// ==UserScript== // @author DanielOnDiordna // @name Cells areas at portal level // @category Layer // @version // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/DanielOnDiordna/cells.meta.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/DanielOnDiordna/cells.user.js // @description [danielondiordna-] Show the S2 cells areas on the map at portal zoom level. A tiny area instead of a score region. Also shows larger S2 cells when zooming out. Using geoJson instead of geodesicPolyline. // @id cells@DanielOnDiordna // @namespace https://softspot.nl/ingress/ // @match https://intel.ingress.com/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function wrapper(plugin_info) { // ensure plugin framework is there, even if iitc is not yet loaded if(typeof window.plugin !== 'function') window.plugin = function() {}; // use own namespace for plugin window.plugin.cells = function() {}; var self = window.plugin.cells; self.id = 'cells'; self.title = 'Cells areas'; self.version = ''; self.author = 'DanielOnDiordna'; self.changelog = ` Changelog: version - use this plugin as a base iitc-plugin-regions@jonatkins (version - combine with the help of this code: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/7p9ozm/i_made_a_plugin_to_show_level_17_s2_cells_on/ - convert window.plugin.pluginname to self throughout the script version - removed menu with manual level selection - added color as a function argument - added 3 cell levels: Auto show level 14 (largest, orange), level 17 (larger, blue) and level 19 (small, red) together, depending on zoom level version - updated plugin wrapper and userscript header formatting to match IITC-CE coding version - rewritten recursive function to prevent error: Maximum call stack size exceeded - removed all unused plugin regions code - added extra cells at higher zoom levels - added increasing opacity levels - replaced L.geodesicPolyline by L.geoJson (added sourcecode https://github.com/springmeyer/arc.js) version - minor fix for IITC CE where runHooks iitcLoaded is executed before addHook is defined in this plugin version - prevent double plugin setup on hook iitcLoaded `; self.namespace = 'window.plugin.' + self.id + '.'; self.pluginname = 'plugin-' + self.id; self.cellsLayer = undefined; self.cellpattern = [ { minzoom: 19, level: 19, color: 'red', opacity: 0.9 }, { minzoom: 17, level: 19, color: 'red', opacity: 0.9 }, { minzoom: 15, level: 17, color: 'blue', opacity: 0.8 }, { minzoom: 13, level: 15, color: 'brown', opacity: 0.7 }, { minzoom: 11, level: 13, color: 'orange', opacity: 0.6 }, { minzoom: 9, level: 11, color: 'purple', opacity: 0.5 }, { minzoom: 7, level: 9, color: 'green', opacity: 0.5 }, { minzoom: 5, level: 7, color: 'blueviolet', opacity: 0.5 }, { minzoom: 3, level: 5, color: 'pink', opacity: 0.5 } ]; self.setupS2module = function() { /// S2 Geometry functions // the regional scoreboard is based on a level 6 S2 Cell // - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Hl4KapfAENAOf4gv-pSngKwvS_jwNVHRPZTTDzXXn6Q/view?pli=1#slide=id.i22 // at the time of writing there's no actual API for the intel map to retrieve scoreboard data, // but it's still useful to plot the score cells on the intel map // the S2 geometry is based on projecting the earth sphere onto a cube, with some scaling of face coordinates to // keep things close to approximate equal area for adjacent cells // to convert a lat,lng into a cell id: // - convert lat,lng to x,y,z // - convert x,y,z into face,u,v // - u,v scaled to s,t with quadratic formula // - s,t converted to integer i,j offsets // - i,j converted to a position along a Hubbert space-filling curve // - combine face,position to get the cell id //NOTE: compared to the google S2 geometry library, we vary from their code in the following ways // - cell IDs: they combine face and the hilbert curve position into a single 64 bit number. this gives efficient space // and speed. javascript doesn't have appropriate data types, and speed is not cricical, so we use // as [face,[bitpair,bitpair,...]] instead // - i,j: they always use 30 bits, adjusting as needed. we use 0 to (1< temp[1]) { if (temp[0] > temp[2]) { return 0; } else { return 2; } } else { if (temp[1] > temp[2]) { return 1; } else { return 2; } } }; var faceXYZToUV = function(face,xyz) { var u,v; switch (face) { case 0: u = xyz[1]/xyz[0]; v = xyz[2]/xyz[0]; break; case 1: u = -xyz[0]/xyz[1]; v = xyz[2]/xyz[1]; break; case 2: u = -xyz[0]/xyz[2]; v = -xyz[1]/xyz[2]; break; case 3: u = xyz[2]/xyz[0]; v = xyz[1]/xyz[0]; break; case 4: u = xyz[2]/xyz[1]; v = -xyz[0]/xyz[1]; break; case 5: u = -xyz[1]/xyz[2]; v = -xyz[0]/xyz[2]; break; default: throw {error: 'Invalid face'}; break; } return [u,v]; } var XYZToFaceUV = function(xyz) { var face = largestAbsComponent(xyz); if (xyz[face] < 0) { face += 3; } let uv = faceXYZToUV (face,xyz); return [face, uv]; }; var FaceUVToXYZ = function(face,uv) { var u = uv[0]; var v = uv[1]; switch (face) { case 0: return [ 1, u, v]; case 1: return [-u, 1, v]; case 2: return [-u,-v, 1]; case 3: return [-1,-v,-u]; case 4: return [ v,-1,-u]; case 5: return [ v, u,-1]; default: throw {error: 'Invalid face'}; } }; var STToUV = function(st) { var singleSTtoUV = function(st) { if (st >= 0.5) { return (1/3.0) * (4*st*st - 1); } else { return (1/3.0) * (1 - (4*(1-st)*(1-st))); } } return [singleSTtoUV(st[0]), singleSTtoUV(st[1])]; }; var UVToST = function(uv) { var singleUVtoST = function(uv) { if (uv >= 0) { return 0.5 * Math.sqrt (1 + 3*uv); } else { return 1 - 0.5 * Math.sqrt (1 - 3*uv); } } return [singleUVtoST(uv[0]), singleUVtoST(uv[1])]; }; var STToIJ = function(st,order) { var maxSize = (1<=0; i--) { var mask = 1<=0 && ij[1]>=0 && ij[0] dfDiffSpace && ((dfX > dfLeftBorderX && dfPrevX < dfRightBorderX) || (dfPrevX > dfLeftBorderX && dfX < dfRightBorderX))) { bHasBigDiff = true; } else if (dfDiffLong > dfMaxSmallDiffLong) { dfMaxSmallDiffLong = dfDiffLong; } } var poMulti = []; if (bHasBigDiff && dfMaxSmallDiffLong < dfDateLineOffset) { var poNewLS = []; poMulti.push(poNewLS); for (var k = 0; k < first_pass.length; ++k) { var dfX0 = parseFloat(first_pass[k][0]); if (k > 0 && Math.abs(dfX0 - first_pass[k-1][0]) > dfDiffSpace) { var dfX1 = parseFloat(first_pass[k-1][0]); var dfY1 = parseFloat(first_pass[k-1][1]); var dfX2 = parseFloat(first_pass[k][0]); var dfY2 = parseFloat(first_pass[k][1]); if (dfX1 > -180 && dfX1 < dfRightBorderX && dfX2 == 180 && k+1 < first_pass.length && first_pass[k-1][0] > -180 && first_pass[k-1][0] < dfRightBorderX) { poNewLS.push([-180, first_pass[k][1]]); k++; poNewLS.push([first_pass[k][0], first_pass[k][1]]); continue; } else if (dfX1 > dfLeftBorderX && dfX1 < 180 && dfX2 == -180 && k+1 < first_pass.length && first_pass[k-1][0] > dfLeftBorderX && first_pass[k-1][0] < 180) { poNewLS.push([180, first_pass[k][1]]); k++; poNewLS.push([first_pass[k][0], first_pass[k][1]]); continue; } if (dfX1 < dfRightBorderX && dfX2 > dfLeftBorderX) { // swap dfX1, dfX2 var tmpX = dfX1; dfX1 = dfX2; dfX2 = tmpX; // swap dfY1, dfY2 var tmpY = dfY1; dfY1 = dfY2; dfY2 = tmpY; } if (dfX1 > dfLeftBorderX && dfX2 < dfRightBorderX) { dfX2 += 360; } if (dfX1 <= 180 && dfX2 >= 180 && dfX1 < dfX2) { var dfRatio = (180 - dfX1) / (dfX2 - dfX1); var dfY = dfRatio * dfY2 + (1 - dfRatio) * dfY1; poNewLS.push([first_pass[k-1][0] > dfLeftBorderX ? 180 : -180, dfY]); poNewLS = []; poNewLS.push([first_pass[k-1][0] > dfLeftBorderX ? -180 : 180, dfY]); poMulti.push(poNewLS); } else { poNewLS = []; poMulti.push(poNewLS); } poNewLS.push([dfX0, first_pass[k][1]]); } else { poNewLS.push([first_pass[k][0], first_pass[k][1]]); } } } else { // add normally var poNewLS0 = []; poMulti.push(poNewLS0); for (var l = 0; l < first_pass.length; ++l) { poNewLS0.push([first_pass[l][0],first_pass[l][1]]); } } var arc = new Arc(this.properties); for (var m = 0; m < poMulti.length; ++m) { var line = new LineString(); arc.geometries.push(line); var points = poMulti[m]; for (var j0 = 0; j0 < points.length; ++j0) { line.move_to(points[j0]); } } return arc; }; // source arc.js end self.arc = {}; self.arc.Coord = Coord; self.arc.Arc = Arc; self.arc.GreatCircle = GreatCircle; }; // end setup_arc self.drawCell = function(cell,color,opacity) { function distanceBetween(startLatLng,endLatLng) { // source: Arc 1.7.0 // How far between portals. let R = 6367; // km let lat1 = startLatLng.lat; let lon1 = startLatLng.lng; let lat2 = endLatLng.lat; let lon2 = endLatLng.lng; let dLat = (lat2 - lat1) * Math.PI / 180; let dLon = (lon2 - lon1) * Math.PI / 180; lat1 = lat1 * Math.PI / 180; lat2 = lat2 * Math.PI / 180; let a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2); let c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)); let d = R * c; d = Math.round(d * 1000) / 1000; return d; }; if (!color) color = 'red'; if (!opacity) opacity = 0.5; // corner points let corners = cell.getCornerLatLngs(); let latLngs = cell.getCornerLatLngs(); // center point let center = cell.getLatLng(); // the level 6 cells have noticible errors with non-geodesic lines - and the larger level 4 cells are worse // NOTE: we only draw two of the edges. as we draw all cells on screen, the other two edges will either be drawn // from the other cell, or be off screen so we don't care // let cellobject = L.geodesicPolyline([corners[0],corners[1],corners[2]], {fill: false, color: color, opacity: opacity, weight: 1, clickable: false }); // Arc method: let startCoord, stopCoord, distance, gc, geojson_feature = []; // horizontal line: startCoord = new self.arc.Coord(latLngs[0].lng,latLngs[0].lat); stopCoord = new self.arc.Coord(latLngs[1].lng,latLngs[1].lat); distance = distanceBetween(latLngs[0],latLngs[1]); gc = new self.arc.GreatCircle(startCoord,stopCoord); geojson_feature.push(gc.Arc(Math.round(distance)).json()); // vertical line: startCoord = new self.arc.Coord(latLngs[1].lng,latLngs[1].lat); stopCoord = new self.arc.Coord(latLngs[2].lng,latLngs[2].lat); distance = distanceBetween(latLngs[1],latLngs[2]); gc = new self.arc.GreatCircle(startCoord,stopCoord); geojson_feature.push(gc.Arc(Math.round(distance)).json()); var cellobject = L.geoJson(geojson_feature, { style: { fill: false, color: color, opacity: opacity, weight: 1, clickable: false } }); self.cellsLayer.addLayer(cellobject); }; self.update = function() { self.cellsLayer.clearLayers(); if (!map.hasLayer(self.cellsLayer)) return; // layer disabled var bounds = map.getBounds(); var seenCells = {}; var prepareCellsArray = []; var maximumCells = 6000; // do not draw any cells if maximum reached (lower this value to prevent error: Maximum call stack size exceeded) function prepareCellAndNeighbours(cell) { var cellStr = cell.toString(); if (seenCells[cellStr]) return true; // cell not visited - flag it as visited now seenCells[cellStr] = true; // is it on the screen? var corners = cell.getCornerLatLngs(); var cellBounds = L.latLngBounds([corners[0],corners[1]]).extend(corners[2]).extend(corners[3]); if (!cellBounds.intersects(bounds)) return true; prepareCellsArray.push(cell); if (prepareCellsArray.length >= maximumCells) return false; // and recurse to our neighbours var neighbours = cell.getNeighbours(); for (var i = 0; i < neighbours.length; i++) { if (!prepareCellAndNeighbours(neighbours[i])) return false; } return true; }; var zoom = map.getZoom(); for (let cnt = 0; cnt < self.cellpattern.length; cnt++) { let pattern = self.cellpattern[cnt]; if (zoom >= pattern.minzoom && zoom < pattern.minzoom + 4) { seenCells = {}; prepareCellsArray = []; let cell = self.S2.S2Cell.FromLatLng(map.getCenter(), pattern.level); prepareCellAndNeighbours(cell); if (prepareCellsArray.length < maximumCells) for (let cnt = 0; cnt < prepareCellsArray.length; cnt++) { self.drawCell(prepareCellsArray[cnt],pattern.color,pattern.opacity); } } } }; self.setup = function() { if ('pluginloaded' in self) { console.log('IITC plugin already loaded: ' + self.title + ' version ' + self.version); return; } else { self.pluginloaded = true; } self.setupS2module(); self.setup_arc(); self.cellsLayer = L.layerGroup(); window.addLayerGroup(self.title, self.cellsLayer, true); window.map.on('layeradd', function(obj) { if (obj.layer === self.cellsLayer) { // show layer self.update(); } }); window.map.on('moveend', self.update); self.update(); console.log('IITC plugin loaded: ' + self.title + ' version ' + self.version); }; var setup = function() { (window.iitcLoaded?self.setup():window.addHook('iitcLoaded',self.setup)); }; setup.info = plugin_info; //add the script info data to the function as a property if(!window.bootPlugins) window.bootPlugins = []; window.bootPlugins.push(setup); // if IITC has already booted, immediately run the 'setup' function if(window.iitcLoaded && typeof setup === 'function') setup(); } // wrapper end // inject code into site context var script = document.createElement('script'); var info = {}; if (typeof GM_info !== 'undefined' && GM_info && GM_info.script) info.script = { version: GM_info.script.version, name: GM_info.script.name, description: GM_info.script.description }; script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ wrapper +')('+JSON.stringify(info)+');')); (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);