SubgrainSize 2 DislocationDensity GrainBoundaryDislocation Precipitate PrimaryParticle MeanGrainSize 1 Subgrain NominalComposition ClusterDynamics The misorientation distribution function (MDF) describes the misorientation between grains (and subgrains) in a microstructure. MisorientationDistributionFunction Dislocation Alloy ElectricConductivityModel YieldStress Average volume of a given type of particles. MeanParticleSize 2 GrainBoundary GeometricalNeccesaryDislocation The orientation distribution function (ODF) describes the angular distribution of grains (and subgrains) or an microstructure. OrientationDistributionFunction MetastableParticle SubgrainSizeDistribution A partial differential equation that express conservation of a physical quantity Q in a continuum system. It describes how the change in time of the density of Q is related to the change in space of the flow density of Q. ContinuityEquation Grains contacts each other at surfaces called grain boundaries. Crystallite composing a solid metal. Grain LowAngleGrainBoundry 3 The contact region (line) between three grains. TripleLine MeanSubgrainSize StableParticle GrainSize GrainSizeDistribution The size distribution of a given type (or types) of particles. ParticleSizeDistribution Particle size is typically a quite fuzzily defined. Often people refer to the radius or a sphere with the same volume of the particle. To simplify, we here refer to the particle volume directly. ParticleSize WorkHardeningModel Crystal PartialDislocation HighAngleGrainBoundary Also known as solid solution in metallic alloys. Matrix KineticMonteCarlo Cluster KampmannWagnerNumericalModel 4 A region (point) of a microstructure that is in contact with 4 grains. QuadriplePoint IntrinsicDislocation SubgrainBoundary Particle The angle between two grains (or subgrains) MisorientationAngle