The files in distros/debian/ may be used to build a binary deb package of
SpaceFM for use on Debian-based distros (Lenny and later).

For official Debian packages, please see Debian repositories:
or the SpaceFM Debian Wiki:

To build a Debian package:

1)  Install build dependencies for your build (see DEPENDENCIES in README),
    plus debhelper.

2)  Download and extract the desired SpaceFM version.  See DOWNLOAD in README.

3)  Move the distros/debian directory into the source directory:

        mv distros/debian .

    NOTE: For some Debian versions, some adjustments to the 'control' file
    (package names used for dependencies) may be necessary.

4)  IF GTK3 support IS desired:

        cp debian/control-gtk3 debian/control
        cp debian/rules-gtk3 debian/rules
        sed -i 's/^spacefm \(.*\)/spacefm-gtk3 \1/' debian/changelog

5)  IF hal support IS desired (cannot be used with GTK3 unless you edit rules):

        cp debian/control-hal debian/control
        cp debian/rules-hal debian/rules
        sed -i 's/^spacefm \(.*\)/spacefm-hal \1/' debian/changelog

6)  Build package:

        dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc

        # The package files will appear in the parent directory:
        cd ..
        # Clean up:
        rm -rf spacefm-* spacefm.tar.gz

7)  To install the package you built:

        dpkg -i spacefm*.deb