This ontology was created by: Team Mechanik - Mat-O-Lab Materials <> 2 position_with_respect_to_specimen grip arrangement gripping system test piece made from material geometric property area section area original section area length gauge length original gauge length side lenght thickness diameter original diameter section area shape mechanical property characteristic mechanical property yield strength upper yield strength lower yield strength reduction of area elongation after fracture plastic extension at max force Should point to a pair of "plastic strain" and "stress", maybe using reification? e.g. proof strength The elastic modulus as determined e.g. by a tensile test or an atomistic simulation. E-Modul Elastizitätsmodul Youngs modulus modulus of elasticity stress engineering stress true stress strain engineering strain true strain logarithmic strain appearance property type of fracture testing rate crosshead separation rate extensometer gauge length final gauge length after fracture maximum force Method A (strain controlled) or method B (stress controlled) as defined by the standard DIN EN 6892. method minimum cross section area after fracture original cross section of the parallel length parallel length permanent elongation permanent extension plastic extension at maximum force strain rate stress rate temperature tensile strength total extension at fracture total extension at maximum force yield point extension unit 2 aka slope of stress-strain curve slope of the elastic part of the stress-percentage extension curve 2 percentage plastic extension at maximum force slope of the elastic part of the stress-percentage extension curve Computed according to DIN EN ISO 6892-1:2019, clause 3.8 percentage reduction of area name value Temperture as indicated by a sensor, e.g. a thermocouple or pyrometer. Temperature sensor signal Laboratory tempereature typically measured during long term tests. Ambient temperature Extensometer Furnace Load cell Grip arrangement Gripping system Tensile testing machine Length measuring device Caliper gauge Micrometer gauge Thermometer Cylindrical test piece Rectangular test piece Square test piece Tensile test preparation Tensile test evaluation Tensile test execution Strain Stress StressRate DIN EN ISO 6892-1_2020 characteristic values StrainRate Tensile test _hydraulic _mechanical _Parallelspannzeug _Schulterhalterung _Keilspannzeug _Gewindestück MPa _megapascal s _second % _length_over_length_in_percent _area_over_area_in_percent GPa _gigapascal ° C _degree_celsius µm _micrometer mm _milimeter MPa/s _megapascal_per_second N _newton kN _kilonewton 1/s _length_over_length_per_second mm/s _milimeter_per_second mm² _milimeter_times_milimeter 999