// ==UserScript== // @author DanielOnDiordna // @name Portal History Support for all IITC versions (with cache) // @category Tweak // @version // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/DanielOnDiordna/portalhistorysupport.meta.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/DanielOnDiordna/portalhistorysupport.user.js // @description [danielondiordna-] With this plugin the Portal History will be implemented into all versions of IITC. This plugin injects functionality from the IITC-CE release (version 0.32.0) plus extra modifications into all IITC versions (IITC.me / IITC-CE 0.31.1). Code will be injected into the IITC core. History results are cached and re-used automatically. Details from your COMMS captured portals are loaded automatically. Portal history requires CORE subscription. // @id portalhistorysupport@DanielOnDiordna // @namespace https://softspot.nl/ingress/ // @match https://intel.ingress.com/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function wrapper(plugin_info) { // ensure plugin framework is there, even if iitc is not yet loaded if(typeof window.plugin !== 'function') window.plugin = function() {}; // use own namespace for plugin window.plugin.portalhistorysupport = function() {}; var self = window.plugin.portalhistorysupport; self.id = 'portalhistorysupport'; self.title = 'Portal History Support'; self.version = ''; self.author = 'DanielOnDiordna'; self.changelog = ` Changelog: version - first release: part of the code was first used inside plugin Unique Portal History, but now moved to this separate plugin - auto load portal details if no history is returned from entity data, only load details when map status is 'done' - added comms monitoring for active agent captures - auto stop/start when zooming in/out and moving the map version - fixed zoom level detection with getMapZoomTileParameters version - minor fix for IITC CE where runHooks iitcLoaded is executed before addHook is defined in this plugin - prevent double plugin setup on hook iitcLoaded version - checked for compatiblity with new IITC-CE release 0.32.1 - modified eval functions to execute only if there is an actual code change needed - replaced loading portal details technique and added retry on fail attempts - added a toggle layer to turn on/off the auto load missing history - portal details request delay set to 20ms, portal details retry attempts set to 3 `; self.namespace = 'window.plugin.' + self.id + '.'; self.pluginname = 'plugin-' + self.id; self.localstoragecache = self.pluginname + '-cache'; // localStorage["plugin-portalhistorysupport-cache"] self.cache = {}; // storage format: { window.PLAYER.nickname: { guid: bitarray } } self.localstoragesettings = self.pluginname + '-settings'; self.settings = {}; self.settings.autoloadmissinghistory = false; self.requestportalslist = []; self.requestportalguid = undefined; self.requestcommslist = []; self.requestcommsguid = undefined; self.requestlatlngportals = {}; self.requesttimeoutid = 0; self.requestfailcnt = {}; self.requestmaxfail = 3; self.requestdelay = 20; self.requestmaxtime = 1000; self.restoresettings = function() { if (typeof localStorage[self.localstoragesettings] === 'string' && localStorage[self.localstoragesettings] !== '') { try { var settings = JSON.parse(localStorage[self.localstoragesettings]); if (typeof settings === 'object' && settings instanceof Object && !(settings instanceof Array)) { for (const i in self.settings) { if (i in settings && typeof settings[i] === typeof self.settings[i]) self.settings[i] = settings[i]; } } } catch(e) { return false; } } }; self.storesettings = function() { localStorage[self.localstoragesettings] = JSON.stringify(self.settings); }; self.restorecache = function() { if (typeof localStorage[self.localstoragecache] == 'string' && localStorage[self.localstoragecache] != '') { try { var cache = JSON.parse(localStorage[self.localstoragecache]); if (typeof cache == 'object' && cache instanceof Object && !(cache instanceof Array)) { self.cache = cache; } if (!(window.PLAYER.nickname in self.cache) || typeof self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname] != 'object') { self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname] = {}; } } catch(e) { return false; } } }; self.storecache = function() { localStorage[self.localstoragecache] = JSON.stringify(self.cache); }; self.countcache = function() { let count = { totalcache: 0, cachenevervisited: 0, cachevisited: 0, cachenevercaptured: 0, cachecaptured: 0, cachescoutControlled: 0, visibleportals: 0, visibleportalswithhistorycache: 0, visibleportalswithouthistorycache: 0, nevervisited: 0, visited: 0, captured: 0, scoutControlled: 0, } count.totalcache = Object.keys(self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname]).length; for (const guid in self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname]) { let bitarray = self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname][guid]; let history = self.decodeHistory(bitarray); if (history.visited) count.cachevisited++; else count.cachenevervisited++; if (history.captured) count.cachecaptured++; else count.cachenevercaptured++; if (history.scoutControlled) count.cachescoutControlled++; } let displayBounds = window.map.getBounds(); for (const guid in window.portals) { let portal = window.portals[guid]; if (displayBounds.contains(portal.getLatLng())) { count.visibleportals++; let history = window.portals[guid].options.data.history; if (history.visited) count.visited++; else count.nevervisited++; if (history.captured) count.captured++; if (history.scoutControlled) count.scoutControlled++; if (self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname][guid] == undefined) { count.visibleportalswithouthistorycache++; } else { count.visibleportalswithhistorycache++; } } } return count; }; self.decodeHistory = function(bitarray) { return { _raw: bitarray, visited: !!(bitarray & (1|2|4)), captured: !!(bitarray & 2), scoutControlled: !!(bitarray & 4) }; }; self.getcache = function(guid) { if (!guid) return self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname]; // return all return self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname][guid]; // return one, or undefined if not found }; self.addcache = function(guid,bitarray) { if (bitarray == undefined) return self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname][guid]; if (self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname][guid] == bitarray) return bitarray; // no change // do not downgrade to 0 if cache is not 0 // posible values: // 0 (000) = never visited/captured/scoutControled // 1 (001) = visited // 2 (010) = captured (can never happen, always visited) // 3 (011) = visited + captured // 4 (100) = scoutControled (can never happen, always visited) // 5 (101) = visited + scoutControled // 6 (110) = captured + scoutControled (can never happen, always visited) // 7 (111) = visited + captured+scoutControled if (self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname][guid] > 0 && bitarray == 0) return self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname][guid]; self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname][guid] = bitarray; self.storecache(); return bitarray; }; self.deletecache = function(guid) { delete self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname][guid]; self.storecache(); }; self.setupDecodeArrayPortal = function() { // sadly the entity_decode.js module has no global functions for easy core code injections // it must be done the hard way: copy and rewrite all functions // change function: window.decodeArray.portal var log = console; if (typeof ulog == 'function') log = ulog('entity_decode'); // only for IITC-CE // decode the on-network array entity format into an object format closer to that used before // makes much more sense as an object, means that existing code didn't need to change, and it's what the // stock intel site does internally too (the array format is only on the network) window.decodeArray = function(){}; function parseMod(arr) { if (!arr) { return null; } return { owner: arr[0], name: arr[1], rarity: arr[2], stats: arr[3], }; } function parseResonator(arr) { if (!arr) { return null; } return { owner: arr[0], level: arr[1], energy: arr[2], }; } function parseArtifactBrief(arr) { if (!arr) { return null; } // array index 0 is for fragments at the portal. index 1 is for target portals // each of those is two dimensional - not sure why. part of this is to allow for multiple types of artifacts, // with their own targets, active at once - but one level for the array is enough for that // making a guess - first level is for different artifact types, second index would allow for // extra data for that artifact type function decodeArtifactArray(arr) { var result = {}; for (var i=0; i= SUMMARY_PORTAL_DATA_LENGTH) { $.extend(data, summaryPortalData(a)); } if (a.length >= DETAILED_PORTAL_DATA_LENGTH) { if (a[SUMMARY_PORTAL_DATA_LENGTH]) { $.extend(data, detailsPortalData(a)); } else if (details === 'detailed') { log.warn('Portal details missing',details,a); // modified: added extra log values details and a debugger; } } if (a.length >= EXTENDED_PORTAL_DATA_LENGTH || details === 'extended' || details === 'detailed') { $.extend(data, extendedPortalData(a)); if (data.history && data.history.captured && !data.history.visited) { log.warn('Inconsistent history data found in portal "' + data.title + '"'); } } return data; }; window.decodeArray.portalSummary = function(a) { // deprecated!! but added to support older versions of IITC return window.decodeArray.portal(a, 'summary'); }; window.decodeArray.portalDetail = function(a) { // deprecated!! but added to support older versions of IITC return window.decodeArray.portal(a, 'detailed'); }; }; self.setupCreatePortalEntity = function() { // change core function for older versions of IITC to match functions of IITC Test: let createPortalEntitystring = window.mapDataRequest.render.createPortalEntity.toString(); // move var data line up in the function: createPortalEntitystring = createPortalEntitystring.replace('var data = decodeArray.portalSummary(ent[2]);\n',''); // older versions of IITC createPortalEntitystring = createPortalEntitystring.replace(/function.*var portalLevel/s, 'function(ent, details) { // details expected in decodeArray.portal\n' + ' this.seenPortalsGuid[ent[0]] = true; // flag we\'ve seen it\n' + '\n' + ' var previousData = undefined;\n' + ' if (details != "core") {\n' + ' while (ent[2].length < 19) ent[2].push(null);\n' + ' ent[2][18] = ' + self.namespace + 'addcache(ent[0],ent[2][18]); // store value, or restore if other value in cache\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' //var data = decodeArray.portal(ent[2], details); // changed line:\n' + ' var data = decodeArray.portal(ent[2], details || \'extended\');\n' + ' if (!data.history || data.history._raw == undefined) data.history = ' + self.namespace + 'decodeHistory(' + self.namespace + 'getcache(ent[0])); // added line\n' + '\n' + ' // check if entity already exists\n' + ' if (ent[0] in window.portals) {\n' + ' // yes. now check to see if the entity data we have is newer than that in place\n' + ' var p = window.portals[ent[0]];\n' + '\n' + ' // if (!data.history || p.options.data.history === data.history) // changed line:\n' + ' if (p.options.data.history._raw == data.history._raw)\n' + ' if (p.options.timestamp >= ent[1]) {\n' + ' return; // this data is identical or older - abort processing\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' // the data we have is newer. many data changes require re-rendering of the portal\n' + ' // (e.g. level changed, so size is different, or stats changed so highlighter is different)\n' + ' // so to keep things simple we\'ll always re-create the entity in this case\n' + '\n' + ' // remember the old details, for the callback\n' + '\n' + ' previousData = p.options.data;\n' + '\n' + ' // preserve history\n' + ' //if (!data.history) { // disabled line\n' + ' // data.history = previousData.history; // disabled line\n' + ' //} // disabled line\n' + '\n' + ' this.deletePortalEntity(ent[0]);\n' + ' }\n' + '\n' + ' var portalLevel'); if (createPortalEntitystring.match('log.log')) createPortalEntitystring = createPortalEntitystring.replace('\n','\n var log = ulog(\'map_data_render\');\n'); // IITC-CE fix eval('window.mapDataRequest.render.createPortalEntity = ' + createPortalEntitystring); // replace the hook to add the 'detailed' parameter to createPortalEntity: if (window._hooks.portalDetailLoaded[0].toString().match(/createPortalEntity/) && !window._hooks.portalDetailLoaded[0].toString().match(/'detailed'/)) { // lucky guess to pick the first one let oldfunction = _hooks; window.removeHook('portalDetailLoaded',window._hooks.portalDetailLoaded[0]); window.addHook('portalDetailLoaded', function(data){ if(data.success) { window.mapDataRequest.render.createPortalEntity(data.ent, 'detailed'); } }); } let processGameEntitiesstring = window.mapDataRequest.render.processGameEntities.toString(); processGameEntitiesstring = processGameEntitiesstring.replace('function(entities)','function(entities, details)'); processGameEntitiesstring = processGameEntitiesstring.replace('this.createPortalEntity(ent);','this.createPortalEntity(ent, details || \'extended\');'); if (processGameEntitiesstring != window.mapDataRequest.render.processGameEntities.toString()) { eval('window.mapDataRequest.render.processGameEntities = ' + processGameEntitiesstring); } let createPlaceholderPortalEntitystring = window.mapDataRequest.render.createPlaceholderPortalEntity.toString(); createPlaceholderPortalEntitystring = createPlaceholderPortalEntitystring.replace('this.createPortalEntity(ent);','this.createPortalEntity(ent, \'core\');'); if (createPlaceholderPortalEntitystring != window.mapDataRequest.render.createPlaceholderPortalEntity.toString()) { eval('window.mapDataRequest.render.createPlaceholderPortalEntity = ' + createPlaceholderPortalEntitystring); } }; self.setupRenderPortalDetails = function() { // add new function to use during renderPortalDetails: if (typeof window.getPortalHistoryDetails != 'function') { window.getPortalHistoryDetails = function (d) { if (!d.history) { return '
History missing (hint: zoom in)
'; } var classParts = {}; ['visited', 'captured', 'scoutControlled'].forEach(function (k) { classParts[k] = d.history[k] ? 'class="completed"' : ""; }); return L.Util.template('
History: ' + 'visited | ' + 'captured | ' + 'scout controlled' + '
', classParts); } } let renderPortalDetailsstring = window.renderPortalDetails.toString(); if (!renderPortalDetailsstring.match('getPortalHistoryDetails(data)')) { renderPortalDetailsstring = renderPortalDetailsstring.replace('get(guid);','get(guid);\n\n var historyDetails = window.getPortalHistoryDetails(data);'); renderPortalDetailsstring = renderPortalDetailsstring.replace('\'\'\n','\'\',\n historyDetails'); // older IITC renderPortalDetailsstring = renderPortalDetailsstring.replace('linkDetails\n','linkDetails,\n historyDetails\n'); // IITC-CE eval('window.renderPortalDetails = ' + renderPortalDetailsstring); $('head').append(''); } }; self.setupRenderQueue = function() { let processRenderQueuestring = window.mapDataRequest.processRenderQueue.toString(); processRenderQueuestring = processRenderQueuestring.replace('processGameEntities(drawThisPass)',"processGameEntities(drawThisPass,'extended')"); if (processRenderQueuestring.match('log.log')) processRenderQueuestring = processRenderQueuestring.replace('{','{\n var log = ulog(\'map_data_request\');'); // IITC-CE fix if (processRenderQueuestring != window.mapDataRequest.processRenderQueue.toString()) { eval('window.mapDataRequest.processRenderQueue = ' + processRenderQueuestring); } }; self.setupPortalDetailrequest = function() { // rewrite core function to inject cache history storage usage at an early stage var log = console; if (typeof ulog == 'function') log = ulog('portal_detail'); /// PORTAL DETAIL ////////////////////////////////////// // code to retrieve the new portal detail data from the servers // NOTE: the API for portal detailed information is NOT FINAL // this is a temporary measure to get things working again after a major change to the intel map // API. expect things to change here var cache; var requestQueue = {}; window.portalDetail = function() {}; window.portalDetail.setup = function() { cache = new DataCache(); cache.startExpireInterval(20); } window.portalDetail.get = function(guid) { return cache.get(guid); } window.portalDetail.isFresh = function(guid) { return cache.isFresh(guid); } var handleResponse = function(deferred, guid, data, success) { if (!data || data.error || !data.result) { success = false; } if (success) { // *** modification start *** // detailed data contains bit, or does not contain bitarry, but must be 0 if (data.result.length == 18) data.result.push(0); // add extra element data.result[18] = self.addcache(guid,data.result[18]); // store value, or restore if other value in cache // *** modification end *** var dict = decodeArray.portal(data.result, 'detailed'); // entity format, as used in map data var ent = [guid,dict.timestamp,data.result]; cache.store(guid,dict); //FIXME..? better way of handling sidebar refreshing... if (guid == selectedPortal) { renderPortalDetails(guid); } deferred.resolve(dict); //console.log('handleResponse runHooks portalDetailLoaded',guid); window.runHooks ('portalDetailLoaded', {guid:guid, success:success, details:dict, ent:ent}); } else { if (data && data.error == "RETRY") { // server asked us to try again doRequest(deferred, guid); } else { deferred.reject(); window.runHooks ('portalDetailLoaded', {guid:guid, success:success}); } } } var doRequest = function(deferred, guid) { window.postAjax('getPortalDetails', {guid:guid}, function(data,textStatus,jqXHR) { handleResponse(deferred, guid, data, true); }, function() { handleResponse(deferred, guid, undefined, false); } ); } window.portalDetail.request = function(guid) { if (!requestQueue[guid]) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); requestQueue[guid] = deferred.promise(); deferred.always(function() { delete requestQueue[guid]; }); doRequest(deferred, guid); } return requestQueue[guid]; } window.portalDetail.setup(); }; self.onportalDetailLoaded = function(data) { // data = {guid:guid, success:success, details:dict, ent:ent} if (data.guid != self.requestportalguid && data.guid != self.requestcommsguid) return; self.updatemenu(); if (!data.success) { if (data.guid in self.requestfailcnt) { self.requestfailcnt[data.guid]++; } else { self.requestfailcnt[data.guid] = 1; } if (self.requestfailcnt[data.guid] >= self.requestmaxfail) { console.warn(self.title + ' - Permanently FAILED to load portal details',data.guid); } else { console.log(self.title + ' - Failed but will retry ' + self.requestfailcnt[data.guid] + '/' + self.requestmaxfail + ' to load portal details',data.guid); if (self.requestportalguid && self.requestportalslist.indexOf(self.requestportalguid) == -1) self.requestportalslist.push(self.requestportalguid); // retry if (self.requestcommsguid && self.requestcommslist.indexOf(self.requestcommsguid) == -1) self.requestcommslist.push(self.requestcommsguid); // retry } } else { if (data.guid in self.requestfailcnt) { console.log(self.title + ' - Success after retry ' + self.requestfailcnt[data.guid] + '/' + self.requestmaxfail + ' to load portal details',data.guid); delete(self.requestfailcnt[data.guid]); } // remove from request lists, if still there let index = self.requestportalslist.indexOf(data.guid); if (index != -1) self.requestportalslist.splice(index,1); index = self.requestcommslist.indexOf(data.guid); if (index != -1) self.requestcommslist.splice(index,1); } clearTimeout(self.requesttimeoutid); self.requesttimeoutid = 0; self.requestportalguid = undefined; self.requestcommsguid = undefined; setTimeout(self.requestnext,self.requestdelay); }; self.requesttimeout = function() { self.requesttimeoutid = 0; let guid = self.requestportalguid || self.requestcommsguid; if (guid in self.requestfailcnt) { self.requestfailcnt[guid]++; } else { self.requestfailcnt[guid] = 1; } if (self.requestfailcnt[guid] >= self.requestmaxfail) { console.warn(self.title + ' - Permanently FAILED (timeout) to load portal details',guid); } else { if (self.requestportalguid && self.requestportalslist.indexOf(self.requestportalguid) == -1) self.requestportalslist.push(self.requestportalguid); // retry if (self.requestcommsguid && self.requestcommslist.indexOf(self.requestcommsguid) == -1) self.requestcommslist.push(self.requestcommsguid); // retry } self.requestportalguid = undefined; self.requestcommsguid = undefined; setTimeout(self.requestnext,self.requestdelay); }; self.requestnext = function() { if (self.requestportalguid || self.requestcommsguid) return; // busy if (self.requestportalslist.length == 0 && self.requestcommslist.length == 0) { // done self.updatemenu(); return; } if (window.mapDataRequest.status.short != 'done') { // wait until map is fully loaded setTimeout(self.requestnext,self.requestdelay); // wait and retry return; } self.requesttimeoutid = setTimeout(self.requesttimeout,self.requestmaxtime); if (self.requestcommslist.length > 0) { self.requestcommsguid = self.requestcommslist.shift(); // next self.updatemenu(); // console.log('REQUEST comms guid',self.requestcommsguid,self.requestcommslist.length); window.portalDetail.request(self.requestcommsguid); } else { self.requestportalguid = self.requestportalslist.shift(); // next self.updatemenu(); // console.log('REQUEST portal guid',self.requestportalguid,self.requestportalslist.length); window.portalDetail.request(self.requestportalguid); } }; self.requeststop = function() { if (!self.requestportalguid && !self.requestcommsguid) return; clearTimeout(self.requesttimeoutid); self.requesttimeoutid = 0; if (self.requestportalguid) self.requestportalslist.push(self.requestportalguid); // retry later if (self.requestcommsguid) self.requestcommslist.push(self.requestcommsguid); // retry later self.requestportalguid = undefined; self.requestcommsguid = undefined; self.requestfailcnt = {}; }; self.startLoadDetails = function() { // find portal guid by latlng from comms captured portals: for (const latE6lngE6 in self.requestlatlngportals) { let portal = self.requestlatlngportals[latE6lngE6]; var guid = window.findPortalGuidByPositionE6(portal.latE6, portal.lngE6); if (guid) { delete self.requestlatlngportals[latE6lngE6]; let index = self.requestcommslist.indexOf(guid); if (!self.decodeHistory(self.getcache(guid)).captured) { // console.log(self.title + " - Stored Comms Captured portal guid stored for checking",guid,portal.name); if (index == -1) { self.requestcommslist.push(guid); } } else { // console.log(self.title + " - Stored Comms Captured portal already cached",guid,portal.name); if (index != -1) { self.requestcommslist.splice(index,1); } } } } self.requestportalslist = []; // clear list and create new: if (self.settings.autoloadmissinghistory && window.getMapZoomTileParameters(window.getDataZoomForMapZoom(window.map.getZoom())).minLinkLength == 0) { // limit details loading to zoom levels all portals or all links // add portals without history let displayBounds = window.map.getBounds(); for (const guid in window.portals) { let portal = window.portals[guid]; if (displayBounds.contains(portal.getLatLng()) && self.getcache(guid) == undefined) { self.requestportalslist.push(guid); } } } self.updatemenu(); setTimeout(self.requestnext,self.requestdelay); }; self.capturedFromComms = function(data) { // data = {raw: data, result: data.result, processed: chat._public.data} let playernickname = window.PLAYER.nickname; data.result.forEach(function(msg) { let plext = msg[2].plext; let markup = plext.markup; if (plext.plextType == 'SYSTEM_BROADCAST' && markup.length == 3 && markup[0][0] == 'PLAYER' && markup[0][1].plain == playernickname && markup[1][0] == 'TEXT' && markup[1][1].plain == ' captured ' && markup[2][0] == 'PORTAL') { let portal = markup[2][1]; let guid = window.findPortalGuidByPositionE6(portal.latE6, portal.lngE6); let latE6lngE6 = portal.latE6 + ',' + portal.lngE6; if (!guid) { // capturedFromComms no guid found, try later when map is moved // console.log(self.title + " - Comms Captured portal with unknown guid stored",latE6lngE6,portal.name); self.requestlatlngportals[latE6lngE6] = portal; // store and load later when map is moved } else { if (latE6lngE6 in self.requestlatlngportals) { delete self.requestlatlngportals[latE6lngE6]; } let index = self.requestcommslist.indexOf(guid); if (!self.decodeHistory(self.getcache(guid)).captured) { // console.log(self.title + " - Comms Captured portal guid stored for checking",guid,portal.name); if (index == -1) { self.requestcommslist.push(guid); } } else { // portal is detected as captured // console.log(self.title + " - Comms Captured portal already cached",guid,portal.name); if (index != -1) { self.requestcommslist.splice(index,1); } } } } }); self.startLoadDetails(); }; self.clearcache = function() { let cachelength = Object.keys(self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname]).length; if (cachelength == 0) { alert('There is no cached History data to clear for current player.') return; } if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to clear ALL cached History data for ' + window.PLAYER.nickname + '?\nCached History: ' + cachelength)) return; self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname] = {}; self.storecache(); window.resetHighlightedPortals(); }; self.clearcachevisibleportals = function() { let cachedguids = []; let displayBounds = window.map.getBounds(); for (const guid in window.portals) { let portal = window.portals[guid]; if (displayBounds.contains(portal.getLatLng()) && self.getcache(guid) != undefined) { cachedguids.push(guid); } } if (cachedguids.length == 0) { alert('There is no cached History data to clear for current visible portals.') return; } if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to clear cached History data for all visible portals?\nCached History: ' + cachedguids.length)) return; for (let cnt = 0; cnt < cachedguids.length; cnt++) { let guid = cachedguids[cnt]; self.deletecache(guid); } window.resetHighlightedPortals(); self.startLoadDetails(); }; self.about = function() { let html = '
' + 'Thank you for choosing this plugin.
' + '
' + 'This plugin uses code from IITC-CE 0.32.0, combined with extra modifications not found in IITC, to make (all) History plugins work on all versions of IITC.
' + 'This plugin changes IITC core functions to enable History data processing. It also works for older versions of IITC.
' + '
' + 'NIA has designed Intel to only load History at zoom level "all portals". But even then, Intel does not always contain the History data.
' + 'To overcome this problem this plugin offers these solutions:
' + 'Cache: All received History data is cached, and used when it\'s missing from Intel.
' + 'Gather: For portals of which no history data is received, this plugin can automatically gather the History data by loading all portal details, one by one (when at zoom level all portals or all links).
' + 'Detect: Captured portals are mentioned in COMMS (Visits and Scout Control actions are not mentioned). This plugin will almost instantly update the History for all your recent captured portals.
' + '
' + 'This plugin works/was tested on these versions of IITC:
' + ' - IITC.me version
' + '0.31.1 - IITC-CE release version
' + ' - IITC-CE Beta version
' + ' - IITC-CE Beta version
' + ' - IITC-CE Test version
' + ' - IITC-CE Test version
' + '0.32.0 - IITC-CE release version
' + '0.32.1 - IITC-CE release version
' + '
' + '' + self.title + ' version ' + self.version + ' by ' + self.author + '' + '
'; window.dialog({ html: html, id: self.pluginname + '-dialog', dialogClass: 'ui-dialog-' + self.pluginname, width: 'auto', title: self.title + ' - About' }).dialog('option', 'buttons', { '< Main menu': function() { self.menu(); }, 'Changelog': function() { alert(self.changelog); }, 'Close': function() { $(this).dialog('close'); }, }); }; self.updatemenu = function() { if (!$('#dialog-' + self.pluginname + '-dialog').length) return; var count = self.countcache(); count.loadingportaldetails = (self.requestportalguid || self.requestcommsguid?'Busy loading':(window.getMapZoomTileParameters(window.getDataZoomForMapZoom(window.map.getZoom())).minLinkLength > 0?'Zoom in to load history':'')); for (const id in count) { $('#' + self.id + '_count_' + id).html(count[id]); } }; self.menu = function() { let html = '
' + 'Visible portals: v:/c:/s:
' + 'Cached History:
' + '
' + 'Missing history:
'; html += '' + '
' + '
'; html += 'Total cached history:
' + 'Visited: (never: )
' + 'Captured: (never: )
' + 'ScoutControlled:
' + ''; html += '
'; if (window.useAndroidPanes()) window.show('map'); // hide sidepane window.dialog({ html: html, id: self.pluginname + '-dialog', dialogClass: 'ui-dialog-' + self.pluginname, title: self.title, width: 'auto' }).dialog('option', 'buttons', { 'About': function() { self.about(); }, 'Ok': function() { $(this).dialog('close'); }, }); self.updatemenu(); }; self.setup = function() { if ('pluginloaded' in self) { console.log('IITC plugin already loaded: ' + self.title + ' version ' + self.version); return; } else { self.pluginloaded = true; } $('#toolbox').append('' + self.title + ''); self.restoresettings(); self.togglelayer = new L.LayerGroup(); window.addLayerGroup('Auto load missing history', self.togglelayer, self.settings.autoloadmissinghistory); // add toggle layer window.map.on('layeradd', function(obj) { if (obj.layer === self.togglelayer) { self.settings.autoloadmissinghistory = true; $('#autoloadmissinghistorytoggle').prop("checked", self.settings.autoloadmissinghistory); self.storesettings(); self.startLoadDetails(); } }); window.map.on('layerremove', function(obj) { if (obj.layer === self.togglelayer) { self.settings.autoloadmissinghistory = false; $('#autoloadmissinghistorytoggle').prop("checked", self.settings.autoloadmissinghistory); self.storesettings(); self.startLoadDetails(); } }); window.addHook('publicChatDataAvailable', self.capturedFromComms); window.addHook('portalDetailLoaded', self.onportalDetailLoaded); window.addHook('mapDataRefreshEnd', function() { setTimeout(self.startLoadDetails,0); }); window.map.on('zoomstart movestart', function() { self.requeststop(); }); window.map.on('zoomend moveend zoomlevelschange', self.startLoadDetails); console.log('IITC plugin loaded: ' + self.title + ' version ' + self.version); }; self.checkforolderplugin = function() { let disableplugin = false; if (!window.plugin.uniqueportalhistory || !("storagehistoryraw" in window.plugin.uniqueportalhistory)) return disableplugin; console.log('IITC plugin WARNING: ' + self.title + ' version ' + self.version + ' - Plugin conflict with ' + window.plugin.uniqueportalhistory.title); let html = '
Thank you for choosing this plugin.
' + '
' + 'This plugin contains conflicting code with the old plugin version "' + window.plugin.uniqueportalhistory.title + '".
' + '
' + 'Before you can use this new plugin, you must update the old plugin "' + window.plugin.uniqueportalhistory.title + '".
' + 'You can download it here: softspot.nl
' + '
' + 'The new plugin will not run until this is changed.
' + 'version ' + self.version + ' by ' + self.author + '' + '
'; disableplugin = true; window.dialog({ html: html, id: self.pluginname + '-dialog', dialogClass: 'ui-dialog-' + self.pluginname, title: self.title, width: 'auto' }); return disableplugin; }; var setup = function() { if (self.checkforolderplugin()) return; // prevent conflicts with the previous plugin switch (window.script_info.script.version) { case '': // IITC.me version case '0.31.1': // IITC-CE release version case '': // IITC-CE Beta version case '': // IITC-CE Beta version case '': // IITC-CE Test version case '': // IITC-CE Test version case '0.32.0': // IITC-CE release version case '0.32.1': // IITC-CE release version break; default: console.log('IITC plugin WARNING: ' + self.title + ' version ' + self.version + ' - Plugin not tested on this version of IITC: ' + window.script_info.script.version); } self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname] = {}; self.restorecache(); if (!Object.keys(self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname]).length) self.about(); else console.log(self.id + ' - restored records: ' + Object.keys(self.cache[window.PLAYER.nickname]).length,self.countcache()); self.setupDecodeArrayPortal(); self.setupCreatePortalEntity(); self.setupRenderPortalDetails(); self.setupPortalDetailrequest(); self.setupRenderQueue(); (window.iitcLoaded?self.setup():window.addHook('iitcLoaded',self.setup)); }; setup.info = plugin_info; //add the script info data to the function as a property if(!window.bootPlugins) window.bootPlugins = []; window.bootPlugins.push(setup); // if IITC has already booted, immediately run the 'setup' function if(window.iitcLoaded && typeof setup === 'function') setup(); } // wrapper end // inject code into site context var script = document.createElement('script'); var info = {}; if (typeof GM_info !== 'undefined' && GM_info && GM_info.script) info.script = { version: GM_info.script.version, name: GM_info.script.name, description: GM_info.script.description }; script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ wrapper +')('+JSON.stringify(info)+');')); (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);