# We can provide a name for this pattern here. pattern_name: exposure_with_input # In 'classes', we define the terms we will use in this pattern. # In the OBO community the terms often have numeric IDs, so here # we can provide human-readable names we can use further in the pattern. # The key is the name to be used; the value is the ID in prefixed form (i.e. a CURIE). classes: exposure event: ExO:0000002 Thing: owl:Thing # Use 'relations' the same way as 'classes', # but for the object properties used in the pattern. relations: has input: RO:0002233 # The 'vars' section defines the various slots that can be # filled in for this pattern. We have only one, which we call 'input'. # The value is the range, meaning the class of things that are valid # values for this pattern. By specifying owl:Thing, we're allowing any # class to be provided as a variable filler. You need a column in your # spreadsheet for each variable defined here, in addition to the `defined class` column. vars: input: 'Thing' # We can provide a template for an `rdfs:label` value to generate # for our new term. dosdp-tools will search the source ontology # to find the label for the filler term, and fill it into the # name template in place of the %s. name: text: "exposure to %s" vars: - input # This works the same as label generation, but instead creates # a definition annotation. def: text: "A exposure event involving the interaction of an exposure receptor to %s. Exposure may be through a variety of means, including through the air or surrounding medium, or through ingestion." vars: - input # Here we can generate a logical axiom for our new concept. Create an # expression using OWL Manchester syntax. The expression can use any # of the terms defined at the beginning of the pattern. A reference # to the variable value will be inserted in place of the %s. equivalentTo: text: "'exposure event' and 'has input' some %s" vars: - input