All the normalization and calculations are done with the default parameters: 7 digits of precision, 128 cutoff limit on character strings and SHA256 hashes truncated to 128 bits. All the examples below are single value vectors of the type specified. The accented characters in the character string examples are in UTF8. All the normalized strings below represent the final arrays of bytes that are ready to be fed to a SHA256 calculator. - "high" (>127) and zero bytes are represented by their octal (\xxx) or hex () values; - "\n" represents the standard new line byte character (octal \012, hex <0A>); - all other characters represent the corresponding US-ASCII byte values. Numbers: ======= VALUE NORMALIZATION SHA256(truncated) 0 "+0.e+\n\000" YUvj33xEHnzirIHQyZaHow== 1 "+1.e+\n\000" tv3XYCv524AfmlFyVOhuZg== -300 "-3.e+2\n\000" ZTXyg54FoMfRDWZl6oWmFQ== 3.1415 "+3.1415e+\n\000" vOSZmXXXpKfQcqZ0Cuu5/w== 0.00073 "+7.3e-4\n\000" qhw3qzg3fEK0NNfoVxk4jQ== values with >7 digits of precision: (note that the following 2 values produce the same UNF - because of the "ties to even" rounding mode used!) 1.2345675 "+1.234568e+1\n\000" 1.2345685 "+1.234568e+1\n\000" "special" values: NaN "+nan\n\000" GNcR8/UCnImaPpw47gdPNg== +Inf "+inf\n\000" MdAI70WZdDHnu6qmkpqUQg== -Inf "-inf\n\000" A7orv3pgAhljFnGjQVLCog== Character Strings: ================= a "simple" string: ----------------- "A character String" "A character String\n\000" FYqU7uBl885eHMbpco1ooA== a long string: ------------- "A quite long character string, so long that the number of characters in it happens to be more than the default cutoff limit of 128." normalization: "A quite long character string, so long that the number of characters in it happens to be more than the default cutoff limit of 1\n\000" SHA256: /BoSlfcIlsmQ+GHu5gxwEw== a string with accented (western latin) characters: ------------------------------------------------- "på Færøerne" Normalization in UTF-8, actual bytes: hex: "p Frerne<0A><00>" octal: "p\303\245 F\303\246r\303\270erne\012\000" SHA256: KHM6bKVaVaxWDDsmyerfDA== an empty string: --------------- "" "\n\000" ECtRuXZaVqPomffPDuOOUg== Missing value (of all types): ============================ "\000\000\000" cJ6AyISHokEeHuTfufIqhg== Times and Dates: =============== Mon Jan 13 20:47:18 2014 "2014-01-13T20:47:18\n\000" eaMxex5EHi2LunomVc0SDw== Mon Jan 13 20:47:18 EST 2014 "2014-01-14T01:47:18Z\n\000" 1Pku/Z/EIRtmpdEepAb1MA== Booleans: ======== TRUE "+1.e+\n\000" tv3XYCv524AfmlFyVOhuZg== FALSE "+0.e+\n\000" YUvj33xEHnzirIHQyZaHow==