// ==UserScript== // @author blsmit5728 // @id throwrange@blsmit5728 // @name Under-Field Throw Range // @category Layer // @version 1.1.2 // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/blsmit5728/throwrange.user.js // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/blsmit5728/throwrange.meta.js // @description Shows under field throw range at 500m // @match *://intel.ingress.com/* // @match *://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* globals dialog */ function wrapper(plugin_info) { // Make sure that window.plugin exists. IITC defines it as a no-op function, // and other plugins assume the same. if (typeof window.plugin !== "function") window.plugin = function () { }; const KEY_SETTINGS = "FieldThrowrange-settings"; // Use own namespace for plugin window.plugin.FieldThrowrange = function () { }; const thisPlugin = window.plugin.FieldThrowrange; // Name of the IITC build for first-party plugins plugin_info.buildName = "FieldThrowrange"; // Datetime-derived version of the plugin plugin_info.dateTimeVersion = "20201112000000"; // ID/name of the plugin plugin_info.pluginId = "FieldThrowrange"; const TIMERS = {}; function createThrottledTimer(name, callback, ms) { if (TIMERS[name]) clearTimeout(TIMERS[name]); // throttle if there are several calls to the functions TIMERS[name] = setTimeout(function () { delete TIMERS[name]; if (typeof window.requestIdleCallback == "undefined") callback(); // and even now, wait for iddle else requestIdleCallback( function () { callback(); }, { timeout: 2000 } ); }, ms || 100); } window.portalFieldThrowrangeIndicator = null; FieldThrowrangeLayer = null; dFieldThrowrangeLayerGroup = null; let lastPortalGuid = null; map = window.map; const defaultSettings = { circleColor: "#800080", circleWidth: 2, circleRange: 500 }; let settings = defaultSettings; function saveSettings() { createThrottledTimer("saveSettings", function () { localStorage[KEY_SETTINGS] = JSON.stringify(settings); }); drawFieldThrowRange(lastPortalGuid); } thisPlugin.loadSettings = function () { const tmp = localStorage[KEY_SETTINGS]; try { settings = JSON.parse(tmp); } catch (e) { // eslint-disable-line no-empty } if (!settings.circleWidth) { settings.circleWidth = "2"; } if (!settings.circleRange) { settings.circleRange = 500; } } window.resetSettings = function () { settings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaultSettings)); showSettingsDialog(); } // The entry point for this plugin. function setup() { thisPlugin.loadSettings(); window.addHook( "portalSelected", window.drawFieldThrowRange ); FieldThrowrangeLayer = L.layerGroup(); window.addLayerGroup('Under Field Throw Range', FieldThrowrangeLayer, true); dFieldThrowrangeLayerGroup = L.layerGroup(); const toolbox = document.getElementById("toolbox"); let buttonFieldThrowrange = document.createElement("a"); buttonFieldThrowrange.textContent = "Under Field Throw Range Settings"; buttonFieldThrowrange.title = "Configuration for Under Field Throw Range Plugin"; buttonFieldThrowrange.addEventListener("click", showSettingsDialog); toolbox.appendChild(buttonFieldThrowrange); } thisPlugin.saveToFile = function (text, filename) { if (typeof text != 'string') { text = JSON.stringify(text); } if (typeof window.saveFile != 'undefined') { window.saveFile(text, filename, 'application/json'); return; } }; thisPlugin.readFromFile = function (callback) { if (typeof L.FileListLoader != 'undefined') { L.FileListLoader.loadFiles({ accept: 'application/json' }) .on('load', function (e) { callback(e.reader.result); }); return; } }; function showSettingsDialog() { const html = `

Reset to Defaults `; const width = Math.min(screen.availWidth, 420); const container = dialog({ id: "settings", width: width + "px", html: html, title: "Under Field Throw Range Settings", }); const div = container[0]; const colorCircleColorPicker = div.querySelector("#colorCircleColor"); colorCircleColorPicker.value = settings.circleColor; colorCircleColorPicker.addEventListener("change", (e) => { settings.circleColor = colorCircleColorPicker.value; saveSettings(); }); const textCircleWidthStr = div.querySelector("#textCircleWidth"); textCircleWidthStr.value = settings.circleWidth; textCircleWidthStr.addEventListener("change", (e) => { settings.circleWidth = textCircleWidthStr.value; saveSettings(); }); const textCircleRangeStr = div.querySelector("#textCircleRange"); textCircleRangeStr.value = settings.circleRange; textCircleRangeStr.addEventListener("change", (e) => { settings.circleRange = textCircleRangeStr.value; saveSettings(); }); }; window.drawFieldThrowRange = function (guid) { portalFieldThrowrangeIndicator = null; dFieldThrowrangeLayerGroup.clearLayers(); if (guid) { if (guid.selectedPortalGuid) { lastPortalGuid = guid; p = window.portals[guid.selectedPortalGuid]; if (p) { const coord = new LatLng(p._latlng.lat, p._latlng.lng); console.log("[UFTR] ", settings.circleRange); console.log("[UFTR] ", Number(settings.circleRange)); portalFieldThrowrangeIndicator = L.circle(coord, Number(settings.circleRange), { fill: false, color: settings.circleColor, weight: settings.circleWidth, interactive: false } ) dFieldThrowrangeLayerGroup.addLayer(portalFieldThrowrangeIndicator); } updateMap(); } else { if (FieldThrowrangeLayer.hasLayer(dFieldThrowrangeLayerGroup)) { FieldThrowrangeLayer.removeLayer(dFieldThrowrangeLayerGroup); } } } }; setup.info = plugin_info; //add the script info data to the function as a property // if IITC has already booted, immediately run the 'setup' function if (window.iitcLoaded) { setup(); } else { if (!window.bootPlugins) { window.bootPlugins = []; } window.bootPlugins.push(setup); } function updateMap() { if (!portalFieldThrowrangeIndicator) { return; } const zoom = map.getZoom(); console.log("[UFTR] ", zoom); if (zoom > 2) { if (!FieldThrowrangeLayer.hasLayer(dFieldThrowrangeLayerGroup)) { FieldThrowrangeLayer.addLayer(dFieldThrowrangeLayerGroup); } } } function LatLng(lat, lng, alt) { if (isNaN(lat) || isNaN(lng)) { throw new Error('Invalid LatLng object: (' + lat + ', ' + lng + ')'); } // @property lat: Number // Latitude in degrees this.lat = +lat; // @property lng: Number // Longitude in degrees this.lng = +lng; // @property alt: Number // Altitude in meters (optional) if (alt !== undefined) { this.alt = +alt; } } LatLng.prototype = { // @method toString(): String // Returns a string representation of the point (for debugging purposes). toString: function (precision) { return 'LatLng(' + formatNum(this.lat, precision) + ', ' + formatNum(this.lng, precision) + ')'; } }; } (function () { const plugin_info = {}; if (typeof GM_info !== 'undefined' && GM_info && GM_info.script) { plugin_info.script = { version: GM_info.script.version, name: GM_info.script.name, description: GM_info.script.description }; } // Greasemonkey. It will be quite hard to debug if (typeof unsafeWindow != 'undefined' || typeof GM_info == 'undefined' || GM_info.scriptHandler != 'Tampermonkey') { // inject code into site context const script = document.createElement('script'); script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('(' + wrapper + ')(' + JSON.stringify(plugin_info) + ');')); (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script); } else { // Tampermonkey, run code directly wrapper(plugin_info); } })();