Christoph Schweizer (Fraunhofer IWM) This is the mid-level module of the BWMD_ontology. Philipp von Hartrott (Fraunhofer IWM) 1. Kontakt: Christoph Schweizer Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffmechanik IWM Wöhlerstraße 11, 79108 Freiburg Elena Garcia Trelles (Fraunhofer IWM) v1.0.10 Contact: Martin Huschka Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics , Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMI Ernst-Zermelo-Strasse 4, 79104 Freiburg , Germany Kontakt: Philipp von Hartrott Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffmechanik IWM Wöhlerstraße 11, 79108 Freiburg Martin Huschka (Fraunhofer EMI) v1.0.10 (2022-09-06): changed language from german to english on "hasShape", "influencedBy" and others. Added "isSubpropertyOf" to some ObjectProperties by Martin Huschka. v1.0.9 (2021-11-12): hasImpactOn, influencedBy and hasQuality added as Object Property by Martin Huschka. v1.0.8 (2021-04-14): "hasShape" added as dataProperty and MetaDataset added as subclass of DataSet in order to describe the Hdf%Container structure. "FileName" was added as a Subclass of Name. Changes performed by Elena G Trelles (Fraunhofer IWM in the context of the HUB Episode VI-sprint V). v1.0.7 (2021-03-11): Subclasses of "Identifier" contained in the "domain" module were transfer to the mid-level module with updated IRIs. The new classes ExternalObjectID, URLToFile, and HDF5File were added to the mid-level module. Changes performed by Elena G Trelles (Fraunhofer IWM). v1.0.6 (2020-12-07): Data properties (hasBooleanLiteral, hasURILiteral) added by Martin Huschka (Fraunhofer EMI). v1.0.5 (2020-12-04): Annotations were added to every entity by Christoph Schweizer. v1.0.4 (2020-11-04): Updated by Elena G Trelles (Fraunhofer IWM). MaterialName added as subclass of Name, hasDateLiteral (range:xds:dateTime) added as DataProperty, ranges specified as well for hasDoubleLiteral (xds:double) and hasIntegerLiteral (xds:integer) v1.0.3 (2020-11-04): Updated format properties by Elena G Trelles (Fraunhofer IWM). Addition of data/object properties as subproperty of topProperty. v1.0.2 (2020-11-04): Import GraphDesigner (GD) Ontology and added GD-annotations to some classes, object properties and data properties. v1.0.1 (2020-10-20): Basic activities performed: All datatypes of labels were changed from xsd:string to xml:lang='en'. Language tag of the annotation properties "author" and "curator" were adapted to 'en'. Curator 'Simon Stier' added. v1.0.0 (2020-10-12): The BWMD-Ontology was curated within the DMD4F-project. It was divided into two modules: 'mid' and 'domain'. The ontology IRI was changed and the IRI-naming convention was altered in order to incorporate iterative IDs, the former entity-IRI now is the 'label'. Curation performed by Martin Huschka, Philipp von Hartrott und Simon Stier. The author of the ontology, i.e. the person who one that originates or creates classes, properties, axioms primarily. author The curator of the ontology, i.e. the person who reviews the created ontology and eventually modified it structure or semantic-wise. curator Indicates properties, such as IDs, names etc. which are used to identify objects, processes etc. hasIdentifier Any kind of relationships that attaches datasets, identifiers and structural quantity hasInfo Indicates a reference to something refersTo Indicates that a technological product is composed of an engineering material isComposedOf Indicates, that something is a part of something (e.g. objects and processes) hasPart {"rc":[0,0,0], "lw":0.75} Any connection which is determining the chronological order of continuants and processes chronologicalConnection A relationship to attach temporal information (e.g. a timestamp to a process) hasTemporalInfo Any kind of relationship that attaches datasets to entities hasAttachedDataSet Indicates the operator of a process hasOperator Indicates, that something (software, objects, physics models) participate in a process hasParticipant Indicates, that field data contains values of a certain type (e.g. a physical quantity) containsValuesOfType Indicates that an individual is of type something? isOfType Relationship, that means, that something is the output of a process hasOutput {"rc":[0,0,0], "lw":1.75} A reference, that indicates that something is defined by something else. E.g. the location/shape of a geometric feature is defined by the CAD file. isDefinedBy Indicates an attached structural quantity of some kind (both in the meaning of geometry, microstructure and file structure) hasStructuralQuantity Specific textual input (such as comments, descriptions) is attached to any kind of entity hasTextualInfo A relationship that states, that some process precedes another one precedes {"rc":[0,0,0], "lw":1.75} A relationship that attaches datasets with structural content (e.g. geometry or microstructure) to objects hasStructuralInfo Relationship, that means that something is the input for some kind of process isInputFor {"rc":[67,129,191], "lw":1.25} Indicates that a process is performed in accordance with some kind of regulation inAccordanceWith Relationship to attach a process parameter set (control variables) to a process hasControlInfo Indicates the quantity kind of a quantity hasQuantityKind E.g. a process quantity or material data set is representative for a certain temporal state of an object isRepresentativeFor describes the quality values an entity has hasQuality The subject was influenced by the object. inverseOf hasImpactOn. Subject and object can be Persons or Works (eg ProgrammingLanguage) (en) influencedBy An object influences a subject. inverseOf influencedBy. Subject and object can be Persons or Works (eg ProgrammingLanguage) (en) hasImpactOn indicates a literal which specifies a unit symbol (e.g. "s", "N", "MPa"...) hasUnitSymbol indicates a literal of type string hasStringLiteral indicates a literal of type double hasDoubleLiteral Indicates any kind of literal hasValue {"rc":[255,128,0], "lw":0.75} indicates a literal of type integer hasIntegerLiteral indicates a literal of type real/float hasRealLiteral indicates a literal that refers to an element symbol (e.g. "Al", "Mg", "Fe"...) refersToElementSymbol Indicates a literal of type dateTime hasDateLiteral hasBooleanLiteral hasURILiteral links a field data (e.g. an n-DimArray) with its shape (a tuple). Created in the context of the HDF5Container (HUB-EpisodeVI-Sprint5) hasShape {"ic":[218,218,218], "sym":[16], "tc":[0,0,0], "iw":0.8} Any kind of identifier, which is used to identify any kind of entity Identifier Every technological product is composed of an engineering material or a hybrid compound thereof. In contrast to other materials, engineering materials underwent some kind of manufacturing process, which deliberately changed their structure and properties. EngineeringMaterial A data set which contains any kind of temporal information content (e.g. date at which a process started, date which defines the object state) TemporalDataSet A person, i.e. a human being Person Some kind of field data (tables, columns, matrices...) FieldData Any kind of text, that is specifically assigned to a process, a publication, an object etc. SpecificTextualInput A data set that contains structural information content. Such content can describe the geometry or the material structure on any scale. StructuralInfo Any kind of regulation (e.g. standards, naming convention, internal procedures, system of units...) Regulation A set of parameters, that is used to control a process. Those are usually quantities of type "as supposed". ProcessParameterSet Physical or nonphysical quantities Quantity A quantity kind in analogy to the QUDT ontology described by QuantityKind Any kind of information content entity (e.g. files, data sets...) InformationContentEntity Any kind of software Software Any kind of physics model (e.g. material model) PhysicsModel The symbol, which is assigned to the unit, e.g. "N" is the typical symbol for Newton or "s" the typical symbol for seconds. UnitSymbol Any kind of physical unit Unit A set of subprocesses, which are typically not described in full detail, but helpful to describe the logic of the process SubprocessSet The process of postprocessing a simulation result PostProcessing Any kind of simulation process (e.g. finite element simulation, DFT calculation, molecular dynamics simulation, discrete dislocation dynamics simulation ...) Simulation The chemical element krypton Krypton Any kind of chemical element from the periodic table as described by ChemicalElement Any kind of figure in a report, publication, book or an image file (.png, tiff, .jpg...) Figure Any kind of specific data format, e.g. file types like .txt, .xls, .png, .pdf, ... SpecificDataFormat Any kind of data set DataSet Any kind of material naming convention not described by international standards MaterialNamingConventionOther Any kind of material naming convention MaterialNamingConvention Any kind of building (e.g. an institute building) Building Any kind of name or label for a specimen or test piece SpecimenName Any kind of name or label to identify entities, i.e. a string Name The unit symbol for seconds s Any kind of document file, that is typically a mixture of written text, figures, tables (e.g. docx, pdf) DocumentFile A file with a specific file format File The quantity kind force Force The chemical element zirconium Zirconium Some kind of component Component Technological products underwent some kind of manufacturing process and possess some kind of functionality TechnologicalProduct Temporal quantity, that describes the start date and time of a time interval StartDateTime A time related quantity, which describes a date DateTime Any kind of software tool (e.g. open source software, app) SoftwareTool A specific identifier, which must be a number IDNumber The chemical element dysprosium Dysprosium The chemical element erbium Erbium The chemical element barium Barium The volume ratio as described by VolumeRatio Any kind of quantity, that describes the composition of materials CompositionRelatedQuantity Any kind of ZIP-File ZIPFile In contrast du a base unit, a derived unit results from a combination of other base units (e.g. Newton = kg*m/s^2 DerivedUnit Any kind of specimen (or test piece) used as research object Specimen The chemical element caesium Caesium The chemical element palladium Palladium The material naming convention according to the Swedish Standard (SS: Svensk Standard) MaterialNamingConventionSS The material naming convention according the Japan Industrial Standard (JIS) MaterialNamingConventionJIS Any kind of two dimensional field data, e.g. an Excel sheet, a table... TwoDimensionalFieldData Consumables are products that consumers use recurrently, i.e., items which "get used up" or discarded. Consumable The location (a point) at which some quantity is measured MeasurementLocation Measurement related fiat object part, e.g. measurement range or measurement location MeasurementRelatedFiatObjectPart The chemical element polonium Polonium The quantity kind voltage Voltage The cognitive process of concluding Concluding Any kind of cognitive process (e.g. analysing, concluding, summarising, evaluating) CognitiveProcess The chemical element promethium Promethium The chemical element technetium Technetium The process of evaluating some kind of data DataEvaluation Any kind of data transformation process such as data evaluation, data reduction, interpolation etc. DataTransformation Date and time at the end of a process ProcessEndDateTime Temporal quantity, that describes the end date and time of a time interval EndDateTime Any kind of raw data set. Raw data refers to the original data set. RawDataSet Any kind of data set, that is the output of a process (e.g. raw data, analysed data, files, quantities...) ProcessDataSet The weight ratio as described by WeightRatio Some kind of equipment, e.g. which is used in research or production systems Equipment Any kind of string, that can be used to specify the version of a software SoftwareVersion A set of machines, components, sensors, equipment, which participate in the same process and are needed to perform the process ProcessSetup A set of objects, which are part of the same process, but don't necessarily need to merged or fixed together in some way. ObjectSet The chemical element rhenium Rhenium The chemical element scandium Scandium The chemical element fluorine Fluorine The chemical element molybdenum Molybdenum Any kind of abstract, typically as part of a publication of presentation Abstract A literal in an RDF graph Literal A data set containing material specific data MaterialDataSet A portable network graphics file (.png) as described by PNGImage An image file with a spefific format (e.g. .jpg, .png, .tiff) Image A (research) project funded by the industry IndustryProject Any kind of project (e.g. research project) Project The chemical element ytterbium Ytterbium The quantity kind energy Energy Name of the producer of any kind of product ProducerName The atomic fraction or atomic ratio as described by AtomicFraction A base quantity kind is a physical base quantity, which are assigned to physical base units. Please see BaseQuantityKind The chemical element cadmium Cadmium The base quantity kind amount of substance AmountOfSubstance Any kind of simulation software (e.g. for numerical simulations) SimulationSoftware The weight concentration as described by WeightConcentration The specific units which belong to base quantities as described by BaseUnit The chemical element potassium Potassium The chemical element zinc Zinc A process of executing a whole simulation or some kind of substep SimulationStep The quantity kind angle Angle A series of images taken in a plane, which form a set of images (e.g. images of a microsection or a fracture surface) PlanarImageSet A set of images ImageSet Any kind of specimen related (structural) quantity, e.g. the specimen diameter, the gauge length, notch depth, transition radius... SpecimenRelatedQuantity Any kind of structural quantity or descriptor to (quantitatively) describe the internal or external structure of an object. StructuralQuantity The chemical element phosphorus Phosphorus An excel sheet ExcelSheet Symbol of a chemical element (e.g. H for hydrogen, Si for silicon Al for Aluminium, Fe for iron) ChemicalElementSymbol The quantity kind capacitance Capacitance The chemical element antimony Antimony The chemical element sodium Sodium Any kind of temperature related quantity, i.e. a quantity of kind temperature (e.g. solution annealing temperature, material temperature...) TemperatureRelatedQuantity The quantity kind magnetic flux MagneticFlux An input file is a file with no specific file ending, that is used as input for a simulation InputFile A .jpg or .jpeg image file (from the Joint Photographic Expert Group) as described by JPGImage The chemical element cerium Cerium An engineering object is a physical object, that has been exposed to some kind of manufacturing process. Engineering object are either technological products, which have a function or engineering materials. EngineeringObject The quantity kind specific heat capacity SpecificHeatCapacity The chemical element vanadium Vanadium Any kind of manufacturing process as classified by DIN 8580 Manufacturing The material naming convention according to the UNS number (Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys) as described by MaterialNamingConventionUNS The fiat object part describing the nanostructure of a material (e.g. precipitates on a nanoscale) MaterialNanoStructure The fiat object part describing the material structure on different scales MaterialStructure Any kind of descriptor to describe the structure/format of a file or dataset (e.g. the column number, the delimiter symbol, the decimal separator...) FormatDescription The base quantity kind time Time The chemical element lanthanum Lanthanum The ratio of substances (German: Stoffmengenverhältnis) as described by RatioOfSubstances The chemical element gadolinium Gadolinium The volume concentration as described by VolumeConcentration The base quantity kind length Length The quantity kind electrical conductance ElectricalConductance Any kind of diameter, that can be used to describe the diameter of some kind of material or immaterial entity Diameter Any kind of quantity that describes the geometry of some kind of material or immaterial entity, e.g. a diameter, a radius, an area... GeneralGeometricQuantity Any kind of atom as described by Atom Any kind of basic matter object, e.g. atoms, chemical elements, electrons... MatterObject The cognitive process of analysing (e.g. data, experimental results) Analysing The chemical element magnesium Magnesium A data set which contains information content about the chemical composition of the material (e.g. weight fraction with reference to the chemical element, value and unit) ChemicalComposition A data set which contains material structure specific information content, e.g. about the chemical composition, the surface structure or the volume structure on any scale MaterialStructureInfo Metadata set included in images. E.g. microscopes write the process specific metadata into the image file. ImageMetadataSet Any kind of analysed data set. This usually means, that it is the result of some kind of postprocessing/analysis process of a raw data file. AnalysedDataSet The weight fraction as described by WeightFraction A descriptive text Description Density: Mass/Volume The quantity kind density Density A number of some kind, which specifies the number of entities Number A quantity which specifies the amount of entities Amount The quantity kind electric charge ElectricCharge The chemical element oxygen Oxygen The quantity kind frequency Frequency Any kind of three dimensional field data ThreeDimensionalFieldData The fiat object part describing the microstructure of a material MaterialMicrostructure The quantity kind power Power Any kind of generic subprocesses, which are typical parts of other processes (e.g. cooling, heating, process execution...) GeneralExperimentRelatedProcess Any kind of experimental process Experiment The chemical element hafnium Hafnium The quantity kind volume Volume The chemical element astatine Astatine The chemical element radium Radium The chemical element rhodium Rhodium A DOCX file is a Microsoft Word document that typically contains text. DOCX is the newer version of DOC. DOCXFile The quantity kind pressure Pressure The chemical element tantalum Tantalum The cognitive process of summarising some kind of work, which typically results in a written summary Summarising The chemical element indium Indium A conclusion/concluding remark about any kind of result Conclusion A data set, which contains specimen specific geometrical information content SpecimenGeometryParameter Data set containing geometric information content GeometryInfo The quantity kind velocity Velocity Machine specific software, e.g. used to control the process or acquire data MachineSoftware A workshop dealing with mechanical manufacturing processes such as turning, wire eroding, separating, sawing... MechanicalWorkshop Any kind of microstructural quantity or descriptor, that is used to describe a material on a microstructural level MicrostructuralQuantity A set of infrastructure specific equipment, which participates in the same process InfrastructureEquipmentSet A set of equipment (e.g. infrastructure equipment) participating in the same process EquipmentSet Any kind of software to control machines, measurement equipment etc. ControlSoftware The material naming convention according to AFNOR (Association francaise de normalisation) MaterialNamingConventionAFNOR The chemical element lead Lead The material naming convention according to the British Standards Institution MaterialNamingConventionBS The chemical element argon Argon The chemical element samarium Samarium The chemical element lutetium Lutetium Name of a consumable ConsumableName A data set which contains information content about the material surface structure on any scale MaterialSurfaceStructureInfo Is the base element of a chemical composition, e.g. Ni in Ni-alloys, Al in Al-alloys. BaseElementOfComposition A public funded (research) project PublicProject The chemical element xenon Xenon The chemical element tungsten Tungsten The process of interpolating data Interpolation The amount of substance as described by AmountOfSubstanceQuantity Any kind of procedure to describe processes Procedure Some kind of event, which takes place during a process, e.g. a chemical reaction, a power breakdown, an interruption during an experiment... Event The process of preprocessing a simulation, e.g. for a finite element simulation parts need to be meshed, a material needs to be assigned, inital conditions assigned... PreProcessing The base quantity kind electric current ElectricCurrent A fraction of two numbers, e.g. the number of precipitates within a certain size interval normalized by the total number of precipitates NumberFraction The chemical element strontium Strontium Any kind of (scientific/technical) report Report A diagram in a book, report or publication Diagram The process of exporting data (e.g. from a output file generated by some simulation software) DataExport The chemical element ruthenium Ruthenium The quantity kind (electrical) resistance Resistance A STEP-file is a CAD file format as described by STEPFile Any kind of CAD file (CAD: Computer-Aided Design) CADFile The name of a person. Of course this should be devided into first name, surname, midlle name... PersonName The chemical element gold Gold The material naming convention describing the material number according to CEN (European Committee for Standardization) as described by MaterialNamingConventionENMaterialNumber A site related to a technological product (e.g. a notch, a cooling hole...) TechnologicalProductRelatedSite Objects, which are part of a material, but could also exist outside of a material compound. In contrast to fiat object parts, there must be a clear physical boundary (e.g. a precipitate, a grain, a nonmetallic inclusion). MaterialStructureRelatedObject The chemical element aluminium Aluminium The chemical element neon Neon Any kind of time related quantity, i.e. a quantity of quantity kind time TimeRelatedQuantity A structural quantity related to some kind of consumable ConsumableRelatedQuantity The base unit second, which is a SI unit Second Software used for preprocessing PreprocessingSoftware The chemical element terbium Terbium The chemical element francium Francium The chemical element gallium Gallium A comma-separated values (.csv) file as described by CSVFile The base quantity kind luminous intensity LuminousIntensity The process of reducing data. Typically the reduced data should contain the relevant data. DataReduction The material naming convention according to CEN (European Committee for Standardization) for the material short name as described by MaterialNamingConventionENShortName The chemical element selenium Selenium Any kind of one dimensional field data OneDimensionalFieldData The chemical element sulfur Sulfur The chemical element prasedoymium Prasedoymium The chemical element chromium Chromium The chemical element iodine Iodine The chemical element neodymium Neodymium The base quantity kind mass Mass The chemical element tellurium Tellurium A data set which contains information content about the material volume structure on any scale MaterialVolumeStructureInfo The chemical element calcium Calcium The chemical element bismuth Bismuth The chemical element iron Iron A material structure related fiat object part (e.g. grain structure, heat affected zone). This class describes individual features, which can also belong to the nano-, micro- or mesostructure of the material. MaterialStructureRelatedFiatObjectPart A quantity kind, which is a dimensionless ratio of some kind DimensionlessRatio The chemical element niobium Niobium Any kind of mechanical quantity or property MechanicalQuantity The combination of a cognitive process and the act of documenting some kind of observation Documenting Any kind of preparation process (e.g. specimen preparation...) Preparation Measurement range: The area/volume in which the measurement is performed. MeasurementRange The chemical element iridium Iridium The chemical element germanium Germanium The chemical element platinum Platinum A Microsoft Excel file (.xls or .xlsx) XLSFile Name of a software (e.g. Microsoft Word, ABAQUS, Python) SoftwareName A data set containg the information content of a withdrawal plan (e.g. PDFFile, CADFile...), which is used in a mechanical workshop to manufacture specimens, test pieces etc. WithdrawalPlan A comment assigned to a process or an object Comment A fiat object part describing the region of interest, which is the focus of a characterization process RegionOfInterest Name of a procedure (e.g. norm, standard, internal procedure) ProcedureName The chemical element holmium Holmium The chemical element lithium Lithium Any kind of data acquisition software DataAcquisitionSoftware A fiat object part of a technological product (e.g. a welded connection) TechnologicalProductRelatedFiatObjectPart The chemical element nitrogen Nitrogen The chemical element copper Copper The chemical element nickel Nickel The molar concentration of a substance as described by ConcentrationOfSubstance A text, that is a summary of some other text or work Summary The chemical element silicon Silicon The chemical element bromine Bromine The chemical element mercury Mercury A PDF file (Portable Document Format) as described by PDFFile The chemical element manganese Manganese The chemical element chlorine Chlorine Date and time at the start of a process ProcessStartDateTime The chemical element yttrium Yttrium The chemical element silver Silver Material naming convention according to the Gossudarstwenny Standart (GOST, Russian standard) MaterialNamingConventionGOST The chemical element robidium Rubidium The base quantity kind temperature Temperature The chemical element thulium Thulium The fiat object part of a material, which describes the mesostructure (e.g. grain structure in a metallic material) MaterialMesoStructure The quantity kind fraction Fraction The SI unit system SIUnit Any kind of system of units (e.g. SI) SystemOfUnits A Windows Media-Audio/-Video (.wmv) file as described by WMVFile Cartesian coordinates (e.g. x, y, z) CartesianCoordinate The process of extrapolating data Extrapolation Any kind of software script (e.g. Python) SoftwareScript The volume fraction as described by VolumeFraction A molecule as described by Molecule A cluster is an ensemble of bound atoms or molecules in the sizes range between a simple molecule and a nanoparticle as described by Cluster The chemical element arsenic Arsenic Name of a specific object aggregate ObjectAggregateName A text file (.txt) is a standard text document that contains unformatted text and is recognized by any text editing or word processing software. TXTFile The chemical element berylium Berylium Any kind of standard as published by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) ISOStandard A set of machines, components, sensors, equipment, which participate in the same research process/test/experiment and are needed to perform the test TestSetup A tagged image file (.tiff) as described by TIFFImage The quantity kind area Area A column (e.g. in a table) Column The chemical element thallium Thallium Name of an equipment EquipmentName The chemical element helium Helium The chemical element radon Radon A series of images, that form a vertical stack (e.g. a series of images generated by tomography). ImageStack The chemical element carbon Carbon The chemical element europium Europium The chemical element boron Boron Here software architecture is defined as the aggregate of different software modules (e.g. control software, data acquisition software...) which participate in the same process SoftwareArchitecture Any kind of (scientific) publication Publication The quantity kind concentration Concentration The quantity kind ratio Ratio The chemical element cobalt Cobalt The chemical element osmium Osmium The material naming convention according to AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) MaterialNamingConventionAISI Name of a fiat object part FiatObjectPartName Any kind of table Table The chemical element titanium Titanium Name or acronym of a (research) project ProjectName The quantity kind number density NumberDensity A material defect (e.g. pore, crack), which describes the artifact of immaterial type MaterialDefect The chemical element hydrogen Hydrogen The combination of a cognitive and an evaluation process, which results in some kind of (written) evaluation. ProcessEvaluation The chemical element tin Tin any kind of material standardized name MaterialName Container format HDF5 used to store metadata and time dependent experimental data in an efficient and sustaibable manner, e.g. machine generated raw data or secondary data generated by specific scripts. Container format established within the framework of the IWM HUB Episode VI-Sprint 3. HDF5File Elena G Trelles (IWM) Name of a file FileName Any kind of specimen ID SpecimenID Permanent ID for microsections at the Fraunhofer IWM IWMMicrosectionID Permanent and unique ID for specimens at the Fraunhofer IWM IWMLabelsID ID of an ingot (e.g. used as raw material for a casting process) IngotID Order ID belonging to a process OrderID Any kind of uniform resource locator (URL) as described by URL The URL pointing to a folder in a file system URLToFolder The URL pointing to a file URLToFile concept to express a particular state of a material after defined by a particular history which has to some extend affected the material mechanical properties, eg. the hardness characteristic values, the yield stress, the fatigue lifetime, etc. In many material science projects, different batches of a material are characteized with small changes in composition or heat treatment history. Each particular batch gets its own identifier and this is the role of the "MaterialStateID". MaterialStateID Any kind of identifier for object ObjectID Any kind of process ID for an individual process ProcessID ID of a specimen as received from an external institution (e.g. component send from a private company to a research institute for defect size characterization is received by the research instute with a given reference number , however a new internal object ID is given to the component by the reserch institute) ExternalObjectID Elena G Trelles Metadata set included in DataSetGroup of the HDF5Container. E.g. machines write the process specific metadata into the file.Created in the context of the HDF5Container (HUB-EpisodeVI-Sprint5) MetaDataSet {"ic":[70,130,180], "iw":0.8} {"ic":[28,158,113], "iw":0.8}