# Troubleshooting Follow below steps if in any case the Hazelcast Custom UI does not show cluster(memory utilization) or member information. - Check if Hazelcast cluster is up and running. If yes then simply restart Tomcat service. - If Hazelcast cluster is down then first start hazelcast cluster followed by restart of Tomcat service. - If `npm install` gives certificate issue then execute command `npm config set strict-ssl false` from `$GIT_CLONE_DIR/UI_Code` directory. - If unable to find Node during the command `npm install`. The issue is due to the name difference. As in system it is nodejs while code is looking for node. To resolve the issue run command `sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node`. It will lync nodejs with node. - If one faces permission issue due to the lock on folder in UI code. The execute command `sudo chmod 777 -R` to resolve the issue.