{ "installations": [ { "name": "Abacus", "description": "Open for researchers associated with British Columbia universities to deposit data.", "lat": 49.259982, "lng": -123.250212, "hostname": "abacus.library.ubc.ca", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2014", "country": "Canada", "continent": "North America", "harvesting_sets": [ "abacus_open" ], "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "\u2415", "contact_email": "abacus.support@ubc.ca" }, { "name": "ACSS Dataverse", "description": "The ACSS Dataverse is an initiative of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences, in collaboration with the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The ACSS Dataverse contains social science datasets produced in Arab countries, with the goal of making data available for research in the region and preserving data for future generations of researchers. There is no charge for access to datasets in the ACSS Dataverse, although users are requested to register in order to download data. The ACSS Dataverse encourages social scientists who study the Arab region to participate in this initiative by depositing data.", "lat": 33.899798, "lng": 35.485184, "hostname": "dataverse.theacss.org", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Lebanon", "continent": "Asia", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.25825", "contact_email": "dataverse@theacss.org" }, { "name": "ADA Dataverse", "description": "The Australian Data Archive provides a national service for collecting, preserving, publishing and accessing digital research data.", "lat": -35.343784, "lng": 149.082977, "hostname": "dataverse.ada.edu.au", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2017", "country": "Australia", "continent": "Australia", "about_url": "https://ada.edu.au", "gdcc_member": true, "core_trust_seals": [ "https://www.coretrustseal.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Australian-Data-Archive.pdf" ], "doi_authority": "10.26193", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/17", "contact_email": "ada@anu.edu.au" }, { "name": "Arca Dados", "description": "Arca Dados is Fiocruz's official repository to archive, publish, disseminate, preserve and share digital research data produced by the Fiocruz community or in partnership with other research institutes or bodies, with the objective of promoting new research, ensuring the reproducibility or replicability of existing research, and promoting Open and Citizen Science. Its objective is to stimulate the wide circulation of scientific knowledge, strengthening the institutional commitment to Open Science and the free access of information in health, in addition to providing transparency and fostering collaboration between researchers, educators, academics, managers, graduate students, for the advancement of knowledge and the creation of solutions that meet society's demands. For more information, email dataabertos@fiocruz.br", "lat": -22.874936, "lng": -43.245379, "hostname": "dadosdepesquisa.fiocruz.br", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Brazil", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.35078", "contact_email": "dadosabertos@fiocruz.br" }, { "name": "ARP", "description": "The repository was originally created as Concorda, an ad-hoc initiative for data exchange during the Covid-19 pandemic by HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI) and HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics (WIGNER). Since then, the repository was significantly expanded with additional disk space and other resources donated by SZTAKI and WIGNER institutes, and accepts data from all Hungarian researchers (with some storage constraints). In 2021, the ARP project started to build research data infrastructure for the Hungarian Research Network, and chose it as the main repository component to be integrated, while also significantly expanding its storage capacity. See also: https://researchdata.hu/ https://fairsharing.org/4585 https://www.re3data.org/repository/r3d100014109 https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/repository/10638 https://wigner.hu/ https://sztaki.hu/", "lat": 47.47834443, "lng": 19.05210423, "hostname": "repo.researchdata.hu", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Hungary", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "support@researchdata.hu" }, { "name": "ASU Library Research Data Repository", "description": "ASU Library's research data repository (powered by Harvard\u2019s Dataverse software) helps ASU affiliated researchers share, store, preserve, cite, explore, and make research data accessible and discoverable. Dataverse is a dedicated research data management service platform that serves in the publication and reuse phase of the research data lifecycle and works in concert with the ASU Digital Repository ecosystem to present a more complete picture of ASU\u2019s scholarly activities.", "lat": 33.425437, "lng": -111.928163, "hostname": "dataverse.asu.edu", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "10.48349", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/30", "contact_email": "dataverse@asu.edu" }, { "name": "AUSSDA Dataverse", "description": "AUSSDA - The Austrian Social Science Data Archive makes social science data accessible, creating opportunities for research and data reuse, benefitting science and society. AUSSDA serves as the Austrian representative in the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA ERIC).", "lat": 48.210033, "lng": 16.363449, "hostname": "data.aussda.at", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2017", "country": "Austria", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "http://aussda.at", "harvesting_sets": [ "all_published" ], "gdcc_member": false, "core_trust_seals": [ "https://www.coretrustseal.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/AUSSDA-The-Austrian-Social-Science-Data-Archive.pdf" ], "doi_authority": "10.11587", "contact_email": "info@aussda.at" }, { "name": "awf.rodbuk.pl", "description": "", "lat": 50.07272998, "lng": 20.00123847, "hostname": "awf.rodbuk.pl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Poland", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false }, { "name": "BioData.pt Data Management Portal (DMPortal)", "description": "DMPortal is offered by BioData.pt, the Portuguese biological data infrastructure and national node of ELIXIR. The portal aims to support the national life sciences research community by enabling FAIR research practices. DMPortal is open to all life sciences fields, but has traditionally been more focused in supporting research in COVID-19, human health, and plant sciences.", "lat": 38.736667, "lng": -9.138889, "hostname": "dmportal.biodata.pt", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Portugal", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.34636" }, { "name": "bonndata", "description": "bonndata is a state-of-the-art, cross-disciplinary research data repository designed for scientists at the University of Bonn. The repository is an integral part of the University of Bonn's research infrastructure and it is maintained by the Research Data Service Center, which offers a range of services to help researchers manage their data throughout the research lifecycle.", "lat": 50.72894416, "lng": 7.088606727, "hostname": "bonndata.uni-bonn.de", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Germany", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "szerr@uni-bonn.de" }, { "name": "Borealis", "description": "Open for researchers and organizations associated with subscribing Canadian universities to deposit data.", "lat": 43.6532, "lng": -79.3832, "hostname": "borealisdata.ca", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2012", "country": "Canada", "continent": "North America", "about_url": "https://borealisdata.ca/about/", "harvesting_sets": [ "sp_dataverse" ], "gdcc_member": true, "core_trust_seals": [ "https://doi.org/10.34894/PUHYXX" ], "doi_authority": "10.5683", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/8", "contact_email": "dataverse@scholarsportal.info" }, { "name": "Botswana Harvard Data", "description": "The Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partneship is a world-renowned educational institution of excellence in research and education pertinent to HIV/AIDS and other emerging public health challenges. Established in 1996, the Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership (BHP) is a collaborative research and training initiative between Botswana\u2019s Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health AIDS Initiative. The BHP Dataverse is a data repository for all the research done at BHP. Raw data, anonymised data and final analysis data for every research. This repository will achieve and also easy data sharing within the organisation and outside.", "lat": -24.653257, "lng": 25.906792, "hostname": "dataverse.bhp.org.bw", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Botswana", "continent": "Africa", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "\u2205" }, { "name": "BRIN Dataverse", "description": "The Repositori Ilmiah Nasional (RIN) is a means to share, preserve, cite, explore, and analyze research data. RIN increases data availability and allows others to reproduce research more easily. Researchers, data authors, publishers, data distributors, and affiliate institutions all receive academic credit and web visibility. Researchers, agencies, and funders have full control over research data.", "lat": -6.228771, "lng": 106.818082, "hostname": "data.brin.go.id", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2018", "country": "Indonesia", "continent": "Asia", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "rin@brin.go.id" }, { "name": "Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas F\u00edsicas - CBPF", "description": "Brazilian Center for Research in Physics", "lat": -22.954204, "lng": -43.1734987, "hostname": "dataverse.cbpf.br", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2021", "country": "Brazil", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.8037", "contact_email": "lab3i@cbpf.br" }, { "name": "CESA | Repositorio de datos acad\u00e9micos", "description": "Discover the data on entrepreneurship projects, innovation plans, digital transformation proposals, consumers, and financial markets. Also, explore research on business, management, and entrepreneurship research development at our Business school.", "lat": 4.621920153, "lng": -74.06522592, "hostname": "opendata.cesa.edu.co", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Colombia", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.5713", "contact_email": "biblioteca@cesa.edu.co" }, { "name": "CIDACS", "description": "Fiocruz-BA data repository publishes epidemiological data and research from all over Brazil", "lat": -12.922964, "lng": -38.387918, "hostname": "dataverse.cidacs.org", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Brazil", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "curadoriadata@gmail.com" }, { "name": "CIFOR", "description": "Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Dataverse", "lat": -6.594293, "lng": 106.806, "hostname": "data.cifor.org", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2015", "country": "Indonesia", "continent": "Asia", "harvesting_sets": [ "cifor_general" ], "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.17528", "contact_email": "cifor-rdm-support@cgiar.org" }, { "name": "CIMMYT Research Data", "description": "Free, open access repository of research data and software produced and developed by CIMMYT scientists.", "lat": 19.531535, "lng": -98.846064, "hostname": "data.cimmyt.org", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2016", "country": "Mexico", "continent": "North America", "harvesting_sets": [ "cimmytdatadvn", "cimmytswdvn", "iwypdvn" ], "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "\u2415", "contact_email": "J.HERRERA@cgiar.org" }, { "name": "CIRAD Dataverse", "description": "Organisme fran\u00e7ais de recherche agronomique et de coop\u00e9ration internationale pour le d\u00e9veloppement durable des r\u00e9gions tropicales et m\u00e9diterran\u00e9ennes, les activit\u00e9s du CIRAD rel\u00e8vent des sciences du vivant, des sciences sociales et des sciences de l\u2019ing\u00e9nieur appliqu\u00e9es \u00e0 l\u2019agriculture, \u00e0 l\u2019alimentFrench agricultural research and international cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions, CIRAD's activities concern the life sciences, social sciences and engineering sciences, applied to agriculture, the environment and territorial management.", "lat": 43.650089, "lng": 3.869122, "hostname": "dataverse.cirad.fr", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2018", "country": "France", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.18167", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/29", "contact_email": "dataverse@cirad.fr" }, { "name": "CORA. Research Data Repository (RDR)", "description": "CORA. Research Data Repository (RDR) is a federated and multidisciplinary data repository that allows Catalan universities, CERCA research centers and other entities that carry out research to publish research datasets in FAIR mode and following the EOSC guidelines. The objectives of the RDR are to increase the efficiency and transparency of research through the rapid dissemination of datasets and to facilitate their reuse.", "lat": 41.38745982, "lng": 2.112077304, "hostname": "dataverse.csuc.cat", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2021", "country": "Spain", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "https://dataverse.csuc.cat/about.xhtml", "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "10.3481", "contact_email": "rdr-contacte@csuc.cat" }, { "name": "CoronaWhy Dataverse", "description": "Research data repository of the CoronaWhy, globally distributed, volunteer-powered research organisation, trying to assist the medical community\u2019s ability to answer key questions related to COVID-19 and Monkeypox.", "lat": 52.0705, "lng": 4.3007, "hostname": "datasets.coronawhy.org", "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Netherlands", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "team@coronawhy.org" }, { "name": "CROSSDA", "description": "The Croatian Social Science Data Archive (CROSSDA) is a national infrastructure public service whose role is to ensure the long-term preservation and dissemination of social science research data.", "lat": 45.79641, "lng": 15.97162, "hostname": "data.crossda.hr", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Croatia", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "https://www.crossda.hr/", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.23669", "contact_email": "mglavica@ffzg.hr" }, { "name": "CUHK Research Data Repository", "description": "The CUHK Research Data Repository serves as an institutional research data repository for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). It facilitates CUHK researchers to deposit their research data and for the worldwide to explore the research data outputs at CUHK.", "lat": 22.41984318, "lng": 114.2067606, "hostname": "researchdata.cuhk.edu.hk", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2021", "country": "Hong Kong", "continent": "Asia", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.48668", "contact_email": "data@cuhk.edu.hk" }, { "name": "DADOS IPB", "description": "The data repository of the Instituto Polit\u00e9cnico de Bragan\u00e7a aims to store, preserve, share and manage research data generated by the academic community.", "lat": 41.79757745, "lng": -6.767712402, "hostname": "dados.ipb.pt", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "Portugal", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "dados@ipb.pt" }, { "name": "DANS Data Station Archaeology", "description": "DANS has launched the Data Station Archeology for the Dutch archaeological research community interested in storing, finding, sharing and publishing their data online. iggest advantages: the large amount of easily searchable data, support for all Creative Commons licenses, the possibility of version control, working with living data and sharing with others.", "lat": 52.0705, "lng": 4.3007, "hostname": "archaeology.datastations.nl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "Netherlands", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "info@dataverse.nl" }, { "name": "DANS Data Station Life Sciences", "description": "Domain-specific data repository for the Life Sciences, covering all disciplines from the health, medical as well as the green life sciences. This repository primarily serves research communities in The Netherlands, but is open to international researchers and projects that carry a connection to The Netherlands or Dutch research institutes and programmes.", "lat": 52.08083, "lng": 4.345672, "hostname": "lifesciences.datastations.nl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Netherlands", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.17026", "contact_email": "info@dans.knaw.nl" }, { "name": "DANS Data Station Physical and Technical Sciences", "description": "Domain-specific data repository for research data from the Physical and Technical sciences. This repository focuses on the Dutch research community, offering repository services to organisations and individuals that have no (direct) acces to an institutional repository, or have a preference for the multi-disciplinary data services provided by DANS.", "lat": 52.0705, "lng": 4.3007, "hostname": "phys-techsciences.datastations.nl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Netherlands", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.17026", "contact_email": " info@dans.knaw.nl" }, { "name": "DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities", "description": "The Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities is a service of DANS. It allows you to deposit and search for data within the social sciences and humanities.", "lat": 52.0705, "lng": 4.3007, "hostname": "ssh.datastations.nl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Netherlands", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.17026", "contact_email": "info@dans.knaw.nl" }, { "name": "dare", "description": "/dare/ (short for data repository) is the central institutional repository for research data at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. It serves as a platform for research data generated at the University or created in its context. All users affiliated with the University are welcome to upload their research data here.", "lat": 53.1468491, "lng": 8.183134727, "hostname": "dare.uol.de", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "Germany", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.57782", "contact_email": "fdm-support@uol.de" }, { "name": "Dartmouth Dataverse", "description": "", "lat": 43.704448, "lng": -72.288715, "hostname": "dataverse.dartmouth.edu", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "gdcc_member": false }, { "name": "DaRUS", "description": "DaRUS, the data repository of the University of Stuttgart, offers a secure location for research data and codes of members or partners of the University of Stuttgart. DaRUS is used not only for publishing finished data, but also for managing and exchanging data at all stages of the lifecycle.", "lat": 48.781647, "lng": 9.172552, "hostname": "darus.uni-stuttgart.de", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Germany", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "https://www.izus.uni-stuttgart.de/en/fokus/darus/", "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "10.18419", "contact_email": "fokus@izus.uni-stuttgart.de" }, { "name": "Data Suds", "description": "Hosted by IRD, a french public research institution, who defends an original model of equitable scientific partnership with the countries of the South and an interdisciplinary and citizen science, committed to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.", "lat": 43.309873, "lng": 5.368818, "hostname": "dataverse.ird.fr", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "France", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "https://data.ird.fr", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.23708", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/20", "contact_email": "data@ird.fr" }, { "name": "data.sciencespo", "description": "Open for researchers and organizations associated with French universities to deposit data. Hosted by the Center for Socio-Political Data (Sciences Po and CNRS).", "lat": 48.854027, "lng": 2.328351, "hostname": "data.sciencespo.fr", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2016", "country": "France", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.2141", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/12", "contact_email": "data@sciencespo.fr" }, { "name": "dataportal.ing.pan.pl", "description": "IGS PAS Data Portal is an open data repository of Institute of Geological Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences. This portal is used to collect and share data, taking into account access to the data from external repositories. IGS PAS data are open and provided for free use for non-commercial purposes under applicable laws on data sharing public and publicly funded. In the case of using data by external entities, the data source must be cited following the guidelines (information on how to cite data is included in the Cite Dataset field).", "lat": 52.22835613, "lng": 20.99329514, "hostname": "dataportal.ing.pan.pl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2024", "country": "Poland", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.60871" }, { "name": "DataRepositoriUM", "description": "Institutional Data Repository of the University of Minho. Share, publish and manage research data from UMinho research units.", "lat": 41.561246, "lng": -8.39628, "hostname": "datarepositorium.sdum.uminho.pt", "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Portugal", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "https://datarepositorium.uminho.pt/", "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "10.34622", "contact_email": "datarepositorium@usdb.uminho.pt" }, { "name": "DataSpace@HKUST", "description": "", "lat": 22.336281, "lng": 114.266721, "hostname": "dataspace.ust.hk", "launch_year": "2016", "country": "Hong Kong", "continent": "Asia", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.14711" }, { "name": "Dataverse e-cienciaDatos", "description": "e-cienciaDatos is a multidisciplinary data repository that houses the scientific datasets of researchers from the public universities of the Community of Madrid and the UNED, members of the Consorcio Madro\u00f1o, in order to give visibility to these data, to ensure its preservation and facilitate their access and reuse. e-cienciaDatos is structured as a system constituted by different communities dataverse that collects datasets of each of the individual universities. e-cienciaDatos es un repositorio de datos multidisciplinar que alberga datasets cient\u00edficos de las univesidades p\u00fablicas de la Comunidad de Madrid y la UNED - miembros del Consorcio Madro\u00f1o- para dar visibilidad a estos datos, asegurar su preservaci\u00f3n y facilitar tanto su acceso como reulitilaci\u00f3n. e-cienciaDatos tiene una comunidad dataverse por universidad con los datasets de dicha universidad.", "lat": 40.416775, "lng": -3.7492, "hostname": "edatos.consorciomadrono.es", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2017", "country": "Spain", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "http://www.consorciomadrono.es/docs/eCienciaDatosTechnicalDescription.pdf", "harvesting_sets": [ "openaire_data" ], "gdcc_member": true, "core_trust_seals": [ "https://doi.org/10.34894/CUGYWW" ], "doi_authority": "10.2195", "contact_email": "eciencia@consorciomadrono.es" }, { "name": "DataverseNL", "description": "DataverseNL is a data repository hosted by DANS. Researchers associated with the DataverseNL partners (Several universities, higher education and research institutes) are able to deposit data. ", "lat": 52.08083, "lng": 4.345672, "hostname": "dataverse.nl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2013", "country": "Netherlands", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "https://dans.knaw.nl/en/data-services/dataversenl/", "gdcc_member": true, "core_trust_seals": [ "https://www.coretrustseal.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Tilburg-University-Dataverse.pdf" ], "doi_authority": "\u2415", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/22", "contact_email": "info@dataverse.nl" }, { "name": "DataverseNO", "description": "DataverseNO (https://dataverse.no/) is a national, generic repository for open research data from researchers from Norwegian research institutions. Some collections within DataverseNO also accept data from researchers from other institutions.", "lat": 69.649208, "lng": 18.955324, "hostname": "dataverse.no", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2017", "country": "Norway", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "https://site.uit.no/dataverseno/about/", "harvesting_sets": [ "dataverseno" ], "gdcc_member": true, "core_trust_seals": [ "https://www.coretrustseal.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/DataverseNO.pdf" ], "doi_authority": "10.1871", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/14", "contact_email": "support@dataverse.no" }, { "name": "DataverseUA", "description": "Development of the Open Data Repository \"DataverseUA\" for the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine carried out within the framework of the scientific and technical project of the NAS of Ukraine \"Development and implementation of open science infrastructure in the NAS of Ukraine (OPENS)\" for 2023-2024. The Open Data Repository \"DataverseUA\" provides the storing of research data, including documents in digital form, which are obtained in scientific research activities are used as evidence in the research process, and are necessary to confirm conclusions and research results in scientific publications.", "lat": 50.44528717, "lng": 30.51258431, "hostname": "opendata.nas.gov.ua", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2024", "country": "Ukraine", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "adminDataverseUA@bitp.kyiv.ua" }, { "name": "DATICE", "description": "DATICE is a data service and archive for Icelandic social science research data", "lat": 64.14042, "lng": -21.9493, "hostname": "dataverse.rhi.hi.is", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Iceland", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.34881", "contact_email": "felagsvisindastofnun@hi.is" }, { "name": "DeiC Dataverse", "description": "DeiC Dataverse is the Danish National Repository for Research Data and is available to all universities in Denmark. It is operated by the Danish e-infrastructure Consortium, DeiC, in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen.", "lat": 55.68061837, "lng": 12.57224588, "hostname": "dataverse.deic.dk", "launch_year": "2024", "country": "Denmark", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.60612", "contact_email": "sekretariat@deic.dk" }, { "name": "DOREL", "description": "The institutional data repository DOREL - DOnn\u00e9es de REcherche Lorraines - is a tool for referencing the scientific production of the University of Lorraine as well as a space for publishing data sets produced within its research units. The repository is managed by a transversal team composed of coworkers from the University Libraries, the Research services, the IT services and the MSH Lorraine (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme). It is a multidisciplinary repository, developed with the Dataverse software.", "lat": 48.69637516, "lng": 6.176537898, "hostname": "dorel.univ-lorraine.fr", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2021", "country": "France", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "donnees-recherche@univ-lorraine.fr" }, { "name": "DR-NTU (Data)", "description": "The institutional open access research data repository for Nanyang Technological University (NTU). NTU researchers are encouraged to use DR-NTU (Data) to deposit, publish and archive their final research data in order to make their research data discoverable, accessible and reusable.", "lat": 1.348668, "lng": 103.683104, "hostname": "researchdata.ntu.edu.sg", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2017", "country": "Singapore", "continent": "Asia", "about_url": "https://blogs.ntu.edu.sg/lib-datamanagement/about-dr-ntu-data/", "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "10.21979", "contact_email": "library@ntu.edu.sg" }, { "name": "DUnAs", "description": "DUnAs is the institutional research data repository of the University of Aveiro. This repository is intended to share, archive, preserve, cite, access, and explore research data produced in the university scientific research activities", "lat": 40.63078158, "lng": -8.657462548, "hostname": "dunas.ua.pt", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "Portugal", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.48527", "contact_email": "sbidm-dunas@ua.pt" }, { "name": "Edmond", "description": "Edmond is a research data repository for Max Planck researchers. It is the place to store completed datasets of research data with open access. Edmond serves the publication of research data from all disciplines and offers scientists the ability to create citable research objects.", "lat": 48.137222, "lng": 11.575556, "hostname": "edmond.mpdl.mpg.de", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "Germany", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "edmond@mpdl.mpg.de" }, { "name": "FGV Dataverse", "description": "", "lat": -22.94095725, "lng": -43.18013239, "hostname": "dataverse.fgv.br", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2021", "country": "Brazil", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "infra.acad@fgv.br, biblioteca.digital@fgv.br" }, { "name": "Florida International University Research Data Portal", "description": "The FIU Research Data Portal serves as an inter-disciplinary data archive to support access and reuse of research data produced at FIU.", "lat": 25.75389, "lng": -80.3945539, "hostname": "dataverse.fiu.edu", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "rdm@fiu.edu" }, { "name": "Fudan University", "description": "Open for Fudan University affiliated researchers to deposit data.", "lat": 31.298531, "lng": 121.501446, "hostname": "dvn.fudan.edu.cn", "launch_year": "2014", "country": "China", "continent": "Asia", "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "\u2205", "contact_email": "dvn@fudan.edu.cn" }, { "name": "George Mason University Dataverse", "description": "George Mason University Libraries Dataverse publishes, shares, and preserves data of enduring value produced by George Mason faculty, staff, and students.", "lat": 38.8306, "lng": -77.3078, "hostname": "dataverse.orc.gmu.edu", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2021", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "about_url": "https://library.gmu.edu/dataverse", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.13021", "contact_email": "datahelp@gmu.edu" }, { "name": "Gustave Eiffel University Dataverse", "description": "Les donn\u00e9es de recherche de l'Universit\u00e9 Gustave Eiffel", "lat": 48.84300627, "lng": 2.587602512, "hostname": "data.univ-gustave-eiffel.fr", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2017", "country": "France", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false }, { "name": "G\u00f6ttingen Research Online", "description": "G\u00f6ttingen Research Online is an institutional repository for the publication of research data at the G\u00f6ttingen Campus. It is managed by the G\u00f6ttingen eResearch Alliance, a joint group of the G\u00f6ttingen State and University Library and Gesellschaft f\u00fcr wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH G\u00f6ttingen.", "lat": 51.533713, "lng": 9.932198, "hostname": "data.goettingen-research-online.de", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Germany", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "10.25625", "contact_email": "info@eresearch.uni-goettingen.de" }, { "name": "Harvard Dataverse", "description": "Share, archive, and get credit for your data. Find and cite data across all research fields.", "lat": 42.375646, "lng": -71.113212, "hostname": "dataverse.harvard.edu", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2008", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "harvesting_sets": [ "IQSS" ], "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "10.791", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/19", "contact_email": "support@dataverse.harvard.edu" }, { "name": "HeiDATA", "description": "Open for Heidelberg University affiliated researchers to deposit data.", "lat": 49.39875, "lng": 8.672434, "hostname": "heidata.uni-heidelberg.de", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2014", "country": "Germany", "continent": "Europe", "harvesting_sets": [ "heidata" ], "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.11588", "contact_email": "data@uni-heidelberg.de" }, { "name": "IBICT", "description": "The network Cariniana, cariniana.ibict.br, is funded entirely by the Brazilian government and in particular by MCTI (Minist\u00e9rio da Ci\u00eancia, Tecnologia e Inova\u00e7\u00e3o). It is a project for long-term preservation of scientific publications in Brazil.", "lat": -15.805842, "lng": -47.881369, "hostname": "repositoriopesquisas.ibict.br", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2015", "country": "Brazil", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.5072" }, { "name": "ICRISAT", "description": "International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Free open data repository of ICRISAT research data including Social science, Phenotypic, Genotypic, Spatial and Soil & Weather data which are linked with open publications.", "lat": 17.385, "lng": 78.4867, "hostname": "dataverse.icrisat.org", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2012", "country": "India", "continent": "Asia", "harvesting_sets": [ "icrisat" ], "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.21421", "contact_email": "dataverse.biu@gmail.com; a.rathore@cgiar.org" }, { "name": "ICWSM", "description": "Datasets from the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM).", "lat": 37.432057, "lng": -122.175297, "hostname": "dataverse.mpi-sws.org", "launch_year": "2018", "country": "Germany", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "http://guides.dataverse.org/en/4.8.5/user", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.5072" }, { "name": "IDSC Dataverse", "description": "The IDSC Dataverse is the Data Repository of the IDSC - International Data Service Center of IZA - Institute of Labor Economics. It was created as part of a project sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research whose aim was to produce building blocks for research data trustees. The purpose of the IDSC Dataverse is to serve the needs of researchers and entities associated with IZA and make datasets available for replication, secondary research and teaching purposes. It adheres to the FAIR data principles.", "lat": 50.7300529, "lng": 7.109468, "hostname": "dataverse.iza.org", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2024", "country": "Germany", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "https://idsc.iza.org", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.15185", "contact_email": "idsc@iza.org" }, { "name": "IFDC Dataverse", "description": "Over the years, IFDC has conducted numerous research and demonstration trials across its global programs and projects. Looking to avoid poor documentation, loss of data, and to boost the efficiency of data usage and decision-making abilities, IFDC has implemented a center-wide initiative to collect all research and development data in standard accessible formats, collate all data and analyses, and to make it available through IFDC solutions. The Dataverse came to corroborate with the IFDC idea to implement the FAIR principles and make the data easily findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.", "lat": 34.76992466, "lng": -87.6541439, "hostname": "dataverse.ifdc.org", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2021", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "wpavan@ifdc.org" }, { "name": "IISH Dataverse", "description": "The IISH Dataverse contains micro-, meso-, and macro-level datasets on social and economic history.", "lat": 52.369021, "lng": 4.939226, "hostname": "datasets.iisg.amsterdam", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2015", "country": "Netherlands", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10622", "contact_email": "info@iisg.nl" }, { "name": "Indata", "description": "CEDIA's Research Data Repository preserves, disseminates and gives access to research data generated by its academics and researchers. In order to grant visibility, this repository guarantees its conservation and makes easier its access and reuse. Researchers, journals, data authors, publishers, data distributors, and affiliated institutions receive academic credit and visibility on the web.", "lat": -2.90791, "lng": -79.0108, "hostname": "indata.cedia.edu.ec", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Ecuador", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.23667", "contact_email": "neg@cedia.org.ec" }, { "name": "Institute of Russian Literature Dataverse", "description": "An institutional repository hosted by the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskij Dom) of the Russian Academy of Sciences at Saint Petersburg. It is meant to serve as a public platform to publish and host open data on Russian Literature and folklore. The repository will host data created in the Institute and by the wider research community.", "lat": 59.944883, "lng": 30.301463, "hostname": "dataverse.pushdom.ru", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Russia", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.3186" }, { "name": "International Potato Center", "description": "Centro Internacional De La Papa (International Potato Center) is a member of the CGIAR Consortium, an international organization made up of 15 centers engaged in research for a food secure future.", "lat": -12.077791, "lng": -76.946888, "hostname": "data.cipotato.org", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Peru", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.21223", "contact_email": "CIP-RIU@cgiar.org" }, { "name": "IPGP Research Collection", "description": "A repository for sharing and preserving research data and documents produced, collected and curated at the Institut de physique du globe de Paris (IPGP).", "lat": 48.844925, "lng": 2.356274, "hostname": "dataverse.ipgp.fr", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "France", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.18715", "contact_email": "rc-support@ipgp.fr" }, { "name": "Italian Institute of Technology (IIT)", "description": "IIT Dataverse is the research data repository of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and has been launched in May 2021. IIT\u2019s research activity is focused on cutting-edge science in four Research Domains (Computational Sciences, LifeTech, Nanomaterials, and Robotics) and promotes excellence in basic and applied research. IIT Dataverse offers long-term storage and preservation to research data of IIT-affiliated researchers. IIT is also member of the Global Dataverse Community Consortium", "lat": 44.475, "lng": 8.9062, "hostname": "dataverse.iit.it", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2021", "country": "Italy", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "rdm@iit.it" }, { "name": "Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository", "description": "The Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository is an open access repository for Johns Hopkins researchers to share their research data. It is administered by professional curators at JHU Data Services, who will work with depositors to enable future discovery and reuse of your data.", "lat": 39.329055, "lng": -76.620335, "hostname": "archive.data.jhu.edu", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2013", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "harvesting_sets": [ "jhuda_all" ], "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "10.7281", "contact_email": "datamanagement@jhu.edu" }, { "name": "JPL Open Repository", "description": "The JPL Open Repository (JOR), replaces the JPL Technical Report Server (TRS) in 2023, is a repository for digital copies of technical publications authored by JPL employees. It includes journal articles (the Final Accepted Version), meeting papers, presentations, and other publications cleared for external distribution from 1992 to the present. It also include research datasets from 2022 on.", "lat": 34.201815, "lng": -118.172889, "hostname": "dataverse.jpl.nasa.gov", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.48577", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/42", "contact_email": "library@jpl.nasa.gov" }, { "name": "J\u00fclich DATA", "description": "J\u00fclich DATA is the institutional research data repositorium made at Forschungszentrum J\u00fclich. Featuring metadata focus and running on Kubernetes.", "lat": 50.90683, "lng": 6.41026, "hostname": "data.fz-juelich.de", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Germany", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "https://www.fz-juelich.de/zb/rdm", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.26165", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/4", "contact_email": "forschungsdaten@fz-juelich.de" }, { "name": "KEEN Data Management Platform", "description": "The KEEN Data Management Platform is a common central Data Management and Storage Platform for KEEN project. (KEEN Project Link : http://keen-plattform.de)", "lat": 51.03412406, "lng": 13.71038, "hostname": "keen.zih.tu-dresden.de", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2021", "country": "Germany", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.57826", "contact_email": "lincoln.sherpa@tu-dresden.de" }, { "name": "KU Leuven RDR", "description": "RDR is the institutional research data repository created by KU Leuven in collaboration with LIBIS and Dataverse to help its researchers publish and share their research data.", "lat": 50.87905722, "lng": 4.701788999, "hostname": "rdr.kuleuven.be", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "Belgium", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/39", "contact_email": "rdr@kuleuven.be" }, { "name": "Libra Data", "description": "LibraData is a place for UVA researchers to share data publicly, and is part of the Libra Scholarly Repository suite of services which includes works of UVA scholarship such as articles, books, theses, and data.", "lat": 38.034578, "lng": -78.507394, "hostname": "dataverse.lib.virginia.edu", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2016", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "about_url": "http://www.library.virginia.edu/libra/datasets/", "harvesting_sets": [ "UVA-Libra-Data" ], "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "10.1813", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/10", "contact_email": "libra@virginia.edu" }, { "name": "Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities (LiDA)", "description": "Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities (LiDA) is a virtual digital infrastructure for data acquisition, long-term preservation and dissemination. It provides access to more than 700 datasets. All the international and national data resources are documented in both Lithuanian and English. Access to the data is provided via this Dataverse repository (not all the datasets are available, as in 2019-2021 a migration project from the old infrastructure is being implemented). LiDA curates most of the data collected conducting the most important international social surveys in Lithuania \u2013 the European Social Survey, European Values Studies, European Election Studies and the International Social Research Program. LiDA is hosted by the Centre for Data Analysis and Archiving of Kaunas University of Technology (data.ktu.edu).", "lat": 54.89910355, "lng": 23.91710186, "hostname": "lida.dataverse.lt", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2021", "country": "Lithuania", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "data@ktu.lt" }, { "name": "Maine Dataverse Network", "description": "A service brought to you by the ACG@UMaine. The way Supercomputing should be!", "lat": 44.901349, "lng": -68.671815, "hostname": "dataverse.acg.maine.edu/dvn", "launch_year": "2013", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "\u2415", "contact_email": "chris.wilson@maine.edu" }, { "name": "MELDATA", "description": "The Dataverse portal of the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Ares.", "lat": 33.88863, "lng": 35.49548, "hostname": "data.mel.cgiar.org", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Lebanon", "continent": "Asia", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "\u2415", "contact_email": "mel-support@cgiar.org" }, { "name": "NIE Data Repository", "description": "NIE Data Repository is the institutional open access research data repository for National Institute of Education, Singapore. NIE researchers are encouraged to use NIE Data Repository to deposit, publish and archive their final research data in order to make their research data discoverable, accessible and reusable.", "lat": 1.349115, "lng": 103.678829, "hostname": "researchdata.nie.edu.sg", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Singapore", "continent": "Asia", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.2534", "contact_email": "libscomm@nie.edu.sg" }, { "name": "NIOZ Dataverse", "description": "Open access repository for marine research data collected, processed and published by the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research", "lat": 53.003259, "lng": 4.785834, "hostname": "dataverse.nioz.nl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Netherlands", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "taco.de.bruin@nioz.nl" }, { "name": "NYCU Dataverse", "description": "NYCU Dataverse is the institutional research data repository of the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. This repository is aimed to share, archive, preserve, cite, access, and explore research data produced in the university. Datasets deposited to the NYCU Dataverse and published are automatically given a citation and a persistent link, increasing the researcher's impact, and visibility of research.", "lat": 24.7867714, "lng": 120.9984256, "hostname": "dataverse.lib.nycu.edu.tw", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "Taiwan (ROC)", "continent": "Asia", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.5777", "contact_email": "RDM@lib.nycu.edu.tw" }, { "name": "ODISSEI Portal", "description": "ODISSEI (Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations) is the Dutch national research infrastructure for the social sciences in the Netherlands. ODISSEI brings together researchers with the necessary data, expertise and resources to conduct ground-breaking research and embrace the computational turn in social enquiry.", "lat": 52.369021, "lng": 4.939226, "hostname": "portal.odissei.nl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "Netherlands", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "info@odissei-data.nl" }, { "name": "Open Data @ UCLouvain", "description": "Universit\u00e9 catholique de Louvain - Belgium", "lat": 50.669868, "lng": 4.615608, "hostname": "dataverse.uclouvain.be", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Belgium", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.14428", "contact_email": "patrick.vranckx@uclouvain.be" }, { "name": "Open Forest Data", "description": "Podlasie digital repository of natural science data", "lat": 52.70329227, "lng": 23.86781611, "hostname": "dataverse.openforestdata.pl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Poland", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "https://openforestdata.pl/", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.4837", "contact_email": "jlapinska@ibs.bialowieza.pl" }, { "name": "osnaData", "description": "osnaData, the institutional research data repository of the Osnabr\u00fcck University. osnaData offers all members of the university the possibility to publish their scientific research data according to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), thus making them visible, validatable and reusable worldwide. The research data repository osnaData is committed to the idea of Open Access as well as Open Science. Research data of all types and formats are published.", "lat": 52.27329055, "lng": 8.045669207, "hostname": "osnadata.ub.uni-osnabrueck.de", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2021", "country": "Germany", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.26249", "contact_email": "osnadata@ub.uni-osnabrueck.de" }, { "name": "PAPYRUS", "description": "Papyrus is a multidisciplinary data repository, which houses the scientific data sets of research projects carried out by the Colombian institutions belonging to the Colombia Consortium, whose purpose is to give the data visibility, guarantee their preservation and facilitate their access, retrieval and reuse through centralized custody and management.", "lat": 4.5709, "lng": -74.2973, "hostname": "papyrus-datos.co", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "Colombia", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.57924", "contact_email": "consortia@papyrus-datos.com" }, { "name": "Peking University", "description": "Peking University Open Research Data Platform", "lat": 39.993923, "lng": 116.306539, "hostname": "opendata.pku.edu.cn", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2014", "country": "China", "continent": "Asia", "about_url": "http://opendata.pku.edu.cn/about.xhtml", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.1817", "contact_email": "luopc@lib.pku.edu.cn; opendata@lib.pku.edu.cn" }, { "name": "PolyU Research Data Repository", "description": "The PolyU Research Data Repository is an open-access repository for PolyU researchers to store, manage, and share their valuable research data. It encourages worldwide discovery and reuse of research data generated by PolyU researchers.", "lat": 22.30344, "lng": 114.1799, "hostname": "https://researchdata.lib.polyu.edu.hk", "launch_year": "2024", "country": "Hong Kong", "continent": "Asia", "gdcc_member": false }, { "name": "Pontificia Universidad Cat\u00f3lica del Per\u00fa", "description": "El Instituto de Opini\u00f3n P\u00fablica de la Pontificia Universidad Cat\u00f3lica del Per\u00fa (IOP) se cre\u00f3 a finales del 2005 con la finalidad de generar un mayor conocimiento acerca de los fen\u00f3menos que interesan, preocupan y afectan a la sociedad peruana. Teniendo como eje metodol\u00f3gico el estudio de la opini\u00f3n p\u00fablica, el IOP investiga las creencias, actitudes y sentimientos que configuran las din\u00e1micas sociales en el Per\u00fa.", "lat": -12.068924, "lng": -77.079338, "hostname": "datos.pucp.edu.pe", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Peru", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "\u2415", "contact_email": "raul.sifuentes@pucp.pe" }, { "name": "QDR Main Collection", "description": "QDR curates, stores, preserves, publishes, and enables the download of digital data generated through qualitative and multi-method research in the social sciences. The repository develops and disseminates guidance for managing, sharing, citing, and reusing qualitative data, and contributes to the generation of common standards for doing so. QDR\u2019s overarching goals are to make sharing qualitative data customary in the social sciences, to broaden access to social science data, and to strengthen qualitative and multi-method research.", "lat": 43.038013, "lng": -76.135566, "hostname": "data.qdr.syr.edu", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2018", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "about_url": "https://qdr.syr.edu/about", "harvesting_sets": [ "qdr_whole" ], "gdcc_member": true, "core_trust_seals": [ "https://www.coretrustseal.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Qualitative-Data-Repository.pdf" ], "doi_authority": "10.5064", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/6", "contact_email": "qdr@syr.edu" }, { "name": "Recherche Data Gouv", "description": "The Research Data Gouv platform is the national federated platform for open and shared research data serving the national scientific community. This platform was an integral part of the Second National Plan for Open Science (PNSO) and offers a multidisciplinary data repository, a registry which reports data hosted in other repositories and a web portal. The multidisciplinary repository is a sovereign publishing solution for sharing and opening up data for communities which are yet to set up their own recognised thematic repository.", "lat": 48.801407, "lng": 2.130122, "hostname": "entrepot.recherche.data.gouv.fr", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "France", "continent": "Europe", "about_url": "https://recherche.data.gouv.fr", "harvesting_sets": [ "ALL" ], "gdcc_member": false, "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/15", "contact_email": "admin-recherchedatagouv@inrae.fr" }, { "name": "Redape - Reposit\u00f3rio de Dados de Pesquisa da Embrapa", "description": "Redape - Embrapa Research Data Repository is an institutional data repository that aims to preserve and facilitate the retrieval of scientific data produced by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation. It allows the organization, management and publication of data according to the principles that guide scientific data management around the world, including accessibility, interoperability, reproducibility and reuse.", "lat": -22.888889, "lng": -47.077778, "hostname": "redape.dados.embrapa.br", "launch_year": "2022", "country": "Brazil", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.48432", "contact_email": "redape@embrapa.br" }, { "name": "Repositorio de Datos Abiertos de Investigaci\u00f3n (Redata)", "description": "El Repositorio de Datos Abiertos de Investigaci\u00f3n de Uruguay (Redata) busca incentivar la publicaci\u00f3n y reutilizaci\u00f3n de los resultados de datos de investigaciones nacionales de cualquier \u00e1rea o disciplina. Es un proyecto de la Agencia Nacional de Investigaci\u00f3n e Innovaci\u00f3n (ANII) de Uruguay y forma parte del Sistema Nacional de Repositorios Digitales Abiertos de ciencia y tecnolog\u00eda (SILO), una red de repositorios de acceso abierto interoperables, conformada por instituciones del sistema cient\u00edfico y tecnol\u00f3gico uruguayo, que promueve el acceso, la preservaci\u00f3n y visibilidad de la producci\u00f3n nacional en ciencia y tecnolog\u00eda", "lat": -34.8781547, "lng": -56.07650597, "hostname": "redata.anii.org.uy", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2024", "country": "Uruguay", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "10.60895", "contact_email": "redata@anii.org.uy" }, { "name": "Repositorio de Datos Acad\u00e9micos RDA-UNR", "description": "El Repositorio de Datos Acad\u00e9micos UNR (RDA-UNR) permite compartir, archivar, acceder, explorar y citar los datos de investigaci\u00f3n gestionados por los docentes, investigadores y alumnos de la UNR, con el fin de dar visibilidad a los datos, potenciando su acceso, su reutilizaci\u00f3n y garantizando su preservaci\u00f3n a largo plazo. Es un repositorio de auto publicaci\u00f3n, en el cual los usuarios cargan, organizan, describen y publican sus datos. Cuentan para hacerlo con la ayuda de un equipo de curadores, gu\u00edas y sesiones de entrenamiento. The Academic Data Repository of the National University of Rosario (RDA- UNR) allows for sharing, storing, accessing, exploring, and citing research data managed by UNR professors, researchers and students so as to make these data visible and promote its use and reutilization, ensuring its long-term preservation. It is a self-publishing repository, i.e. users upload, organize, describe and publish their own data with the assistance of a team of curators, user guides and training sessions.", "lat": -32.95019324, "lng": -60.63599687, "hostname": "dataverse.unr.edu.ar", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "Argentina", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.57715", "contact_email": "repositoriodatos@unr.edu.ar" }, { "name": "Repositorio de datos de investigaci\u00f3n de la Universidad de Chile", "description": "El Repositorio de datos de investigaci\u00f3n de la Universidad de Chile conserva, difunde y proporciona acceso a los datos de investigaci\u00f3n generadas por sus acad\u00e9micos e investigadores, con el fin de dar visibilidad a dichos datos, garantizar su preservaci\u00f3n y facilitar su acceso y reutilizaci\u00f3n.", "lat": -33.45, "lng": -70.666667, "hostname": "datos.uchile.cl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Chile", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "sisib@uchile.cl" }, { "name": "Repositorio de Datos de Investigaci\u00f3n de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata", "description": "El Repositorio de Datos de Investigaci\u00f3n de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata es una plataforma en l\u00ednea dedicada a la organizaci\u00f3n y difusi\u00f3n de datos de investigaci\u00f3n para toda la comunidad acad\u00e9mica de la UNLP. El objetivo de esta plataforma es reunir y dar acceso a los datos generados desde todos los \u00e1mbitos de la UNLP para garantizar su preservaci\u00f3n, fomentar el reuso y maximizar el impacto de los mismos. El proyecto surge como respuesta de la UNLP a las obligaciones planteadas en la ley 26.899 y a numerosos requerimientos institucionales de resguardo y difusi\u00f3n de conjuntos de datos de gran valor acad\u00e9mico. El Repositorio de Datos de Investigaci\u00f3n se integra al conjunto de servicios brindados desde la UNLP orientados a optimizar la gesti\u00f3n, maximizar la difusi\u00f3n y preservar toda la producci\u00f3n intelectual de la Universidad.", "lat": -34.90724904, "lng": -57.94223174, "hostname": "datos.unlp.edu.ar", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Argentina", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.35537", "contact_email": "datos@sedici.unlp.edu.ar" }, { "name": "Repositorio de datos de Investigaci\u00f3n UdeA", "description": "The Research Data Management System (GDI) is a service provided by the Library System and the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the University of Antioquia, designed specifically for researchers and operated online through the Dataverse platform. Its main function is to manage the collection of open data produced by the University in the course of teaching, research and extension activities.", "lat": 6.230833, "lng": -75.590553, "hostname": "datosdeinvestigacion.udea.edu.co", "launch_year": "2024", "country": "Colombia", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.60905", "contact_email": "repositoriodedatos@udea.edu.co" }, { "name": "Repositorio de Datos de Investigaci\u00f3n Universidad del Rosario", "description": "Explore research data from Universidad del Rosario affiliated researchers.", "lat": 4.600598, "lng": -74.073352, "hostname": "research-data.urosario.edu.co", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Colombia", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.34848", "contact_email": "researchdata@urosario.edu.co" }, { "name": "Repositorio de datos de la Universidad de Concepci\u00f3n", "description": "El repositorio de Datos de la Universidad de Concepci\u00f3n, tiene como objetivo conservar, visibilizar y poner a disposici\u00f3n los datos y/o complementos de informaci\u00f3n utilizada en los proyectos de investigaci\u00f3n por nuestros acad\u00e9micos y/o investigadores.", "lat": -36.83226768, "lng": -73.03503217, "hostname": "datav.udec.cl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "Chile", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.48665", "contact_email": "bibliotecas@udec.cl" }, { "name": "Repositorio de Datos Pontificia Universidad Javeriana", "description": "Pontificia Universidad Javeriana's Research Data Repository preserves, disseminates and gives access to research data generated by its academics and researchers. In order to grant visibility, this repository guarantees its conservation and makes easier its access and reuse. Researchers, journals, data authors, publishers, data distributors, and affiliated institutions receive academic credit and visibility on the web.", "lat": 4.628582604, "lng": -74.06465321, "hostname": "dataverse.javeriana.edu.co", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2024", "country": "Colombia", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "durangouf@javeriana.edu.co" }, { "name": "Repositorio TECdatos", "description": "El Repositorio de Datos de Investigaci\u00f3n del Tecnol\u00f3gico de Costa Rica, se ha implementado con el prop\u00f3sito de preservar, difundir y proporcionar acceso a los datos de investigaci\u00f3n generados por los acad\u00e9micos, investigadores y estudiantes de la Universidad. La iniciativa se enfoca en aumentar la visibilidad de los datos de investigaci\u00f3n, asegurando su preservaci\u00f3n a largo plazo y facilitando su acceso y reutilizaci\u00f3n por parte de la comunidad cient\u00edfica y el p\u00fablico en general. El repositorio tambi\u00e9n fomenta la transparencia y la integridad de la investigaci\u00f3n al ofrecer un acceso libre y abierto a los datos, lo que permite una mayor colaboraci\u00f3n y un avance mas r\u00e1pido en el conocimiento cient\u00edfico.", "lat": 9.854961731, "lng": -83.91238269, "hostname": "dataverse.tec.ac.cr", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2024", "country": "Costa Rica", "continent": "North America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.18845", "contact_email": "datatec@itcr.ac.cr" }, { "name": "Reposit\u00f3rio de Dados de Pesquisa", "description": "Reposit\u00f3rio de dados de pesquisa Unifesp", "lat": -23.53763, "lng": -46.788869, "hostname": "repositoriodedados.unifesp.br", "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Brazil", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "contact_email": "repositoriodedados@unifesp.br" }, { "name": "Reposit\u00f3rio de Dados de Pesquisa da UFABC", "description": "", "lat": -23.643807, "lng": -46.528304, "hostname": "dataverse.ufabc.edu.br", "launch_year": "2018", "country": "Brazil", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.5072", "contact_email": "biblioteca@ufabc.edu.br" }, { "name": "Reposit\u00f3rio de Dados de Pesquisa do ILEEL", "description": "Research data repository of Institute of Linguistics and Literature / Federal University of Uberlandia", "lat": -18.908702, "lng": -48.291944, "hostname": "dataverse.ileel.ufu.br", "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Brazil", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "\u2205" }, { "name": "Reposit\u00f3rio Polen", "description": "Reposit\u00f3rio Polen, is maintained by the FCT through its Scientific Computation Unit (FCCN). It aims to serve the Portuguese Scientific Community, providing it with a repository to hold their research data.", "lat": 38.7592697, "lng": -9.142404541, "hostname": "repositorio.polen.fccn.pt", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2022", "country": "Portugal", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.57979", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/38", "contact_email": "polen@fccn.pt" }, { "name": "Reposit\u00f3rios Piloto da Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa", "description": "", "lat": -22.957167, "lng": -43.176211, "hostname": "dadosabertos.rnp.br", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Brazil", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false }, { "name": "Repos\u00edtorio SoilData", "description": "SoilData is the largest Brazilian soil data repository! Here you will find data on various soil properties from numerous locations in the country. You can also publish soil data that you have produced.", "lat": -24.85870956, "lng": -54.33449022, "hostname": "soildata.mapbiomas.org/", "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Brazil", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.60502", "contact_email": "ciencia@mapbiomas.org" }, { "name": "RODBUK", "description": "RODBUK Cracow Open Research Data Repository was founded on the initiative of Board of Directors of the Cracow Library Group. The purpose of RODBUK is to collect, develop, archive and make available in open access all types of research data created by researchers, PhD candidates and students in the course of scientific activity. RODBUK is co-created by six Cracow universities:AGH University of Science and Technology, University of Physical Education in Krakow, Cracow University of Technology, Krakow University of Economics, Jagiellonian University in Krak\u00f3w, Pedagogical University of Krakow.", "lat": 50.06909616, "lng": 19.90931184, "hostname": "rodbuk.pl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Poland", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false }, { "name": "RODBUK AGH", "description": "RODBUK Cracow Open Research Data Repository enables AGH University of Krakow researchers, doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows pursuing research projects to deposit, archive and make publicly available data from various disciplines and in various formats. Each dataset that is deposited in the repository will be automatically assigned a DOI identifier. Use of RODBUK for users is fully free of charge.", "lat": 50.06563519, "lng": 19.92166498, "hostname": "agh.rodbuk.pl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Poland", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false }, { "name": "RODBUK PK", "description": "RODBUK Cracow Open Research Data Repository of Cracow University of Technology is used to collect, store and publicly share research data created during scientific works and research projects carried out by the CUT scientific staff. RODBUK is open to all scientific units interested in depositing and sharing their research data. RODBUK usage is free of charge.", "lat": 50.07103793, "lng": 19.94238993, "hostname": "pk.rodbuk.pl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Poland", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false }, { "name": "RODBUK UEK", "description": "RODBUK Cracow Open Research Data Repository of the Krakow University of Economics collects, archives and makes available in open access research data created during scientific works and research projects carried out by research staff and doctoral students of KUE. Each dataset placed in the Repository will be automatically assigned a DOI identifier. All published metadata will meet the guidelines provided by OpenAIRE. FAIR principles are applied in the Repository. The use of the Repository is free of charge.", "lat": 50.06870903, "lng": 19.95618875, "hostname": "uek.rodbuk.pl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Poland", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false }, { "name": "RODBUK UJ", "description": "RODBUK Cracow Open Research Data Repository enables Jagiellonian University researchers, doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows pursuing research projects to deposit, archive and make publicly available data from various disciplines and in various formats. Each dataset that is deposited in the repository will be automatically assigned a DOI identifier. Use of RODBUK for users is fully free of charge.", "lat": 50.06154726, "lng": 19.92251074, "hostname": "uj.rodbuk.pl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Poland", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false }, { "name": "RSU Dataverse", "description": "The Riga Stradins University Research Data Repository preserves, disseminates, and provides access to research data generated by its RSU scholars and researchers, in order to give visibility to such data, ensure its preservation and facilitate its access and reuse and comply with FAIR principles.", "lat": 56.95435221, "lng": 24.05501028, "hostname": "dataverse.rsu.lv", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Latvia", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.4851" }, { "name": "SciELO Data", "description": "SciELO Data is a multidisciplinary repository for deposition, preservation and dissemination of research data from articles submitted and approved for publication, already published in SciELO Network journals or deposited in SciELO Preprints.", "lat": -23.595747, "lng": -46.647352, "hostname": "data.scielo.org", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Brazil", "continent": "South America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.48331", "contact_email": "data@scielo.org" }, { "name": "SODHA", "description": "The federal Belgian data archive for social sciences and the (digital) humanities! SODHA is the Belgian service provider in the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA ERIC) and is hosted by the State Archives of Belgium. SODHA was built with the help of DEMO (UCLouvain) and Interface Demography (VUB).", "lat": 50.84241, "lng": 4.356423, "hostname": "sodha.be", "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Belgium", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.34934", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/21", "contact_email": "sodha@arch.be" }, { "name": "Tecnol\u00f3gico de Monterrey Data Hub", "description": "The Tecnol\u00f3gico de Monterrey's Data Hub offers Open Data generated by our researchers and other initiatives. This initiative is sponsored by both the Living Lab & Data Hub of the Institute for the Future of Education (IFE and the Tecnologico de Monterrey's Research Office. This repository is organized by Institutes and Schools.", "lat": 25.6515649, "lng": -100.28954, "hostname": "datahub.tec.mx", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2021", "country": "Mexico", "continent": "North America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.57687", "contact_email": "research.datahub@servicios.tec.mx" }, { "name": "Texas Data Repository Dataverse", "description": "A statewide archive of research data from Texas Digital Library (TDL) member institutions.", "lat": 30.307182, "lng": -97.755996, "hostname": "dataverse.tdl.org", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2016", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "about_url": "http://data.tdl.org/about", "harvesting_sets": [ "TDR" ], "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "10.18738", "contact_email": "support@tdl.org" }, { "name": "TRR170-DB", "description": "The TRR170-DB was set up to manage data products of the collaborative research center TRR 170 'Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets' (https://www.trr170-lateaccretion.de/). The repository also stores data by other institutions and researchers. Data include laboratory and other instrumental data on planetary samples, remote sensing data, geological maps and model simulations.", "lat": 52.42691139, "lng": 13.35657449, "hostname": "planetary-data-portal.org", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2020", "country": "Germany", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.35003" }, { "name": "TUDOdata", "description": "TUDOdata is the central research data repository of TU Dortmund University. It is intended to archive and publish high-quality research data and metadata from all TU Dortmund Universities disciplines. TUDOdata ensures data- and metadata quality by careful curation performed by the central research data service or faculty and joint collaboration representatives.", "lat": 51.48999, "lng": 7.40749, "hostname": "data.tu-dortmund.de", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2024", "country": "Germany", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.17877", "contact_email": "fdm@tu-dortmund.de" }, { "name": "UC Berkeley Library Dataverse", "description": "All data in the UC Berkeley Library Dataverse has been acquired and licensed by the library for use by UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab students, faculty, and staff. Data records and terms are viewable by any user, regardless of affiliation. Please login to the repository using a Calnet ID and passphrase to view and download data files. Note that accessing some data files requires agreeing to the terms of use as listed in the guestbook functionality. Research data (i.e. data, code, and other outputs generated during the research process) are not stored on UC Berkeley Library\u2019s Dataverse.", "lat": 37.8721922, "lng": -122.2594984, "hostname": "datasets.lib.berkeley.edu", "launch_year": "2024", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.60503", "contact_email": "librarydataservices@berkeley.edu" }, { "name": "UCLA Dataverse", "description": "", "lat": 34.0689, "lng": -118.4452, "hostname": "dataverse.ucla.edu", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "10.25346", "contact_email": "datascience@ucla.edu" }, { "name": "uken.rodbuk.pl", "description": "RODBUK Cracow Open Research Data Repository enables University of the National Education Commission researchers and doctoral students pursuing research projects to deposit, archive and make publicly available data from various disciplines and in various formats. Each dataset that is deposited in the repository will be automatically assigned a DOI identifier. Use of RODBUK for users is fully free of charge.", "lat": 50.07383503, "lng": 19.90838435, "hostname": "uken.rodbuk.pl", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Poland", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.24917" }, { "name": "ULi\u00e8ge Open Data Repository", "description": "The ULi\u00e8ge Dataverse is the ULi\u00e8ge institutional open data sharing repository, used by ULi\u00e8ge researchers to share datasets with the global scientific community, according to the FAIR data principles.", "lat": 50.64127729, "lng": 5.575774769, "hostname": "dataverse.uliege.be", "launch_year": "2023", "country": "Belgium", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.58119", "contact_email": "dataverse.admin@uliege.be" }, { "name": "UNB Libraries Dataverse", "description": "UNB Dataverse is repository for research data collected by researchers and organizations primarily affiliated with the University of New Brunswick.", "lat": 45.964993, "lng": -66.646332, "hostname": "dataverse.lib.unb.ca", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2017", "country": "Canada", "continent": "North America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.25545", "contact_email": "rdm.services@unb.ca" }, { "name": "UNC Dataverse", "description": "Open for all researchers worldwide from all disciplines to deposit data. The Odum Institute also offers multiple data curation service levels.", "lat": 35.905022, "lng": -79.050851, "hostname": "dataverse.unc.edu", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2008", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "about_url": "https://odum.unc.edu/archive/", "harvesting_sets": [ "odum_all" ], "gdcc_member": true, "core_trust_seals": [ "https://www.coretrustseal.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Odum-Institute-Data-Archive.pdf" ], "doi_authority": "10.15139", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/5", "contact_email": "odumarchive@unc.edu" }, { "name": "Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Milano", "description": "The University of Milan is home to important research teams operating in the university's extremely rich variety of scientific-disciplinary sectors. Besides taking part in the most relevant national and international research programs, the University is also very active in the field of technology transfer and developing applications for scientific research results. dataverse.unimi.it is the repository for research data offered to all researchers in disciplines from health sciences to laws, from economics to hard sciences, from humanities to mathematics.", "lat": 45.4601, "lng": 9.1946, "hostname": "dataverse.unimi.it", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Italy", "continent": "Europe", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.1313", "contact_email": "rdm@unimi.it" }, { "name": "VTTI", "description": "Transportation data repository maintained by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute.", "lat": 37.190102, "lng": -80.396776, "hostname": "dataverse.vtti.vt.edu", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2016", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.15787", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/18" }, { "name": "World Agroforestry - Research Data Repository", "description": "", "lat": -1.229425, "lng": 36.8135, "hostname": "data.worldagroforestry.org", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2019", "country": "Kenya", "continent": "Africa", "gdcc_member": false, "doi_authority": "10.34725", "board": "https://github.com/orgs/IQSS/projects/37", "contact_email": "a.tenorio@cgiar.org" }, { "name": "Yale Dataverse", "description": "Yale Dataverse is a data repository service for Yale University faculty, staff, students, and affiliates to share, preserve, and cite research data. Yale Library hosts and manages Yale Dataverse to ensure research produced at Yale is accessible and discoverable to the global community.", "lat": 41.316614, "lng": -72.922209, "hostname": "dataverse.yale.edu", "metrics": true, "launch_year": "2023", "country": "USA", "continent": "North America", "about_url": "https://researchdata.yale.edu/yale-dataverse", "gdcc_member": true, "doi_authority": "10.606", "contact_email": "dataverseadmin@yale.edu" } ] }