
RiC-R060i ('performs or performed'
Connects a Person to a Correspondence Relation.
person has correspondence relation
Connects a Person to a Family Relation.
person has family relation
Connects a Person to a Knowing Relation.
person has knowing relation
Connects a Person to a Sibling Relation.
person has sibling relation
Connects a Person to a Spouse Relation.
person has spouse relation
Connects a Person (as a parent) to a Child
person is source of child relation
Connects a Person (as an ancestor) to a Descendance
person is source of descendance relation
Connects a Person (who has some knowledge of another one) to a
Knowing Of Relation.
person is source of knowing of relation
Connects a Person (as a leader) to a Leadership
person is source of leadership relation
Connects a Person (who occupies a Position) to a Position
Holding Relation.
person is source of position holding relation
Connects a Person (as a teacher) to a Teaching
person is source of teaching relation
Connects a Person (as a child) to a Child
person is target of child relation
Connects a Person (as a descendant) to a Descendance
person is target of descendance relation
Connects a Person (of which another Person has some knowledge)
to a Knowing Of Relation.
person is target of knowing of relation
Connects a Person (as a member of a Group) to a Membership
person is target of membership relation
Connects a Person (as a student) to a Teaching
person is target of teaching relation
Connects a Place (as associated to a Thing) to a Place
place is source of place relation
Connects a Place Relation to the Place concerned.
place relation has source
Connects a Place Relation to a Thing that is associated to the
place relation has target
Connects a Position Holding Relation to a Person (who occupies a
position holding relation has source
Connects a Position Holding Relation to a Position (that is
position holding relation has target
Connects a Position to a Leadership Relation (the leading Person
occupies that Position).
position is context of leadership relation
Connects a Position to a Membership Relation (the member Person
occupies that Position).
position is context of membership relation
Connects a Position (that exists within a Group) to a Position
to Group Relation.
position is source of position to group relation
Connects a Position (that is occupied by a Person) to a Position
Holding Relation.
position is target of position holding relation
Connects a Position to Group Relation to a Position (that exists
in a Group).
position to group relation has source
Connects a Position to Group Relation to a Group (in which a
Position exists).
position to group relation has target
Connects a Thing to a Thing that follows it in chronological
precedes in time
changed the superproperty IRI
There may actually be zero to many intermediate Entities,
ignored or unknown, in the chronological sequence between the two connected
RiC-R009 ('precedes in time'
Connects a Thing to a Thing that follows or followed it in some
precedes or preceded
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition, corresponding CM component name (changed made in order to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was
The relation does not specify by itself what criteria are used
for ordering the sequence. There may actually be zero to many intermediate Entities,
ignored or unkown, in the sequence between the two connected Things. Can be used, for
example, for specifying that some Record 'precedes' (has next) some Record within a
Record Set.
RiC-R008 ('precedes or preceded'
Connects a Provenance Relation to a Record Resource or
provenance relation has source
Connects a Provenance Relation to an Agent or
provenance relation has target
Connects a Proxy to the Record Resource it stands for in the
specific context of a Record Set.
proxy for
Connects a Proxy to the Record Set in which it stands for
(represents) another Record Resource.
proxy in
Connects a Record and an Authorship Relation.
record is source of authorship relation
Created following the addition of RiC-R079 relation in
RiC-CM 0.2
Connects a Record Resource Genetic Relation to one of the
associated Record Resources.
record resource genetic relation connects
Connects a Record Resource Holding Relation to an Agent (as the
holder of a Record Resource or Instantiation).
record resource holding relation has source
Connects a Record Resource Holding Relation to a Record Resource
or Instantiation (that is held by an Agent).
record resource holding relation has target
Connects a Record Resource to a Record Resource Genetic
record resource is connected to record resource genetic relation
Connects a Record Resource to a Record Resource
record resource is connected to record resource relation
Connects a Record Resource (that was instantiated) to a Record
Resource To Instantiation Relation
record resource is source of record resource to instantiation
Connects a Record Resource or Instantiation (that is
accumulated) to an Accumulation Relation.
record resource or instantiation is source of accumulation
Connects a Record Resource or Instantiation (that documents an
Activity) to an Activity Documentation Relation.
record resource or instantiation is source of activity
documentation relation
Connects a Record Resource or Instantiation (that is created,
sent or accumulated) to an Agent Origination Relation.
record resource or instantiation is source of agent origination
Connects a Record Resource or Instantiation (that is created) to
a Creation Relation.
record resource or instantiation is source of creation relation
Connects a Record Resource or Instantiation (that is created or
accumulated by an Agent, or documents an Activity) to a Provenance
record resource or instantiation is source of provenance relation
Connects a Record Resource or Instantiation (on which some
intellectual property rights are held) to an Intellectual Property Rights
record resource or instantiation is target of intellectual
property rights relation
Connects a Record Resource or Instantiation (that is managed by
an Agent) to a Management Relation.
record resource or instantiation is target of management relation
Connects a Record Resource or Instantiation (that is held by an
Agent) to a Record Resource Holding Relation.
record resource or instantiation is target of record resource
holding relation
Connects a Record Resource relation to one of the related Record
record resource relation connects
Connects a Record Resource To Instantiation Relation to the
Record Resource (that was instantiated).
record resource to instantiation relation has source
Connects a Record Resource To Instantiation Relation to an
Instantiation of the involved Record Resource.
record resource to instantiation relation has target
Connects a Rule to a Thing that it regulates or
regulates or regulated
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI (changed made
in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the name of this property in
RiC-O 0.1 was "regulates").
RiC-R063 ('regulates or regulated'
Connects an n-ary Relation to any of the Things
relation connects
Connects an n-ary Relation to a Thing that is a secondary,
contextual entity during the existence of the Relation.
relation has context
The secondary entity may be, for instance, a Position or a
Role Type.
Connects an n-ary Relation to a Thing that is its
relation has source
Connects an n-ary Relation to a Thing that is its
relation has target
Inverse of 'results or resulted in' object
results or resulted from
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "resultsFrom").
RiC-R061i ('results or resulted from'
Connects an Event to a Thing that results or resulted from the
results or resulted in
changed the IRI, label, inverse property IRI, text
definition (changed made in order to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM 0.2; the
name of this property in RiC-O 0.1 was "resultsIn").
RiC-R061 ('results or resulted in'
Connects a Role Type to a Creation Relation (this Role Type
being the specific role played by the creating Person in the context of this
role is context of creation relation
Connects a Rule to a Rule Relation.
rule is source of rule relation
Connects a Rule Relation to a Rule.
rule relation has source
Connects a Rule Relation to a Thing (that is associated to a
rule relation has target
Connects a Sequential Relation to a Thing that precedes other
Thing(s) in the sequence.
sequential relation has source
Connects a Sequential Relation to a Thing that follows other
Thing(s) in the sequence.
sequential relation has target
Connects a Sibling Relation to one of the siblings
sibling relation connects
Connects a Sibling Relation to one of the spouses
spouse relation connects
Connects a Teaching Relation to a Person (who is a
teaching relation has source
Connects a Teaching Relation to a Person (who is a
teaching relation has target
Connects a Temporal Relation to a Thing that precedes other
Thing(s) in time.
temporal relation has source
Connects a Temporal Relation to a Thing that follows other
Thing(s) in time.
temporal relation has target
Connects a Thing to a n-ary Relation.
thing is connected to relation
Connects a Thing (that is a secondary, contextual entity during
the existence of the Relation) to a n-ary Relation.
thing is context of relation
Connects a Thing (that is the source of a Relation) to a
thing is source of relation
Connects a Thing to a Sequential Relation, when this Thing
precedes other Thing(s) in the sequence.
thing is source of sequential relation
Connects a Thing to a Temporal Relation, when this Thing
precedes other Thing(s) in time.
thing is source of temporal relation
Connects a Thing to a Whole Part Relation, when this Thing has
Part other Thing(s).
thing is source of whole part relation
Connects a Thing (that is designated by an Appellation) to an
Appellation Relation.
thing is target of appellation relation
Connects a Thing (that is under authority of an Agent) to an
Authority Relation.
thing is target of authority relation
Connects a Thing (that is associated with an Event) to an Event
thing is target of event relation
Connects a Thing (that is owned by a Group, a Person or a
Position) to an Ownership Relation.
thing is target of ownership relation
Connects a Thing (that is associated with a Place) to a Place
thing is target of place relation
Connects a Thing to a n-ary Relation.
thing is target of relation
Connects a Thing (that is associated with a Rule) to a Rule
thing is target of rule relation
Connects a Thing (that follows other Thing(s) in a sequence) to
a Sequential Relation.
thing is target of sequential relation
Connects a Thing (that follows other Thing(s) in time) to a
Temporal Relation.
thing is target of temporal relation
Connects a Thing (that is categorized by a Type) to a Type
thing is target of type relation
Connects a Thing to a Whole Part Relation, when this Thing is
Part of another Thing.
thing is target of whole part relation
Connects a Type (a category) to a Type Relation.
type is source of type relation
Connects a Type Relation to the Type (that categorizes the
involved Thing(s)).
type relation has source
Connects a Type Relation to a Thing (that is categorized by the
involved Type).
type relation has target
Connects a Thing to the Date when it was last
was last updated at date
Connects an Appellation to the Date from which it was
was used from date
Connects an Appellation to the Date till when it was
was used to date
Connects a Whole Part Relation to the Thing that has some
whole part relation has source
Connects a Whole Part Relation to a Thing that is a
whole part relation has target
Connects a Work Relation to an Agent.
work relation connects
Information on the anticipated accession(s) to the Record
See also accrualStatus
corresponds to RiC-A01 (Accrual
Information on the status of an Accrual
accrual status
scope note : updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM v0.2.
A text statement or single words such as “Closed” to indicate
that no additional Record Resource will (or is anticipated to) be added to the Record
Set; “Open” to indicate that additional records or record sets will (or are expected to)
be added to the Record Set; or “Unknown” to indicate that this information is not
available, for example. See also accrual
corresponds to RiC-A01 (Accrual
Reference system used for altitude
altimetric system
The height of a Place above a reference level, especially above
sea level.
Property of the Coordinates class. If you don't use this
class, use geographicalCoordinates property, a property of Place class.
Description of evidences that the Record Resource or
Instantiation is what it purports to be, was created or sent by the said Agent, at the
said time and has not been tampered or corrupted.
authenticity note
examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with
RiC-CM v0.2.
The charter is missing the seal of the King.
The electronic signature validity cannot by assessed, but the
content was not modified from the moment of signing.
The record bears no signature.
The record bears signatures and it was preserved.
The record is digitally signed by the Notary.
The timestamp exists but cannot be verified.
The whole collection consists of copies of the charters issued
by Vlad the Impaler.
For electronic records, it may include results from automated
means of checking the validity of signatures and timestamp.
Corresponds to RiC-A03 (Authenticity Note
Information on a Mandate that authorizes an Agent to perform an
authorizing mandate
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use the Mandate class for handling
Date at which something began.
beginning date
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates.
Data property specialized implementation of
RiC-E18 (Date entity)
Date at which a Person was born.
birth date
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates.
Data property specialized implementation of
RiC-E18 (Date entity)
Used system of reckoning time in which the beginning, length,
and divisions of a year are defined, sometimes along with multiyear
Specialization of RiC-A14 (Date Standard
Number of physical units and/or physical dimensions of the
carrier of a record resource instantiation. Various carriers, depending on specific
needs, may have more than one relevant dimension. In some cases, indicating the number
of physical units may be sufficient, while in other case, relevant dimensions should be
used in order to characterize the carrier.
carrier extent
Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added.
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
1 page
17 x 34.5 cm
2 pieces of parchment, 30 x 50 cm and 32,5 x 49
3GB USB key
For electronic resources, it indicates the size of storage
capacity (disk, tape, film etc.). Carrier Extent should not be confused with Record
Resource Extent or Instantiation Extent. For a given Record Resource, the Instantiation
Extent may vary, based on format, density of information on the carrier, etc. For
example, 1500 words (Record Resource Extent) may have Instantiation Extent 3kb as a Word
document and 5kb as a PDF file, and instantiations may be represented on a CD of 700mb
(Carrier Extent). Use if you don't use CarrierExtent class and its properties for
handling such information.
Corresponds to RiC-A04 (Carrier Extent
Qualifies the level of certitude of the accuracy of a Date, an
Event or a Relation.
Text definition updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM v0.2.
Corresponds to RiC-A06 (Certainty
A term, number or alphanumeric string that is usually taken from
an external classification vocabulary or scheme that qualifies the Record
Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added.
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
BUD-01-F002 [example of a classification number from a corporate
file plan]
digitized items
financial affairs
human resource management
student registration
No further statement is made here about the nature of the
qualifier, nor about the relation it has with the Record Resource or with the management
of the Record Resource. The value of this property may in turn be used as a criterion
for identifying the qualified Record Resource as a member of a Record
Corresponds to RiC-A07 (Classification
Terms and circumstances affecting the availability of a Record
Resource for consultation. Such conditions may originate in laws, regulations and
policies, including those pertaining to privacy and security concerns or restrictions;
they may concern a specific Instantiation of a Record Resource, for example, conditions
that require preservation treatment; or they may specify the software or hardware
necessary to access the Instantiation.
conditions of access
Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added.
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Acceso libre a través de los terminales de
Recognita software, min. version 3.0, is needed in order to open
the file.
closed as awaiting conservation treatment
closed under data protection legislation
the Archives cannot provide VHS reader to access the content of
the tape.
This property provides information about the accessibility of
a Record Resource, as well as the physical, technical or legal limitations that exist
for providing access to it.
Corresponds to RiC-A08 (Conditions of Access
Terms and circumstances affecting the use of a Record Resource
after access has been provided. Includes conditions governing reproduction of the Record
Resource under applicable copyright (intellectual property) and/or property legislation,
and of the Instantiation, due to conservation status.
conditions of use
Text definition updated. Examples added. Objective: to make
RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Freely usable without restrictions
The permission of the owner of the Record must be obtained
before use.
The record cannot be copied using warm light copying machines or
photographed using flashlight.
Corresponds to RiC-A09 (Conditions of Use
Date at which an entity was created.
creation date
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates.
Data property specialized implementation of
RiC-E18 (Date entity)
Chronological information associated with an entity that
contributes to its identification and contextualization.
Provided for usability reasons, like its subproperties. May be
deprecated and removed later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling
Data property implementation of RiC-E18 (Date
Indicates the precision of a date. It specifies if, and to what
extent, the value is an estimation.
date qualifier
examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with
RiC-CM v0.2.
Corresponds to RiC-A13 (Date Qualifier
Identifier of the standard of the Normalized
date standard
examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with
RiC-CM v0.2.
Corresponds to RiC-A14 (Date Standard
Date at which a Person died.
death date
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates.
Data property specialized implementation of
RiC-E18 (Date entity)
Date at which an entity was deleted.
deletion date
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates.
Data property specialized implementation of
RiC-E18 (Date entity)
Descriptive information about an entity that is not otherwise
descriptive note
Corresponds to RiC-A16 (Descriptive Note
Date at which something ended.
end date
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates.
Data property specialized implementation of
RiC-E18 (Date entity)
Natural language expression of a Date.
expressed date
examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with
RiC-CM v0.2.
October 24th, 1999
The Sunday before Christmas
Corresponds to RiC-A19 (Expressed Date
Reference system used for geographical
geodesic system
Longitudinal and latitudinal information of a
geographical coordinates
Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added.
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Latitude 35.89421911, Longitude 139.94637467
Latitude 50°40′46,461″N, Longitude 95°48′26,533″W, Height
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use PhysicalLocation and Coordinates classes with Place.
Coordinates may be based on ISO 6709 Standard representation of geographic point
location by coordinates.
Corresponds to RiC-A11 (Coordinates
Vertical dimension of an entity.
Summary of the development of an entity, since its origin until
present time.
Domains updated. Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
El primer sorteo de lotería se celebró el 13 de mayo de 1771,
siendo desarrollado por la Real Lotería General de Nueva España…
Nacido en Barbastro en 1892, donde realizó sus primeros estudios
con los escolapios. Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Zaragoza, aprobó las
oposiciones al cuerpo nacional de notarios…(Person)
The manuscripts are part of the collections of Robert Harley (d
1724) and Edward Harley (d 1741), 1st and 2nd Earls of Oxford, that were brought by
Parliament and transferred to the British Museum in 1753. Those materials were then
separated into this collection and those for Harley Charters and Harley Rolls and became
part of the collections of the British Library in 1972. (Record Set)
History can alternatively be represented by a series of
related Events.
Corresponds to RiC-A21 (History
A word, number, letter, symbol, or any combination of these used
to uniquely identify or reference an individual instance of an entity within a specific
information domain. Includes Global Persistent Identifiers (globally unique and
persistently resolvable identifier for the entity) and/or Local
Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added.
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Ark ID: w6tz44ht
BUD-01-F002 [example of a classification number from a corporate
file plan]
F 1204 [example of a local identifier for a Record Set assigned
by a repository]
ISNI : 0000000073572182
NAS1/A/1.1 [example of local identifier for a
SNAC ID: 83847206
Use only if you don't use Identifier class for handling
identifiers. Within a given domain (a closed system), identifiers are used to uniquely
reference instances of an entity. Identifiers are instruments of control that facilitate
management of the entities within the domain. The formulation of identifiers commonly is
based on rules.
Corresponds to RiC-A22 (Identifier
Countable characteristics of the Instantiation expressed as a
Instantiation extent
Scope note updated. Examples added. Objective: to make
RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Size of PDF-file: 1.5 MB
The book register has 345 written leaves.
For a given Record Resource, the Instantiation Extent may
vary, based on format, density of information on the carrier, etc. For example, a file
of 1500 words (Record Resource Extent) may have Instantiation Extent 3kb as a Word
document and 5kb as a PDF file, and instantiations may be represented on a CD of 700mb
(Carrier Extent). Use if you don't use InstantiationExtent class and its properties for
handling such information.
Corresponds to RiC-A23 (Instantiation Extent
Information about the physical arrangement and composition of an
Instantiation structure
Text definition fixed. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM v0.2.
Specialization of RiC-A40 (Structure
Information about the completeness of a Record Resource or
Scope note and examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
The book register’s last pages are missing, which affects the
completeness of the record.
The charter is missing the seal.
The database (DBF) file has the checksum SHA-1:
The information about integrity may be generated manually or
Corresponds to RiC-A24 (Integrity
Date at which an entity was last updated.
last modification date
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates.
Data property specialized implementation of
RiC-E18 (Date entity)
Distance in degrees north or south of the
Property of the Coordinates class. If you don't use this
class, use geographicalCoordinates property, a property of Place class.
A delimitation of the physical territory of a place. This
datatype property is used to describe basic human-readable text such as an address, a
cadastral reference, or less precise information found in a record.
Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added.
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
25 rue Saint-Denis à Paris
near the church
« Montreal »
Use only if you don't use PhysicalLocation class with Place.
Use the geographicalCoordinates property, or the Coordinates class, record the
geographical coordinates of the Place.s
Corresponds to RiC-A27 (Location
Distance in degrees east or west of a prime
Property of the Coordinates class. If you don't use this
class, use geographicalCoordinates property, a property of Place class.
The extent, quantity, amount, or degree of an entity, as
determined by measurement or calculation.
Date of the modification of an entity.
modification date
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates.
Data property specialized implementation of
RiC-E18 (Date entity)
A label, title or term designating the entity in order to make
it distinguishable from other similar entities. For Record Resource or Instantiation,
the Name is generally assigned by an Agent as most do not have a Name given when
Text definition updated. Examples added. Objective: to make
RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
4 March 1842
Digital copy of the Pomarius archival inventory from
Nelson Mandela
Papers of the Earls of Liverpool
Sketch Map of the Qatar Peninsula
The Letter of Neacsu from Campulung to the Mayor of
fundraising, University of Glasgow
hearing services
Use only if you don't use Name class for handling
Corrresponds to RiC-A28 (Name
Date representation based on a standard, preferably
normalized date value
Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with
RiC-CM v0.2.
Corresponds to RiC-A29 (Normalized Date
Value representation based on a standard, preferably
normalized value
Information about the physical features of the Instantiation.
Includes information about the physical nature and condition such as conservation
physical characteristics
Text definition updated. Examples added. Objective: to make
RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
British Library binding
carrier heavily foxed
emulsion flaking
Corresponds to RiC-A31 (Physical Characteristics
Countable characteristics of the content of an entity expressed
as a quantity.
physical or logical extent
Provided for usability reasons. Use only if you cannot use the
subproperties (particularly if the same free text is being used in your current metadata
for describing the record resource, carrier and instantiation extent).
Method used in the representation of information on the
production technique
Examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with
RiC-CM v0.2.
magnetic recording
optical recording
Use only if you have free text or don't have a controlled
vocabulary for production techniques (in this case, use the ProductionTechniqueType
Corresponds to RiC-A33 (Production Technique
Date of the publication of a Record Resource.
publication date
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates.
Data property specialized implementation of
RiC-E18 (Date entity)
Conditions of an Instantiation that impact the legibility or
completeness of Record Resource, and thus the viability of its use. Conditions may be
associated with deficiencies in the processes of Record (re)creation or capture, or the
deterioration of the Instantiation (e.g. its carrier) causing loss of information of the
record over time
quality of representation
Text definition updated. Examples added. Objective: to make
RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Black and white digitization may have led to loss of some
some loss of information due to poor quality of image
some loss of text due to rodent damage
Corresponds to RiC-A34 (Quality of Representation
Machine-readable quantity.
Datatype property created along with unitOfMeasurement,
Extent and UnitOfMeasurement classes, in order to provide methods for handling
extent accurately.
Added a scope note.
Use if you use the Extent class and its properties for
handling an accurate description of the extent of a resource..
The quantity of information content as human experienced
represented in the Record Resource. The method and precision of expressing the quantity
of information represented in a Record Resource will vary by the kind of Record Resource
being described as well as by processing economy constraints. For record sets, quantity
may be expressed as number of records, or, for analogue records in particular, by the
physical storage dimensions of the Record members. For individual records or record
parts, quantity may be expressed in more precise terms. Use if you don't use
RecordResourceExtent class and its properties for handling such
Record Resource extent
Text definition and scope note updated. Examples added.
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Updated the scope note, as a RecordResourceExtent class has
been created.
1,500 words
2 films
2.065.735 characters
3 minutes and 24 seconds
34 poems
6 maps
6 photographs
The number, size or duration of the information content
unit(s) remains the same even if the information is instantiated in various carriers.
For example, a file of 1500 words (Record Resource Extent) may have Instantiation Extent
3kb as a Word document and 5kb as a PDF file, and instantiations may be represented on a
CD of 700mb (Carrier Extent). Use if you don't use RecordResourceExtent class and its
properties for handling such information.
Corresponds to RiC-A35 (Record Resource extent
Information about the intellectual arrangement and composition
of a Record Resource. For Record and Record Part, it encompasses information about the
intellectual composition of the record, the presence of record parts and their
functions. For Record Set, it encompasses information about the methodology or criteria
used for arranging the Record Set members or Record members within the containing Record
Record Resource structure
Text definition updated. Examples added. Objective: to make
RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Inside each file, the records are arranged
The database has 3 related tables: names, addresses, and
passport numbers.
The record has 2 appendixes, comprising a full account of the
income from car taxes and real estate taxes.
The series have the files arranged according to the alphabetical
order of the places concerned.
Specialization of RiC-A40 (Structure
Framework or standard used to represent an
reference system
Used to qualify the state of a Relation (e. g. present, past,
ongoing, unknown).
Relation state
The rule or conditions that govern the existence or lifecycle of
a Thing.
rule followed
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use the Rule class for handling rules.
Summary of the scope (such as time periods, geography) and
content (such as subject matter, administrative processes) of the Record Resource. It
should highlight the information conveyed in the Record Resource, why it was created,
received, and/or maintained, and the Agents connected to it. Scope and Content provides
a more complete summary of the informational content of the Record Resource. It may
include description of relations with agents, activities, dates and places, or with
other record resources. It is not to be confused with the History attribute which
focuses on the origination and subsequence changes to a Record Resource.
scope and content
Text definition updated. Examples added. Objective: to make
RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Among the witnesses, the duke of Normandy.
Includes a detailed list of the lands and villages given by the
King to the Abbey.
Letter from Vlad the Impaler (Dracula) to the Council of
Kronstadt asking them to send military support against the Ottomans, within the
framework of their alliance treaty.
Se hace referencia a construcción del Gran Hotel, iniciada en
1899 bajo el nombre de Casa Celestino. Tras su interrupción en 1902, continuó la obra ya
con su nombre actual.
The author explains why he does not agree with the decision made
and adds that it cannot be applied.
Corresponds to RiC-A38 (Scope and Content
Information about a source used to identify or describe an
Can be used, in particular, for Records having documentary
form type Finding Aid or Authority Record, or for Relations. Use only if you don't use
the hasSource object property.
Information about the intellectual arrangement and composition
of a Record Resource or the physical arrangement and composition of an Instantiation.
For Record and Record Part, it encompasses information about the intellectual
composition of the record, the presence of record parts and their functions. For Record
Set, it encompasses information about the methodology or criteria used for arranging the
Record Set members or Record members within the containing Record Set. For
Instantiation, it may comprise information about the composition of the physical
elements of the instantiation
Text definition updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM v0.2.
Use only if you cannot use the subproperties (particularly if
the same free text is being used in your current metadata for describing the record
resource and the instantiation structure).
Corresponds to RiC-A40 (Structure
Describes any relevant physical or software feature of any
device involved in the creation or management of a Record Resource.
technical characteristics
Scope note and examples added. Objective: to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Hubble Space Telescope had until 2002 a flawed mirror that
introduced severe spherical aberration for the images.
Does not include references to the workflow that the Mechanism
is involved in which is described under the Activity entity. It emphasizes those
features that provide a better understanding of the impact of the Mechanism on the
Corresponds to RiC-A41 (Technical Characteristics
A textual expression of an Appellation or Date.
textual value
An identifying name of a Record Resource, Instantiation or
Use only if you don't use Title class for handling
Specialization of RiC-A28 (Name
A term used to characterize an entity.
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use Type subclasses for handling
A definite magnitude of a quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by
law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same kind of quantity. Can be
spacial units (cm, m), weight (g, kg), time (s, h), storage (MB, TB) or more informal
units used in the archival context like number of boxes, pages or words.
unit of measurement
Datatype property created along with quantity, Extent and
UnitOfMeasurement classes, in order to provide methods for handling extent
Added a scope note.
Use if you do not use the UnitOfMeasurement class for handling
units of measurement along with Extent.
Date at which an Appellation was first used.
used from date
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates.
Data property specialized implementation of
RiC-E18 (Date entity)
Date until an Appellation was used.
used to date
Provided for usability reasons. May be deprecated and removed
later on. Use only if you don't use Date classes for handling dates.
Data property specialized implementation of
RiC-E18 (Date entity)
Horizontal dimension of an entity.
Connects at least one Record Resource or Instantiation to at
least one Agent, when the Agent accumulates it, be it intentionally (collecting it) or
not (receiving it in the course of its activities).
Accumulation Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R028 and RiC-R028i
The doing of something for some human purpose.
Scope note: made separate paragraphs and updated.
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Activity is a kind of Event. Activity is specifically used to
designate purposeful human activity. Activity may be understood from two perspectives.
First it can be understood as leading to an end. The end is the purpose of the Activity,
or why the Activity is performed. Second, it can be understood in terms of the processes
that lead to achieving the end, how the end is realized through coordinated actions.
Purpose and process are complementary understandings of Activity. Together the two
perspectives address why the Activity is performed, the expected ends or outcomes; and
how the Activity fulfills the purpose. While activity has an intended end, it also has
unintended consequences and results, or side-effects. By and large, these may not be the
focus of the description, but they are, unquestionably, context. |In a corporate or
government context an Activity may also be called a 'function'. An Activity exists in a
specific social and cultural context, and within that context is subject to change over
time. An Activity may be composed of other Activities.
Corresponds to RiC-E15 (Activity
Connects at least one Record Resource or Instantiation to at
least one Activity, when the Record Resource or Instantiation results from the
Activity Documentation Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R033 and RiC-R033
Categorization of an Activity.
Activity Type
Scope note: updated (different from RiC-CM scope note).
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Can be extended with any number of subclasses, e.g.
“function/action” and “activity domain”. This allows for a faceted approach that enables
an Activity to be categorized using a combination of components, general or more
specific. For example, “monitoring” can be used in combination with “election polls” or
“water resources”.
Corresponds to RiC-A02 (Activity Type
A Person, or Group, or an entity created by a Person or Group
(Mechanism), or a Position, that acts in the world.
Comment: updated. Scope note: updated and made several
paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
removed the Restrictions
An Agent may have one or more identities; an identity is a
constellation of properties or relations that together “identify” the Agent. A Person or
Group commonly has one identity, though each also may have one or more alternative
identities. Such alternative identities may be shared by more than one Person or Group.
Alternative identities include but are not limited to pseudonyms, heteronyms, DBA (Doing
Business As), and trade identities. An alternative identity should not be confused with
a Position in a Group, for example, presidents, prime ministers, governors, popes,
royalty, or bishops. Nor should an alternative identity be confused with a variant name
or identifier of the same identity. Agent also includes entities created by a Person or
Group that act on behalf of the creating Agent in an autonomous or semi-autonomous
manner. Examples of a Mechanism include software agents, robots, and space and
underwater probes that generate data (records) in the course of Activity assigned to and
in conformance with the instructions given to them by the creating Person or
Corresponds to RiC-E07 (Agent
Connects at least one Agent, to at least another Agent, when the
first one(s) control(s) in a way the activities of the second one(s).
Agent Control Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R041 and RiC-R041i
Connects at least one Agent to at least another Agent, when the
first one is hierarchically superior to the second one.
Agent Hierarchical Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R045 and RiC-R045i
A label, title or term designating an Agent in order to make it
distinguishable from other similar entities.
Agent Name
Class implementation of a specialization of
RiC-A28 (Name attribute)
Connects at least one Record Resource or an Instantiation to at
least one Agent that creates or accumulates the Record Resource, receives it, or sends
Agent Origination Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R026 and RiC-R026i
Connects at least one Agent, to at least another Agent, that
succeeds it chronologically for, for instance, fullfilling some functions or performing
some activities.
Agent Temporal Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R016 and RiC-016i
Connects at least two Agents.
Agent Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R044 and RiC-044i
A concept of any kind that is used for designating an Entity and
referring to it.
The relation between an Appellation and at least one Thing that
the Appellation designates.
Appellation Relation
Connects at least one Agent, and at least one Thing over which
the Agent has some authority.
Authority Relation
Would probably rarely be used as such (use its
Class implementation of RiC-R036 and RiC-R036i
Connects at least one Record to at least one Person, Group or
Position that is responsible for conceiving and formulating the information contained in
the Record.
Authorship Relation
Created following the addition of RiC-R079 relation in
RiC-CM 0.2
Class implementation of RiC-R079 and RiC-R079i
The extent of a Record Resource carrier
Carrier Extent
Changed a bit the definition and added change
Class added in order to handle an accurate description of a
carrier extent
Countable characteristics of a record resource carrier
expressed as a quantity.
Class implementation of RiC-A04 (Carrier Extent)
Categorization of physical material in or on which information
is represented.
Carrier Type
Scope note: updated (quite the same as RiC-CM definition).
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Carrier Type information is essential for assessing
authenticity, conservation needs and the availability, access and use of Record
Resources. Carrier Type determines the environmental conditions of storage and the
prerequisites and possible ways to access and use of the records. Should not be confused
with Content Type, that categorizes a Record Resource, nor with Representation Type that
categorizes an Instantiation. The Carrier Type depends on the media type that is
required to access the records and is independent of its content
Corresponds to RiC-A05 (Carrier Type
Connects at lest one Person, to at least another Person, when
the first has child the second one.
Child Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R018 and RiC-R018i
An idea, unit of thought, abstract cultural object or
The fundamental form of communication in which a Record is
expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be
Content Type
Scope note: added (quite the same as RiC-CM
Should not be confused with Representation Type or Carrier
Type of a related Instantiation since the form of communication can be independent of
the representation or carrier, for example, a map (Content Type: cartographic image) can
be represented as a sketch (Representation Type: graphic) or as a GIS-coded elements
(Representation Type: computer).
Corresponds to RiC-A10 (Content Type
Longitudinal and latitudinal information of a
Removed the cardinality Restrictions when the range is a
datatype property
Class implementation of RiC-A11 (Coordinates
An organized group of persons that act together as an Agent, and
that has a recognized legal or social status.
Corporate Body
scope note: updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM v0.2.
Corporate Body is a kind of Group.
Corresponds to RiC-E11 (Corporate Body
Categorization of a Corporate Body.
Corporate Body Type
Corresponds to RiC-A12 (Corporate Body Type
Connects at least two Persons, when they correspond to each
Correspondence Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R052 and Ri052i
Connects at least one Record Resource or Instantiation to at
least one Agent, when the Agent is either responsible for all or some of the content of
the Record Resource, or is a contributor to the genesis or production of the
Creation Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R027 and RiC-R027i
Chronological information associated with an entity that
contributes to its identification and contextualization.
Scope note: made separate paragraphs.
Date includes both single dates, a date range, or a set of
non-contiguous single dates or date ranges. A date may be represented in natural
language, based on a digital standard, or both. Digital standard dates will typically be
based on ISO 8601, or Extended Date-Time Format (EDTF).
Corresponds to RiC-E18 (Date
Chronological information associated with an entity that
contributes to its identification and contextualization, that implies or explicitly
states a start date and end date.
Date Range
Corresponds to RiC-E20 (Date Range
Non-contiguous single dates or date ranges.
Date Set
Comment: updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with
RiC-CM v0.2.
Primarily used in the description of Record Sets to describe
dates of member Records
Corresponds to RiC-E21 (Date Set
Categorization of a person according to characteristics such as
age, gender, education, place of origin, ethnic/cultural identification, religion,
Demographic Group
Removed the Restriction.
Comment: updated. Scope note: updated and made several
paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Can be extended with any number of subclasses, e.g. Age or
Religion. A demographic group may be defined as a subset of the general population.
Individuals may belong to several demographic groups
Corresponds to RiC-A15 (Demographic Group
Connects an Instantiation to at least one Instantiation that is
derived from it.
Derivation Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R014 and RiR014i
Connects at least one Person to at least another Person, when
the first has/have descendant the second one(s).
Descendance Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R017 and RiC-R017i
Categorization of the document with respect to its extrinsic and
intrinsic elements that together communicate its content, administrative and documentary
context, and authority
Documentary Form Type
Comment: updated. Scope note: made several paragraphs.
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Documentary Form Type plays an important role in determining
the type of information a Record may comprise, its status of perfection, and its
authenticity and reliability. Documentary form types exist in a specific social and
cultural context, and within that context, are subject to change over
Corresponds to RiC-A17 (Documentary Form Type
Something that happens in time and space.
Scope note: made separate paragraphs and some
An event may be natural, human, or a combination of natural
and human. Events have temporal and spatial boundaries. An event may actively involve
some agent(s) and affect any entity. An event may be discrete, happening at a specific
moment in time, or may occur over an extended period of time. Events may have events as
parts, and events may precede or follow one another. Multiple agents may participate in
the same event, and in different roles.
Corresponds to RiC-E14 (Event
LODE Event class
Connects at least one Event to at least one Thing, when the
first is associated with the existence and lifecycle of the second one.
Event Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R057 and RiC-R057i
Categorization of an Event.
Event Type
Scope note: updated and made several paragraphs. Objective:
to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Events of all kinds can be categorized. Curation event types
include creation; acquisition; transfer; arrangement; description; digitization, etc.
Biographical event types include birth, marriage, death, etc.
Corresponds to RiC-A18 (Event Type
Countable characteristics of the content of an entity expressed
as a quantity.
Class added together with three subclasses and hasExtent
and isExtentOf Object properties
Physical or logical extent of a resource
Categorization of the extent that is being measured
Extent Type
Added to specify the dimension that is being
Two or more persons related by birth, or through marriage,
adoption, civil union, or other social conventions that bind them together as a socially
recognized familial group.
Scope note: made separate paragraphs and some
Family is a kind of Group. “Family” is used here as a general
term that encompasses a wide variety of familial groups. Other types of familial groups
include Dynasty, Clan, House, Tribe and others. Though family may be a recognized legal
group in specific contexts, the term may also be used for groups that are socially
recognized as families. A family may be a group of persons related either by
consanguinity or affinity or cohabitation or other social conventions. In some context,
a Family may be legally recognized as Corporate Body. For example, certain North
American peoples (tribes) retain self-government rights and have jurisdiction over
defined tribal lands.
Corresponds to RiC-E10 (Family
Connects at least two Persons, when they have some family link,
i.e. belong to the same family.
Family Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R047 and RiC-R047i
Categorization of a Family.
Family Type
Comment: slighty changed.
Family Type encompasses a wide variety of familial groups
related by consanguinity, affinity, cohabitation or other social conventions.
Corresponds to RiC-A20 (Family Type
Connects at least two Instantiations which may be considered as
Functional Equivalence Relation
Use for Instantiations which, from some point of view, in some
context and for some users at least, may be considered as equivalent. This equivalence
is usually based upon the fact that the Instantiations have at least the same
intellectual content (they instantiate the same Record Resource).
Class implementation of RiC-R035 and RiC-R035i
Two or more Agents that act together as an Agent.
Scope note: made separate paragraphs plus very few changes.
Disjoint with: enriched.
Group is a kind of Agent. A Group has a socially recognized
identity. Each member of the Group plays a particular role or roles (that is has a
particular Position) in the coordinated activity of the Group. Corporate bodies and
families are kinds of groups, though other kinds of groups are possible. For example,
the “electorate” -- all of the voters in a given election. Complex, large groups may be
subdivided into other groups.
Corresponds to RiC-E09 (Group
Connects a Group and at least another Group, when the first one
as the second one(s) among its subdivisions.
Group Subdivision Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R005 and RiC-R005i
A word, number, letter, symbol, or any combination of these used
to uniquely identify or reference an individual instance of an entity within a specific
information domain.
Class implementation of RiC-A22 (Identifier
attribute) (see also the identifier data property)
Categorization of an Identifier.
Identifier Type
Class added along with hasIdentifierType and
isIdentifierTypeOf object properties.
For example, 'old identifier' ; 'ISNI' (for a person or
corporate body), etc.
The inscription of information made by an Agent on a physical
carrier in any persistent, recoverable form as a means of communicating information
through time and space.
Comment: updated. Scope note: updated and made several
paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
A Record or Record Part must have been instantiated at least
once, though this instantiation may no longer exist at the moment of description. An
instantiation might also exist at the moment of description, but be destroyed at a later
moment in time, when, for example, a derived instantiation might become the only
remaining instantiation. A Record Set may have an instantiation, which is to say that it
is not a necessary condition. An Instantiation may be derived from another
Instantiation. A Record Resource may have many Instantiations simultaneously (for
instance, a record printed and saved in the same time as DOCX and PDF/A would have 3
concurrent instantiations) or through time (for example, copy of a record). Depending on
the context, a new instantiation may be seen as a new or as the same record resource.
During in the process of re-instantiation something is lost and something is preserved,
but it is up to the context and the Agent that produces or uses that Instantiation to
assess whether the two instantiations are functionally equivalent or not. For instance,
a postcard representing a town map from 1874 (Instantiation 1) is digitized and kept as
a JPEG file (Instantiation 2). The digital copy may be considered as instantiating the
"same" Record by an Agent considering the information transmitted by the Record (e.g.,
the urban landscape displayed), but as a" different" Record by an antiquarian more
focused on the materiality of the carrier. Successive instantiations may change the
perceivable boundaries of a Record Resource. For instance, a case file comprising many
records may be digitized and saved as one single PDF file, which, from management
perspective, may be treated as one Record. Similarly, a large Record Set (a fonds or a
series) may be maintained as one database. On the other hand, one record (main document
and its annexes) may be digitized in separate files and each one may be managed as a
discrete “physical” item. Instantiations may require mediation to communicate the
information in the Record Resource. While a traditional Record on paper can simply be
read by an Agent in order to understand the information, a vinyl recording, a video
cassette or a digital file needs a device (mediator) to codify or decodify the
information conveyed. This mediator may imply simple physical components (a turntable
needle, for example), or a complex gallery of software and hardware elements.
Instantiations are more than the mere informational content of Record Resource and may
be the focus of preservation and physical management of records. The use of particular
document types for records, such as a medieval charter, may have implications for the
authenticity of the records. Hence, the way a Record Resource is instantiated
contributes to the contextualizing of the content.record resource is instantiated
contributes to the contextualizing the content. Distinguishing the message conveyed
(Record Resource) and its physical representations (Instantiation) allows for the
efficient management of their descriptions, and preserve information about a Record
Resource even when no physical representation of it exists or is known to exist anymore.
The relations between distinct instantiations can then be expressed wherever they
coexist, and they can be related to the Record Resource they
Corresponds to RiC-E06 (Instantiation
PREMIS Representation
The extent of an Instantiation.
Instantiation Extent
Changed a bit the definition and added change
Class added in order to handle an accurate description of
an instantiation extent
Countable characteristics of an Instantiation expressed as a
Class implementation of RiC-A23 (Instantiation
Extent attribute)
Connects at least two instantiations
Instantiation to Instantiation Relation
Connects at least one Agent and one Record Resource or
Instantiation on which the Agent has some intellectual property rights.
Intellectual Property Rights Relation
Can be used, when the record resource is a work, for
specifying the connection between the record resource and its
Class implementation of RiC-R040 and RiC-R040i
Connects at least one Person to at least another one, when the
first one has some knowledge of the second one through time or space.
Knowing Of Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R050 and RiC-R050i
Connects at least two Persons that directly know each other
during their existence. This relation is symmetric.
Knowing Relation
Cass implementation of RiC-R051 and RiC—R051i
A spoken or written human language represented in the Record or
Record Part, or used by the Agent.
Changed the definition (skos:comment annotation); so that
it conforms to the RiC-CM one.
Scope note from RiC-CM : deleted.
Corresponds to RiC-A25 (Language
Connects at least one Person and at least one Group, when the
first one leads the second one.
Leadership Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R042 and RiC-R042i
A status defined by law.
Legal Status
Corresponds to RiC-A26 (Legal Status
Connects at least one Agent, and at least one Record Resource or
Instantiation that the Agent manages.
Management Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R038 and RiC-R038i
Delegation of authority by an Agent to another Agent to perform
an Activity.
Scope note: made separate paragraphs and updated.
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Mandate is a kind of Rule. A Mandate confers the authority or
competencies of Agents to perform a specified Activity. In addition to assigning an
Activity and delegating authority to perform the Activity to an Agent, a Mandate
commonly limits the Place (jurisdiction) and Date (time period) within which an Agent
may perform the Activity (where and when). Mandates exist in a specific social and
cultural context, and within that context are subject to change over time. While a
Mandate may be tacit, in whole or part, it may be explicitly expressed in a variety of
documentary sources (for example, constitutions, legislation, (legal) acts, statutes,
legal codes, ordinances, charges, charters, or mission statements). The evidence for
identifying a Mandate may be found in its entirety in one documentary source (for
example, a law or regulation), or may be found in two or more sources. A Mandate should
not be confused with the one or more documentary sources that serve as evidence of its
identity. A documentary source is a Record.
Corresponds to RiC-E17 (Mandate
Connects at least one Mandate, and at least one Agent, when the
first gives the second one the authority or competencies to act. May also involve one to
many Activities that the Mandate(s) assign(s) to the Agent(s).
Mandate Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R067 and RiC-R067i
A process or system created by a Person or Group that performs
an Activity.
scope note: made separate paragraphs. Disjoint with:
Mechanism is a kind of Agent. A Mechanism may have both
mechanical and software components, or may be exclusively software. A Mechanism acts in
the world producing physical or social effects, and frequently generates or modifies
Corresponds to RiC-E13 (Mechanism
Connects a Group and at least one Person, when the first one has
the second one(s) among its members.
Membership Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R055 and RiC-R055i
Connects an Instantiation and at least another Instantiation,
when the first is migrated into the second one(s).
Migration Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R015 and RiC-R015i
A label, title or term designating the entity in order to make
it distinguishable from other similar entities.
Class implementation of RiC-A28 (Name attribute)
(see also the name data property)
Categorization of a profession, trade, or craft pursued by a
person in fulfilment of an Activity.
Occupation Type
scope note: added.
Occupation Type should not be confused with Position where,
for example, an Agent with the Occupation Type “lawyer” holds the Position of “legal
counsel” in an agency. Occupation Type is related to, but should not be confused with
the domain or field of Activity (Actvitity Type), such as an archivist who works in the
domain of archival science. Occupation Type is a kind of Demographic
Corresponds to RiC-A30 (Occupation Type
Connects at least one Group, Person or Position, and at least a
Thing that these Agent(s) own(s).
Ownership Relation
Among other probably more rare use cases for archival
description, can be used between agents (a person owns a corporate body, a corporate
body owns a mechanism), or between agents and record resources
Class implementation of RiC-R037 and RiC-R037i
Connects at least one Activity to at least one Agent, when the
first is performed by the second one(s).
Performance Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R060 and RiC-R060i
A human being with a social identity or persona.
Scope note: made separate paragraphs and updated. Disjoint
with: enriched. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Removed one Restriction.
Person is a kind of Agent. Most commonly, a human being
(biological person) has a single coeval social identity or persona. In everyday
discourse, this is the “real person.” Less common though not rare, over the course of a
lifetime, personae in addition to the coeval (or “original”) persona may be associated
with the human being. Such “alternative personae” are most often created by the original
person for specific purposes. Under some circumstances, an alternative persona might
eclipse or replace the original person (Mark Twain eclipsing Samuel Clemens; John Wayne
eclipsing Marion Mitchell Morrison), that is, the social (shared) alternative identity
becomes the predominate identity. Less common is whentwo or more persons collaborate to
create a shared persona. Persona shared by two or more Persons constitute a kind of
Group. Within the archival context, the original Person generally will be the focus of
the description, with alternative personae noted. Exceptionally, an alternative persona
may displace the coeval persona.s.
Corresponds to RiC-E08 (Person
A delimitation of the physical territory of a
Physical Location
Usually associated to one to many Places, and known during
some time. A location may be linked to one to many Coordinates.
Class implementation of RiC-A27 (Location
Bounded, named geographic area or region.
Comment: updated. Scope note: updated and made several
paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
A Place may be a jurisdiction, a manmade structure, or a
natural feature. A manmade structure or natural feature may also be a jurisdiction. A
Place may be referenced to a Physical Location on the earth, or (if you don't want to
use the PhysicalLocation class) directly to geographic coordinates. Both jurisdictions
and natural features are historical entities. A Place thus may have begin and end dates,
and changing boundaries that result from human or natural events. A Jurisdiction is the
bounded geographic area within which an Agent has the authority to perform specified
activities constrained by rules.
Corresponds to RiC-E22 (Place
A label, title or term designating a Place in order to make it
distinguishable from other similar entities.
Place Name
Class implementation of a specialization of
RiC-A28 (Name attribute)
Connects a Place and at least one Thing, when the first is
associated with the existence and lifecycle of the second one.
Place Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R074 and RiC-R074i
Categorization of a Place.
Place Type
Broadly, a Place may be a member of three broad categories:
jurisdiction, manmade structure, or a natural feature. Each of these three categories
can subdivided into narrower categories.
Corresponds to RiC-A32 (Place Type
The functional role of a Person within a Group.
Scope note: made separate paragraphs and updated. Disjoint
with: enriched. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Position is a kind of Agent. Position is the intersection of a
Person and a Group. Position exists independently of the Person that holds the Position
within a Group. More than one Person may hold a Position. Position is commonly defined
in a Mandate, often called a position description or job description. The Mandate may
specify the work to be performed (Activity) as well as the competencies for performing
the Activity. A Position is often given a Name. A Position may be tied to a project or
to a set of tasks and thus have a defined duration. A Position may change over time, as
the Group that establishes it changes over time. Position is not to be confused with
Occupation or Activity. Within the records created by a Corporate Body, a Position may
be used to identify the record sets resulting from activities performed by one or more
persons holding the Position over time, without necessarily identifying or describing
the Person or persons, or identifying which records were created by each
Corresponds to RiC-E12 (Position
Connects at least one Person, and at least one Position that the
Person occupies.
Position Holding Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R054 and RiC-R054i
Connects at least one Position, and a Group, when the first
one(s) exist(s) in/is defined within the second one.
Position to Group Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R056 and RiC-R056i
Categorization of the method used in the representation of
information on the Instantiation.
Production Technique Type
Comment: updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with
RiC-CM v0.2.
Class implementation of RiC-A33 (Production
Technique attribute)
Specifies the provenance or origin of at least one Record
Resource or Instantiation, for example the relation between a Record Resource and the
Agent which created it or the Activity from which it resulted.
Provenance Relation
This relation stands for organic and for functional
A Proxy represents (stands for) a Record Resource as it exists
in a specific Record Set.
Useful for handling in RDF the sequencing of records or
records sets in the context of a Record set. A Record Resource has only one Proxy in the
context of one specific Record Set. It may have many Proxies simultaneously or through
ORE Proxy (http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/Proxy)
Information inscribed at least once by any method on any
physical carrier in any persistent, recoverable form by an Agent in the course of life
or work Activity.
Removed the Restriction.
Scope note: updated and made several paragraphs. Objective:
to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Record is a kind of Record Resource. A Record must have or
have had at least one Instantiation. A Record may have more than one Instantiation. A
re-instantiation of the record may be considered the same record or a new record,
depending on the context and of the functions that record serves. Such information may
serve a variety of purposes, though it always documents or is evidence of
Corresponds to RiC-E04 (Record
Part of a Record with discrete information content that
contributes to the Record's physical or intellectual completeness.
Record Part
Removed the Restriction.
comment: updated. Scope note: made several paragraphs.
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Record Part is a kind of Record Resource. A Record Part may
itself have Record Parts.
Corresponds to RiC-E05 (Record Part
A Record, Record Set, or Record Part produced or acquired and
retained by an Agent in the course of Activity.
Record Resource
Scope note: made separate paragraphs plus very few
Removed one Restriction.
Producing a record resource may imply either its newly
creation or a reuse of previous existing information by combination, rearrangement,
selecting, reformatting etc. Records, Record Sets, and Record Parts are all evidence of
the activities of an Agent. More than one Agent may be involved in the creation of a
Record Resource. The role of the Agent in creating the Record Resource may take
different forms, for example, authoring of an individual record, accumulating a set of
records, or forming a set of records. Though a Record, Record Set, and Record Part,
under most circumstances, may be easily distinguished from one another, frequently
identifying the boundary of each and how the “bounded information regions” interrelate,
may present particular challenges. Documentary Forms provide the rules governing many
Records, providing criteria for identifying its boundary, and identifying its essential
Record Parts. Many Records, though, do not have well-established documentary forms,
particularly electronic records, where it may be difficult to determine whether
individual elements represented in separate bitstreams are record parts, records, or
record sets. For example, is a photograph represented independently in a bitstream
embedded in a text document a Record, or a Record Part ? Or is the same photograph
attached to an email, maintaining its independent representation, a Record or a Record
Part? When information is grouped for some purpose, for example, zip or tar “file
compression” for saving storage space, presents a further challenge. One file comprises
multiple bitstreams subjected to techniques that remove bits that can be losslessly
recovered when decompressed. Under what circumstances is such a compressed bitstream a
Record or a Record Set? Determining when an information object is a Record, Record Part,
or Record Set is based on perspective and judgement exercised in a particular context.
In one context, the Agent describing an information object may designate it a Record,
while another Agent in a different context may designate it a Record Part. Both
designations are supported by RiC, and the significance of the difference for users of
the records is ameliorated by the fact that attributes and relations employed in
describing each of the record entities are shared.
Corresponds to RiC-E02 (Record Resource
The extent of the content of a Record Resource.
Record Resource Extent
Class added in order to handle an accurate description of a
record resource extent
Changed a bit the definition and added change
Countable characteristics of the content of the Record
Resource expressed as a quantity.
Class implementation of RiC-A35 (Record Resource
extent attribute)
Connects two to more Record Resources when there is a genetic
relation between them. Genetic in this sense is as defined by diplomatics, i.e. the
process by which a Record Resource is developed.
Record Resource Genetic Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R023 and RiC-023i
Connects at least one Agent, and one or more Record Resource or
Instantiation that the Agent holds.
Record Resource Holding Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R039 and RiC-039i
Connects a Record Resource to one or more Instantiations that
instantiate it.
Record Resource to Instantiation Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R025 and RiC-R025i
Connects at least two Record Resources.
Record Resource to Record Resource Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R022 and RiC-022i
One or more records that are associated by categorization and/or
physical aggregation by the creator or other Agent.
Record Set
comment: updated. Scope note: updated and made several
paragraphs. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Record Set is a kind of Record Resource. The Record members in
a Record Set may physically reside together, though physical proximity is not essential.
In a particular context, an Agent (e.g. administrator, records manager, archivist,
end-user, etc.) may select the Record members of a Record Set based on a shared
attribute or attributes, or a shared Relation or Relations. The grouping of the Records
serves a purpose or purposes specific to the context of the Agent. All Record members of
a Record Set may share the attribute of having been accumulated by the same Agent, or
all share the same Documentary Form Type and are created over time by the same Activity.
A Record Set may represent the act of classifying the Records in accordance with a
formal classification scheme that may be based on Activity, subject, organizational
structure, or other criteria; an act of archival arrangement (e.g. based on common
provenance); or some other selection and grouping that fulfils a particular purpose or
purposes (e.g. a classification that reflects or supports the purposes of a researcher).
By exception, some Records are brought together based on their not belonging in the
context of selection to other designated groups: a ‘Miscellaneous’ series, for example.
A Record Set accumulated by an Agent in the course of life or work Activity should be
kept in a manner that preserves context and evidential value. Records Sets may also
contain other Records Sets. Both a Record Set and a Record may simultaneously be a
member of more than one Record Set, and over the course of its existence, a Record Set
or Record may be a member of an indeterminate number of Record Sets in an indeterminate
number of contexts. Record Sets and Records contained within a Record Set may be ordered
into a sequence based on a common property or relation, or common properties or
relations (e.g. alphabetical by Agent or related Place name; chronological order by an
allocated Date); or some other criterion (e.g. an imposed order by
Corresponds to RiC-E03 (Record Set
A broad categorization of the type of Record Set.
Record Set Type
scope note: updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM v0.2.
Four instances of Record Set Type are included for now in
RiC-O; they also are instances of skos:Concept and, as such, part of a SKOS vocabulary.
Record Set Type may also be used to categorize types of Record Set that have not
traditionally been considered archival, e.g. search result list.
Corresponds to RiC-A36 (Record Set Type
Categorization of the production or reproduction status of a
Record or Record Part.
Record State
IRI and label changed (RecordResourceState to RecordState),
as well as textual definition.
scope note: updated. Objective: to make RiC-O compliant
with RiC-CM v0.2.
Can in particular refer to a record state of development or
its status of transmission once finished (draft, original, copy...). Specifying that a
record resource has state copy usually implies that another record resource existed or
exists, of which the one described is the copy. In such a case you can also use 'is copy
of' object property.
Corresponds to RiC-A39 (State
The top level relation class. It connects at least two Things.
An instance of a Relation may have some datatype and object properties : a descriptive
note (datatype property) like any Thing ; certainty (for 'certain', 'quite probable',
'uncertain','unknown'); a date (use either the date datatype property or the Date class
and isAssociatedWithDate object property ; a state (relationState) ; a location (use
Place class and isAssociatedWithPlace object property) ; a source of information that
can be used as an evidence for it (use either source datatype property or hasSource
object property).
Removed the restrictions; completed the definition and
scope note.
Use when direct, binary object properties are not enough, e.g.
when you need to record a date, a location or any other descriptive element for a
relation (till RDF-Star becomes a W3C recommendation and provides a lighter method for
doing so); or when the relation invloves more than two entities (n-ary relation). It is
recommended to use the subclasses of the Relation class.
Categorization of the method of recording the content type of a
Record Resource.
Representation Type
Comment and scope note: updated. Objective: to make RiC-O
compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Representation Type can be unmediated (which allows humans to
receive the message communicated without an intermediation of a device) and mediated
(which needs a device to decode the message). A lot of contemporary mediated types are
digital. Each Representation Type may present specific features: bit rate for audio,
resolution for digital images, encoding format for video etc. Depending of the type,
properties may thus be needed to describe their characteristics. Not be confused with
Content Type or Carrier Type since the form of representation can be independent of the
communication or carrier.
Corresponds to RiC-A37 (Representation Type
The role an agent plays in some context (usually in some
creation relation). Not to be confused with a position (position of an agent in some
group). For example, a person who is the head of some corporate body may play the role
of annotator (of a record) in a creation relation.
Role Type
Conditions that govern the existence or authority of an Agent or the performance of an Activity, or that contribute to the distinct characteristics of things created or managed by an Agent.
Updated the definition (rdfs:comment) and scope note, as they were recently changed in RiC-CM 0.2 full draft.
Scope note: made separate paragraphs and updated.
Objective: to make RiC-O compliant with RiC-CM v0.2.
Rule can be related directly to Agent, Activity, or anything created or managed by agents, such as a Record Resource or Instantiation.
A Rule may be unwritten or written or otherwise documented. Unwritten rules may include though are not limited to the following: social mores, customs, or community expectations. Written rules may include though are not limited to the following: constitutions, legislation, acts (legal), statutes, legal codes, ordinances, charters, mission statements, regulations, policies, procedures, instructions, codes of conduct or ethics, professional standards, work assignments or work plans.
The source or sources of some Rules are external to the Agent (for example, expressed in elections, social mores, customs, community expectations, laws, regulations, standards and best practice codes), while others are expressed within the Agent’s immediate context (for example, policies, or written or verbal instructions).
The evidence for identifying Rules may be found in their entirety in one documentary source (for example, a law or regulation) or may be found in two or more sources.
Rule should not be confused with the one or more documentary sources that serve as evidence of its identity. A documentary source is a Record.
Corresponds to RiC-E16 (Rule
Connects at least one Rule to at least one Thing, when it is
associated with existence and lifecycle of the Thing.
Rule Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R062 and RiC-R062i
Categorization of a Rule.
Rule Type
Class added along with hasRuleType and isRuleTypeOf object
For example, for rules that can be applied to record resources
: access rule, use rule, etc.
Connects at least one Thing to at least one Thing that follows
it in some sequence.
Sequential Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R008 and RiC-R008i
Connects at least two Persons, when they are
Sibling Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R048 and048i
relations RiC-
Chronological information associated with an entity that
contributes to its identification and contextualization, related to a single point in
Single Date
Corresponds to RiC-E19 (SingleDate
Connects at least two Persons, when they are
Spouse Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R049 and RiC-R049i
Connects at least one Person to at least another Person, who is
their student.
Teaching Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R053 and RiC-R053i
Connects at least one Thing to at least one Thing that follows
it in chronological order.
Temporal Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R009 and RiC-R009i
Any idea, material thing, or event within the realm of human
made separate paragraphs in the scope note.
Includes all RiC entities as well as any concept, material
thing, or event that may be the subject of a Record Resource or associated with an
Activity. Examples of entities not explicitly addressed in RiC includes but is not
limited to the following: abstract concepts; cultural movements, named periods and
events; named things, objects and works; legendary, mythical or fictitious figures,
characters or beings.
Corresponds to RiC-E01 (Thing
A name that is used for a Record Resource or a
Class implementation of a specialization of
RiC-A28 (Name attribute)
A superclass for any category of some thing. A type
characterizes an entity.
Connects a category (a Type) and at least one Thing that belongs
to this category.
Type Relation
may be useful at least for some types (e.g. demographic
A definite magnitude of a quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by
law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same kind of quantity. Can be
spacial units (cm, m), weigt (g, kg), time (s, h), storage (MB, TB) or more informal
units used in the archival context like number of boxes, pages or words.
Unit Of Measurement
Class added in order to be able to handle units of
measurement as full entities.
Connects a Thing to at least one constitutive or component part
of that Thing.
Whole Part Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R002 and RiC-R002i
Connects at least two Agents that have some type of work
relation in the course of their activities.
Work Relation
Class implementation of RiC-R046 and RiR046i
International Coucil on Archives Expert Group on Archival
Description (ICA EGAD)
International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Vocabulary for
Documentary Form Types
Documentary Form Types
A vocabulary that includes documentary form
International Coucil on Archives Expert Group on Archival
Description (ICA EGAD)
International Council on Archives Records in Contexts Vocabulary for
Record Set Types
Record Set Types
A vocabulary on Record Set types
Authority record
This category can be used for records that describe an
Authority record
Finding aid
This documentary form type can be used for records that
aggregate and organizes metadata on some record(s) or record set(s).
An artificial assemblage of documents accumulated on the
basis of some common characteristic without regard to the provenance of those documents.
Not to be confused with an archival fonds. (From ICA ISAD(G))
An organized unit of documents grouped together either for
current use by the creator or in the process of archival arrangement, because they
relate to the same subject, activity, or transaction. A file is usually the basic unit
within a record series. (From ICA ISAD(G))
The whole of the records, regardless of form or medium,
organically created and/or accumulated and used by a particular person, family, or
corporate body in the course of that creator's activities and functions. (From ICA
Documents arranged in accordance with a filing system or
maintained as a unit because they result from the same accumulation or filing process,
or the same activity; have a particular form; or because of some other relationship
arising out of their creation, receipt, or use. A series is also known as a records
series. (From ICA ISAD(G))