[ { "name":"github", "cname":["github.io", "github.map.fastly.net"], "response":["There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.", "For root URLs (like http://example.com/) you must provide an index.html file"] }, { "name":"heroku", "cname":["herokudns.com", "herokussl.com", "herokuapp.com"], "response":["There's nothing here, yet.", "herokucdn.com/error-pages/no-such-app.html", "No such app"] }, { "name":"unbounce", "cname":["unbouncepages.com"], "response":["The requested URL / was not found on this server.", "The requested URL was not found on this server"] }, { "name":"tumblr", "cname":["tumblr.com"], "response":["There's nothing here.", "Whatever you were looking for doesn't currently exist at this address."] }, { "name":"shopify", "cname":["myshopify.com"], "response":["Sorry, this shop is currently unavailable.", "Only one step left!"] }, { "name":"instapage", "cname":["pageserve.co", "secure.pageserve.co", "https://instapage.com/"], "response":["You've Discovered A Missing Link. Our Apologies!"] }, { "name":"desk", "cname":["desk.com"], "response":["Please try again or try Desk.com free for 14 days.", "Sorry, We Couldn't Find That Page"] }, { "name":"tictail", "cname":["tictail.com", "domains.tictail.com"], "response":["Building a brand of your own?", "to target URL: Trying to access your account?"] }, { "name":"cargocollective", "cname":["cargocollective.com"], "response":["404 Not Found"] }, { "name":"statuspage", "cname":["statuspage.io"], "response":["Better Status Communication", "You are being redirected"] }, { "name":"amazonaws", "cname":["amazonaws.com"], "response":["NoSuchBucket", "The specified bucket does not exist"] }, { "name":"cloudfront", "cname":["cloudfront.net"], "response":["The request could not be satisfied", "ERROR: The request could not be satisfied"] }, { "name":"bitbucket", "cname":["bitbucket.org"], "response":["The page you have requested does not exist"] }, { "name":"smartling", "cname":["smartling.com"], "response":["Domain is not configured"] }, { "name":"acquia", "cname":["acquia.com"], "response":["If you are an Acquia Cloud customer and expect to see your site at this address"] }, { "name":"fastly", "cname":["fastly.net"], "response":["Please check that this domain has been added to a service", "Fastly error: unknown domain"] }, { "name":"pantheon", "cname":["pantheonsite.io"], "response":["The gods are wise", "The gods are wise, but do not know of the site which you seek."] }, { "name":"zendesk", "cname":["zendesk.com"], "response":["Help Center Closed | Zendesk", "Help Center Closed"] }, { "name":"uservoice", "cname":["uservoice.com"], "response":["This UserVoice subdomain is currently available!"] }, { "name":"ghost", "cname":["ghost.io"], "response":["The thing you were looking for is no longer here", "The thing you were looking for is no longer here, or never was"] }, { "name":"pingdom", "cname":["stats.pingdom.com"], "response":["pingdom"] }, { "name":"tilda", "cname":["tilda.ws"], "response":["Domain has been assigned"] }, { "name":"wordpress", "cname":["wordpress.com"], "response":["Do you want to register"] }, { "name":"teamwork", "cname":["teamwork.com"], "response":["Oops - We didn't find your site."] }, { "name":"helpjuice", "cname":["helpjuice.com"], "response":["We could not find what you're looking for."] }, { "name":"helpscout", "cname":["helpscoutdocs.com"], "response":["No settings were found for this company:"] }, { "name":"cargo", "cname":["cargocollective.com"], "response":["If you're moving your domain away from Cargo you must make this configuration through your registrar's DNS control panel."] }, { "name":"feedpress", "cname":["redirect.feedpress.me"], "response":["The feed has not been found."] }, { "name":"surge", "cname":["surge.sh"], "response":["project not found"] }, { "name":"surveygizmo", "cname":["privatedomain.sgizmo.com", "privatedomain.surveygizmo.eu", "privatedomain.sgizmoca.com"], "response":["data-html-name"] }, { "name":"mashery", "cname":["mashery.com"], "response":["Unrecognized domain "] }, { "name":"intercom", "cname":["custom.intercom.help"], "response":["This page is reserved for artistic dogs.","

Uh oh. That page doesn’t exist.

"] }, { "name":"webflow", "cname":["proxy.webflow.io"], "response":["

The page you are looking for doesn't exist or has been moved.

"] }, { "name":"kajabi", "cname":["endpoint.mykajabi.com"], "response":["

The page you were looking for doesn't exist.

"] }, { "name":"thinkific", "cname":["thinkific.com"], "response":["You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved."] }, { "name":"tave", "cname":["clientaccess.tave.com"], "response":["

Error 404: Page Not Found

"] }, { "name":"wishpond", "cname":["wishpond.com"], "response":["https://www.wishpond.com/404?campaign=true"] }, { "name":"aftership", "cname":["aftership.com"], "response":["Oops.

The page you're looking for doesn't exist."] }, { "name":"aha", "cname":["ideas.aha.io"], "response":["There is no portal here ... sending you back to Aha!"] }, { "name":"brightcove", "cname":["brightcovegallery.com", "gallery.video", "bcvp0rtal.com"], "response":["

"] }, { "name":"bigcartel", "cname":["bigcartel.com"], "response":["

Oops! We couldn’t find that page.

"] }, { "name":"activecompaign", "cname":["activehosted.com"], "response":["alt=\"LIGHTTPD - fly light.\""] }, { "name":"compaignmonitor", "cname":["createsend.com"], "response":["Double check the URL or