# Item Group Privacy This documentation does not warrant completeness or correctness. Please report any missing or wrong information using the [ILIAS issue tracker](https://mantis.ilias.de) or contribute a fix via [Pull Request](../../../docs/development/contributing.md#pull-request-to-the-repositories). ## Integrated Services - The Item Group component employs the following services, please consult the respective privacy.mds - The **Object** service stores the account which created the object as it's owner and creation and update timestamps for the object. - [AccessControl](../../ILIAS/AccessControl/PRIVACY.md) ## Data being stored - The Item Group module itself does not store any personal data. ## Data presentation - The Item group itself does not present any personal data. ## Data Deletion - The Item group itself does not store or delete any personal data. - Basic object and permission data is deleted once the object is "finally" deleted (removed from trash).