// ==UserScript== // @author DanielOnDiordna // @name Console log // @category Misc // @version // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/DanielOnDiordna/consolelog.meta.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/DanielOnDiordna/consolelog.user.js // @description [danielondiordna-] Display the Console log in a window, captures console.log and console.warn. Execute Javascript commands with the eval field, results are displayed with JSON.stringify formatting // @id consolelog@DanielOnDiordna // @namespace https://softspot.nl/ingress/ // @match https://intel.ingress.com/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function wrapper(plugin_info) { // ensure plugin framework is there, even if iitc is not yet loaded if(typeof window.plugin !== 'function') window.plugin = function() {}; // use own namespace for plugin window.plugin.consolelog = function() {}; var self = window.plugin.consolelog; self.id = 'consolelog'; self.title = 'Console log'; self.version = ''; self.author = 'DanielOnDiordna'; self.changelog = ` Changelog: version - first release - updated plugin wrapper and userscript header formatting to match IITC-CE coding - capture console.log and console.warn version - minor fix for IITC CE where runHooks iitcLoaded is executed before addHook is defined in this plugin version - prevent double plugin setup on hook iitcLoaded `; self.namespace = 'window.plugin.' + self.id + '.'; self.pluginname = 'plugin-' + self.id; self.consolelog = ''; self.evaltext = function() { $('#' + self.pluginname + 'result').val($('#' + self.pluginname + 'text').val() + " = " + JSON.stringify(eval($('#' + self.pluginname + 'text').val())) + ";\n" + $('#' + self.pluginname + 'result').val()); }; self.menu = function() { let html = '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + 'Console:
' + '' + '
'; dialog({ html: html, id: self.id, title: self.title, width: 'auto' }); $('#' + self.pluginname + 'console').val(self.consolelog); $('#' + self.pluginname + 'text').on('keypress',function(e) { if (e.which == 13) { self.evaltext(); } }); }; self.setup = function() { if ('pluginloaded' in self) { console.log('IITC plugin already loaded: ' + self.title + ' version ' + self.version); return; } else { self.pluginloaded = true; } $('') .text(self.title) .click(self.menu) .appendTo($('#toolbox')); console.log('IITC plugin loaded: ' + self.title + ' version ' + self.version); }; var setup = function() { //if (typeof ulog == "function") ulog = function () { return console; }; (function(){ var oldLog = console.log; console.log = function (message) { self.consolelog = new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " " + message + "\n" + self.consolelog; $('#' + self.pluginname + 'console').val(self.consolelog); oldLog.apply(console, arguments); }; })(); (function(){ var oldWarn = console.warn; console.warn = function (message) { self.consolelog = new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " WARN: " + message + "\n" + self.consolelog; $('#' + self.pluginname + 'console').val(self.consolelog); oldWarn.apply(console, arguments); }; })(); (window.iitcLoaded?self.setup():window.addHook('iitcLoaded',self.setup)); }; setup.info = plugin_info; //add the script info data to the function as a property if(!window.bootPlugins) window.bootPlugins = []; window.bootPlugins.push(setup); // if IITC has already booted, immediately run the 'setup' function if(window.iitcLoaded && typeof setup === 'function') setup(); } // wrapper end // inject code into site context var script = document.createElement('script'); var info = {}; if (typeof GM_info !== 'undefined' && GM_info && GM_info.script) info.script = { version: GM_info.script.version, name: GM_info.script.name, description: GM_info.script.description }; script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ wrapper +')('+JSON.stringify(info)+');')); (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);