# Starting Hazelcast IMDG cluster - Download Hazelcast IMDG 3.4.6 from [here](https://hazelcast.org/download/). - Go to `Hazelcast Dir`/bin. - To use the Custom UI one must start Hazelcast with JMX enabled. - Open `server.sh` and replace `$RUN_JAVA -server $JAVA_OPTS com.hazelcast.core.server.StartServer` with `$RUN_JAVA -server $JAVA_OPTS -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1010 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dhazelcast.jmx=true com.hazelcast.core.server.StartServer`. - Open `hazelcast.xml` and disable `multicast enabled`. i.e. replace `` with ``. - In above file enable `tcp-ip` and add the `IP/hostnames of hazelcast cluster members` - - set `` - add cluster members - `Node IP` - Open Terminal, navigate to `Hazelcast Dir`/bin and start cluster by running command `sudo -bE bin/server.sh`. # Starting Inbuilt Hazelcast cluster - Checkout hazelcast-cluster code from ![here](https://github.com/Impetus/hazelcast-ui/tree/master/hazelcast-cluster). - Go to resources folder `cd hazelcast-cluster/src/main/resources` - Add IPs of the nodes on which hazelcast instance need to be run. This will be added against key `cache.server` in `hazelcast-server.properties` file. In case of multiple nodes the value will be "," separated. E.g: `Node-1 ip:5701`,`Node-2 IP:5701`. For testing purpose one can use localhost. - Add IPs of the nodes on which hazelcast instance need to be run in file `hazelcast.xml` as well.In case of multiple nodes add a new `member` tag per IP. For testing purpose one can use localhost. - By default the logs of hazelcast will be created al location : `/mnt/hazelcast_logs/`. One can update it in file `hazelcast-server-log4j.properties`. - Got to base folder of hazelcast cluster : `cd hazelcast-cluster` - Build the code using: `mvn clean install` - In target folder zipped package will get created with name `hazelcast-cluster-startup-1.0.0-pkg.tar.gz`. - Extract the tar using command `tar -xvzf hazelcast-cluster-startup-1.0.0-pkg.tar.gz` to the wished location. - Once the tar is extracted it will create the dir `hazelcast-cluster-startup-1.0.0`. This dir will have `conf,bin,lib folders and hazelcast-cluster-startup-1.0.0.jar`. - Add the `/hazelcast-cluster-startup-1.0.0/conf/*` into the **CLASSPATH**. - Spawn hazelcast instance using command: `sudo -bE /hazelcast-cluster-startup-1.0.0/bin/start-hazelcast.sh `. **NOTE**: Copy the extracted `hazelcast-cluster-startup-1.0.0` to all the nodes of Hazelcast cluster and execute #11-12 on each node of hazelcast cluster.