# Changelog ## Release 1.4.10 (2023-07-06) ### Bugfixes - Fix SubscriberProtocol to work with charset=None (#150) --- ## Release 1.4.9 (2023-03-18) ### Features - SSL connection support --- ## Release 1.4.7 (2019-12-03) ### Bugfixes - SentinelRedisProtocol.connectionMade not returns Deferred so subclasses might schedule interaction when connection is ready --- ## Release 1.4.6 (2019-11-20) ### Bugfixes - Fixed authentication with Sentinel - replyTimeout connection argument fixed. All query methods except `blpop()`, `brpop()`, `brpoplpush()` now raise `TimeoutError` if reply wasn't received within `replyTimeout` seconds. - allow any commands to be sent via SubscriberProtocol - Fixed bug in handling responses from Redis when MULTI is issued right after another bulk command (SMEMBERS for example) --- ## Release 1.4.5 (2017-11-08) ### Features - Python 2.6 support ### Bugfixes - Increasing memory consumption after many subscribe & unsubscribe commands --- ## Release 1.4.4 (2016-11-16) ### Features - Redis Sentinel support