#!/bin/bash # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Custom Debian Installer # # # # Copyright (c) 2022, Ian LeCorbeau # # # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # CONF=disk.conf get_deps() { printf '%s\n' "Getting installer dependencies" && apt update && apt install debootstrap arch-install-scripts -y } # writing to disk.conf d_conf() { local _conf=$1 _value=$2 printf '%s\n' "${_conf}=${_value}" >> "$CONF" } # Parsing values from disk.conf d_read() { local _conf=$1 grep "${_conf}" "$CONF" | cut -d '=' -f2 } mk_disk() { echo printf '%s\n' "Disk partitioning. Available devices are: " echo lsblk -lp | awk '/disk/ { print $1, "(" $4 ")" }' | cut -d '/' -f3 echo read -r -p "Which disk should the system be installed on? (e.g. sdX): " disk d_conf DISK "$disk" echo read -r -p "Will you boot in bios or EFI mode? " mode d_conf MODE "$mode" echo printf '%s\n' "Custom partitioning schemes are not yet supported. The default scheme will be: a 500mb boot partition on /dev/${disk}1 a swap partition the size of your choosing on /dev/${disk}2 a root partition the size of your choosing on /dev/${disk}3 a home partition on /dev/${disk}4 occupying the rest of the disk space, or the size of your choosing." echo read -r -p "Proceed? (all data on $disk will be deleted, so make sure you backed up anything important) (Y/n): " yesno if [ "$yesno" == "no" ]; then printf '%s\n' "Exiting script... Start again." rm "$CONF" else d_conf BOOTP "$disk"1 d_conf SWAPP "$disk"2 d_conf ROOTP "$disk"3 d_conf HOMEP "$disk"4 ask_part fi } # Asking user for size of partitions ask_part() { echo read -r -p "Choose the size of swap in GB (e.g. 4): " swaps d_conf SWAPS "$swaps" echo read -r -p "Choose the size of root in GB (e.g. 25): " roots d_conf ROOTS "$roots" echo read -r -p "Choose the size of home in GB (leave blank to fill the rest of the disk): " homes if [ -z "$homes" ]; then : # do nothing else d_conf HOMES "$homes" fi } # Partitioning disk and running mkfs. mk_part() { local _disk _mode _swaps _roots _homes _disk=$(d_read DISK) _mode=$(d_read MODE) _swaps=$(d_read SWAPS) _roots=$(d_read ROOTS) _homes=$(d_read HOMES) echo printf '%s\n' "Partitioning /dev/$_disk." sfdisk --delete /dev/"$_disk" partprobe /dev/"$_disk" && sleep 1 if [ "$_mode" == "bios" ]; then (echo o) | fdisk /dev/"$_disk" (echo n; echo p; echo 1; echo 2048; echo +500M; echo w) | fdisk /dev/"$_disk" sfdisk -A /dev/"$_disk" 1 else (echo g) | fdisk /dev/"$_disk" (echo n; echo p; echo 1; echo 2048; echo +500M; echo w) | fdisk /dev/"$_disk" fdisk --part-type /dev/"$_disk" 1 EF fi (echo n; echo p; echo 2; echo ; echo +"$_swaps"G; echo w) | fdisk /dev/"$_disk" sfdisk --part-type /dev/"$_disk" 2 82 (echo n; echo p; echo 3; echo ; echo +"$_roots"G; echo w) | fdisk /dev/"$_disk" if [ -z "$_homes" ]; then (echo n; echo p; echo 4; echo ; echo ; echo w) | fdisk /dev/"$_disk" else (echo n; echo p; echo 5; echo ; echo +"$_homes"G; echo w) | fdisk /dev/"$_disk" fi partprobe /dev/"$_disk" && sleep 1 printf '%s\n' "Creating Partitions on /dev/$_disk" && sleep 1 if [ "$_mode" == "bios" ]; then mkfs.ext4 /dev/"$_disk"1 else mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/"$_disk"1 fi mkswap /dev/"$_disk"2 swapon /dev/"$_disk"2 mkfs.ext4 /dev/"$_disk"3 mkfs.ext4 /dev/"$_disk"4 printf '%s\n' "Mounting Partitions" && sleep 1 mount /dev/"$_disk"3 /mnt mkdir -p /mnt/home mount /dev/"$_disk"4 /mnt/home if [ "$_mode" == "bios" ]; then mkdir -p /mnt/boot mount /dev/"$_disk"1 /mnt/boot else mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi mount /dev/"$_disk"1 /mnt/boot/efi fi } bootstrap() { echo printf '%s\n' "Deboostraping base system" && sleep 1 /usr/sbin/debootstrap --variant=minbase bullseye /mnt http://deb.debian.org/debian/ } gen_fstab() { echo printf '%s\n' "Generating fstab..." && sleep 1 genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab } apt_src_list() { echo printf '%s\n' "Generating /etc/apt/sources.list" && sleep 1 printf '%s\n' "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye main contrib non-free deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye main contrib non-free deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security main contrib non-free deb-src http://security.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security main contrib non-free deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye-updates main contrib non-free deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye-updates main contrib non-free" > /mnt/etc/apt/sources.list } apt_update() { echo printf '%s\n' "Updating apt..." arch-chroot /mnt apt update arch-chroot /mnt apt upgrade -y } cp_files() { mkdir -p /mnt/etc/network/ cp /etc/network/interfaces /mnt/etc/network/interfaces cp /etc/skel/{.bash_aliases,.bashrc,.profile} /mnt/etc/skel/ cp /etc/skel/.bash_aliases /mnt/root/ } initsys() { echo read -r -p "Preparing to install kernel and init... Which init system to use? (choice: systemd, sysvinit or openrc): " initsys case "$initsys" in systemd) arch-chroot /mnt apt install linux-image-amd64 systemd systemd-sysv libpam-systemd libsystemd0 -y ;; sysvinit) arch-chroot /mnt apt install linux-image-amd64 sysvinit-core elogind libpam-elogind \ orphan-sysvinit-scripts systemctl -y ;; openrc) arch-chroot /mnt apt install linux-image-amd64 sysvinit-core openrc elogind libpam-elogind \ orphan-sysvinit-scripts systemctl procps -y ;; *) arch-chroot /mnt apt install linux-image-amd64 systemd systemd-sysv libpam-systemd libsystemd0 -y ;; esac } install_base() { arch_chroot /mnt xargs apt install --no-install-recommends -y /mnt/etc/hosts cat < /mnt/etc/hosts localhost $hostname # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters EOF } locales() { sleep 1 && echo printf "Setting locale..." && sleep 1 arch-chroot /mnt apt install locales -y arch-chroot /mnt dpkg-reconfigure locales } xkb_cons() { sleep 1 && echo printf "Setting up console... " arch-chroot /mnt apt install console-setup keyboard-configuration -y } set_pass() { echo printf '%s\n' "Enter password for the root account (will not echo)" arch-chroot /mnt passwd printf '%s\n' "Root password set. You may wish to disable the root account with passwd -l later on." } set_wheel() { echo printf '%s\n' "Setting up wheel group" && sleep 1 sed -i '15 s/^# //' /mnt/etc/pam.d/su arch-chroot /mnt addgroup --system wheel echo "permit :wheel" > /mnt/etc/doas.conf } set_default_user() { echo read -r -p "Enter the name of default user: " name arch-chroot /mnt useradd -m "$name" printf '%s\n' "Password for $name (will not echo):" arch-chroot /mnt passwd "$name" arch-chroot /mnt usermod -aG wheel,cdrom,floppy,audio,dip,video,plugdev,netdev "$name" arch-chroot /mnt usermod -s /bin/bash "$name" } # ask the user to choose extra packages (or not) pkg_sets() { read -r -p "By default, only a base system is installed. You can choose extra \"sets\" for a more complete installation. The choices are: 1) Base only (no extra packages, still includes vim + tmux) 2) Base + X11 (inclues: xserver-xorg-core, xinit, dwm, st and dmenu+scripts) 3) Base + X11 + Userland (extras: vifm, mutt, mpv, newsboat, calcurse, dunst, zathura ...) Select by entering corresponding number (defaults to 1): " choice case "$choice" in 1) ;; # do nothing, base is already installed 2) arch-chroot /mnt xargs apt install " re case "$re" in R) reboot ;; E) exit ;; *) ;; esac } do_install() { printf '%s\n' "Launching the installer..." get_deps mk_disk mk_part bootstrap gen_fstab apt_src_list apt_update cp_files initsys install_base timezone set_hostname locale xkb_cons set_pass set_wheel set_default_user pkg_sets setup_grub finish } do_install