// ==UserScript== // @author @Chyld314 @DanielOndiordna // @name IMATTC // @version // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/DanielOnDiordna/imattc.meta.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/DanielOnDiordna/imattc.user.js // @description Ingress Mission Authoring Tool Total Conversion, adding categories for missions, show banner preview, export json, download images, and more. // @id imattc@DanielOnDiordna // @category Mission Creator // @match http://missions.ingress.com/ // @match http://missions.ingress.com/edit* // @match https://missions.ingress.com/ // @match https://missions.ingress.com/edit* // @match https://missions.ingress.com/about // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // removed from the Tampermonkey headers: // @require https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js var imattcversion = ""; var changelog = ` Changelog: version - hide the not-working submit button displayed with the checkboxes buttons (not implemented yet) version - fixed Preview Images rows when using browser zoom version - fixed category selector for new missions to remember category title instead of index - hide the create new mission button when processing checked missions (it still flashes in view) - added button counter for move button, disable when 0 checkboxes are checked - fixed enabling checkbox buttons when using the Toggle all checkboxes button version - added checkbox button to discard drafts of published missions - added button counters when selecting missions with checkboxes, buttons disable when 0 checkboxes are checked version - changed preview image formatting to match Prime spacing, reduced image download size (=s136) version - checkboxes can now also be selected by clicking on the mission image, title and icon - downloaded JSON filenames will now get the category name as a prefix text, and the timestamp at the end - downloaded image filenames will now get the category name as a prefix text - fixed the timestamp formatting - imported category data (file or clipboard) is now checked for valid formatting first - added a warning to reload and sign in again if the page shows a certain welcome message after some time of inactivity - plugin source code indentation applied version - moved the category selector at the preview screen for new missions next to the submit button instead of above version - moved Category buttons into a Category drop down menu - added Category menu options to import/export category data as a file - added Category menu options to delete all category data - fixed scroll location when using buttons to move a category up or down - added a mission menu item Download Image for every single mission version - fixed download json for Android Kiwi browser with Tampermonkey and iOS Safari with Userscripts extension version - fixed the search button icon in edit mission screen by overriding the bootstrap .input-group-btn font-size - fixed the mission preview showing as transparant - increased font size for massive delete/unpublish/withdraw notification text - added a cancel button while executing a massive delete/unpublish/withdraw - removed footer with about link at the editor screens - set and store the selected category when submitting a mission version - increased plugin initialization speed, removed timers, replaced with page observer - added powered by message at the login screen - added about IMATTC message at the about screen and an about link at the footer of the missions screen - added an Download JSON button for all missions in a category, compatible with UMM json files - added an Download Images button to mass download separate files for each mission image in a category - added a default mission type radio button for new missions - added checkbox actions for massive delete/unpublish/withdraw actions - changed mission preview map to 100% width - swapped the Move up and Move down button positions, better for smaller screens - replaced some jquery functions with non jquery methods to prevent console log errors at the log on screen version - added a Submit mission menu item for missions with Draft status version - created a modified version from source https://github.com/andyjennings314/IMATTC/blob/master/IMATTC.user.js (version 1.8.1) - moved localstorage actions to functions - added username to storage to support multiple user logins in same browser profile - changed border size to 100% width and missions to 16.6% width (100/6) to fit 6 missions per row - changed menu link "Add to Category" to "Move to Category" - changed menu link "Remove from Category" to "Move to Unsorted Missions" - fixed unsortedCollapse restore status, default to false - fixed userscript headers to work under IITC-CE the Button extension - removed header require jquery-ui.min.js - fixed preview image title category name - added checkboxes for massive move actions - added store settings action when changing sort direction within a category - changed mission width to 1/6 of the screen, to fit 6 in a row - fixed minimum mission width for smaller screens (mobile) - added display of mission counts per category - added category move up/down buttons - added button to sort categories by titles (inverts sort direction when pressed again) `; var about = `Version ${imattcversion} Ingress Mission Authoring Tool Total Conversion (IMATTC). This userscript does the following modifications (and more): 1. Show missions in categories. Drag drop missions into categories. 2. Preview Images as a banner in rows of 6 missions. 3. Preview Route for all missions in a category. Additions by DanielOndiordna (and more): 1. Display missions in rows of maximum 6 missions. 2. Download JSON, compatible with Ultimate Mission Maker (UMM) plugin 3. Download Images as separate files 4. Use checkboxes to select and move missions into a category 5. Use checkboxes to mass Delete or Unpublish missions 6. Rename a category, move categories up and down. 7. Support multiple users with personal category storage 8. Adjust width of missions to fill the screen 9. Select a default mission type (auto select) for new missions 10. Option to skip the mission type selection screen 11. Fixed the delete missions from category process 12. Rename a category 13. Show category totals Source (version 1.8.1): https://github.com/andyjennings314/IMATTC/blob/master/IMATTC.user.js Forks: https://github.com/andyjennings314/IMATTC/network/members Github fork by DanielOndiordna: https://github.com/DanielOndiordna/IMATTC Latest updates by DanielOndiordna: https://softspot.nl/ingress/#iitc-plugin-imattc.user.js `; (function() { // added to load the Jquery UI for Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey and the IITC-CE the Button extension: if (!document.head.querySelector('script[src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js"]')) { let insertJqUI = document.createElement('script'); insertJqUI.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); insertJqUI.setAttribute("src", "https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js"); document.head.appendChild(insertJqUI); } if (typeof window.$ != 'function') { // inject jquery only if missing let insertJq = document.createElement('script'); insertJq.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); insertJq.setAttribute("src", "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js"); insertJq.onload = function() { window.$ = (window.jQuery || unsafeWindow.jQuery); init(); } document.head.appendChild(insertJq); } else { init(); } })(); (function() { 'use strict'; //Latest version of Bootstrap, and correct version of jQuery // $("link[href='vendor/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css']").attr("href", "https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css"); // non jquery method: let oldbootstraplink = document.head.querySelector('link[href="vendor/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css"]'); if (oldbootstraplink) { oldbootstraplink.setAttribute("href", "https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css"); } //$('body').append(''); // Modify time conversion variables to ones with actual granularity if (typeof TimeConversionConstants != 'undefined') { TimeConversionConstants.MINUTE_GRANULARITY_MINUTES = 1; TimeConversionConstants.HOUR_GRANULARITY_MINUTES = 15; TimeConversionConstants.DAY_GRANULARITY_HOURS = 12; } //Build CSS rules let newCssRules = "" // ""; // $("head").append(newCssRules); // non jquery method: let newCssRulesstylesheet = document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')); newCssRulesstylesheet.innerHTML = newCssRules; })(); function init() { const w = typeof unsafeWindow === 'undefined' ? window : unsafeWindow; function addaboutpagemessage() { let aboutul = document.querySelector('#about-page #container ul'); if (!aboutul) return false; let abouthtml = about.replace(/(http[^\n ]+)/g,"$1").replace(/\n/g,"
\n"); if (document.querySelector('.aboutimattc')) return true; // already defined let li = document.createElement('li'); li.className = 'aboutimattc'; li.innerHTML = `IMATTC
${abouthtml}`; let changelogbutton = li.appendChild(document.createElement('button')); changelogbutton.textContent = 'Changelog'; changelogbutton.addEventListener('click',function(e) { alert(changelog); },false); aboutul.prepend(li); } function addpoweredbymessage(appendtoelement) { if (!appendtoelement) return false; if (document.querySelector('.poweredbyimattc')) return true; // already defined let div = appendtoelement.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); div.className = 'poweredbyimattc'; div.style.color = "#489299"; div.style.fontStyle = "italic"; div.innerText = `Powered by IMATTC version ${imattcversion}`; return true; } function addfooter() { let footer = document.getElementById('footer'); if (footer) return; footer = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); footer.id = "footer"; footer.innerHTML = 'About'; } function removefooter() { let footer = document.getElementById('footer'); if (!footer) return; footer.remove(); } let currentpage = ''; function detectPageChanged() { if (document.querySelector('#about-page') && currentpage != 'about') { currentpage = 'about'; addaboutpagemessage(); return currentpage; } if (document.querySelector('.landing-page') && currentpage != 'landing') { currentpage = 'landing'; addpoweredbymessage(document.querySelector('.landing-page')); return currentpage; } if (document.querySelector('.container .editor') && currentpage != 'editor') { currentpage = 'editor'; // console.log('editor-page'); setupAngular(); removefooter(); return currentpage; } if (document.querySelector('.container .missions-list') && currentpage != 'missions') { currentpage = 'missions'; // console.log('missions-page'); setupAngular(); addfooter(); return currentpage; } return ''; } // console.log('setup observer'); let bodyobserver; function bodymutationcallback(mutations) { if (detectPageChanged()) { //console.log('page changed',currentpage); } } bodyobserver = new MutationObserver(bodymutationcallback); bodyobserver.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); detectPageChanged(); let angularrunning = false; function setupAngular() { if (angularrunning) return; angularrunning = true; // console.log('find angular'); let trycnt = 0; const initWatcher = setInterval(() => { if (w.angular) { trycnt++; let err = false; try { initAngular(); } catch (error) { clearInterval(initWatcher); err = error; console.log('FAILED: initAngular',error); } if (!err) { try { clearInterval(initWatcher); pageChange(); } catch (error) { err = error; console.log('FAILED: pageChange',error); } if (!err) console.log('initAngular ready, tries:',trycnt); } } }, 1000); } function initAngular() { const el = w.document.querySelector("*[ng-app]"); w.$app = w.angular.element(el); w.$injector = w.$app.injector(); w.$rootScope = w.$app.scope(); w.$filter = w.$app.injector().get('$filter'); w.$compile = w.$app.injector().get('$compile'); w.$location = w.$app.injector().get('$location'); w.$timeout = w.$app.injector().get('$timeout'); w.$q = w.$app.injector().get('$q'); w.$http = w.$app.injector().get('$http'); w.WireUtil = w.$app.injector().get('WireUtil'); w.Api = w.$app.injector().get('Api'); w.$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(next, last) { setTimeout(() => { pageChange() }, 500); }); w.$scope = element => w.angular.element(element).scope(); } function pageChange() { var loadingElement = $('div.loading-screen'); var loadingScope = w.$scope(loadingElement); if (!loadingScope.hasPendingRequests()) { whenItsLoaded(); } else { setTimeout(() => { pageChange(); }, 250); } } function clickButton2CheckedMissionsList(missionScope,lastonefailed) { let resultsdiv = document.querySelector('.clickButton2results'); let cancelbutton = document.querySelector('.cancel-clickbutton2-button'); function restoreContainer(keepresultsdiv = false) { if (!keepresultsdiv && resultsdiv) resultsdiv.remove(); if (cancelbutton) cancelbutton.remove(); if (document.querySelector('.container.ng-scope')) { document.querySelector('.container.ng-scope').style.display = "unset"; // show everything } if (document.querySelector('.create-mission-button')) { document.querySelector('.create-mission-button').style.display = 'unset'; // show the Create New Mission button } } try { if (localStorage.getItem('clickbutton2missionguids') == null || typeof localStorage.getItem('clickbutton2missionguids') != 'string' || localStorage.getItem('clickbutton2missionguids') == '') { // nothing defined (anymore) restoreContainer(); return false; } let missionguids = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('clickbutton2missionguids')); if (!(missionguids instanceof Array) || missionguids.length <= 0) { // empty list (last one handled) localStorage.removeItem('clickbutton2missionguids'); restoreContainer(); if (lastonefailed) setTimeout(whenItsLoaded); return false; } if (!resultsdiv) { resultsdiv = document.createElement('div'); resultsdiv.className = 'clickButton2results'; if (document.querySelector('.navbar')) { document.querySelector('.navbar').after(resultsdiv); } cancelbutton = document.createElement('button'); cancelbutton.className = "cancel-clickbutton2-button"; cancelbutton.style.marginLeft = '20px'; cancelbutton.textContent = "Cancel"; cancelbutton.addEventListener('click',function(e) { console.log("Canceled checked missions, keep:",localStorage.getItem('clickbutton2missionguids')); localStorage.setItem('clickbutton2missionguids',JSON.stringify([])); if (document.querySelector('.container.ng-scope')) { document.querySelector('.container.ng-scope').style.display = "unset"; // show everything } },false); resultsdiv.after(cancelbutton); } if (document.querySelector('.container.ng-scope')) { document.querySelector('.container.ng-scope').style.display = "none"; // hide everything } if (document.querySelector('.yellow create-mission-button')) { document.querySelector('.yellow create-mission-button').style.display = "none"; // hide create button } let total = missionguids.length; let missionguid = missionguids.shift(); localStorage.setItem('clickbutton2missionguids',JSON.stringify(missionguids)); resultsdiv.innerText = 'Checked ' + total + ' mission' + (total == 1?'':'s') + '...'; let checkedmissions = missionScope.missions.filter((el)=>{return el.mission_guid == missionguid;}); // expect 1 result if (checkedmissions.length != 1) { console.log("FAILED: mission guid not found, skipped",missionguid); resultsdiv.innerText += ' mission guid not found, skipped'; setTimeout(function() { clickButton2CheckedMissionsList(missionScope,true); },1000); return true; } let buttontitle = missionScope.missionListStates[checkedmissions[0].state].BUTTON2.title; resultsdiv.innerText = buttontitle + ' ' + total + ' mission' + (total == 1?'':'s') + '...'; missionScope.button2Clicked(checkedmissions[0]); return true; } catch(e) { console.log("FAILED: alter missions failed, cancel all"); resultsdiv.innerText = 'FAILED: alter missions failed, cancel all'; restoreContainer(true); localStorage.removeItem('clickbutton2missionguids'); return false; } }; function whenItsLoaded() { var missionScope = w.$scope($('div.list')); if (missionScope) { if (clickButton2CheckedMissionsList(missionScope)) return; // skip setup if clicked missionListSetup(missionScope); } else { var editScope = w.$scope($('div.editor')); if (editScope) { missionEditSetup(editScope); } else { var previewScope = w.$scope($('div.preview-mission')); if (previewScope){ missionPreviewSetup(previewScope); } } } } function missionPreviewSetup(previewScope) { //$('body').css('margin-top','0'); }; function storeCategoryContent(categoryContent) { let activeuser = $('.navbar-login a').first().text().trim(); // expect username here try { w.localStorage.setItem('allCategories_' + activeuser, JSON.stringify(categoryContent)); } catch(error) { console.log(error); alert(error.toString()); } } function restoreCategoryContent() { if (w.localStorage.getItem('allCategories')) { // convert old single storage to new storage per user let categoryContentJSON = JSON.parse(w.localStorage.getItem('allCategories')) || []; storeCategoryContent(categoryContentJSON); w.localStorage.removeItem('allCategories'); return categoryContentJSON; } let activeuser = $('.navbar-login a').first().text().trim(); // expect username here return JSON.parse(w.localStorage.getItem('allCategories_' + activeuser)) || []; } function removeCategoryContent() { let activeuser = $('.navbar-login a').first().text().trim(); // expect username here w.localStorage.removeItem('allCategories_' + activeuser); } function missionEditSetup(editScope) { var editStep = editScope.mission.ui.view; //overwrite submitMission function to inject categorisation editScope.submitMission = function() { var b = WireUtil.convertMissionLocalToWire(editScope.mission) , d = angular.copy(b); d.submit = true; editScope.saving = true; editScope.savingFailed = false; editScope.saved = false; w.$http.post(w.Api.SAVE_MISSION, d).success(function(d) { editScope.saving = false; editScope.saved = true; editScope.savedWireMission = b; //if a category is selected, push the mission to that category if (parseInt(editScope.selectedCategoryID) >= 0) { editScope.categoryContent[editScope.selectedCategoryID].missions.push(editScope.savedWireMission.mission_guid); editScope.categoryContent[editScope.selectedCategoryID].collapse = false; editScope.selectedCategoryID = -1; storeCategoryContent(editScope.categoryContent); } w.$location.url("/") }).error(function(b) { editScope.saving = false; editScope.savingFailed = true }) } editScope.isBreadcrumbDisabled = function(step){ var validGoTo = false; switch (step) { case editScope.EditorScreenViews.TYPE: case editScope.EditorScreenViews.NAME: validGoTo = editScope.isTypeValid(); break; case editScope.EditorScreenViews.WAYPOINTS: validGoTo = editScope.isTypeValid() && !editScope.detailsErrors.hasErrors; break; case editScope.EditorScreenViews.PREVIEW: validGoTo = editScope.isTypeValid() && !editScope.detailsErrors.hasErrors && !editScope.waypointErrors.hasErrors } return !validGoTo; } //Replace breadcrumb with something a bit clearer $(".view").empty(); var newBreadcrumb = ""; var compiledBread = $compile(newBreadcrumb)(editScope); $(".view").append(compiledBread); //view specific fixes var editCode, editTarget, compiledContent; switch (editStep){ case editScope.EditorScreenViews.TYPE: editTarget = $(".type-view .bordered-panel"); //Overhauled UI on Mission Type page, including more editorialising on non-linear missions in banners $(".type-view .bordered-panel").empty().addClass('ready'); editCode = "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "

" + "

Agents visit portals and field trip markers in a set order.

Best suited to missions in a banner series, or one-offs with a pre-determined route.

" + "

Agents visit portals and field trip markers in a set order, but the location of every waypoint beyond the first is hidden, meaning players rely on clues in the waypoint text.

Good for more puzzle-based missions, but please ensure you provide adequate clues for agents to find all the waypoints.

" + "

Agents visit portals and field trip markers in any order. Excellent for one-off missions where a specific route isn't required, but terrible for missions in banner serieses.

It is strongly advised that if you are making missions for a banner, you set them as Sequential missions - your rating on IngressMosaik will thank you!

"; break; case editScope.EditorScreenViews.NAME: editTarget = $(".name-view .bordered-panel"); //Overhauled UI on Mission Name/Image pages $(".name-view .bordered-panel").empty().addClass('ready'); editCode = "
" + "" + "
" + "
" + "" + "
" + "
" + "
"; break; case editScope.EditorScreenViews.WAYPOINTS: //Adding drag-and-drop mission reordering //First, watch whether the user can see the list of waypoints editScope.$watch('shouldShowWaypointList()', function() { //if so, wait half a second and apply the JQueryUI sortable parameter to the list thereof if (editScope.shouldShowWaypointList()){ setTimeout(() => { //checks start position on start, end position on end, and sends them to the native change position function $('#waypoints').sortable({ handle: '.number', axis: 'y', start: function(event, ui) { var start_pos = ui.item.index(); ui.item.data('start_pos', start_pos); }, update: function (event, ui) { var start_pos = ui.item.data('start_pos'); var end_pos = ui.item.index(); editScope.$apply(function(){ editScope.changeWaypointPosition(start_pos, end_pos); }); editScope.mission.definition.waypoints.forEach(function(waypoint){ editScope.setSelectedWaypoint(waypoint); }); editScope.setSelectedWaypoint(editScope.mission.definition.waypoints[end_pos]); } }); }, 500); } }); break; case editScope.EditorScreenViews.PREVIEW: //If there are user generated categories, add a dropdown to add the new mission to one editScope.categoryContent = restoreCategoryContent(); if (editScope.categoryContent.length > 0 && editScope.mission.mission_guid){ var showCategory = true; editScope.categoryContent.forEach(function(category){ for (var i = 0; i < category.missions.length; i++){ if (category.missions[i] == editScope.mission.mission_guid){ showCategory = false; break; } } }) if (showCategory){ editScope.selectedCategoryID = -1; editTarget = $(".preview-buttons"); if (!document.querySelector('.category-dropdown')) { // draw only once editCode = "
" + "
"; } } } break; } if (editCode){ compiledContent = $compile(editCode)(editScope); editTarget.append(compiledContent); } //Runs pageChange() function when changing between Edit states editScope.setView = function(b) { editScope.pendingSave && (w.$timeout.cancel(editScope.pendingSave), editScope.pendingSave = null); editScope.save(b); setTimeout(() => { pageChange(); }, 500); } } function missionListSetup(missionScope) { missionScope.getFullMissionData = function(missions){ var dfd = w.$q.defer(); var missionPromises = []; angular.forEach(missions, function(mission) { if (mission.missionListState != "DRAFT" && mission.missionListState != "SUBMITTED"){ var mId = mission.mission_guid; missionPromises.push($http.post(window.origin + "/api/author/getMissionForProfile", {mission_guid: mId})); } else { var mId = mission.draft_mission_id || mission.submitted_mission_id; missionPromises.push($http.post(window.origin + "/api/author/getMission", {mission_id: mId})); } }); w.$q.all(missionPromises).then(function(results) { var missionData = []; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++){ if (results[i] !== undefined){ var f = WireUtil.convertMissionWireToLocal(results[i].data.mission, results[i].data.pois); missionData.push(f.definition); } else {missionData.push(null)} } dfd.resolve(missionData); }, function(data, status) { console.error('error: ', status, data); } ) return dfd.promise; } missionScope.categoryContent = []; missionScope.categorisedMissions = []; missionScope.uncategorisedMissions = []; missionScope.uncategorisedSort = 'initial'; missionScope.missions = w.$filter("orderBy")(missionScope.missions, 'definition.name'); missionScope.loadingPreview = false; missionScope.unsortedCollapse = {collapse: JSON.parse(w.localStorage.getItem('unsortedCollapse') || false)}; //handling for legacy data format if (!!w.localStorage.getItem('categoryNames')){ let oldegoriesLength = parseInt(w.localStorage.getItem('categoriesLength')) || 0, categoryNames = w.localStorage.getItem('categoryNames') ? w.localStorage.getItem('categoryNames').split(',') : [], thisCategory; //create categories in new format for (var i= 0; i < oldegoriesLength; i++){ thisCategory = { id: i, name: categoryNames[i], missions: w.localStorage.getItem('categoryContent' + i) ? w.localStorage.getItem('categoryContent' + i).split(',') : [], collapse: true, sortCriteria: 'initial' }; missionScope.categoryContent.push(thisCategory); w.localStorage.removeItem('categoryContent' + i); } storeCategoryContent(missionScope.categoryContent); //now tidy up the legacy data w.localStorage.removeItem('categoryNames'); w.localStorage.removeItem('categoriesLength'); } //get data for all categories missionScope.categoryContent = restoreCategoryContent(); missionScope.selectedCategoryMissionId = null; //Add position in initial array for (var i = 0; i < missionScope.missions.length; i++) { missionScope.missions[i].position = i; } //function to calculate distances between two sets of coordinates taken from geodatasource.com missionScope.distance = function(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, unit) { if ((lat1 == lat2) && (lon1 == lon2)) { return 0; } else { var radlat1 = Math.PI * lat1/180; var radlat2 = Math.PI * lat2/180; var theta = lon1-lon2; var radtheta = Math.PI * theta/180; var dist = Math.sin(radlat1) * Math.sin(radlat2) + Math.cos(radlat1) * Math.cos(radlat2) * Math.cos(radtheta); if (dist > 1) { dist = 1; } dist = Math.acos(dist); dist = dist * 180/Math.PI; dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515; if (unit=="K") { dist = dist * 1.609344 } if (unit=="N") { dist = dist * 0.8684 } return dist; } } function addRemovableEventListener(element, event, callback) { const wrapper = e => { callback(e, () => element.removeEventListener(event, wrapper) ); } element.addEventListener(event, wrapper); } missionScope.submitMission = function(mission) { let lastpageclicked = false; let submitclicked = false; addRemovableEventListener(document.body, 'DOMNodeInserted', (e, closeListener) => { let lastpage = document.querySelector('.pagination li:last-child'); if (lastpage && lastpage.innerText == 'Preview') { if (!lastpage.classList.contains('active')) { if (!lastpageclicked) { lastpageclicked = true; setTimeout(function() { lastpage.querySelector('a').click(); }); // wait until click event is assigned } } else { let nextbutton = document.querySelector('.preview-buttons button:last-child'); if (nextbutton) { if (!submitclicked) { submitclicked = true; setTimeout(function() { nextbutton.click(); }); closeListener(); } } } } }); missionScope.button1Clicked(mission); } missionScope.previewMission = function(guid) { $('#previewMissionModel .modal-body .notloading').empty(); missionScope.loadingPreview = true; var mission = w.$filter('filter')(missionScope.missions, {mission_guid: guid})[0]; if (mission){ missionScope.getFullMissionData([mission]).then(function(data){ mission.definition = data[0]; //calculate approx. mission length var distance = 0; for (var i = 1; i < mission.definition.waypoints.length; i++){ distance += missionScope.distance( mission.definition.waypoints[i-1]._poi.location.latitude, mission.definition.waypoints[i-1]._poi.location.longitude, mission.definition.waypoints[i]._poi.location.latitude, mission.definition.waypoints[i]._poi.location.longitude, "K") } missionScope.loadingPreview = false; w.$injector.invoke(function($compile) { var modalContent = "
"; var compiledContent = $compile(modalContent)(missionScope); // Put the output of the compilation in to the page using jQuery $('#previewMissionModel .modal-body .notloading').append(compiledContent); if (distance < 1){ distance = (Math.floor(distance * 100000) / 100) + "m"; } else { distance = (Math.floor(distance * 100) / 100) + "km"; } setTimeout(function(){$('.mission-stats-row').append('
');}, 10); }) }) } } missionScope.previewBanner = function(category) { $('#previewMissionModel .modal-body .notloading').empty(); missionScope.loadingPreview = true; missionScope.getFullMissionData(missionScope.categorisedMissions[category]).then(function(data){ missionScope.banner = { definition: { name: missionScope.categoryContent[category].name, author_nickname: data[0].author_nickname, description: data[0].description, _sequential: data[0]._sequential, logo_url: data[0].logo_url, waypoints: [] }, stats: { num_completed: missionScope.categorisedMissions[category][data.length -1].stats ? missionScope.categorisedMissions[category][data.length -1].stats.num_completed : 0, rating: 0, median_completion_time: 0 }, }; for (var i = 0; i < missionScope.categorisedMissions[category].length; i++){ missionScope.banner.stats.rating += missionScope.categorisedMissions[category][i].stats ? missionScope.categorisedMissions[category][i].stats.rating : 0; missionScope.banner.stats.median_completion_time += missionScope.categorisedMissions[category][i].stats ? missionScope.categorisedMissions[category][i].stats.median_completion_time : 0; data[i].waypoints.forEach(function(wp){ missionScope.banner.definition.waypoints.push(wp) }) } missionScope.banner.stats.rating = Math.round(missionScope.banner.stats.rating / data.length); //calculate approx. banner length var distance = 0; for (var j = 1; j < missionScope.banner.definition.waypoints.length; j++){ distance += missionScope.distance( missionScope.banner.definition.waypoints[j-1]._poi.location.latitude, missionScope.banner.definition.waypoints[j-1]._poi.location.longitude, missionScope.banner.definition.waypoints[j]._poi.location.latitude, missionScope.banner.definition.waypoints[j]._poi.location.longitude, "K") } missionScope.loadingPreview = false; w.$injector.invoke(function($compile) { var modalContent = "
"; var compiledContent = $compile(modalContent)(missionScope); // Put the output of the compilation in to the page using jQuery $('#previewMissionModel .modal-body .notloading').append(compiledContent); if (distance < 1){ distance = (Math.floor(distance * 100000) / 100) + "m"; } else { distance = (Math.floor(distance * 100) / 100) + "km"; } setTimeout(function(){$('.mission-stats-row').append('
');}, 10); }) }) } missionScope.selectACategory = function(mission) { missionScope.selectedCategoryMissionId = mission.mission_guid; $('#addCateModel .modal-title').text('Move \"' + mission.definition.name + '\" to...'); } missionScope.addToCategory = function() { $(".modal-backdrop.fade").remove(); $("body").removeClass("modal-open"); var categoryID = missionScope.selectedCategoryID; if (missionScope.selectedCategoryMissionId == 'checkboxedmissions') { $(".dropup :checked").each(function() { let button = this.parentElement.innerHTML; let removematches = button.match(/removeFromCategory\((\d+), missions\[(\d+)\]\)/); let selectmatches = button.match(/selectACategory\(missions\[(\d+)\]\)/); if (removematches) { if (categoryID != removematches[1]) { let category = removematches[1]; let id = removematches[2]; let mission = missionScope.categorisedMissions[category].filter(function(mission) { if (mission.position == id) return mission; })[0]; missionScope.selectedCategoryMissionId = mission.mission_guid; for (let i = 0; i < missionScope.categoryContent[category].missions.length; i++) { if (missionScope.categoryContent[category].missions[i] == mission.mission_guid) { missionScope.categoryContent[category].missions.splice(i, 1); } } if (categoryID != 'unsorted') { missionScope.categoryContent[categoryID].missions.push(missionScope.selectedCategoryMissionId); } } } else if (selectmatches) { if (categoryID != 'unsorted') { let mission = missionScope.uncategorisedMissions.filter(function(mission) { if (mission.position == selectmatches[1]) return mission; })[0]; missionScope.selectedCategoryMissionId = mission.mission_guid; missionScope.categoryContent[categoryID].missions.push(missionScope.selectedCategoryMissionId); } } }); } else if (categoryID != 'unsorted') { missionScope.categoryContent[categoryID].missions.push(missionScope.selectedCategoryMissionId); } if (categoryID == 'unsorted') { if (missionScope.unsortedCollapse.collapse) missionScope.toggleCollapse(missionScope.unsortedCollapse, true); } else { missionScope.categoryContent[categoryID].collapse = false; } missionScope.selectedCategoryMissionId = null; missionScope.selectedCategoryID = null; storeCategoryContent(missionScope.categoryContent); generateAllMissions(); } missionScope.sortCategoryTitles = function() { missionScope.categoryContent.sort(function(a,b) { a = a.name + ' ' + a.missions.length; b = b.name + ' ' + b.missions.length; if (a == b) return 0; return (a > b ? 1 : -1); }); let changed = false; for (let id = 0; id < missionScope.categoryContent.length; id++) { // renumber if (missionScope.categoryContent[id].id != id) { missionScope.categoryContent[id].id = id; changed = true; } } if (!changed) { // nothing changed, sort inverted missionScope.categoryContent.sort(function(b,a) { a = a.name + ' ' + a.missions.length; b = b.name + ' ' + b.missions.length; if (a == b) return 0; return (a > b ? 1 : -1); }); for (let id = 0; id < missionScope.categoryContent.length; id++) { // renumber missionScope.categoryContent[id].id = id; } } storeCategoryContent(missionScope.categoryContent); generateAllMissions(); }; missionScope.toggleCheckboxes = function(hide = false) { if (hide || $(".checkboxesDisplayed").length) { $(".togglecheckboxbutton").text('Show checkboxes'); $(".checkboxesDisplayed").remove(); $(".checkboxedmissionsbutton").hide(); for (let missionelement of document.querySelectorAll('.missionbox .mission .mission-header-container')) { missionelement.style.cursor = 'unset'; missionelement.removeEventListener('click', missionelement.clickevent, false); delete(missionelement.clickevent); } } else { missionScope.updateCheckedMissionsCounts(); $(".dropup").css({display:"flex"}); $(".dropup").prepend(''); $(".checkboxesDisplayed").on('click', function(event){ missionScope.updateCheckedMissionsCounts(); }); $(".checkboxedmissionsbutton").show(); $(".togglecheckboxbutton").text('Hide checkboxes'); for (let missionelement of document.querySelectorAll('.missionbox .mission .mission-header-container')) { missionelement.style.cursor = 'pointer'; // add the event as a function to each mission, so the event can be removed when it needs to be disabled missionelement.clickevent = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); missionelement.parentElement.querySelector('.checkboxesDisplayed').checked = !missionelement.parentElement.querySelector('.checkboxesDisplayed').checked; missionScope.updateCheckedMissionsCounts(); } missionelement.addEventListener('click', missionelement.clickevent, false); } } }; missionScope.toggleCategoryCheckboxes = function(id) { let checkboxes = document.getElementById(id).querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox].checkboxesDisplayed'); for (let checkbox of checkboxes) { checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked; } missionScope.updateCheckedMissionsCounts(); }; missionScope.moveCheckedMissions = function() { missionScope.selectACategory({mission_guid:'checkboxedmissions',definition:{name:$(".dropup :checked").length + ' Checked Missions'}}); }; missionScope.updateCheckedMissionsCounts = function() { for (let missionListState in missionScope.missionListStates) { let checkboxbuttoncount = document.querySelector('.' + missionListState); if (checkboxbuttoncount) { let buttontitle = missionScope.missionListStates[missionListState].BUTTON2.title; let missionguids = [...document.querySelectorAll('.dropup .checkboxesDisplayed:checked')].filter((el)=>{return el.parentElement.querySelector('a[ng-click^=button2Clicked]').innerText == buttontitle;}).map((el)=>{return parseInt(el.parentElement.querySelector('a[ng-click^=button2Clicked]').getAttribute('ng-click').match(/missions\[(\d+)\]/)[1]);}).map((num)=>{return missionScope.missions[num].mission_guid}); checkboxbuttoncount.innerText = (missionguids.length > 0 ? ' ' + missionguids.length : ""); checkboxbuttoncount.parentElement.disabled = (missionguids.length == 0); } } let checkboxmovebuttoncount = document.querySelector('.MOVECOUNT'); if (checkboxmovebuttoncount) { let checkedcount = $(".dropup :checked").length; checkboxmovebuttoncount.innerText = (checkedcount > 0 ? ' ' + checkedcount : ""); checkboxmovebuttoncount.parentElement.disabled = (checkedcount == 0); } }; missionScope.submitCheckedMissions = function() { }; missionScope.clickButton2CheckedMissions = function(missionListState) { let buttontitle = missionScope.missionListStates[missionListState].BUTTON2.title; let missionguids = [...document.querySelectorAll('.dropup .checkboxesDisplayed:checked')].filter((el)=>{return el.parentElement.querySelector('a[ng-click^=button2Clicked]').innerText == buttontitle;}).map((el)=>{return parseInt(el.parentElement.querySelector('a[ng-click^=button2Clicked]').getAttribute('ng-click').match(/missions\[(\d+)\]/)[1]);}).map((num)=>{return missionScope.missions[num].mission_guid}); if (missionguids.length == 0) { alert('No ' + missionListState.toLowerCase() + ' missions selected to ' + buttontitle); return; } let confirmed = prompt(missionListState.toLowerCase() + ' missions selected: ' + missionguids.length + '\n\nAre you sure you want to ' + buttontitle + ' these missions?\nType YES to confirm:'); if (confirmed !== 'YES') { return; } localStorage.setItem('clickbutton2missionguids',JSON.stringify(missionguids)); clickButton2CheckedMissionsList(missionScope); }; missionScope.removeFromCategory = function(category, mission) { for (var i = 0; i < missionScope.categoryContent[category].missions.length; i++) { if (missionScope.categoryContent[category].missions[i] == mission.mission_guid) { // console.log('removeFromCategory',category, mission,missionScope.categoryContent); missionScope.categoryContent[category].missions.splice(i, 1); } } storeCategoryContent(missionScope.categoryContent); generateAllMissions(); }; missionScope.createCategory = function() { var categoryName = prompt("Please enter a name for your new category", "New category name"); if (categoryName == null || categoryName == "") { //no result } else { //create category elements var newCategory = { id: missionScope.categoryContent.length, name: categoryName, missions: [], collapse: false, sortCriteria: 'initial' }; missionScope.categoryContent.push(newCategory); storeCategoryContent(missionScope.categoryContent); generateAllMissions(); } } missionScope.nukeCategories = function() { let confirmed = prompt('Are you sure you want to delete ALL categories?\nAll missions will be moved to Unsorted Missions.\n\nType YES to confirm:'); if (confirmed !== 'YES') { return; } missionScope.categoryContent = []; removeCategoryContent(); generateAllMissions(); } missionScope.downloadMissionsImages = function(prefixname,missions) { missionScope.getFullMissionData(missions).then(function(missions){ let imagelist = []; for (let missioncnt in missions) { let mission = missions[missioncnt]; imagelist.push({url:mission.logo_url,filename:prefixname + mission.name.replace(/([^\x20-~]+)|([\\/:?"<>|]+)/g,'_')}); } function downloadimages() { if (imagelist.length == 0) return; let img = imagelist.shift(); let imgobject = fetch(img.url).then(imgobject => imgobject.blob()).then(imgdata => { let typematches = imgdata.type.match(/^image\/(.+)$/); if (!typematches) { console.log('Not a valid image to download',img,imgdata); } else { let imgurl = URL.createObjectURL(imgdata); let a = document.createElement('a'); a.target = '_blank'; a.href = imgurl; a.download = img.filename + '.' + typematches[1]; a.click(); setTimeout(downloadimages,100); } }); } downloadimages(); }); }; missionScope.downloadMissionImage = function(category,missionguid) { let missions = missionScope.missions.filter((el)=>{return el.mission_guid == missionguid;}); missionScope.downloadMissionsImages((category === false ? '' : missionScope.categoryContent[category].name.replace(/([^\x20-~]+)|([\\/:?"<>|]+)/g,'_') + '-' ),missions); }; missionScope.exportCategoryImages = function(category) { missionScope.downloadMissionsImages(missionScope.categoryContent[category].name.replace(/([^\x20-~]+)|([\\/:?"<>|]+)/g,'_') + '-',missionScope.categorisedMissions[category]); }; missionScope.downloadJSONFile = function(jsondata,filename) { let isSmartphone = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android.*Mobile/) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i); if (typeof android !== 'undefined' && android?.saveFile) { android.saveFile(filename, "application/json", jsondata); } else { let a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = "data:application/json;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(jsondata); a.target = '_blank'; a.download = filename; a.click(); } /* else if (navigator?.clipboard?.writeText) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(jsondata).then(function() { prompt('JSON data copied to your clipboard - paste and save this to a notepad file named:',filename) }, function() { alert('Copy to clipboard went wrong') }); } else { alert('Save to file is not supported'); } */ }; missionScope.createTimestampString = function() { function leadingzero(value) { return ('0' + value).slice(-2); } let now = new Date(); return now.getFullYear() + leadingzero(now.getMonth() + 1) + leadingzero(now.getDate()) + '_' + leadingzero(now.getHours()) + leadingzero(now.getMinutes()) + leadingzero(now.getSeconds()); } missionScope.exportJSON = function(category) { missionScope.getFullMissionData(missionScope.categorisedMissions[category]).then(function(missions){ console.log(missions); let bannerdata = { missionSetName: missionScope.categoryContent[category].name, missionSetDescription: missions[0].description, currentMission: 0, plannedBannerLength: missions.length, titleFormat: "T NN-M", fileFormatVersion: 2, missions: [] }; for (let missioncnt in missions) { let mission = missions[missioncnt]; let missiondata = { missionTitle: mission.name, missionDescription: mission.description, portals: [] } for (let waypointcnt in mission.waypoints) { let waypoint = mission.waypoints[waypointcnt]; let portaldata = { description: "", // not important for UMM (waypoint._poi.description) guid: waypoint.poi_guid, imageUrl: waypoint._poi.imageUrl, isOrnamented: waypoint._poi.isOrnamented, isStartPoint: waypoint._poi.isStartPoint, location: { latitude: waypoint._poi.location.latitude, longitude: waypoint._poi.location.longitude }, title: waypoint._poi.title, type: waypoint.poi_type, objective: { type: waypoint.objective.type, passphrase_params: { question: waypoint.objective.passphrase_params.question, _single_passphrase: waypoint.objective.passphrase_params._single_passphrase } } }; portaldata.custom_description = waypoint.custom_description || null; if (waypoint.custom_description && waypoint._show_custom_description) portaldata._show_custom_description = true; // only add if defined missiondata.portals.push(portaldata); } bannerdata.missions.push(missiondata); } // console.log(bannerdata); let jsondata = JSON.stringify(bannerdata); let filename = missionScope.categoryContent[category].name.replace(/([^\x20-~]+)|([\\/:?"<>|]+)/g,'_') + '_' + missionScope.createTimestampString() + '-mission-data.json'; missionScope.downloadJSONFile(jsondata,filename); }); } missionScope.deleteCategory = function(category) { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the " + missionScope.categoryContent[category].name + " category? Any missions you've placed in this category will be retured to Unsorted missions.")) { //nuke localStorage category missionScope.categoryContent.splice(category, 1); storeCategoryContent(missionScope.categoryContent); generateAllMissions(); } } missionScope.renameCategory = function(category) { let newcategoryname = prompt("Rename category:",missionScope.categoryContent[category].name); if (!newcategoryname || missionScope.categoryContent[category].name == newcategoryname) return; missionScope.categoryContent[category].name = newcategoryname; storeCategoryContent(missionScope.categoryContent); generateAllMissions(); } missionScope.moveCategory = function(category,direction) { if (category + direction < 0 || category + direction >= missionScope.categoryContent.length) return; // swap items let item = missionScope.categoryContent[category]; missionScope.categoryContent.splice(category, 1); // remove missionScope.categoryContent.splice(category + direction, 0, item); // insert for (let id = 0; id < missionScope.categoryContent.length; id++) { // renumber missionScope.categoryContent[id].id = id; } storeCategoryContent(missionScope.categoryContent); // swap panels to prepare scroll location let panels = document.querySelector('.panel-group').querySelectorAll('.panel'); if (direction > 0) { // move down +1 document.querySelector('.panel-group').insertBefore(panels[category + direction],panels[category]); } else { // move up -1 document.querySelector('.panel-group').insertBefore(panels[category],panels[category - direction]); } category += direction; // scroll to top of moved panel, before generateAllMissions refreshes the list let yOffset = -document.querySelector('.navbar').getBoundingClientRect().height; let y = document.querySelector('.panel-group').querySelectorAll('.panel')[category].getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset + yOffset; window.scrollTo({top: y}); generateAllMissions(); } missionScope.sortCategory = function(category){ if (category == 'all'){ missionScope.missions = w.$filter("orderBy")(missionScope.missions, missionScope.sortCriteria[0] == 'initial' ? 'position' : missionScope.sortCriteria[0]); } else if (category == 'unsorted'){ missionScope.uncategorisedSort = missionScope.sortCriteria[missionScope.categoryContent.length]; } else { missionScope.categoryContent[category].sortCriteria = missionScope.sortCriteria[category]; } storeCategoryContent(missionScope.categoryContent); generateAllMissions(); } missionScope.toggleCollapse = function(collapse, unsorted){ collapse.collapse = !collapse.collapse; unsorted ? w.localStorage.setItem('unsortedCollapse', collapse.collapse) : storeCategoryContent(missionScope.categoryContent); } missionScope.dragMissions = function(start_pos, start_cat, end_pos, end_cat) { //first, parse category IDs and get categories var startCategory, endCategory, startCatID, endCatID, thismission; startCatID = isNaN(parseInt(start_cat.split('category')[1])) ? start_cat.split('category')[1] : parseInt(start_cat.split('category')[1]); endCatID = isNaN(parseInt(end_cat.split('category')[1])) ? end_cat.split('category')[1] : parseInt(end_cat.split('category')[1]); startCategory = startCatID == 'unsorted' ? missionScope.uncategorisedMissions : missionScope.categoryContent[startCatID]; endCategory = endCatID == 'unsorted' ? missionScope.uncategorisedMissions : missionScope.categoryContent[endCatID]; thismission = angular.copy(startCatID == 'unsorted' ? startCategory[start_pos-1].mission_guid : missionScope.categorisedMissions[startCatID][start_pos-1].mission_guid) //then remove start mission if (startCatID != 'unsorted'){ for (var i=0; i < startCategory.missions.length; i++){ if (startCategory.missions[i] == thismission){ startCategory.missions.splice(i,1); break; } } } //then place end mission //unsortedMissions category has no sort criteria, so if end target is category, handle dropping mission in category if (endCategory.sortCriteria){ if (endCategory.sortCriteria == 'initial'){ //if category is in Initial sorting, respect that sorting endCategory.missions.splice(end_pos-1, 0, thismission); } else { //if category is not in Inital sorting, dump mission at the end and set it to initial endCategory.missions.push(thismission); endCategory.sortCriteria = "initial"; } } //then regenerate everything storeCategoryContent(missionScope.categoryContent); generateAllMissions(); } var generateSort = function (category){ var criteria = [ {name: "Manually sorted", value: "initial"}, {name: "Title (ascending)", value: "definition.name"}, {name: "Title (descending)", value: "-definition.name"}, {name: "Creation order", value: "created_ms"}, {name: "Mission state", value: "missionListState"} ]; missionScope.sortCriteria.push(""); var sortContent = ""; return sortContent; } var generateMission = function(mission, id, selectedCategory) { let missionState = mission.missionListState.toLowerCase(); let newMissionCode = "
" + "
" + "" + "
" + "" + mission.definition.name + "" + "
" + "
" + "" + missionScope.getInfoTime(mission) + "" + "", "HIDDEN_SEQUENTIAL" : "", "NON_SEQUENTIAL" : "", }; newMissionCode += mtypeLiteral[mission.definition.mission_type]; newMissionCode += ""; mission.stats && ( newMissionCode += "" + "" + "" ) newMissionCode += "
" + missionScope.getMissionTimeString(mission) + " " + missionScope.getMissionRatingString(mission) + " " + mission.stats.num_completed + "
" + "
" + "
" newMissionCode += "
"; return newMissionCode; } var generateAllMissions = function() { // skip if not getting any missions, check if session is logged off! if (document.querySelector('.welcome-panel')) { // something is wrong, this should not be here when drawing missions console.log("WARNING: something is wrong, welcome-panel visible, this should not be here when loading missions"); return; } missionScope.toggleCheckboxes(true); let scrollPosition = w.pageYOffset; $(".missions-list").empty(); missionScope.categoryContent.length == 0 && ($(".missions-list").addClass("row")); missionScope.sortCriteria = []; w.$injector.invoke(function($compile) { var missionContent = ""; if (missionScope.categoryContent.length > 0) { //if there are user-defined categories, first sort the categorised/uncategorised missions missionScope.categorisedMissions = []; missionScope.uncategorisedMissions = angular.copy(missionScope.missions); // cleanup removed missions from categoryContent let existingmissionguids = missionScope.uncategorisedMissions.map((el)=>{return el.mission_guid;}); let removedmissionscount = 0; missionScope.categoryContent.forEach((category)=>{ // filter out missing guids let removedmissions = category.missions.filter((guid)=>{return existingmissionguids.indexOf(guid) == -1;}); category.missions = category.missions.filter((guid)=>{return existingmissionguids.indexOf(guid) > -1;}); if (removedmissions.length) { removedmissionscount += removedmissions.length; console.log("clean up removed missions",removedmissions); } }); if (removedmissionscount > 0) storeCategoryContent(missionScope.categoryContent); //loop through each category of GUIDs, and add actual missions to scope missionScope.categoryContent.forEach(function(category) { var catobj = []; category.missions.forEach(function(guid) { //TODO: Do this with filters, not loops for (var i = 0; i < missionScope.uncategorisedMissions.length ; i++) { //once the right mission is found, add position, push it to the holding array and remove from uncategorised if (missionScope.uncategorisedMissions[i].mission_guid == guid) { catobj.push(missionScope.uncategorisedMissions[i]); missionScope.uncategorisedMissions.splice(i, 1); break; } } }) missionScope.categorisedMissions.push(catobj); }) //then get the categories sorted missionScope.categoryContent.forEach(function(category) { category.sortCriteria != 'initial' && (missionScope.categorisedMissions[category.id] = w.$filter("orderBy")(missionScope.categorisedMissions[category.id], category.sortCriteria)); }) missionScope.uncategorisedSort != 'initial' && (missionScope.uncategorisedMissions = w.$filter("orderBy")(missionScope.uncategorisedMissions, missionScope.uncategorisedSort)); //once all the categorisation is done, create the HTML for the categories! missionContent += "
"; for (var i = 0; i < missionScope.categoryContent.length; i++) { missionContent += "
" + "
" + generateSort(i) + "" + "" + "" + ""; // old value: margin: 5px 0; if (!missionScope.categoryContent[i].missions || missionScope.categoryContent[i].missions.length == 0) { //no missions so far! missionContent += "
No missions added to the category yet
"; } else { missionContent += "" missionContent += "" missionContent += "" + "
"; var bannerModal = ""; missionContent += bannerModal; } missionContent += "
"; } //add unsorted missions if there are any missionContent += "
" + "
" + generateSort('unsorted') + "
"; for (let i = 0; i < missionScope.uncategorisedMissions.length; i++) { missionContent += generateMission(missionScope.uncategorisedMissions[i], missionScope.uncategorisedMissions[i].position, false); } missionContent += "
"; } else { //if no user-defined categories, just loop through the missions missionContent += "
" + generateSort('all') + "
"; for (let i = 0; i < missionScope.missions.length; i++) { let mission = missionScope.missions[i]; missionContent += generateMission(mission, i, false); } } //modal for moving missions to categories missionContent += ""; //modal for previewing missions missionContent += ""; // Pass our fragment content to $compile, and call the function that $compile returns with the scope. var compiledContent = $compile(missionContent)(missionScope); // Put the output of the compilation in to the page using jQuery $('.missions-list').append(compiledContent); setTimeout(() => { w.scrollTo(0, scrollPosition); }, 250); //now enable drag-drop for the missions! if (missionScope.categoryContent.length > 0) { $('.row[id^=category]').sortable({ items: "div.missionbox", connectWith: ".row[id^=category]", tolerance: "pointer", placeholder: "ui-state-highlight col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3", start: function(event, ui) { var start_pos = ui.item.index(); ui.item.data('start_pos', start_pos); ui.item.data('start_cat', ui.item[0].parentElement.id); }, update: function (event, ui) { var start_pos = ui.item.data('start_pos'), start_cat = ui.item.data('start_cat'), end_pos = ui.item.index(), end_cat = ui.item[0].parentElement.id; !ui.sender && missionScope.dragMissions(start_pos, start_cat, end_pos, end_cat); } }); } }); } missionScope.exportData = function() { navigator.clipboard.writeText(JSON.stringify(missionScope.categoryContent)).then(function() { alert('Category data copied to your clipboard - please paste this in the Import Data box in the browser you want to export this to') }, function() { alert('Something went wrong') }); }; missionScope.exportDataFile = function() { let jsondata = JSON.stringify(missionScope.categoryContent); let filename = 'imattc-category-data.json'; missionScope.downloadJSONFile(jsondata,filename); }; function parseData(data) { if (data == null || data == "") return; // don't do anything //try to parse data, then turn it into object try { let parseddata = JSON.parse(data); if (!(parseddata instanceof Array)) return; // json must be an [] array let validdata = []; for (let cat of parseddata) { if (cat instanceof Object && !(cat instanceof Array)) { let validcat = {id:-1,name:'',missions:[],collapse:false,sortCriteria:'initial'}; for (let el in cat) { if (typeof cat[el] == typeof validcat[el]) { validcat[el] = cat[el]; } } if (validcat.id >= 0) validdata.push(validcat); } } missionScope.categoryContent = validdata; storeCategoryContent(missionScope.categoryContent); generateAllMissions(); } catch (e){ alert('Importing data failed!!'); console.log('Parsing JSON data failed',data); } } missionScope.importData = function() { let dataInput = prompt("Please paste in the text you got from the Data Export on your other device"); parseData(dataInput); } missionScope.importDataFile = function() { function loadjson(event) { let data = event.target.result; parseData(data); } function loadfile(element) { if (!element.files.length) return; let reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = loadjson; reader.readAsText(element.files[0]); } let fileinput = document.createElement('input'); fileinput.type = 'file'; fileinput.accept = 'application/json,text/plain'; fileinput.addEventListener('change',function(e) { e.preventDefault(); loadfile(this); },false); fileinput.click(); }; if (document.querySelector('.welcome-panel')) { // something is wrong, this should not be here when drawing missions if (document.querySelector('.design-message')) document.querySelector('.design-message').innerText = "You need to reload the page and Sign in again."; if (document.querySelector('.create-new')) document.querySelector('.create-new').remove(); addpoweredbymessage(document.querySelector('.welcome-panel')); } else { //compiling the buttons w.$injector.invoke(function($compile) { var buttonContent = "
"; //button for adding categories // buttonContent += "" // + "" // + ""; //buttonContent += ""; // buttonContent += ""; buttonContent += "" buttonContent += ""; buttonContent += ""; for (let id in missionScope.missionListStates) { buttonContent += ""; } // buttonContent += ""; //tally up available missions, and missions in draft states var draftMissions = w.$filter('filter')(missionScope.missions, {missionListState: "DRAFT"}, true).length; var dopMissions = w.$filter('filter')(missionScope.missions, {missionListState: "DRAFT_OF_PUBLISHED_MISSION"}, true).length; var submittedMissions = w.$filter('filter')(missionScope.missions, {missionListState: "SUBMITTED"}, true).length; var sapMissions = w.$filter('filter')(missionScope.missions, {missionListState: "SUBMITTED_AND_PUBLISHED"}, true).length; var publishedMissions = w.$filter('filter')(missionScope.missions, {missionListState: "PUBLISHED"}, true).length; var remainder = (w.$rootScope.user.mission_limit || 180) - (dopMissions + submittedMissions + sapMissions + publishedMissions); buttonContent += "

"; remainder > 0 && (buttonContent += ""+remainder+" mission" + (remainder == 1?"":"s") + " remaining "); draftMissions > 0 && (buttonContent += ""+draftMissions+" unpublished draft" + (draftMissions == 1?"":"s") + " "); submittedMissions > 0 && (buttonContent += " "); dopMissions > 0 && (buttonContent += ""+dopMissions+" being amended "); sapMissions > 0 && (buttonContent += " "); publishedMissions > 0 && (buttonContent += ""+publishedMissions+" published"); buttonContent += "

" buttonContent += "
"; // Pass our fragment content to $compile, and call the function that $compile returns with the scope. var compiledContent = $compile(buttonContent)(missionScope); // Put the output of the compilation in to the page using jQuery $('.list').prepend(compiledContent); }); $('.list .bordered-panel').prepend($('.list div:not(.bordered-panel) button.yellow.create-mission-button')); } //initiating the missions $(".missions-list").removeClass("row").addClass('ready'); generateAllMissions(); } } (function() { console.log('IMATTC plugin loaded'); // for debug purposes let storagesettingsname = 'settings'; let settings = { defaultmissiontype: 0, autoskipmissiontype: false, defaultselectedcategorytitle: '' } function restoresettings() { // read stored data in a very safe way: function isObject(element) { return (typeof element == 'object' && element instanceof Object && !(element instanceof Array)); } function parseSettings(source,target) { if (!isObject(source) || !isObject(target)) return; for (const key in target) { if (key in source) { if (isObject(target[key])) { parseSettings(source[key],target[key]); } else if (typeof source[key] == typeof target[key]) { // only accept settings from default settings template of same type target[key] = source[key]; } } } } try { if (typeof localStorage.getItem(storagesettingsname) != 'string' || localStorage.getItem(storagesettingsname) == '') { return; } let storedsettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storagesettingsname)); parseSettings(storedsettings,settings); } catch(e) { return false; } } function storesettings() { try { return localStorage.setItem(storagesettingsname, JSON.stringify(settings)); } catch(error) { alert(error.toString()); } }; restoresettings(); storesettings(); // wait for a new mission at the mission type view, show radio buttons and select the default type let addedradiobuttons = false; let setcategoryselector = false; function bodymutationcallback(mutations) { let buttongrp = document.querySelector('.btn-group.btn-group-justified'); if (buttongrp && buttongrp.querySelector('.btn-group .btn')) { if (!addedradiobuttons) { let radiobuttonsdiv = document.createElement('div'); radiobuttonsdiv.style.display = 'table'; radiobuttonsdiv.style.width = '100%'; buttongrp.after(radiobuttonsdiv); addedradiobuttons = true; let buttondivs = buttongrp.querySelectorAll('.btn-group'); let cnt = 0; for (let buttondiv of buttondivs) { let labeldiv = radiobuttonsdiv.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); labeldiv.style.display = 'table-cell'; labeldiv.style.textAlign = 'center'; let label = labeldiv.appendChild(document.createElement('label')); label.style.cursor = 'pointer'; let radio = label.appendChild(document.createElement('input')); radio.style.marginRight = '5px'; radio.style.cursor = 'pointer'; radio.type = 'radio'; radio.name = 'defaultmissiontype'; radio.value = cnt; radio.checked = settings.defaultmissiontype == cnt; label.appendChild(document.createTextNode('default for new missions')); radio.addEventListener('change',function(e) { settings.defaultmissiontype = parseInt(this.value); storesettings(); },false); cnt++; } let footerbutton = document.querySelector('.footer-buttons'); if (footerbutton) { footerbutton.style.textAlign = 'right'; let label = footerbutton.appendChild(document.createElement('label')); label.style.display = 'block'; label.style.cursor = 'pointer'; let checkbox = label.appendChild(document.createElement('input')); checkbox.style.marginRight = '5px'; checkbox.style.cursor = 'pointer'; checkbox.type = 'checkbox'; checkbox.checked = settings.autoskipmissiontype; label.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Skip mission type for new missions')); checkbox.addEventListener('change',function(e) { settings.autoskipmissiontype = this.checked; storesettings(); },false); } } // nothing selected: mission.definition._hidden false, mission.definition._sequential null // any order: mission.definition._hidden false, mission.definition._sequential false // hidden sequential: mission.definition._hidden true, mission.definition._sequential true // sequential: mission.definition._hidden false, mission.definition._sequential true setTimeout(function() { let scope = window.$scope($('div.editor')); if (!scope.mission || scope.mission.definition._sequential !== null) return; // apply only at a new mission let buttons = buttongrp.querySelectorAll('.btn-group .btn'); if (buttons.length > settings.defaultmissiontype) { buttons[settings.defaultmissiontype].click(); // wait until scope is changed setTimeout(function() { // the active button is assigned a moment later let nextbutton = document.querySelector('.footer-buttons button'); if (nextbutton && settings.autoskipmissiontype) { let editscope = window.$scope($('div.editor')); nextbutton.click(); } }); } }); } else if (!buttongrp && addedradiobuttons) { addedradiobuttons = false; } // set and store the selected category when submitting a mission let categoryselector = document.querySelector('.category-dropdown select'); if (categoryselector && !setcategoryselector) { let selectedcategoryoption = [...categoryselector.options].find((el)=>{return el.text == settings.defaultselectedcategorytitle}); let defaultselectedcategoryid = (selectedcategoryoption != undefined ? parseInt(selectedcategoryoption.value) : -1); setcategoryselector = true; categoryselector.value = defaultselectedcategoryid; let editScope = window.$scope($('div.editor')); editScope.selectedCategoryID = defaultselectedcategoryid; categoryselector.addEventListener('change',function(e) { settings.defaultselectedcategorytitle = (this.value >= 0 ? this.options[this.selectedIndex].text : ""); storesettings(); },false); categoryselector.style.display = 'unset'; } else if (!categoryselector && setcategoryselector) { setcategoryselector = false; } } let bodyobserver = new MutationObserver(bodymutationcallback); bodyobserver.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); let stylesheetchanges = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('style')); stylesheetchanges.innerHTML = ` .editor .preview-view { max-width: unset; } .preview-view .preview-mission .body-panel .panel-container .waypoints { min-height: unset; } .preview-view .preview-mission .body-panel .panel-container .map { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 450px; top: 0; bottom: 0px; } .preview-view .preview-mission .body-panel .panel-container .waypoints { position: absolute; width: 420px; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0px; } .preview-view .preview-mission .angular-google-map-container { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .preview-view .preview-mission .body-panel .panel-container .category-dropdown { bottom: 0px; right: 0px; position: absolute; } .input-group-btn { font-size: unset; } .clickButton2results { margin-left: 20px; font-size: larger; } .landing-page { width: unset; max-width: 650px; } .checkboxesDisplayed { cursor: pointer; } /* .missions-list.ready { height: calc(100vh - 242px); overflow: scroll; } */ `; })();