// ==UserScript== // @author Zaso // @name Logs Diary // @category Misc // @version // @description Storage favorite logs. // @id logs-diary@Zaso // @namespace https://github.com/IITC-CE/ingress-intel-total-conversion // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/Zaso/logs-diary.user.js // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/Zaso/logs-diary.meta.js // @match https://intel.ingress.com/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function wrapper(plugin_info) { // ensure plugin framework is there, even if iitc is not yet loaded if(typeof window.plugin !== 'function') window.plugin = function() {}; //PLUGIN AUTHORS: writing a plugin outside of the IITC build environment? if so, delete these lines!! //(leaving them in place might break the 'About IITC' page or break update checks) plugin_info.buildName = 'ZasoItems'; plugin_info.dateTimeVersion = '2020-02-16-174029'; plugin_info.pluginId = 'logs-diary'; //END PLUGIN AUTHORS NOTE // PLUGIN START //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // History // 0.0.2 Headers changed. Ready for IITC-CE // 0.0.1 Original sript // use own namespace for plugin window.plugin.logsDiary = function(){}; window.plugin.logsDiary.obj = {}; window.plugin.logsDiary.storage = {}; window.plugin.logsDiary.data = {}; window.plugin.logsDiary.ui = {}; window.plugin.logsDiary.action = {}; window.plugin.logsDiary.obj.log = {}; //FIX-CHAT------------------- window.plugin.logsDiary.data.fixChatFunction = function(){ window.chat.renderData = function(data, element, likelyWereOldMsgs){ var elm = $('#'+element); if(elm.is(':hidden')) return; // discard guids and sort old to new //TODO? stable sort, to preserve server message ordering? or sort by GUID if timestamps equal? var vals = $.map(data, function(v, k) { return [v]; }); vals = vals.sort(function(a, b) { return a[0]-b[0]; }); // render to string with date separators inserted var msgs = ''; var prevTime = null; $.each(vals, function(ind, msg){ var nextTime = new Date(msg[0]).toLocaleDateString(); var guid = msg[4]; var heart = window.plugin.logsDiary.ui.getToggleHTML(guid); var htmlEdited = msg[2].replace('', window.plugin.logsDiary.ui.getRowStartHTML(guid)+heart); if(prevTime && prevTime !== nextTime) msgs += chat.renderDivider(nextTime); // msgs += msg[2]; msgs += htmlEdited; prevTime = nextTime; }); var scrollBefore = scrollBottom(elm); elm.html('' + msgs + '
'); chat.keepScrollPosition(elm, scrollBefore, likelyWereOldMsgs); } window.chat.writeDataToHash = function(newData, storageHash, isPublicChannel, isOlderMsgs){ $.each(newData.result, function(ind, json){ // avoid duplicates if(json[0] in storageHash.data) return true; var isSecureMessage = false; var msgToPlayer = false; var time = json[1]; var team = json[2].plext.team === 'RESISTANCE' ? TEAM_RES : TEAM_ENL; var auto = json[2].plext.plextType !== 'PLAYER_GENERATED'; var systemNarrowcast = json[2].plext.plextType === 'SYSTEM_NARROWCAST'; //track oldest + newest timestamps if (storageHash.oldestTimestamp === -1 || storageHash.oldestTimestamp > time) storageHash.oldestTimestamp = time; if (storageHash.newestTimestamp === -1 || storageHash.newestTimestamp < time) storageHash.newestTimestamp = time; //remove "Your X on Y was destroyed by Z" from the faction channel var msg = '', nick = ''; $.each(json[2].plext.markup, function(ind, markup) { switch(markup[0]) { case 'SENDER': // user generated messages nick = markup[1].plain.slice(0, -2); // cut “: ” at end break; case 'PLAYER': // automatically generated messages nick = markup[1].plain; team = markup[1].team === 'RESISTANCE' ? TEAM_RES : TEAM_ENL; if(ind > 0) msg += nick; // don’t repeat nick directly break; case 'TEXT': msg += $('
').text(markup[1].plain).html().autoLink(); break; case 'AT_PLAYER': var thisToPlayer = (markup[1].plain == ('@'+window.PLAYER.nickname)); var spanClass = thisToPlayer ? "pl_nudge_me" : (markup[1].team + " pl_nudge_player"); var atPlayerName = markup[1].plain.replace(/^@/, ""); msg += $('
').html($('') .attr('class', spanClass) .attr('onclick',"window.chat.nicknameClicked(event, '"+atPlayerName+"')") .text(markup[1].plain)).html(); msgToPlayer = msgToPlayer || thisToPlayer; break; case 'PORTAL': var latlng = [markup[1].latE6/1E6, markup[1].lngE6/1E6]; var perma = '/intel?ll='+latlng[0]+','+latlng[1]+'&z=17&pll='+latlng[0]+','+latlng[1]; var js = 'window.selectPortalByLatLng('+latlng[0]+', '+latlng[1]+');return false'; msg += '' + window.chat.getChatPortalName(markup[1]) + ''; break; case 'SECURE': //NOTE: we won't add the '[secure]' string here - it'll be handled below instead isSecureMessage = true; break; default: //handle unknown types by outputting the plain text version, marked with it's type msg += $('
').text(markup[0]+':<'+markup[1].plain+'>').html(); break; } }); // //skip secure messages on the public channel // if (isPublicChannel && isSecureMessage) return true; // //skip public messages (e.g. @player mentions) on the secure channel // if ((!isPublicChannel) && (!isSecureMessage)) return true; //NOTE: these two are redundant with the above two tests in place - but things have changed... //from the server, private channel messages are flagged with a SECURE string '[secure] ', and appear in //both the public and private channels //we don't include this '[secure]' text above, as it's redundant in the faction-only channel //let's add it here though if we have a secure message in the public channel, or the reverse if a non-secure in the faction one if (!auto && !(isPublicChannel===false) && isSecureMessage) msg = '[faction] ' + msg; //and, add the reverse - a 'public' marker to messages in the private channel if (!auto && !(isPublicChannel===true) && (!isSecureMessage)) msg = '[public] ' + msg; // format: timestamp, autogenerated, HTML message // storageHash.data[json[0]] = [json[1], auto, chat.renderMsg(msg, nick, time, team, msgToPlayer, systemNarrowcast, json[0]), nick]; var guid = json[0]; var htmlLOG = chat.renderMsg(msg, nick, time, team, msgToPlayer, systemNarrowcast, guid); storageHash.data[json[0]] = [json[1], auto, htmlLOG, nick, guid]; }); } }; //--------------------------- window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.NAME = 'plugin-logs-diary'; window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.save = function(){ window.localStorage[window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.NAME] = JSON.stringify(window.plugin.logsDiary.obj.log); } window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.load = function(){ window.plugin.logsDiary.obj.log = JSON.parse(window.localStorage[window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.NAME]); } window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.check = function(){ if(window.localStorage[window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.NAME] === undefined){ window.localStorage[window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.NAME] = '{}'; } window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.load(); } window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.reset = function(){ window.localStorage[window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.NAME] = '{}'; window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.check(); $('.logsDiaryDialog').html(window.plugin.logsDiary.ui.getAllLogsSavedHTML()); } window.plugin.logsDiary.data.fixOldStorage = function(){ var list = window.plugin.logsDiary.obj.log; for(guid in list){ var elem = list[guid]; if(elem.length < 4){ elem[2] = ''; elem[3] = ''; } } window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.save(); } //--------------------------- window.plugin.logsDiary.data.timestampToYMD = function(timestamp){ var date = new Date(timestamp); var year = date.getFullYear(); var month = window.zeroPad(date.getMonth()+1, 2); var day = window.zeroPad(date.getDate(), 2); var hour = window.zeroPad(date.getHours(), 2); var minute = window.zeroPad(date.getMinutes(), 2); var seconds = window.zeroPad(date.getSeconds(), 2); return day+'/'+month+'/'+year; } window.plugin.logsDiary.data.getSortLogsSaved = function(){ var list = window.plugin.logsDiary.obj.log; var sortable = []; for(var guid in list){ var arr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(list[guid])); arr.push(guid); sortable.push([list[guid][0], arr]); } sortable.sort(function(a, b) {return a[0] - b[0]}); return sortable; } window.plugin.logsDiary.data.replaceString = function(guid, html){ str1a = ''; str1b = ''; str2a = '<'; str2b = '>'; html = html.replace(str1a, ''); html = html.replace(str1b, ''); html = html.replace(str2a, ''); html = html.replace(str2b, ''); return html; } window.plugin.logsDiary.data.isSaved = function(guid){ return (window.plugin.logsDiary.obj.log[guid] === undefined)? false : true; } window.plugin.logsDiary.data.setHeart = function(guid, status){ var isSaved = (status === undefined)? window.plugin.logsDiary.data.isSaved(guid) : !status; if(isSaved == true){ var log = window.plugin.logsDiary.obj.log[guid]; var timestamp = log[0]; delete window.plugin.logsDiary.obj.log[guid]; }else{ var tab = []; if(chat._public.data[guid] !== undefined){ tab.push('_public'); } if(chat._faction.data[guid] !== undefined){ tab.push('_faction'); } if(chat._alerts.data[guid] !== undefined){ tab.push('_alerts'); } if(tab.length > 0){ var obj = chat[tab[0]].data[guid]; var date = obj[0]; var html = window.plugin.logsDiary.data.replaceString(guid, obj[2]); var player = obj[3]; var public = obj[1]; window.plugin.logsDiary.obj.log[guid] = [date, html, player, public]; } } } window.plugin.logsDiary.ui.setHeart = function(guid){ var isSaved = window.plugin.logsDiary.data.isSaved(guid); if(isSaved == false){ $('tr[data-log="'+guid+'"] .logsDiary').removeClass('saved'); $('.logsDiaryDialog tr[data-log="'+guid+'"]').remove(); }else{ $('tr[data-log="'+guid+'"] .logsDiary').addClass('saved'); } } window.plugin.logsDiary.ui.getAllLogsSavedHTML = function(){ var list = window.plugin.logsDiary.data.getSortLogsSaved(); var html = ''; var day24h = 0; for(i in list){ var log = list[i][1]; var date = log[0]; var text = log[1]; var owner = log[2]; var isFaction = log[3]; var guid = log[4]; var heart = window.plugin.logsDiary.ui.getToggleHTML(guid); var checkDate = parseInt((date/1000)/(24*60*60)); if(checkDate > day24h){ formatDate = window.plugin.logsDiary.data.timestampToYMD(date); html += '── '+formatDate+' ──────────────────────────────────────────'; day24h = checkDate; } html += window.plugin.logsDiary.ui.getRowStartHTML(guid)+heart+''+text+''; } return ''+html+'
'; } window.plugin.logsDiary.ui.getRowStartHTML = function(guid){ return ''; } window.plugin.logsDiary.ui.getToggleHTML = function(guid){ var isSaved = (window.plugin.logsDiary.data.isSaved(guid))? ' saved' : ''; var heart = ''; return heart; } window.plugin.logsDiary.ui.openDialog = function(){ var html = window.plugin.logsDiary.ui.getAllLogsSavedHTML(); dialog({ title: 'Logs Diary', html: '
', width: 650, dialogClass: 'ui-dialog-logsDiary', buttons:{ 'REFRESH': function(){ $('.logsDiaryDialog').html(window.plugin.logsDiary.ui.getAllLogsSavedHTML()); window.plugin.logsDiary.action.supportEmoji(); }, 'UNSAVE ALL': function(){ var prompt = window.confirm('Are you sure to delete all saved logs?', ''); if(prompt === true){ window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.reset(); } } } }); window.plugin.logsDiary.action.supportEmoji(); } window.plugin.logsDiary.action.toggle = function(guid){ window.plugin.logsDiary.data.setHeart(guid); window.plugin.logsDiary.ui.setHeart(guid); window.plugin.logsDiary.storage.save(); } window.plugin.logsDiary.action.supportEmoji = function(){ if(window.plugin.emojiChat !== undefined){ $('.logsDiaryDialog table tbody tr').each(function(i){ var selector = $(this).children('td:nth-child(4)'); window.plugin.emojiChat.action.emojify(selector); }); } } //--------------------------- window.plugin.logsDiary.setupCSS = function(){ $('