// ==UserScript== // @author 633KYN35D with significant code from EisFrei // @id inventoryParser@633KYN35D // @name Inventory Parser // @category Info // @version 0.0.5 // @namespace https://github.com/633KYN35D/iitc-inventory-parser // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/633KYN35D/inventoryParser.user.js // @homepageURL https://github.com/633KYN35D/iitc-inventory-parser/ // @description Parse Inventory from Ingress // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/633KYN35D/inventoryParser.meta.js // @include https://intel.ingress.com/* // @match https://intel.ingress.com/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function wrapper(plugin_info) { // Make sure that window.plugin exists. IITC defines it as a no-op function, // and other plugins assume the same. if (typeof window.plugin !== "function") window.plugin = function () { }; const KEY_SETTINGS = "plugin-inventory-parser"; const displayNames = { FRACK: 'Portal Fracker', FW_RES: 'Fireworks - Resistance', FW_ENL: 'Fireworks - Enlightened', BN_BLM: 'Beacon - Black Lives Matter', ENL: 'Beacon - Enlightened', RES: 'Beacon - Resistance', MEET: 'Beacon - Meetup', NIA: 'Beacon - Niantic', TOASTY: 'Beacon - Toast', TARGET: 'Beacon - Target' }; window.plugin.inventoryParser = function () { }; const thisPlugin = window.plugin.inventoryParser; // Name of the IITC build for first-party plugins plugin_info.buildName = "inventoryParser"; // Datetime-derived version of the plugin plugin_info.dateTimeVersion = "202102101447"; // ID/name of the plugin plugin_info.pluginId = "inventoryParser"; function checkSubscription(callback) { var versionStr = niantic_params.CURRENT_VERSION; var post_data = JSON.stringify({ v: versionStr }); var result = $.ajax({ url: '/r/getHasActiveSubscription', type: 'POST', data: post_data, context: {}, dataType: 'json', success: [(data) => callback(null, data)], error: [(data) => callback(data)], contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', beforeSend: function (req) { req.setRequestHeader('accept', '*/*'); req.setRequestHeader('X-CSRFToken', readCookie('csrftoken')); } }); return result; } function addItemToCount(item, countMap, incBy, moniker) { var keyLoc = (moniker === undefined) ? 'general' : moniker; if (item[2] && item[2].resource && item[2].flipCard) { const key = `${item[2].resource.resourceType} ${item[2].flipCard.flipCardType}`; if (!countMap[key]) { countMap[key] = item[2].resource; countMap[key].count = 0; countMap[key].details = {}; } countMap[key].displayName = (en[item[2].flipCard.flipCardType] !== undefined) ? en[item[2].flipCard.flipCardType] : item[2].flipCard.flipCardType; countMap[key].flipCardType = item[2].flipCard.flipCardType; countMap[key].count += incBy; if (!countMap[key].details[keyLoc]) countMap[key].details[keyLoc] = 0; countMap[key].details[keyLoc] += incBy; } else if (item[2] && item[2].resource) { var key = `${item[2].resource.resourceType} ${item[2].resource.resourceRarity}`; var displayName = (en[item[2].resource.resourceType] !== undefined) ? en[item[2].resource.resourceType] : item[2].resource.resourceType; if (item[2].resource.resourceType === "PLAYER_POWERUP") { key = item[2].playerPowerupResource.playerPowerupEnum; displayName = (en[item[2].playerPowerupResource.playerPowerupEnum] !== undefined) ? en[item[2].playerPowerupResource.playerPowerupEnum] : item[2].playerPowerupResource.playerPowerupEnum; } if (item[2].resource.resourceType === "PORTAL_POWERUP") { key = item[2].timedPowerupResource.designation; displayName = (en[item[2].timedPowerupResource.designation] !== undefined) ? en[item[2].timedPowerupResource.designation] : item[2].timedPowerupResource.designation; } if (!countMap[key]) { countMap[key] = item[2].resource; countMap[key].count = 0; countMap[key].details = {}; } countMap[key].displayName = (displayNames[displayName] !== undefined) ? displayNames[displayName] : displayName; countMap[key].count += incBy; if (!countMap[key].details[keyLoc]) countMap[key].details[keyLoc] = 0; countMap[key].details[keyLoc] += incBy; } else if (item[2] && item[2].resourceWithLevels) { const key = `${item[2].resourceWithLevels.resourceType} ${item[2].resourceWithLevels.level}`; if (!countMap[key]) { countMap[key] = item[2].resourceWithLevels; countMap[key].count = 0; countMap[key].details = {}; } countMap[key].displayName = (en[item[2].resourceWithLevels.resourceType] !== undefined) ? en[item[2].resourceWithLevels.resourceType] : item[2].resourceWithLevels.resourceType; countMap[key].count += incBy; if (!countMap[key].details[keyLoc]) countMap[key].details[keyLoc] = 0; countMap[key].details[keyLoc] += incBy; } else if (item[2] && item[2].modResource) { const key = `${item[2].modResource.resourceType} ${item[2].modResource.rarity}`; if (!countMap[key]) { countMap[key] = item[2].modResource; countMap[key].count = 0; countMap[key].details = {}; } countMap[key].displayName = (en[item[2].modResource.resourceType] !== undefined) ? en[item[2].modResource.resourceType] : item[2].modResource.resourceType; countMap[key].count += incBy; if (!countMap[key].details[keyLoc]) countMap[key].details[keyLoc] = 0; countMap[key].details[keyLoc] += incBy; } else { console.log(item); } } function svgToIcon(str, s) { const url = ("data:image/svg+xml," + encodeURIComponent(str)).replace(/#/g, '%23'); return new L.Icon({ iconUrl: url, iconSize: [s, s], iconAnchor: [s / 2, s / 2], className: 'no-pointer-events', //allows users to click on portal under the unique marker }) } function createIcons() { thisPlugin.keyIcon = svgToIcon(` `, 15); } function prepareItemCounts(data) { if (!data || !data.result) { return []; } const countMap = {}; data.result.forEach((item) => { addItemToCount(item, countMap, 1); if (item[2].container) { item[2].container.stackableItems.forEach((item2) => { addItemToCount(item2.exampleGameEntity, countMap, item2.itemGuids.length, item[2].moniker.differentiator); }); } }); const countList = Object.values(countMap); countList.sort((a, b) => { if (a.resourceType === b.resourceType) { if(a.level !== undefined || b.level !== undefined) { if (a.level === undefined || b.level === undefined || a.level === b.level) { return 0; } return a.level > b.level ? 1 : -1; } if(a.rarity !== undefined || b.rarity !== undefined) { if (a.rarity === undefined || b.rarity === undefined || a.rarity === b.level) { return 0; } return a.rarity > b.rarity ? 1 : -1; } return 0; } return a.resourceType > b.resourceType ? 1 : -1; }); return countList; } thisPlugin.reSortKeys = function (element) { var index = $(element).data('index'); var asc = ($(element).data('asc') === 'asc'); thisPlugin.sortKeyList(index, asc); $('#inventoryList').html(displayInventoryHtml()); $('#inventoryList table th[data-index="' + index + '"]').attr('data-asc', (asc) ? 'desc' : 'asc'); } thisPlugin.sortKeyList = function (index, asc) { if (asc === undefined) { asc = true; } thisPlugin.keyCount.sort((a, b) => { var position; switch (index) { case 'name': if (a.portalCoupler.portalTitle === b.portalCoupler.portalTitle) { position = 0; } position = a.portalCoupler.portalTitle.toLowerCase() > b.portalCoupler.portalTitle.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1; break; case 'distance': if (a.distance === b.distance) { position = 0; } position = a.distance > b.distance ? 1 : -1; break; case 'count': if (a.count === b.count) { position = 0; } position = a.count > b.count ? 1 : -1; break; } if (asc === false && position !== 0) { position = (position === 1) ? -1 : 1; } return position; }); } function HexToSignedFloat(num) { let int = parseInt(num, 16); if ((int & 0x80000000) === -0x80000000) { int = -1 * (int ^ 0xffffffff) + 1; } return int / 10e5; } function addKeyToCount(item, countMap, incBy, moniker) { if (item[2] && item[2].resource && item[2].resource.resourceType && item[2].resource.resourceType === 'PORTAL_LINK_KEY') { const key = `${item[2].portalCoupler.portalGuid}`; if (!countMap[key]) { countMap[key] = item[2]; countMap[key].count = 0; countMap[key].capsules = []; countMap[key].details = {}; } if (countMap[key].distance === undefined) { var portLoc = item[2].portalCoupler.portalLocation.split(','); countMap[key].distance = thisPlugin.getKmDistance(thisPlugin.currentLoc.lat, thisPlugin.currentLoc.lng, HexToSignedFloat(portLoc[0]), HexToSignedFloat(portLoc[1])); } var keyLoc = "general"; if (moniker) { if (countMap[key].capsules.indexOf(moniker) === -1) { countMap[key].capsules.push(moniker); } keyLoc = moniker; } if (!countMap[key].details[keyLoc]) { countMap[key].details[keyLoc] = 0; } countMap[key].details[keyLoc] += incBy; countMap[key].count += incBy; } } function prepareKeyCounts(data) { if (!data || !data.result) { return []; } const countMap = {}; data.result.forEach((item) => { addKeyToCount(item, countMap, 1); if (item[2].container) { item[2].container.stackableItems.forEach((item2) => { addKeyToCount(item2.exampleGameEntity, countMap, item2.itemGuids.length, item[2].moniker.differentiator); }); } }); const countList = Object.values(countMap); countList.sort((a, b) => { if (a.portalCoupler.portalTitle === b.portalCoupler.portalTitle) { return 0; } return a.portalCoupler.portalTitle.toLowerCase() > b.portalCoupler.portalTitle.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1; }); return countList; } function displayInventoryHtml() { return ` ${thisPlugin.itemCount.map((el) => { return ``; }).join('')}
${el.displayName}${el.resourceRarity || el.rarity || el.level}${el.count}

${thisPlugin.keyCount.map((el) => { return ``; }).join('')}
Distance Portal Capsules Count
${el.distance} ${el.portalCoupler.portalTitle} ${el.capsules.join(', ')} ${el.count}

` } function displayInventory() { dialog({ html: '
' + displayInventoryHtml() + '
', title: 'Inventory', id: 'inventoryList', width: 'auto' }); } function preparePortalKeyMap() { const keyMap = {}; thisPlugin.keyCount.forEach((k) => { keyMap[k.portalCoupler.portalGuid] = k; }); return keyMap; } function prepareData(data) { thisPlugin.itemCount = prepareItemCounts(data); thisPlugin.keyCount = prepareKeyCounts(data); thisPlugin.keyMap = preparePortalKeyMap(); } function loadInventory() { if (!thisPlugin.currentLoc) { thisPlugin.currentLoc = map.getCenter(); } try { const localData = JSON.parse(localStorage[KEY_SETTINGS]); if (localData && localData.expires > Date.now()) { prepareData(localData.data); return; } } catch (e) { } checkSubscription((err, data) => { if (data && data.result === true) { window.postAjax('getInventory', { "lastQueryTimestamp": 0 }, (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { localStorage[KEY_SETTINGS] = JSON.stringify({ data: data, expires: Date.now() + 5 * 60 * 1000 // request data only once per five minutes, or we might hit a rate limit }); prepareData(data); }, (data, textStatus, jqXHR) => { console.error(data); }); } }); }; function portalDetailsUpdated(p) { if (!thisPlugin.keyMap) { return; } const countData = thisPlugin.keyMap[p.guid]; if (countData) { $(`${countData.count}Keys`) .appendTo($('#randdetails tbody')); } } function addKeyToLayer(data) { const tileParams = window.getCurrentZoomTileParameters ? window.getCurrentZoomTileParameters() : window.getMapZoomTileParameters(); if (tileParams.level !== 0) { return; } if (thisPlugin.keyMap && thisPlugin.keyMap[data.portal.options.guid] && !data.portal._keyMarker) { data.portal._keyMarker = L.marker(data.portal._latlng, { icon: thisPlugin.keyIcon, interactive: false, keyboard: false, }).addTo(thisPlugin.layerGroup); } } function removeKeyFromLayer(data) { if (data.portal._keyMarker) { thisPlugin.layerGroup.removeLayer(data.portal._keyMarker); delete data.portal._keyMarker; } } function checkShowAllIcons(data) { const tileParams = window.getCurrentZoomTileParameters ? window.getCurrentZoomTileParameters() : window.getMapZoomTileParameters(); if (tileParams.level !== 0) { thisPlugin.layerGroup.clearLayers(); for (let id in window.portals) { delete window.portals[id]._keyMarker; } } else { for (let id in window.portals) { addKeyToLayer({ portal: window.portals[id] }); } } } thisPlugin.downloadKeys = function () { var dataArray = []; $.each(thisPlugin.keyMap, function (idx, portal) { var portKey = portal.portalCoupler; portKey.portalLocation = portKey.portalLocation.split(',').map(e => { return HexToSignedFloat(e); }).join(',') $.each(portal.details, function (cap, count) { portKey.capsule = (cap === 'general') ? '' : cap; portKey.count = count; dataArray.push(portKey); }); }); thisPlugin.downloadCSV(dataArray); }; thisPlugin.downloadGear = function () { var dataArray = []; $.each(thisPlugin.itemCount, function (idx, item) { var itemLine = {} itemLine.resourceType = item.resourceType; itemLine.displayName = item.displayName; itemLine.level = (item.level !== undefined) ? item.level : ''; itemLine.rarity = (item.resourceRarity !== undefined) ? item.resourceRarity : ''; if (item.flipCardType !== undefined) { itemLine.resourceType = item.flipCardType; } $.each(item.details, function (cap, count) { itemLine.capsule = (cap === 'general') ? '' : cap; itemLine.count = count; dataArray.push(itemLine); }); }); thisPlugin.downloadCSV(dataArray); }; thisPlugin.downloadCSV = function (dataArray) { var csvArray = []; var csvCols = []; $.each(dataArray, function (idx, row) { var csvRow = []; if (csvArray.length === 0) { $.each(row, function (col, val) { csvCols.push(col); csvRow.push(col); }); csvArray.push(csvRow.join("\t")); csvRow = []; } $.each(csvCols, function (idxCol, colmn) { csvRow.push(row[colmn]); }); csvArray.push(csvRow.join("\t")); csvRow = []; }); var csvData = csvArray.join("\n"); var link = document.createElement("a"); link.download = 'inventory.csv'; link.href = "data:text/csv," + escape(csvData); link.click(); }; thisPlugin.getKmDistance = function (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) { var R = 6371000; // radius of the earth in meters, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_radius var dLat = (lat2 - lat1) * Math.PI / 180; // Convert degrees to radians var dLon = (lon2 - lon1) * Math.PI / 180; // Convert degrees to radians var a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.cos(lat1 * Math.PI / 180) * Math.cos(lat2 * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2); var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)); var d = (R * c) / 100; d = Math.round(d) / 10; /* Math.round((6371000 * (2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a))))/100)/10; */ // Distance in kilometers, rounded to 1 decimal. return d } function setup() { loadInventory(); $('') .text('Inventory') .click(displayInventory) .appendTo($('#toolbox')); window.addHook('portalDetailsUpdated', portalDetailsUpdated); window.addHook('portalAdded', addKeyToLayer); window.addHook('portalRemoved', removeKeyFromLayer); window.map.on('zoom', checkShowAllIcons); } function delaySetup() { thisPlugin.layerGroup = new L.LayerGroup(); window.addLayerGroup('Portal keys', thisPlugin.layerGroup, false); createIcons(); setTimeout(setup, 1000); // delay setup and thus requesting data, or we might encounter a server error } delaySetup.info = plugin_info; //add the script info data to the function as a property if (window.iitcLoaded) { delaySetup(); } else { if (!window.bootPlugins) { window.bootPlugins = []; } window.bootPlugins.push(delaySetup); } } (function () { const plugin_info = {}; if (typeof GM_info !== 'undefined' && GM_info && GM_info.script) { plugin_info.script = { version: GM_info.script.version, name: GM_info.script.name, description: GM_info.script.description }; } // Greasemonkey. It will be quite hard to debug if (typeof unsafeWindow != 'undefined' || typeof GM_info == 'undefined' || GM_info.scriptHandler != 'Tampermonkey') { // inject code into site context const script = document.createElement('script'); script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('(' + wrapper + ')(' + JSON.stringify(plugin_info) + ');')); (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script); } else { // Tampermonkey, run code directly wrapper(plugin_info); } })();