## Version 1.0 - implemented send_data and send_query wrappers for pandas sql-functionality ## Version 1.0.8 - renamed to dbrequests ## Version 1.1 - added handling of percentage signs - added possibility of automated comment removal - ensured the compatibility of raw SQL code with code sent via dbrequests ## Version 1.2 - changed static loading of the connection class to a flexible model, allowing to override connections for different SQL drivers ## Version 1.3 - added mysql backend for specific mysql and mariadb support - added possibility for send_data to use infile for mysql databases ## Version 1.3.8 - dbrequests.mysql module: - see #11 for motivation on moving dialect specific implementation into extras - see #15 for mysql specific send_data via load data local infile ## Version 1.3.9 - dbrequests.mysql: - see #20 for memory efficient send_data using datatable ## Version 1.3.10 - dbrequests.mysql: - see #24 for bugfix while writing to csv ## Version 1.3.11 - dbrequests.mysql: - see #28 for bugfix when sending escape sequences ## Version 1.3.12 - dbrequests.mysql: - see #22 for performance improvements for send_query when reading large datasets - support for pymysql and mysqldb ## Version 1.3.13 - dbrequests.mysql - see #30: fixes handling of None/NULL values in columns ## Version 1.3.14 - dbrequests.mysql: - see #32 for bugfix in send_query for empty result sets ## Version 1.3.15 - dbrequests: - see #27 for bugfix in Database class when specifiying a port in a credentials object. - the argument 'creds' in the init method of a database class is now deprecated - the argument 'db_url' can now handle str and dict type; str is a sqlalchemy url; a dict a credentials object - credential objects can now have additional fields which will be used as elements in connect_args for sqlalchemies create_engine: see #12 - dbrequests.mysql - see #36 for bugfix while sending an empty frame ## Version 1.3.16 - dbrequests.mysql - see #35: New send_data modes: update_diffs, insert_diffs, replace_diffs ## Version 1.3.17 - dbrequests.mysql - new function in database: send_delete for deleting rows in a database. - send_data in mode 'update' now allows to send only partial subset of columns. ## Version 1.4.0 - dbrequests.mysql - bugfix in send_data with mode [update|insert|replace]_diffs: same as #36 ## Version 1.4.1 - dbrequests.mysql - bugfix for upstream bug in mariadb: sending diffs needs persisten tables instead of temporary. ## Version 1.4.2 - dbrequests.mysql - creating temorary removing partitions and system versioned from temporary tables. - new mode for send data: sync_diffs: update differences and delete deprecated rows. - new mode for delete data: in_delete_col: mark rows to delete, then delete. - bugfix for temporary tables: now properly removes tables. ## Version 1.4.3-5 - dbrequests.mysql - More stable and reliable Version of sync_diffs mode for sending data. Respects scarce resources on the mysql server. ## Version 1.4.6 - dbrequests.mysql - HOTFIX #51: Bug with latest datatable version ## Version 1.4.7 - dbrequests.mysql - bugfix of #52 ## Version 1.4.8 - dbrequests.mysql - fix for creating temporary files on Windows.