A domain ontology for Mechanical Testing based on EMMO. Fraunhofer IWM, DE Goldbeck Consulting Ltd (UK) Adham Hashibon Daniele Toti Gerhard Goldbeck Joana Francisco Morgado Yoav Nahshon https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode EMMC ASBL Domain Mechanical Testing This ontology is a joint colaboration between different projects: OYSTER, UrWerk and MarketPlace. 1.0.0 Relates a Process to its direct outputs. hasOutput Relates a process to its inputs. hasInput false true A run out is a specimen that survives a certain amount of cycles (cycle limit e. g. 10^7) without failure. a data propery introduced to be able to describe very simply the existing dataset that categorizes runout into 3 categories - true, false and unknown.To be changed! hasRunOut false true unknown a data propery introduced to be able to describe very simply the existing dataset that categorizes hardening into 3 categories - true, false and unknown.To be changed! hasHardening false true unknown a data propery introduced to be able to describe very simply the existing dataset that categorizes case hardening into 3 categories - true, false and unknown.To be changed! hasCaseHardening This is the artificial parent concept of the classes related to the Cable Bundle Use Case within this ontology. CableBundleUseCase Nb NiobiumSymbol Slope k of the SN curve in high cycle fatigue regime (HCF). High cycle fatigue is the range of fatigue life Nf between 10^4 and approximately 10^6 cycles (depending on the material). SNCurveSlope Method that performs multiple nanoindentation tests in different locations at extremely high- throughputs(2-5 s between one test and the subsequent). HighSpeedNanoindentation The modulus calculated from dynamics and the Oliver and Pharr method. DynamicModulus The hardware set consisting of the indenter column, indenter tip, the support springs, the displacement capacitive sensor, the actuation coil the metal case and the interface with the control electronics. IndenterHead The time constant used to measure the Dynamic displacement (time over which the RMS value of the displacement is computed). Generally equivalent to at least five waves at the target frequency and being an integer number of waves. This dramatically reduces noise . DynamicTimeConstant StaircaseMethod LiquidDroplet Number of cycles until the fatigue test stopped due to failure or run out. Cycles T0 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0 The length density is a physical quantity that represents the is mass per unit length. LengthDensity Microstructures are compositional/structural inhomogeneities that may consist of spatially distributed phases of different compositions/structures, grains of different orientations, structural defects. Microstructure Bending test post processing is a generic class that holds for description of bending tests post-processing approaches. BendingTestPostProcessing ContactAngleMeter Is a derived quantity that is determined using a standard Vickers Hardness test. VickersHardness Induction hardening is a type of surface hardening in which a metal part is induction-heated and then quenched. The quenched metal undergoes a martensitic transformation, increasing the hardness and brittleness of the part. Induction hardening is used to selectively harden areas of a part or assembly without affecting the properties of the part as a whole. InductionHardening Steel category according to DIN standard: Stainless steels with special additives (DIN 10027-2) Stainless steels with special additives (DIN 10027-2) StainlessSteelsWithSpecialAdditivesDIN10027 The amplitude of the displacement value oscillation reading while in contact with the sample, with respect to its quasi static value. AmplitudeOfOscillatoryDepthReading T-2 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0 TorsionalStiffness BainiteHardening Corresponds to the Yield stress at 1% plastic strain. RP1.0 ContactAngleMeasurement Label secified following the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) standards. SAE Width Nitration T-2 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0 The value of the stiffness that takes into account the appropriate calculation for both dynamic and non-dynamic portions of the experiment. DynamicStiffness ContactAngleMeasurementPostProcessing In iron and steel metallurgy, ledeburite is a mixture of 4.3% carbon in iron and is a eutectic mixture of austenite and cementite. Ledeburite is not a type of steel as the carbon level is too high although it may occur as a separate constituent in some high carbon steels. It is mostly found with cementite or pearlite in a range of cast irons. Ledeburite Ledeburite Represents a Process (or the sequence of processes) by which the metrological chain is defined or in other words a full “recipe” describing the workflow of an entire indentation experiment. Method The time over which the drift rate is measured. DriftDeterminationTime Bending measurement is a measurement that follows a bending test method and is carried out for testing materials in terms of their bending strength and other important properties. BendingMeasurement Co CobaltSymbol FatigueStrain The mean stress S_m is the averaged value of the stresses during fatigue testing (S_m = (S_min + S_max)/2). MeanStress Residual stresses are stresses that remain in a solid material after the original cause of the stresses has been removed. ResidualStress Label after DIN EN 10027-2. This label is the unique material number. Applies only if the material is defined according to DIN standard. For other standards, this cell is left empty. European Standards (abbreviated ENs owing to the more literal translation from French/German as European Norms) https://www.beuth.de/en/standard/din-en-10027-2/223407681 MaterialNumber ChemicalCompositionMeasurement Vacuum arc remelting (VAR) is a secondary melting process for production of metal ingots with elevated chemical and mechanical homogeneity for highly demanding applications. The alloy to undergo VAR is formed into a cylinder typically by vacuum induction melting (VIM). VIMVAR Steel category according to JIS standard: High speed tool steels (JIS) High speed tool steels (JIS) HighSpeedToolSteelsJIS Steel nomenclature contains steel groups / categories as defined in the standards DIN, SAE and JIS and superclasses in which the categories from the different standards are combined SteelNomenclature SteelNomenclature DataSet Be BerylliumSymbol The depth of the indentation when dynamics are in use. It is the zeroed value of the Filtered Displacement corrected for load frame stiffness, drift rate and the Dynamic Displacement. It is zero prior to surface detection. FilteredDepthWithDynamics A pore is a very small opening, cavity or depression. Pores occur in metals during melting and casting processes. Gases dissolved in the melt still escape while the melt solidifies, so the gas bubbles remain trapped and form pores in the material. Pore IndentationMachine Spray forming, also known as spray casting, is a method of casting near net shape metal components with homogeneous microstructures via the deposition of semi-solid sprayed droplets onto a shaped substrate. The spray-forming subprocess is part of the metallurgy process and has the output material after spray-forming. SprayForming SpecimenNotch ElongatedCrossSection TestingMachine 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 false true unknown 1 false true unknown MechanicalTestingSpecimen {1..N} Elements the inclusion consists of. InclusionElements A digital object identifier represents a persistent identifier or handle used to identify objects uniquely, standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:26324:ed-1:v1:en DigitalObjectIdentifier Mechanical testing covers a wide range of tests, which can be divided broadly into two types: 1. those that aim to determine a material's mechanical properties, independent of geometry. 2. those that determine the response of a structure to a given action, e.g. testing of composite beams, aircraft structures to destruction, etc. MechanicalTesting 1 1.0 UnnotchedSpecimen is a MechanicalTestingSpecimen that has homogeneous. An unnotched specimen has a stress concentration factor equal to 1. UnnotchedSpecimen 1 1 1 Fatigue testing is a specialised form of mechanical testing that is performed by applying cyclic loading to a coupon or structure. These tests are used either to generate fatigue life and crack growth data, identify critical locations or demonstrate the safety of a structure that may be susceptible to fatigue. FatigueTesting The Yield Point also known by by yield stress or yield strength corresponds to the stress above which the material starts deforming plastically. It indicates the limit of elastic behaviour and the beginning of plastic behaviour. YieldPoint Ferrite or alpha-ferrite is a body-centered cubic structure phase of iron which exists below temperatures of 912°C for low concentrations of carbon in iron. Ferrite Ferrite 1 1 MegaPascal A method that is fully compliant with ISO 14577 standard. StandardNanoindentationMeasurementMethod Bending Specifies, where the crack started on the cross section. FailureType ContinuousStiffnessMeasurementOliverPharrPostProcessing Elongation at break, also known as fracture strain, is the ratio between changed length and initial length after breakage of the test specimen. Plastic strain at fracture. FractureStrain An indentation test where both the applied load and resulting displacement are monitored during the test. DepthSensingIndentation Steel category according to SAE standard: Metals with special properties (SAE) Metals with special properties (SAE) MetalsWithSpecialPropertiesSAE IndentationDepthCalibration Rolling BulkHardening The displacement difference between the beginning of the pull-off phenomenon and its end during an adhesion experiment. PulloffDisplacement ContactAngleMethod Grinding is a type of abrasive machining process which uses grinding wheel as cutting tool. Grinding is a subset of cutting, as grinding is a true metal-cutting process. Grinding MaximumIndentationTime Constant strain rate testing involves the application of load so that the depth measurements follow a pre-defined relationship. Set the loading rate to give a constant rate of strain within the specimen material. ConstantStrainRate P PhosphorusSymbol Fe IronSymbol Steel nomenclature contains steel groups / categories as defined in the standards DIN, SAE and JIS and superclasses in which the categories from the different standards are combined Roller bearing steels RollerBearingSteels T-2 L+2 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0 TensileStiffness OliverPharrPostProcessing Sample The rate of change in the displacement measured in contact with the specimen. DriftRate The Load applied to the sample. It is the zeroed value of the Force corrected for spring deflection. It is zero prior to surface detection Dynamics are not considered. Load A symbolic that identifies the differnt types of loading applied that should be part of teh series (tension/compression, bending, shearing, torsion). LoadingType Milling is the process of machining using rotary cutters to remove material by advancing a cutter into a workpiece. This may be done varying direction on one or several axes, cutter head speed, and pressure. Milling Value of the hardness, measured at the specimen surface. SurfaceHardness Averaged Tensile Stifness is a phyiscal quantity of the type of tensile stiffness that results from a calculation of the type arithmetic mean. AveragedTensileStiffness Stiffness is the extent to which an object resists deformation in response to an applied force. The complementary concept is flexibility or pliability: the more flexible an object is, the less stiff it is. http://dbpedia.org/page/Stiffness Stiffness Is a type of activity/computation that is part of a process or in other words a participant in a process and a process itself that involves the transformation of inputs into results (outputs). The calculation defines in more detail very specific tasks within a process (simulation) that are executed. Each of this tasks or calculations have a specific role within the simulation. Calculation This name is a label according to local rules like DIN, EN, ISO, SAE or JIS, e.g "100Cr6", "20MnCr5" or "SKD 61", "4150". A language object following a specific rules for specifying the chemical composition of chemical species. MaterialName The modulus of the specimen as calculated from the maximum load, the maximum depth and the unloading data following the “Oliver and Pharr” calculation steps. ElasticModulusFromUnload Thickness UniversalTestingMachine HB Brinell Hardness unit BrinellHardnessUnit The force needed to overcome the adhesion phenomena between indenter tip and material under investigation. PulloffForce 1 1 The fatigue properties are determined by fatigue testing according to predefined test parameters. The fatigue properties may be direct data resulting from a experiment itself (specimen level) or data that is derived from the test result of many specimens (series level). The test result is input for the fatigue / series properties. FatigueTestResult T-2 L+3 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0 In beam theory, a bending stiffness describes the effective stiffness of the beam for bending deformation. Formally, it is given as product of Young’s modulus and the second moment of inertia. But in practice, the bending stiffness is an individual effective parameter, that must not be separated into a material and a geometrical property. BendingStiffness Strand casting, also called continuous casting, is the process whereby molten metal is solidified into a "semifinished" billet, bloom, or slab for subsequent rolling in the finishing mills. Unlike ingot casting the melt is not cast into stationary molds. StrandCasting The hardness of the specimen as calculated form the maximum load, the maximum depth and the unloading data following the “Oliver and Pharr” calculation steps. HardnessFromUnload TensionCompression The maximum stress S_max is the highest occuring stress during fatigue testing. MaximumStress As ArsenicSymbol Sr StrontiumSymbol A depth sensing indentation test where measured displacement is in the nanometer range (0-1000 nm). Nanoindentation NanoindentationMachine Corresponds to the Yield stress at 0.2% plastic strain. RP0.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 false true unknown false true unknown This label should be made more specific since it represents a very specific series to the FatigueTestUseCase Typically a series contains data from multiple experiments/specimens of similar type and material, but at different stress amplitude aiming at determination of a SN curve. Furthermore, a series contains secondary data such as the fatigue strength and slope of the SN-curve which puts the results of the individual experiments in a context. Series Steel category according to DIN standard: Alloyed construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels (DIN 10027-2) Alloyed construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels (DIN 10027-2) AlloyedConstructionEngineeringAndPressureVesselSteelsDIN10027 Mechanical testing machine that is designed for a a very specific purpose. SpecialPurposeTestingMachine Number of load cycles after which the test is terminated and the specimen is treated as a run out. CycleLimit The mean stress sensitivity is a numerical value that indicates how sensible a steel is reacting to mean stress influence. It is calculated via the parameters/constants a_M and b_M (which are specified further in "FKM-Richtlinie - Rechnerischer Festigkeitsnachweis (2012)" and the tensile strength of the material. mean stress sensitivity M_sig = f(Rm, a_M, b_M) MeanStressSensitivity Metalworking Steel category according to DIN standard: Unalloyed construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels with C < 0,5 % (DIN 10027-2) Unalloyed construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels with C < 0,5 % (DIN 10027-2) UnalloyedConstructionEngineeringAndPressureVesselSteelsWithCBelow0p5PercentDIN10027 Represents a label (symbolic) that uniquely identifies a series. SeriesID Heat treatment is the process of heating metal without letting it reach its molten, or melting, stage, and then cooling the metal in a controlled way to select desired mechanical properties. HeatTreatment Hardening is a metalurgical metalworking process used to increase the hardness of a metal. It requires heating the material above a certain temperature and quenchening it afterwards. Hardening Steel category according to JIS standard: Construction steels (JIS) Construction steels (JIS) ConstructionSteelsJIS Represents a label (symbolic) that uniquely identifies a specimen. SpecimenID Ti TitaniumSymbol Tensile testing, also known as tension testing, is a fundamental materials science and engineering test in which a sample is subjected to a controlled tension until failure. Properties that are directly measured via a tensile test are ultimate tensile strength, breaking strength, maximum elongation and reduction in area. From these measurements the following properties can also be determined: Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, yield strength, and strain-hardening characteristics. Uniaxial tensile testing is the most commonly used for obtaining the mechanical characteristics of isotropic materials. Some materials use biaxial tensile testing. The main difference between these testing machines being how load is applied on the materials. TensileTesting Brinnel hardness is a derived quantity that is determined using a standard Brinnel Hardness test. BrinnelHardness Steel category according to DIN standard: Construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels, Cr-Mo with Mo < 0,35 % Cr-Mo-B (DIN 10027-2) Construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels, Cr-Mo with Mo < 0,35 % Cr-Mo-B (DIN 10027-2) ConstructionEngineeringAndPressureVesselSteelsCrMoWithMoBelow0p35PercentDIN10027 The reduced modulus calculated form dynamics and the Oliver and Pharr method. DynamicReducedModulus The average value of the modulus measured using the “Continuous Stiffness Measurement” technique. It is calculated by averaging the elastic modulus coming from the calculations performed according to the Oliver and Pharr method over a specific, user-selected, penetration depth range. AverageDynamicModulus Specimen is a limited quantity of a real world object which is intended to be similar to and represent a larger amount of it. It can be defined as a sample or a portion of a real world object that has been prepared based on the measureemnt protocol. Specimen Averaged bending stifness is a phyiscal quantity of the type of bending stiffness that results from a calculation of the type arithmetic mean. AveragedBendingStiffness The maximum load attained during a nanoindentation test. MaximumLoad TensileTestPostProcessing Represents the cover of a Cable Bundle and it describes how it is spacially distributed across the cable bundle length. BundleCover Forging The stiffness of the support springs. It is calibrated as a function of the displacement. NanoindentationMachineSpringStiffness 1 It is a measure of central tendency in a data set. It is defined as the sum of a collection of numbers divided by the count of numbers in the collection. ArithmeticMean NanoindentationSpecimen Diameter The loading rate required to achieve the “Surface approach velocity”. It depends on the value of the support springs stiffness (“Spring stiffness”). ApproachLoadingRate Cr ChromiumSymbol MartensiteHardening SheetForming Stress ratio is defined as the ratio of minimum stress to maximum stress. (need to add further logics) Relation of S_min to S_max (R = S_min / S_max). 0 < R < 1 describes tension-tension loading, R = 0 describes pulsating stress (S_m = S_a = S_max), -1 < R < 0 describes partly reversed tension-compression loading, R = -1 describes fully reversed loading, -"infinte" < R < -1 describes partly reversed compression loading, R = -"infinite" is compression pulsating stress, R > 1 describes compression-compression loading StressRatio ColdWorking S SulfurSymbol Steel category according to DIN standard: Unalloyed construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels with special requirements (DIN 10027-2) Unalloyed construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels with special requirements (DIN 10027-2) UnalloyedConstructionEngineeringAndPressureVesselSteelsWithSpecialRequirementsDIN10027 LoadingEntity Austenite that does not transform to martensite upon quenching is called retained austenite. This retained austenite occurs when the steel is not quenched to a temperature low enough to form 100% martensite. Amount of austenite present in the microstructure after the hardening process is completed. RetainedAustenite Value of the hardness, measured along the cross section of the material. CoreHardness Steel category according to DIN standard: Cr-Mo-V Tool Steels (DIN 10027-2) CrMoVToolSteelsDIN10027 The distance from the last known value of the displacement associated with the surface at which the system will establish the “Approach Velocity” and start looking for the surface. SurfaceApproachDistance MetalSheet 1 1.0 The stress concentration factor Kt expresses the ratio of the highest stress to a nominal stress of the cross cross section (Kt = S_max/S_nominal). For an unnotched specimen, K_t = 1, for notched specimens K_t > 1 StressConcentrationFactor The velocity of the probe as it approaches the surface. SurfaceApproachVelocity Steel category according to JIS standard: Alloyed tool steels (JIS) Alloyed tool steels (JIS) AlloyedToolSteelsJIS The targeted maximum depth. The experiment will stop loading at this point or if the maximum target load is reached. TargetDepth The position of the actuator relative to the last point at which it was zeroed. Extension Steel category according to DIN standard: Unalloyed construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels with C > 0,5 % (DIN 10027-2) Unalloyed construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels with C > 0,5 % (DIN 10027-2) UnalloyedConstructionEngineeringAndPressureVesselSteelsWithCAbove0p5PercentDIN10027 Pascal The frequency used to excite the contact for dynamic testing. The dynamic force will be oscillated at this frequency. TargetFrequency This value is used to control Dynamic Force to obtain a constant value of Dynamic Displacement. DynamicLoadRequired Mesomics bending analysis is a general class that is used to represent the set of Mesomics bensing analysis post-processing calculations. MesomicsBendingAnalysis SingleStepLoading Specification of the rolling direction. Metal stock is passed through one or more pairs of rolls to reduce thickness, to make the thickness uniform, and/or to impart a desired mechanical property. RollingDirection Annealing is a heat treatment that alters the physical and sometimes chemical properties of a material to increase ist ductility and reduce ist hardness, making it more workable. It involves heating a material above ist recrystallization temperature, maintaining a suitable temperature for an appropriate amount of time and then cooling. Annealing The system will try to maintain this value of the Dynamic displacement as long as the Dynamic load is less than Dynamic max fraction of load fraction of the applied load. TargetDynamicDisplacement An optional description of single cable details. The cable core usually corresponds to the conducting metal part. CableCore An electrical insulating material is a material that reduces or prevents the transmission of heat, sound or electricity. For instance, an electrical insulating material prevents electricity voltage-carrying conductors against one another as well as against earth. InsulatingMaterial Label after DIN EN 10027-1, often short form of material name. Deutsches Institut für Normung https://www.beuth.de/en/standard/din-en-10027-1/262540217 ShortName Crack-origin at specimen surface. SurfaceFailure The displacement resolution is typically found by dividing the maximum displacement voltage reading by the number of bits in the data acquisition system. DisplacementResolution Comment on unique features of the failure FailureComment Steel nomenclature contains steel groups / categories as defined in the standards DIN, SAE and JIS and superclasses in which the categories from the different standards are combined Alloyed steels AlloyedSteels NanoindentationMeasurement Cementite (or iron carbide) is a compound of iron and carbon, more precisely an intermediate transition metal carbide with the formula Fe3C. By weight, it is 6.67% carbon and 93.3% iron. It has an orthorhombic crystal structure. Cementite Cementite Steel nomenclature contains steel groups / categories as defined in the standards DIN, SAE and JIS and superclasses in which the categories from the different standards are combined Construction steels ConstructionSteels IndentationTestPostProcessing Steel category according to JIS standard: High carbon steel wire rods (JIS) High carbon steel wire rods (JIS) HighCarbonSteelWireRodsJIS The mean stress factor is a numerical value calculated by the mean stress sensitivity and the stress ratio. The formula is depending on the stress ratio value. The mean stress factor indicates the influence of mean stress on the fatigue strength of a material (see "FKM-Richtlinie - Rechnerischer Festigkeitsnachweis (2012)") mean stress factor K_AK = f(M_sig, R) MeanStressFactor Cu CopperSymbol The area function that describes the geometry according to which the indenter tip diamond end is cut: three sided pyramids, four sided pyramids, wedges, cones, cylinders or spheres. The tip end of the indenter can be made sharp, flat, or rounded to a cylindrical or spherical shape. All these features of the indenter tip can be described with a mathematical function. IndenterTipAreaFunction Mn ManganeseSymbol PendantDropMethod Describes the stiffness, which is the ability of a material to withstand elastic deformation. YoungsModulus Steel category according to DIN standard: Materials with increased temperature properties (DIN 10027-2) Materials with increased temperature properties (DIN 10027-2) MaterialsWithIncreasedTemperaturePropertiesDIN10027 TensileTestMeasurement Corresponds to the Yield stress at 0.1% plastic strain. RP0.1 C CarbonSymbol Polishing and buffing are finishing processes for smoothing a workpiece's surface. While used less extensively than traditional mechanical polishing, electropolishing is an alternative form of polishing that uses the principles of electrochemistry to remove microscopic layers of metal from a base surface. Buffing Polishing Represents a cable bundle cover based on Tape and how the tape is placed across the bundle. Taping Technique for obtaining elastic modulus and hardness data continuously during a nanoindentation process. ContinuousStiffnessMeasurementMethod Ni NickelSymbol Taping that covers half of he cable bundle lateral surface area. HalfTaping Steel category according to JIS standard: Spring steels (JIS) Spring steels (JIS) SpringSteelsJIS Steel nomenclature contains steel groups / categories as defined in the standards DIN, SAE and JIS and superclasses in which the categories from the different standards are combined Other steels OtherSteels The RMS value of the displacement at the target frequency when dynamics are switched on during the test (e.g. Continuous Stiffness Measurement ). DynamicDisplacement Machining is a process in which a material (often metal) is cut to a desired final shape and size by a controlled material-removal process. The processes that have this common theme are collectively called subtractive manufacturing. Machining Roughing cuts are used to remove large amount of material from the starting workpart as rapidly as possible, i.e. with a large Material Removal Rate (MRR), in order to produce a shape close to the desired form, but leaving some material on the piece for a subsequent finishing operation. Roughing This is the time needed by the instrument to stabilize after initial power up. This time is usually dependent on the thermal characteristics of the measurement system. MachineStabilizationTime The targeted maximum load to be applied. The experiment will stop loading at this point or if the Target Depth is reached. TargetLoad A cable system is a generic term to represent different types of cable systems such as a cable bundle or a single cable. CableSystem StandardNanoindentationMeasurementOliverPharrPostProcessing Steel nomenclature contains steel groups / categories as defined in the standards DIN, SAE and JIS and superclasses in which the categories from the different standards are combined Unalloyed construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels UnalloyedConstructionEngineeringAndPressureVesselSteels Represents the distance between the ouside edge of a circular cross section and its center. OuterRadius In load frames of finite stiffness, the load applied via the indenter induces displacement in both the sample and the load frame. Frame compliance must be identified and subtracted from the total indenter displacement to account properly for sample deformation. LoadFrameCompliance The average value of the hardness measured using the “Continuous Stiffness Measurement” technique. It is calculated by averaging, over the user selected penetration depth range, the ratio between the load applied to the sample (also considering its dynamic component) and the tip contact area. (according to the Oliver and Pharr method) AverageDynamicHardness No special feature detected at crack-origin. Featureless In production engineering, metallurgy is concerned with the production of metallic components for use in consumer or engineering products. Metallurgy Steel category according to JIS standard: Low-alloyed steels for machine structural use (JIS) Low-alloyed steels for machine structural use (JIS) LowAlloyedSteelsForMachineStructuralUseJIS Mg MagnesiumSymbol Fractography describes all data resulting from examination of the fracture surface after fatigue testing. The goal is to find the information necessary to describe the failure behaviour and reason. Fractography HR Rockwell C Hardness unit RockwellCHardnessUnit Represents the Nanoindentation method specification. NanoindentationMethodSpecification The time at constant load prior to taking drift data. DriftSettleTime Tensile strength is the maximum tensile stress a material can withstand prior to fracture. TensileStrength Zr ZirconiumSymbol Cutting is manufacturing by removal of material (DIN 8580; CIRP Dictionary 2004). Particles of material, the chips, are mechanically removed from the raw material or from an unfinished part by cutting edges of a tool. The tool has one or several cutting edges, which can be geometrically defined by number, shape, and position (cutting by geometrically defined cutting edges), whereas in abrasive processes the separation of chips takes place by numerous cutting edges which have to be statistically described and which are randomly distributed inside the tool (cutting by geometrically undefined cutting edges). https://www.beuth.de/de/norm/din-8580/65031153 Cutting Steel nomenclature contains steel groups / categories as defined in the standards DIN, SAE and JIS and superclasses in which the categories from the different standards are combined Low-alloyed construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels LowAlloyedConstructionEngineeringAndPressureVesselSteels FlatNotchedSpecimen The contact area calculated form dynamics and the Oliver and Pharr method. DynamicContactArea ContactAngleMeasurementStateImage 1 1 Millimetre B BoronSymbol Represents the percentage by volume (vol%) that is used to express the composition of a mixture. VolumePercent A simbolic symbolic representation of the source of infomation (e.g.: a string that represents the path to a file). Reference MeSOMICS, stands for Measurement System for the Optically Monitored Identification of Cable Stiffnesses. The mesomics measurement enables the determination of the bending stiffness of a cable bundle using a MeSOMICS machine. https://www.itwm.fraunhofer.de/content/dam/itwm/de/documents/MDF_Infomaterial/mdf_flyer_MeSOMICS_EN.pdf Mesomics Steel category according to DIN standard: Roller bearing steels (DIN 10027-2) Roller bearing steels (DIN 10027-2) RollerBearingSteelsDIN10027 Pb LeadSymbol IndentationMeasurement 2 2 A component containing several single cables, that are bundled together by a certain type of taping. A cable bundle has simple effective properties (bending stiffness, etc.) describing the macroscopic structure. CableBundle O OxygenSymbol Steel category according to DIN standard: Materials with special physical properties including Ni (DIN 10027-2) Materials with special physical properties including Ni (DIN 10027-2) MaterialsWithSpecialPhysicalPropertiesIncludingNiDIN10027 A symbolic that represents the type of environment in which a measurement has been carried out. Environment This is the time specified to linearly reduce the load on the contact form it’s maximum value to zero. TargetUnloadTime Si SiliconElement Is a device that is used to determine mechanical properties of materials in paricular it is used to test the tensile strength and compressive strength of materials. It represents a measuremt device that is used in mechanical testing experiments. MechanicalTestingMachine FailureOrigin Martensite is a non-equilibrium phase of the iron-carbon system. It is formed in carbon steels by the rapid cooling (quenching) of the austenite form of iron at such a high rate that carbon atoms do not have time to diffuse out of the crystal structure in large enough quantities to form cementite (Fe3C). Austenite is gamma-phase iron, a solid solution of iron and alloying elements. As a result of the quenching, the face-centered cubic austenite transforms to a highly strained body-centered tetragonal form called martensite that is supersaturated with carbon. The shear deformations that result produce a large number of dislocations, which is a primary strengthening mechanism of steels. Martensite One half the algebraic difference between the maximum and minimum stress in one fatigue test cycle. StressAmplitude Mo MolybdenumSymbol Deoxidization is a method used in metallurgy to remove the oxygen content during steel manufacturing. Deoxidation is important in the steelmaking process as oxygen is often detrimental to the quality of steel produced. Deoxidization is mainly achieved by adding a separate chemical species to neutralize the effects of oxygen or by directly removing the oxygen. Deoxidization Taping that covers only at specific discrete locations across the cable bundle overall length. PartialTaping The reduced modulus of the specimen and indenter tip as calculated from the maximum load, the maximum depth and the unloading data following the “Oliver and Pharr” calculation steps. ReducedModulusFromUnload Ca CalciumSymbol http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/PERCENT Percent Pearlite is a two-phased, lamellar (or layered) structure composed of alternating layers of ferrite (87.5 wt%) and cementite (12.5 wt%) that occurs in some steels and cast irons. During slow cooling of an iron-carbon alloy, pearlite forms by a eutectoid reaction as austenite cools below 723 °C (1,333 °F) (the eutectoid temperature). Pearlite is a microstructure occurring in many common grades of steels. Pearlite The RMS value of the Force at the target frequency. DynamicForce T-2 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0 Corresponding strength value to a given number of cycles as determined from an S-N diagram (usually given for 50 % probability of survival). https://www.astm.org/Standards/E1823.htm FatigueStrength Circular cross section is a cross section with circular shape. CirclularCrossSection When the "Target Load" or the "Target Depth" is reached, the "Load" is held constant for this time. MaximumLoadHoldingTime N NitrogenSymbol The squared value of the stiffness from unloading divided by the maximum load. Is a parameter that should be insensitive to the area function. It can be used to determine load frame stiffness. SquaredStiffnessOverLoad T-2 L-1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0 According to "FKM-Richtlinie - Rechnerischer Festigkeitsnachweis (2012)", the alternating strength is a numerical value that is calculated via the fatigue strength of a material and the mean stress factor. The alternating strength allows the engineer to compare fatigue strengths obtained from tests with different stress ratios (mean stress). It converts the fatigue strength value to an alternate strength value for R=-1. alternating strength S_WK = fatigue strength / K_AK. AlternatingStrength In classical geometry, a radius of a circle or sphere is any of the line segments from its center to its perimeter. Radius The temperature of the copper housing of the sample heater assembly. SampleHousingTemperature Ag SilverSymbol Finishing cuts are used to complete the part and achieve the final dimension, tolerances, and surface finish. Finishing Surface roughness as a result from machining process (e.g. turning, milling, grinding, polishing etc.) given in terms of Rz. Average Rz value over assessement length (Rzi=maximum peak to valley height of profile, within a single sampling length i). This is equivalent to Ry5. RoughnessRz This is the average time of a typical indentation cycle from load to full unload. IndentationTime 1 1 MicroMetre Steel nomenclature contains steel groups / categories as defined in the standards DIN, SAE and JIS and superclasses in which the categories from the different standards are combined Low-alloyed steels LowAlloyedSteels Rectangular cross section is a cross section with rectangualr shape. RectanglularCrossSection The idea is to convert the percentage of alloying elements other than carbon to the equivalent carbon percentage. CEV = C + Mn/6 + (Cu + Ni)/15 + (Cr + Mo + V)/5 . The equivalent carbon content concept it used on ferrous materials, to determine various properties of the alloy when more than just carbon is used as an alloyant. CEV EquivalentCarbonContent HV Vickers Hardness unit VickersHardnessUnit FlatSpecimen represents a mechanical testing specimen that has rectangular cross section. FlatSpecimen SurfaceHardening OutputParameterSet InputParameterSet A single indentation experiment. IndentationTest Steel category according to SAE standard: Heat-resisting stainless steels (SAE) Heat-resisting stainless steels (SAE) HeatResistingStainlessSteelsSAE SessileDropMethod An identifier is a name that identifies (that is, labels the identity of) either a unique object or a unique class of objects. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identifier Identifier Roughness PearliteHardening Melt processes convert a liquid melt into a solid article with a defined structure and shape. Melting SNCurve Hardness Forming Steel nomenclature contains steel groups / categories as defined in the standards DIN, SAE and JIS and superclasses in which the categories from the different standards are combined Tool steels ToolSteels Steel category according to DIN standard: Construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels, Cr-Mo with Mo < 0,4 % and Ni < 2 % (DIN 10027-2) Construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels, Cr-Mo with Mo < 0,4 % and Ni < 2 % (DIN 10027-2) ConstructionEngineeringAndPressureVesselSteelsCrMoWithMoBelow0p4PercentAndNiBelow2PercentDIN10027 Sn TinSymbol Zn ZincSymbol The displacement from the center of travel of the indenter column as measured by the capacitive sensor, it is calibrated as a function of the voltage reading from the sensor. Displacement Shearing Steel nomenclature contains steel groups / categories as defined in the standards DIN, SAE and JIS and superclasses in which the categories from the different standards are combined Spring steels SpringSteels Non-metallic inclusions are chemical compounds and nonmetals that are present in steel and other alloys. They are the product of chemical reactions, physical effects, and contamination that occurs during the melting and pouring process. Inclusion Casting is a process in which a liquid metal is delivered into a mold that contains a negative impression of the intended shape (in this case an ingot). The metal is poured into the mold through a hollow channel called a sprue. The metal and mold are then cooled, and the metal part (the casting) is extracted. Ingots usually require a second procedure of shaping, such as cold/hot working, cutting, or milling to produce a useful final product. IngotCasting Steel nomenclature contains steel groups / categories as defined in the standards DIN, SAE and JIS and superclasses in which the categories from the different standards are combined Alloyed construction, engineering and pressure vessel steels AlloyedConstructionEngineeringAndPressureVesselSteels Turning is a machining process in which a cutting tool, typically a non-rotary tool bit, describes a helix toolpath by moving more or less linearly while the workpiece rotates. Turning Quenching after austenitizing is used to suppress the normal breakdown of austenite into ferrite and cementite, and to cause a partial decomposition at such a low temperature to produce martensite. To obtain this, steel requires a critical cooling velocity, which is greatly reduced by the presence of alloying elements, which therefore cause hardening with mild quenching (e.g. oil and hardening steels). Quenching A measurement performed using the MeSOMICS machine. MesomicsMeasurement TwoPointBending Tension Crack-origin in specimen volume. VolumeFailure Quenching is the rapid cooling of a workpiece in water, oil or air in order to obtain certain material properties. It is most commonly used to harden steel by inducing a martensite transformation. Tempering is a heat treatment technique applied to ferrous alloys, such as steel or cast iron, to achieve greater tougness by decreasing the hardness of the alloy. The reduction in hardness is usually accompanied by an increase in ductility, thereby decreasing the brittleness of the metal. It is usually applied after quenching. QuenchingAndTempering ContactAngle MetalJoining DataAcquisitionRate 1 1 100.0 Notched Specimen is a MechanicalTestingSpecimen that has a notch or in other words a change in the cross section that results in an uneven stress distribution. A notched specimen has a Stress concentration factor higher than 1. NotchedSpecimen V VanadiumSymbol Depending on the type of the SN-curve model, one or several knee points exist, where the SN curve changes its slope. For ferritic steels, there is usually a constant, non-zero slope of the SN-curve in the high cycle fatigue regime (e.g. 10^4 < n < 10^6), followed by a horizontal shape of the SN curve after reaching the fatigue strength / endurance limit. In this case the knee point corresponds to the endurance limit. For other materials (e.g. aluminium or austenitic steels), a horizontal slope is never reached, but there are at least two regions with different slope, which are separated by the knee point (in terms of cycles). KneePoint The minimum stress S_min is the lowest occuring stress during fatigue testing. MinimumStress Tempering is a process of heat treating, which is used to increase the toughness of iron-based alloys. Tempering is usually performed after hardening, to reduce some of the excess hardness, and is done by heating the metal to some temperature below the critical point for a certain period of time, then allowing it to cool in still air. Tempering Explanation for crack-initiation at origin. FailureReason The contact depth calculated from dynamics and the Oliver and Pharr method. DynamicContactDepth AveragedTorsionalStifness is a phyiscal quantity of the type of torsional stiffness that results from a calculation of the type arithmetic mean. AveragedTorsionalStiffness The maximum penetration depth attained during a nanoindentation test. MaximumDepth Tape represents an engineered material. It is defined as a strip of material, typically used to hold something. Tape IndenterDevice HotForging A typical substrate might be a metal, onto which a coating might be deposited. For instance, in the contact angle meadurement, the substrate is the sample to be examined concerning its wettability. Substrate is a term used in materials science to describe the base material on which processing is conducted to produce new film or layers of material such as deposited coatings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substrate_(materials_science) Substrate 1 One single cable, e.g. a sensor cable with effective properties (e.g. bending stiffness). SingleCable Al AluminiumSymbol Steel nomenclature contains steel groups / categories as defined in the standards DIN, SAE and JIS and superclasses in which the categories from the different standards are combined Heat-resisting and stainless steels HeatResistingAndStainlessSteels ContactAngleUseCase This is the artificial parent concept of the classes related to the Fatigue Use Case within this ontology. FatigueUseCase Austenitizing describes the process of heating a steel above the austenitizing temperature (GSE line in the iron carbon diagram). This process changes the lattice structure from a body centered cubic structure (BCC) to a face centered cubic structure (FCC), allowing a martensitic transformation via quenching. Austenitizing Austenitising Austenite, also known as gamma-phase iron, is a metallic, non-magnetic allotrope of iron or a solid solution of iron, with an alloying element. In plain-carbon steel, austenite exists above the critical eutectoid temperature of 1000 K (727 °C); other alloys of steel have different eutectoid temperatures. Austenite Austenite ColdForging Superposition Represents the geometry/shape of the cross section CrossSectionGeometry Steel category according to JIS standard: Carbon tool steels (JIS) Carbon tool steels (JIS) CarbonToolSteelsJIS Steel category according to JIS standard: Heat-resisting steel bars and wire rods (JIS) Heat-resisting steel bars and wire rods (JIS) HeatResistingSteelBarsAndWireRodsJIS The noise floor in the displacement measurement system will determine what the minimum useable indentation depth. DisplacementNoiseFloor ParameterSet An indentation test where only the maximum applied load is controlled. StaticIndentation Represents the properties properties of the NanoindentationSpecimen. NanoindentationSpecimenProperty The depth of the indentation. It is the zeroed value of the displacement corrected for load frame stiffness and drift rate- It is zero prior to surface detection. Depth Bainite is a plate-like microstructure that forms in steels at temperatures of 125–550 °C (depending on alloy content). It is one of the products that may form when austenite (the face-centered cubic crystal structure of iron) is cooled past a temperature where it no longer is thermodynamically stable with respect to ferrite, cementite, or ferrite and cementite. Bainite Surface hardening (or case-hardening) is the process of hardening the surface of a metal object while allowing the metal deeper underneath to remain soft, thus forming a thin layer of harder metal at the surface. This creates a hardness profile across the cross section of the material. In the end, increased hardness at the surface is combined with a ductile core, which prevents the material from becoming brittle. CaseHardening ElasticModulus Post processing is a process/operation on the data set that enables extrating useful information from the data. There are diffrent type of post-processors such as visualizers, converters, extractors. DataPostProcessing CantileverBending Torsion The probe used during an indentation test, generally composed by three parts: 1. The diamond; 2. The holder; 3. The bond; IndenterTip Insulating tape (electrical insulating tape) is a type of pressure-sensitive tape used to insulate electrical wires and other materials that conduct electricity. It describes the type of tape as insulating material in cable bundles. InsulatingTape Nitrocarburizing The area of contact between the tip and the specimen calculated from the maximum applied load, the maximum depth of penetration and the unloading data using the €œOliver and Pharr€� technique. ContactAreaFromUnload Mesomics specimen is a mechanical testing specimen, sample that is used in a mesomics measurement. A mesomics specimen consists of a cable sample. MesomicsSpecimen Steel category (no specific standard): Construction steels (Misc.) Construction steels (Misc.) ConstructionSteelsMisc RotatingBending TensileTestingMachine Taping that covers the cable bundle entire lateral surface area. FullyTaping InnerRadius T-2 L+1 M+1 I0 Θ0 N0 J0 The amplitude of the force value oscillation reading, with respect to its quasi static value. AmplitudeOfOscillatoryForce RoundSpecimen represents a mechanical testing specimen that has circular cross section. RoundSpecimen Steel category according to JIS standard: Stainless steels (JIS) Stainless steels (JIS) StainlessSteelsJIS FatigueTestingMachine Steel nomenclature contains steel groups / categories as defined in the standards DIN, SAE and JIS and superclasses in which the categories from the different standards are combined Stainless steels StainlessSteels Rockwell hardness is a derived quantity that is determined using an apparatus called the Rockwell hardness tester. RockwellCHardness This is the root class of the Mechanical Testing Ontology. MechanicalTestingOntology This is the artificial parent concept of the classes related to the Nanoindentation Use Case within this ontology. NanoindentationUseCase 1