// ==UserScript== // @author 57Cell // @id fieldplanner@57Cell // @name 57Cell's Field Planner // @version // @description Plugin for planning fields in IITC // @category Layer // @namespace https://github.com/jonatkins/ingress-intel-total-conversion // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/57Cell/fieldplanner.meta.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/57Cell/fieldplanner.user.js // @preview https://github.com/mike40033/iitc-57Cell/blob/4f9d4496b40de650ae83d5ca2a0d20ecd00530cc/plugins/homogeneous-fields/Screenshot_2023-10-15_015218.png?raw=true // @issueTracker https://github.com/mike40033/iitc-57Cell/issues // @recommends draw-tools@breunigs|draw-tools-plus@zaso // @homepageURL https://www.youtube.com/@57Cell // @include https://intel.ingress.com/* // @include http://intel.ingress.com/* // @include https://*.ingress.com/intel* // @include http://*.ingress.com/intel* // @include https://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @include http://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @match https://intel.ingress.com/* // @match http://intel.ingress.com/* // @match https://*.ingress.com/intel* // @match http://*.ingress.com/intel* // @match https://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @match http://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== pluginName = "57Cell's Field Planner"; version = "2.1.8"; changeLog = [ { version: '', changes: [ 'FIX: Satisfy new internal toolbox API (Heistergand)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'NEW: Changelog appears in IITC Plugin List. (Heistergand)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'NEW: Add a dialog with useful links (57Cell)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'NEW: Include distance traveled in the linking plan (57Cell)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'NEW: Conserve screen real estate by removing vertical whitespace (57Cell)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'NEW: Change link numbering scheme (57Cell)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'FIX: UI Issues regarding Webikit/Mozilla CSS', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'NEW: Improved animated corners: Selected portals get animated Triangles when hovering the preview images. (Heistergand)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'NEW: Add selected portals images in the dialog. (Heistergand)', 'NEW: Add animated corners: Selected portals get animated circles when hovering the preview images. (Heistergand)', 'NEW: Add clear button (Heistergand)', 'FIX: Portal selection does not affect plugin while dialog is not open. (Heistergand)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'FIX: Dialog UI improvements (Heistergand)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'NEW: Option to generate Cobweb fielding plans (57Cell)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'NEW: Add field drawing layer (Heistergand)', 'NEW: Created Control Fields are mentioned in the plan (Heistergand)', 'NEW: Add Statistics output (Heistergand)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'NEW: Add an option for general maximum fielding (57Cell)', 'NEW: change name of plugin and UI text (57Cell)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'NEW: Number of softbanks is noted for portals that need them (57Cell)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'FIX: Sporadic failure to find an HCF when one exists (Issue #11)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'FIX: Working with portals having the same name is no problem anymore.', 'NEW: Export to DrawTools (Heistergand)', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'FIX: Some code refactoring to comply to IITC plugin framework.', 'FIX: typo in layer label fixed', 'NEW: improved dialog (Heistergand)', 'NEW: User can now choose to generate a geometrically perfectly balanced plan', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'NEW: Added plugin layer and link drawings. (Heistergand)', 'NEW: Added numbers to the task list (Heistergand)', 'FIX: minor code refactoring, mainly divorcing plan composing from UI drawing.', ], }, { version: '', changes: [ 'NEW: Initial Release (57Cell)', ], }, { version: '0.1', changes: [ 'There was some conversation with ChatGPT', ], }, ]; function wrapper(plugin_info) { if (typeof window.plugin !== 'function') window.plugin = function() {}; plugin_info.buildName = ''; plugin_info.dateTimeVersion = '2024-02-02-180000'; plugin_info.pluginId = '57CellsFieldPlanner'; // PLUGIN START console.log('Field Planner | loading plugin') var changelog = changeLog; let self = window.plugin.homogeneousFields = function() {}; // helper function to convert portal ID to portal object function portalIdToObject(portalId) { let portals = window.portals; // IITC global object that contains all portal data let portal = portals[portalId] ? portals[portalId].options.data : null; // Convert portal to the structure expected by populatePortalData if (portal) { let lat = parseFloat(portal.latE6 / 1e6); let lng = parseFloat(portal.lngE6 / 1e6); return { id: portalId, // ID of the portal name: portal.title, // title of the portal latLng: new L.latLng(lat,lng), // use LatLng Class to stay more flexible }; } return null; } // Global variables for selected portals self.selectedPortals = []; // layerGroup for the draws self.linksLayerGroup = null; self.fieldsLayerGroup = null; self.highlightLayergroup = null; // TODO: make linkStyle editable in options dialog self.linkStyle = { color: '#FF0000', opacity: 1, weight: 1.5, clickable: false, interactive: false, smoothFactor: 10, dashArray: [12, 5, 4, 5, 6, 5, 8, 5, "100000" ], }; // TODO: make fieldStyle editable in options dialog self.fieldStyle = { stroke: false, fill: true, fillColor: '#FF0000', fillOpacity: 0.1, clickable: false, interactive: false, }; // Add this after your global variables self.HCF = function(level, corners, central, subHCFs) { this.level = level; this.corners = corners; this.central = central; this.subHCFs = subHCFs; }; // initialize plan. self.plan = null; self.updateLayer = function(){ if (self.plan) { self.drawPlan(self.plan); } }; self.setup = function() { // Add button to toolbox // if (IITC.iitcBuildDate > '2023-11-20-071719') console.debug('Field Planner | Checking IITC Version'); console.debug('Field Planner | iitcBuildDate = ' + iitcBuildDate); if (iitcBuildDate <= '2023-11-20-071719') { $('#toolbox').append('Plan Fields'); } else { const buttonId = IITC.toolbox.addButton({ label: 'Plan Fields', action: () => self.openDialog() }); }; // Add event listener for portal selection window.addHook('portalSelected', self.portalSelected); self.linksLayerGroup = new L.LayerGroup(); window.addLayerGroup('Fielding Plan (Links)', self.linksLayerGroup, false); // window.addLayerGroup('Homogeneous CF Links', self.linksLayerGroup, false); self.fieldsLayerGroup = new L.LayerGroup(); window.addLayerGroup('Fielding Plan (Fields)', self.fieldsLayerGroup, false); // debugger; self.highlightLayergroup = new L.LayerGroup(); window.addLayerGroup('Fielding Plan (Highlights)', self.highlightLayergroup, true); window.map.on('overlayadd overlayremove', function() { setTimeout(function(){ self.updateLayer(); },1); }); }; self.pointInTriangle = function(pt, triangle) { const convertTo3D = pt => { const lat = pt.lat * Math.PI / 180; const lng = pt.lng * Math.PI / 180; return { x: Math.cos(lat) * Math.cos(lng), y: Math.cos(lat) * Math.sin(lng), z: Math.sin(lat) }; }; const [p1, p2, p3] = triangle.map(convertTo3D); const pt3D = convertTo3D(pt); const v0 = self.vectorSubtract(p3, p1); const v1 = self.vectorSubtract(p2, p1); const v2 = self.vectorSubtract(pt3D, p1); const dot00 = self.dotProduct(v0, v0); const dot01 = self.dotProduct(v0, v1); const dot02 = self.dotProduct(v0, v2); const dot11 = self.dotProduct(v1, v1); const dot12 = self.dotProduct(v1, v2); const inverDeno = 1 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01); const eps = 1e-6; const u = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * inverDeno; if (u <= eps || u >= 1-eps) return false; const v = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * inverDeno; if (v <= eps || v >= 1-eps) return false; return u + v < 1-eps; }; self.dotProduct = function(a, b) { return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z; }; self.vectorSubtract = function(a, b) { return { x: a.x - b.x, y: a.y - b.y, z: a.z - b.z }; }; // Add this after your setup function self.pointInTriangleOld = function(pt, triangle) { const [p1, p2, p3] = triangle; if (pt === null) return false; const dX = pt.lng; const dY = pt.lat; const dX21 = p3.lng - p2.lng; const dY12 = p2.lat - p3.lat; const D = dY12 * (p1.lng - p3.lng) + dX21 * (p1.lat - p3.lat); const s = (dY12 * (dX - p3.lng) + dX21 * (dY - p3.lat))/D; const t = ((p3.lat - p1.lat) * (dX - p3.lng) + (p1.lng - p3.lng) * (dY - p3.lat))/D; return s > 0 && t > 0 && (s + t) < 1; }; self.getPortalsInTriangle = function(triangle, portalsToConsider) { // convert portal ids to lat/lng objects const triangleLatLngs = triangle.map(portalId => { const portal = portalIdToObject(portalId); return portal ? portal.latLng : null; }); let portalsInTriangle = []; if (portalsToConsider == null) { portalsToConsider = Object.keys(window.portals) } for (let portalGuid of portalsToConsider) { let portal = window.portals[portalGuid]; if (self.pointInTriangle(portal.getLatLng(), triangleLatLngs)) { portalsInTriangle.push(portalGuid); } } return portalsInTriangle; }; // Add this after getPortalsInTriangle function self.findCentralSplitter = function(portalsInTriangle) { if (portalsInTriangle.length === 0) { return null; } let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * portalsInTriangle.length); return portalsInTriangle[randomIndex]; }; self.constructHCF = function(level, corners, central, subHCFs) { return new self.HCF(level, corners, central, subHCFs); }; self.toLatLonObjects = function(GUIDs) { let list = []; for (let i = 0; i < GUIDs.length; i++) { let ll = window.portals[GUIDs[i]].getLatLng(); list.push({ GUID: GUIDs[i], ll: ll }); } return list; } self.getClosestToTarget = function(list, target) { list.sort((a, b) => target.distanceTo(a.ll) - target.distanceTo(b.ll)); return list[0].GUID; } /** @function calculateCentroid * get the portal GUID which is nearest * to the centroid point of all given GUIDs. * @param {array} GUIDs List of portal GUIDs */ self.calculateCentroid = function (GUIDs) { let sumLat = 0.0; let sumLng = 0.0; let list = self.toLatLonObjects(GUIDs); for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { sumLat += list[i].ll.lat; // adds the x-coordinate sumLng += list[i].ll.lng; // adds the y-coordinate } let centroid = new L.LatLng(sumLat / GUIDs.length, sumLng / GUIDs.length); return self.getClosestToTarget(list, centroid); }; /** @function calculateCentroid * get the portal GUID which is nearest * to the centroid point of all given GUIDs. * @param {array} GUIDs List of portal GUIDs */ self.calculateNearestPortal = function (GUIDs, targetGUID) { let list = self.toLatLonObjects(GUIDs); let target = self.toLatLonObjects([targetGUID])[0].ll; return self.getClosestToTarget(list, target); }; /** * @function self.findHCF * @param {int} Level * @param {array} corners Array of Portal GUIDs * @param {array} portalsToConsider */ self.findHCF = function(level, corners, portalsToConsider, mode, fieldType) { // console.info('function findHCF start') let portalsInTriangle = self.getPortalsInTriangle(corners, portalsToConsider); if ((level === 1 && fieldType == 'hcf') || (fieldType != 'hcf' && portalsInTriangle.length == 0)) { // Base case: return a level 1 HCF return self.constructHCF(level, corners, null, []); } let portalsNeeded = [-1,0,1,4,13,40,121]; if (fieldType == 'hcf' && portalsInTriangle.length < portalsNeeded[level]) // not enough portals, fail immediately return null; let candidates = Array.from(portalsInTriangle); // create a copy of portalsInTriangle let attempt = 0; while (candidates.length > 0) { let central = null; // Choose a central splitter if (fieldType === 'cobweb') { attempt = 1; // ensure corner 0 gets replaced later when looking for deeper fields central = self.calculateNearestPortal(candidates, corners[0]); } else if (mode === 'perfect') { central = self.calculateCentroid(candidates); } else { let centralIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * candidates.length); central = candidates[centralIndex]; } let subHCFs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { let subCorners = [corners[(i + attempt)%3], corners[(i + 1 + attempt) % 3], central]; let subTrianglePortals = self.getPortalsInTriangle(subCorners, portalsInTriangle); let insufficientPortals = subTrianglePortals.length < portalsNeeded[level-1]; let subHCF; if (fieldType == 'hcf') { subHCF = insufficientPortals ? null : self.findHCF(level - 1, subCorners, subTrianglePortals, mode, fieldType); } else if (fieldType == 'general') { subHCF = self.findHCF(level, subCorners, subTrianglePortals, mode, fieldType); } else if (fieldType == 'cobweb') { subHCF = self.findHCF(level+1, subCorners, i == 0 ? subTrianglePortals : [], mode, fieldType); } if (fieldType == 'hcf' && subHCF === null) { // Failed to construct sub-HCF if (insufficientPortals) { // Remove all portals from the failed triangle and the central splitter from the candidates candidates = candidates.filter(portal => !subTrianglePortals.includes(portal) && portal !== central); attempt++; } else { // Remove just the failed central splitter (see Issue 11) candidates = candidates.filter(portal => portal !== central); } break; } subHCFs.push(subHCF); } if (subHCFs.length === 3) { // Successfully constructed all sub-HCFs return self.constructHCF(level, corners, central, subHCFs); } } return null; // Failed to construct HCF after all candidates have been tried }; // helper function to recursively populate the portal data structure function populatePortalData(portalData, hcf, depth) { // add corner portals for (let i = 0; i < hcf.corners.length; i++) { let portal = portalIdToObject(hcf.corners[i]); // create portal data if it doesn't exist yet if (!(portal.id in portalData)) { portalData[portal.id] = { id: portal.id, name: portal.name, latLng: portal.latLng, links: [], coverings: [], depth: depth }; } // add links for (let j = i + 1; j < hcf.corners.length; j++) { if (!portalData[portal.id].links.includes(hcf.corners[j])) { portalData[portal.id].links.push(hcf.corners[j]); } } if (hcf.central !== null) { if (!portalData[portal.id].links.includes(hcf.central)) { portalData[portal.id].links.push(hcf.central); } } } // add central portal if (hcf.central !== null) { let portal = portalIdToObject(hcf.central); // create portal data if it doesn't exist yet if (!(portal.id in portalData)) { portalData[portal.id] = { id: portal.id, name: portal.name, latLng: portal.latLng, links: [], coverings: hcf.corners, depth: depth + 1 }; } else { portalData[portal.id].coverings = hcf.corners; } // add links for (let corner of hcf.corners) { if (!portalData[portal.id].links.includes(corner)) { portalData[portal.id].links.push(corner); } } } // recursively add sub-HCFs for (let subHCF of hcf.subHCFs) { populatePortalData(portalData, subHCF, depth + 1); } } // function to generate the portal data structure self.generatePortalData = function(hcf) { let portalData = {}; console.debug(hcf); populatePortalData(portalData, hcf, 0); // post-processing step to ensure reflexivity of links for (let portalId in portalData) { let portal = portalData[portalId]; for (let link of portal.links) { if (!portalData[link].links.includes(portalId)) { portalData[link].links.push(portalId); } } } return portalData; }; // function to calculate the keys needed for each portal in a path self.calculateKeysNeeded = function(portalData, path) { let keysNeeded = {}; // initialize keys needed for each portal to zero for (let portalId of path) { keysNeeded[portalId] = 0; } // calculate keys needed for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { let portalId = path[i]; for (let linkId of portalData[portalId].links) { // only count links to portals that appear later in the path if (path.indexOf(linkId) > i) { keysNeeded[portalId]++; } } } return keysNeeded; }; // function to check if a path requires Matryoska links self.requiresMatryoskaLinks = function(portalData, path) { for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { let portalId = path[i]; if (portalData[portalId].coverings.length > 0 && portalData[portalId].coverings.every(id => path.indexOf(id) < i)) { return true; } } return false; }; // function to calculate the total length of a path self.calculatePathLength = function(portalData, path) { let totalLength = 0; for (let i = 1; i < path.length; i++) { let portal1 = portalData[path[i - 1]].latLng; let portal2 = portalData[path[i]].latLng; totalLength += self.distance(portal1, portal2); } return totalLength; }; // helper function to count the number of outgoing links from each portal in a path self.countOutgoingLinks = function(path, portalData) { let outgoingLinks = {}; for (let id of path) { let links = portalData[id].links; for (let linkId of links) { if (path.indexOf(linkId) < path.indexOf(id)) { if (id in outgoingLinks) { outgoingLinks[id]++; } else { outgoingLinks[id] = 1; } } } } return outgoingLinks; }; // optimization algorithm to find the shortest path self.findShortestPath = function(portalData, path, fieldType) { let disallowMatryoska = true; // TODO: make this a UI element let maxOutgoingLinksPermitted = 40; // TODO: put this in the UI let initialOutgoingLinks = self.countOutgoingLinks(path, portalData); let leastMaxOutgoingLinks = Math.max(...Object.values(initialOutgoingLinks)) let bestPath = path.slice(); let bestLength = self.calculatePathLength(portalData, bestPath); for (let i = 0; i < path.length*path.length; i++) { // create a copy of the path let newPath = bestPath.slice(); // decide which operation to perform let operation = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if (operation === 0) { // swap two random elements let index1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * newPath.length); let index2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * newPath.length); [newPath[index1], newPath[index2]] = [newPath[index2], newPath[index1]]; } else if (operation === 1) { // swap two adjacent elements let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (newPath.length - 1)); [newPath[index], newPath[index + 1]] = [newPath[index + 1], newPath[index]]; } else if (operation === 2) { // reverse a section of the path let index1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * newPath.length); let index2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * newPath.length); if (index1 > index2) [index1, index2] = [index2, index1]; // ensure index1 <= index2 newPath = newPath.slice(0, index1) .concat(newPath.slice(index1, index2 + 1).reverse()) .concat(newPath.slice(index2 + 1)); } else { // slide a section of the path to a different position let index1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * newPath.length); let index2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * newPath.length); let slideTo = Math.floor(Math.random() * newPath.length); if (index1 > index2) [index1, index2] = [index2, index1]; // ensure index1 <= index2 let chunk = newPath.splice(index1, index2 - index1 + 1); // remove the chunk from the path newPath.splice(slideTo, 0, ...chunk); // insert the chunk at the new position } // only keep the changes if they improve the total length and meet the constraints let newLength = self.calculatePathLength(portalData, newPath); let outgoingLinks = self.countOutgoingLinks(newPath, portalData); let maxLinks = Math.max(...Object.values(outgoingLinks)); if (maxLinks < leastMaxOutgoingLinks) { leastMaxOutgoingLinks = maxLinks; } // keep the path if all of the following are true: // (a) it's shorter, // (b) it doesn't need Matryoska links OR Matryoska links are allowed, // (c) it doesn't exceed outgoing link limits, unless we haven't been able to meet those limits if (newLength < bestLength && (!disallowMatryoska || !self.requiresMatryoskaLinks(portalData, newPath)) && maxLinks <= Math.max(maxOutgoingLinksPermitted, leastMaxOutgoingLinks)) { bestPath = newPath; bestLength = newLength; } } return bestPath; }; self.planToText = function(plan) { const nextChar = function(c) { if (c.length == 0) return 'a'; let prefix = c.substring(0,c.length-1); let suffix = c.charAt(c.length-1); if (suffix == 'z') return nextChar(prefix) + 'a'; return prefix + String.fromCharCode(suffix.charCodeAt(0) + 1); } let maxSBUL = plan.reduce((max, item) => Math.max(max, item.sbul || 0), 0); let planText = "", sbulText = ""; if (maxSBUL > 4) return "Sadly, the best plan I found still needs "+maxSBUL+" softbanks on at least one portal. If you want me to try again, click 'Find Fielding Plan' again." if (maxSBUL > 2) planText = "Warning: this plan can't be done solo. One of its portals needs "+maxSBUL+" softbanks.\n\n" let stepPos = 0, linkPos = 'a'; let keysText = "\nKeys needed:\n"; let keypos = 0; let statsText = "\nStats:\n"; let portalCount = 0, linkCount = 0, fieldCount = 0, totalDistance = 0; $.each(plan, function(index, item) { // let pos = `${index + 1}`; if (item.action === 'capture') { portalCount++; sbulText = item.sbul === 0 ? "" : ` (${item.sbul} Softbank${(item.sbul == 1 ? "" : "s")})`; if (item.vectorHere == null) { let CaptureText = `Capture ${item.portal.name}${sbulText}` planText += `${++stepPos}.`.padStart(4, '\xa0') + ` ${CaptureText}\n`; } else { let CaptureText = `capture ${item.portal.name}${sbulText}` planText += `${++stepPos}.`.padStart(4, '\xa0') + ` Go ${item.vectorHere}, ${CaptureText}\n`; } linkPos = 'a'; totalDistance += item.distance; } else if (item.action === 'link') { linkCount++; // planText += `${stepPos}.${linkPos}:`.padStart(6, '\xa0') + ` Link to ${item.portal.name}\n`; planText += `${linkPos})`.padStart(7, '\xa0') + ` Link to ${item.portal.name}\n`; linkPos = nextChar(linkPos); } else if (item.action === 'field') { fieldCount++; planText += '→'.padStart(9, '\xa0') + ` Control Field with ${item.c.name}\n`; } else if (item.action === 'farmkeys') { keysText += `${++keypos})`.padStart(4, '\xa0') + ` ${item.portal.name}: ${item.keys}\n`; } }); let indentation = 8; let distanceText = self.formatDistance(totalDistance); statsText += "Portals".padEnd(indentation, '\xa0') + `: ${portalCount}\n` + "Links".padEnd(indentation, '\xa0') + `: ${linkCount}\n` + "Fields".padEnd(indentation, '\xa0') + `: ${fieldCount}\n` + "Distance".padEnd(indentation, '\xa0') + `: ${distanceText}\n` planText += keysText + statsText; return planText; } self.clearLayers = function() { if (window.map.hasLayer(self.linksLayerGroup)) { self.linksLayerGroup.clearLayers(); } if (window.map.hasLayer(self.fieldsLayerGroup)) { self.fieldsLayerGroup.clearLayers(); } if (window.map.hasLayer(self.highlightLayergroup)) { self.highlightLayergroup.clearLayers(); } } // function to draw a link to the plugin layer self.drawLink = function (alatlng, blatlng, style) { //check if layer is active if (!window.map.hasLayer(self.linksLayerGroup)) { return; } var poly = L.polyline([alatlng, blatlng], style); poly.addTo(self.linksLayerGroup); } // function to draw a field to the plugin layer self.drawField = function (alatlng, blatlng, clatlng, style) { //check if layer is active if (!window.map.hasLayer(self.fieldsLayerGroup)) { return; } var poly = L.polygon([alatlng, blatlng, clatlng], style); poly.addTo(self.fieldsLayerGroup); } self.exportDrawtoolsLink = function(p1, p2) { let alatlng = p1.latLng; let blatlng = p2.latLng; let layer = L.geodesicPolyline([alatlng, blatlng], window.plugin.drawTools.lineOptions); window.plugin.drawTools.drawnItems.addLayer(layer); window.plugin.drawTools.save(); } // function to draw the plan to the plugin layer self.drawPlan = function(plan) { // initialize plugin layer self.clearLayers(); $.each(plan, function(index,planStep) { if (planStep.action === 'link') { let ll_from = planStep.fromPortal.latLng, ll_to = planStep.portal.latLng; self.drawLink(ll_from, ll_to, self.linkStyle); } if (planStep.action === 'field') { self.drawField( planStep.a.latLng, planStep.b.latLng, planStep.c.latLng, self.fieldStyle); } }); } // function to export and draw the plan to the drawtools plugin layer self.exportToDrawtools = function(plan) { // initialize plugin layer if (window.plugin.drawTools !== 'undefined') { $.each(plan, function(index, planStep) { if (planStep.action === 'link') { self.exportDrawtoolsLink(planStep.fromPortal, planStep.portal); } }); } } // function to add a link to the arc plugin self.drawArc = function (p1, p2) { if(typeof window.plugin.arcs != 'undefined') { window.selectedPortal = p1.id; window.plugin.arcs.draw(); window.selectedPortal = p2.id; window.plugin.arcs.draw(); } } // function to export the plan to the arc plugin self.drawArcPlan = function(plan) { // initialize plugin layer if(typeof window.plugin.arcs !== 'undefined') { $.each(plan, function(index, planStep) { if (planStep.action === 'link') { self.drawArc(planStep.fromPortal, planStep.portal); } }); } } self.buildDirection = function(compass1, compass2, angle) { if (angle == 0) return compass1; if (angle == 45) return compass1 + compass2; if (angle > 45) return self.buildDirection(compass2, compass1, 90-angle); return compass1 + ' ' + angle + '° ' + compass2; } self.formatBearing = function(bearing) { var bearingFromNorth = false; bearing = (bearing + 360) % 360; if (bearingFromNorth) return bearing.toString().padStart(3, '0') + "°"; if (bearing <= 90) return self.buildDirection('N', 'E', bearing); else if (bearing <= 180) return self.buildDirection('S', 'E', 180-bearing); else if (bearing <= 270) return self.buildDirection('S', 'W', bearing-180); else return self.buildDirection('N', 'W', 360-bearing); } self.formatDistance = function(distanceMeters) { const feetInAMeter = 3.28084; const milesInAMeter = 0.000621371; const kmInAMeter = 0.001; if (distanceMeters < 1000) { const distanceFeet = Math.round(distanceMeters * feetInAMeter); return `${Math.round(distanceMeters)}m (${distanceFeet}ft)`; } else { const distanceKm = (distanceMeters * kmInAMeter).toFixed(2); const distanceMiles = (distanceMeters * milesInAMeter).toFixed(2); return `${distanceKm}km (${distanceMiles}mi)`; } } // function to generate the final plan self.generatePlan = function(portalData, path, hcfLevel, fieldType) { /** @function getThirds * Returns the list of portals, a new link a->b potentially(!) produces a field with. * Note that this fuction totally ignores bearing and size and can easily return multiple * fields on each side of the link. * * @param list {array} List of portal-tupels {a: {portal}, b: {portal}} * @param a {point} Point for a portal * @param b {point} Point for a portal * @return {array} of portals */ const getThirds = function(list, newLink) { let a = newLink.fromPortal, b = newLink.toPortal, i, k, linksOnA = [], linksOnB = [], result = []; for (i in list) { let ll_a = list[i].a.latLng; let ll_b = list[i].b.latLng; if ((ll_a.equals(a.latLng) && ll_b.equals(b.latLng)) || (ll_a.equals(b.latLng) && ll_b.equals(a.latLng))) { // link in list equals tested link continue; } if (ll_a.equals(a.latLng) || ll_b.equals(a.latLng)) linksOnA.push(list[i]); if (ll_a.equals(b.latLng) || ll_b.equals(b.latLng)) linksOnB.push(list[i]); } for (i in linksOnA) { for (k in linksOnB) { if (linksOnA[i].a.latLng.equals(linksOnB[k].a.latLng) || linksOnA[i].a.latLng.equals(linksOnB[k].b.latLng) ) result.push(linksOnA[i].a); if (linksOnA[i].b.latLng.equals(linksOnB[k].a.latLng) || linksOnA[i].b.latLng.equals(linksOnB[k].b.latLng)) result.push(linksOnA[i].b); } } return result; }; // end getThirds let plan = [], allLinks = [], stepNo = 0; let prevPortalId = null; // add the steps of the path for (let portalId of path) { // plan += `Capture ${a.name}\n`; let a = portalData[portalId]; let links = a.links; links.sort((n, m) => portalData[n].depth - portalData[m].depth); // calculate outgoing links and count softbanks let outgoingLinks = links.filter(linkId => path.indexOf(linkId) < path.indexOf(portalId)); let sbul = outgoingLinks.length <= 8 ? 0 : Math.floor((outgoingLinks.length-1)/8); let vec = null; let distance = 0; if (prevPortalId != null) { let prevLL = portalData[prevPortalId].latLng; let thisLL = a.latLng; distance = self.distance(prevLL, thisLL); let diffLat = thisLL.lat - prevLL.lat; let diffLng = thisLL.lng - prevLL.lng; let bearing = Math.round(Math.atan2(diffLng * Math.cos(thisLL.lat * Math.PI / 180), diffLat) * 180 / Math.PI); let bearingText = self.formatBearing(bearing); let distTex = self.formatDistance(distance) vec = distTex+" "+bearingText; } plan.push({ action: 'capture', stepNo: ++stepNo, portal: a, sbul: sbul, vectorHere: vec, distance : distance }); prevPortalId = portalId; for (let linkId of outgoingLinks) { // keep track of all links we've already made let b = portalData[linkId]; allLinks.push({a: a, b: b}); // plan += `Link to ${b.name}\n`;# plan.push({ action: 'link', stepNo: ++stepNo, fromPortal: a, portal: b, }); for (let thirdPortal of getThirds(allLinks, { fromPortal: a, toPortal: b, guid: linkId, })) { plan.push({ action: 'field', stepNo: stepNo, a: a, b: b, c: thirdPortal }); }; } } // calculate the keys needed let keysNeeded = self.calculateKeysNeeded(portalData, path); let totalKeysActual = 0; $.each(portalData, function(portalId, portal) { plan.push({ action: 'farmkeys', portal: portal, keys: keysNeeded[portalId], }); totalKeysActual += keysNeeded[portalId]; }); if (fieldType == 'hcf') { const totalPortalsExpected = (Math.pow(3, hcfLevel-1) + 5) / 2; const totalKeysExpected = (Math.pow(3, hcfLevel) + 3) / 2; const totalPortalsActual = path.length; // Check if the total number of portals and keys match the expected values if (totalPortalsActual !== totalPortalsExpected || totalKeysActual !== totalKeysExpected) { console.debug('Field Planner | ' + hcfLevel, totalPortalsActual, totalPortalsExpected, totalKeysActual, totalKeysExpected, path, plan); // return 'Something went wrong. Wait for all portals to load, and try again.'; return null; } } return plan; }; self.cornerPreviewPlaceholderHTML = '
' + '<empty>select a portal
\n'; self.info_dialog_html = '
\n' + '
\n' + ' This is '+pluginName+' version '+version+'. Follow the links below if you would like to:\n' + ' \n' + ' Contributing authors:\n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + '
\n' + '
' + ' I\'ll generate a fielding plan with corners:' + ' Color: ' + '
' + '
\n' + '
\n'+ ' Options\n'+ ' \n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + '
\n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + '
\n' + '
\n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + '
\n' + '
\n' + '
\n' + ' '+ ' '+ ' '+ ' '+ ' '+ ' '+ '
\n' + ' \n'+ '
\n'; // Attach click event to find-hcf-plan-button after the dialog is created self.openDialog = function() { if (!self.dialogIsOpen()) { dialog({ title: 'Fielding Plan View', id: 'hcf-plan-view', html: self.dialog_html, width: '40%', minHeight: 460, }); self.attachEventHandler(); self.updateDialog(); $('#dialog-hcf-plan-view').css("height", "370px"); } }; // Attach click event to find-hcf-plan-button after the dialog is created self.open_info_dialog = function() { if (!self.infoDialogIsOpen()) { dialog({ title: 'Plugin And Other Information', id: 'hcf-info-view', html: self.info_dialog_html, width: '30%', minHeight: 120, }); self.attachEventHandler(); self.updateDialog(); $('#dialog-hcf-info-view').css("height", "220px"); } }; // Store the animation circle layers in an array to manipulate them later self.circleAnimationLayers = {}; // Store the animation request IDs in an object to handle multiple animations self.animationRequestIds = {}; /** * @summary Animates a circle line expanding from a given portal location. * @description This function animates a circle line that expands from a portal location with a pulsating effect. * @author AI Assistant: ChatGPT v3.5 * @author Heistergand * * @param {string} portalGuid - The GUID of the portal. */ self.animateCircle = function(guid) { if (self.animationStartTime === null) { // Set the timestamp when the animation starts, but only if it's null self.animationStartTime = performance.now(); } /** * The options for the circle line. * * @typedef {Object} CircleOptions * @property {string} color - The color of the circle line. * @property {number} weight - The line weight (thickness) of the circle line. * @property {number} opacity - The opacity of the circle line. * @property {number} fillOpacity - The opacity of the circle's fill. */ const circleOptions = { // todo color color: 'red', weight: 2, opacity: 1, fillOpacity: 0, }; const minRadius = 20; // Set the minimum radius to 20 const maxRadius = 120; // Set the maximum radius to 120 const animationDuration = 1000; // Adjust the animation speed as needed /** * Updates the circle's radius for the animation. * * @param {DOMHighResTimeStamp} timestamp - The current timestamp. */ function updateRadius(timestamp) { const progress = timestamp - self.animationStartTime; const circleRadius = (progress / animationDuration) * maxRadius; circle.setRadius(circleRadius); if (circleRadius < maxRadius) { // Continue the animation self.animationRequestIds[guid] = requestAnimationFrame(updateRadius); } else { // Reset the circle layer to its initial state circle.setRadius(minRadius); // Reset the self.animationStartTime so it can start fresh on the next hover self.animationStartTime = timestamp; // repeat self.animationRequestIds[guid] = requestAnimationFrame(updateRadius); } } const ll = portals[guid].getLatLng(); var circle = L.circle(ll, { ...circleOptions, radius: minRadius, // Start with the minimum radius }); circle.addTo(self.highlightLayergroup); self.circleAnimationLayers[guid] = circle; // const startTime = performance.now(); self.animationRequestId = requestAnimationFrame(updateRadius); }; // end of animateCircle /** * @summary Animates a triangle polygon pulsating around a given portal location. * @description This function animates a triangle polygon on a portal location with a pulsating effect. * @author AI Assistant: ChatGPT v4.0 * @author Heistergand * * @param {string} guid - The GUID of the portal. */ self.animateTriangle = function(guid) { const portalLocation = map.latLngToContainerPoint(portals[guid].getLatLng()); // Convert to pixel coordinates const minTriangleRadius = 30; const maxTriangleRadius = 38; const triangleRotationSpeed = 0.02; // This can also be adjusted const colorPulseFrequency = 0.8; // Hz const triangleColorStart = 'ffff00'; // Yellow const triangleColorEnd = 'ff0000'; // Red const lineWeight = 3; // px let rotationAngle = 0; let triangleRadius = minTriangleRadius; const triangleCoordinates = [ [0, triangleRadius], [triangleRadius * Math.sqrt(3) / 2, -triangleRadius / 2], [-triangleRadius * Math.sqrt(3) / 2, -triangleRadius / 2] ].map(coord => [coord[0] + portalLocation.x, coord[1] + portalLocation.y]); // Translate to portal location const triangle = L.polygon(triangleCoordinates.map(coord => map.containerPointToLatLng(coord)), { color: `#${triangleColorStart}`, weight: lineWeight }); // Convert back to geographical coordinates triangle.addTo(self.highlightLayergroup); let colorPulseStartTime = performance.now(); function animate(timestamp) { let radius = triangleRadius + (Math.sin((timestamp - colorPulseStartTime) * 2 * Math.PI * colorPulseFrequency / 1000) + 1) / 2 * (maxTriangleRadius - minTriangleRadius); // Pulsate between min and max radius const newTriangleCoordinates = triangleCoordinates.map(coord => { const x = coord[0] - portalLocation.x; const y = coord[1] - portalLocation.y; const angle = Math.atan2(y, x) - rotationAngle; const newX = portalLocation.x + radius * Math.cos(angle); const newY = portalLocation.y + radius * Math.sin(angle); return map.containerPointToLatLng([newX, newY]); // Convert back to geographical coordinates }); triangle.setLatLngs(newTriangleCoordinates); const triangleColor = interpolateColor(triangleColorStart, triangleColorEnd, (Math.sin((timestamp - colorPulseStartTime) * 2 * Math.PI * colorPulseFrequency / 1000) + 1) / 2); // Pulsate color between start and end color const sideLength = calculateSideLength(radius); // Calculate side length based on current radius const sectorLength = sideLength / 3 ; // Divide side length into three sectors triangle.setStyle({ color: `#${triangleColor}`, dashArray: [sectorLength, sectorLength, 2 * sectorLength, sectorLength, 2 * sectorLength, sectorLength, sectorLength] }); // Set dashArray style rotationAngle += triangleRotationSpeed; self.animationRequestIds[guid] = requestAnimationFrame(animate); } self.animationRequestIds[guid] = requestAnimationFrame(animate); // Calculate the side length of an equilateral triangle based on the radius function calculateSideLength(radius) { return radius * Math.sqrt(3); } // Interpolates between two colors in hexadecimal format function interpolateColor(colorStart, colorEnd, interpolationFactor) { const startRGB = hexToRgb(colorStart); const endRGB = hexToRgb(colorEnd); const resultRGB = [ Math.round(startRGB[0] + interpolationFactor * (endRGB[0] - startRGB[0])), Math.round(startRGB[1] + interpolationFactor * (endRGB[1] - startRGB[1])), Math.round(startRGB[2] + interpolationFactor * (endRGB[2] - startRGB[2])) ]; return rgbToHex(resultRGB); } // Converts a color from hexadecimal to RGB format function hexToRgb(hex) { return [parseInt(hex.substring(0, 2), 16), parseInt(hex.substring(2, 4), 16), parseInt(hex.substring(4, 6), 16)]; } // Converts a color from RGB to hexadecimal format function rgbToHex(rgb) { return rgb.map(value => value.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join(''); } } // Constants for animation styles const ANIMATION_STYLE_DEFAULT = 'default'; const ANIMATION_STYLE_TRIANGLE = 'triangle'; // self.animationRequestId = null; // Global variable to keep track of the animation loop self.animationStartTime = null; // Timestamp when the animation starts // Set the default animation style // let currentAnimationStyle = ANIMATION_STYLE_DEFAULT; let currentAnimationStyle = ANIMATION_STYLE_TRIANGLE; self.attachEventHandler = function() { $("#hcf-simulator-btn").click(function() { self.simulator(self.plan); }); $("#hcf-to-arc-btn").click(function() { self.drawArcPlan(self.plan); window.plugin.arcs.list(); }); $("#field-type-general").change(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { $("#hcf-layers-container").css("display", "none"); $("#hcf-mode-container").css("display", "block"); } }); $("#field-type-cobweb").change(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { $("#hcf-layers-container").css("display", "none"); $("#hcf-mode-container").css("display", "none"); } }); $("#field-type-hcf").change(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { $("#hcf-layers-container").css("display", "block"); $("#hcf-mode-container").css("display", "block"); } }); $("#hcf-to-dt-btn").click(function() { self.exportToDrawtools(self.plan); }); $("#hcf-clear-btn").click(function() { self.clearLayers(); self.selectedPortals = []; self.plan = null; $("#hcf-to-dt-btn").hide(); $("#hcf-to-arc-btn").hide(); self.updateDialog(); }); $("#find-hcf-plan").mousedown(function() { // Clear text field // setTimeout($("#hcf-plan-text").val("Please wait..."), 1); $("#hcf-plan-text").val("Please wait..."); }); $("#find-hcf-plan").click(function() { self.find_hcf_plan(); }); $("#more-info").click(function() { self.open_info_dialog(); }); $("#hcf-portal-details").mouseover(function() { if (window.map.hasLayer(self.highlightLayergroup)) { self.highlightLayergroup.clearLayers(); } self.selectedPortals.forEach(({guid, details}) => { if (currentAnimationStyle === ANIMATION_STYLE_DEFAULT) { self.animateCircle(guid); } else if (currentAnimationStyle === ANIMATION_STYLE_TRIANGLE) { self.animateTriangle(guid); } }); }); $("#hcf-portal-details").mouseout(function() { for (const guid in self.animationRequestIds) { const requestId = self.animationRequestIds[guid]; cancelAnimationFrame(requestId); const circle = self.circleAnimationLayers[guid]; if (circle) { circle.remove(); } } self.animationStartTime = null; // Clear the animationRequestIds object after canceling the animations self.animationRequestIds = {}; self.circleAnimationLayers = {}; if (window.map.hasLayer(self.highlightLayergroup)) { self.highlightLayergroup.clearLayers(); } }); // color picker event: $("#hcf-colorPicker").change(function() { console.debug('Field Planner | Selected color:', this.value); // Output the selected color self.linkStyle.color = this.value; self.fieldStyle.fillColor = this.value; self.updateLayer(); }); } // end of attachEventHandler self.find_hcf_plan = function() { // Get selected portals and desired level // let corners = self.selectedPortals; let corners = self.selectedPortals.map(portal => portal.guid); // If not enough portals have been selected, show an error and return if (corners.length < 3) { $("#hcf-plan-text").val("Please select at least three portals."); return; } let level = parseInt($("#layers").val()); let mode = $( "input[type=radio][name=hcf-mode]:checked" ).val(); let fieldType = $( "input[type=radio][name=field-type]:checked" ).val(); let hcf = null; // Try to construct HCF $("#hcf-plan-text").val(`Calculating ${level} layers...`); try { hcf = self.findHCF(level, corners, null, mode, fieldType); } finally { $("#hcf-plan-text").val(""); } if (hcf === null) { $("#hcf-plan-text").val("No HCF found. Try fewer layers, or different portals."); } else { // Generate portal data let portalData = self.generatePortalData(hcf); // let fieldData = self.generateFieldData(hcf); // Generate the initial path let t = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI; // random angle in radians let initialPath = Object.keys(portalData).sort((a, b) => { let aValue = portalData[a].latLng.lat * Math.cos(t) + portalData[a].latLng.lng * Math.sin(t); let bValue = portalData[b].latLng.lat * Math.cos(t) + portalData[b].latLng.lng * Math.sin(t); return aValue - bValue; }); // the "sweep" method: see https://youtu.be/iH0JMfR7BTI // Find a shorter path let shortestPath = self.findShortestPath(portalData, initialPath, fieldType); // Generate the plan self.plan = null; self.plan = self.generatePlan(portalData, shortestPath, level, fieldType); if (!self.plan) { $("#hcf-plan-text").val('Something went wrong. Wait for all portals to load, and try again.'); $("#hcf-to-dt-btn").hide(); $("#hcf-to-arc-btn").hide(); } else { $("#hcf-plan-text").val(self.planToText(self.plan)); self.drawPlan(self.plan); if(typeof window.plugin.drawTools !== 'undefined') { $("#hcf-to-dt-btn").show(); }; // don't tell anyone: if(typeof window.plugin.arcs !== 'undefined') { $("#hcf-to-arc-btn").show(); }; } } }; self.portalSelected = function(data) { // ignore if dialog closed if (!self.dialogIsOpen()) { return; }; // Ignore if already selected let portalDetails = window.portalDetail.get(data.selectedPortalGuid); if (portalDetails === undefined) return; if (self.selectedPortals.some(({guid}) => guid === data.selectedPortalGuid)) return; // Add selected portal to list // debugger; self.selectedPortals.push({guid: data.selectedPortalGuid, details: portalDetails}); while (self.selectedPortals.length > 3) { self.selectedPortals.shift(); // remove the first item } self.updateDialog(); }; self.dialogIsOpen = function() { return ($("#dialog-hcf-plan-view").hasClass("ui-dialog-content") && $("#dialog-hcf-plan-view").dialog('isOpen')); }; self.infoDialogIsOpen = function() { return ($("#dialog-hcf-info-view").hasClass("ui-dialog-content") && $("#dialog-hcf-info-view").dialog('isOpen')); }; self.updateDialog = function() { // Update portal details in dialog let portalDetailsDiv = $('#hcf-portal-details'); let portalDetailsHTML = ''; // wipe placeholders and previous images portalDetailsDiv.empty(); // ATTENTION! DO NOT EVER TOUCH THE STYLES WITHOUT INTENSE TESTING! portalDetailsHTML += '
\n'; // debugger; self.selectedPortals.forEach(({guid, details}) => { // ATTENTION! DO NOT EVER TOUCH THE STYLES WITHOUT INTENSE TESTING! portalDetailsHTML += '
' + ''+details.title +'
\n'; }); // self.selectedPortalDetails for (let i=0; i < (3 - self.selectedPortals.length); i++) { // portalDetailsHTML += '
Please select ' + (3-self.selectedPortals.length) + ' more
\n'; portalDetailsHTML += self.cornerPreviewPlaceholderHTML; } portalDetailsHTML += '
'; portalDetailsDiv.append(portalDetailsHTML); $('#hcf-plan-text').val(portalDetailsDiv.text()); // Enable "Find HCF Plan" button if three portals have been selected if (self.selectedPortals.length === 3) { $('#find-hcf-plan').prop('disabled', false); $('#find-hcf-plan').css('cursor', 'pointer') } else { $('#find-hcf-plan').prop('disabled', false); $('#find-hcf-plan').css('cursor', 'not-allowed') }; }; self.distance = function(portal1, portal2) { return portal1.distanceTo(portal2); }; // PLUGIN END self.pluginLoadedTimeStamp = performance.now(); console.log('Field Planner | plugin is ready') // Add an info property for IITC's plugin system var setup = self.setup; setup.info = plugin_info; // export changelog if (typeof changelog !== 'undefined') setup.info.changelog = changelog; // Make sure window.bootPlugins exists and is an array if (!window.bootPlugins) window.bootPlugins = []; // Add our startup hook window.bootPlugins.push(setup); // If IITC has already booted, immediately run the 'setup' function if (window.iitcLoaded && typeof setup === 'function') setup(); } // wrapper end // Create a script element to hold our content script var script = document.createElement('script'); var info = {}; // GM_info is defined by the assorted monkey-themed browser extensions // and holds information parsed from the script header. if (typeof GM_info !== 'undefined' && GM_info && GM_info.script) { info.script = { version: GM_info.script.version, name: GM_info.script.name, description: GM_info.script.description }; } // Create a text node and our IIFE inside of it var textContent = document.createTextNode('('+ wrapper +')('+ JSON.stringify(info) +')'); // Add some content to the script element script.appendChild(textContent); // Finally, inject it... wherever. (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);