// ==UserScript== // @author mrDinckleman // @id aurora@mrDinckleman // @name Aurora Glyph Hack Challenge // @category Misc // @version // @description [2019-08-21-192931] Allow manual entry of portals glyphed during Aurora Glyph Hack Challenge. Use the 'highlighter-aurora' plugin to show the portals on the map, and 'sync' to share between multiple browsers or desktop/mobile. // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/mrDinckleman/aurora.meta.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IITC-CE/Community-plugins/master/dist/mrDinckleman/aurora.user.js // @namespace https://github.com/mrDinckleman/iitc-plugins // @include https://intel.ingress.com/* // @match https://intel.ingress.com/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* globals $ */ function wrapper(plugin_info) { // Ensure plugin framework is there, even if iitc is not yet loaded if (typeof window.plugin !== 'function') window.plugin = function () {}; // PLUGIN START ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var glyph = { 1: parseInt('00001', 2), 2: parseInt('00010', 2), 3: parseInt('00100', 2), 4: parseInt('01000', 2), 5: parseInt('10000', 2) }; // Use own namespace for plugin window.plugin.aurora = function () {}; // Delay in ms window.plugin.aurora.SYNC_DELAY = 5000; // Maps the JS property names to localStorage keys window.plugin.aurora.FIELDS = { 'glyphed': 'plugin-aurora-data', 'updateQueue': 'plugin-aurora-data-queue', 'updatingQueue': 'plugin-aurora-data-updating-queue' }; window.plugin.aurora.glyphed = {}; window.plugin.aurora.updateQueue = {}; window.plugin.aurora.updatingQueue = {}; window.plugin.aurora.enableSync = false; window.plugin.aurora.disabledMessage = null; window.plugin.aurora.contentHTML = null; window.plugin.aurora.isHighlightActive = false; window.plugin.aurora.onPortalDetailsUpdated = function () { var $preview = $('#portaldetails > .imgpreview'); if (typeof(Storage) === 'undefined') { $preview.after(window.plugin.aurora.disabledMessage); return; } var guid = window.selectedPortal; $preview.after(window.plugin.aurora.contentHTML); window.plugin.aurora.updateCheckedAndHighlight(guid); }; window.plugin.aurora.updateCheckedAndHighlight = function (guid) { if (guid === window.selectedPortal) { var glyphInfo = window.plugin.aurora.glyphed[guid]; var glyphed = (glyphInfo && glyphInfo.glyphed) || 0; $('#glyph_1').prop('checked', glyphed & glyph[1]); $('#glyph_2').prop('checked', glyphed & glyph[2]); $('#glyph_3').prop('checked', glyphed & glyph[3]); $('#glyph_4').prop('checked', glyphed & glyph[4]); $('#glyph_5').prop('checked', glyphed & glyph[5]); } if (window.plugin.aurora.isHighlightActive) { if (window.portals[guid]) { window.setMarkerStyle(window.portals[guid], guid === window.selectedPortal); } } }; window.plugin.aurora.updateGlyphed = function (state, seq, guid) { if (typeof guid === 'undefined') guid = window.selectedPortal; var glyphInfo = window.plugin.aurora.glyphed[guid]; if (!glyphInfo) { window.plugin.aurora.glyphed[guid] = glyphInfo = { glyphed: 0 }; } // Nothing changed if (state === !!(glyphInfo.glyphed & glyph[seq])) return; glyphInfo.glyphed = glyphInfo.glyphed + (state ? 1 : -1) * glyph[seq]; window.plugin.aurora.updateCheckedAndHighlight(guid); window.plugin.aurora.sync(guid); $('input.glyph_' + seq + '[data-guid="' + guid + '"]').prop('checked', state); window.plugin.aurora.toggleAll(seq); $('#dialog-aurora-dialog').prev().find('.ui-dialog-title').text(window.plugin.aurora.getModalTitle()); }; // Stores the given GUID for sync window.plugin.aurora.sync = function (guid) { window.plugin.aurora.updateQueue[guid] = true; window.plugin.aurora.storeLocal('glyphed'); window.plugin.aurora.storeLocal('updateQueue'); window.plugin.aurora.syncQueue(); }; // Sync the queue, but delay the actual sync to group a few updates in a single request window.plugin.aurora.syncQueue = function () { if (!window.plugin.aurora.enableSync) return; clearTimeout(window.plugin.aurora.syncTimer); window.plugin.aurora.syncTimer = setTimeout(function () { window.plugin.aurora.syncTimer = null; $.extend(window.plugin.aurora.updatingQueue, window.plugin.aurora.updateQueue); window.plugin.aurora.updateQueue = {}; window.plugin.aurora.storeLocal('updatingQueue'); window.plugin.aurora.storeLocal('updateQueue'); window.plugin.sync.updateMap('aurora', 'glyphed', Object.keys(window.plugin.aurora.updatingQueue)); }, window.plugin.aurora.SYNC_DELAY); }; // Call after IITC and all plugin loaded window.plugin.aurora.registerFieldForSyncing = function () { if (!window.plugin.sync) return; window.plugin.sync.registerMapForSync( 'aurora', 'glyphed', window.plugin.aurora.syncCallback, window.plugin.aurora.syncInitialed ); }; // Call after local or remote change uploaded window.plugin.aurora.syncCallback = function (pluginName, fieldName, e, fullUpdated) { if (fieldName === 'glyphed') { window.plugin.aurora.storeLocal('glyphed'); // All data is replaced if other client update the data during this client offline if (fullUpdated) { // A full update - update the selected portal sidebar if (window.selectedPortal) { window.plugin.aurora.updateCheckedAndHighlight(window.selectedPortal); } // And also update all highlights, if needed if (window.plugin.aurora.isHighlightActive) { window.resetHighlightedPortals(); } return; } if (!e) return; if (e.isLocal) { // Update pushed successfully, remove it from updatingQueue delete window.plugin.aurora.updatingQueue[e.property]; } else { // Remote update delete window.plugin.aurora.updateQueue[e.property]; window.plugin.aurora.storeLocal('updateQueue'); window.plugin.aurora.updateCheckedAndHighlight(e.property); } } }; // Syncing of the field is initialed, upload all queued update window.plugin.aurora.syncInitialed = function (pluginName, fieldName) { if (fieldName === 'glyphed') { window.plugin.aurora.enableSync = true; if (Object.keys(window.plugin.aurora.updateQueue).length > 0) { window.plugin.aurora.syncQueue(); } } }; window.plugin.aurora.storeLocal = function (name) { var key = window.plugin.aurora.FIELDS[name]; if (key === undefined) return; var value = window.plugin.aurora[name]; if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null) { localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(window.plugin.aurora[name]); } else { localStorage.removeItem(key); } }; window.plugin.aurora.loadLocal = function (name) { var key = window.plugin.aurora.FIELDS[name]; if (key === undefined) return; if (localStorage[key] !== undefined) { window.plugin.aurora[name] = JSON.parse(localStorage[key]); } }; /** * HIGHLIGHTER */ window.plugin.aurora.highlighter = { highlight: function (data) { var guid = data.portal.options.ent[0]; var glyphInfo = window.plugin.aurora.glyphed[guid]; var style = {}; if (glyphInfo) { var total = 0; if (glyphInfo.glyphed & glyph[1]) total += 1; if (glyphInfo.glyphed & glyph[2]) total += 1; if (glyphInfo.glyphed & glyph[3]) total += 1; if (glyphInfo.glyphed & glyph[4]) total += 1; if (glyphInfo.glyphed & glyph[5]) total += 1; switch (total) { case 0: style.fillColor = 'red'; style.fillOpacity = 0.7; break; case 1: style.fillColor = 'coral'; style.fillOpacity = 0.7; break; case 2: style.fillColor = 'orange'; style.fillOpacity = 0.7; break; case 3: style.fillColor = 'yellow'; style.fillOpacity = 0.6; break; case 4: style.fillColor = 'chartreuse'; style.fillOpacity = 0.6; break; case 5: // glyphed all - no highlights break; } } else { // no glyph data at all style.fillColor = 'red'; style.fillOpacity = 0.7; } data.portal.setStyle(style); }, setSelected: function (active) { window.plugin.aurora.isHighlightActive = active; } }; window.plugin.aurora.setupCSS = function () { $('